
The Tipping Point Between Failure and Success

Dashun Wang, associate professor at Kellogg School of Management, crunched big datasets of entrepreneurs, scientists, and even terrorist organizations to better understand the fine line between failure and success. One surprising finding is that people who experience early failures often become more accomplished than counterparts who achieve early successes. Another insight is that the pace of failure is an indicator of the tipping point between stagnation and eventual success. Wang is a coauthor of the study in the journal Nature: “Quantifying the dynamics of failure across science, startups and security.”


Why Capitalists Need to Save Democracy

Rebecca Henderson, professor at Harvard Business School, says that both capitalism and democracy are failing us. She argues that it will take public and private leaders working together to simultaneously fix these two systems because free markets don't function well without free politics and healthy government needs corporate support to survive. She is calling on the business community to take the first step. Henderson is the author of the upcoming book "Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire." And the March Big Idea article, "The Business Case for Saving Democracy."


Shopping Online Takes the Pain Out of Christmas Shopping

The most important takeaway for holiday consumers completing their Christmas shopping online is to order early. Ordering online may be a very simple solution to the holiday rush, but it still takes preparation.


Ibotdis.com Launches Revamped Site in Time for the Holiday Shopping Season with Latest Discount Deals and Free Coupons

Ibotdis.com offers significant discounts and coupons in time for prime holiday shopping season.


GiftNowOnline.com Makes the Spirit of Christmas Shine With a Variety of Unique Gift Items This Holiday Season

If you are still looking for that cool gift for your friend or family member, make sure to stop by GiftNowOnline.com where you will be able to find one of the largest varieties of unique products and items ever found online.


Attend Golden Spike Train Show and Stay at Nearby Comfort Inn North Atlanta Hotel

The new Comfort Inn & Conference Center Northeast, in Atlanta, GA, offers affordable accommodations to guests attending Golden Spike Train Show on January 12, 2013.


In 2013 Resolve to Capture More Memories in GiftWorksPlus Custom Picture Frames

GiftWorksPlus urges a New Year's resolution to capture treasured memories in personalized custom picture frames.


Online Retailer Arttowngifts.com Introduces a Fresh Spin on Valentine's Day Flowers and Bouquets

This year, the standout sweetheart can choose a different route to his honey's heart with a brand new type of bouquet.


Fine Art Collection of Dixie Cup Mastermind is Centerpiece of Myers' Feb. 10 Auction

Collection's European and Asian antiques have remained in private hands for 60+ years


GiftWorksPlus Features New Blog Series to Improve Picture-Taking Skills

GiftWorksPlus, the leader in custom picture frames, is offering a blog series full of tips for improving photography skills.


Fight at Baggage Carousel Inspires New Travel Solution to Deter Bag Theft

Travelers breeze through baggage claim and reduce the risk of losing their bags with BAGPATCH unique and distinctive travel accessory.


Guy Turns 1970 Brochure Rendering (Used to Help Buyers Pick a Color) Into Actual Car's Paint Job

In 1970, Plymouth hoped to persuade Ford Mustang and Chevy Camaro buyers to choose their Barracuda instead. One of Plymouth's tactics was to offer greater customization options.

At the time, the Mustang offered 15 exterior color options:

1970 Ford Mustang Exterior Paint Options

The Camaro offered 18 exterior color options:

1970 Chevy Camaro Exterior Paint Options

Note: This sheet pertains to multiple Chevy models. We have obscured the color options unavailable on the Camaro.

Plymouth went heavy by offering a whopping 25 color options. They demonstrated this to buyers not with a lame sample sheet, but by dropping this innovative-for-the-time rendering into the brochure:

1970 Plymouth Barracuda Ext. Paint Options

That rendering is freaking gorgeous, as are all of the colors. There's not a single one of those I'd decline.

As Hot Rod reports, automotive enthusiast Tim Wellborn, founder of the Wellborn Musclecar Museum in Alabama, had known about the rendering since childhood and recently decided he wanted a real version. According to My Classic Garage, "Collaborating with the Big Easy Motors television show on the History Channel, the Wellborn Musclecar Museum tapped famed builders at The Bomb Factory in New Orleans, LA [and] set out to create a real life version of the original 1970 illustration."

Here's what they came up with:

They did commit to a single color for the driver's side (looks like #17 on the chart):

While the "Paint Chip 'Cuda" isn't for sale, the museum sells both posters and banners featuring its image.


Bushfire hazard reduction burn – Pacific Pines Parklands

Start: 8.00am, Tuesday 23 July (weather permitting)
End:  5.00pm, Friday 26 July
Duration:  Four days

In partnership with Queensland Fire & Emergency Service, the City will door knock residents adjoining burn locations to provide information regarding bushfire protection and preparedness leading into this year’s fire season. Minimal disruption to residents is expected. Residents with health issues associated with smoke are encouraged to contact the City’s Natural Areas Management Unit on 07 5581 6984.

For more information on the scheduled hazard reduction burn program, visit the Gold Coast Rural Fire Brigade Group website.



Tuesday, July 23, 2019 - 18:00 to Saturday, July 27, 2019 - 03:00


Kingpins announces Kingpins24 online denim event


Lyst Index for Q1 shows impact of virus on shopping habits


Kingpins announces Kingpins24 online denim event


3 Piece Outdoor Conversation Sets

Thanks for the kind comments on my simple mini patio makeover. Continuing with the outdoor theme, I’ve gathered some modern three piece sets to tuck in a corner of your yard or arrange on a patio or balcony or porch, ones that will give you an instant conversation set on delivery. A few of you


Outdoor Pillows for Summer

What are your weekend plans? I’m picking up some vegetable starts from a local farm and transplanting them to larger pots and planters. Tomatoes, peppers, and beans! My home project this week was spending a few hours sprucing up the courtyard area with new cushions and pillows made with this outdoor fabric. The blue deep


THE PAYMENTS ECOSYSTEM: The biggest shifts and trends driving short- and long-term growth and shaping the future of the industry

Business Insider Intelligence

The power dynamics in the payments industry are changing as businesses and consumers shift dollars from cash and checks to digital payment methods. Cards dominate the in-store retail channel, but mobile wallets like Apple Pay are seeing a rapid uptick in usage.

At the same time, e-commerce will chip away at brick-and-mortar retail as smartphones attract a rising share of digital shopping. Digital peer-to-peer (P2P) apps are supplanting cash in the day-to-day lives of users across generations as they become more appealing and useful than ever.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


U.S. Department of Labor Issues Guidance for Respiratory Protection During N95 Shortage Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued interim enforcement guidance to help combat supply shortages of disposable N95 facepiece respirators (N95 FFRs). This is the latest step to ensure availability of respirators. More information at the USDOL website.


Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respiratory Protection Standard

This Small Entity Compliance Guide (SECG) is intended to help small businesses comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Respiratory Protection standard (63 FR 1152; January 8, 1998). OSHA’s goal for this document is to provide small entities with a comprehensive step-by-step guide complete with checklists and commonly asked questions that will aid both employees and employers in small businesses with a better understanding of OSHA’s respiratory protection standard.


U.S. Department of Labor Offers New Video and Poster On Proper Workplace Use of Respirators

The U.S. Department of Labor announced that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has released a new video and poster for employers and workers on how to properly wear and remove a respirator. The video and poster – in English and Spanish – demonstrate and describe seven steps every worker should follow when putting on and taking off a respirator.


Temporary Road Closure - Pacific Pines

Streets affected: Pacific Pines Boulevard (lane closure with traffic control – expect delays) between Binstead Way and Capricorn Drive



Friday, May 8, 2020 - 16:30 to Saturday, June 6, 2020 - 04:00
Read more: 

Start date: 8 May 2020

End date: 5 June 2020

Duration: 6:30am – 6pm

Reason: Potholing


Zynga reports $104M loss for Q1 despite record-setting revenues

Zynga reports a big loss in Q1 despite "historic" revenues, in part because it has to pay out millions in contingency payments to recent acquisitions whose games have been strong performers. ...


375- Audio Guide to the Imperfections of a Perfect Masterpiece

To help celebrate its 60th anniversary, the Guggenheim Museum teamed up with 99% Invisible to offer visitors a guided audio experience of the museum. Even if you've never been to the Guggenheim Museum, you probably recognize it. From the outside, the building is a light gray spiral, and from the inside, the art is displayed on one long ramp that curves up towards a glass skylight in the ceiling. We’re going to take the greatness of this building as a given. What we’re going to focus on are the oddities, the accretions, the interventions that reveal a different kind of genius. Not just the genius of Frank Lloyd Wright, and his bold, original vision, but the genius of all the people that made this building function, adapt, and grow over the decades.

Audio Guide to the Imperfections of a Perfect Masterpiece


377- How To Pick A Pepper

The chili pepper is the pride of New Mexico, but they have a problem with their beloved crop. There just aren’t enough workers to pick the peppers. Picking chili peppers can be especially grueling work even compared to other crops. So most workers are skipping chili harvests in favor of other sources of income.  As a result, small family farms have been planting less and less chili every year in favor of other less-labor intensive crops. So, scientists are trying to find ways to automate the harvest, but picking chilis turned out to be a tough job for a robot.

How To Pick A Pepper

Rose Eveleth’s podcast is called Flash Forward. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or RadioPublic.


378- Ubiquitous Icons: Peace, Power, and Happiness

There are symbols all around us that we take for granted, like the lightning strike icon, which indicates that something is high voltage. Or a little campfire to indicate that something is flammable. Those icons are pretty obvious, but there are others that aren't so straightforward. Like, why do a triangle and a stick in a circle indicate "peace"? Where does the smiley face actually come from? Or the power symbol? We sent out the 99PI team to dig into the backstory behind some of those images you see every day.

Ubiquitous Icons: Peace, Power, and Happiness


380- Mannequin Pixie Dream Girl

In the 1930s, Lester Gaba was designing department store windows and found the old wax mannequins uninspiring. So he designed a new kind of mannequin that was sleek, simple, but conveyed style and personality. As a marketing stunt, he took one of these mannequins everywhere with him and she became a national obsession. “Cynthia” captivated millions and was the subject of a 14-page spread in Life Magazine. Cynthia and the other Gaba Girls changed the look and feel of retail stores.

Mannequin Pixie Dream Girl

Make your mark. Go to radiotopia.fm to donate today.


New $484 Billion Stimulus Package Replenishes PPP and Offers Relief for Hospitals and Businesses

President Trump recently signed a new coronavirus relief bill into law that will help replenish the depleted Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), among other initiatives. Below are the details of the relief package.
Details of the New Bill
The new relief… Read More

The post New $484 Billion Stimulus Package Replenishes PPP and Offers Relief for Hospitals and Businesses appeared first on Anders CPAs.


Shopify Launches All New Point of Sale System for Small Businesses

Shopify has launched a new point of sale system for small businesses that should benefit them post-pandemic.

  • Small Business News


Developing your game's community for maximum pre-release fans

It seems important to me that devs spend a lot of time on nurturing their game community before launch. But many can't or don't. Here's advice on how you can do a better job! ...


Building Enter the Gungeon's dungeon-climbing spin-off Exit the Gungeon

Dodge Roll's Dave Crooks reveals how the studio has polished its bullet hell dungeon crawler Enter the Dungeon and revised its design to create spin-off dungeon climber Exit the Dungeon. ...


Alfresco helps hospital go paperless

New initiative streamlines processes and improves patient outcomes


Mapping and geospatial analytics software company future-proofs digital foundation

With Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service, Esri's development time has improved by 20%-50%


Manquehue Hotels provides the personal touch with Oracle Hospitality

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New York City Department of Transportation relies on Mindbreeze InSpire ?

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Data Breaches in Hospitals are on the Rise – How Health Care Organizations Can Prevent Cybersecurity Attacks

The health care industry is one of the biggest targets for cybersecurity attacks. In 2018 alone, nearly 300 data breaches affected 11.5 million patients, according to a Bitglass report. Cybercriminals see health care organizations as the perfect victim due to… Read More

The post Data Breaches in Hospitals are on the Rise – How Health Care Organizations Can Prevent Cybersecurity Attacks appeared first on Anders CPAs.


Keeping It Personal With Natural Language Processing

Look at your organization and consider the unstructured text or audio data you gather and the possible revelations it may hold. That data reflects the voices of those you serve and holds the potential to help you deliver better experiences, improve quality of care and enrich human engagement. There are powerful stories to be told from your unstructured text data. And the best way for you to find them is with natural language processing.


Paycheck Protection Program Helping Contractors

Paycheck Protection Program Helping Contractors aconstanza Mon, 05/04/2020 - 12:47

Paycheck Protection Program Helping Contractors

According to a new report from the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), the federal government’s Paycheck Protection Program is allowing construction firms to add and retain employees, despite declining demand for work.

“A large share of construction firms promptly received loans funds under the Paycheck Protection Program, enabling many of them to hire or retain employees despite a surge in project cancellations,” according to the report.

AGC noted that the job-saving measure appeared to be working, but it cautioned that longer term recovery measures, such as new infrastructure funding and establishing a recovery fund, are needed.

“Most contractors report they have applied for the new federal loans, which are intended to enable small businesses to keep employees on their payrolls,” said Ken Simonson, AGC’s chief economist. “This program has already delivered funds to nearly half of the survey respondents, and many of them have already brought back furloughed workers or added employees, even though more clients are halting and canceling projects.”

Simonson noted specifically that 44% of the 849 firms responding to the survey reported having already received funds, which began on April 3. Another 15% said their applications had been approved, but they had not yet received funding. Another 8% were awaiting a reply to their applications, and 7% had applied, but were told that no more funds were available.

Partly because of the loans, 13% of respondents said they had added workers.

“Although the loan program has helped, it will cover only a limited part of company expenses and is not enough to offset the huge drop in projects,” Simonson said.

He noted that half of the respondents reported clients have ordered halts to projects that were already underway, and more than 25% reported that clients have canceled projects that had been expected to start as far out as June, or even later.

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Whiteboard Capital mixes incubator, micro-VC approach

As the name suggests, Whiteboard Capital bet on founders even before their business plan is finalised and to help them refine their products, even if it means changing the model.


Pitfalls of not having a co-founders’ agreement

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Demand to pick up in second half of 2020: Xiaomi

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Tata Capital loan EMI moratorium: All the terms, conditions and charges

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3 deals in 3 weeks: Mukesh Ambani’s plans on track to make Reliance debt-free despite COVID-19 pandemic


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No salaries for Apr, May; hours flown-based pay for those operating cargo flights: SpiceJet to pilots

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Covid-19 crisis: SpiceJet to pay part salaries to 92% of employees, no job cuts

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