
OSCE PA human rights committee Chair Ignacio Sanchez Amor issues statement on developments in Turkey

COPENHAGEN, 18 July 2016 – In response to the attempted coup in Turkey and subsequent developments in the country, Ignacio Sanchez Amor (MP, Spain), Chairperson of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions, today issued the following statement:

“I regret the violent events that took place in Turkey on the night of 15 July, especially the loss of human lives, and reiterate OSCE PA President Christine Muttonen’s condemnation of the attempt to overthrow Turkey’s elected leaders. I was relieved by the restoration of constitutional order and the rapid resumption of parliamentary activity, as well as the agreement of the major parties on the constitutional legitimacy of institutions.

“However, I am concerned by some subsequent developments, including mass arrests of judges and other members of the judiciary. Legitimate legal responses to the coup must not lead to reprisals or hasty purges, and a responsible approach must be taken to safeguard democratic institutions. Indeed, it is particularly at times of crisis that democratic approaches and institutions must be upheld.

“I call for the calm and prudent use of state powers, and for Turkish authorities to ensure that the constitutional order is consolidated through respecting human rights and the independence of democratic institutions.”

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OSCE Mission to Moldova trains lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River on addressing discrimination

The OSCE Mission to Moldova organized a summer school on 15-17 July 2016 for 25 lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River aimed at enhancing their ability to represent individuals who have been subject to discrimination. The summer school was held at Vadul-lui-Vodă, a town by the river.

Participants in the summer school studied various types and instances of discrimination, as well as the existing legal criteria for combating discriminatory actions and practices. In particular, the discussions focused on stereotypes and prejudices that can lead to the unequal treatment of people and looked at the latest trends in international case law addressing discrimination. Participants also had the opportunity to test their understanding of discrimination by taking part in mock scenarios involving gender, linguistic and ethnic bias and hate speech. 

“The problem of discrimination is very relevant in our current environment,” said Nicolae Radita of the Roma National Centre. “The summer school training has provided me with the tools to prevent and combat discrimination more effectively in my day-to-day work.”

Yan Feldman, Chairperson of Moldova’s Equality Council also participated in the summer school and updated participants on recent issues arising out of the Council’s work.

This event is part of a year-long OSCE project that aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences among lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River.

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OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina facilitates visit to National Museum for children from Zepce and Maglaj

SARAJEVO, 9 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in co-operation with the Fojnicani-Maglaj Association, facilitated today a visit to the National Museum of BiH in Sarajevo for 50 students and teachers of Zepce’s Fra Grga Martic and Maglaj primary schools and their branch schools in Bradici and Tujnica.

The aim of the excursion, a rare opportunity for the children to visit the capital, was to promote cultural values and help build a more tolerant and cohesive society in the Maglaj and Zepce municipalities.

During their visit, the students and school principals had the opportunity to meet with Jonathan Moore, Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. “We should invest more effort in creating opportunities for children to spend time with each other and learn from each other,” said Moore.

“The children visited the Museum, which is always very inspirational for our pupils. They get creative and express their impressions in the classroom through essays and art projects,” said Ivo Bilonic, Principal of Fra Grga Martic primary school from Zepce.

Osman Mujdza, Principal of Maglaj primary school, said: “Our school has had a very successful co-operation with the OSCE Mission to BiH so far. This activity enables the children not only to familiarize themselves with the cultural and historic heritage of BiH but also to forge closer ties among each other.”  

Strengthening multi-ethnic co-operation and tolerance in local communities is an important part of this visit. “We want to contribute to developing a culture of peace and creating better conditions for those living in rural areas,” said Davor Supukovic, member of the Steering Board of the Fojnicani-Maglaj Association.

The visit was organized as part of the OSCE Mission’s efforts to create closer links between schools and local communities through education about the diversity of the peoples, religions and traditions of BiH as a source of respect and pride.

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  • OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Education
  • Tolerance and non-discrimination
  • South-Eastern Europe
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OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities holds fifth regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education in Central Asia

A week-long regional summer school on multilingual and multicultural education was held from 10 July to 16 July 2016 in Cholponata in Kyrgyzstan - the fifth regional summer school organized as part of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’ (HCNM) Central Asia Education Programme.

Organized by the HCNM in co-operation with Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Education and Science, UNICEF and the Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights in Kyrgyzstan, the summer school brought together 86 participants representing education institutions of the Central Asian States and of the wider region, including teacher trainers, methodological experts, university and pilot school managers and teachers, as well as international experts.

The summer school was aimed at providing practical expert support to further develop the capacity of education authorities and practitioners within multilingual and multicultural education.

Opening the summer school, Deputy Minister of Education of Kyrgyzstan Toktobubu Ashymbaeva highlighted the important role of the teacher in multilingual education programmes.

During the week, participants discussed pre-service and in-service teacher training, as well as facilitating the implementation of multilingual education programmes. Participants also developed training materials aimed at monitoring and evaluating multilingual and multicultural education programmes. As a result, eleven thematic materials were developed with the aim to further adapt them for practical use within the education institutions of the region.

Flera Saifulina, Head of the National Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation, found that the diverse forms of activities enabled participants to express their opinions, raise concerns and receive comprehensive answers from fellow experts. She also expressed satisfaction to see how education is used for the integration of societies in the Central Asian countries.

Tatiana Aderikhina, Co-ordinator of Education and Child Protection Issues at UNICEF Kazakhstan, said: “I am glad that the cooperation between HCNM and UNICEF Kyrgyzstan continues as it brings synergies and benefits the target country.”

Zaiyrbek Ergeshev, representative of the Department of the Ethnic and Religious Issues of the Presidential Administration of Kyrgyzstan, concluded that multilingual and multicultural education is an important factor for forming a civic identity.

Since 2012, the High Commissioner has been implementing the Central Asia Education Programme, aimed at promoting multilingual and multicultural education and developing bilateral and multilateral co‑operation in the region to improve the education of national minorities and promote the integration of society.

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Visit to Jajce of international community representatives led by OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

JAJCE, 19 July 2016 – The recent decision of the Central Bosnian Canton Assembly to divide the secondary school in Jajce, despite court decisions and students’ protests, was the main focus of discussions held today by representatives of the international community in BiH, including the Office of the High Representative, the French Embassy and the USAID Mission Director, who joined the Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, Ambassador Jonathan Moore, in meetings with Jajce municipal authorities and civil society. 

Ambassador Moore condemned the decision by the Cantonal Assembly to divide the students against their will. “The children of Bosnia and Herzegovina deserve the best conditions for inclusive, quality education.  The creation of yet another case of ‘two schools under one roof’ is a move in exactly the wrong direction, and is not the way to solve other questions such as questions of curriculum or educational certificates.  Practice has shown that administrative unification of divided schools improves conditions for learning and saves scarce resources.  The Canton cannot afford the schools it has now.  We should respect both principles of inclusion and the will of the students.  Local authorities in Jajce should withdraw their request, and cantonal authorities should not implement this mistaken decision,” said Ambassador Moore.

“The recent demonstrations we have seen show that children in Jajce do not want to be divided.  In this, they have our admiration and support. OHR joins the call for authorities of the Central Bosnia Canton to rethink the decision to form a new school in Jajce, and instead refocus their efforts to find solutions to problems in the education sector without endangering the multi-ethnic character of Jajce and the Central Bosnia Canton, “ said Michael Doyle, attending the visit on behalf of the High Representative Valentin Inzko.

“The unity and strength of France are mirrored in the existence of unified schools for all children. As friends of this country, we the French people want to see the same values and principles to be implemented in BiH. I would like to congratulate the Jajce students for their fight and collective spirit”, said Donato Guiliani, cultural counsellor of the French Embassy and director of the French Institute in BiH.

This is the third OSCE-organized visit of international community members to schools and communities in BiH.

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OSCE Mission to Skopje supports face recognition on-site training for border police officers

Thu, 2016-07-07 (All day) - Wed, 2016-11-30 (All day)
Country wide
OSCE Mission to Skopje, French Embassy
OSCE Mission to Skopje
South-Eastern Europe
Border management

The OSCE Mission to Skopje in close cooperation with the French Embassy is organizing on-site training courses on face recognition for border police officers countrywide. These half-day trainings, to be conducted by a French trainer, will help the border police officers detect impostors and prevent illegal use of documents in order to detect returning freedom-fighters and tackle the phenomenon of cross-border criminality more effectively, especially trans-national organized crime activity, human trafficking and human smuggling.
The first training will be conducted at Deve Bair crossing point, and will also take place at Kjafasan, St. Naum, Medzhitlija, Bogorodica, Dojran, Delchevo and other border crossing points.

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Head of OSCE Mission to Skopje calls for harmony and co-existence on the occasion of International Roma Day

SKOPJE, 7 April 2016 - Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje Nina Suomalainen today congratulated the Roma community in the country ahead of the International Roma Day on 8 April, and expressed her wish for harmony and co-existence amongst all communities.

“International Roma Day is not just about celebrating Roma culture, it is a day when societies should look into the everyday challenges Roma people face in all areas of life.” said Suomalainen.

“The Mission commends the efforts of national institutions, as well as other initiatives aiming at investing in the Roma community so that Roma women are guaranteed equal rights, Roma youth are equipped with employable skills and all Roma children complete mainstream education.

“Let me highlight that cohesion amongst communities and particularly the inclusion of Roma is not a task for the government only but a task for all citizens. I encourage the state authorities to work together in order to achieve the goals set in the adopted National Strategy for Roma,” she concluded.

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  • OSCE Mission to Skopje
  • Roma and Sinti issues
  • South-Eastern Europe
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OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina joins world in marking International Roma Day

SARAJEVO, 8 April 2016 – On occasion of International Roma Day, the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina organized several events in Tuzla, Prnjavor and Zivinice to raise public awareness on serious economic, social and political challenges the Roma community continues to face in BiH.

Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH Ambassador Jonathan Moore underlined the importance of protecting, promoting and advancing the rights of Roma and other national minorities in BiH. “For more than a decade we have been assisting the authorities to address the marginalization and discrimination of Roma and to ensure equality of opportunity for Roma in access and treatment in areas of education, housing, health care, and public participation. We are grateful to many persons in BiH for their positive contributions.”

At the diploma ceremony to most accomplished Roma students from Tuzla Canton held today in Zivince, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Canton Tuzla Zlatan Muratovic applauded all efforts leading toward including Roma people in the education system and gender equality. “Our priority is to include all Roma people in the education system of the Tuzla Canton and to continue promoting Roma enrolment in elementary and secondary schools and universities. We want the Roma people to be socially active and economically independent.”

President of the Association “Euro Rom” Nedzad Jusic expressed his gratitude for being a part of such an important celebration for Roma people. “I hope we will be able to further improve the position of Roma people in Tuzla Canton, working together to implement joint policies and activities.”

At a roundtable held in Prnjavor participants discussed the good practices and challenges in the implementation of Roma Action Plan. “Today, we would also like to express our appreciation to dr. Siniša Gatarić mayor of the Municipality Prnjavor for supporting development of Local Roma Action Plan adopted in October last year,” said President of Roma NGO Romani Cej Snjezana Mirkovic.

The OSCE Mission to BiH continues to support the implementation of the Roma Action Plan for Housing, including by monitoring the selection of beneficiaries and mediating between local authorities and the Roma community when the need arises. Since 2008 more than 750 housing units for Roma have been built in BiH.

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  • Roma and Sinti issues
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Corruption issues in private sector discussed with support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan

Corruption risks, challenges in accountability and transparency as well as the legislative and regulatory frameworks in public procurement, customs and taxation, free competition and monopolies, were the focus of a workshop supported by the OSCE Office in Yerevan held on 28 and 29 May 2016 in Aghveran, in Armenia’s Kotayk region.

The event was attended by more than 60 people including officials from the Government Anti-corruption Programmes Monitoring Unit, the Ministry of Justice, the State Revenue Committee, the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, and the Internal Public Financial Oversight and Public Procurement Methodology at the Ministry of Finance. Representatives from business unions and associations, other non-governmental organizations, economists and journalists also participated.

“The Government of Armenia has underlined the importance of addressing corruption risks,” said Suren Krmoyan, Armenian Deputy Minister of Justice. “The private sector can play a crucial role in that and we are eager to make changes and take the initiative to address concrete issues.”

Naira Gyulnazaryan of the OSCE Office, said: “We hope that this event will promote close co-operation between the Government, business organizations and civil society towards fighting corruption in the business sector.”

The event was organized in partnership with the Armenia's Ministry of Justice, the European Union, the Armenian Lawyers' Association, the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Armenia and Freedom of Information Centre. It is part of the OSCE Office’s efforts to strengthen the engagement of civil society, business companies and associations in addressing corruption risks and to establish a solid platform among the government, civil society and private sector to contribute to state reform.

Challenges in customs regulatory frameworks were discussed at an event on May 25 in Gyumri and another discussion on state revenue issues in the regions will be held in Vanadzor. 

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OSCE Mission to Montenegro and Montenegrin parliament hosted meeting of Secretaries General of Western Balkans parliaments

Secretaries General and Deputy Secretaries General of Western Balkans parliaments, heads of human resources and information and communications technology departments, legal advisors and representatives of OSCE Missions in the region took part in a meeting on strategic and annual planning in parliaments in Podgorica, Montenegro on 1 and 2 June 2016.

The aim of the event, hosted by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the Montenegrin Parliament, was to discuss current developments and exchange best practices and lessons learned in regard to planning in parliaments.  

Dan Redford, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, stressed the importance of developing the institutional capacity of parliaments to make them strong and self-reliant.

Suljo Mustafic, Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, thanked the OSCE Mission to Montenegro for its support and co-operation in publishing the Parliamentary Lexicon - a collection of terms used in parliamentary life - which was presented at the meeting. Mustafic underlined the importance of transparency in the decision-making process and the benefits of planned development of parliamentary institutions regardless of the constant changes that parliaments underlie. 

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Institutional dialogue between central and Gagauz authorities in focus of OSCE Mission to Moldova-supported roundtable discussion

As part of a one-year project to support the engagement of national minority youth and civil society in public discussions and public service, a roundtable discussion was held at the OSCE Mission to Moldova on 24 June 2016.

The event brought together 23 representatives of the Moldovan Parliament, the authorities of Gagauz-Yeri, civil society and the international community to discuss institutional dialogue between central and Gagauz authorities.

Independent researchers from the Comrat-based NGO Piligrim-Demo presented a recent report detailing the joint commissions formed over the years to initiate dialogue on the implementation of Gagauzia’s status as an Autonomous Territorial Unit. They outlined their recommendations for improving the functioning of the current working group established between the Parliament of Moldova and the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia. 

“Such discussions on the process of dialogue between civil society, the expert community and members of the Parliament and People's Assembly are important as they provide critical input to the process and build common understanding of issues,” said Jale Sultanli, Country Manager Moldova of the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI). Participants from Comrat and Chisinau welcomed the opportunity to study past and present practices to strengthen co-operation between the central and regional authorities in Moldova.

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OSCE Mission to Serbia commends contribution of civil society organizations to democratic processes

BELGRADE, 4 March 2016 – The Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Ambassador Peter Burkhard and the Deputy Head of Mission, Michael Uyehara visited the House of Human Rights (HHR) in Belgrade today, and met representatives of the Civic Initiatives and the Policy Centre, two of the five civil society organizations based at the House.

The meeting completes a round of consultations with civil society actors, which also included the other tenants of the HHR: the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, and the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights.

“Civil society organizations play an important role in any modern society and significantly contribute to the quality of democratic processes in Serbia,” said Ambassador Burkhard. The Mission’s leadership noted that the engagement of civil society organizations will also benefit the monitoring of upcoming elections and the electoral campaign.

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EU Delegation, OSCE Mission, closely following situation in Serbia’s public service broadcasters

BELGRADE, 22 May 2016 – The European Union Delegation to Serbia and The OSCE Mission to Serbia have taken note of the wide-ranging personnel changes at Radio Television Vojvodina (RTV) undertaken by the newly appointed managing board.

We should like to take this opportunity to recall the weighty responsibility of RTV as a public broadcaster to ensure that it meets the highest standards in safeguarding the public interest, guaranteeing the quality and diversity of its programme content and ensuring the impartiality of its editorial policy, following the principle of independence enshrined in the 2014 Law on the Public Media Services.

RTV has an additional, important responsibility to discharge in meeting the legitimate expectations of national minorities with regard to access to broadcasting in minority languages.

Moreover, we recall the importance of creating an enabling environment in Serbia in which freedom of expression can be exercised without hindrance, strengthening the independence of the Regulatory Body for the Electronic Media in order better to support editorial independence, and ensuring adequate funding to public broadcasting as well as its editorial independence.

For more information & media inquiries please contact:

Aleksandar Djordjević , EU Delegation to Serbia, Media and Information Officer,

e-mail:, Phone: +381 11 30 83 200.

Ivana Milatović, OSCE National Political and Press Affairs Officer,

e-mail:, Phone +381 11 3606 151

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  • Media freedom and development
  • South-Eastern Europe
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OSCE Mission to Serbia and ODIHR launch joint Report on peer elections for High Judicial Council and State Prosecutors’ Council

Serbia’s legal framework for governing elections to the High Judicial Council and the State Prosecutors’ Council is fairly comprehensive although there are a few minor issues with implementing the laws and regulations, partly as a result of gaps in the law. This is the conclusion of a joint Report launched on 24 May 2016 by the OSCE Mission to Serbia and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

The OSCE Mission and ODIHR followed the elections of judges and prosecutors to the High Judicial Council and the State Prosecutors’ Council throughout Serbia in December 2015, in partnership with the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM), a local civil society organization. The election processes were conducted without any major irregularities observed.

The Report makes a number of recommendations, largely similar for both the judicial and prosecutorial councils, including amending and further developing the legal framework regarding the election process for the judicial and prosecutors’ councils, the candidates’ nomination process, and procedures for resolving disputes and providing effective remedies.

The findings and recommendations resulting from the election monitoring will help inform the public about the ongoing judicial reform process in Serbia. The relevant state institutions and justice stakeholders will also have an objective assessment to assist them in further strengthening the independence, accountability and efficiency of the Serbian judiciary.

The Report is available at:

The OSCE Mission to Serbia and ODIHR stand ready to continue supporting the legal reform efforts of the Serbian authorities in line with the recommendations of this report and OSCE commitments.

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  • Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
  • OSCE Mission to Serbia
  • Elections
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OSCE Mission to Serbia supports public consultations on implementation of UN SCR 1325 – Women, Peace and Security (2016-2020) National Action Plan

The final public consultations on the content of the new National Action Plan (NAP) for the implementation of the UN SCR 1325 – Women, Peace and Security (2016-2020) was held on 10 June 2016 in Belgrade at the premises of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

The OSCE Mission to Serbia, jointly with the Serbian Government's Office for Co-operation with Civil Society, and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, supported the Working Group in the drafting process of the NAP by organizing public consultations across Serbia.

The consultations were held in the towns of Nis, Vranje, Novi Pazar, Krusevac, Novi Sad and Belgrade. During the meetings, participants welcomed that the new NAP raises the profile of local activities and that it places an emphasis on improved co-ordinated action, both at the local and national levels.

The main objective of the new NAP is to improve the safety and security of women through the implementation of UN SCR 1325 in the areas of prevention, participation, relief and recovery, and to increase involvement of women at the local level.

Participants included some 250 high-ranking officials of the Serbian Government and representatives of civil society organizations, and the media.

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Institutional dialogue between central and Gagauz authorities in focus of OSCE Mission to Moldova-supported roundtable discussion

As part of a one-year project to support the engagement of national minority youth and civil society in public discussions and public service, a roundtable discussion was held at the OSCE Mission to Moldova on 24 June 2016.

The event brought together 23 representatives of the Moldovan Parliament, the authorities of Gagauz-Yeri, civil society and the international community to discuss institutional dialogue between central and Gagauz authorities.

Independent researchers from the Comrat-based NGO Piligrim-Demo presented a recent report detailing the joint commissions formed over the years to initiate dialogue on the implementation of Gagauzia’s status as an Autonomous Territorial Unit. They outlined their recommendations for improving the functioning of the current working group established between the Parliament of Moldova and the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia. 

“Such discussions on the process of dialogue between civil society, the expert community and members of the Parliament and People's Assembly are important as they provide critical input to the process and build common understanding of issues,” said Jale Sultanli, Country Manager Moldova of the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI). Participants from Comrat and Chisinau welcomed the opportunity to study past and present practices to strengthen co-operation between the central and regional authorities in Moldova.

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OSCE Mission to Moldova strengthens professional skills and civic engagement among young people from both banks

The OSCE Mission to Moldova held a training event on essential debate techniques for 37 high-school students and 7 teachers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River on 1 to 3 July 2016 in Vadul-lui-Vodă, a town by the river. The event, which gathered students from Balti, Bender, Cahul, Ceadir-Lunga, Comrat, Parcani, Tiraspol and Vulcanesti, aimed to enhance youth engagement in civic processes at the local and national levels.

“This event has equipped me with skills that will be vital for both my professional and private life,” said Daria Bogdanova, a student from Tiraspol. “Engaging in debates is an excellent way to help us convey our thoughts more convincingly, search for compromise and exercise objectivity.”

The training event introduced students to the Karl Popper debate format that teaches students how to conduct and participate in academic debates, demonstrate leadership, make public speeches, co-operate in teams and apply critical thinking. The aim of the event was to develop students’ analytical and debate skills in order to strengthen their professional opportunities and civic engagement.

The students attending the training will apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills in a series of two debate tournaments to be held in the autumn. The training sessions and tournaments are organized as part of a one-year project implemented jointly by the OSCE Mission to Moldova and the Comrat-based NGO Piligrim-Demo that aims to actively engage young people, including those representing national minorities, in civic process at the local and national levels by developing their debate skills.


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OSCE Mission to Moldova trains lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River on addressing discrimination

The OSCE Mission to Moldova organized a summer school on 15-17 July 2016 for 25 lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River aimed at enhancing their ability to represent individuals who have been subject to discrimination. The summer school was held at Vadul-lui-Vodă, a town by the river.

Participants in the summer school studied various types and instances of discrimination, as well as the existing legal criteria for combating discriminatory actions and practices. In particular, the discussions focused on stereotypes and prejudices that can lead to the unequal treatment of people and looked at the latest trends in international case law addressing discrimination. Participants also had the opportunity to test their understanding of discrimination by taking part in mock scenarios involving gender, linguistic and ethnic bias and hate speech. 

“The problem of discrimination is very relevant in our current environment,” said Nicolae Radita of the Roma National Centre. “The summer school training has provided me with the tools to prevent and combat discrimination more effectively in my day-to-day work.”

Yan Feldman, Chairperson of Moldova’s Equality Council also participated in the summer school and updated participants on recent issues arising out of the Council’s work.

This event is part of a year-long OSCE project that aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences among lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River.

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OSCE Mission to Skopje-supported fund continues building bridges between communities

SKOPJE, 18 February 2016 – The OSCE-supported Building Bridges Fund, launched in 2014, will continue for a third year, the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje Nina Suomalainen announced today.

The Fund offers grants to municipalities, students, teachers, parents and schools to organize activities that bring together members of different communities.

"Some 75 schools and more than 2,000 children were involved since 2014 in various activities aimed at bringing together students from different ethnic communities," said Suomalainen. "These activities are an excellent tool for young people to better understand the importance and the benefits of diversity in a multicultural society."

The Building Bridges Fund is a joint effort by the Education and Science Ministry, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the governments of Ireland and Switzerland and the OSCE Mission to Skopje.

“The Building Bridges project aims to make connections between children of different ethnic and religious backgrounds so that they can understand each other and learn from each other,” said Ambassador Wouter Plomp of the Netherlands. “This is in line with the ‘Making Connections’ motto of the European Union presidency, held by the Netherlands for the first six months of this year.” 

Education and Science Minister Abdilaqim Ademi said: “Multiculturalism is one of the main pillars of our society. To live in a country where many communities function, work and create together is an individual success for us all and the country as a whole.”

Well-known music artists Toni Zen, Venera Lumani and Rebeka are among the Fund’s Advisory Board Members.

More information on the “Building Bridges Fund” and on how to apply for grants is available at Building Bridges.

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OSCE Mission to Skopje co-organizes training course on how to spot falsified documents

A one-week advanced training course, organised by the OSCE Mission to Skopje in co-operation with the German Federal Police and the Police Training Centre in Idrizovo, has started today for ten Border police officers on how to detect forged travel documents and certificates.

The training course aims to increase the participants’ operational awareness on security features of regional passports and Schengen visas as well as to enhance their skills regarding the use of modern forensic equipment.

Upon completion of this training course, participants will be ready to deliver the training modules to their colleagues working in the field of documents security.

The training course is part of the Mission’s support to national institutions in the fight against trans-national threats and organized crime with a special focus on irregular migration and human trafficking.

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Head of OSCE Mission to Skopje calls for harmony and co-existence on the occasion of International Roma Day

SKOPJE, 7 April 2016 - Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje Nina Suomalainen today congratulated the Roma community in the country ahead of the International Roma Day on 8 April, and expressed her wish for harmony and co-existence amongst all communities.

“International Roma Day is not just about celebrating Roma culture, it is a day when societies should look into the everyday challenges Roma people face in all areas of life.” said Suomalainen.

“The Mission commends the efforts of national institutions, as well as other initiatives aiming at investing in the Roma community so that Roma women are guaranteed equal rights, Roma youth are equipped with employable skills and all Roma children complete mainstream education.

“Let me highlight that cohesion amongst communities and particularly the inclusion of Roma is not a task for the government only but a task for all citizens. I encourage the state authorities to work together in order to achieve the goals set in the adopted National Strategy for Roma,” she concluded.

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  • OSCE Mission to Skopje
  • Roma and Sinti issues
  • South-Eastern Europe
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Statement by Head of OSCE Mission to Skopje on President Ivanov’s decisions to pardon 56 individuals

SKOPJE, 14 April 2016 - Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje Nina Suomalainen has taken note of President Gjorge Ivanov’s 41 decisions published yesterday in the Official Gazette to pardon 56 individuals.

While the stated intention of the President was to contribute to the resolution of the ongoing crisis, the citizens nevertheless are entitled to see political and legal accountability being carried out. The judiciary and the Special Prosecutor’s Office must be allowed to continue to do their very important work in line with the principles of independence and impartiality. 

The investigation of the cases surrounding and arising from the content of the unauthorized interception of communications, and subsequent court cases should help rebuild the trust of citizens in the rule of law and in a well-functioning and impartial justice system.

At this crucial time, we encourage all stakeholders to act constructively and to ensure that principles of democratic governance and the rule of law prevail. Citizens are urged to refrain from violence while exercising their constitutional right to public protest. The best interest of the country and its citizens should be at the centre and focus of all efforts.

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  • Conflict prevention and resolution
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OSCE Mission to Skopje supports roundtable discussion on the role of women in creating safer communities

The role of women in creating safer communities was the topic of a roundtable discussion organized by the OSCE Mission to Skopje in co-operation with the Sector for Internal Affairs Kumanovo that took place in Lipkovo on 3 June 2016. Fourteen women from different ethnic backgrounds who engage with the community on a regular basis discussed how they can contribute to policing, safety and security in the communities.

The event is part of the Mission’s programme to support the Ministry of Internal Affairs in developing a professional police service in line with democratic policing principles and international human rights standards.

A second roundtable discussion will be held in Kumanovo on 15 June. 

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Head of OSCE Mission to Skopje Suomalainen attends Iftar (fast-breaking) dinner organized by women’s association

The Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje Nina Suomalainen attended an Iftar (fast-breaking) dinner on 20 June 2016 in Skopje, organized by the local NGO Woman Affirmation Association with the support of the Mission.

The event brought together women from different ethnic and religious backgrounds who sent a message of mutual respect, harmony, and understanding.

“Empowering women, providing equal opportunities for both women and men and integrating gender equality into policies and practices is one of our Mission’s main goals. By organizing this Iftar, you foster dialogue and respect among the different religious and ethnic communities and learn more about each other’s cultures and beliefs,” said Suomalainen in her address, wishing the Muslim community a blessed and joyful Ramadan.

The Woman Affirmation Association works on the affirmation, protection and development of the rights and position of women in society.

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OSCE Mission to Skopje organises workshop on hate crime for police managers

The OSCE Mission to Skopje organized a workshop on 23 June 2016 for 35 police managers from the Sector of Internal Affairs on identification, prevention and investigation of hate crimes.

The aim of the workshop was to strengthen the capacity of police officers to identify hate crimes and provide responses in line with democratic policing principles and international human rights standards. 

This workshop complemented other previous and ongoing activities of the Mission in this area which are implemented in co-operation with national authorities.

The event was the first in a series of eight workshops which will be held in each sector for internal affairs in the country.

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OSCE Mission to Skopje organizes workshop for national Police Union on countering gender-based discrimination

The OSCE Mission to Skopje on 28 June 2016 launched a two-day workshop for 22 members of the Police Union on countering gender-based discrimination with the aim of advancing the position of women in police services and increasing gender sensitivity among police officers.

The workshop focused on areas of gender-based discrimination in employment, education, health and family, explaining what gender inequality is and how it is addressed in international and domestic legislation and in practice.

Participants will learn how to identify harassment and sexual harassment as forms of discrimination, as well as workplace bullying. The legal protection, prevention and measures against such bullying will be illustrated through real cases.

This workshop is part of the Mission’s programme to support the democratization of the Police and is in line with the Mission’s efforts to encourage gender equality in all segments of society.

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OSCE Mission to Skopje organizes two-day workshop on multi-ethnic policing

The OSCE Mission to Skopje, in co-operation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, organized a two-day workshop in Ohrid on policing in a multi-ethnic society on 11 and 12 July 2016. Some forty police officers of different ethnicities working in Ohrid and Bitola police stations attended the event and exchanged information and experiences related to multi-ethnic policing.

The workshop also served as a platform for generating ideas on future measures to foster effective functioning of ethnically mixed police units and ensure the acceptance and equal treatment of police officers coming from smaller communities.

The workshop is one of the ways the Mission is supporting efforts to strengthen police capacities and build trust across multi-ethnic communities. 

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OSCE Mission to Montenegro-supported campaign on benefits of composting kicks-off in Pljevlja

A campaign highlighting the benefits of composting household waste, supported by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, was launched on 1 July 2016 in Pljevlja, by the Montenegrin Sustainable Development and Tourism Ministry, the Municipality of Pljevlja and the Eco-Centre Dolphin NGO.

Some 40 participants - representatives of the Sustainable Development and Tourism Ministry; the municipal authorities of Berane, Bijelo Polje and Pljevlja; local public utility companies from Pljevlja and Kotor; and NGOs as well as citizens, attended the campaign launch.

“Composting household waste is just an element of broader waste management, one of the most current issues facing Montenegrin authorities in their efforts to bring the relevant policy, strategy and legislative frameworks in line with the international standards and requirements of the advancing integration processes,” said Programme Manager at the OSCE Mission Vladimir Ragozin.

President of the Municipality of Pljevlja Mirko Đačić said: “Our municipality is actively involved in enhancing the local environment, especially regarding air quality improvements.”

State Secretary at the Sustainable Development and Tourism Ministry Daliborka Pejović stated that the primary waste separation is unquestionable and the educational campaigns are crucial bearing in mind the State’s plan of 50-70% of waste to be primary separated d until 2020.

“The waste should be perceived as a resource that can be further used through development of recycling and composting industry,” said Director of Eco-Centre Dolphin NGO Ljilja Radunović. “It is recommended, under the EU Directive on Landfills, to consider the policy of the closure of landfills starting from 2020 because they proved to be unsustainable.” 

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OSCE Mission releases report on war crimes processing at state level in Bosnia and Herzegovina

SARAJEVO, 16 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina today published the report of Judge Joanna Korner CMG QC on war crimes processing at the state level in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At a press conference held on this occasion, Ambassador Jonathan Moore, Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, noted that the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina has been monitoring the prosecution of war crimes before the domestic courts of BiH since 1996, as part of its mandate under the Dayton Peace Accords.

“In 2003, the Mission developed an increasingly structured trial monitoring capacity.  In November 2006, the BiH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council issued an Opinion recognizing the role of the Mission in observing criminal proceedings, stating that the OSCE Mission’s trial monitors should be given ‘full and unrestricted access to all documents they request within their mandate which includes monitoring the activities of courts and prosecutors’ offices,’” said Moore. 

The Mission has carried out training courses and other capacity-building activities for judicial and prosecutorial staff, and provided expert advice to the judiciary based on its findings.

“The Mission is routinely asked to provide information and analysis regarding the quality of war crimes processing at the state and entity levels. These inquiries come from a variety of sources, including private persons, victims’ and survivors’ associations, ICTY, and employees of BiH judicial institutions,” said Moore. “The purpose of such inquiries is generally to understand the capacity of domestic judicial institutions for processing war crimes cases in a manner that is fair to the interests of both victims and defendants and in line with international standards, and to identify gaps in the processing of such cases.”  

Moore emphasized that it is normal in democratic societies to have a vigorous public debate about judicial processes.  “No one is universally happy with every verdict, sentence, conviction, and acquittal.  Nevertheless, justice has yet to be done in many cases, more than 20 years after the end of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

In accordance with the mandate, role, and authorities of the Mission, with the support of the HJPC and in coordination with ICTY Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz and the British Embassy, Judge Korner was engaged by the OSCE Mission to BiH on the basis of her professional background and knowledge. 

Judge Korner visited BiH twice in order to review available materials, speak with prosecutors, judges, and others, and prepare an analytical report that would offer suggestions as to how to improve the processing of war crimes at the state level, at which the most complex and serious war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide cases, are processed. 

“The work of Judge Korner, her analysis and concrete advice are very valuable.  It is of course up to the institutions themselves, including the HJPC, the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, and the Court of BiH to react to the report and to act upon its recommendations.  We respect the role of those institutions in guaranteeing the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

The Mission’s work in this regard is supported financially as part of its core budget and by additional contributions from the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Italy, and Austria, and is closely co-ordinated with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

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  • OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Rule of law
  • South-Eastern Europe
  • Press release


Corruption issues in private sector discussed with support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan

Corruption risks, challenges in accountability and transparency as well as the legislative and regulatory frameworks in public procurement, customs and taxation, free competition and monopolies, were the focus of a workshop supported by the OSCE Office in Yerevan held on 28 and 29 May 2016 in Aghveran, in Armenia’s Kotayk region.

The event was attended by more than 60 people including officials from the Government Anti-corruption Programmes Monitoring Unit, the Ministry of Justice, the State Revenue Committee, the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, and the Internal Public Financial Oversight and Public Procurement Methodology at the Ministry of Finance. Representatives from business unions and associations, other non-governmental organizations, economists and journalists also participated.

“The Government of Armenia has underlined the importance of addressing corruption risks,” said Suren Krmoyan, Armenian Deputy Minister of Justice. “The private sector can play a crucial role in that and we are eager to make changes and take the initiative to address concrete issues.”

Naira Gyulnazaryan of the OSCE Office, said: “We hope that this event will promote close co-operation between the Government, business organizations and civil society towards fighting corruption in the business sector.”

The event was organized in partnership with the Armenia's Ministry of Justice, the European Union, the Armenian Lawyers' Association, the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Armenia and Freedom of Information Centre. It is part of the OSCE Office’s efforts to strengthen the engagement of civil society, business companies and associations in addressing corruption risks and to establish a solid platform among the government, civil society and private sector to contribute to state reform.

Challenges in customs regulatory frameworks were discussed at an event on May 25 in Gyumri and another discussion on state revenue issues in the regions will be held in Vanadzor. 

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Unfettered and professional media are cornerstones of democracy, says Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo on World Press Freedom Day

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 3 May 2016 – Respectable standards of freedom of press have been achieved in Kosovo over the years, creating a vibrant and diverse media scene - but these efforts need to continue in order to address remaining challenges, said Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Jean-Claude Schlumberger today on World Press Freedom Day.

“Freedom of the media in Kosovo is periodically violated, when journalists face intimidation, threats and sometimes even physical attacks. There were 27 cases of violence against journalists in 2015 and at least five cases during the first quarter of 2016,” he said.

Ambassador Schlumberger called on the law enforcement structures and the institutions of justice to enhance the level of priority given to countering intimidation against journalists and reach tangible results in processing cases of violence against journalists without delay.  

“Unfettered and professional media are the cornerstone of democracy,” he said. “On this day, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo acknowledges the importance of the media for building a democratic society. We also take the opportunity to commend the hard work and dedication of many journalists in Kosovo who reflect the spirit and values of media freedoms and professionalism. At the same time, we call on all institutions to do their utmost to further the respect for press freedoms and the right of the public to be informed.”

Schlumberger urged media regulators to ensure a conducive media environment and follow up closely on any breaches of ethical codes of conduct by audio-visual, print, and online media.

“To mark World Press Freedom Day, the Mission will support three televised debates promoting freedom of expression and freedom of media, in Albanian and Serbian languages,” said Schlumberger.

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo is mandated with human rights protection and promotion, democratization and public safety sector development. It is helping to safeguard the freedom of the media and freedom of expression and supports media development.


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  • South-Eastern Europe
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OSCE Mission in Kosovo helps youth pursue careers in journalism, promote freedom of expression

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 9 May 2016 – A ten-day school of journalism organized by the OSCE Mission for around 20 young people from northern Kosovo started today in Mitrovica/Mitrovicё North.

In the course of the programme, led by Davor Glavaš, a renowned journalist and lecturer at the University of Zagreb, participants will gain practical knowledge in reporting, writing skills and the use of social media and new technologies, such as blogs and web portals. Enhancing these skills will help them in their careers as well as contribute to media pluralism in Kosovo.

“For democratic societies it is crucial to have well educated journalists able to report in an objective, factual and independent manner. It is also important to provide aspiring young people with education opportunities to pursue a career in journalism,” said Christopher Tuetsch, Director of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Democratization Department. “With this activity the OSCE Mission aims to help media outlets in northern Kosovo strengthen their human capacities and enhance information pluralism offered to the public.”

Following the successful completion of the programme, the top four candidates will be selected to participate in a six-month apprenticeship programme, to be implemented jointly with four media outlets in northern Kosovo: TV Mir, Radio Kosovska Mitrovica, Radio Kontakt Plus and the KoSSev web portal.

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo is mandated with human rights protection and promotion, democratization and public safety sector development. It helps safeguard freedom of the media and freedom of expression, and supports media development.

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  • Media freedom and development
  • South-Eastern Europe
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OSCE Mission trains legal professionals from northern Kosovo on fair trial rights

From 16 to 20 May 2016 in Budva, Montenegro, the OSCE Mission organized a training course for 45 legal professionals from northern Kosovo on international human rights standards during trial proceedings.

Participants, who are candidates to join the reintegrated justice system in northern Kosovo, were briefed and engaged in in-depth discussions on the human rights requirements, international standards and best practices in ensuring a fair trial.

The training consisted of presentations and lectures on international human rights standards, search tools for the European Court of Human Rights database, rights of access to justice and equality in the administration of justice, right to a public hearing, right to be presumed innocent and privilege against self-incrimination, protection of victims and witnesses, the equality of arms principle and the right to a hearing before a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law.

“The justice system in the northern Kosovo has been dysfunctional for years now. Such a situation negatively impacted both the rule of law, proper delivery of justice and the observance of fundamental human rights, including the right of access to justice and the right to trial within a reasonable time,” said Jean-Claude Schlumberger, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. “The aim of this training was two-fold: enhance participants’ awareness of the importance of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the courtroom but also encourage them to use pertinent international mechanisms in their daily work.”

Nikola Kabašić, a leading representative of the judicial community in northern Kosovo, said: “Continuous and systematic education of professionals whose main responsibility is to promote, implement and protect human rights is an obligation of all local and international institutions and organizations. That is why this training is important because the level of democracy of one society is measured by the extent of respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Kosovo Deputy Minister of Justice, Nusret Hoxha, who was a guest at the training course noted the Ministry’s support as well as the need for local judges and prosecutors to be given additional opportunities to become familiar with best international practices in the justice sector.  

The course was held following a needs assessment conducted by the OSCE Mission, which highlighted the need to engage in educational programs as a priority in building the capacities of judicial professionals in the north.

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo is mandated with human rights and communities rights protection and promotion, democratization and public safety sector development. The Mission supports the justice system in Kosovo and runs programmatic activities aiming to improve its performance in line with human rights and fair trial standards. 

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OSCE Mission, police to discuss how to help prevent violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 27 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission together with the Kosovo Police will hold a two-day conference on preventing violent extremism and radicalization, starting tomorrow in Prishtinë/Priština. 

The conference will gather representatives of law enforcement agencies, religious communities, civil society, academia and media, and will explore a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the threats of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo.

Participants will also elaborate on measures taken so far to prevent violent extremism and radicalization, as well as the challenges they face.

Major Fatos Makolli, Director of the Directorate against Terrorism of the Kosovo Police, and Naim Hoxha, Organized Crime Advisor at the OSCE Mission, will deliver opening remarks.

Media representatives are invited to attend the opening of the conference on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, at the Hotel Sirius in Prishtinë/Priština, starting at 09:30 hrs. 

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OSCE Mission-organized Junior Basketball Tournament

Photo Story
Around 100 boys and girls from different Kosovo communities took part in the OSCE Mission-organized Junior Basketball Tournament in Gёrmia/Grmija Park, Prishtinё/Priština, held from 20 to 30 June 2016. The aim was to empower young people through sport, help them get to know each other and socialize, overcome ethnic barriers, and make them more aware of issues young people face in Kosovo. Besides a basketball competition that was held under the supervision of accredited trainers from Prishtinё/Priština and Belgrade, the participants also engaged in thematic workshops, designed especially for youth and focused on promoting dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding.
Wed, 2016-06-29 11:47
OSCE Mission in Kosovo
South-Eastern Europe
Tolerance and non-discrimination

Around 100 boys and girls from different Kosovo communities took part in the OSCE Mission-organized Junior Basketball Tournament in Gёrmia/Grmija Park, Prishtinё/Priština, held from 20 to 30 June 2016. The aim was to empower young people through sport, help them get to know each other and socialize, overcome ethnic barriers, and make them more aware of issues young people face in Kosovo.

Besides a basketball competition that was held under the supervision of accredited trainers from Prishtinё/Priština and Belgrade, the participants also engaged in thematic workshops, designed especially for youth and focused on promoting dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding.  

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OSCE Special Monitoring Mission’s Deputy Chief Monitor to hold press conference in Mariupol today

KYIV, 16 April 2015 – The Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine Alexander Hug will hold press conference today in Mariupol.

Hug will talk about the Mission’s recent activities, security and the humanitarian situation in and around Shyrokyne.

Journalists are invited to attend the press conference today, 16 April, at 18:00 (Kyiv time) at the conference room of the Reikartz Hotel in Mariupol. Any possible changes in timing and location will be communicated via social media (@OSCE_SMM,

Live online streaming of the news briefing will be available at

For any further details please contact the SMM’s Senior Press Assistant Iryna Gudyma by phone on +380674021716 or via e-mail:

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OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine to hold news briefing in Kyiv tomorrow

KYIV, 20 May 2015 – The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) will hold its regular news briefing tomorrow in Kyiv.

Alexander Hug, the SMM’s Deputy Chief Monitor, will talk about the recent Mission’s activities and the general security situation throughout Ukraine.

Journalists are invited to attend the news briefing tomorrow, 21 May, at 13:15 (Kyiv time), at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, at 2 Khreshchatyk street, Ukrainian house.

Live online streaming of the news briefing will be available at


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OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine to hold news briefing in Kyiv tomorrow

KYIV, 18 February 2016 – The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) will hold its regular news briefing tomorrow in Kyiv.

Alexander Hug, the SMM’s Principal Deputy Chief Monitor, will talk about the recent Mission’s activities and the general security situation throughout Ukraine.

Journalists are invited to attend the news briefing tomorrow, 19 February, at 15:30 (Kyiv time), at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, at 2 Khreshchatyk street, Ukrainian house.

Live online streaming of the news briefing will be available at

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OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine to hold news briefing in Kyiv tomorrow

KYIV, 7 June 2016 – The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) will hold its regular news briefing tomorrow in Kyiv.

Alexander Hug, the SMM’s Principal Deputy Chief Monitor, will talk about the recent activities of the Mission and the general security situation throughout Ukraine.

Journalists are invited to attend the news briefing tomorrow, 8 June, at 10:30 (Kyiv time), at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, at 2 Khreshchatyk street, Ukrainian house.

Live online streaming of the news briefing will be available at

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OSCE Mission, police to discuss how to help prevent violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 27 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission together with the Kosovo Police will hold a two-day conference on preventing violent extremism and radicalization, starting tomorrow in Prishtinë/Priština. 

The conference will gather representatives of law enforcement agencies, religious communities, civil society, academia and media, and will explore a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the threats of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo.

Participants will also elaborate on measures taken so far to prevent violent extremism and radicalization, as well as the challenges they face.

Major Fatos Makolli, Director of the Directorate against Terrorism of the Kosovo Police, and Naim Hoxha, Organized Crime Advisor at the OSCE Mission, will deliver opening remarks.

Media representatives are invited to attend the opening of the conference on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, at the Hotel Sirius in Prishtinë/Priština, starting at 09:30 hrs. 

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Security issue in the TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET.

Posted by Filip Palian on Nov 12


Let's keep it short ...




A "sudo make me a sandwich" security issue has been identified in the TX

Control .NET Server for ASP.NET[1].

According to the vendor[2], "the most powerful, MS Word compatible document

editor that runs in all browsers".

Likely all versions are affected however, it was not confirmed.




It was possible to change the configured system path for...


Tom Cruise's 'Mission: Impossible - The Final Reckoning' Teaser Trailer

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