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Alpine must make up for 0.3-second deficit with 2025 chassis – Briatore | RaceFans Round-up

In the round-up: Alpine must make up for 0.3-second deficit with 2025 chassis - Briatore • Stolen Lauda helmet goes on display • Wittich 'has not resigned'

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Coordinated System for Real Time Muscle Deformation during Locomotion

This paper presents a system that simulates, in real time, the volumetric deformation of muscles during human locomotion. We propose a two-layered motion model. The requirements of realism and real time computation lead to a hybrid locomotion system that uses a skeleton as first layer. The muscles, represented by an anatomical surface model, constitute the second layer, whose deformations are simulated with a finite element method (FEM). The FEM subsystem is fed by the torques and forces got from the locomotion system, through a line of action model, and takes into account the geometry and material properties of the muscles. High level parameters (like height, weight, physical constitution, step frequency, step length or speed) allow to customize the individuals and the locomotion and therefore, the deformation of the persons' muscles.

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Data dissemination and policy enforcement in multi-level secure multi-domain environments

Several challenges exist in disseminating multi-level secure (MLS) data in multi-domain environments. First, the security domains participating in data dissemination generally use different MLS labels and lattice structures. Second, when MLS data objects are transferred across multiple domains, there is a need for an agreed security policy that must be properly applied, and correctly enforced for the data objects. Moreover, the data sender may not be able to predetermine the data recipients located beyond its trust boundary. To address these challenges, we propose a new framework that enables secure dissemination and access of the data as intended by the owner. Our novel framework leverages simple public key infrastructure and active bundle, and allows domains to securely disseminate data without the need to repackage it for each domain.

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Application of integrated image processing technology based on PCNN in online music symbol recognition training

To improve the effectiveness of online training for music education, it was investigated how to improve the pulse-coupled neural network in image processing for spectral image segmentation. The study proposes a two-scale descent method to achieve oblique spectral correction. Subsequently, a convolutional neural network was optimised using a two-channel feature fusion recognition network for music theory notation recognition. The results showed that this image segmentation method had the highest accuracy, close to 98%, and the accuracy of spectral tilt correction was also as high as 98.4%, which provided good image pre-processing results. When combined with the improved convolutional neural network, the average accuracy of music theory symbol recognition was about 97% and the highest score of music majors was improved by 16 points. This shows that the method can effectively improve the teaching effect of online training in music education and has certain practical value.

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Access controllable multi-blockchain platform for enterprise R&D data management

In the era of big data, enterprises have accumulated a large amount of research and development data. Effective management of their precipitated data and safe sharing of data can improve the collaboration efficiency of research and development personnel, which has become the top priority of enterprise development. This paper proposes to use blockchain technology to assist the collaboration efficiency of enterprise R&D personnel. Firstly, the multi-chain blockchain platform is used to realise the data sharing of internal data of enterprise R&D data department, project internal data and enterprise data centre, and then the process of construction of multi-chain structure and data sharing is analysed. Finally, searchable encryption was introduced to achieve data retrieval and secure sharing, improving the collaboration efficiency of enterprise research and development personnel and maximising the value of data assets. Through the experimental verification, the multi-chain structure improves the collaboration efficiency of researchers and data security sharing.

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Understanding Intention to Use Multimedia Information Systems for Learning

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Driving Creativity: Extending Knowledge Management into the Multinational Corporation

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Applications of Scalable Multipoint Video and Audio Using the Public Internet

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Stakeholder Agency and Social Welfare: Pluralism and Decision Making in the Multi-Objective Corporation

Social welfare, or the good society, is of central concern to the Academy of Management. In this paper, we review the concept of social welfare, suggesting that regardless of discipline, social welfare is defined as a multi-dimensional phenomenon. We then review the literature on the corporate objective within a market economy, where the dominant view is that of a single-objective function. Analyzing this view, we argue for a multi-dimensional objective for organizations in order to meet social welfare objectives: where decision making within a market economy better utilizes the benefits of markets. We suggest that improvements in social welfare are possible where markets are better-enabled to operate among stakeholders unconstrained by some single-valued objective. In doing so, we respond to the critics of stakeholder theory who argue that it is an untenable theory due to its inability to specify how stakeholder objectives are to be prioritized.

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Meet Noor Pakistan: The multilingual chatbot ready to assist at the defence exhibition

Around 40 mobile chatbot robots offering support in 25 different languages are being prepared for the IDEAS exhibition

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Intense Multipurpose Website Template: Technical Overview

Among web users, there is probably no one who’s never heard about the Intense theme. And all because it is a #1 best-selling website template on the TemplateMonster marketplace. Multipurpose, developed with users in mind, and up-to-date — these …

The post Intense Multipurpose Website Template: Technical Overview appeared first on Template Monster Help.

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Analog Equivalent Rights (15/21): Our digital children’s conversations are muted on a per-topic basis

Privacy: At worst, our analog parents could be prevented from meeting each other. Our digital children are prevented from talking about particular subjects, once the conversation is already happening. This is a horrifying development.

When our digital children are posting a link to The Pirate Bay somewhere on Facebook, a small window sometimes pops up saying “you have posted a link with potentially harmful content. Please refrain from posting such links.”

Yes, even in private conversations. Especially in private conversations.

This may seem like a small thing, but it is downright egregious. Our digital children are not prevented from having a conversation, per se, but are monitored for bad topics that the regime doesn’t like being discussed, and are prevented from discussing those topics. This is far worse than preventing certain people from just meeting.

The analog equivalent would be if our parents were holding an analog phone conversation, and a menacing third voice popped into the conversation with a slow voice speaking just softly enough to be perceived as threatening: “You have mentioned a prohibited subject. Please refrain from discussing prohibited subjects in the future.”

Our parents would have been horrified if this happened — and rightly so!

But in the digital world of our children, the same phenomenon is instead cheered on by the same people who would abhor it if it happened in their world, to themselves.

In this case, of course, it is any and all links to The Pirate Bay that are considered forbidden topics, under the assumption — assumption! — that they lead to manufacturing of copies that would be found in breach of the copyright monopoly in a court of law.

When I first saw the Facebook window above telling me to not discuss forbidden subjects, I was trying to distribute political material I had created myself, and used The Pirate Bay to distribute. It happens to be a very efficient way to distribute large files, which is exactly why it is being used by a lot of people for that purpose (gee, who would have thought?), including people like myself who wanted to distribute large collections of political material.

There are private communications channels, but far too few use them, and the politicians at large (yes, this includes our analog parents) are still cheering on this development, because “terrorism” and other bogeymen.

Privacy remains your own responsibility.

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Georgetown legend, Hall of Famer Dikembe Mutombo dies at 58 from cancer

Dikembe Mutombo, a Basketball Hall of Famer who was one of the best defensive players in NBA history and a longtime global ambassador for the game, died Monday from brain cancer, the league announced. He was 58.

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INDIPENDENTISMO E LIBERTÀ D’ESPRESSIONE. Spagna: una questione di giustizia irrisolta e multiforme

3 Maggio 2018
Da alcuni mesi, in Spagna la giustizia occupa la scena mediatica. È successo con la vicenda catalana, in cui il ricorso ai tribunali e alla legalità ha sostituito la politica fin dal principio. Poi si è compreso che si trattava solo della punta dell’iceberg e quello che c’era sotto è venuto a galla un po’ alla volta. Si è visto allora che la giustizia spagnola presenta vari problemi.

Sul piano della legislazione, come dimostra il recente caso della sentenza nei confronti degli uomini della ‘Manada’, autori di violenza sessuale, ma puniti per il reato di abuso, differenza prevista nel codice penale. O nella legislazione anti-terrorista, che ha così tanto ampliato il campo di applicazione per cui ora “tutto è Eta”: una rissa da bar che coinvolge due poliziotti della Guardia Civil, la canzone di un rapper, l’interruzione del transito su un’autostrada. Sul terreno dell’ordinamento, con istituti come l’Audiencia Nacional erede del tribunale franchista e quindi inesistente altrove. Su quello infine della debole separazione fra i poteri dello Stato, con una tendenza alla ‘giudiziarizzazione’ della politica e con il rischio di farne il mezzo di competizione tra i partiti della destra spagnola.

A farne le spese è la libertà d’espressione

A farne le spese è la libertà di espressione che la sezione spagnola di Amnesty International segnala essersi ridotta. Perciò la censura si allarga, rasentando il ridicolo nel sequestro di fischietti e magliette di colore giallo nella finale di calcio della Copa del Rey. A farne le spese sono le persone che rischiano il carcere, stanno per finirci o ci sono da tempo, imputate di delitti che non hanno commesso.

E’ il caso di rappers, utenti delle reti sociali, comici, militanti di movimenti. E’ il caso dei nove prigionieri politici catalani in regime di carcerazione preventiva: Oriol Junqueras, Dolors Bassa, Carme Forcadell, Quim Forn, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull, Jordi Turull,  e i Jordis, Jordi Sánchez e Jordi Cuixart, leader del movimento indipendentista, in cella da oltre sei mesi per avere convocato una manifestazione sotto il dipartimento di Economia.

Contro l’indipendentismo, il giudice istruttore Llarena del Tribunal Supremo ha costruito un vero e proprio teorema accusatorio, teso a dimostrare l’uso della violenza nei fatti occorsi nell’autunno 2017, per cui 13 dei 25 imputati nella macro-causa lo sono per ribellione, delitto punito con 25-30 di carcere. La violenza, pur se non esercitata direttamente dagli accusati, sarebbe quella da questi indotta nel comportamento della polizia spagnola il giorno del referendum per farne rispettare il divieto, o quella che si sarebbe potuta determinare per la presenza intimidatoria di un grande assembramento di persone il 20 settembre. Un’imputazione per un delitto inesistente, a detta di diversi giuristi stranieri e di alcuni spagnoli; contestata da Amnesty International che critica il regime di carcerazione preventivo in cui si trovano i Jordis. Per la semplice ragione che è mancante del suo presupposto, la violenza appunto, poiché il movimento indipendentista catalano è sempre stato pacifico e di massa.

La processione dei capi d’accusa

Tanto che la giustizia spagnola starebbe meditando un’eventuale riconsiderazione di questa imputazione attribuita ad alcuni degli esiliati, fino a sostituirla con l’accusa di sedizione, che prevede pene inferiori. Questo, in attesa di riuscire a dimostrare il delitto di malversazione di fondi pubblici, di cui sono accusati tutti i componenti dell’ex-governo per il referendum. Considerando che la Generalitat aveva il bilancio controllato dal governo spagnolo fin dal 2015 e commissariato negli ultimi giorni del settembre scorso. Contraddizione che ha aperto un inedito conflitto tra il ministro del Tesoro Montoro, che deve mostrarsi commissario efficiente, e il giudice Llarena, che teme di vedere compromesso l’altro aspetto del suo impianto processuale.

Per entrambi i delitti la giustizia spagnola ha infatti chiesto l’estradizione degli imputati esiliati: di Carles Puigdemont, prima a Bruxelles e ora in libertà condizionata in Germania, di Clara Ponsatí in libertà condizionata nel Regno Unito, di Toni Comín in libertà condizionata a Bruxelles e di Marta Rovira rifugiatasi in Svizzera, imputati di ribellione; di Lluís Puig e Meritxell Serret a Bruxelles accusati di malversazione; mentre per Anna Gabriel non c’è richiesta di estradizione dalla Svizzera, perché imputata di disobbedienza.

Il movimento indipendentista si è sempre appellato a una mediazione europea senza successo, perché la Commissione ha continuato a sostenere che si tratta di una questione interna allo Stato spagnolo. La strategia di Puigdemont è stata quella d’internazionalizzare il conflitto, per evidenziare il carattere politico della persecuzione giudiziaria. Il suo arresto in Germania e quello successivo di altri cinque dirigenti dell’indipendentismo hanno suscitato più di una perplessità nelle opinioni pubbliche europee e sui media internazionali. Il tribunale tedesco non ha riconosciuto gli estremi di violenza per l’estradizione di Puigdemont; la giustizia britannica si è presa del tempo per esaminare le carte relative all’imputata Ponsatí; in Belgio, la giustizia sta istruendo la richiesta relativa agli altri imputati; la Svizzera ha già detto che non concederà estradizioni per ragioni politiche. E il Comitato dei Diritti Umani dell’Onu, sollecitato da Jordi Sánchez perché era stato impedito a presentarsi come candidato a president della Generalitat, raccomanda che ne siano garantiti i diritti politici. Una vicenda tutta spagnola su cui peserà il giudizio di almeno altri quattro paesi europei.

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What Is Alternative Music?

Alternative music is difficult to describe. It isn’t pop; it isn’t rock, and it isn’t in between either… it’s alternative. There are endless possibilities within ... Read more

The post What Is Alternative Music? appeared first on CMUSE.

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How Did Grunge Music Affect Society?

Music has an undeniable influence on us as humans. Some songs make us sad; others make us happy; others we associate with memories—good or bad. ... Read more

The post How Did Grunge Music Affect Society? appeared first on CMUSE.

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Who Invented Grunge Music?

Eventually, genres give rise to subgenres. For example, grunge started as an underground subgenre that combined elements from hard rock, punk, and metal and welded ... Read more

The post Who Invented Grunge Music? appeared first on CMUSE.

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Why Do Cows Like Music?

While we cannot be entirely sure what cows think about when they listen to music, we can safely assume that they like it. But cows ... Read more

The post Why Do Cows Like Music? appeared first on CMUSE.

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Do Snakes Like Music?

It’s easy to understand why snakes aren’t the most beloved animals in the world. They’re scaley, cold, and scary. But have you ever stopped to ... Read more

The post Do Snakes Like Music? appeared first on CMUSE.

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CBN NewsWatch AM: Hamas May Have Murdered Israeli Hostages - August 23, 2024

As Israel buries the bodies of hostages recovered this week, the battles continue on the ground and in the international arena. In the biggest speech of her life, Vice President Kamala Harris laid out her story and vision Thursday hoping voters ...

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Adeela Warley: The ‘stay or go’ social media debate must ultimately come down to organisational purpose

Centring missions, creating space for discussion and continuing to test and learn will help every charity tailor their approach to online spaces

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Ndidi Okezie: The cost of fragmentation means we must rethink our approach to social change

Are we willing to reject the broken ‘as is’ and push towards a more radical new way of learning and working together?

  • Policy and Politics

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How to use multi-gas monitors: a safety advisory for firefighters

Morgantown, WV — A new safety advisory from NIOSH is aimed at helping firefighters understand how to use multi-gas monitors when responding to natural gas or propane incidents.

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‘Much more must be done’: Report criticizes New York state’s workers’ comp system amid pandemic

New York — Fewer than 10% of the estimated 250,000 employees who contracted COVID-19 while on the job last year in New York state filed for workers’ compensation benefits, and fewer than 1% have received a hearing, according to a recent report from the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health.

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Safety and the multigenerational workforce

Many workplaces may have up to four generations of workers – each with generally preferred communication methods and learning styles.

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Allegion Launches New Seamless Access Solution for the Multi-family Property Market

Zentra’s integrated solutions (combining software, hardware and related services) — initially offered in the United States — will secure properties while enabling hassle-free access.

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Head protection: ‘An absolute must’

Experts share tips and trends to help safety pros keep workers safe.

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Little Bites Snacks Biggie Muffins

Little Bites® Biggie Muffins come in two new pack sizes: eight muffins that are individually wrapped in four twin packs or a single-serve 4-pack designed for convenience.

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Retailer Profile: Minnesota’s Dave Munson

Dave Munson learned the flooring business from the ground up working in his parents’ two stores in North Dakota.

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Girls Night: The Musical

Buskirk-Chumley Theater
Sunday, November 17, 2024, 3 – 5pm

Join these five fabulous friends as they embark on a journey through their past, savor the present, and peer into the future on a night out that's wild, hilarious, and utterly unforgettable. You'll discover a piece of yourself in each of their stories!

Critics have hailed it as “Desperate Housewives meets Mamma Mia” (Applause Magazine), “A boisterous, bust-out, bawdy musical revue” (Wisconsin State Journal), “An intoxicating, pulse-pounding experience" (Hollywood Reporter), and “As funny and outrageous as Sex and the City!” (The Advocate).

GIRLS NIGHT is an explosion of energy and a treasure trove of chart-toppers like “Lady Marmalade,” “It’s Raining Men,” “Man I Feel Like A Woman,” “I Will Survive,” “We are Family,” and many more. Prepare to be blown away!

Presenter: Entertainment Events
Contact: BCT Box Office, boxoffice@buskirkchumley.org
Cost: $49 - $69
Ticket Phone: 812-323-3020
Ticket Web Linkbuskirkchumley.org…
Communities: Bloomington

  • 2024/11/17 (Sun)

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Twin Cities music legend Willie Murphy dies at 75

Murphy was part of the Minnesota music scene for decades, and fronted the band Willie and the Bees. "One of my main crusades (is) to get people to dance," Murphy told MPR News in 2009.

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Sixty years later, remembering 'The Day the Music Died'

Sixty years ago this week, the Winter Dance Party concert tour was crisscrossing Minnesota and neighboring states, featuring Ritchie Valens, J.P. "the Big Bopper" Richardson and Buddy Holly. Then came "The Day the Music Died."

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Buddy Holly's hometown looks back, 60 years after 'The Day the Music Died'

"He sang strictly country," said Larry Byers, a former DJ in Lubbock, Texas, who heard Buddy Holly's early performances. "Until he saw Elvis Presley and decided that maybe he should change his style a bit."

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Morning Edition debuts the show's updated theme music

NPR's David Greene and Rachel Martin look back at famous theme songs from pop culture, and remember the old Morning Edition theme as the show debuts the updated version of the song.

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Foreign Ministry: N. Korea-US Dialogue Must Reflect S. Korea’s Position

[Politics] :
A senior foreign ministry official says if the incoming Donald Trump administration were to engage in dialogue with North Korea, it would be crucial to reflect South Korea’s position in the process of realizing the talks. The official made the remarks to reporters in Seoul on Tuesday, saying ...


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S. Korea, US, Japan Launch Massive Freedom Edge Multidomain Exercise

[Politics] :
Anchor: South Korea, the United States and Japan are conducting their second trilateral multidomain exercise in international waters south of South Korea’s Jeju Island. The U.S. Navy’s USS George Washington aircraft carrier, South Korea’s ROKS Seoae Ryu Seong-ryong destroyer and Japan’s JS Haguro ...


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Data: 1 Out of 10 Couples Who Got Married in 2023 are Multicultural Couples

[Economy] :
One out of ten couples who tied the knot last year were from different cultures, as the number of multicultural marriages returned to pre-pandemic levels. According to Statistics Korea on Thursday, there were 20-thousand-431 multicultural couples in 2023, up 17-point-two percent from a year ...


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Variable stoichiometry and salt-cocrystal intermediate in the multicomponents of flucytosine: structural elucidation and its impact on stability

Five multicomponent solid forms of an antifungal drug flucytosine are reported with a hygroscopic stability study. A detailed CSD search on the cocrystal/salts of flucytosine is evaluated and correlated the structures based on bond angles and bond distances.

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Towards expansion of the MATTS data bank with heavier elements: the influence of the wavefunction basis set on the multipole model derived from the wavefunction

This study examines the quality of charge density obtained by fitting the multipole model to wavefunctions in different basis sets. The complex analysis reveals that changing the basis set quality from double- to triple-zeta can notably improve the charge density related properties of a multipole model.

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Development of the multiplex imaging chamber at PAL-XFEL

Various X-ray techniques are employed to investigate specimens in diverse fields. Generally, scattering and absorption/emission processes occur due to the interaction of X-rays with matter. The output signals from these processes contain structural information and the electronic structure of specimens, respectively. The combination of complementary X-ray techniques improves the understanding of complex systems holistically. In this context, we introduce a multiplex imaging instrument that can collect small-/wide-angle X-ray diffraction and X-ray emission spectra simultaneously to investigate morphological information with nanoscale resolution, crystal arrangement at the atomic scale and the electronic structure of specimens.

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Development of an advanced in-line multilayer deposition system at Diamond Light Source

A state-of-the-art multilayer deposition system with a 4200 mm-long linear substrate translator housed within an ultra-high vacuum chamber has been developed. This instrument is engineered to produce single and multilayer coatings, accommodating mirrors up to 2000 mm in length through the utilization of eight rectangular cathodes. To ensure the quality and reliability of the coatings, the system incorporates various diagnostic tools for in situ thickness uniformity and stress measurement. Furthermore, the system features an annealing process capable of heating up to 700°C within the load-lock chamber. The entire operation, including pump down, deposition and venting processes, is automated through user-friendly software. In addition, all essential log data, power of sputtering source, working pressure and motion positions are automatically stored for comprehensive data analysis. Preliminary commissioning results demonstrate excellent lateral film thickness uniformity, achieving 0.26% along the translation direction over 1500 mm in dynamic mode. The multilayer deposition system is poised for use in fabricating periodic, lateral-graded and depth-graded multilayers, specifically catering to the beamlines for diverse scientific applications at Diamond Light Source.

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The multi-slit very small angle neutron scattering instrument at the China Spallation Neutron Source

A multi-slit very small angle neutron scattering (MS-VSANS) instrument has been finally accepted at the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). It is the first spallation neutron source based VSANS instrument. MS-VSANS has a good signal-to-noise ratio and can cover a wide scattering vector magnitude range from 0.00028 to 1.4 Å−1. In its primary flight path, a combined curved multichannel beam bender and sections of rotary exchange drums are installed to minimize the background downstream of the instrument. An exchangeable multi-slit beam focusing system is integrated into the primary flight path, enabling access to a minimum scattering vector magnitude of 0.00028 Å−1. MS-VSANS has three modes, namely conventional SANS, polarizing SANS and VSANS modes. In the SANS mode, three motorized high-efficiency 3He tube detectors inside the detector tank cover scattering angles from 0.12 to 35° simultaneously. In the polarizing SANS mode, a double-V cavity provides highly polarized neutrons and a high-efficiency 3He polarization analyser allows full polarization analysis. In the VSANS mode, an innovative high-resolution gas electron multiplier detector covers scattering angles from 0.016 to 0.447°. The absolute scattering intensities of a selection of standard samples are obtained using the direct-beam technique; the effectiveness of this method is verified by testing the standard samples and comparing the results with those from a benchmark instrument. The MS-VSANS instrument is designed to be flexible and versatile and all the design goals have been achieved.

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New Michael Jackson/Queen song released: 'There Must Be More to Life Than This'

File: Queen's Freddie Mercury has his mustache groomed.
; Credit: Steve Wood/Express/Getty Images

The new Queen compilation "Queen Forever" includes three previously unreleased tracks, but the one that has people talking is a collaboration between two legends: Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson.

The new song, "There Must Be More to Life Than This," was an unfinished track recorded during studio sessions for the 1981 Queen album "Hot Space," according to a press release on the new compilation. Queen also looked at the song for 1984's "The Works," but still don't go with it — the song finally landed, sans Jackson, on 1985's Mercury solo album "Mr. Bad Guy."

Listen to the new version of the song here:

Michael Jackson/Queen Soundcloud

Listen to the originally recorded version of the Queen/Jackson collaboration below:

Michael Jackson/Queen collabo

The new version was produced by William Orbit, who also did a remix of the song.

"Hearing Michael Jackson's vocals was stirring. So vivid, so cool, and poignant, it was like he was in the studio singing live. With Freddie's vocal solo on the mixing desk, my appreciation for his gift was taken to an even higher level," Orbit said in a press release.

The song is a call for peace, talking human rights in a general way. It almost didn't end up on the album — Queen's Brian May said that working with the Jackson family and Jackson's estate was like "wading through glue," according to Philly.com, but the track ended up making the cut.

The album also includes unreleased song "Let Me In Your Heart Again" and a new version of a song Mercury released solo, an acoustic take on "Love Kills." "Let Me In Your Heart Again" was previously recorded and released by May's wife Anita Dobson.

"Freddie sounds as fresh as yesterday," May said at a press conference while the new compilation was in the works.

Listen to Mercury's solo version of "There Must Be More to Life Than This" below:

There Must Be More To Life Than This, solo

Listen to Anita Dobson's version of "Let Me In (Your Heart Again)" below:

Anita Dobson track

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Director Edgar Wright On His New Documentary ‘The Sparks Brothers’ And Why The Musicians Deserve To Be LA Rock Royalty

Edgar Wright attends the 55th Annual International Cinematographers Guild Publicists Awards at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on March 2, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California.; Credit: Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images


The joke about Sparks — if you’ve even heard of them — is that it’s the best British band to come out of America. That confusion is why Edgar Wright, the director of “Baby Driver” and “Shaun of the Dead,” wanted to make his first documentary about the group, headed by brothers Ron and Russell Mael. Quite simply, Wright was tired of explaining who the band was and why he loves them. His documentary, called “The Sparks Brothers,” premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. John Horn talked with Wright after its January premiere about his personal connection to the band, how he connected with the brother, the editing process of the documentary and more. The film is in theaters now.

With guest host John Horn


Edgar Wright, director of the new documentary “The Sparks Brothers;” he tweets @edgarwright

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org.