
Novel pathogenic UQCRC2 variants in a female with normal neurodevelopment [RESEARCH REPORT]

Electron transport chain (ETC) disorders are a group of rare, multisystem diseases caused by impaired oxidative phosphorylation and energy production. Deficiencies in complex III (CIII), also known as ubiquinol–cytochrome c reductase, are particularly rare in humans. Ubiquinol–cytochrome c reductase core protein 2 (UQCRC2) encodes a subunit of CIII that plays a crucial role in dimerization. Several pathogenic UQCRC2 variants have been identified in patients presenting with metabolic abnormalities that include lactic acidosis, hyperammonemia, hypoglycemia, and organic aciduria. Almost all previously reported UQCRC2-deficient patients exhibited neurodevelopmental involvement, including developmental delays and structural brain anomalies. Here, we describe a girl who presented at 3 yr of age with lactic acidosis, hyperammonemia, and hypoglycemia but has not shown any evidence of neurodevelopmental dysfunction by age 15. Whole-exome sequencing revealed compound heterozygosity for two novel variants in UQCRC2: c.1189G>A; p.Gly397Arg and c.437T>C; p.Phe146Ser. Here, we discuss the patient's clinical presentation and the likely pathogenicity of these two missense variants.


De novo TRPM3 missense variant associated with neurodevelopmental delay and manifestations of cerebral palsy [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

We identified a de novo heterozygous transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M (melastatin) member 3 (TRPM3) missense variant, p.(Asn1126Asp), in a patient with developmental delay and manifestations of cerebral palsy (CP) using phenotype-driven prioritization analysis of whole-genome sequencing data with Exomiser. The variant is localized in the functionally important ion transport domain of the TRPM3 protein and predicted to impact the protein structure. Our report adds TRPM3 to the list of Mendelian disease–associated genes that can be associated with CP and provides further evidence for the pathogenicity of the variant p.(Asn1126Asp).


Rapid genome diagnosis of alveolar capillary dysplasia leading to treatment in a child with respiratory and cardiac failure [RESEARCH REPORT]

Alveolar capillary dysplasia (ACD) is a fatal disorder that typically presents in the neonatal period with refractory hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension. Lung biopsy is traditionally required to establish the diagnosis. We report a 22-mo-old male who presented with anemia, severe pulmonary hypertension, and right heart failure. He had a complicated hospital course resulting in cardiac arrest and requirement for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Computed tomography of the chest showed a heterogenous pattern of interlobular septal thickening and pulmonary edema. The etiology of his condition was unknown, lung biopsy was contraindicated because of his medical fragility, and discussions were held to move to palliative care. Rapid whole-genome sequencing (rWGS) was performed. In 2 d it resulted, revealing a novel FOXF1 gene pathogenic variant that led to the presumptive diagnosis of atypical ACD. Cases of atypical ACD have been reported with survival in patients using medical therapy or lung transplantation. Based on the rWGS diagnosis and more favorable potential of atypical ACD, aggressive medical treatment was pursued. The patient was discharged home after 67 d in the hospital; he is currently doing well more than 30 mo after his initial presentation with only one subsequent hospitalization and no requirement for lung transplantation. Our case reveals the potential for use of rWGS in a critically ill child in which the diagnosis is unknown. rWGS and other advanced genetic tests can guide clinical management and expand our understanding of atypical ACD and other conditions.


Clinical and functional analysis of the germline TP53 p.K164E acetylation site variant [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

TP53 plays a critical role as a tumor suppressor by controlling cell cycle progression, DNA repair, and apoptosis. Post-translational modifications such as acetylation of specific lysine residues in the DNA binding and carboxy-terminus regulatory domains modulate its tumor suppressor activities. In this study, we addressed the functional consequences of the germline TP53 p.K164E (NM_000546.5: c.490A>G) variant identified in a patient with early-onset breast cancer and a significant family history of cancer. K164 is a conserved residue located in the L2 loop of the p53 DNA binding domain that is post-translationally modified by acetylation. In silico, in vitro, and in vivo analyses demonstrated that the glutamate substitution at K164 marginally destabilizes the p53 protein structure but significantly impairs sequence-specific DNA binding, transactivation, and tumor cell growth inhibition. Although p.K164E is currently considered a variant of unknown significance by different clinical genetic testing laboratories, the clinical and laboratory-based findings presented here provide strong evidence to reclassify TP53 p.K164E as a likely pathogenic variant.


Leukemic presentation and progressive genomic alterations of MCD/C5 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a heterogenous group of lymphoid malignancies. Based on gene expression profiling, it has been subdivided into germinal center (GC)-derived and activated B-cell (ABC) types. Advances in molecular methodologies have further refined the subclassification of DLBCL, based on recurrent genetic abnormalities. Here, we describe a distinct case of DLBCL that presented in leukemic form. DNA sequencing targeting 275 genes revealed pathogenically relevant mutations of CD79B, MyD88, TP53, TBL1XR1, and PIM1 genes, indicating that this lymphoma would be best classified as MCD/C5 DLBCL, an ABC subtype. Despite an initial good clinical response to BTK inhibitor ibrutinib, anti-CD20 antibody rituxan, alkylating agent bendamustine, and hematopoietic stem-cell transplant, the lymphoma relapsed, accompanied by morphologic and molecular evidence of disease progression. Specifically, the recurrent tumor developed loss of TP53 heterozygosity (LOH) and additional chromosomal changes central to ABC DLBCL pathogenesis, such as PRDM1 loss. Acquired resistance to ibrutinib and rituxan was indicated by the emergence of BTK and FOXO1 mutations, respectively, as well as apparent activation of alternative cell-activation pathways, through copy-number alterations (CNAs), detected by high-resolution chromosomal microarrays. In vitro, studies of relapsed lymphoma cells confirmed resistance to standard BTK inhibitors but sensitivity to vecabrutinib, a noncovalent inhibitor active against both wild-type as well as mutated BTK. In summary, we provide in-depth molecular characterization of a de novo leukemic DLBCL and discuss mechanisms that may have contributed to the lymphoma establishment, progression, and development of drug resistance.


PBRNs: Past, Present, and Future: A NAPCRG Report on the Practice-Based Research Network Conference. [Family Medicine Updates]


The Odyssey of HOMER: Comparative Effectiveness Research on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Special Report]

The usual challenges of conducting primary care research, including randomized trials, have been exacerbated, and new ones identified, during the COVID-19 pandemic. HOMER (Home versus Office for Medication Enhanced Recovery; subsequently, Comparing Home, Office, and Telehealth Induction for Medication Enhanced Recovery) is a pragmatic, comparative-effectiveness research trial that aims to answer a key question from patients and clinicians: What is the best setting in which to start treatment with buprenorphine for opioid use disorder for this patient at this time? In this article, we describe the difficult journey to find the answer. The HOMER study began as a randomized trial comparing treatment outcomes in patients starting treatment with buprenorphine via induction at home (unobserved) vs in the office (observed, synchronous). The study aimed to enroll 1,000 participants from 100 diverse primary care practices associated with the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners and the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network. The research team faced unexpected challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and dramatic changes in the opioid epidemic. These challenges required changes to the study design, protocol, recruitment intensity, and funding conversations, as well as patience. As this is a participatory research study, we sought, documented, and responded to practice and patient requests for adaptations. Changes included adding a third study arm using telehealth induction (observed via telephone or video, synchronous) and switching to a comprehensive cohort design to answer meaningful patient-centered research questions. Using a narrative approach based on the Greek myth of Homer, we describe here the challenges and adaptations that have provided the opportunity for HOMER to thrive and find the way home. These clinical trial strategies may apply to other studies faced with similar cultural and extreme circumstances.


Self-Reported PrEP Use and Risk of Bacterial STIs Among Ontarian Men Who Are Gay or Bisexual or Have Sex With Men [Original Research]


HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may increase rates of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) through risk compensation (eg, an increase in condomless sex or number of partners); however, longitudinal studies exploring the time-dependent nature of PrEP uptake and bacterial STIs are limited. We used marginal structural models to estimate the effect of PrEP uptake on STI incidence.


We analyzed data from the iCruise study, an online longitudinal study of 535 Ontarian GBM from July 2017 to April 2018, to estimate the effects of PrEP uptake on incidence of self-reported bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis) collected with 12 weekly diaries. The incidence rate was calculated as the number of infections per 100 person-months, with evaluation of the STIs overall and individually. We used marginal structural models to account for time-varying confounding and quantitative bias analysis to evaluate the sensitivity of estimates to nondifferential outcome misclassification.


Participating GBM were followed up for a total of 1,623.5 person-months. Overall, 70 participants (13.1%) took PrEP during the study period. Relative to no uptake, PrEP uptake was associated with an increased incidence rate of gonorrhea (incidence rate ratio = 4.00; 95% CI, 1.67-9.58), but not of chlamydia or syphilis, and not of any bacterial STI overall. Accounting for misclassification, the median incidence rate ratio for gonorrhea was 2.36 (95% simulation interval, 1.08-5.06).


We observed an increased incidence rate of gonorrhea associated with PrEP uptake among Ontarian GBM that was robust to misclassification. Although our findings support current guidelines for integrating gonorrhea screening with PrEP services, additional research should consider the long-term impact of PrEP among this population.

Annals Early Access article


Lack of Knowledge of Antibiotic Risks Contributes to Primary Care Patients Expectations of Antibiotics for Common Symptoms [Research Briefs]

Patient expectations of receiving antibiotics for common symptoms can trigger unnecessary use. We conducted a survey (n = 564) between January 2020 to June 2021 in public and private primary care clinics in Texas to study the prevalence and predictors of patients’ antibiotic expectations for common symptoms/illnesses. We surveyed Black patients (33%) and Hispanic/Latine patients (47%), and over 93% expected to receive an antibiotic for at least 1 of the 5 pre-defined symptoms/illnesses. Public clinic patients were nearly twice as likely to expect antibiotics for sore throat, diarrhea, and cold/flu than private clinic patients. Lack of knowledge of potential risks of antibiotic use was associated with increased antibiotic expectations for diarrhea (odds ratio [OR] = 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1-2.4) and cold/flu symptoms (OR = 2.9; 95% CI, 2.0-4.4). Lower education and inadequate health literacy were predictors of antibiotic expectations for diarrhea. Future antibiotic stewardship interventions should tailor patient education materials to include information on antibiotic risks and guidance on appropriate antibiotic indications.


Evaluation of the Importance of Capsule Transparency in Dry Powder Inhalation Devices [Research Briefs]

The aim of this work is to test whether the use of a transparent capsule affects the residual capsule weight after inhalation as a surrogate of the inhaled delivered dose for patients with non-reversible chronic airway disease. Researchers conducted an observational cross-sectional study with patients using a single-dose dry powder inhaler. The weight of the capsule was measured with a precision microbalance before and after inhalation. Ninety-one patients were included, of whom 63 (69.2%) used a transparent capsule. Inhalation with a transparent capsule achieved a weight decrease of 30.1% vs 8.6% for devices with an opaque capsule (P <0.001). These data reinforce the need to provide patients with mechanisms that verify the correct inhalation technique.


Digital Innovation to Grow Quality Care Through an Interprofessional Care Team (DIG IT) Among Underserved Patients With Hypertension [Original Research]


The impact of digital health on medically underserved patients is unclear. This study aimed to determine the early impact of a digital innovation to grow quality care through an interprofessional care team (DIG IT) on the blood pressure (BP) and 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk score of medically underserved patients.


This was a 3-month, prospective intervention study that included patients aged 40 years or more with BP of 140/90 mmHg or higher who received care from DIG IT from August through December 2021. Sociodemographic and clinical outcomes of DIG IT were compared with historical controls (controls) whose data were randomly extracted by the University of California Data Warehouse and matched 1:1 based on age, ethnicity, and baseline BP of the DIG IT arm. Multiple linear regression was performed to adjust for potential confounding factors.


A total of 140 patients (70 DIG IT, 70 controls) were included. Both arms were similar with an average age (SD) of 62.8 (9.7) years. The population was dominated by Latinx (79.3%) persons, with baseline mean BP of 163/81 mmHg, and mean ASCVD risk score of 23.9%. The mean (SD) reduction in systolic BP at 3 months in the DIG IT arm was twice that of the controls (30.8 [17.3] mmHg vs 15.2 [21.2] mmHg; P <.001). The mean (SD) ASCVD risk score reduction in the DIG IT arm was also twice that of the controls (6.4% [7.4%] vs 3.1% [5.1%]; P = .003).


The DIG IT was more effective than controls (receiving usual care). Twofold improvement in the BP readings and ASCVD scores in medically underserved patients were achieved with DIG IT.


Family Medicine Resident Scholarly Activity Infrastructure, Output, and Dissemination: A CERA Survey [Original Research]


Meeting scholarly activity requirements continues to be a challenge in many family medicine (FM) residency programs. Studies comprehensively describing FM resident scholarship have been limited. We sought to identify institutional factors associated with increased scholarly output and meeting requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).


Our goals were to: (1) describe scholarly activity experiences among FM residents compared with ACGME requirements; (2) classify experiences by Boyer’s domains of scholarship; and (3) associate experiences with residency program characteristics and scholarly activity infrastructure.


This was a cross-sectional survey. The survey questions were part of an omnibus survey to FM residency program directors conducted by the Council of Academic Family Medicine Educational Research Alliance (CERA). All ACGME-accredited US FM residency program directors, identified by the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, were sampled.


Of the 691 eligible program directors, 298 (43%) completed the survey. The respondents reported that 25% or more residents exceeded ACGME minimum output, 17% reported that 25% or more residents published their work, and 50% reported that 25% or more residents delivered conference presentations. Programs exceeding ACGME scholarship requirements exhibit robust infrastructure characterized by access to faculty mentorship, scholarly activity curricula, Institutional Review Board, medical librarian, and statistician.


These findings suggest the need for codified ACGME requirements for scholarly activity infrastructure to ensure access to resources in FM residency programs. By fostering FM resident engagement in scholarly activity, programs help to create a culture of inquiry, and address discrepancies in funding and output among FM residency programs.


A Cluster-Randomized Study of Technology-Assisted Health Coaching for Weight Management in Primary Care [Original Research]


We undertook a trial to test the efficacy of a technology-assisted health coaching intervention for weight management, called Goals for Eating and Moving (GEM), within primary care.


This cluster-randomized controlled trial enrolled 19 primary care teams with 63 clinicians; 9 teams were randomized to GEM and 10 to enhanced usual care (EUC). The GEM intervention included 1 in-person and up to 12 telephone-delivered coaching sessions. Coaches supported goal setting and engagement with weight management programs, facilitated by a software tool. Patients in the EUC arm received educational handouts. We enrolled patients who spoke English or Spanish, were aged 18 to 69 years, and either were overweight (body mass index 25-29 kg/m2) with a weight-related comorbidity or had obesity (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2). The primary outcome (weight change at 12 months) and exploratory outcomes (eg, program attendance, diet, physical activity) were analyzed according to intention to treat.


We enrolled 489 patients (220 in the GEM arm, 269 in the EUC arm). Their mean (SD) age was 49.8 (12.1) years; 44% were male, 41% Hispanic, and 44% non-Hispanic Black. At 12 months, the mean adjusted weight change (standard error) was –1.4 (0.8) kg in the GEM arm vs –0.8 (1.6) kg in the EUC arm, a nonsignificant difference (P = .48). There were no statistically significant differences in secondary outcomes. Exploratory analyses showed that the GEM arm had a greater change than the EUC arm in mean number of weekly minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity other than walking, a finding that may warrant further exploration.


The GEM intervention did not achieve clinically important weight loss in primary care. Although this was a negative study possibly affected by health system resource limitations and disruptions, its findings can guide the development of similar interventions. Future studies could explore the efficacy of higher-intensity interventions and interventions that include medication and bariatric surgery options, in addition to lifestyle modification.


A Few Doctors Will See Some of You: The Critical Role of Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Family Physicians in the Care of Medicaid Beneficiaries [Original Research]


Despite being key to better health outcomes for patients from racial and ethnic minority groups, the proportion of underrepresented in medicine (URiM) physicians remains low in the US health care system. This study linked a nationally representative sample of family physicians (FPs) with Medicaid claims data to explore the relative contributions to care of Medicaid populations by FP race and ethnicity.


This descriptive cross-sectional study used 2016 Medicaid claims data from the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System and from 2016-2017 American Board of Family Medicine certification questionnaire responses to examine the diversity and Medicaid participation of FPs. We explored the diversity of FP Medicaid patient panels and whether they saw ≥150 beneficiaries in 2016. Using logistic regression models, we controlled for FP demographics, practice characteristics, and characteristics of the communities in which they practiced.


Of 13,096 FPs, Latine, Hispanic, or of Spanish Origin (LHS) FPs and non-LHS Black FPs saw more Medicaid beneficiaries compared with non-LHS White and non-LHS Asian FPs. The patient panels of URiM FPs had a much greater proportion of Medicaid beneficiaries from racial and ethnic minority groups. Overall, non-LHS Black and LHS FPs had greater odds of seeing ≥150 Medicaid beneficiaries in 2016.


These findings clearly show the critical role URiM FPs play in caring for Medicaid beneficiaries, suggesting physician race and ethnicity are correlated with Medicaid participation. Diversity in the health care workforce is essential for addressing racial health inequities. Policies need to address problems in pathways to medical education, including failures to recruit, nurture, and retain URiM students.


Family Medicine Presence on Labor and Delivery: Effect on Safety Culture and Cesarean Delivery [Original Research]


Currently, 40% of counties in the United States do not have an obstetrician or midwife, and in rural areas the likelihood of childbirth being attended to by a family medicine (FM) physician is increasing. We sought to characterize the effect of the FM presence on unit culture and a key perinatal quality metric in Iowa hospital intrapartum units.


Using a cross-sectional design, we surveyed Iowa physicians, nurses, and midwives delivering intrapartum care at hospitals participating in a quality improvement initiative to decrease the incidence of cesarean delivery. We linked respondents with their hospital characteristics and outcomes data. The primary outcome was the association between FM physician, obstetrician (OB), or both disciplines’ presence on labor and delivery and hospital low-risk, primary cesarean delivery rate. Unit culture was compared by hospital type (FM-only, OB-only, or Both).


A total of 849 clinicians from 39 hospitals completed the survey; 13 FM-only, 11 OB-only, and 15 hospitals with both. FM-only hospitals were all rural, with <1,000 annual births. Among hospitals with <1,000 annual births, births at FM-only hospitals had an adjusted 34.3% lower risk of cesarean delivery (adjusted incident rate ratio = 0.66; 95% CI, 0.52-.0.98) compared with hospitals with both. Nurses endorsed unit norms more supportive of vaginal birth and stronger safety culture at FM-only hospitals (P <.05).


Birthing hospitals staffed exclusively by FM physicians were more likely to have lower cesarean rates and stronger nursing-rated safety culture. Both access and quality of care provide strong arguments for reinforcing the pipeline of FM physicians training in intrapartum care.


Challenges in Receiving Care for Long COVID: A Qualitative Interview Study Among Primary Care Patients About Expectations and Experiences [Original Research]


For many patients with post–COVID-19 condition (long COVID), primary care is the first point of interaction with the health care system. In principle, primary care is well situated to manage long COVID. Beyond expressions of disempowerment, however, the patient’s perspective regarding the quality of long COVID care is lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the expectations and experiences of primary care patients seeking treatment for long COVID.


A phenomenological approach guided this analysis. Using purposive sampling, we conducted semistructured interviews with English-speaking, adult primary care patients describing symptoms of long COVID. We deidentified and transcribed the recorded interviews. Transcripts were analyzed using inductive qualitative content analysis.


This article reports results from 19 interviews (53% female, mean age = 54 years). Patients expected their primary care practitioners (PCPs) to be knowledgeable about long COVID, attentive to their individual condition, and to engage in collaborative processes for treatment. Patients described 2 areas of experiences. First, interactions with clinicians were perceived as positive when clinicians were honest and validating, and negative when patients felt dismissed or discouraged. Second, patients described challenges navigating the fragmented US health care system when coordinating care, treatment and testing, and payment.


Primary care patients’ experiences seeking care for long COVID are incongruent with their expectations. Patients must overcome barriers at each level of the health care system and are frustrated by the constant challenges. PCPs and other health care professionals might increase congruence with expectations and experiences through listening, validating, and advocating for patients with long COVID.

Annals Early Access article


New research to better understand the biological factors of suicidal behaviour

New research to better understand the biological factors of suicidal behaviour Researchers at the University of Glasgow are embarking on two new PhD projects to better understand the impact that biological factors may have on suicidal behaviour.


Boston Dynamics and Toyota Research Team Up on Robots

Today, Boston Dynamics and the Toyota Research Institute (TRI) announced a new partnership “to accelerate the development of general-purpose humanoid robots utilizing TRI’s Large Behavior Models and Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot.” Committing to working towards a general purpose robot may make this partnership sound like a every other commercial humanoid company right now, but that’s not at all that’s going on here: BD and TRI are talking about fundamental robotics research, focusing on hard problems, and (most importantly) sharing the results.

The broader context here is that Boston Dynamics has an exceptionally capable humanoid platform capable of advanced and occasionally painful-looking whole-body motion behaviors along with some relatively basic and brute force-y manipulation. Meanwhile, TRI has been working for quite a while on developing AI-based learning techniques to tackle a variety of complicated manipulation challenges. TRI is working toward what they’re calling large behavior models (LBMs), which you can think of as analogous to large language models (LLMs), except for robots doing useful stuff in the physical world. The appeal of this partnership is pretty clear: Boston Dynamics gets new useful capabilities for Atlas, while TRI gets Atlas to explore new useful capabilities on.

Here’s a bit more from the press release:

The project is designed to leverage the strengths and expertise of each partner equally. The physical capabilities of the new electric Atlas robot, coupled with the ability to programmatically command and teleoperate a broad range of whole-body bimanual manipulation behaviors, will allow research teams to deploy the robot across a range of tasks and collect data on its performance. This data will, in turn, be used to support the training of advanced LBMs, utilizing rigorous hardware and simulation evaluation to demonstrate that large, pre-trained models can enable the rapid acquisition of new robust, dexterous, whole-body skills.

The joint team will also conduct research to answer fundamental training questions for humanoid robots, the ability of research models to leverage whole-body sensing, and understanding human-robot interaction and safety/assurance cases to support these new capabilities.

For more details, we spoke with Scott Kuindersma (Senior Director of Robotics Research at Boston Dynamics) and Russ Tedrake (VP of Robotics Research at TRI).

How did this partnership happen?

Russ Tedrake: We have a ton of respect for the Boston Dynamics team and what they’ve done, not only in terms of the hardware, but also the controller on Atlas. They’ve been growing their machine learning effort as we’ve been working more and more on the machine learning side. On TRI’s side, we’re seeing the limits of what you can do in tabletop manipulation, and we want to explore beyond that.

Scott Kuindersma: The combination skills and tools that TRI brings the table with the existing platform capabilities we have at Boston Dynamics, in addition to the machine learning teams we’ve been building up for the last couple years, put us in a really great position to hit the ground running together and do some pretty amazing stuff with Atlas.

What will your approach be to communicating your work, especially in the context of all the craziness around humanoids right now?

Tedrake: There’s a ton of pressure right now to do something new and incredible every six months or so. In some ways, it’s healthy for the field to have that much energy and enthusiasm and ambition. But I also think that there are people in the field that are coming around to appreciate the slightly longer and deeper view of understanding what works and what doesn’t, so we do have to balance that.

The other thing that I’d say is that there’s so much hype out there. I am incredibly excited about the promise of all this new capability; I just want to make sure that as we’re pushing the science forward, we’re being also honest and transparent about how well it’s working.

Kuindersma: It’s not lost on either of our organizations that this is maybe one of the most exciting points in the history of robotics, but there’s still a tremendous amount of work to do.

What are some of the challenges that your partnership will be uniquely capable of solving?

Kuindersma: One of the things that we’re both really excited about is the scope of behaviors that are possible with humanoids—a humanoid robot is much more than a pair of grippers on a mobile base. I think the opportunity to explore the full behavioral capability space of humanoids is probably something that we’re uniquely positioned to do right now because of the historical work that we’ve done at Boston Dynamics. Atlas is a very physically capable robot—the most capable humanoid we’ve ever built. And the platform software that we have allows for things like data collection for whole body manipulation to be about as easy as it is anywhere in the world.

Tedrake: In my mind, we really have opened up a brand new science—there’s a new set of basic questions that need answering. Robotics has come into this era of big science where it takes a big team and a big budget and strong collaborators to basically build the massive data sets and train the models to be in a position to ask these fundamental questions.

Fundamental questions like what?

Tedrake: Nobody has the beginnings of an idea of what the right training mixture is for humanoids. Like, we want to do pre-training with language, that’s way better, but how early do we introduce vision? How early do we introduce actions? Nobody knows. What’s the right curriculum of tasks? Do we want some easy tasks where we get greater than zero performance right out of the box? Probably. Do we also want some really complicated tasks? Probably. We want to be just in the home? Just in the factory? What’s the right mixture? Do we want backflips? I don’t know. We have to figure it out.

There are more questions too, like whether we have enough data on the Internet to train robots, and how we could mix and transfer capabilities from Internet data sets into robotics. Is robot data fundamentally different than other data? Should we expect the same scaling laws? Should we expect the same long-term capabilities?

The other big one that you’ll hear the experts talk about is evaluation, which is a major bottleneck. If you look at some of these papers that show incredible results, the statistical strength of their results section is very weak and consequently we’re making a lot of claims about things that we don’t really have a lot of basis for. It will take a lot of engineering work to carefully build up empirical strength in our results. I think evaluation doesn’t get enough attention.

What has changed in robotics research in the last year or so that you think has enabled the kind of progress that you’re hoping to achieve?

Kuindersma: From my perspective, there are two high-level things that have changed how I’ve thought about work in this space. One is the convergence of the field around repeatable processes for training manipulation skills through demonstrations. The pioneering work of diffusion policy (which TRI was a big part of) is a really powerful thing—it takes the process of generating manipulation skills that previously were basically unfathomable, and turned it into something where you just collect a bunch of data, you train it on an architecture that’s more or less stable at this point, and you get a result.

The second thing is everything that’s happened in robotics-adjacent areas of AI showing that data scale and diversity are really the keys to generalizable behavior. We expect that to also be true for robotics. And so taking these two things together, it makes the path really clear, but I still think there are a ton of open research challenges and questions that we need to answer.

Do you think that simulation is an effective way of scaling data for robotics?

Tedrake: I think generally people underestimate simulation. The work we’ve been doing has made me very optimistic about the capabilities of simulation as long as you use it wisely. Focusing on a specific robot doing a specific task is asking the wrong question; you need to get the distribution of tasks and performance in simulation to be predictive of the distribution of tasks and performance in the real world. There are some things that are still hard to simulate well, but even when it comes to frictional contact and stuff like that, I think we’re getting pretty good at this point.

Is there a commercial future for this partnership that you’re able to talk about?

Kuindersma: For Boston Dynamics, clearly we think there’s long-term commercial value in this work, and that’s one of the main reasons why we want to invest in it. But the purpose of this collaboration is really about fundamental research—making sure that we do the work, advance the science, and do it in a rigorous enough way so that we actually understand and trust the results and we can communicate that out to the world. So yes, we see tremendous value in this commercially. Yes, we are commercializing Atlas, but this project is really about fundamental research.

What happens next?

Tedrake: There are questions at the intersection of things that BD has done and things that TRI has done that we need to do together to start, and that’ll get things going. And then we have big ambitions—getting a generalist capability that we’re calling LBM (large behavior models) running on Atlas is the goal. In the first year we’re trying to focus on these fundamental questions, push boundaries, and write and publish papers.

I want people to be excited about watching for our results, and I want people to trust our results when they see them. For me, that’s the most important message for the robotics community: Through this partnership we’re trying to take a longer view that balances our extreme optimism with being critical in our approach.


Do Newfoundland's Tablelands hold the answer to life on Mars? This researcher is trying to find out

The Tablelands in Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the most unique landscapes in the world — and its orange peridotite rocks could hold the secret to finding life on Mars.

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How a researcher hacked ChatGPT's memory to expose a major security flaw

OpenAI recently introduced a new memory feature for ChatGPT that enables it to remember information about people, including age, gender and beliefs.

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Planetary Researchers Examine Tidal Effects on Interiors of Planets and Their Moons

A team of scientists from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona, TU Delft, and Caltech has developed a new method to compute how tides affect the interiors of planets and moons in the Solar System.

The post Planetary Researchers Examine Tidal Effects on Interiors of Planets and Their Moons appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.


New Research Questions Standard Theory of How Galaxies Formed in Early Universe

The standard model predicted that the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope would see dim signals from small, primitive galaxies.

The post New Research Questions Standard Theory of How Galaxies Formed in Early Universe appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.


Dazzling images illuminate research on cardiovascular disease

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Dalhousie researchers design low-cost device that can help fight water scarcity

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When chemist Dora Richardson’s employer decided to terminate the breast cancer research on the drug Tamoxifen in the early 1970s, she and her colleagues continued the work in secret.


Cardiology Research: Business As Usual During the Pandemic

At this moment in time the pre-pandemic cardiology research agenda needs to be completely reprioritized. There are two broad areas that now take precedence over all existing research concerns. On the one hand, researchers need to achieve a better understanding of the staggering incidence of deferred or delayed treatment of cardiovascular events and conditions as...

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Risk of mortality drops in COVID-19 patients given anticoagulation within a day of hospital admission, research finds

Starting COVID-19 patients on prophylactic anticoagulation within 24 hours of being admitted to hospital has been linked to a reduced risk of mortality.


Semaglutide effective for weight loss in non-diabetic adults, research suggests

The type 2 diabetes mellitus drug semaglutide is effective for weight loss in non-diabetic overweight or obese adults, when taken alongside a reduced-calorie diet and exercise, researchers have found.


Looking for Opportunities to Accelerate Clinical Research in Rare Diseases

By Mike Cloonan, Chief Executive Officer of Sionna Therapeutics, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC The drug development process in rare diseases is rife with challenges especially when companies target significant differentiation or first-in-class targets. Identifying

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Tell the UK’s research regulator to do more on clinical trial transparency

The UK body that oversees health research is writing a new strategy on clinical trial transparency and it wants to hear opinions on it. The Health Research Authority (HRA) says its strategy aims to “make transparency easy, make compliance clear and make information public.” It has opened a public consultation on the strategy and some […]


The first paid research subject in written history?

On this date 349 years ago, Samuel Pepys relates in his famous diary a remarkable story about an upcoming medical experiment. As far as I can tell, this is the first written description of a paid research subject.

According to his account, the man (who he describes as “a little frantic”) was to be paid to undergo a blood transfusion from a sheep. It was hypothesized that the blood of this calm and docile animal would help to calm the man.

Some interesting things to note about this experiment:
  • Equipoise. There is explicit disagreement about what effect the experimental treatment will have: according to Pepys, "some think it may have a good effect upon him as a frantic man by cooling his blood, others that it will not have any effect at all".
  • Results published. An account of the experiment was published just two weeks later in the journal Philosophical Transactions
  • Medical Privacy. In this subsequent write-up, the research subject is identified as Arthur Coga, a former Cambridge divinity student. According to at least one account, being publicly identified had a bad effect on Coga, as people who had heard of him allegedly succeeded in getting him to spend his stipend on drink (though no sources are provided to confirm this story).
  • Patient Reported Outcome. Coga was apparently chosen because, although mentally ill, he was still considered educated enough to give an accurate description of the treatment effect. 
Depending on your perspective, this may also be a very early account of the placebo effect, or a classic case of ignoring the patient’s experience. Because even though his report was positive, the clinicians remained skeptical. From the journal article:
The Man after this operation, as well as in it, found himself very well, and hath given in his own Narrative under his own hand, enlarging more upon the benefit, he thinks, he hath received by it, than we think fit to own as yet.
…and in fact, a subsequent diary entry from Pepys mentions meeting Coga, with similarly mixed impressions: “he finds himself much better since, and as a new man, but he is cracked a little in his head”.

The amount Coga was paid for his participation? Twenty shillings – at the time, that was exactly one Guinea.

[Image credit: Wellcome Images]


Researchers Explore How the Human Body Senses Temperature

As winter arrives and daylight hours decrease, it gets easier to hit the snooze button and stay in bed. It turns out that there’s a scientific reason behind this phenomenon that helps to explain why people struggle to adjust their internal clocks—also known as circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle—when the weather turns colder.


Researcher Looks to Plants in Search for New Antibiotics

Dr. Cassandra Quave’s path to her work as a leader in antibiotic drug discovery research initiatives at Emory University in Atlanta started when she was a child and she and her family dealt with her own serious health issues that have had life-long repercussions.


ISP Research Fellow Apekshya Prasai Selected as a 2023 HFG Emerging Scholar

Apekshya Prasai, a political science doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was recently named a 2023 Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Emerging Scholar.   The Emerging Scholars (nine in all) are doctoral candidates who are in the final year of writing dissertations on the nature of and responses to violence around the world.


Education, Research, and Innovation in Africa: Forging Strategic Linkages for Economic Transformation

Africa is a youthful continent: nearly 41% of its population is under the age of 18. To address the unique challenges of this demographic structure, the African Union (AU) hopes to reposition the continent as a strategic player in the global economy through improved education and application of science and technology in development. The paper proposes the creation of “Innovation Universities” that combine research, teaching, community service and commercialization in their missions and operations. They would depart from the common practice where teaching is carried out in universities that do little research, and where research is done in national research institutes that do not undertake teaching. Under this model, there is little connection with productive sectors. The idea therefore is not just to create linkages between those activities but to pursue them in a coordinated way under the same university structure. Innovation universities can be created in diverse fields such as agriculture, health, industry, services, and environment to advance sustainable development and inclusive growth.


Database on U.S. Department of Energy Budgets for Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration (1978–2025R)

The July 2024 update to our database on the U.S. government investments in energy research, development, demonstration, and deployment (ERD3) through the U.S. Department of Energy.


Setting a Course for Arctic Research: Arctic Initiative at Arctic Science Summit Week 2024

The Arctic Initiative team helped kick off discussions for the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning Process 2022-2026 (ICARP IV) research priority teams at the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2024 in Edinburgh, Scotland. 


Changing the Research Paradigm with a Patient-Powered Network - CCFA Partners: A patient-powered research network

CCFA Partners is an innovative network where patients and researchers work together. Become a part of groundbreaking research:


L'Oreal Paris and Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) Unveil It's THAT Worth It To Me, a Public Health Campaign and Social Media Call-to-Action that Drives Melanoma Awareness, Raises Funding for Research and Encourages Sun Protection and Sunless Tann

Eva Longoria :30 English


#pass4prostate Challenge Raises Prostate Cancer Awareness and Research Funds - Nick Cummins promotes #pass4prostate

Qantas Wallabies player Nick Cummins promotes the #pass4prostate challenge and USA vs. Australia match coming up on Sept. 5 in Chicago. #pass4prostate and the match are presented by Astellas Pharma


American Association for Cancer Research National Survey Shows 74 Percent of Voters Want More Federal Funding for Cancer Research - AACR Survey and Cancer Progress Report 2015 Video

AACR Survey and Cancer Progress Report 2015 Video