
Adding structured data support for Product Variants

In 2022, Google expanded support for Product structured data, enabling enhanced product experiences in Google Search. Then, in 2023 we added support for shipping and returns structured data. Today, we are adding structured data support for Product variants, allowing merchants to easily show more variations of the products they sell, and show shoppers more relevant, helpful results. Providing variant structured data will also complement and enhance merchant center feeds, including automated feeds.


Traducteurs indépendants : quels changements pour 2017 ?



Tout comme l’ouverture des soldes et la galette des rois, c’est désormais un rituel du mois de janvier : le début de l'année marque l'entrée en vigueur de nouvelles règles et la revalorisation des seuils applicables aux entreprises françaises. Afin de vous éviter de perdre trop de temps à glaner les informations concernant notre activité, j’ai réuni dans ce billet celles qui intéressent les traducteurs et interprètes exerçant leur activité en tant qu'indépendants.


nouveaux seuils pour les MICROentreprises

Courant 2016, Emmanuel Macron, alors ministre de l’Économie, souhaitait tripler le montant maximal du chiffre d’affaires de la microentreprise (ex-autoentreprise). Son successeur, Michel Sapin, prévoyait quant à lui de les doubler. Finalement, la loi de finances pour l’année 2017 se contente d’une simple revalorisation des seuils, dont voici les nouveaux montants, ainsi que les taux de prélèvement à prendre en compte :


Plafonds 2016 2017

Montant maximal du chiffre d'affaires perçu

pour bénéficier du régime de la microentreprise)

32 900 € 33 100 €
Plafond majoré en cas de dépassement du chiffre d'affaires 34 900 € 35 100 €

Revenu fiscal de référence pour bénéficier du prélèvement

libératoire forfaitaire de l'impôt sur le revenu (par part du foyer fiscal)*

26 631 € 26 764 €

Chiffre d'affaires annuel minimum pour valider

quatre trimestres de retraite

9 743 € 8 873 €

Taux forfaitaires du régime micro-social :

- versement libératoire des charges sociales

- versement libératoire de l'IR

- contribution à la formation professionnelle (CFP)


22,9 %

2,2 %

0,2 %


22,9 %

2,2 %

0,2 %

(*) Revenu fiscal de référence de l'année N-2 (cf.

Nouveau plafond de la sécurité sociale

Le plafond de la sécurité sociale sert au calcul de certaines cotisations sociales des entrepreneurs individuels, notamment :

  • le seuil de chiffre d’affaires pour l’exonération du paiement de la CSG-CRDS, des allocations familiales et de la contribution pour la formation professionnelle (CFP),
  • le plafond de revenu pour la cotisation minimale de l’assurance maladie-maternité et de l’assurance vieillesse,
  • le calcul du taux de cotisation applicable pour l’assurance vieillesse de base et la CFP, et
  • la base forfaitaire de calcul de la cotisation d’assurance maladie-maternité en début d’activité.

Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, il s'élève à 3 269 € par mois, soit une hausse de 1,6 % de son niveau en 2016.

Plafond de la sécurité sociale 2017
Annuel 39 228 €
Trimestriel 9 807 €
Mensuel 3 269 €

Pour les montants exacts des seuils et des plafonds applicables au calcul de cotisations sociales des professions libérales en 2017, visitez le

site du service public.


augmentation de la prise en charge du FIF PL

Bonne nouvelle ! Cette année, le FIF PL (Fonds interprofessionnel de formation des professionnels libéraux) relève son plafond de prise en charge des frais de formation professionnelle pour les traducteurs et interprètes (code NAF : 7430 Z). Il s’établit désormais à 1 200 € par an (prise en charge au coût réel, plafonnée à 300 € par jour et limitée à 1 200 € par an et par personne).


Voici le détail des prises en charge :

Prise en charge formation professionnelle 2017
Document Adobe Acrobat 487.9 KB

transfert des traducteurs affiliés à la cipav au Rsi ?

La loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2017 a été promulguée le 23 décembre dernier. Son article 33 (devenu 50) qui proposait de transférer au RSI une partie des professions libérales non réglementées affiliées à la CIPAV (dont les traducteurs) a fait l’objet d’une saisine du Conseil constitutionnel orchestrée par cette dernière, ouvertement opposée à une mesure qu’elle considère comme « dangereuse pour son avenir et celui de l’ensemble des caisses de retraite des professions libérales ». Le Conseil constitutionnel a jugé que la liste des professions affiliées à la CIPAV devait obligatoirement être définie au niveau de la loi et non par simple décret, comme le prévoyait le Gouvernement.


En jugeant contraires à la Constitution les dispositions de l’article 50 du PLFSS 2017, le périmètre d’action de la CIPAV reste donc inchangé. Cependant, certains des aménagements destinés à faciliter ce transfert ont été conservés dans le texte de loi. Au vu de la mauvaise réputation du RSI et des promesses de réforme des différents candidats à l’élection présidentielle, la situation pourrait donc évoluer. À suivre !


À propos de l'auteur

Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années comme conseillère pour les PME, Gaëlle Gagné est devenue traductrice indépendante en 2005. À la tête de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs dans un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires.


Travailler pendant les vacances (de vos enfants)

Aaaahhh, les joies de l’indépendance… Travailler de chez soi ou d’une plage ensoleillée, sans autre contrainte que de se connecter à Internet et de recharger son portable ! De nombreux blogs vantent les avantages du nomadisme professionnel et leurs auteurs vous expliquent comment maintenir le lien avec vos clients tout en parcourant le monde. Mais ils oublient un petit détail… Le professionnel indépendant est souvent parent d’enfants en congé 16 semaines par an (encore plus en cette année marquée par le confinement). Que faire donc de ces chères petites têtes blondes lorsqu’ils sont en vacances et que vous ne l’êtes pas ?


Stratégie n°1 : les éloigner

Premier réflexe, appeler Papi et Mamie. Une semaine chez les uns, une semaine chez les autres, les enfants sont soignés aux petits oignons par des grands-parents disponibles pour les emmener au cinéma, à la plage ou à la fête foraine, pendant que vous continuez tranquillement à vous consacrer à votre activité professionnelle. Pour ceux qui ont la chance d’avoir des grands-parents disponibles pendant les vacances, c’est la solution idéale (rassurante et économique) pour faire garder votre progéniture tout en entretenant un lien affectif entre les générations (voire une complicité entre cousins et cousines). N’abusez tout de même pas de leur gentillesse si vous espérez renouveler l’expérience !  


Pour ceux qui ne souhaitent pas se séparer trop longtemps de leurs enfants, votre ville dispose sans doute d’un centre de loisirs accueillant des groupes pendant les vacances scolaires. Encadré par des animateurs qualifiés, votre enfant participera chaque jour à de nouvelles activités manuelles, culturelles ou sportives et retrouvera sans doute quelques camarades de classe. Ce service est en général accessible à la carte pour un coût relativement faible, à condition de réserver des places longtemps avant (se renseigner auprès de votre mairie).


Autres solutions plus éloignées de votre domicile : les camps de vacances qui permettent aux enfants de découvrir une région, de s’initier à diverses activités et d’apprendre les règles de la vie en collectivité ou les séjours chez les copains (à charge de revanche !).


Stratégie n°2 : les occuper

Dans cette catégorie, il y a les recettes qui marchent et celles qui ne marchent pas… En faisant des recherches pour cet article (et pour préparer les prochaines vacances de mes enfants), j’ai trouvé de nombreuses listes d’activités en tout genre à proposer à sa progéniture pour pouvoir travailler en paix : enfiler des perles, colorier des Mickeys, voire même faire des devoirs de vacances « pour travailler comme Maman ». Je vous ferai grâce d’une telle liste, car je vous le dis tout de suite : laissez tomber ça ne marchera pas ! Il est scientifiquement prouvé qu’un enfant est irrésistiblement attiré par un adulte dont l’attention est accaparée par autre chose que sa petite personne (un ordinateur ou un téléphone par exemple). Il lui est alors physiquement impossible de résister à l’envie de lui poser tout un tas de questions, d’augmenter son volume sonore, de se disputer avec son petit frère ou de casser le beau vase en porcelaine de Mamie ! 


Que faire donc pour vous concentrer ? La première option qui marche consiste à allumer un écran. Bon d’accord, vous ne décrocherez pas la palme de la mère de l’année, mais c’est imparable pour gagner une heure. Si leurs regards vides et leurs petits corps immobiles vous culpabilisent tout de même un peu, je vous recommande de réserver cette option aux cas de force majeure, d’autant plus que vous paierez ce manque d’activité plus tard lorsque vos enfants se défouleront dans la salle de bains ou au moment de se coucher parce qu’ils ne se seront pas assez dépensés dans la journée.


Reste la deuxième option qui marche, la babysitter. Vous savez cette jeune fille (ou ce jeune garçon) au teint rose et à l’énergie débordante, toujours prêt à jouer à cache-cache ou à se plier en quatre pour jouer aux petites voitures ? La babysitter est votre amie… choisissez-la bien et payez-la grassement pour qu’elle soit toujours disponible pour vous dépanner en cas de projet urgent. Encore mieux pour vous, amis polyglottes, embauchez une jeune fille au pair (ou un jeune homme, pas de sexisme). En échange du gîte et du couvert, elle pourra s’occuper de vos enfants quelques heures par jour et, pourquoi pas, leur apprendre une langue étrangère ! Malheureusement, cet été, la situation sanitaire pourrait limiter les déplacements et refroidir les ardeurs des jeunes au pair.


Stratégie n°3 : les rejoindre

À quoi bon lutter… cette période de vacances scolaires sera sans doute assez peu productive pour vous, donc pourquoi ne pas profiter de la fameuse flexibilité du travail indépendant pour partir avec vos enfants ? 


Même si vous ne bénéficiez pas de congés payés, rien ne vous empêche de faire des économies tout au long de l’année pour vous accorder une période de repos bien méritée. Prendre des vacances est indispensable, même (surtout) lorsque toute l’activité de votre entreprise repose sur vos épaules. Vous menez beaucoup de choses de front : la traduction, la formation continue, les relations clients, la promotion et la comptabilité de votre entreprise, mais aussi les enfants, votre conjoint, la maison, etc. vous avez donc bien besoin de vous accorder une pause pour vous reposer, mais aussi pour vous redonner de l’élan.


Pour que cette parenthèse n’anéantisse pas tous vos efforts de communication et de prospection, pensez à prévenir vos clients de votre absence en amont et à leur proposer une solution de repli en cas d’urgence (un confrère pouvant vous remplacer par exemple). Personnellement, je m’accorde deux semaines complètes pendant lesquelles un message signale à mes clients que je suis en vacances. Je continue à consulter mes emails au moins une fois par jour pour répondre aux demandes les plus urgentes, mais les autres attendent mon retour. Pendant ces deux semaines, je prends enfin un peu soin de mon corps de traductrice encroûtée (sport, soleil, sommeil où étiez-vous passés ?) et je profite à 100 % des moments passés en famille, parce que la vraie liberté du freelance, c’est aussi de pouvoir vivre ces moments-là sans culpabiliser. Mais pour de vraies vacances sereines, l’année prochaine j’emmène un(e) jeune au pair à la mer !


Si vous avez trouvé d’autres solutions pour travailler pendant les vacances de vos enfants, n’hésitez pas à les partager .


Pour aller plus loin :


Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années en tant que conseillère auprès de PME, Gaële Gagné est devenue traductrice indépendante en 2005. Aux commandes de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en marketing et gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs par le biais d'un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires et de formations dispensées via le CI3M.

Et maintenant ?


Abonnez-vous au flux

Consultez d'autres articles :

Nous ne sommes pas que des cerveaux !
8 conseils de traductrice pour survivre au confinement
Rédiger un devis de traduction efficace
Rédiger son CV de traducteur
5 règles d'or pour fixer ses tarifs de traduction


Serbie : des manifestants demandent la démission du gouvernement après le drame de Novi Sad

Serbie : des manifestants demandent la démission du gouvernement après le drame de Novi Sad


Les enfants de Gaza au Liban sont pris dans une autre guerre

Les enfants de Gaza au Liban sont pris dans une autre guerre


Les enfants ukrainiens enlevés par la Russie destinés à servir son armée ?

Les enfants ukrainiens enlevés par la Russie destinés à servir son armée ?


Navigating the digital frontier: a systematic review of digital governance's determinants in public administration

The aim of the study is to examine the determinants of digitalisation in public sector. This research is particularly relevant as digital transformation has become a crucial factor in modernising public sector and enhancing service delivery to citizens. The method of the systematic literature review (SLR) was implemented by searching documents on the Scopus database. The initial research reached the 7902 documents and after specifying the keywords the authors found 207 relevant documents. Finally; after the careful read of their abstracts and the use of inclusion and exclusion criteria; the most cited and relevant 32 papers constituted the final sample. Findings highlighted the focus of the literature on technological factors such as the sense of trust and safety as well as the ease of use in the adoption of digital governance; emphasising the need for effective; trustworthy and user-friendly digital services. The most discussed internal factors were leadership and organisational culture. The study offers a deeper understanding of the factors that shape the successful implementation of digital governance initiatives.


Impact of servicescape dimensions on customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: a case of casual dining restaurants

Physical and social aspects each make up a separate part of servicescape. Together, these make up the servicescape. Although previous research has frequently investigated these aspects separately, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously find out the impact of both aspects within the casual dining restaurants' context. In total, 462 customers in Delhi were polled for this study, and structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. According to the results, both the social and physical parts of the servicescape have the ability to affect how satisfied customers are, which in turn can affect how they behave in the future.


Determinants of FinTech adoption by microfinance institutions in India to increase efficiency and productivity

The present study attempts to find out the determinants of FinTech adoption for financial inclusion by a microfinance institution in India. The factors such as efficiency, consistency, convenience, reliability are taken as predictors of organisational attitude. Similarly, organisational attitude, ease of use, and perceived benefits are considered as antecedents of organisational adoption intention of FinTech in microfinance institutions of India. The purposive sampling technique was used to get a filled survey instrument by target samples. The results indicate that convenience and consistency in the use of FinTech applications build a favourable attitude to adopt it. Furthermore, perceived benefits are the most important antecedents of the adoption intention of FinTech in the microfinance institution in India. Additionally, the reliability of the application has a positive but insignificant impact on organisational attitude to adopt FinTech. The implications of the present study are discussed.


End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Selected TCP Variants across a Hybrid Wireless Network 


Extending Learning to Interacting with Multiple Participants in Multiple Web 2.0 Learning Communities


Facilitating Linguistic Integration of Immigrants: An Overview of ICT Tools


Place Determinants for the Personalization-Privacy Tradeoff among Students

Aim/Purpose: This exploratory study investigates the influential factors of users’ decisions in the dilemma of whether to agree to online personalization or to protect their online privacy. Background: Various factors related to online privacy and anonymity were considered, such as user’s privacy concern on the Web in general and particularly on social networks, user online privacy literacy, and field of study. Methodology: To this end, 155 students from different fields of study in the Israeli academia were administered closed-ended questionnaires. Findings: The multivariate linear regression analysis showed that as the participants’ privacy concern increases, they tend to prefer privacy protection over online personalization. In addition, there were significant differences between men and women, as men tended to favor privacy protection more than women did. Impact on Society: This research has social implications for the academia and general public as they show it is possible to influence the personalization-privacy tradeoff and encourage users to prefer privacy protection by raising their concern for the preservation of their online privacy. Furthermore, the users’ preference to protect their privacy even at the expense of their online malleability may lead to the reduction of online privacy-paradox behavior. Future Research: Since our results were based on students' self-perceptions, which might be biased, future work should apply qualitative analysis to explore additional types and influencing factors of online privacy behavior.


Determinants of Intent to Continue Using Online Learning: A Tale of Two Universities


Understanding the Determinants of Wearable Payment Adoption: An Empirical Study

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the variables which affect the intention to use Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled smart wearables (e.g., smartwatches, rings, wristbands) payments. Background: Despite the enormous potential of wearable payments, studies investigating the adoption of this technology are scarce. Methodology: This study extends the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with four additional variables (Perceived Security, Trust, Perceived Cost, and Attractiveness of Alternatives) to investigate behavioral intentions to adopt wearable payments. The moderating role of gender was also examined. Data collected from 311 Kuwaiti respondents were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and multi-group analysis (MGA). Contribution: The research model provided in this study may be useful for academics and scholars conducting further research into m-payments adoption, specifically in the case of wearable payments where studies are scarce and still in the nascent stage; hence, addressing the gap in existing literature. Further, this study is the first to have specifically investigated wearable payments in the State of Kuwait; therefore, enriching Kuwaiti context literature. Findings: This study empirically demonstrated that behavioral intention to adopt wearable payments is mainly predicted by attractiveness of alternatives, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and trust, while the role of perceived cost was found to be insignificant. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study draws attention to the importance of cognitive factors, such as perceived usefulness and ease of use, in inducing users’ behavioral intention to adopt wearable payments. As such, in the case of perceived usefulness, smart wearable devices manufacturers and banks enhance the functionalities and features of these devices, expand on the financial services provided through them, and maintain the availability, performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of these tools. In relation to ease of use, smart wearable devices should be designed with an easy to use, high quality and customizable user interface. The findings of this study demonstrated the influence of trust and perceived security in motivating users to adopt wearable payments, Hence, banks are advised to focus on a relationship based on trust, especially during the early stages of acceptance and adoption of wearable payments. Recommendation for Researchers: The current study validated the role of attractiveness of alternatives, which was never examined in the context of wearable payments. This, in turn, provides a new dimension about a determinant factor considered by customers in predicting their behavioral intention to adopt wearable payments. Impact on Society: This study could be used in other countries to compare and verify the results. Additionally, the research model of this study could also be used to investigate other m-payments methods, such as m-wallets and P2P payments. Future Research: Future studies should investigate the proposed model in a cross-country and cross-cultural perspective with additional economic, environmental, and technological factors. Also, future research may conduct a longitudinal study to explain how temporal changes and usage experience affect users’ behavioral intentions to adopt wearable payments. Finally, while this study included both influencing factors and inhibiting factors, other factors such as social influence, perceived compatibility, personal innovativeness, mobility, and customization could be considered in future research.


Determinants of Online Behavior Among Jordanian Consumers: An Empirical Study of OpenSooq

Aim/Purpose: This study identifies the elements that influence intentions to purchase from the most popular Arabic online classifieds platform, Background: Online purchasing has become popular among consumers in the past two decades, with perceived risk and trust playing key roles in consumers’ intention to purchase online. Methodology: A questionnaire survey was conducted of Internet users from three Jordanian districts to investigate how they used the OpenSooq platform in their e-commerce activities. In total, 202 usable responses were collected, and the data were analyzed with PLS-SEM for hypothesis testing and model validation. Contribution: Though online trading is increasingly popular, the factors that impact the behavior of consumers when purchasing high-value products have not been adequately investigated. Therefore, this study examined the factors affecting perceived risk, and the potential impact of privacy concerns on the perceived risk of online smartphone buyers. The study framework can help explore online behavior in various situations to ascertain similarities and differences and probe other aspects of online buying. Findings: Perceived risk negatively correlates with online purchasing behavior and trust. However, privacy concern and perceived risk, transaction security and trust, and trust and online purchasing behavior exhibited positive correlations. Recommendations for Practitioners: Customers can complete and retain online purchases in a range of settings illuminated in this study’s methods and procedures. Moreover, businesses can manage their IT arrangements to make Internet shopping more convenient and build processes for online shopping that allow for engagement, training, and ease of use, thus improving their customers’ online purchasing behavior. Recommendation for Researchers: Given the insight into the understanding and integration of variables including perceived risk, privacy issues, trust, transaction security, and online purchasing behavior, academics can build on the groundwork of this research paradigm to investigate underdeveloped countries, particularly Jordan, further. Impact on Society: Understanding the characteristics that influence online purchasing behavior can help countries realize the full potential of online shopping, particularly the benefits of safe, fast, and low-cost financial transactions without the need for an intermediary. Future Research: Future research can examine the link between online purchase intent, perceived risk, privacy concerns, trust, and transaction security to see if the findings of this study in Jordan can be applied to a broader context in other countries.


Adoption of Mobile Commerce and Mobile Payments in Ghana: An Examination of Factors Influencing Public Servants

Aim/Purpose: Mobile commerce adoption is low in developing countries; hence, public servants may not consider mobile commerce and mobile payments. Understanding the factors that influence mobile commerce and mobile payments in their context will aid in promoting those services. Background: The study investigates the factors that influence public servants’ mobile commerce and mobile payments in Ghana. Hence, it provides some understanding of the various aspects of mobile commerce and mobile payments adoption, such as acceptance, use, and eventual adoption into the user’s daily life, and how that affects their behaviour. Methodology: The research was conducted by surveying the factors influencing public servants’ adoption of mobile commerce and payments in Ghana. A cross-sectional survey was undertaken to put the research model to the test to measure the constructs and their relationships. Contribution: The study confirmed previous findings and created a new conceptual model for mobile commerce and mobile payment adoption and usage in the Ghanaian context. Findings: The variables of performance expectancy, trust, and facilitating conditions have a significant positive influence on behavioural intention. The factors of effort expectation and social influence have a significant negative impact. Price value and perceived reliability are latent variables that do not affect behavioural intention. Behavioural intention and facilitating conditions significantly influence the actual use behaviour of mobile commerce and mobile payment users. Recommendations for Practitioners: Mobile commerce is emerging as a new mode of transactions, with firms providing enabling platforms for users. Mobile commerce could become the most acceptable application for the next generation of mobile platform applications. This study offers insights into the fluidity of the mobile environment, with implications that spell out what will be effective mobile commerce services that will continue to be relevant. Mobile applications are attractive to people because they provide a better user experience. These mobile applications have been optimised to provide a fast, easy and delightful experience. Mobile commerce and mobile payment service providers can attract and retain more users if attention is paid to performance expectancy, trust, and facilitating conditions since they influence individuals’ decisions to adopt. Mobile technology is almost ubiquitous, influencing both online sales and in-store sales. With the right mobile commerce platform and features, businesses can expect to increase in-store and online sales, catering to a more extensive clientele. Mobile devices are the primary means that most customers use to look up information about products they see in stores, such as product reviews and pricing options. This study indicates that mobile commerce service providers can achieve a more extensive customer base by promoting performance expectancy, trust, and behavioural intentions. Recommendation for Researchers: Despite the numerous studies in the mobile commerce literature, few have used integrated models of perceived reliability, trust, and price value or methods to evaluate these factors in the emerging mobile commerce industry. Also, it combines mobile commerce and mobile payments, which very few that we know of have done. Impact on Society: Ghana is already in a cash-lite economy. Thus, the study is appropriate with the result of trust being a significant factor. It implies that people will begin using mobile commerce and mobile payments with a bit of drive to bring about this drive quickly. Future Research: Future research could further test the adapted model with moderating factors of age, gender, and education to delve deeper into the complexities of mobile commerce and mobile payments.


Determinants of Knowledge Transfer for Information Technology Project Managers: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the key determinants hindering Knowledge Transfer (KT) practices for Information Technology Project Managers (ITPMs) Background: The failure rate of IT projects remains unacceptably high worldwide, and KT between project managers and team members has been recognized as a significant issue affecting project success. Therefore, this study tries to identify the determinants of KT within the context of IT projects for ITPMs. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature (SLR) was employed in the investigation. The SLR found 28 primary studies on KT for ITPMs that were published in Scopus and Web of Science databases between 2010 and 2023. Contribution: Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) was used to build a theoretical framework where the determinants were categorized into Personal factors, Environmental (Project organizational) factors, and other factors, such as Technological factors influencing ITPMs (Behavioral factors), to implement in KT practices. Findings: The review identified 11 key determinants categorized into three broad categories: Personal factors (i.e., motivation, absorptive capability, trust, time urgency), Project Organizational factors (i.e., team structure, leadership style, reward system, organizational culture, communication), and Technological factors (i.e., project task collaboration tool and IT infrastructure and support) that influence implementing KT for ITPMs Recommendations for Practitioners: The proposed framework in this paper can be used by project managers as a guide to adopt KT practices within their project organization. Recommendation for Researchers: The review showed that some determinants, such as Technological factors, have not been adequately explored in the existing KT model in the IT projects context and can be integrated with other relevant theories to understand how a project manager’s knowledge can be transferred and retained in the organization using technology in future research. Impact on Society: This study emphasizes the role of individual actions and project organizational and technological matters in shaping the efficacy of KT within project organizations. It offers insight that could steer business owners or executives within project organizations to closely observe the behavior of project managers, thereby securing successful project outcomes. Future Research: The determinant list provided in this paper is acquired from extensive SLR and, therefore, further research should aim to expand and deepen the investigation by validating these determinants from experts in the field of IT and project management. Future studies can also add other external technological determinants to provide a more comprehensive KT implementation framework. Similarly, this research does not include determinants identified directly from the industry, as it relies solely on determinants found in the existing literature. Although a comprehensive attempt has been made to encompass all relevant papers, there remains a potential for overlooking some research in this process.


Determinants of the Intention to Use Big Data Analytics in Banks and Insurance Companies: The Moderating Role of Managerial Support

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to suggest a comprehensive model that incorporates the technology acceptance model with the task-technology fit model, information quality, security, trust, and managerial support to investigate the intended usage of big data analytics (BDA) in banks and insurance companies. Background: The emergence of the concept of “big data,” prompted by the widespread use of connected devices and social media, has been pointed out by many professionals and financial institutions in particular, which makes it necessary to assess the determinants that have an impact on behavioral intention to use big data analytics in banks and insurance companies. Methodology: The integrated model was empirically assessed using self-administered questionnaires from 181 prospective big data analytics users in Moroccan banks and insurance firms and examined using partial least square (PLS) structural equation modeling. The results cover sample characteristics, an analysis of the validity and reliability of measurement models’ variables, an evaluation of the proposed hypotheses, and a discussion of the findings. Contribution: The paper makes a noteworthy contribution to the BDA adoption literature within the finance sector. It stands out by ingeniously amalgamating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Task-Technology Fit (TTF) while underscoring the critical significance of information quality, trust, and managerial support, due to their profound relevance and importance in the finance domain. Thus showing BDA has potential applications beyond the finance sector. Findings: The findings showed that TTF and trust’s impact on the intention to use is considerable. Information quality positively impacted perceived usefulness and ease of use, which in turn affected the intention to use. Moreover, managerial support moderates the correlation between perceived usefulness and the intention to use, whereas security did not affect the intention to use and managerial support did not moderate the influence of perceived ease of use. Recommendations for Practitioners: The results suggest that financial institutions can improve their adoption decisions for big data analytics (BDA) by understanding how users perceive it. Users are predisposed to use BDA if they presume it fits well with their tasks and is easy to use. The research also emphasizes the importance of relevant information quality, managerial support, and collaboration across departments to fully leverage the potential of BDA. Recommendation for Researchers: Further study may be done on other business sectors to confirm its generalizability and the same research design can be employed to assess BDA adoption in organizations that are in the advanced stage of big data utilization. Impact on Society: The study’s findings can enable stakeholders of financial institutions that are at the primary stage of big data exploitation to understand how users perceive BDA technologies and the way their perception can influence their intention toward their use. Future Research: Future research is expected to conduct a comparison of the moderating effect of managerial support on users with technical expertise versus those without; in addition, international studies across developed countries are required to build a solid understanding of users’ perceptions towards BDA.


Determinants of Radical and Incremental Innovation: The Roles of Human Resource Management Practices, Knowledge Sharing, and Market Turbulence

Aim/Purpose: Given the increasingly important role of knowledge and human resources for firms in developing and emerging countries to pursue innovation, this paper aims to study and explore the potential intermediating roles of knowledge donation and collection in linking high-involvement human resource management (HRM) practice and innovation capability. The paper also explores possible moderators of market turbulence in fostering the influences of knowledge-sharing (KS) behaviors on innovation competence in terms of incremental and radical innovation. Background: The fitness of HRM practice is critical for organizations to foster knowledge capital and internal resources for improving innovation and sustaining competitive advantage. Methodology: The study sample is 309 respondents and Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used for the analysis of the data obtained through a questionnaire survey with the aid of AMOS version 22. Contribution: This paper increases the understanding of the precursor role of high-involvement HRM practices, intermediating mechanism of KS activities, and the regulating influence of market turbulence in predicting and fostering innovation capability, thereby pushing forward the theory of HRM and innovation management. Findings: The empirical findings support the proposed hypotheses relating to the intermediating role of KS in the HRM practices-innovation relationship. It spotlights the crucial character of market turbulence in driving the domination of knowledge-sharing behaviors on incremental innovation. Recommendations for Practitioners: The proposed research model can be applied by leaders and directors to foster their organizational innovation competence. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers are recommended to explore the influence of different models of HRM practices on innovation to identify the most effective pathway leading to innovation for firms in developing and emerging nations. Impact on Society: This paper provides valuable initiatives for firms in developing and emerging markets on how to leverage the strategic and internal resources of an organization for enhancing innovation. Future Research: Future studies should investigate the influence of HRM practices and knowledge resources to promote frugal innovation models for dealing with resource scarcity.


Investigating the Determinants of Online Shopping Repurchase Intention in Generation Z Customers in India: An Exploratory Study

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the factors that affect the repurchase intentions of Generation Z consumers in India’s online shopping industry, focusing on combining the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) and Extended Technology Acceptance Model (E-TAM). The aim is to understand the intricate behaviors that shape technology adoption and sustained usage, which are essential for retaining customers in e-commerce. Background: Social media and other online platforms have significantly influenced daily life and become essential communication tools owing to technological advancements. Online shopping is no exception, offering a range of product choices, information, and convenience compared with traditional commerce. Indian retailers recognize this trend as an opportunity to promote their brands through e-shopping platforms, leading to increased competition. Generation Z comprises 32% of the world’s population and is a significant emerging customer base in India. Numerous studies have been conducted to study customers’ repurchase intention in the online shopping domain, but few studies have explicitly focused on Generation Z as a customer base. This study aims to comprehensively understand the topic and investigate the variables that impact consumers’ online repurchase intention by examining their post-adoption behavioral processes. Methodology: The study employed a quantitative research design with structural equation modeling using AMOS to analyze responses from 410 participants. This method thoroughly examined hypotheses regarding factors affecting repurchase intention (security, ease of use, privacy, and internet self-efficacy) and the mediating role of e-satisfaction. Contribution: This study makes a unique contribution to the field of e-commerce by focusing on Generation Z in India, a rapidly growing demographic in the e-commerce industry. The results on the mediating role of e-satisfaction have significant implications for e-retailers seeking to enhance customer retention strategies and gain a competitive edge in the market. Findings: The research findings underscore the significant influence of security, ease of use, and internet self-efficacy on repurchase intentions, with e-satisfaction playing a pivotal role as a mediating factor. Notably, while privacy concerns did not directly impact repurchase intentions, they displayed considerable influence when mediated by e-satisfaction, highlighting the intricate interplay between these variables in the context of online shopping, which is the unique finding of this study. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study has several significant implications for practitioners. Effectively addressing computer-related individual differences, such as computer self-efficacy, is crucial for boosting online customers’ repurchase intention. For instance, if an e-retailer intends to target Generation Z customers, they should collaborate with IT professionals and develop various computer literacy programs on online streaming platforms, such as YouTube. These programs will enhance target customers’ confidence in online shopping portals and increase their online repeat purchases. Additionally, practitioners should strive to improve the online shopping experience by making the portal user-friendly. Generation Z is accustomed to a fast Internet experience, so they prefer that the process of completing online transactions is swift with fewer clicks. The search for products, payments, and redress should not be tedious. Furthermore, the primary objective of the e-retailer should be to satisfy customers, as satisfied customers repeat their purchases and increase overall profitability. Recommendation for Researchers: The current study was conducted in the Delhi-NCR region of India, and its findings could serve as a basis for future research. For instance, the scale devised in this study could be utilized to examine the impact of cash-on-delivery as a payment method on purchase intention across the country. Alternatively, a comparative analysis could be conducted to compare cash-on-delivery effects in various countries. Impact on Society: The study’s findings enable stakeholders in the online shopping industry to comprehend the post-adoption behavior of Generation Z users and augment existing literature by establishing a correlation between determinants that impact repurchase intention and e-satisfaction, which serves as a mediator. Future Research: This study examines the factors that impact the propensity of Generation Z shoppers to engage in repeat online purchases. This study focuses on India, where the Generation Y (millennial) customer base is also substantial within the online shopping market. Future research could compare the shopping habits of Generation Z and Generation Y customers, as the latter may place greater importance on privacy and security. Additional studies could broaden the scope of this research and explore the comparative viewpoints of both generations. Also, it would be advantageous to conduct in-depth interviews and longitudinal studies to acquire a more in-depth comprehension of the evolving digitalization of shopping.


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Persona Non Grata? Determinants and Consequences of Social Distancing from Journalists Who Engage in Negative Coverage of Firm Leadership

We consider how social and psychological connections among CEOs explain the propensity for corporate leaders to distance themselves socially from journalists who engage in negative reporting about firm leadership at other companies, and we examine the consequences for the valence of journalists' subsequent coverage. Our theoretical framework suggests that journalists who have engaged in negative coverage of a firm's leadership and strategy are especially likely to experience distancing from other leaders who (i) have friendship ties to the firm's CEO, (ii) are demographically similar to the CEO on salient dimensions, or (iii) are socially identified with the CEO as a fellow member of the corporate elite. Our theory and findings ultimately suggest that, due to the multiple sources of social identification between CEOs, journalists who engage in negative coverage of firm leadership tend to experience social distancing from multiple CEOs, and such distancing has a powerful influence on the valence of journalists' subsequent reporting about firm leadership and strategy across all the firms that they cover. We also extend our theoretical framework to suggest how the effect of social distancing on the valence of journalists' coverage is moderated by the early and late stages of a journalist's career.


Is the Second Amendment Only America’s Right? Do Illegal Immigrants Have Gun Rights?

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Benchmark survey of the common plants in North-east of England to help biodiversity change monitoring

A recently completed benchmark survey of common plants provides a comprehensive dataset of vascular plant diversity and abundance in South Northumberland and Durham, contributing an additional 35,000 observations to the 200,000 observations collected by local recorders since the turn of the millennium.

Apart from contributing an updated inventory of vascular plant diversity, the survey is intended to be used as a reference point with which to identify change in the countryside and study the drivers of biodiversity change in the North-east of England.

Changes in the abundance of rare species have little impact on other species, but change in the abundance of common species can have cascading effects on whole ecosystems. The new survey provides a solid foundation that can be used to qualify the abundance of common species and compare against previous and future studies.

The distribution of heather predicted from the common plant survey data. This is one of the region's most characteristic species and one that many other organisms rely upon for food and cover.

The survey was part of the North-East Common Plants Survey Project, conducted over four years and required volunteers to go to various places. Some surveyed post-industrial brown-field sites, while others walked for miles across bleak moorland to reach sites high in the hills. Although these moors are arguably wilder and natural, the industrial wastelands turn out to be far more biodiverse.

Botanical surveying continues in the region despite the end of the project. Volunteers continue to monitor rare plants in the region and are currently working towards the next atlas of Britain and Ireland, coordinated by the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland.

This survey is also among the first one to make use of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) functionality, jointly developed by EU BON and GBIF, that allows the easy export and exposure of datasets to maximize their discoverability and reuse. The survey was published in the Biodiversity Data Journal, providing easy and streamlined publication of GBIF data via a variety of newly introduced plugins.

Original Source:

Groom Q, Durkin J, O'Reilly J, Mclay A, Richards A, Angel J, Horsley A, Rogers M, Young G (2015) A benchmark survey of the common plants of South Northumberland and Durham, United Kingdom. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e7318. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e7318


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A benchmark survey of the common plants of South Northumberland and Durham, United Kingdom


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Sons or Servants?

Who are you really?

I had a moment recently when I had to ask myself what God was telling ME to do. Me! Not what He was telling others to do, or telling others to tell me to do, but what was He telling ME to do. And, once He told me, would I be willing to go through with it? Would I have that moment of obedience and run as hard and fast toward it as I could? I mean, who am I really? What if I do it wrong? Was that really Him talking to lil ol’ me? Hmmmm, maybe I should just walk out what I’ve been told and hope this whole “God’s Kingdom” thing works out in the end…

It’s a tough realization that could easily send you into a spiritual spiral, but don’t lose heart. This is ALL a good thing. I think it was best revealed to me when I realized the difference between sonship and servanthood.

Servants (or slaves) are always concerned about what they should be doing for their master. Naturally. But there are questions that come along with it, like whether they are doing what they are supposed to? Are they being validated by whoever is in charge? Did they make a mistake and now there’ll be punishment? FOR THE LOVE OF MARY, WILL I EVER GET A MICROPHONE?? Ok, that last one just slipped out. My bad. Now, I’m not saying serving is a bad thing. No way. There are countless verses in scripture about serving, but this kind of  thinking can cause our responses to be different in regards to the master.

Sonship is different. Especially Kingdom sonship. You see, sons and daughters can also serve, and they should, but it’s with a different mindset. A son or daughter has a legacy, an inheritance. They always feel free to chase their dreams and passions knowing what they possess and how it reflects on their family. They internally become the thing they know they are and they always want the best for this Kingdom and its people. They are always in constant communication with their father at any time. They have full confidence to run as hard as they can toward their goal, and in turn, the Father always backs them up! They can choose to pursue and they have the full backing of their heritage. No asking permission to run faster or harder than anyone else. They just do. With confidence.

Our heavenly Father generally knows what’s best for His kids. So, there may be some steering here and there. But know that true sons and daughters will always be honorable and become who they are meant to be. Whether they become doctors, lawyers, car salesmen, missionaries or pastors, the Father will always be pleased as long as we continue to stay in relationship with Him and His Kingdom. So we don’t have to fear the consequences of chasing too hard or too fast. Sons and daughters don’t get that luxury.

This is important to us as we walk out our relationship with the Father. What Father wouldn’t want his kids to be all they can be, and more importantly, become all they SHOULD be.

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith ~ Galatians 3:26


Plants As Persons

Over the past decade, plant scientists have quietly transformed the way we think of trees, forests and plants. They discovered that trees communicate through vast underground networks, that plants learn and remember. If plants are intelligent beings, how should we relate to them? Do they have a place in our moral universe? Should they have rights?

Human identity cannot be separated from our nonhuman kin. From forest ecology to the human microbiome, emerging research suggests that being human is a complicated journey made possible only by the good graces of our many companions. In partnership with the Center for Humans and Nature and with support from the Kalliopeia Foundation, To The Best Of Our Knowledge is exploring this theme of "kinship" in a special radio series.

Original Air Date: December 19, 2020


Robin Wall KimmererMatt HallMonica GaglianoBrooke Hecht

Interviews In This Hour:

We've Forgotten How To Listen To PlantsWe Share This World With Plants. What Do We Owe Them?Guided by Plant VoicesThe Botanical Medicine Cabinet


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