
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Workers’ Skills: Upskilling and Reskilling in Organisations

Aim/Purpose: This paper examines the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on professional skills in organizations and explores strategies to address the resulting challenges. Background: The rapid integration of AI across various sectors is automating tasks and reducing cognitive workload, leading to increased productivity but also raising concerns about job displacement. Successfully adapting to this transformation requires organizations to implement new working models and develop strategies for upskilling and reskilling their workforce. Methodology: This review analyzes recent research and practice on AI's impact on human skills in organizations. We identify key trends in how AI is reshaping professional competencies and highlight the crucial role of transversal skills in this evolving landscape. The paper also discusses effective strategies to support organizations and guide workers through upskilling and reskilling processes. Contribution: The paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge by examining recent trends in AI's impact on professional skills and workplaces. It emphasizes the importance of transversal skills and identifies strategies to support organizations and workers in meeting upskilling and reskilling challenges. Our findings suggest that investing in workforce development is crucial for ensuring that the benefits of AI are equitably distributed among all stakeholders. Findings: Our findings indicate that organizations must employ a proactive approach to navigate the AI-driven transformation of the workplace. This approach involves mapping the transversal skills needed to address current skill gaps, helping workers identify and develop skills required for effective AI adoption, and implementing processes to support workers through targeted training and development opportunities. These strategies are essential for ensuring that workers' attitudes and mental models towards AI are adaptable and prepared for the changing labor market. Recommendation for Researchers: We emphasize the need for researchers to adopt a transdisciplinary approach when studying AI's impact on the workplace. Given AI's complexity and its far-reaching implications across various fields including computer science, mathematics, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences, integrating diverse perspectives is crucial for a holistic understanding of AI's applications and consequences. Future Research: Looking ahead, further research is needed to deepen our understanding of AI's impact on human skills, particularly the role of soft skills in AI adoption within organizations. Future studies should also address the challenges posed by Industry 5.0, which is expected to bring about even more extensive integration of new technologies and automation.


Applied Psychology and Informing Science: Introduction to the Developing Special Series

Aim/Purpose: This is an introductory paper for the developing special series on applied psychology and informing science. It takes into account the spirit of informing science to launch the first of three articles in the series on applied psychology. The paper concludes by raising questions for future investigations.


Knowledge-Oriented Leadership, Psychological Safety, Employee Voice, and Innovation

Aim/Purpose: The truism is that leadership fosters or restricts innovation behaviours in organisations, but the extent to which it does depends on the leadership style in practice. This study focuses on one of the contemporary leadership styles, knowledge-oriented leadership [KOL], which has received scant attention in research. In doing so, the contextual factors of psychological safety [PS] and employee voice [EV] were applied to determine how KOL influences are channeled to innovation at the individual level. Methodology: Data were collected from 347 academic staff in public universities in Southern Nigeria and subjected to a partial least square [PLS] analytical procedure for data treatment and hypotheses testing using the SmartPLS 3 software for variance-based structural equation modelling. Contribution: The study formed an integrated research framework that links knowledge-oriented leadership and innovation by accounting for the contextual mechanisms of psychological safety and employee voice. Findings: The PLS results demonstrated that the knowledge-oriented leadership and innovation relationship was positive and significant, and this relationship was partially mediated by two variables, namely, PS and EV. Furthermore, the two mediating variables channeled KOL’s influence on innovation in a sequence. Recommendation for Researchers: Organisations need to consider the practical application of KOL to improve innovation outcomes considerably. By this, leadership training programs should include modules, courses, or topics on KOL to engender the formation of requisite managerial skills. More so, they should consider the criterion of demonstrable KOL abilities for leadership selection and recruitment. As a personal development initiative, managers can attend leadership development programmes as well as obtain certification in knowledge management to improve their KOL abilities. This initiative should be encouraged and supported by organisations. In all, the human resource management framework should be responsive to the dynamics of the knowledge economy regarding leadership. Given that PS and EV function as mediators, organisations should actively cultivate an environment enabling interpersonal risky behaviours founded on trust, respect, and cooperation and encourage/support employees who demonstrate such behaviour accordingly. In this line, they should create and sustain a supportive environment that positively reinforces voice decisions and behaviours. Future Research: The study only determined the links between KOL, PS, EV, and innovation in public universities in Southern Nigeria. Other studies may examine the linkages in other knowledge-intensive organisations as well as expand the geographic scope to make for better generality of findings. Future studies should look at other underlying mechanisms that can affect the KOL-innovation relationship, such as psychological capital, work engagement, work commitment, etc. The role of moderators can be identified and introduced to this integrative framework to demonstrate the conditions affecting the linkages.


Multi-Focus Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Multi-Task Learning and PS-ViT

Qinghua WU,Weitong LI, Vol.E107-D, No.11, pp.1422-1432
Multi-focus image fusion involves combining partially focused images of the same scene to create an all-in-focus image. Aiming at the problems of existing multi-focus image fusion algorithms that the benchmark image is difficult to obtain and the convolutional neural network focuses too much on the local region, a fusion algorithm that combines local and global feature encoding is proposed. Initially, we devise two self-supervised image reconstruction tasks and train an encoder-decoder network through multi-task learning. Subsequently, within the encoder, we merge the dense connection module with the PS-ViT module, enabling the network to utilize local and global information during feature extraction. Finally, to enhance the overall efficiency of the model, distinct loss functions are applied to each task. To preserve the more robust features from the original images, spatial frequency is employed during the fusion stage to obtain the feature map of the fused image. Experimental results demonstrate that, in comparison to twelve other prominent algorithms, our method exhibits good fusion performance in objective evaluation. Ten of the selected twelve evaluation metrics show an improvement of more than 0.28%. Additionally, it presents superior visual effects subjectively.
Publication Date: 2024/11/01


A novel approach of psychometric interaction and principal component for analysing factors affecting e-wallet usage

The Republic of India has witnessed an enormous leap in financial transactions after a sudden demonetisation in 2016. The study represents an in-depth analysis of the factors influencing e-wallets usage post-COVID situation covering the National Capital Region. The scientifically collected data were subjected to Pearson's correlation to recognise the correlation amongst the selected e-wallets. The usage of e-wallets is observed mainly during recharge, UPI payments, and utility payments. Through psychometric response and interaction analysis, six factors were selected and examined for data distribution and stable observation using standard deviation and variance coefficient. The coefficient of variance for six factors was observed ≤ 1. The weight of the factors noted to be secured way (0.184), to take advantage of cashback (0.182), low risk of theft (0.169), fast service (0.1689), ease to use (0.156), and saves time (0.139) using principal component eigenvectors analysis. Freecharge and Tez wallets reveal a maximum 99.2% correlation.


TALK: Automated Data Augmentation via Wikidata Relationships

Automated Data Augmentation via Wikidata Relationships Oyesh Singh, UMBC10:30-11:30 Monday, 21 October 2019, ITE 346 With the increase in complexity of machine learning models, there is more need for data than ever. In order to fill this gap of annotated data-scarce situation, we look towards the ocean of free data present in Wikipedia and other […]

The post TALK: Automated Data Augmentation via Wikidata Relationships appeared first on UMBC ebiquity.



Social exchange theory is a broad theory that has been used to explain trust as an outcome of various exchange relationships, and research commonly presumes trust exists between exchange partners that have prior relationships. In this paper, we contribute to social exchange theory by isolating the trust outcomes of interorganizational exchanges from other outcomes emphasized by learning and knowledge-based perspectives, and by specifying important boundary conditions for the emergence of trust in interorganizational exchanges. We make such a theoretical contribution within the domain of strategic alliances by investigating the effects of previous alliance agreements, or prior ties, between the partnering firms. We find that prior ties generally lead to learning about a partner's anticipated behavioral patterns, which helps a firm predict when self-interested behavior may occur and know how to interact with the partner during the coordination and execution of the alliance tasks. By contrast, it is evident that the kind of trust emphasized in social exchange theory is not generally rooted in prior ties and only emerges from prior relationships under certain conditions. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on social exchange theory and for delineating the theory's domain of applicability.



Firms play a crucial role in furthering social welfare through their ability to foster stakeholders' contributions to joint value creation, i.e., value creation that involves a public-good dilemma due to high task and outcome interdependence - leading to what economists have labeled the 'team production problem'. We build on relational models theory to examine how individual stakeholders' contributions to joint value creation are shaped by stakeholders' mental representations of their relationships with the other participants in value creation, and how these mental representations are affected by the perceived behavior of the firm. Stakeholder theory typically contrasts a broadly-defined 'relational' approach to stakeholder management with a 'transactional' approach based on the price mechanism - and has argued that the former is more likely to contribute to social welfare than the latter. Our theory supports this prediction for joint value creation, but also implies that the dichotomy on which it is based is too coarse-grained: there are three distinct ways to trigger higher contributions to joint value creation than through a 'transactional' approach. Our theory also helps explain the tendency for firms and their stakeholders to converge on 'transactional' relationships, despite their relative inefficiency in the context of joint value creation.


Partnerships for peace and development in fragile states: Identifying missing links

Literature on partnerships has grown rapidly in the past decade across different disciplines. However, despite conceptual attention to the value of strategic multi-stakeholder collaboration to promote peace and reconciliation, challenges posed by (post-)conflict, fragile contexts have barely been considered in empirical studies. In this article we contribute by bringing together debates from different partnership literatures and providing an overview of existing, relatively limited research insights on partnerships for peace in fragile states. We present a typology of different levels (local, national, international) at which collaboration takes place and different types of partnerships (philanthropic, transactional, engagement, transformative). This is exemplified with specific attention to Africa, where most fragile states are found, and to partnerships with transformative potential. The analysis suggests that the lowest-level (local) partnerships tend to exclude the national government, while the most recent international, multilateral-driven collaboration has not included business; national cases are most transformative but incidental and not yet leveraged internationally. Despite the interconnected nature of conflict and fragility issues, linkages between partnerships and partners at different levels are largely missing, offering potential for further development by a broad spectrum of scholars and thought leaders. Insights from 'extreme' unconventional contexts thus have relevance for management research more generally.



There is a growing consensus that cooperative goal structures are more effective at motivating groups than competitive goal structures. However, such results are based largely on studies conducted in highly-controlled settings where participants were provided with the necessary resources to accomplish their assigned task. In an attempt to extend the boundary conditions of current theoretical predictions, we undertook a field experiment within a base-of-the-pyramid setting where resource scarcity is extremely high. Specifically, we collected data on 44 communities within rural Sri Lanka who were tasked with contributing a portion of their resources to the construction of a school building; 24 were assigned to a competition condition and 20 to a cooperation condition. The results of our field experiment, and subsequent follow-up interviews and focus groups, collectively suggest that competitive goal structures generally lead to higher levels of motivation within a resource scarce environment. However, our results also suggest that cooperative goal structures can be highly motivating when groups are unfamiliar with one another, as cooperating with unfamiliar groups can provide access to valuable and rare knowledge within such settings.



In a series of qualitative and quantitative studies, we developed a model of the functions of positive work relationships, with an explicit focus on the role that these relationships play in employee flourishing. Stories that employees told about positive relationships at work revealed that relationships serve a broad range of functions, including the traditionally-studied functions of task assistance, career advancement, and emotional support, as well as less studied functions of personal growth, friendship, and the opportunity to give to others. Building on this taxonomy, we validated a scale - the Relationship Functions Inventory - and developed theory suggesting differential linkages between the relationship functions and outcomes indicative of employee flourishing. Results revealed unique associations between functions and outcomes, such that task assistance was most strongly associated with job satisfaction, giving to others was most strongly associated with meaningful work, friendship was most strongly associated with positive emotions at work, and personal growth was most strongly associated with life satisfaction. Our results suggest that work relationships play a key role in promoting employee flourishing, and that examining the differential effects of a taxonomy of relationship functions brings precision to our understand of how relationships impact individual flourishing.



Identification is integral to mentoring relationships, yet we know relatively little about the process through which mentors and protégés identify with each other, how this mutual identification shifts through the phases of the mentoring relationship, and how identification impacts the quality of the relationship over time. In this paper, we integrate theories of the self, relationships, and relational mentoring to consider the role of identification in informal mentoring. Specifically, we theorize how the process of personal identification occurs in mentoring from the perspective of both the mentor and protégé and offer a model that demonstrates how shifts in identification relate to the quality of the relationship that develops over time. We conclude with a discussion of implications for research and theory in mentoring.


Beginning's end: How founders psychologically disengage from their organizations

Exit is a critical part of the entrepreneurial process. At the same time, research indicates that founders are likely to form strong identity connections to the organizations they start. In turn, when founders exit their organizations, the process of psychological disengagement might destabilize their identities. Yet, limited research addresses how founders experience exit or how they manage their identities during this process. Through a qualitative, inductive study of founders of technology-based companies, I developed a theoretical model of founder psychological disengagement that delineates how founder work orientations relate to the disengagement paths that founders follow when leaving one organization and starting another. In elaborating theory on psychological disengagement, this study has implications for understanding the psychology of founders, how founders exit and begin again, and psychological disengagement, more broadly.


Come Aboard! Exploring the Effects of Directorships in the Executive Labor Market

In this study, we examine the question: What do executives gain from serving on boards? We propose that board service will benefit non-CEO level executives in the executive labor market by acting as a certification mechanism and also by providing access to unique knowledge, skills, and connections. We argue that non-CEO executives who gain directorships will be more likely to be promoted to CEO both inside and outside their home firm, will be more likely to be promoted internally, and will receive higher pay from their home firms. To test our ideas, we employ propensity score matching to construct a longitudinal sample of 2,104 top executives of large, publicly traded companies in the United States over the period 1996 to 2012. Results provide consistent support for our theory.


The Guardian stops posting on Elon Musk's 'toxic' X

It has accused X of promoting "disturbing content", and says Mr Musk is using it to "shape political discourse."


PSA PA-15 Nitride Rifle-Length 5.56 NATO Classic AR-15 Rifle $579.99 FREE S&H

PSA Classic 5.56 AR15 Rifle with Carry Handle at the lowest price this year. Now, just $579.99 with FREE shipping to your FFL.


118th PSS Council

We are pleased to announce that at the 118th Annual General Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore (PSS) held on 23rd March 2024 (Saturday), the following office bearers were elected for the term 2024/2025.




PSS Telepharmacy and Tele-Pharmaceutical Care Services Guidelines (Revised 2024)

A revised version of the PSS Telepharmacy and Tele-Pharmaceutical Care Services Guidelines was published at the end of July 2024, featuring some exciting changes.

With the revision, Telepharmacy services can now be provided under two scenarios:

  1. Situation 1: The patient calls a qualified pharmacist at a licensed pharmacy premises, with assistance from a trained staff member or pharmacy technician from another licensed pharmacy, to receive advice and medications.


PSS Aseptic Compounding course Level 1: Good compounding practices (4th Run)


Visibility drops in parts of Delhi as pollution surges

NEW DELHI: A toxic haze enveloped India’s national capital on Wednesday morning as temperatures dropped and pollution surged, reducing visibility in some parts and prompting a warning from airport authorities that flights may be affected.

Delhi overtook Pakistan’s Lahore as the world’s most polluted city in Swiss group IQAir’s live rankings, with an air quality index (AQI) score of more than 1,000, considered “hazardous”, but India’s pollution authority said the AQI was around 350.

Officials were not immediately available to explain the variation.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) said the pollution had reduced visibility to 100 metres (328 feet) in some places by around 8 a.m. (0230 GMT).

“Low visibility procedures” were initiated at the city’s Indira Gandhi International Airport, operator Delhi International Airport Limited said in a post on social media platform X.

“While landing and takeoffs continue at Delhi Airport, flights that are not CAT III compliant may get affected,“ the authority said.

CAT III is a navigation system that enables aircraft to land even when visibility is low.

The IMD said the city’s temperature dropped to 17 degrees Celsius (63 degrees Fahrenheit) on Wednesday morning from 17.9C on Tuesday, and may fall further as sunlight remains cut off due to the smog.

Delhi battles severe pollution every winter as cold, heavy air traps dust, emissions, and smoke from farm fires set off illegally in the adjoining, farming states of Punjab and Haryana.

Previously, authorities have closed schools, placed restrictions on private vehicles, and stopped some building work to curb the problem.

The city’s environment minister said last week that the government was keen to use artificial rain to cut the smog.

Pakistan’s Punjab province, which shares a border with India, has also banned outdoor activities, closed schools, and ordered shops, markets and malls to close early in some parts in an effort to protect its citizens from the toxic air.


Africa Walkathon Campaign to Take First of 52 Million Steps

Cape Town, South Africa, February 2020 – Walk4Africa, a non-profit social impact initiative, aims to become the world’s longest walkathon and has launched a crowdfunding appeal to raise $5000 by the end of March to take the first of 52...


Psiphon 183.20241112

Psiphon is a censorship circumvention tool designed to give access to the internet where censors and firewalls block it. Psiphon is portable and when run, automatically connects to the fastest country near you by default. A drop-down is right there where you can choose from one of nine countries or easily disconnect. [License: Open Source | Requires: 11|10|8|7|Android|macOS | Size: 8 MB ]


Seagate Game Drive PS5 SSD 2TB Review and more (13 Reviews) @ NT Compatible



Report: 10 Used Cars With Big Price Drops

Vehicle prices are continuing on the downward trajectory, which is something that money expert Clark Howard has been saying would happen. “The used vehicle prices are on a steady downturn, and the new vehicles are on a downturn as well but not as steep because they don’t have as far to fall as the used […]

The post Report: 10 Used Cars With Big Price Drops appeared first on Clark Howard.


13 Steps To Keeping Your Email Safe and Secure

You can’t be too vigilant when it comes to computer security. It’s way too often that we hear of a new virus or another type of malware making the rounds. Email is often used to implant malware into a computer or direct the user to a malicious website. Once the computer has been compromised or […]

The post 13 Steps To Keeping Your Email Safe and Secure appeared first on Clark Howard.


Follow These Tips if an Airline Reschedules Your Flight

Are you holding airline tickets for an upcoming trip? The odds are favorable that you will fly on schedule. However, be aware that the airlines can tweak departure times, flight frequency, and in some cases even swap aircraft models based on customer demand. Monitor Your Flight Status and Know Your Passenger Rights If you’re trying […]

The post Follow These Tips if an Airline Reschedules Your Flight appeared first on Clark Howard.


Using & Managing Apps | OpenScholar Documentation

OpenScholar help site



Google Apps update alerts: Chart trendlines now available in Google Sheets



Class FileUpload - Google Apps Script — Google Developers



Di-O-Matic announces Lipsync MX Public Beta


Immediate Availability of LipSync MX


Immediate Availability of LipSync MX 2


Di-O-Matic announces LipSync MX 2.5


Immediate Availability of LipSync MX v3


Immediate Availlability of LipSync MX v4


Sustainable Living: Simple Steps for a Greener and Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Sustainable Living: Simple Steps for a Greener and Eco-Friendly Lifestyle


Profit-taking wipes out almost all gains at PSX

KSE-100 index adds 34.38 points, settles at 78,897.73


NEPRA fines KE Rs1m for safety lapse

Also orders power utility to pay Rs3.5m to a victim's familyQ


PSX tumbles by 634 points on investor caution

Settles at 78,651.79 on concerns over privatisation, IMF terms, and SBP policy announcement


State Bank of Pakistan slashes policy rate by 200 BPS

The SBP cut its policy rate to 17.5% following a recent sharp decline in inflation


Akshay Kumar drops 'Bhoot Bangla' news on birthday, rejoins Priyadarshan for horror-comedy

The actor's latest film announcement brings him back together with Priyadarshan for a unique horror-comedy.

  • Life & Style


Singer Sanam Marvi announces third marriage, opens up about past relationships

Marvi had previously married at 18, and her first husband was murdered in Karachi.


Imran Khan upset over Ali Amin Gandapur's 'excessive' remarks about journalists

Imran Khan had earlier defended Gandapur, calling on PTI to expel the 'weak cowards' who had apologised for the K-P CM


PS5 Disc Drive is selling out after PS5 Pro announcement

The PS5 Disc Drive is selling out online following the PS5 Pro reveal, leaving gamers scrambling to secure one.


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Zombie apocalypse: World's 'first haunted house experience' on running bullet train

Performers dressed as zombies practice their performance before boarding a "Zombie Shinkansen" bullet train bound for Osaka from Tokyo, inspired by the South Korean movie 'Train to Busan', ahead of the Halloween season, in Tokyo, Japan October 19, 2024. — Reuters

It's usually a serene...


County Pays $300,000 To 11-Year-Old Whose Pet Goat Was Seized And Killed By Cops Because She Backed Out Of A 4-H Auction

Never underestimate the amount of effort law enforcement officers will expend to dispense as much cruelty as possible. And never forget these are the people we are expected to believe are actually there to protect and serve. While it’s great there’s a settlement payment on the way, the fact is that this extremely vindictive and […]