
Ask Annissa: Do You Have an Odor Guarantee?

In this episode of Ask Annissa, Annissa Coy responds to the following message: “My customer is asking me for a guarantee of my work and for the removal of odor. … I don’t know how to answer this.” 


Ask Annissa: How to Handle Specialty Items in Contents Restoration

In this episode of Ask Annissa, Annissa Coy answers the following question: “I was wondering how you handle so many different specialty type things that we need to clean when it comes to contents restoration. For instance, I have a home that had a light fire and they have a six-foot, mounted bear that was in the living room.” 



Ask Annissa: Contents Cleaning…Where Do I Start?

How big of a facility do you need to conduct contents restoration? And, if you want to work with hard and soft contents, which should you get started with first? Annissa Coy answers these two questions.



Ask Annissa: Hydroxyl and Deodorization

Annissa talks about different ways to utilize the Hydroxyl machine, how to choose the best unit.  


Ask Annissa: To Charge for It or Not To Charge for It

Annissa talks about billing.


The ‘Great Window’ Stained Glass Laylight Restoration is Complete at the Missouri State Capitol

Professional Metal Fabricators won their bid on the project and got to work on the support structure for the stained glass — and some issues arose.


List of Deliverable Canadian Government Bond Issues for the LGB, CGB, CGF and CGZ Futures Contracts

116-24 : List of Deliverable Canadian Government Bond Issues for the LGB, CGB, CGF and CGZ Futures Contracts


List of Deliverable Canadian Government Bond Issues for the LGB, CGB, CGF and CGZ Futures Contracts

128-24 : List of Deliverable Canadian Government Bond Issues for the LGB, CGB, CGF and CGZ Futures Contracts


Gordonsville’s two new town councilors want to fix sidewalks, build a park and address issues with the town’s water supply

With a population of just 1,400, the new Councilors say it could take years to raise the money for some of these projects.

The post Gordonsville’s two new town councilors want to fix sidewalks, build a park and address issues with the town’s water supply appeared first on Charlottesville Tomorrow.

  • Government and public institutions
  • 2024 Voter Guide
  • 2024 Voter Guide – Orange - Gordonsville Town


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Heart of Tioga Pregnancy Center

Our series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues continues today with a look at the Heart of Tioga Pregnancy Center in Tioga County, PA and the support it gets from parishioners at Holy Child Catholic Church in the Diocese of Scranton.


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Tri-State Pregnancy Center

Our series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues continues today with a look at the Tri-State Pregnancy Center in northeastern PA. The facility gets help from local Catholics and on-the-spot advice from above!


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia

Our series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues continues today with a look at the extensive work being done by the Community Based Services segment of Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank

We continue our series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues with more on the subject of breastfeeding. For the next several days we will look at the important work being done by the Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank and how the PCC is looking to help them.  


Latest Pieces on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Breastfeeding

6-10-22 Our focus on breastfeeding continues with a look at the increase in public accommodations for breastfeeding moms.   6-9-22 Our series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues continues with a look back at the passage of the PA law to permit breastfeeding in public.  


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Breastfeeding

6-16-22 Interesting story here on one person’s belief that the COVID lockdowns are to blame for many moms turning away from breastfeeding and, in turn, contributing to the current shortage in baby formula. — PAcatholic (@PAcatholic) June 16, 2022 6-14-22 Sharing an article that came out Tuesday for our series on breastfeeding about trying to still do it while returning to work. Sharing an article that came out Tuesday for our series on breastfeeding about trying to still do it while returning to work. — PAcatholic (@PAcatholic) June 15, 2022   6-13-22 Continuing our series on breastfeeding for June. Women of color are less likely to breastfeed than those of other races and that has made them more vulnerable to the baby formula shortage. We look at some of the societal factors involved.


Our Series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Breastfeeding – 9 stories

6-30-22 We finish up our stories on breastfeeding by talking again with Colette Acker of the Breastfeeding Resource Center about the culture that exists towards BF in the U.S. 6-29-22 As we’ve focused this month on issues involved in breastfeeding, we’ve talked with our advocates and moms about the challenges involved in doing so while going back to work full time. Colette Acker of the Breastfeeding Resource Center shares her views on what’s involved. 6-28-22 Colette Acker of the Breastfeeding Resource Center talks with us about why many new moms give up on breastfeeding within the first several weeks after the birth of their child. 6-27-22 We begin today a series of stories with Colette Acker of the Breastfeeding Resource Center in Montgomery County. They’ve been providing vital support for new moms for nearly 20 years. 6-24-22 We wrap up our conversation on breastfeeding with Amy Wilt by talking about two potential problems that may affect moms during breastfeeding. 6-23-22 We continue our June focus on breastfeeding by talking with doula Amy Wilt about the challenges involved in breastfeeding while returning to work. 6-22-22 We continue our chat with Amy Wilt about breastfeeding. Today’s focus is on relactation. A total education for many of us. 6-21-22 We continue the conversation with our doula consultant, Amy Wilt, about the influence and pressure that moms get from those closest to them when trying to decide whether or not to breastfeed their newborns. 6-20-22 We continue our series on breastfeeding by talking again with Amy Wilt of Dauphin County Doulas. She has provided a ton of information for us in our nine-month long focus on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues. Today Amy talks about ”the latch.”  


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: July’s Topic–Early Childhood Screenings

July 18th We continue our look at Early Childhood Screenings by talking with Kris Bowman of Ramsey Educational and Development Institute, or REDI. They administer the PA Early Intervention Program in Montgomery County.   July 15th As part of look at Early Childhood Screenings, we are looking to find out about screenings in PA for newborns suffering from their mothers’ drug addiction. We’d love to talk with the state task force created to help those children but haven’t had much help from the Wolf Admin.   July 14th Continuing our series for July on Early Childhood Screenings with a quick look at the first big test for the newborn, the blood test.   July 13th Continuing our series on Early Childhood Screenings… it was a crisis in Michigan that sparked lawmakers here in Pennsylvania to put an emphasis on testing children for the presence of lead.   July 12th  We wrap up the conversation with our friend Victoria about the tests, screenings and milestones designed for children after they come home from the hospital. It’s part of our July focus on Early Childhood Screenings. July 11th As part of our continuing look at Early Childhood Screenings for July, we talk with a young mother about all the tests that we went through.    


Maternal & Early Childhood Issues: Morning Star Helps With Relationships

Our series on Maternal & Early Childhood Issues continues today with a look the work being done by Morning Star Pregnancy Services in Harrisburg to help kids build a foundation for strong relationships and avoid problems down the road. We’ve all had our fair share of relationships that have not gone well over the years, whether they were romantic or just friendly in nature. Wouldn’t it be nice to have gotten some advice before sailing on those waters and crashing into the rocks? The folks at Morning Star Pregnancy Services in Harrisburg are offering just such advice to teenagers and also actually to moms and dads through a program called Unfiltered Truth. Leslie Moyer is the Director of Educational Programs at Morning Star. She works with Ann Deegan from an established curriculum called “Real Essentials” to present different lessons to try to teach kids to build a foundation for strong relationships. Leslie Moyer : “So what are people expecting and what are your boundaries and do you have boundaries and how do you make sure the person knows?” The program is –not- lecture based. Moyer says that would never work. They have discussions so the kids will take ownership of the concepts they are presented and make them their own.  They are getting a lot of positive feedback. Moyer :  “I believe it was woman, she said I wish I’d had this when I was younger. I needed to know about those relationship red flags, the break up skills, which is two lessons that we do. I needed that two years ago when I was in a really bad relationship.” One of the lessons is on living together, which is something that many young people see as the go-to route for couples in love. Ann Deegan : “So many people are living together and so we talk about what are the benefits and what it really looks like and what are some of the myths surrounding living together and why it isn’t a good thing to do. Most of the classes have been with high school students. Moyer says they’re hoping to get more time with middle school kids to help them build their skills by the time they get to high school. There are also classes for adults. Deegan  : “The focus isn’t just on mothering skills, like taking care of a baby. The focus is on what do your relationships look like? And what do you want to pass on to your children? What is the legacy? What do you want to pass on to your children and have your children receive from you?” There is also the goal of having kids take a more deliberate and thoughtful approach to having sex. It may prevent many problems down the road, not the least of which being an unwanted pregnancy. Moyer shares a recurring sentiment that she hears from returning clients. Moyer  : “Over and over again I will hear ‘I would not change the fact that I had my child. But I wish I had waited. I wish I had waited just a little bit longer. I wish I was married. I can’t tell you how many times I hear that.”


Consumers Want Closure on Cereal Bag Issue

Yes, I know that some cereals are available in resealable pouches. But we’re talking about having cereal in resealable bags in the box.


SÜDPACK's PharmaGuard® Wins Swiss Packaging Award in Sustainability Category

This innovative film concept is seen as a pioneering packaging solution for solid pharmaceutical products or nutraceuticals. 


Berlin Packaging expands to Japan with acquisition of Nissho Jitsugyo

Acquisition expands the company's local footprint in Asia-Pacific and offers exciting new packaging solutions to customers worldwide.


DW Reusables Says its Packaging Cuts CO2 Emissions

The company cites a study where its Fillbee reusable packaging cut CO2 emissions by nearly two-thirds compared to conventional beverage packaging.


High profile meat issues covered by University of Wisconsin

The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) today announced the details of two sessions on the PROCESS EXPO University schedule featuring speakers from the University of Wisconsin’s Department of Animal Sciences.


PET wine bottle made by ALPLA cuts carbon emissions by up to 50 percent

The packaging solution is available now in 0.75-liter and 1-liter bottle sizes and already is being used in Austria by pilot customer and development partner Wegenstein winery.


Members of the Virginia State Corporation Commission

The Virginia State Corporation Commission was created by the Constitution of 1902. Its responsibilities include issuing charters of incorporation, policing financial industries such as banking and insurance, regulating rates that common carriers charge for freight and passengers, and enforcing the laws that govern rates charged by such public utilities as electric and telephone companies. Because the commission promulgates regulations, operates regulatory agencies, and hears appeals on some kinds of administrative matters, it exercises legislative, executive, and judicial functions and has sometimes been referred to as the fourth branch of state government. The commission consists of three members who serve six-year terms, one term expiring every second year. The governor appointed members from to 1903 to 1919; voters elected members from 1919 to 1928; and the General Assembly named members after 1928. If a vacancy occurs when the assembly is not in session, the governor appoints a new member. The first commissioners took office on March 1, 1903.
Wed, 13 Jan 2021 11:26:11 EST


NAB Town Hall Provides Insight Into Year-End Broadcast Issues and Priorities

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) today hosted a virtual town hall to brief NAB members on advocacy and business issues facing the broadcast industry for the remainder of the year. NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt was joined by senior executives and public policy staffers to offer updates on the association’s work, priorities and initiatives.


NAB Membership Town Hall Identifies Broadcast Issues and Priorities in 2023

Washington, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) hosted a virtual town hall today to brief NAB members on advocacy and business issues as Congress begins its 118th Session and the House of Representatives switches party control. NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt was joined by senior executives and public policy experts to offer updates on the association’s work, priorities and initiatives.


NAB and NASBA to Host Conference Addressing Critical Issues Facing Future of Broadcasting

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Broadcasters from around the country will gather in Washington, D.C. on June 13-14 for a two-day event focused on two important issues affecting the future of radio and television broadcasting. Hosted by the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the National Alliance of State Broadcasters Associations (NASBA), the conference will focus on broadcasters' response to certain automakers removing AM radio from their newer model vehicles and a regulatory proceeding examining carriage of broadcast television programming on streaming platforms.


NAB Statement on FCC Adoption of Order Addressing ATSC 3.0 Issues

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the Federal Communications Commission's adoption of an order addressing issues related to ATSC 3.0, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt:


NAB Applauds FCC Adoption of Order Resolving FM6 Issue

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the Federal Communications Commission's approval of an order allowing existing channel 6 low power television stations to continue to provide analog FM radio service, the following statement can be attributed to NAB Senior Vice President of Communications Alex Siciliano:


NAB Applauds Commission Proposal to Address Regulatory Fee Disparity

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Fiscal Year 2023 Regulatory Fees Report and Order, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt:


NAB Statement on Reconfirmation of FCC Commissioners Starks and Carr

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In response to the reconfirmation of FCC Commissioners Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt:


Inquiry into Child Poverty in Northern Ireland: Barnardo’s; Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; Ulster University

Room 30, Parliament Buildings

  • Public Accounts Committee


Inquiry into Gaps in Equality Legislation: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland

Room 30, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for The Executive Office


Inquiry into Relationships and Sexuality Education: Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

Room 29, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for Education


Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate: National Franchised Dealers Association

Room 29, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for Infrastructure


Inquiry into Gaps in Equality Legislation: Age NI; Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland

Room 30, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for The Executive Office


Inquiry into Relationships and Sexuality Education: Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

Room 29, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for Education


Vehicle Emissions Trading Schemes (Amendment) Order 2024: Department for Infrastructure

Room 29, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for Infrastructure


Planning and Infrastructure Key Issues: Mineral Products Association Northern Ireland

Room 29, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for Infrastructure


Planning Permission May Be Needed to Avail of Farm Business Improvement Scheme, Warns Committee

The Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (AERA) Committee has highlighted that farmers may need to ensure that planning permission is in place or that they have already applied for the necessary permissions to avail of the new Farm Business Improvement Scheme (FSIB) Tier Two.


Committee criticises delay in issuing blue badges

The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Infrastructure has criticised the delays in the issuing of Blue Badges for those with mobility problems.


Interview: IASA CEO Paul Preiss - Part 1 of 2

Paul Preiss discusses the origins, background, and mission of IASA, the global organization dedicated to promoting the profession of IT architecture.


Interview: IASA CEO Paul Preiss - Part 2 of 2

IASA CEO Paul Preiss discusses the future of IT architecture and the roles education and certification will play in defining the profession.


Migrating Mission-Critical Applications to the Cloud

Recorded live at OTN Architect Day in Los Angeles, a panel of experts responds to an audience question about migrating mission-critical apps to the cloud.


Josiah Davisson: Learning Java in High School

Jim Grisanzio from Java Developer Relations talks with Josiah Davisson, a teacher from A-TECH (Advanced Technologies Academy) in Las Vegas, Nevada, about his experiences teaching Java to high school students. Josiah is passionate about learning technology himself and also teaching Java to his students so they are fully empowered to enter the software industry directly or go on to seek further computer science education in college. If you'd like to contact Josiah, ping him at You can find Jim @jimgris on Twitter  or at


Why is Fall the Best Time to Address Pavement Issues?


Changing the Conversation on Net-Zero Emissions