Izquierda Unida C-LM Establece Abril de 2026 Como Fecha Límite para Definir su Estrategia Electoral para los Comicios Autonómicos y Municipales

Izquierda Unida de Castilla-La Mancha ha fijado abril de 2026 como la fecha límite para presentar sus candidaturas para las elecciones autonómicas y regionales de mayo de 2027. Así lo ha anunciado Pedro Mellado, el coordinador general de la formación, en una reciente entrevista. Mellado destacó el compromiso de IU de informar con un año […]

Artículo publicado en : Izquierda Unida C-LM Establece Abril de 2026 Como Fecha Límite para Definir su Estrategia Electoral para los Comicios Autonómicos y Municipales


UGT Castilla-La Mancha Propone Mejor Coordinación en Asistencia a Damnificados por la DANA

La Unión General de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de Castilla-La Mancha (UGT) urge a las autoridades y organismos competentes a una respuesta coordinada ante la situación crítica que viven 400 personas y 70 empresas, afectadas por el paso de la Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos (DANA) en la región. Este fenómeno meteorológico ha dejado un rastro […]

Artículo publicado en : UGT Castilla-La Mancha Propone Mejor Coordinación en Asistencia a Damnificados por la DANA


Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo

En la ciudad de Cuenca, el ambiente está cargado de emoción ante la inminente llegada del Carnaval, uno de los eventos más esperados por la comunidad. El Concejal de Festejos, Alberto Castellano, ha destacado la colaboración entre su departamento y la Asociación Amigos del Carnaval para fortalecer esta celebración anual. «Llevamos ya tiempo trabajando en […]

Artículo publicado en : Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo


Nuevas Directrices del SEPE para Tramitación de Prestaciones por Daños de DANA

El Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE) ha establecido un nuevo protocolo para gestionar electrónicamente las prestaciones por desempleo destinadas a los afectados por la DANA. Esta normativa se ha detalla en una reciente resolución publicada en el Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), como parte del Real Decreto-ley ratificado por el Consejo de Ministros. Este […]

Artículo publicado en : Nuevas Directrices del SEPE para Tramitación de Prestaciones por Daños de DANA


Page Celebra la Creación del Alto Comisionado y Exige al Estado Compromiso en la Restauración de los Cauces

El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, ha mostrado su satisfacción por la decisión del Gobierno central de crear un Alto Comisionado destinado a agilizar la reconstrucción en las zonas afectadas por la reciente DANA (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos). Durante un discurso en Puertollano, García-Page expresó su confianza en que la Administración central no […]

Artículo publicado en : Page Celebra la Creación del Alto Comisionado y Exige al Estado Compromiso en la Restauración de los Cauces


Adventures of Man in the Can - Ch 14 - The Great Exodus - No One Left Behind

The destruction of the park has begun!! The Man in the Can quickly realizes a family of squirrels is in the mist of the mayhem. Can Yellow Bird and Man in the Can save the family?

Find out in this episode of The Adventures of the Man in the Can.

MP3 File - Click Here to Download Podcast


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School 2014/2015

This year I will have 4 children to teach:

Kate - 4th grade
Claire- 3rd grade
Henry - 1st grade
Jack - K4

I will also have:

Miles-18 months (right now)
Baby 7-due in October

I do a little for K4 only because I think it's good practice for both of us. I don't think K4 needs to be taught. However, most children, especially those with older brothers/sisters, are itching to start "school" like everyone else. It's good practice for me to slowly get used to teaching another child. I can see what it will look like and how it will effect our schedule. We do handwriting, phonics, and basic, fun math. I do also include them in our Science reading but do not require them to do anything and most of the time do not require them to sit and listen the entire time.

With that being said, here is what we'll be using this year:

Jack- K4

Math-Singapore Essentials
Handwriting - ABeka
Phonics/Reading - Reading Made Easy (I really love this book but obviously I did not pay $1000 for it at amazon-more like $5)

Henry-1st grade

Math-Horizons 1
Grammar-First Language Lesson
Writing-Writing with Ease
Phonics-Explode the Code
Reading-Heart of Dakota Emerging Readers set and selections from Veritas Press
Science-Apologia with Claire
History-History for Little Pilgrims - we will just read through this together

I don't really start official spelling until 2nd grade

Claire-3rd grade

Math-Horizons 3
Grammar/Writing-Rod and Staff
Handwriting-Classically Cursive - Veritas Press
Spelling-Rod and Staff
Reading-Selections from Veritas Press Literature and History
Science-Apologia with Henry
History-Veritas Press self-paced online course-Explorers to 1815

Kate-4th grade

Math-Saxon 6/5
Grammar/Writing-Rod and Staff
Handwriting-Classically Cursive-Veritas Press
Spelling-Rod and Staff
Reading-Selections from Veritas Press Literature and History
Science-Apologia Anatomy
History-Veritas Press self-paced online course-Middle Ages, Reformation, and Renaissance


Bible-Veritas Press
Greek-Song School Greek, and other products from Classic Academic Press

We've made a few changes but kept our favorites too. We LOVE Veritas Bible and the reading lists. We also love the history but this year the girls are doing their own separate courses online. So far, they have been very interested in them and I don't have to do anything which makes me excited. They include map work, quizzes, tests, and outside reading.

Kate is becoming more independent which is why she is doing her own science this year. I let her pick it out and she picked Anatomy. I do love Apologia but was having a hard time combining children so I think this will work out well. She has finished up her first section and loves it so far. She reads by herself and then comes to me to narrate. After that, she works in her notebook to record what she has learned and does the experiments. I have had to help her very little.

I switched math for everyone this year and I think it will be a good switch. I haven't found a math I love yet but I really like the look of Horizons for K-3 so I think this may be the keeper. I then plan to switch the kids to Saxon at whatever level they place into. Kate placed into 6/5 this year. I almost pulled her back to 5/4 but I just decided to let her do 6/5 and slow it down if needed. It lends itself to independent learning as well so I think she will thrive on it. Rick and I both love math and so we're not afraid to "teach" it though.  And yes, I have looked at Teaching Textbooks but so far I am not interested in it. I might change my tune at some point.

I think that's about it! I'll post about our schedule/routine on another post.


Christmas 2014 Pictures

Kate - 10, Claire - 8, Henry - 7, Jack - 5, Sims - 3, Miles - almost 2, Luke - 2 months
I couldn't figure out how to turn the self timer on so we didn't get a family picture - maybe next year.



Pictures from the Park - November 2014

We went to the park back in November to enjoy the nice weather and because Rick took the day off of work. This is one of my new favorite pictures of the kids. Little Luke (exactly 1 month old at the time) was in his little car seat. Maybe he can climb on the slide with everyone this summer. :)

Claire - 8, Miles - 22 months, Kate - 9, Sims - 3

Kate and Miles

Jack - 4

Sims, Jack, Henry - 6, Miles, Kate, Luke - 4 weeks, Claire

Claire and Kate


Bolufer et son pied-à-terre

Le directeur de cabinet de Christine Boutin, actuelle ministre du Logement, loue depuis 1981 un appartement à loyer modéré propriété de la RIVP (la régie immobilière de la ville de Paris). Selon le Canard enchaîné, qui révèle l’information, Jean-Paul...


Le ''droit au logement opposable'', cette fausse bonne idée, par Jérôme Dubus

Depuis une décennie, hiver après hiver, l'histoire bégaye : la France fait mine de découvrir la grave crise du logement à laquelle elle est confrontée. « SDF » qui nous renvoient le miroir de nos propres insuffisances ; « mal-logés » qui se réfugient...


Contrôle technique : les deux-roues aussi ?

Bientôt un contrôle technique pour les motos et autres scooters ? C'est en tout cas ce que recommande un rapport du conseil général des ponts et chaussées pour les deux roues motorisés, cyclomoteurs et motos. L'extension d'un contrôle technique aux deux...


Nicolas Sarkozy à un badaud: «Casse-toi!»

Nouvelle polémique autour de mots lâchés par Nicolas Sarkozy, samedi, au salon de l'Agriculture, sous l'oeil des caméras. Dans cette vidéo réalisée par Leparisien.fr, on voit le Président prendre un bain de foule. Jusque-là, rien d’étonnant. Mais lorsqu'il...


Mais où va-t-on ?

Après l'élection de Nicolas Sarkozy, aujourd'hui les français plébiscitent le retour de Jack Lang ou celui Claude Allègre selon un sondage IFOP ! Je m'inquiète pour mon pauvre pays ! Où en est le niveau intellectuel, le bon sens et la capacité d'analyse...


Crédit d'impôt Borloo : Assistance et cours informatique à domicile

Le gouvernement vient d'annoncer un crédit d'impôts sur les services à la personne . Celui ci est ouvert aux ménages non imposable. Il permettra à ceux ci de faire intervenir un prestataire d'aide à domicile comme par exemple, et c'est encore peu connu,...


Ferrari remplacerait PPDA sur TF1 : "des gages donnés à Nicolas Sarkozy" ?

Canal+ a confirmé le départ de sa journaliste vedette. Cette dernière aurait été contactée par TF1 pour remplacer Patrick Poivre d'Arvor à la présentation du journal de 20h. Des commentateurs voient dans ce changement des "gages donnés" à Nicolas Sarkozy...


Photo à 135 euros !!!!

si vous connaissez la boite email d'un commissariat . . . adressez leur cette photo à . . 135 euros ! ! ! Photo prise cette semaine au Leclerc Atout-sud de Rezé . . . . A diffuser . . . Pour être un bon citoyen . . . on vous l'a toujours dit : -> il faut...


Les 4 vérités avec Jacques Séguéla

Je ne dois pas vivre dans le même pays ou la même planète que Monsieur Jacques Séguéla ! Invité à l'émission "Les 4 vérités" sur France 2 le 13/02/2009, en réponse à une question sur le coté Bling Bling de Capitaine Caverne (Nicolas pour ceux qui n'ont...


Mutools - MU.LAB Free 7.4.11

Freeware for Mac : Sequencers / audio-midi sequencer


Vijesti :: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 7:00 (GMT 1) Svakog dana, od ponedjeljka do petka, portal Osijek031.com svojim čitateljima nudi servisne informacije isključivo za taj dan. U servisnim informacijama možete doznati tko će biti bez struje, plina, vode, kakva će biti prognoza, popis događanja za taj dan..

DHMZ prognoza: Pretežno oblačno. Jutarnja temperatura 2°C, a dnevna do 6°C.

Iz Hrvatske elektroprivrede obavještavaju građane da su za danas planirani radovi:

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Ulica javora 2-10 par, 1-9 nep, Ulica kestenova 75-89 nep
od 8:30 do 12:00 sati - Martina Divalta 56-58 par, 60/a, 64-68 par, 70/a, 72, 76-78 par, 78/a, Vatrogasna ulica 15
od 9:00 do 10:00 sati - Park kraljice Katarine Kosača 8, 9, Ulica Josipa Huttlera 6/b, 27/a
od 9:00 do 14:00 sati - Šokačka ulica 16-18 par, Žumberačka ulica 6-10 par, 14-22 par, 7-15 nep, 21-31 nep, 37-49 nep

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Kamešnice 11-13 nep, Osječka 66-70 par, 74-88 par, 92-102 par, 65-95 nep, 99-137 nep, 137/a, 139-145 nep, 145/a, 147, 151-155 nep, 161-165 nep, Pustara Ritić 19, Vratnička ulica 2, 2/a, 6, 6/a, 6/b, 6/c, 8-10 par, 10/a, 12-18 par, 18/a, 20-28 par,28/a,30-40 par
od 11:30 do 14:00 sati - Biokovska 2-42 par, Dinarska 1-35 nep, 39, Ulica Petrove gore 2-24 par, 1-23 nep, Ulica Požeške gore 11-19 nep

Aljmaš, Dalj, Dalj planina
od 8:30 do 9:30 sati - Dolica 4-6 par, 26, 30, 1-7 nep, 11-15 nep, 19, 23-25 nep, Dunavska obala 12/a, 16-20 par, 24, 28-30 par, 40, 11-15 nep, 19-21 nep, 27, 37-39 nep, Hrvatskih mučenika 12, 16, 18/a, 20, 30, 5-7 nep, 7/a, 9-11 nep, 19, 25, Ivana Kesmičkog 6-14par,3, Kalvarija 4, Lipin dol 2, 6-16 par, 20, 20/c, 22, 22/a, 24-26 par, 28/a, 30-32 par, 42-44 par, 76-78 par, 88, 146, 1-5 nep, 5/a, 7-9 nep, 13, 17, 37, 41-43 nep, 49/b, Matije Gupca 2-18 par, 18/b, 22-24 par, 28, 52, 1-25 nep, 25/a, 27, Mladena Palinkaša 2-6 par, 6/a, 8-16 par, 20-30 par, 34-38 par, 48, 92, 94/e, 100-102 par, 1, 1/a, 3-27 nep, 31, 35-39 nep, 47, 87, Podunavlje 8, 8/a, 10, 12/a, 14, 20, 20/c, 20/g, 22-26 par, 32, 46, 52, 1/a, 3-5 nep, 5/a, 7, 7/a, 9-13 nep, 17, 31/a, 33-35 nep, Puarov dol 20/a, Rudina Balinac 20, Rudina crkvina 2, 6-14 par, 22-30 par, 36-50 par, 58-64 par, 68-74 par, 120-124 par, 128, 132, 208, 400, 3-9 nep, 13-15 nep, 23, 27, 31, 39-51 nep, 67-69 nep, 75, 81, 101, 117-121 nep, 125-129 nep, 133, Rudina Dolečak1, Rudina kod Vilme 40, 83, Rudina provalija 2, 14, Rudina selišće 16-22 par, 3-9 nep, Rudina stepanićevac 26, 99, 107-109 nep, Slavka Frangeša 9, 15, 21, Trg braće Radića 6-30 par, 34, 44, 1-7 nep, 15, 19, 23-27 nep, 27/a, 33-35 nep, 39-43 nep,47-49nep, 51/a, ušće 2-22 par, 22/a, 22/c, 24-28 par, 32-38 par, 42, 42/b, 44-56 par, 60-66 par, 72-76 par, 76/a, 78, 78/b, 80-82 par, 82/a, 84, 88-96 par, 100-108 par, 112-118 par, 126, 1, 1/a, 3-21 nep, 21/a, 21/b, 21/e, 21/f, 21/g, 23-29 nep, 37, 41,41/a,43-49 nep, 53, 53/a, 61, 63/a, 67-69 nep, 73, 77, 79/c, 83, 87, 87/a, 89, 89/h, 91-93 nep, 101-109 nep, 113-117 nep, 117/a, 121-125 nep, Vrška 28-30 par, 52/a, 58, 86, 1-3 nep, 7-9 nep, 13, 19-21 nep, 25-27 nep, 37, 41-45 nep, 49, 55, zlatna 2, 2/a,4-16par, 20-24 par, 32, 44-52 par, 58-64 par, 66/a, 68-70 par, 74, 78, 104, 104/a, 106-110 par, 118/a, 122, 142, 142/a, 144, 1-3 nep, 9/a, 11-15 nep, 19-31 nep, 31/a, 33-45 nep, 61-63 nep, 63/a, 65-71 nep, 75, 75/a, 79/a, 79/b, 81, 81/a, 81/c, 95,

Napomena: U slučaju lošeg vremena radovi se odgađaju.

Bez plina
od 09:00 do 12:00 sati - Ulica Petra Svačića (kbr. 37A-43), Ulica Vatroslava Lisinskog

Program za kino i kazalište:
- Dječje kazalište [13.-16.11.2024.] [program]

- Kino Urania [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]
- CineStar Osijek [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]

- GISKO: Mjesec hrvatske knjige "Pričaj mi..." [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Izložba slikarskih radova "Bojom kroz godinu"
- 14. Dani austrijske kulture u Osijeku [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Književna večer s Goranom Srdarevićem "Hrvatski društveni roman na osječki način"
- Škola primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna Osijek: Otvorenje samostalne izložbe fotografa i snimatelja Filipa Kosa

- Obustavlja se sav tramvajski promet u gradu Osijeku

Tekst i foto: Osijek031.com


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: 3. Simpozij zdravstva "Tvoj dodir, njihov puls" [2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 3. Simpozij zdravstva "Tvoj dodir, njihov puls" [2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:23 (GMT 1) Treći po redu Simpozij zdravstva (SIZOS), koji je posvećen edukaciji šire javnosti našega grada držat će se 15. i 16. studenog 2024. u prostorijama Fakulteta agrobiotehničkih znanosti.

Prošlogodišnji simpozij obilježio je listopad kao Mjesec ženskog zdravlja, tijekom kojeg smo obrađivali ključne teme vezane uz žensko zdravlje. Događaj je privukao više od 150 sudionika, među kojima su najveći dio činili studenti, ali i svi ostali zainteresirani za ovu temu.

Tema ovogodišnjeg simpozija je „Tvoj dodir, njihov puls“. Studenti Medicinskog fakulteta Osijek, profesori i doktori KBC-a Osijek, kao i udruge poput Crvenog križa, jednostavno će i pristupačno prenijeti znanja o spašavanju ljudskih života. Neke od tema uključuju prepoznavanje i postupanje u slučaju infarkta, pravilnu reakciju kod stranog tijela u oku te najčešće prijelome i načine pružanja prve pomoći u tim situacijama.

Sudionici će imati priliku postavljati pitanja stručnjacima tijekom okruglih stolova, na teme kao što su anestezija i intenzivna medicina te hitna medicina, kao i stjecati praktično znanje kroz radionice, uključujući osnove održavanja života, održavanje života u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i mnoge druge.

Cilj ovogodišnjeg simpozija je pružiti osnovna znanja i vještine studentima i široj javnosti u prepoznavanju i pravilnom postupanju u hitnim stanjima.


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:31 (GMT 1) Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek u studenom će organizirati pričaonice i kreativnu radionicu u Središnjoj knjižnici prema sljedećem rasporedu:

Središnja knjižnica (E. avenija 24, br. tel: 031/211-472)
"Prstići pričaju" (za korisnike od rođenja do 3 godine):
- Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati
- Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati

"Vrijeme za priču” (za korisnike starije od 3 godine):
- Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati
- Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati

Kreativna radionica (za korisnike starije od 6 godina):
- Utorak, 26. studenoga 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati
– "Kućica za ukrašavanje"


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:35 (GMT 1) Bogate projekcije Kinematografa u Kinu Urania čekaju na vas, a što je u ponudi pogledajte u tekstu niže...

Cijena ulaznica za redovite repertoarne iznose 4,50 EUR/33,90 kn, dok uz predočenje studentske ili umirovljeničke iskaznice karte možete kupiti po cijeni od 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn. Ulaznica za školske projekcije (grupe manje od 30 učenika) je 3,30 EUR/24,86 kn, a za grupe veće od 30 učenika cijena ulaznice je 2,70 EUR/20,34 kn. Za obiteljsku srijedu i dječje matineje ulaznice iznose 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn za sve gledatelje.

*Prije izdavanja ulaznica napomenite imate li studentski ili umirovljenički popust. Izdane ulaznice ne mogu se stornirati. Popust vrijedi uz predočenje važećih iskaznica.

Ulaznice možete rezervirati klikom info[at]kinematografi-osijek[dot]hr

Premijerni naslov kojeg biste ovog tjedna obvezno trebali staviti na svoju kino listu je novi spektakl Ridleya Scotta Gladijator 2 koji je oduševio filmsku kritiku i uz velika očekivanja publike sa svojim prikazivanjem počinje 14.11.

Drugi premijerni naslov je hrvatska ratna drama Proslava koji ukazuje na okolnosti koje za posljedicu imaju pojavu ekstemizma u društvu.

U nedjelju 17.11. CICAE, međunarodna mreža art kina, čiji je dugogodišnji član i kino Urania, obilježava Europski dan Art kina.

Suočeni s rastućim antidemokratskim osjećajima, populizmom i polarizacijom, sve većim nasiljem i predrasudama protiv manjina, disidenata, filmskih i kulturnih profesionalaca, mi – globalni arthouse pokret – stojimo ujedinjeni u našoj predanosti obrani ideala slobodno i otvoreno društvo i dijalog pun poštovanja koji prevazilazi granica i kultura.

Kao neovisna kina, mi – zajedno s našom raznolikom publikom diljem svijeta – svakodnevno radimo na rasvjetljavanju demokracije, jednakosti i slobode. Čvrsto stojimo uz one čiji se glasovi ušutkavaju, bilo kada i bilo gdje.

Arthouse kina dugo su bila, i ostat će, portali u svjetove izvan našeg. Služeći kao ključna kulturna središta u svojim lokalnim zajednicama, oni pružaju jedinstveni prostor za otkrivanje, otvarajući prozore za nove priče, perspektive i susrete.

Pozivamo donositelje političkih odluka i zajednice posvuda da…

• zaštitite slobodu govora i umjetničko izražavanje, kao temelj živog kulturnog krajolika.

• poštuju i uvažavaju različita mišljenja i perspektive, identitete i načina života i potiču kulturu uključenosti i empatije.

• potiču dijalog i razmjenu među zajednicama, kulturama i granicama, kako bismo izgradili razumijevanje, poštovanje i uvažavanje svjetova izvan našeg.

• osiguraju sigurnost audiovizualnih umjetnika i kulturnih djelatnika koji promiču i štite našu zajedničku kulturnu baštinu.

• podržavaju i zaštite bitna kulturna mjesta, kao što su nezavisna kina, kao središta slobodne kulture i društva.

Wim Wenders, kao veleposlanik Europskog dana Art kina poziva Vas na potpisivanje peticije ukoliko ste suglasni s gore navedenim ciljevima.

Ostali filmski naslovi u ovotjednom programu su filmovi iz revije Film Biography- Dražen, biografsko politički film The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu, intrigantan triler Konklava, psihološki triler Izolacija, a u dječjem programu Divlji robot i obiteljska avantura Izumitelj, o znatiželjnom i svojeglavom izumitelju i umjetniku Leonardu da Vinci-ju.

Last chance to see u ovom filmskom tjednu u Kino klubu kina Urania: uz Zelena granica pogledajte i kontroverzni Klub Zero.

Nabavite na vrijeme i ulaznice za naše predstave!

U utorak, 19.11.2024. u 19 sati Dragan Marinković Maca nas očekuje sa svojim stand up-om Macaglu, a ulaznice su u online prodaji i na blagajni kina Urania.

U srijedu, 20.11.2024. u 19 sati ponovo će na programu biti Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera. Ulaznice možete kupiti online ili na blagajni kina Urania.

Obje predstave Anđelke Stević Žugić Što me opet snađe koje će se održati 9. i 10.12.2024. u 19 sati su također rasprodane pa četvrti nastup ugovoramo za 7. veljače 2025. u isto vrijeme. Ulaznice za predstavu 7.2.2025. mogu se rezervirati i kupiti na blagajni kina Urania.

Nakon 13 rasprodanih Dejtova u kinu Urania, s novom predstavom Astroklikeri dolazi nam i Sandra Silađev 13.12. u 19 sati, a predstava je rasprodana.

Proslavite rođendan u kinu Urania ili istražite VR svijet u našem VR Game Room-u možete te isprobajte neke od najpopularnijih VR igrica.

Posebne pogodnosti i povoljnije cijene možete iskoristiti uz studentsku i umirovljeničku iskaznicu te na dječjim matinejama i obiteljskim srijedama, uz grupne popuste i poklon vouchere

Četvrtak, 14. studenog 2024.
16:30-20:00 VR Game Room
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Resonance Cinema: Svjetski dan dijabetesa- Sigurno u dugi- edukcijska projekcija
20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
20:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Petak, 15. studenog 2024.
16:30-20:00 VR Game Room
16:30 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
21:21 Konklava- Conclave (120 min)

Subota, 16. studenog 2024.
10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room
11:00 Dječja matineja: Divlji robot- The Wild Robot (101 min) SINK
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Young local authors: NK Olimpija- premijera filma
20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min)
20:00 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)
21:30 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Nedjelja, 17. studenog 2024.
10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room
11:00 Dječja matineja: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
21:21 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)

Ponedjeljak, 18. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
17:15 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
20:15 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Utorak, 19. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
16:15 Konklava- Conclave (120 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Stand up Dragana Marinkovića Mace- Macaglu
20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min)
21:00 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min)

Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
16:30 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Monodrama Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera, 16+
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
21:00 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 21:00 (GMT 1)

Uronite u mračni svijet paranormalnih istraživanja s mlađim Hellboyem, smještenim u 1955. godinu, u rane dane B.P.R.D.-a (Biro za paranormalna istraživanja i obranu). Hellboy (Jack Kesy) se pridružuje istraživačici Bobbie Jo Song u misiji transporta opasnog pauka. No, kada pauk pobjegne, njihov lov kroz divljinu Apalačkih planina vodi ih do Toma Ferrella (Jefferson White), vještca koji se vraća nakon dugo vremena kako bi ispravio svoje grijehe. U njihovoj potrazi nailaze na Coru Fisher, djevojku koju je Tom davno napustio. Zajedno se suočavaju s nizom zlih sila koje prijete njenoj duši. Dok mračna magija i zlokobna stvorenja preplavljuju ovu atmosferičnu priču, Hellboy mora iskoristiti svoje vještine i nadnaravnu snagu kako bi porazio sile tame. Za sve ljubitelje Hellboy stripova i filmova, ova avantura donosi mješavinu horora, akcije i okultnih tema, te vraća omiljenog junaka u novom, mračnijem svjetlu.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje 1x2 ulaznice za film "Hellboy: Izopačena sjena". Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

Portanova centar, Svilajska 31 a, Osijek, 060 32 32 33, Cijena 1,71kn/min za pozive iz fiksne mreže s PDV-om. Cijena 2,92kn/min za pozive iz mobilne mreže s PDV-om.
BLITZ-CINESTAR d.o.o., Branimirova 29, 10000 Zagreb
OIB 24146311117; MB 1734067,

Moja CineStar srijeda

Ostvarite pogodnost kupovine ulaznica SRIJEDOM po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Mogućnost kupovine ulaznica i za IMAX i 4DX projekcije po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Ulaznice možete kupiti na blagajnama CineStar kina, Cinematima, putem iCineStar aplikacije ili ONLINE kupovinom.

Dodaci (4DX, 3D, eXtreme, VIP i LOVEBOX sjedala, te dodataci za filmove čija je dužina trajanja veća od 120 min, 140 min i više) se naplaćuju u punoj cijeni na povoljniju cijenu kino ulaznice unutar usluge Moja Cine Srijeda.

Prilikom korištenja Stars Club 2x Bonus kartice u svrhu plaćanja usluge Moja Cine Srijeda bilježe se bodovi na kartici.

Pogodnost Moja Cine Srijeda ne vrijedi:
- blagdanima i praznicima
- za pretpremijene projekcije
- za Gold Class projekcije
- za Spektakle u CineStaru (opera, balet, koncerti)
- za dokumentarne filmove u regularnim dvoranama, IMAX-u i Gold Class-u
- za ostale sadržaje koje CineStar odredi

Blitz-CineStar zadržava pravo da određene filmove i projekcije koje prikazuje srijedom, izdvoji iz akcije Moja Cine srijeda. Tada se ulaznica naplaćuje po punoj cijeni.

Za sva pitanja obratite nam se na: info@cinestarcinemas.eu

Tekući CineStar raspored je uvijek dostupan u tjednom pregledniku najava, pri vrhu naslovnice portala Osijek031.com i u mjesečnom pregledu - Najave 031


Digg It! Digg Headlines 24/7


Bosbaan Hengelsteun van € 4,95 nu voor maar € 3,75

Bosbaan Hengelsteun Merk: Livebait Inhoud: 2 stuks Deze bosbaan hengelsteunen van Livebait zijn alom bekend. Ze zijn erg gemakkelijk in gebruik. De bosbaan hengelsteunen zijn voorzien van scherpe punten aan de onderkant, hierdoor kunt u ze gemakkelijk in de grond plaatsen. De bosbaan hengelsteunen hebben een lengte van 50 centimeter.


Svartzonker Signature series 8´6" 40-140g - Spin

Svartzonker is niet enkel een beroemde kunstaasbouwer, hij is ook een uitstekend hengelbouwer. We voelen ons vereerd om u een speciale roofvis serie aan te bieden waarvoor enkel uiterst lichte componenten gebruikt werden.


Salmo Rattlin Hornet 4,5F

De Rattlin Hornet heeft net dat extraatje voor als de gewone Hornet niet overtuigend genoeg is, een ratel! De Hornet heeft zijn reputatie als hard werkende crankbait niet voor niets verdient! Miljoene Hornets zijn in gebruik bij vissers in verschillende landen en elke dag wordt er mee gevangen! Zo vervullen ze de droom van menig visser. Vanaf de introductie is dit een van de best-sellers geweest van Salmo.


silstar 3084-950cm lengte 8 delig carbon insteekhengel compe

competition carbon insteekhengel silstar 950 cm lengte 8 delig nieuwstaatin bijbehorende originele hengelhoes 100% geen haarscheurtjes e.dverkeerd werkelijk nog in nieuwstaat helemaal compleet met doppen en ogendit is een zeer dure carbon hengelvissport hengelsport zeevissen karpervissen wit vis vereniging


Gli articoli più letti nel 2011

Fine anno. Questi sono i 5 articoli più letti e pubblicati nel 2011 su Fucinaweb. La classifica tiene conto sia delle visite del sito, sia delle letture tramite il feed RSS. Guerrilla web project management Le slide con l’audio della … Continua a leggere

L'articolo Gli articoli più letti nel 2011 proviene da Fucinaweb.


All’estero sono più bravi

All’estero sono più bravi. O almeno così la pensano molti clienti italiani alla prese con un progetto web. Clienti che preferiscono rivolgersi fuori dai confini e molto spesso fuori Europa in cerca di una qualità che le nostre agenzie non … Continua a leggere

L'articolo All’estero sono più bravi proviene da Fucinaweb.


Scouting The NBA DFS - Thursday, March 24 (Premium)

We look at this 5-game slate of NBA action and bring you the best options for your DFS lineups on DraftKings and FanDuel


Kickman's NHL DFS Picks - Thursday, March 24 (Free Preview)

FullTime Fantasy Sports continues to expand its Fantasy coverage and now with a PREMIUM membership, you earn access to Kickman's NHL DFS picks all season long!


Return of an SEO – Phönix aus der Asche 2.0

Eigentlich kaum zu glauben, wie lange ich hier nichts mehr geschrieben habe. Doch jetzt hat es mich wieder gepackt. Der alte Mann ist zurück an der Stelle, an der er sich früher über Seo und Gott und die Welt ausgetobt hat. Und es ist nicht so, dass ich nicht an anderer Stelle als Blogger oder ...

Weiterlesen ...

Der Beitrag Return of an SEO – Phönix aus der Asche 2.0 erschien zuerst auf SOS Seo Blog.


2024 Porsche 911 S/T

60 years on, the Porsche 911 continues to be one of the best sports cars on the market. Porsche is keeping the 60th-anniversary celebration rolling with the 911 S/T, a stripped-down 911 aimed squarely at the purist 911 fan. The naturally-aspirated 4.0-liter, 517-horsepower flat-six is mated to a six-speed manual transmission with a lightweight flywheel...


Ford schickt Kölner Beschäftigte in Kurzarbeit

Ford hat für sein Kölner Werk Kurzarbeit angemeldet. Hintergrund sei die schwache Nachfrage nach Elektroautos. Der Autobauer will deshalb im kommenden Jahr weniger Fahrzeuge in Köln bauen.


Österreich: Dreier-Koalition nimmt Gestalt an

In Österreich kommt Schwung in die Regierungsbildung. Kanzler Nehammer will neben der SPÖ auch die Liberalen in Sondierungen mit seiner ÖVP einbinden - und die Chancen einer ersten Koalition mit drei Partnern ausloten.


Neuwahl am 23. Februar geplant: Termine, mit denen alle leben können

Eine Woche nach dem Ampel-Aus gibt es einen Fahrplan, wie es weitergehen soll: Die Union und die Rest-Ampel verständigten sich auf einen Neuwahltermin am 23. Februar. Auch Bundespräsident Steinmeier signalisierte seine Zustimmung.


Panne an Flugzeug verzögert Rückkehr von Habeck aus Lissabon

Bislang ist Wirtschaftsminister Habeck von Pannen in Regierungsflugzeugen verschont geblieben. Doch bei der Rückreise von einer Tech-Konferenz hat es den Vizekanzler nun erwischt. Dabei hätte er Termine im Bundestag gehabt.


Scholz gibt Regierungserklärung ab - Söder mit Premiere im Bundestag

Scholz' Regierungserklärung am Mittag dürfte den Wahlkampf eröffnen. Dabei kommt es nicht nur zum Rededuell mit CDU-Chef Merz. Auch Bayerns Regierungschef Söder will sich bei seiner Premiere im Bundestag den Kanzler "vorknöpfen". Von S. Henkel.


Manager großer Börsenkonzerne verdienen so viel wie nie

Im Schnitt 2,65 Millionen Euro haben Vorstände von Deutschlands großen Börsenunternehmen 2023 verdient - so viel wie nie zuvor. Der mit Abstand bestbezahlte Manager führt den kriselnden VW-Konzern an.


Was können Klimakonferenzen überhaupt bewirken?

Seit bald 30 Jahren treffen sich auf der UN-Klimakonferenz jedes Jahr fast 200 Staaten. Trotzdem sind die Treibhausgase seitdem deutlich gestiegen. Kann das Klima auf den Treffen überhaupt gerettet werden? Von Janina Schreiber.


Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014.

This exciting session of Grand Rounds focused on rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases. As our world increases in interconnectivity of both technology and people, the rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases becomes more important for disease treatment, control, and prevention.Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014. 


3,967+ recruited online in 1 yr. + $237,466.49 ain't bad, see how?

Just a quick marketing tip . . .

Test! Test! Test!

Marketing your business effectively is not about
finding one thing and doing it over and over and over
again, unless it's testing.

There is NO one way to do things right, let your
results be the marker of what works and what does not
and not what someone tells you to do.

So here's the tip, you see the headline for this email?

It came through testing, and compared to other
headlines tested this was the one that produced the
best results.

So you opened this email because my prior testing said
you would respond. Imagine honing that power in your
recruiting efforts . . .

Here's an easy way to find out what headlines produce
the best response in your business.

Brainstorm different headlines based on the ones you
see out there that get you to pay attention.

Write down about 10 in notepad.

Start a Google Adwords campaign and place all of your
headlines as ads. Give it about a week or 300 to 500
views per ad and then see which one wins.

Now you have an amazing response producing headline
that you can continue to use in your Adwords campaign,
you can use as a headline in emails to prospects, and
you can use as a headline on your lead capture or
landing pages.

You can even record it in audio and double the impact.

When you do this you'll be doing something that 95% of
marketers and 99% of network marketers never do, and
because of it you'll outperform them every time.

"Discover The SHOCKING Truth How An Unknown, Young
Network Marketer Embarrassed Industry Heavy Hitters By
Refusing To Call Even One Lead ... And Yet Recruit Over
3,967 Into His Downline In Just 14 Months!" For
Complete Details Go To:
==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com


This Wednesday-Byrd Baggett Part 3 of a 4 Part Series!

Since June, Byrd Baggett has been a regular guest on the SU faculty teleseminar as he shares a 4 part series called "Going Deep - How to Grow Your Career and Life to the Level of Significance"

The earlier sessions were powerful! Instructive! Emotionally stirring! In short the first two calls were some of the most touching events I have ever been involved in... until now!

If you think this all sounds like hype, I challenge you to discover the power of this message by joining us on Wednesday August 15 at 8pm Central as we continue on this potentially life changing journey.

Byrd Baggett
Wednesday, August 15 at 8pm Central
(512) 225-9483
Pin 486309#

Hi Millionaire,

When you are ready to "Go Deep" in your life and you grow to the level of significance, you would be wise indeed to carefully select a guide for your journey. We want to inspire you to celebrate your entrepreneurial spirit and challenge you to be your best.

Byrd Baggett is one of the best people I could ask to guide us to the other side, to that place of freedom, success and happiness. A significant life.

In this session, entitled "Drought Proof" - How to harness the transformational power of perseverance" Byrd Baggett will show us how to incorporate the power of perseverance into our lives. You will learn how to look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror.

Following are some of the powerful, practical, and applicable insights that will be shared:

How to conquer fear

How to overcome the addiction of perfection

"The Rule of Ten" - You will learn five simple acts of daily disciplinethat will transform your life, both personally and professionally.

Success University listeners will be the first to hear these powerful insights!

Make plans to join us, as Byrd shows us how to grow to the richly rewarding Season of Significance. As participants from Byrd's previous sessions will attest, this promises to be a transformational experience.

Who is Byrd Baggett?

Byrd Baggett's passion and expertise is helping people and teams grow to the level of significance. His presentations are as original and memorable as his name. His mission is to transform people and teams by teaching them the skills essential to developing relationships that stand the tests of time and change.

Byrd is the world's most prolific creator of original quotes and acronyms. He is the author of over 2,500 quotes and acronyms that have been published in thirteen best-selling books, including four on the topic of leadership. These books have sold in excess of one million copies and have been published in nine languages. His quotes and articles on leadership, sales, motivation, and customer service have been featured in many publications, including Reader's Digest, Bits & Pieces, Guide Posts, and Selling Power magazine.

He achieved All American status as a collegiate athlete, had successful careers with two Fortune 500 companies, and built a successful multi-million dollar business. Byrd's powerful words, coupled with his engaging real-life stories, celebrate the winning spirit and challenge people to discover the winner within.

A standing ovation for Byrd Baggett:

I can't remember when I've received 100% positive comments from any company-sponsored event. What you accomplished is beyond the reach of your peers. Your passion for your Mission, your love for people, and your commitment to excellence is a combination that I've not experienced before in my 30 years in the business world. Thanks to you, we at Protective Life have a renewed sense of purpose and a developing vision on what it takes to become effective leaders.
~Dave Keyes, Senior Vice President, Protective Life Corporation

I have been associated with training and development for thirty years and have heard some truly excellent presentations, and yours is as good as it gets! As long as there are individuals like you delivering the powerful message of servant leadership, there is hope for organizations.
~Gary Sullivan, Indian River Community College

I just wanted to thank you for the positive impact you've had on my life. I now have a new enthusiasm about my business and personal life. I have become a better husband, father, friend, and leader of my business from listening to you speak.
~Andy Malone, 2005 Agent of the Year, Farmers Insurance

I would like to highlight several unique characteristics that make your work so specialÉ An incredible ability to connect with people on a personal level, a sincere passion and interest in helping people grow, and the ability to positively impact everyone with several memorable quotes to call upon in times of reflection in our daily lives. I recommend your services to anyone wishing to inspire and expand their capabilities for achieving true success and happiness, both professionally and personally.
~Joel Goode, Gilead Sciences

As a member of Success University you get access to all these faculty calls plus lots more as part of your membership. Has the cost of a cup of coffee a day ever brought you so much?

John O'Driscoll



The entire 1949 "Tulsa" movie on YouTube

When discussion turned to this epic starring Robert Preston, Chill Wills and Susan Hayward, Lazzaro found the whole thing on YouTube, and posted it in GroupBlog 321.