
[ F.749.13 (06/21) ] - Framework and requirements for civilian unmanned aerial vehicle flight control using artificial intelligence

Framework and requirements for civilian unmanned aerial vehicle flight control using artificial intelligence


[ F.749.14 (06/21) ] - Requirements of coordination for civilian unmanned aerial vehicles

Requirements of coordination for civilian unmanned aerial vehicles


[ F.749.15 (03/22) ] - Requirements for inspection and examination services using civilian unmanned aerial vehicles

Requirements for inspection and examination services using civilian unmanned aerial vehicles


VIDEO: OSHA Guidance on Increased Fines, Civil Penalties

Legal expert Trent Contey weighs in on OSHA's "high-gravity" enforcement, saying he suspects contractors should expect to face more cumulative citations in the future.


La Guardia Civil recupera 98 coches de alta gama robados en varios países y detiene a 66 personas

El valor de los efectos intervenidos y recuperados en el marco de la operación 'Suspicio', asciende a más de 6 millones de euros Leer


Marcha motera por un guardia civil

"La injusticia cometida contra uno es una amenaza para todos", dice la Asociación Unificada de Guardias Civiles, que ha montado una protesta para apoyar a un capitán al que quieren retirar el mando


El abrazo del guardia civil

Entrañable acto en la Comandancia de Madrid por la patrona de la Guardia Civil.


A prisión sin fianza los dos nuevos detenidos por matar a dos guardias civiles con una narcolancha en el puerto de Barbate

Los detenidos son dos marroquíes que acompañaban a Karim El Baqqali, el piloto de la narcolancha que ya fue arrestado el 19 de septiembre Leer


La Guardia Civil celebra por primera vez en sus 180 años de historia su fiesta en "pleno corazón" de la capital de Euskadi

La delegada del Gobierno Marisol Garmendia (PSOE) subraya que "estamos abriendo un camino de normalidad democrática" en Euskadi. En el acto celebrado en la plaza España de Vitoria se ha recordado a los 161 guardias asesinados por ETA. Leer

  • Artículos Josean Izarra


La futura vida de Plaza Castilla: nueva sede del Registro y el salón de bodas civiles más grande de España

Esta administración, que celebra 33 enlaces al día, formará parte del futuro Distrito de Atención al Ciudadano que ocupará los juzgados tras la creación en 2028 de la Ciudad de la Justicia Leer


El Gobierno blinda al jefe de la Policía mientras bloquea la reforma de la Guardia Civil que frena a Pérez de los Cobos

La maniobra ha hecho emerger uno de los reproches más repetidos a Marlaska: las dos varas de medir que le atribuyen en los dos cuerpos de seguridad Leer


La Fiscalía descarta que haya delito en la conducta de los mandos de la Guardia Civil durante el operativo en el que murieron dos agentes arrollados por una narcolancha en Barbate

Jucil denunció al general jefe de la Zona de la Guardia Civil de Andalucía y al coronel jefe de la Comandancia de Cádiz Leer


Esta guerra civil

Debajo del umbral de guerra


Un joven muere atropellado por un conductor que huía de la Guardia Civil y circulaba en dirección contraria

La víctima iba en bicicleta en el casco urbano y el conductor la ha arrollado y se ha dado a la fuga Leer


La Guardia Civil interviene 35 kilos de langostas y pulpos en un restaurante de Santa Pola por ser supuestamente capturados de manera ilegal

La responsable del establecimiento no pudo acreditar por ningún medio la procedencia legal de los productos incautados Leer


La Guardia Civil desmantela una red de narcotráfico con 29 detenidos y 9.000 kilos de hachís incautados que operaba en el Guadalquivir y el Guadiana

Utilizaban sofisticados métodos para ocultar la droga, con almacenes subterráneos ocultos bajo tanques de agua Leer


Los narcos, a la 'caza' de guardias civiles: cuatro investigados por perseguir y atropellar a un agente en Sevilla

La víctima participaba en una operación contra un grupo de 'petaqueros', los encargados de suministras combustible a los narcolanchas Leer


Mauritius: Mauritius' Social Media Shutdown - a Worrying Sign That Civil Rights Are Slipping

[The Conversation Africa] Mauritius' communications regulator recently shut down access to social media platforms until a day after the upcoming general election, due to be held on 10 November 2024. The decision was reversed a day later. Nevertheless, the move came as a surprise to many - Mauritius is often touted as a beacon of democracy in Africa.


Göteborg Film Festival to Highlight Disobedience: ‘Civil Resistance Has Become Crucial in the Global Conversation’

In the light of current world events, defiance will be in sharp relief at the 48th Göteborg Film Festival, which runs Jan. 26 – Feb. 4, 2025 Under the banner “Focus: Disobedience,” the festival will highlight themes of civil resistance and pose such questions as: “When does rebellion become a moral obligation? When can it […]


Partnership for Public Service charts course for civil service reform, rejects Schedule F

A new vision for civil service reform from the Partnership for Public Service calls for holistic modernization of government, rather than “burning it down."

The post Partnership for Public Service charts course for civil service reform, rejects Schedule F first appeared on Federal News Network.


Nearly half of all civilian feds are new hires since 2019

Agencies hired more than 1 million federal employees since October 2019, and it’s almost an even split between competitive and excepted service.

The post Nearly half of all civilian feds are new hires since 2019 first appeared on Federal News Network.


What the EEOC’s ADR report tells us about workplace civility in the federal sector

EEOC’s new data sheds light on how preemptive measures can effectively remedy complaints before they garner the power to inflict serious reputational crises.

The post What the EEOC’s ADR report tells us about workplace civility in the federal sector first appeared on Federal News Network.


These rarely seen DoD civilians matter a lot in times of war

Some 20,000 civilian employees work in the organic industrial base, supplying DoD with items it can't get from industry in enough quantity or not not at all.

The post These rarely seen DoD civilians matter a lot in times of war first appeared on Federal News Network.


At DoD, a new effort to fix civilian employee onboarding

A new plan offers short and long-term recommendations to streamline the 90-or-so steps it takes to onboard employees in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

The post At DoD, a new effort to fix civilian employee onboarding first appeared on Federal News Network.


Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Emmett Till : the murder that shocked the world and propelled the civil rights movement

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Materials for civil and construction engineers

Location: Engineering Library- TA403.M246 2016


Assyro-Chaldeans with their Syriac Churches formed a Civiliz...

Assyro-Chaldeans with their Syriac Churches formed a Civilization


In a cancel culture, anonymity must be a civil right

Anonymity, in ordinary times, is a tough topic to wrestle with. These days, however, it’s easy: Dissent, and thus democracy, will only survive in today’s culture if anonymity is preserved.


Aston Hall to show Civil War-era artifacts

Historic embroideries back on display after epic ten year restoration.


Civilian deployment blog?

I'm looking for a blog about a civilian embarking on a short-term deployment to Afghanistan (or Iraq?) in some sort of support role—I think he was involved in engineering or computer modeling or mapping or something similar. I believe he was either a MeFite or was mentioned somewhere on MetaFilter. Anyone have a link? Other things I remember: I believe it was hosted on Blogger, though it also may not have been. I remember the poster being sad to be away from his daughter and wife for six months, but the money was of course enticing. I remember there being a couple of pretty lengthy rundowns of his time traveling and being processed on a couple of bases in the U.S. before deployment, and being concerned that he wouldn't make his deployment window if he missed a flight, and there being some discussion of all the military-issue stuff he was required to buy in order to deploy (and some things I think he deliberately chose not to bring along). All of that is pretty common fodder for deployment blogs, I guess, but maybe it'll ring a bell with someone!

Searching for "civilian deployment blog" and "Afghanistan deployment blog" has brought up a few results, but I don't think they're the blog I'm seeking. This result isn't the right one, as far as I can tell, but it may be using the same template as the one I'm remembering. This is one of the top search results, but it isn't the one I'm looking for. This and this aren't it, either. Most of the ones I'm finding are from a soldier's perspective, rather than a DoD civilian's one—or if they are about deployed DoD civilians, they mostly seem to be ones who've served in the military in other capacities previously, or who are doing multiple-year tours in Afghanistan. This guy was just going for about six months...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


La población civil en Arauca queda en medio del fuego cruzado de disidencias y el ELN


Alcalde de Miranda, Cauca aseguró que ataque con carro bomba fue directo a población civil


¿Cómo sobrevivieron los niños extraviados en el Guaviare? Aerocivil revela detalles

A través de un informe, la Aerocivil contó la forma en que los 4 menores sobrevivieron durante 40 días en la selva del Guaviare.


Dos policías y varios civiles heridos por explosión de motocicleta bomba en Jamundí

Se trata de una patrullera y un sargento que resultaron heridos por la explosión en pleno centro de Jamundí, sur del Valle del Cauca


Visualizing the Past (World War II) | Goldwag's Journal on Civilization


Civil Rights Activist Timuel Black Jr. Dies At 102

Barack Obama released a statement on his passing.


Fištejn: Na Ukrajině neprobíhá konflikt etnický, ale civilizační. Proruský separatismus je neopodstatněný

Aby byla vzpoura povýšena na revoluci, musí nejdříve zvítězit. Extremista, který ve svém boji uspěl, se může stát bojovníkem za svobodu – aspoň pro dějepravu vlastního národa. Základním problémem každé definice je, že se politické pojmosloví zpravidla nepoužívá ve svém normativním významu. Ještě donedávna se výstižně vtipkovalo, že rozdíl mezi demokracií obecně a demokracií socialistickou je zhruba stejný jako mezi křeslem a elektrickým křeslem.


Five Extremely Long English Words Causing a Civil War Among Linguists

By Jesse Published: November 12th, 2024


Visit Ancient Civilizations in These 9 NOVA Documentaries

From Petra to the Amazon to ancient China, NOVA has you covered.


What is Israel’s strategy in targeting Hezbollah’s civilian network?

Israel says its targets are legitimate, but critics say it is aiming at Hezbollah's social base.


Civilian priorities for ending the war in Sudan

Civilian priorities for ending the war in Sudan 31 October 2024 — 12:30PM TO 1:30PM Anonymous (not verified) Chatham House and Online

Dr Abdalla Hamdok, former prime minister of Sudan and chairperson of the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadum), will discuss the prospects for conflict resolution in Sudan.

The intensification of fighting across Sudan demonstrates that both warring parties and their allies are continuing to pursue an outright military victory in the war, with little regard for the human cost. Diplomatic efforts, including the US-led Geneva talks in August, have produced little progress towards a ceasefire.  Meanwhile, the conflict has resulted in widespread devastation, mass displacement, and an escalating hunger crisis.

Civilian perspectives on ending the war, their vital efforts in providing lifesaving humanitarian assistance, and the aspiration of many Sudanese for a more inclusive and democratic Sudan, have been sidelined by the interests and actions of the belligerent parties.

At this event, Dr Abdalla Hamdok will discuss options for reaching a ceasefire and seeking a peaceful political resolution to the conflict. He will also address the urgent need for an international response to what has become the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

Please note that in-person attendance for this event will be balloted. Guests looking to join in-person must ‘register interest’ in joining. Full confirmations to successful applicants will be sent on Monday 28 October at 15:00.

Individual membership provides you with the complete Chatham House experience, connecting you with a unique global policy community. Find out more about membership.


The MENA uprisings: Five years on, what role is civil society playing?

The MENA uprisings: Five years on, what role is civil society playing? 31 October 2024 — 2:00PM TO 3:00PM Anonymous (not verified) Online

Panellists examine the protest movements’ legacies in different context and how civil society continues to work towards positive change.

Five years after nation-wide protests in Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Sudan demanded systemic changes and political reforms, the situation remains largely unchanged. In some cases, it has deteriorated. Sudan is facing a humanitarian catastrophe amidst an ongoing civil war. Lebanon is dealing with Israeli aggression amidst a severe economic crisis with little response from the caretaker government. In Iraq and Algeria, relative stability masks the reality of increased suppression of dissent. This preservation of the status quo supports the entrenched political structures that strive to uphold it.

The current absence of large-scale street protests in these countries should not be taken as an indication that populations are content with the status quo. The issues that ignited the initial uprisings remain and in many cases have worsened. Despite enormous challenges, activists continue to navigate their systems to survive and instigate change. In the face of increasing difficulties, they are raising awareness of their countries’ predicaments and are finding alternative economic solutions. Additionally they are mobilizing community support, and pushing to voice their disillusionment. All these efforts aim at actively participating in shaping decisions that determines their future.

This webinar explores:

  • What has been the impact of the uprisings in Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Sudan?
  • How are civil society and activists contributing to change within their communities?
  • What is the current landscape for civic engagement within the politics, society and economy in these countries?
  • What prospects are there for solidarity and cooperation among civil society actors across these regions and beyond?


Climate Action: A Role for Civil Disobedience?


The Role of Sub-state and Non-state Actors in International Climate Processes: Civil Society

The Role of Sub-state and Non-state Actors in International Climate Processes: Civil Society Research paper sysadmin 27 November 2018

Given today’s challenging geopolitical conditions and the evolving nature of the international climate regime since Paris, civil society must now once again recalibrate its strategies to ensure continued and increasing relevance.

Photo by The Climate Reality Project, ‘People’s Climate March Protest’, via Unsplash, 2017.

This is one of four background papers feeding into a synthesis paper entitled The Role of Sub-state and Non-state Actors in International Climate Processes.


  • Following the failure of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) in Copenhagen in 2009, there was a step change in the sophistication and unity of civil society engagement on climate policy. This ensured that, subsequently, civil society was more effective in exercising multiple channels of influence around the negotiations for the Paris Agreement in 2015.
  • Civil society proved to be particularly effective at harnessing the twin narratives of climate science and economics, and at leveraging an emerging multi-level governance architecture, to create political space for climate leadership.
  • Given today’s challenging geopolitical conditions and the evolving nature of the international climate regime since Paris, civil society must now once again recalibrate its strategies to ensure continued and increasing relevance.
  • In particular, the shift to a more ‘nationally grounded’ implementation regime focusing on individual states’ climate commitments will require civil society to become more effective at influencing domestic politics. At the same time, civil society will need to continue to seek strategic synergies at the international level.
  • Civil society has a central role to play in ensuring that the first key test of the Paris ‘ratchet’ mechanism – revising countries’ pledged climate actions, or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), by 2020 – is robust, science-informed and strongly rooted in domestic politics.


U.S., South Korea agree to greater cooperation on civil nuclear energy

Earlier this month, the United States and the Republic of Korea reached an agreement on greater cooperation on civil nuclear energy projects, the U.S. Department of Energy said this week.


Pentagon orders all civilian employees to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 22

The Pentagon on Monday ordered all Department of Defense civilian employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by no later than Nov. 22.


U.S. sanctions RSF commander for West Darfur over attacks on civilians

The Biden administration has sanctioned the West Darfur commander of the Rapid Support Forces on accusations that troops under his control have been responsible for violence targeting civilians.


Schools Could See U-Turn on Civil Rights Under Biden

Activists expect to see renewed guidance, more active enforcement, and better data collection coming from the Education Department’s civil rights office.