
Variation in Utilization of Computed Tomography Imaging at Tertiary Pediatric Hospitals

Given the efforts to decrease the use of ionizing radiation in pediatric patients, there is significant variability in head computed tomography (CT) scan use in pediatric emergency departments for minor head trauma.

This study characterized variability in CT scan rates for all body regions in emergency department, observation, and inpatient encounters across 30 tertiary pediatric hospitals. Two-fold variation remained after case-mix adjustment, with higher volume hospitals having lower rates of CT scanning. (Read the full article)

aging | IAN MANN REVIEWS | SA experts weigh in on managing organisations during coronavirus

As editor Wilhelm Crous puts it, "We haven't seen this movie before."

aging | Solly Moeng | The missing link in managing a pandemic - public trust

Government went to war against Covid-19 with very low supplies in citizen trust and financial reserves, says Solly Moeng.


The Added Value of Longitudinal Imaging for Preclinical In vivo Efficacy Testing of Therapeutic Compounds against Cerebral Cryptococcosis [Experimental Therapeutics]

Brain infections with Cryptococcus neoformans are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Cryptococcosis typically presents as meningoencephalitis or fungal mass lesions called cryptococcomas. Despite frequent in vitro discoveries of promising novel antifungals, the clinical need for drugs that can more efficiently treat these brain infections remains. A crucial step in drug development is the evaluation of in vivo drug efficacy in animal models. This mainly relies on survival studies or post-mortem analyses in large groups of animals, but these techniques only provide information on specific organs of interest at predefined time points. In this proof-of-concept study, we validated the use of non-invasive preclinical imaging to obtain longitudinal information on the therapeutic efficacy of amphotericin B or fluconazole monotherapy in meningoencephalitis and cryptococcoma mouse models. Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) enabled the rapid in vitro and in vivo evaluation of drug efficacy while complementary high-resolution anatomical information obtained by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain allowed a precise assessment of the extent of infection and lesion growth rates. We demonstrated a good correlation between both imaging readouts and the fungal burden in various organs. Moreover, we identified potential pitfalls associated with the interpretation of therapeutic efficacy based solely on post-mortem studies, demonstrating the added value of this non-invasive dual imaging approach compared to standard mortality curves or fungal load endpoints. This novel preclinical imaging platform provides insights in the dynamic aspects of the therapeutic response and facilitates a more efficient and accurate translation of promising antifungal compounds from bench to bedside.

aging | Want to improve managing your money? Here are 7 tools

This list looks at seven top South African products disrupting the traditional way of doing finance.

aging | SA expats send money home to help aging parents and more

Remittances from overseas are a lifeline for many South Africans, says Richard Ambrose, CEO of Azimo.


Alistair Grant: We need clear messaging, not lockdown confusion

IT’S a bank holiday weekend and we are now several weeks into a gruelling lockdown.


Encouraging each other

Leaders from OM Latin America discuss the challenges and opportunities of ministry in the region during their annual meetings in September.


Sharing, encouraging and volcano climbing

OM Chile's Intensive Training participants travel around the south of Chile for two weeks sharing the gospel, encouraging local churches and doing adventure activities.


We won’t launch an OTT app: Vikram Mehra, Managing Director, Saregama India

By Devika Singh The country's oldest music label company is singing a different tune. From podcasts to a dedicated film production unit, Saregama is looking beyond music licensing to broaden its appeal. Vikram Mehra talks to Devika Singh about creating and monetising IPs, why the company will not launch a streaming app, and more. Saregama […]


We are more premium than IKEA: Vasanth Kumar, Managing Director, Lifestyle International

We have co-branded partnerships and also engage in tie-ups with designers. Almost 80% of the business is protected through exclusive tie-ups, says Vasanth Kumar, Managing Director, Lifestyle International


Why text messaging is yet to be used inventively in India

Cost of one SMS is around 12 paise, whereas a promotional e-mail could cost 2-4 paise. A retail brand organising a high intensity campaign for its seasonal sale could end up spending Rs 15-20 lakh to reach its consumers.


Brands say ‘no’ to plastic, amble towards sustainable packaging and products

A look at how some companies in India are ambling towards sustainable packaging and products.


Imaging Products:NIKKOR-The Thousand and One Nights (Tale 73)has been released


Document Imaging and Management System

Agency: HSS Closing Date: 5/28/2020


DHSS Releases Delaware’s Plan for Managing the Health Care Needs of Children with Medical Complexity

NEW CASTLE (May 30, 2018) – As a way to better support the needs of children with medical complexity and their families, the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance this week released Delaware’s Plan for Managing the Health Care Needs of Children with Medical Complexity and announced that stakeholders will continue work to develop longer-term […]


DHSS Seeks Comment on State Plan on Aging at Two Public Hearings This Month

NEW CASTLE (April 17, 2020) – The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services’ Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities will seek public comment on its proposed State Plan on Aging for the period of October 2020 through September 2024. The state plan has been developed to meet requirements under Title […]

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • News
  • Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities
  • Seniors


How to use Intel Perceptual Computing to develop engaging apps

  Introduction This article discusses the development of Clifford’s Reading Adventures, a series of interactive educational games for young children from Scholastic Interactive LLC. T...


Here is what ISRO’s new geo imaging satellite GISAT-1 can do

As the date of launch nears, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in a tweet has revealed what it’s geo Imaging Satellite, GISAT-1 can do


Sweep harmonic balance (hb) realibility (aging) simulation

hi everyone, 

i'm trying to create a netlist for aging simulation. i would like to simulate how power, Gain and PAE (efficiency) are inlfuenced after 3 hours

i would be grateful if someone can correct my syntax in the netlist since i'm trying to make a sweep HB  simulation where the input power is the parameter.

i did it without any error for the sp (S parameters)  simulation.

you can see the images for both sp and hb simulation netlists. (from left to right: sp aging netlist; hb aging netlist)

i will be grateful if someone can provide me some syntax advices.


best regards



iOS Messaging Tools

This repository contains several tools Project Zero uses to test iPhone messaging. It includes SmsSimulator: an SMS simulator for iPhone, iMessage: tools for sending and dumping iMessage messages, and imapiness: a fuzzer for IMAP clients. See the directory for each tool for further instructions and contact information. This is not an officially supported Google product. These tools were released and presented at BlackHat USA 2019.


Photoresist Challenges and Opportunities for Imaging HDI Designs

Presentation by Dave McGregor of DuPont


NIST SP 800-39: Managing Information Security Risk

Organization, Mission and Information System View


EWC Community Members Aid Voyaging Canoe Hokule‘a’s Unprecedented Visit to Bali

HONOLULU (Aug. 3, 2015) -- With the Hawaiian Voyaging Canoe Hokule‘a now sailing out of the Pacific for the very first time and currently in Bali, Indonesia, for the canoe’s only scheduled Asian stop on its unprecedented worldwide voyage, a number of East-West Center participants, alumni and community members are in Bali with the canoe, or helped plan the visit.


Managing Fatigue in the Rail Transport Sector

Whether it is caused by a medical condition, working hours, shift patterns or personal circumstances, fatigue is a health and safety risk that can often be overlooked, but must be controlled by employers.  Many well-known major accidents such a...


Engaging North Korea: The Role of Economic Statecraft

HONOLULU (May 31, 2011) -- Last week, the U.S. imposed new sanctions on the (North) Korea Tangun Trading Corporation, accused of having trafficked equipment and technology listed on multilateral export control lists “or otherwise having the potential to make a material contribution to WMD or cruise or ballistic missile systems.” The new sanctions under the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act will be effective for two years.
Also recently, a leaked U.N. Panel of Experts report provided a surprisingly blunt introduction to how the North Koreans—with the complicity of unnamed “third parties”—have sought to circumvent international sanctions. Among other things, the experts found that North Korea and Iran have shared nuclear missile technology and that they have received assistance, in violation of the sanctions, from China and Russia respectively.


Conference: Managing Climate Risks in Asian Coastal Cities

HONOLULU (April 8, 2011) -- Climate change experts will gather in Taipei, Taiwan, April 11-13 for an international conference on managing climate change risk in Asian coastal cities. Conference registration is open to the media and members of the public. For more information, click here .
The Second International Conference on Cities at Risk: Building Adaptive Capacities for Managing Climate Change Risks in Asian Coastal Cities (CAR II), will be held at Taipei’s Academy of Sciences. The conference is a part of an ongoing multi-year effort titled “Cities at Risk,” which aims to reduce risks and vulnerabilities of Asian coastal cities due to climate change and urban growth.
Among the topics to be addressed are:


Webinar and Live Q&A Clinic: Managing Real Estate Contract Risk

Join us on Friday 17 April as we examine management of real estate contract risk in an uncertain financial market. This session will look at the types of contractual issues you may face, risk protection, reputation management and effective dispute r...


Managing Food Businesses during COVID-19

These are turbulent times especially for the UK food industry. Whilst some businesses are seeing an unprecedented demand for food, others are struggling to survive following site closures due to the recent legislation implemented; The Health Protect...


Coronavirus - Managing the health of your M&A transactions - UK

While companies are trying to find ways to ensure health and well-being of their work-force and align those measures with business continuity as usual, it is equally important that deal managers look out for risks associated with the spread of virus...


Can Technology Offset the Effects of Population Aging on Economic Growth? New Report from the Asian Development Bank

By East-West Center HONOLULU (March 27, 2020)—Population aging is affecting countries all across Asia. This ongoing demographic transition will leave many of the region’s economies increasingly dependent on an aging, and eventually a shrinking, workforce. Economists disagree, however, on whether population aging will necessarily lead to a slowdown in economic growth.

This is a summary only. Click the title for the full article, or visit for more.


An Aging Population in Asia Creates Economic Challenges

By Andrew Mason, Sang-Hyop Lee, and Donghyun Park HONOLULU (8 May 2020)—Elderly populations in Asia are expanding more quickly than other age groups. Low fertility rates result in fewer children and eventually fewer working-age adults, while elderly populations are living longer.

This is a summary only. Click the title for the full article, or visit for more.


Police collecting bribe, sabotaging lockdown in Rivers – Wike

BY EMEKA EJERE Governor Nyesom Wike, of Rivers State has accused the state’s deputy commissioner of police, DCP Adamu Abubakar of sabotaging the lockdown in the state by issuing illegal letters to companies after collecting money from them. Wike, who spoke in an interview on Thursday, said the deputy commissioner of Police released people he […]

The post Police collecting bribe, sabotaging lockdown in Rivers – Wike appeared first on Hallmarknews.


Managing office Christmas parties

Whether an office Christmas party takes place within working hours, out of hours, in the office or away from the office, it is considered an extension of the working environment.  While no one wants to be the office scrooge and take away the po...


Stepping into the breach - Managing cyber risks with insurance



Plastic Packaging Tax Consultation 2020

Those in the diversified industrials sector will have seen that the Chancellor announced in the recent budget that the government is going ahead with its plans to introduce a world leading plastic packaging tax. The tax will be set at a flat rate of...


A guide to managing your M&A pipeline during COVID-19 for global industrials

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken global industrials around the world largely by surprise with wide-ranging consequences for their M&A pipelines. Coming on the back of a period of high valuations, political uncertainty and slowing deal activity, C...


Education briefing - 5 point plan for effectively managing disruption on campus.

  This week’s industrial action by University lecturers and other members of staff brings back into focus the risk of disruption on campus from students and others who are affected by the strike action. Disruption on campus can arise...


Education briefing - 5 point plan for effectively managing disruption on campus.

The latest round of industrial action by University lecturers and other members of staff brings back into focus the risk of disruption on campus from students and others who are affected by the strike action. Disruption on campus can arise and ...


Zoom pushes ahead on security, reaching pact with New York and buying secure messaging start-up Keybase

Zoom Video Communications pushed forward on Thursday in its effort to revamp its security, striking a deal with the New York attorney general’s office to protect users’ privacy and purchasing secure messaging start-up Keybase.The company, which has faced backlash for failing to disclose that its service was not fully end-to-end encrypted said it planned to develop tools that will give more controls to meeting hosts and allow users to securely join a meeting and submit them to external review…


Boosted by US$6 million Alibaba cash injection, Hong Kong compostable food packaging start-up takes on single-use plastics

Alarmed by the amount of rubbish they were generating by just drinking coffee and eating cup noodles, two former garments entrepreneurs decided it was time to find an eco-friendly alternative to all the plastic packaging that ends up in landfills globally.George Chen Dah-ren and Vivian Chang first approached material scientists in Hong Kong and mainland China, and were in 2013 pointed in the direction of Alexander Bismarck, then a Materials Science professor at Imperial College London. The…


Five myths about population, aging and environmental sustainability -- by Jane O'Sullivan, Francesco Ricciardi, Susann Roth

For sustainable development, universal wellbeing should be the goal, rather than endless growth. Minimizing further growth in human populations is only part of the solution, but an essential part. 


Charting Sri Lanka's aging population -- by Utsav Kumar

These charts illustrate how Sri Lanka’s elderly population is increasing while the number of working-age people to help support them is declining. Forward-thinking policies are needed to address the challenges arising from this imbalance.


How to protect Asia’s rapidly aging population from COVID-19 -- by Meredith Wyse

The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need to strengthen programs and policies affecting older persons both in times of crisis and afterward.


Managing Climate Adaptive Water Resources in the Aral Sea Basin in Uzbekistan

ADB is proposing a project to deliver climate adaptive solutions for water resources management and modernize outdated irrigation and drainage systems within the Amu Darya and selected reaches of the Zarafshan irrigation system.


Managing IP recognizes 33 Dentons' Intellectual Property lawyers as 2020/21 IP Stars

The 2020/ 21 edition of IP Stars, the leading specialist guide to IP firms and practitioners worldwide developed by Managing IP, has recognized 33 of Dentons’ global Intellectual Property practitioners for their outstanding experience in contentious and non-contentious IP advice in the areas of trade mark and patent work. 

  • Intellectual Property and Technology
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Australia
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Colombia
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Costa Rica
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Europe
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Germany
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in New Zealand
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Russia
  • CIS and the Caucasus
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Singapore
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in the United Kingdom
  • Intellectual Property and Technology in Italy
  • Global presence
  • Australasia
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • Central and Eastern Europe
  • Europe
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Mexico
  • Costa Rica
  • Russia
  • CIS and the Caucasus
  • United Kingdom
  • United States


Leveraging Private Sector Participation to Boost Environmental Protection in the People’s Republic of China

This brief presents recommendations to further encourage public-private partnerships for the environmental protection industry in the People's Republic of China, as the country seeks to address the negative impact of rapid urbanization.


SensaBubble floats novel approach to digital messaging

May 20 - A device that projects text or pictures onto scented bubbles has been created by UK-based computer scientists. SensaBubble uses a concept called 'chrono-sensory experiences' to deliver messages its creators say, could be adapted for gaming, education, or even email communication. Jim Drury reports.