
Tailoring for transformation

Two young Bangladeshi women experienced great joy and release from the OM tailoring courses, bringing dignity, honour and financial gain to their communities and families.


Transforming lives through literacy

Two adults were significantly impacted by learning to read and write in recent adult literacy classes run by OM in Bangladesh.


Collaborative pilot funding available for translational science projects

Researchers at Penn State and from seven other institutions making the Consortium of Rural States (CORES) Research Collaborative are invited to apply for multi-institutional pilot awards for translational science research projects.


Relationships transformed

God not only rescued Kamil and Klaudia's marriage but also transformed their relationships with Him.


A transformed heart

An Albanian man's heart is forever changed after suffering a heart attack and meeting Jesus in his recuperation.


Transgender Teachers Speak Out on What They Need From School Leaders

In a recent video message, transgender teachers urge school leaders to make schools more welcoming by examining their own biases and implementing inclusive policies.


What Should Teachers Need to Do to Transfer Their License to a New State?

Just 16 states require incoming teachers to provide evidence of successful prior job performance, a National Council on Teacher Quality analysis found.


Penn State, Westmoreland County Community College streamline transfer process

Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses and Westmoreland County Community College, building upon a long-standing relationship, have entered into a new articulation agreement designed to enhance educational opportunities and improve the rate at which students obtain undergraduate degrees in Pennsylvania.


Transformational technology

OM workers in Central Asia use technology to develop new discipleship and worship tools for local believers.


Transformational thinking

One OM couple uses Transformation Prayer Ministry to help followers of Jesus in Central Asia find freedom from lies they have believed.


Transform 2016: Bringing love from the Sunshine State

During a Transform outreach in Germany, a short-term team enjoys God’s provision of good weather as they facilitated outdoor children’s programmes for refugees.


Time for transition

Long-term workers transition from the Near East Field to Germany to serve Syrians and equip churches to reach out to refugees.


CERN's BASE-STEP Successfully Transports Protons, Paving Way for Antimatter Transport

CERN scientists have successfully tested a new method for transporting particles like protons, using the BASE-STEP system. This breakthrough opens the door to transporting antimatter safely across long distances, facilitating more precise experiments at laboratories such as Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. The system, which uses vacuum chambers and superconducting magnets, promises to revolutionize antimatter research in the coming years.


Department of State Announces Ownership Transfer of the Kirk and Short Building to the Biggs Museum of American Art

DOVER, DE— Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock announced today that the Department of State has transferred ownership of the Kirk and Short Building located at 15 and 21 The Green, Dover, Delaware to the Biggs Museum of the American Art. “We are excited about this move because it’s a much better use of the property […]

  • Department of State
  • Historical and Cultural Affairs
  • News


TranspARTation Grant Opportunity for Schools Returns for 2022-2023 School Year

The Delaware Division of the Arts has announced the return of the popular transpARTation grant opportunity for Delaware schools. Schools may request up to $500 toward travel expenses, to include buses, fuel, parking, and tolls associated with these trips. “Access to the arts is pivotal to our students’ creative learning experiences and academic development as […]


Governor Carney, Lt. Governor Hall-Long Announce Partnership with Food Bank of Delaware to Aid in SNAP Transition

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor Carney and Lt. Governor Hall-Long on Wednesday announced a partnership with the Food Bank of Delaware to fill community food pantries statewide and hold food drives in each county for three months to help ease the transition from the ending of the federal Emergency benefits for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) households. The […]

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • Governor John Carney
  • Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long
  • News
  • Office of the Governor
  • Office of the Lieutenant Governor
  • Bethany Hall-Long
  • Delaware
  • food bank
  • Food benefits
  • SNAP


How to transform data and AI teams for greater productivity

Everyone has heard it: Your organization needs to be more productive. But how? Businesses are constantly challenged with adopting AI technology, managing rising costs and closing talent gaps. While AI can boost performance, the need for faster, more performant models is often stymied by inefficient handoffs between key roles within [...]

How to transform data and AI teams for greater productivity was published on SAS Voices by Lindsay Marshall


Productivity revolution: 4 strategic areas generative AI can transform organizations

Remember the first time you held a smartphone in your hand? It wasn’t just a fancy phone – it was the beginning of a revolution. Before smartphones, we used separate calls, cameras, emails, and navigation devices. But almost overnight, this gadget transformed everything: how we communicate, consume media, work and [...]

Productivity revolution: 4 strategic areas generative AI can transform organizations was published on SAS Voices by Marinela Profi


SAS Decision Builder in Microsoft Fabric: Helping you translate insights into action

SAS Decision Builder is a decision intelligence solution, which means that it uses machine learning and automation to augment human decision-making for better and faster insights that drive tactical and strategic business decisions. It’s a cousin to business intelligence and the next step after data engineering and model training, completing the analytics lifecycle to help achieve business goals.

SAS Decision Builder in Microsoft Fabric: Helping you translate insights into action was published on SAS Users.


Six takeaways from working on Madrid’s digital transformation efforts

During lockdowns across Europe and beyond, we all moved our lives online. We worked remotely and had meetings via Teams or Zoom. We also socialised and shopped online. For many people, this was familiar territory. For others, it opened up a whole new world—and highlighted significant problems with the ‘old [...]

The post Six takeaways from working on Madrid’s digital transformation efforts appeared first on Government Data Connection.


Smart City Heidelberg: SAS Hackathon complements city's digital transformation journey

The city of Heidelberg, Germany is known for its romantic cityscape, which attracts tourists from all over the world. It also has the youngest population in Germany, thanks largely to the many students at one of Europe's oldest and largest universities. Perhaps less well known is that Heidelberg is twinned [...]

The post Smart City Heidelberg: SAS Hackathon complements city's digital transformation journey appeared first on Government Data Connection.


what is "cell with Zero maximum clock transition time" ?

anyone know what is "cell with Zero maximum clock transition time"  ?

not zero transition, not maximum transtion, it is zero maximum clock transition time.

it means X0 cell? (drive-strength)

can you explain? 

thanks :-)


Want to use Transmission Gate in my design?

I want to use a transmission gate in my design, but it is not available as a standard cell for Genus RTL synthesis. How can I perform an analysis of area, power, and critical path delay that includes the transmission gate alongside standard cells?

Could you provide guidance or a methodology for integrating custom cells, like the transmission gate, into the synthesis flow for accurate analysis?


How to access the Transmission Line Calculator in Allegro X APD

Have you ever thought of a handy utility to specify all necessary transmission line parameters to decide upon the stackup?   

Starting SPB 23.1, a handy feature Transmission Line Calculator, is built into Allegro X Advanced Package Designer (Allegro X APD). This feature will require either an SiP Layout license or can be accessed through SiP Layout Bundle. 

From the Analyze dropdown menu in the 23.1 Allegro X APD toolbar, you can choose Transmission Line Calculator. 


You can use this calculator to help decide constraints and stackup for laminate-based PCB or Packages. You can calculate the correct stackup material and width/spacing to meet any requirements that may be later entered in a constraint. This is truly a calculated number and not a true field solver. 

The different types of calculations that the Transmission Line Calculator can provide are Microstrip, Embedded microstrip, Stripline, CPW (Coplanar), FGCPW (frequency-dependent Coplanar),Asymmetric stripline, Coupled microstrip (Differential Pair), Coupled stripline (Differential Pair), and Dual striplines. 

This feature is important for customers relying on fabricators/spreadsheets to provide this information or need to test a quick spacing/width as per the impedance value. 

Let us know your comments on this new feature in 23.1 Allegro X APD. 



How to transfer etch/conductor delays from Allegro Package Designer (APD) to pin delays in Allegro PCB Editor

The packaging group has finished their design in Allegro Package Designer (APD) and I want to use the etch/conductor delay information from the mcm file in the board design in Allegro PCB Designer. Is there a method to do this?

This can be done by exporting the etch/conductor data from APD and importing it as PIN_DELAY information into Allegro PCB Editor.

If you are generating a length report for use in Allegro Pin Delay, you should consider changing the APD units to Mils and uncheck the Time Delay Report.

In Allegro Package Designer:

  1. Select File > Export > Board Level Component.
  2. Select HDL for the Output format and select OK.

       3. Choose a padstack for use when generating the component and select OK.

This will create a file, package_pin_delay.rpt, in the component subdirectory of the current working directory. This file will contain the etch/conductor delay information that can be imported into Allegro.

In Allegro PCB Editor:

  1. Make sure that the device you want to import delays to is placed in your board design and is visible.
  2. Select File > Import > Pin delay.
  3. Browse to the component directory and select package_pin_delay.rpt. The browser defaults to look for *.csv files so you will need to change the Files of type to *.* to select the file.
  4. You may be prompted with an error message stating that the component cannot be found and you should select one. If so, select the appropriate component.
  5. Select Import.
  6. Once the import is completed, select Close.

Note: It is important that all non-trace shapes have a VOLTAGE property so they will not be processed by the the 2D field solver. You should run Reports > Net Delay Report in APD prior to generating the board-level component. This will display the net name of each net as it is processed. If you miss a VOLTAGE property on a net, the net name will show in the report processing window, and you will know which net needs the property.


How to transfer custom title block from Orcad Capture to PCB Editor


So I was trying to update the title block of a schematic that I have. The title block that was on there was out of date . I clicked on place --> title block and was able to find the title block that I need. I also have a .OLB file that contains that title block. Then I created a Netlist with the old BRD file as the input file (To keep it as is but modify changes) but when I do that I still do not see / cannot place the title block that I need. Under Place --> format symbols in Allegro , I do see a title block that is coming from the database (But it's the old one). I don't know what to do at this point and would appreciate any tips. I did make sure that the path to where the library is , is defined in the user preferences. 
I also tried copying the title block under the library folder in capture before creating my Netlist and that did not work either.

Thank you all.


Netlisting error when doing parametric sweep on transient simulation

Dear all,

I defined two design variables in ADE Assembler, say V1 and V2, that define the voltage 1 and voltage 2 of a "vpulse" voltage source in my schematic.

Then, I define V1 = 1.0, and V2 = 2.0, run a transient simulation, and everything is as expexcted. The source provides pulses between 1.0 V and 2.0 V.

Next, I set V1 = 1.0:0.5:1.5, thereby creating a parametric sweep with 1.0 V and 1.5 V for V1. I keep V2 at 2.0 V. Then the simulation fails, and all I get is "netl err" in my Output Expressions and an error message that the results directory does not exist and nothing can be plotted: This is reasonable, as the results directory is deleted on starting a new simulation, and as there is no simulation result, none of my output expressions can be plotted.

WARNING (OCN-6040): The specified directory does not exist, or the directory does not contain valid PSF results.
        Ensure that the path to the directory is correct and the directory has a logFile and PSF result files.
WARNING (ADE-1065): No simulation results are available.
ERROR (WIA-1175): Cannot plot waveform signals because no waveform data is available for plotting.
One of the possible reasons can be that 'Save' check box for these signals are not selected in the Outputs Setup pane. Ensure that these check boxes are selected before you run the simulation.

Normally, this kind of para,metric sweep is not a problem, I have done this many times before. There must be something special in THIS PARTICULAR test bench or simulator setup. The trouble is, I don't get any useful error messages.

Does anyone know what might be the problem here OR where to find useful information to investigate further (log files stored somewhere)? Thank you!



P.S. Using Corners instead does not help either. Running it through all values by hand works, though.


Transient Simulation waveform abnormal

Hello Everybody

Recently, I want to design a high output Power Amplifier at 2.4GHz using TSMC 1P6M CMOS Bulk Process. I use its nmos_rf_25_6t transistor model to determine the approximate mosfet size

I use the most common Common-Source Differential Amplifier topology with neutralizing capacitor to improve its stability and power gain performance

Because I want to output large power, the size of mosfet is very large, the gate width is about 2mm, when I perform harmonic balance analysis, everything is alright, the OP1dB is about 28dBm (0.63Watt)

But When I perform Transient simulation, the magnitude of voltage and current waveform at the saturation point is too small, for voltgae, Vpeaking is about 50mV, for current, Ipeaking is about 5mA

I assume some reasons: the bsim4 model is not complete/ the virtuoso version is wrong (My virtuoso version is IC6.1.7-64b.500.21)/the spectre version is wrong (spectre version is 15.1.0 32bit)/the MMSIM version is wrong/Transient Simulation setting is wrong (the algorithm is select gear2only, but when I select other, like: trap, the results have no difference), the maxstep I set 5ps, minstep I set 2ps to improve simulation speed, I think this step is much smaller than the fundamental period (1/2.4e9≈416ps)

I have no idea how to solve this problem, please help me! Thank you very very much!


Characterization of Full adder that use transmission gates using liberate

I'm trying to characterize a full adder that use transmission gate.
Unfortunately, the power calculation are wrong for the cell are always negative.
Is there any method or commands that can can help in power calculation or add the power consumption by the input pins to the power calculation ?
Another question, Is liberate support the characterization or transmission gate cells as standard cells or I should use liberate AMS for these type of cells ?
Thanks in advance,


How to transfer trained an artificial neural network to Verilog-A

Hi all, I've trained a device model with the approach of an artificial neural network, and it shows well fit. 

May I know how to transfer the trained model to Verilog-A, so that, we can use this model to do circuit simulation?

And I've searched for some lectures that provide the Verilog-A code in the appendix, but I'm freshman in the field of Verilog-A, 

could anyone tell me each statement? such as

real hlayer-w[0:(NI*NNHL)-1   


Load Pull transistor simulation

Hello everyone,

I am trying to perform a load pull simulation of a transistor to verify some gain calculations I made using its S-parameters. Specifically, I have calculated the optimal conjugate impedances for the input and output to later calculate the power dissipated and transmitted in each stage of the transistor. Then, I only varied the output impedance and recalculated these powers, noticing that the power delivered to the load is lower.

Now, what I want to do is simulate this behavior using the Load Pull simulation. I have taken the model shown in the image, but I believe it is a linear model. My question is: if the chosen model is linear, is the load pull simulation accurate? In the calculations I made, nonlinearities are not considered. I don’t want to take nonlinearities into account.

In short, do you have any ideas on how to verify the calculations made with the transistor’s S-parameters through a load pull simulation?

Can you recommend any transistor model that is nonlinear and also has an S-parameter file?

Thank you very much in advance.


Figures missing in the RF Design Blogs article of "Measuring Fmax for MOS Transistors"

Hi I noticed that some figures from the old posts in the cadence blogs have been missing.

I think this problem happened before and Andrew Beckett asked the original author to fix the issue:

 Figures missing in the RF Design Blogs article of "Measuring Fmax for MOS Transistors" 

Some of these posts are quite valuable, and would be nice to have access to the figures, which are a very important part of some posts,




Transient Simulation waveform abnormal

Hello Everybody

Recently, I want to design a high output Power Amplifier at 2.4GHz using TSMC 1P6M CMOS Bulk Process. I use its nmos_rf_25_6t transistor model to determine the approximate mosfet size

I use the most common Common-Source Differential Amplifier topology with neutralizing capacitor to improve its stability and power gain performance

Because I want to output large power, the size of mosfet is very large, the gate width is about 2mm, when I perform harmonic balance analysis, everything is alright, the OP1dB is about 28dBm (0.63Watt)

But When I perform Transient simulation, the magnitude of voltage and current waveform at the saturation point is too small, for voltgae, Vpeaking is about 50mV, for current, Ipeaking is about 5mA

I assume some reasons: the bsim4 model is not complete/ the virtuoso version is wrong (My virtuoso version is IC6.1.7-64b.500.21)/the spectre version is wrong (spectre version is 15.1.0 32bit)/the MMSIM version is wrong/Transient Simulation setting is wrong (the algorithm is select gear2only, but when I select other, like: trap, the results have no difference), the maxstep I set 5ps, minstep I set 2ps to improve simulation speed, I think this step is much smaller than the fundamental period (1/2.4e9≈416ps)

I have no idea how to solve this problem, please help me! Thank you very very much!


Japan Cloud Leaders Build NVIDIA AI Infrastructure to Transform Industries for the Age of AI

NVIDIA today announced that Japan cloud leaders SoftBank Corp., GMO Internet Group, Highreso, KDDI, Rutilea and SAKURA internet are building AI infrastructure with NVIDIA accelerated computing, networking and software to accelerate transformation across the nation’s robotics, automotive, healthcare and telecom industries.


East-West Center Hosts Inaugural Indo-Pacific Transboundary Rivers Conference Featuring Assistant Secretary Stilwell

East-West Center Hosts Inaugural Indo-Pacific Transboundary Rivers Conference Featuring Assistant Secretary Stilwell East-West Center Hosts Inaugural Indo-Pacific Transboundary Rivers Conference Featuring Assistant Secretary Stilwell

News Release


News Release



East-West Center Hosts Launch Event Featuring US and Mekong Region Government Officials for New Report on Transboundary River Governance

East-West Center Hosts Launch Event Featuring US and Mekong Region Government Officials for New Report on Transboundary River Governance East-West Center Hosts Launch Event Featuring US and Mekong Region Government Officials for New Report on Transboundary River Governance

News Release


News Release



Sanctification: The Believer’s Transformation, Part 1 (Colossians 3:9-17)

Check here each week to keep up with the latest from John MacArthur's pulpit at Grace Community Church.


Sanctification: The Believer’s Transformation, Part 2 (Colossians 3:9-17)

Check here each week to keep up with the latest from John MacArthur's pulpit at Grace Community Church.


The Transforming Effect of Loving Christ (John 21)

Check here each week to keep up with the latest from John MacArthur's pulpit at Grace Community Church.


Totally Transformed (Ephesians 4:17-24)

Check here each week to keep up with the latest from John MacArthur's pulpit at Grace Community Church.


How Should the US React to China’s Political and Economic Transformation?

How Should the US React to China’s Political and Economic Transformation? How Should the US React to China’s Political and Economic Transformation?
Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 10/24/2018 - 14:11

East-West Wire

News, Commentary, and Analysis
East-West Wire

The East-West Wire is a news, commentary, and analysis service provided by the East-West Center in Honolulu. Any part or all of the Wire content may be used by media with attribution to the East-West Center or the person quoted. To receive East-West Center Wire media releases via email, subscribe here.

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East-West Wire

News, Commentary, and Analysis
East-West Wire

The East-West Wire is a news, commentary, and analysis service provided by the East-West Center in Honolulu. Any part or all of the Wire content may be used by media with attribution to the East-West Center or the person quoted. To receive East-West Center Wire media releases via email, subscribe here.

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Have you seen him? Hawks hunt for man accused of stealing fuel from Transnet pipeline


Haiti replaces PM, marking more turmoil in its democratic transition process

Port-au-Prince, Haiti — A transitional council created to reestablish democratic order in Haiti signed a degree Sunday firing the country's interim Prime Minister Garry Conille and replacing him with Alix Didier Fils-Aime, a businessman who was previously considered for the job. The decree, set to be published on Monday, was provided to The Associated Press by a government source. It marks even more turmoil in an already rocky democratic transition process for Haiti, which hasn't held democratic elections in years in large part due to the soaring levels of gang violence plaguing the Caribbean nation. Fils-Aime, is the former president of Haiti's Chamber of Commerce and Industry and in 2015 ran an unsuccessful campaign for Senate. The businessman studied at Boston University and was previously considered for the position as a private sector candidate for the post before Conille took the seat. Conille, a longtime civil servant who has worked with the United Nations, served as prime minister for only six months. The transitional council was established in April, tasked with choosing Haiti's next prime minister and Cabinet with the hope that it would help quell turmoil Haiti. But the council has been plagued with politics and infighting and has long been at odds with Conille. Organizations like the Organization of American States tried and failed last week to mediate disagreements in an attempt to save the fragile transition, according to reporting from The Miami Herald. The process suffered another blow in October when three members on the council faced corruption accusations, from anti-corruption investigators alleging that they demanded $750,000 in bribes from a government bank director to secure his job. The report was a significant blow to the nine-member council and is expected to further erode people's trust in it. Those same members accused of bribery, Smith Augustin, Emmanuel Vertilaire and Louis Gerald Gilles, were among those to sign the decree. Only one member, Edgard Leblanc Fils, did not sign the order.


Unkept promise: Fossil fuel financing persists despite global pledge for energy transition

The promised global shift from fossil fuels remains unmet as fossil fuel continues to expand in Southeast Asia with the backing of international financiers, environmental groups said.


Transitioning to the Cross


Overcoming ISIS: Transcending Sectarian Rivalries

The Western strategy of fighting warfare with warfare has only perpetuated sectarian divides, creating the very environment that fostered ISIS.


Myanmar: Transition Within Transition

The elections are over and the transition towards a democratic government in Myanmar is currently underway. However, the sailing isn't smooth.


The Trump Transport: How Hispanics Will Be Delivered to Their Final Destinations

Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million undocumented immigrants


US says it will not limit arms transfers to Israel after some aid improvements to Gaza

US says it will not limit arms transfers to Israel after some aid improvements to Gaza