
ComicLab Podcast with Gale Galligan

EPISODE SUMMARY Today's show is brought to you by Wacom — makers of the incredible Wacom One! This week, the ComicLab guys talk shop with Gale Galligan, creator of the bestselling Babysitter's Club graphic novels. See all of Gale's latest at EPISODE NOTES Today's show is brought to you by Wacom — makers of the incredible Wacom One! This week, the ComicLab guys talk shop with Gale Galligan, creator of the bestselling Babysitter's Club graphic novels.


Senator Wyden And Others Introduce Bill Calling The DOJ's Bluff Regarding Its Attempt To Destroy Section 230 & Encryption

One of the key points we've been making concerning Attorney General William Barr and his DOJ's eager support for the terrible EARN-IT Act, is that much of it really seems to be to cover up the DOJ's own failings in fighting child porn and child exploitation. The premise behind the EARN IT Act is that there's a lot of child exploitation/child abuse material found on social media... and that social media companies should do more to block that content. Of course, if you step back and think about it, you'd quickly realize that this is a form of sweeping the problem under the rug. Rather than actually tracking down and arresting those exploiting and abusing children, it's demanding private companies just hide the evidence of those horrific acts.

And why might the DOJ and others be so supportive of sweeping evidence under the rug and hiding it? Perhaps because the DOJ and Congress have literally failed to live up to their mandates under existing laws to actually fight child exploitation. Barr's DOJ has been required under law to produce reports showing data about internet crimes against children, and come up with goals to fight those crimes. It has produced only two out of the six reports that were mandated over a decade ago. At the same time, Congress has only allocated a very small budget to state and local law enforcement for fighting internet child abuse. While the laws Congress passed say that Congress should give $60 million to local law enforcement, it has actually allocated only about half of that. Oh, and Homeland Security took nearly half of its "cybercrimes" budget and diverted it to immigration enforcement, rather than fighting internet crimes such as child exploitation.

So... maybe we should recognize that the problem isn't social media platforms, but the fact that Congress and law enforcement -- from local and state up to the DOJ -- have literally failed to do their job.

At least some elected officials have decided to call the DOJ's bluff on why we need the EARN IT Act. Led by Senator Ron Wyden (of course), Senators Kirsten Gillbrand, Bob Casey, Sherrod Brown and Rep. Anna Eshoo have introduced a new bill to actually fight child sex abuse online. Called the Invest in Child Safety Act, it would basically make law enforcement do its job regarding this stuff.

The Invest in Child Safety Act would direct $5 billion in mandatory funding to investigate and target the pedophiles and abusers who create and share child sexual abuse material online. And it would create a new White House office to coordinate efforts across federal agencies, after DOJ refused to comply with a 2008 law requiring coordination and reporting of those efforts. It also directs substantial new funding for community-based efforts to prevent children from becoming victims in the first place.

Basically, the bill would do a bunch of things to make sure that law enforcement is actually dealing with the very real problem of child exploitation, rather than demanding that internet companies (1) sweep evidence under the rug, and (2) break encryption:

  • Quadruple the number of prosecutors and agents in DOJ’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section from 30 FTEs to 120 FTEs;
  • Add 100 new agents and investigators for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Innocent Images National Initiative, Crimes Against Children Unit, Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Teams, and Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Forces;
  • Fund 65 new NCMEC analysts, engineers, and mental health counselors, as well as a major upgrade to NCMEC’s technology platform to enable the organization to more effectively evaluate and process CSAM reports from tech companies;
  • Double funding for the state Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Forces;
  • Double funding for the National Criminal Justice Training Center, to administer crucial Internet Crimes Against Children and Missing and Exploited Children training programs;
  • Increase funding for evidence-based programs, local governments and non-federal entities to detect, prevent and support victims of child sexual abuse, including school-based mental health services and prevention programs like the Children’s Advocacy Centers and the HHS’ Street Outreach Program;
  • Require tech companies to increase the time that they hold evidence of CSAM, in a secure database, to enable law enforcement agencies to prosecute older cases;
  • Establish an Office to Enforce and Protect Against Child Sexual Exploitation, within the Executive Office of the President, to direct and streamline the federal government’s efforts to prevent, investigate and prosecute the scourge of child exploitation;
  • Require the Office to develop an enforcement and protection strategy, in coordination with HHS and GAO; and
  • Require the Office to submit annual monitoring reports, subject to mandatory Congressional testimony to ensure timely execution.
While I always have concerns about law enforcement mission creep and misguided targeting of law enforcement efforts, hopefully everyone can agree that child exploitation does remain a very real problem, and one that law enforcement should be investigating and going after those who are actually exploiting and abusing children. This bill would make that possible, rather than the alternative approach of just blaming the internet companies for law enforcement's failure to take any of this seriously.


More and more organizations are falling to ransomware – will you be next?

Tune in online this month to find out how to protect your business from data extortionists

Webcast It's been "the year of ransomware" for about the past three years. And while you may be tired of hearing about the trend and just getting used to the reality, you may also like to remember: instances of attacks are climbing – quickly – and we’re now reaching a level where more than half of ransomware schemes result in a business paying out.…


A Man Walks Into A Bar With An Alligator On A Leash

The bartender says “You can’t have that thing in here! Get out!” The guy says “It’s okay, this Alligator is highly trained. Just give me a few seconds and I’ll show you.” The bartender, intrigued, gives him the go-ahead. The man gingerly lifts the alligator up onto a table. By this point, everybody in the […]

The post A Man Walks Into A Bar With An Alligator On A Leash appeared first on Funny & Jokes.


Amy Goodman interviews Tavis Smiley, Cornel West on the 2012 Election & Why Calling Obama “Progressive” Ignores His Record. Democracy Now: Friday, November 9, 2012.

Cornel West and Tavis Smiley criticize President Barack Obama for being to the right of even President Richard Nixon. Continue reading


Are you experiencing long waits calling the IRS?

I am still holding on a call to the Internal Revenue Service, even though I called (800) 829-0115 two hours ago. This telephone number is the one often included in notices from the Internal Revenue Service for overdue business taxes. … Continue reading

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  • Internal Revenue Service telephone calls
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Ralph Nader Says Calling a Third-Party Candidate a Spoiler Is the Same as Saying Shut Up

People from outside the major parties who are pursuing elected office are exercising their First Amendment rights, and calling them spoilers is an act of “political bigotry” that should never be tolerated by the American people, civil rights champion and four-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader told “Democracy Now!” Nader’s comments come one week before the 2016 nominees’ first presidential debates, which the Commission on Presidential Debates—a private corporation owned and controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties—announced Friday will exclude both Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party. Continue reading


Барабанщик METALLICA хвалит Данию за действия против COVID-19

Барабанщик METALLICA Lars Ulrich считает, что его родная страна отлично справляется с мировой пандемией COVID-19.

Дания недавно начала медленно снимать ограничения для сдерживания распространения нового коронавируса. Вновь открылись школы для детей до 11 лет, а также малые предприятия, такие как парикмахерские и тату-салоны. Этот шаг был предпринят спустя чуть более месяца после того, как в Копенгагене были закрыты детские сады, начальные и средние школы, а также кафе, рестораны, бары, тренажёрные залы и парикмахерские. Кроме того, Дания расширила тестирование на коронавирус, включив в него людей со слабыми симптомами. Ранее тестировались только те, у кого симптомы были умеренными или тяжёлыми. Другие ограничения остаются в силе по крайней мере до 10 мая. Границы закрыты, а собрания ограничены 10 людьми.

Ulrich, родившийся в Дании и живший там до 16 лет, а затем переехавший в Лос-Анджелес, обсуждал пандемию коронавируса 28 апреля во разговора с Marc'ом Benioff'ом:

«Дания была одним из первых государств в мире, которое действительно пошло на полное закрытие страны, и там зарегистрировали самые низкие показатели заболеваемости во всей Западной Европе. Всего полторы недели назад они начали открывать детские сады и школы. И пока всё идёт хорошо. Но пока ещё рано говорить о полном успехе.

Я думаю, что мы все должны понимать, где бы мы ни были, по мере того, как мир снова открывается, это не произойдёт за один-два дня, как он был закрыт. Так что это будет очень постепенно. Как мы видим, даже в США есть места, которые начинают открываться, — есть они и в Европе, в Азии и так далее. У каждой страны будет свой набор средств и свои способы возвращения к новой жизни. Но Дания, за которой я ежедневно слежу, ведь я читаю датские газеты и общаюсь с моими друзьями в Дании, уже начала этот процесс. И я думаю, что они показывают весьма впечатляющий старт. Цифры, статистика и всё то, что не претерпело радикальных изменений, на самом деле, показатели продолжают снижаться. Как вы знаете, тут совсем не так, как было в некоторых азиатских странах, когда было дано небольшое послабление, и цифры вновь поползли вверх. Но в Дании пока это выглядит многообещающе.

Когда я думаю о Дании, я думаю только о слове "мы". В Дании всё всегда "мы" и "нас", и куда меньше про "я" и "меня". И поэтому, когда я думаю о том, что Дания пережила этот кризис, я очень горжусь тем, что называю себя датчанином. И я думаю, что прогресс, который там достигается, безусловно, воодушевляет и вдохновляет всех нас».

Когда ведущий спросил у Lars'a, не захочет ли он вернуться в Данию, если коронавирусный кризис в США усугубится, тот ответил, что у него всё ещё есть датский паспорт, и пошутил, что он спит, положив его под подушку:

«Мой датский паспорт находится рядом, если он вдруг понадобится!» #Metallica #ModernRock #Modern_Rock #AvantgardeRock #Avantgarde_Rock #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal #SymphonicMetal #Symphonic_Metal #ThrashMetal #Thrash_Metal


Вокалист METALLICA о коллекции машин

В новом пятиминутном ролике вокалист METALLICA James Hetfield рассказывает о своей коллекции кастом-каров, часть которой он пожертвовал Petersen Automotive Museum в Лос-Анджелесе.. #Metallica #ModernRock #Modern_Rock #AvantgardeRock #Avantgarde_Rock #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal #SymphonicMetal #Symphonic_Metal #ThrashMetal #Thrash_Metal


Барабанщик METALLICA: «RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE всё более и более актуальны»

В рамках интервью для Rolling Stone барабанщик METALLICA Lars Ulrich ответил на вопрос о том, какая музыка его зацепила за последнее время:

«Я бы назвал Fiona Apple — её пластинка ["Fetch the Bolt Cutters"] просто сногсшибательна. В тот день, когда альбом только вышел, я его слушал часа три-четыре подряд и читал тексты. Честно говоря, я был поражён тем, насколько это необычно и гениально, потому что это так нестандартно. Каждые несколько лет выходит пластинка с другим звучанием. Я думаю, что последние ARCTIC MONKEYS, выпущенные года два назад ["Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino"], также имели схожий эффект, когда ты получаешь совсем не то, что ожидаешь, потом слушаешь это и просто говоришь: "Вау, это всё ещё возможно — сделать что-то музыкальное и не так, как у всех, ты ощущаешь уникальность, свежесть и неожиданность". Так что я бы сказал, что альбом Fiona Apple определённо из этой категории. Мне также нравится альбом Ed'a O'Brien'а. И его выступление на "Kimmel" — мы смотрели его достаточно часто.

В остальном, я думаю, вы заметили, что я больше обращаюсь ко многим своим старым друзьям [в музыкальном плане]. Пожалуй, музыка, которую я слушал больше всего за последние два-три месяца, — это RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE. Неужели я единственный, кто думает, что их музыка с каждым днём становится всё более и более актуальной? Она всё больше и больше ассоциируется с тем, что происходит в мире. Просто такое ощущение, что все четыре этих альбома были записаны на прошлой неделе. И когда я делаю свои жалкие слабенькие упражнения, надеваю наушники и начинаю заниматься, я выдаю что-то типа: "Охренеть", когда просто слышу что-то в "Calm Like A Bomb", "Sleep Now In The Fire" или "Bombtrack", и думаю: "Не, ну правда, что ли? Какого хрена? Откуда это вообще взялось?" Так что RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE никогда не подведут!»

Ulrich также рассказал, что слушают члены его семьи:

«В доме довольно часто можно услышать Radiohead. Radiohead начали делать что-то вроде того, что делает Metallica, — они транслируют концерты, так что у нас дом фанатов Radiohead».

На вопрос о том, чем он заполняет своё время в период самоизоляции, Lars ответил:

«Я пытаюсь оставаться здоровым и здравомыслящим и быть как можно более продуктивным. Я пытаюсь быть более физически активным, чем несколько месяцев назад, занимаясь тренировками и играя, вместо того, чтобы валяться на диване. Это помогает чувствовать себя лучше в психологическом плане». #Metallica #ModernRock #Modern_Rock #AvantgardeRock #Avantgarde_Rock #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal #SymphonicMetal #Symphonic_Metal #ThrashMetal #Thrash_Metal


IBM, Packet Clearing House and Global Cyber Alliance Collaborate to Protect Businesses and Consumers from Internet Threats

IBM Security, Packet Clearing House (PCH) and The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) today launched a free service designed to give consumers and businesses added privacy and security protection as they access the internet. The new Quad9 Domain Name System (DNS) service helps protect users from accessing millions of malicious internet sites known to steal personal information, infect users with ransomware and malware, or conduct fraudulent activity.


Walmart,, IBM and Tsinghua University Launch a Blockchain Food Safety Alliance in China

Walmart,, IBM, and Tsinghua University National Engineering Laboratory for E-Commerce Technologies announced today they will work together in a Blockchain Food Safety Alliance that will kick off with a collaboration designed to enhance food tracking, traceability and safety in China, to achieve greater transparency across the food supply chain.


Allianz Concludes IT Operations Service Agreement with IBM for Data Centers Operation Support

Today, Allianz and IBM concluded an agreement in Munich regarding support for the operation of Allianz's data centers. IBM will be acting as the global provider of IT operation services for Allianz in effect from April 1, 2014, supporting the transformation of the company's global IT infrastructure.


IBM Analytics Speeds healthAlliance Business Management Reporting

IBM (NYSE:IBM) today announced that healthAlliance, New Zealand’s largest shared services organisation for the health sector, will use an IBM Netezza analytics appliance to provide faster, more accurate clinical and business analysis to better manage hospital resources and services.

  • Healthcare and Life Sciences


Falling Down Coming Undone (Fan Video

Falling down is the tale of Bill Foster (played by Michael Douglas) a.k.a D-FENS which is his license plate. A guy who isn’t having a very good time. He lost his wife, his home, his daughter, and his job at a defence plant.............


Cats, PJs, alien eyes unwelcome as work video calling boom prompts new etiquette

(This March 17 story corrects stock symbol of Zoom to ZM.O, not ZOOM.PK in the last paragraph)


Self Management Awards 2016 Shortlisted Nominees Announced - Self Management | The ALLIANCE

The judges have now submitted their scores, they have been counted and verified and we can now reveal the 2016 Self Management Shortliste


People Powered Health and Wellbeing launch survey - The ALLIANCE | The ALLIANCE

People Powered Health and Wellbeing (PPHW) are asking people to share their experiences of co-production in their survey.


Taking the #RightApproach with the Health and Social Care Alliance

Stream Taking the #RightApproach with the Health and Social Care Alliance by SCVO from desktop or your mobile device


SCVO launch third sector human rights campaign - Parliament & Government | The ALLIANCE

New campaign to promote human rights across the third sector.


Partnership Working and the Future of Neurological Services - Alliance Scotland Viewpoint | The ALLIANCE

Our latest viewpoint in a series on neurological conditions comes from Gerard Gahagan, Head of Service - Epilesy, Quarriers.


Risings and Fallings

  Clusterfuck Nation For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays Support this blog by visiting Jim’s Patreon Page In the corkscrewing anguish of the social sequester, with careers, savings, futures, and dreams whirling down the drain, voices rise above the din of conflicting statistics to ask: what is going on here? To some, it looks like a more »

The post Risings and Fallings appeared first on Kunstler.

  • Clusterfuck Nation – Blog


RagingStallion: Logan Stevens and Donnie Argento

Anonymous studs at the bathhouse carry on with their fun. Bearded stud Logan Stevens stumbles on Donnie Argento, face-down-ass-up in his room wearing nothing but a jock. Enticed by Donnie’s hot hole, Logan steps up and dives straight in to eat his furry ass. After eating out Donnie’s hole, Logan spins his new anon friend... View Article

The post RagingStallion: Logan Stevens and Donnie Argento appeared first on QueerClick.


The Callipeg App Offers An Intuitive New Way To Do 2D Animation On An Ipad

With ​Callipeg, artists can now leave their desks and animate wherever they want and need with professional tools, using the iPad's power to its full potential.

The post The Callipeg App Offers An Intuitive New Way To Do 2D Animation On An Ipad appeared first on Cartoon Brew.


On “Remain Alliances”

Yes, despite what you may have thought, I do still have a blog. It’s just been a weird few months, and it’s taken literally all my writing time to produce the 5000 words a week of finished content (which comes … Continue reading


Let the whistles blow: Never mind the Trump administration; listen to those calling out wrongdoing

Add Dr. Rick Bright to the list of coronavirus whistleblowers silenced or sidelined for trying to push truth over politics as we battle this deadly scourge. He was just ousted from his post as director of the HHS agency working on a COVID-19 vaccine for what he claims was his refusal to support a “game-changing” supposed cure President Trump and friends have been touting. CDC chief Robert Redfield suffered a similar rebuke for warning of a second wave of the virus next winter, contradicting the more rosy picture the president wants trying to paint. Not fired (yet), but clearly pressured to toe the line, truth and science be damned.


NYC schools chancellor slams critics over abrupt ending to Queens school town hall, calling it a ‘set up’

Critics have slammed the chancellor for making an early exit from a town hall in Bayside last week after two furious parents stood up mid-meeting to demand answers from the schools chief about alleged assaults their middle school children suffered at M.S. 158


Installing aerogel shields on Mars could make the Red Planet more habitable

Human-made shields that block UV rays and concentrate heat on the Martian surface could provide both liquid water and protection from radiation.


Allison Wisk named L.A. Times state politics editor

Allison Wisk (@allisonwisk), an experienced political editor with an eye for accountability journalism and innovation, is joining The Times as California politics editor.


UCLA rallies to beat Arizona and claim first place in Pac-12

UCLA shot 33.3% but scored when necessary, closing the game on a 13-4 run to move into sole possession of first place in the Pac-12 Conference.


Scallion Pancakes

Crunchy, salty and packed with scallions, these fun-to-make pancakes are irresistible.


No yeast? You don't need any for these savory scallion pancakes

Scallion pancakes are a savory Chinese stovetop bread that can be a fun cooking project. They use a dough that doesn't require yeast.


Letters to the Editor: Gov. Gavin Newsom needs to stop calling California a 'nation-state'

Gov. Newsom has taken to calling California a "nation-state" when discussing its efforts to fight the coronavirus. Constitutionally, that's not true.


Calling all Oscar buffs: How will you do on this trivia quiz?

Last movie to win best picture without any acting nominations? Last woman to win a screenplay Oscar? Take this Academy Awards trivia quiz and see how well you do.


Bop to Beyoncé and Megan Thee Stallion's new 'Savage' remix for coronavirus relief

Proceeds from Megan Thee Stallion and Beyoncé's new "Savage" remix will go toward coronavirus relief efforts in the artists' hometown of Houston.


Picture Special: The best (and worst) footballing brothers in history ranked

EXPRESS SPORT takes a look at some of the most celebrated sets of siblings in the beautiful game, but who are your favourite duo?


Leeds players rallied behind Kiko Casilla in dressing room after error in Brentford draw

Kiko Casilla's mistake cost Leeds in their 1-1 draw at Brentford on Tuesday night.


Money falling from heaven

A certain level of risk is truly healthy, writes Dan Wyson of Wyson Financial in St. George.



For NBC Sports crew, calling IndyCar's iRacing broadacasts 'awfully close' to real thing

Despite working in three different states, Leigh Diffey, Townsend Bell and Paul Tracy have IndyCar's iRacing events looking and sounding close to normal.



Athlete spotlight: Catching up with Roncalli wrestler Brayden Lowery

Four-time regional champion Brayden Lowery on his love of wrestling, favorite memories, college plans and more



Ariana Grande is the latest celebrity to show support for Bernie Sanders, calling him ‘my guy’

The singer posted photos of the duo embracing after one of her concerts.


Princess Cruises Ocean Medallion Review

Princess Cruises were the first cruise line to introduce the Ocean Medallion smart wearable device that is supposed to change the way you cruise. It helps you board the ship faster, find your way around the ship, order food and drink to wherever you are on the ship, gamble and play games , locate your friends and more. But how does it really work? What are the pros and cons? Find out my thoughts, take and review of the Princess Cruises Ocean Medallion.


Netgem Join the Wireless Broadband Alliance

Netgem has joined the Wireless Broadband Alliance in October 2012. Founded in 2003, one of the aims of the WBA is to enable seamless data Offload for operators. The WBA and its industry leading members are dedicated to delivering high quality user experiences through technology innovation, interoperability and robust security.

Netgem strengthens its commitment to the WBA by announcing the launch of QUATTUOR, the first LTE mobile router with embedded Wi-Fi Offload. Netgem's next generation mobile router will be available in 2013 and has been developed for mobile operators that wish to differentiate their service offering and to maintain full control over their wireless connectivity manager. QUATTUOR will automatically choose the best available connection from 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks, placing the device firmly in line with the WBA's objectives. Based on a fully customised platform, QUATTUOR is designed to improve operators' data service profitability.


A Gallimaufry of Literacy Questions and Answers

Hello, Reading World! As with most of you, I’m sheltering in place … biding my time until the Great Pandemic Pandemonium subsides. Although despite being at what is currently an awkward (and apparently dangerous) age, I feel pretty safe locked down here in Chicago. Nevertheless, like all of you, I'm worried about family members who are on the front line in this fight, my students and colleagues, and all the people who are taking care of us. 


A Gallimaufry of Literacy Questions and Answers

Hello, Reading World! As with most of you, I’m sheltering in place … biding my time until the Great Pandemic Pandemonium subsides. Although despite being at what is currently an awkward (and apparently dangerous) age, I feel pretty safe locked down here in Chicago. Nevertheless, like all of you, I'm worried about family members who are on the front line in this fight, my students and colleagues, and all the people who are taking care of us. 


velocityconf: S Bay Area #WomeninTech (+ allies!) pls come to the #VelocityConf women's communities meetup on 6/19

velocityconf: S Bay Area #WomeninTech (+ allies!) pls come to the #VelocityConf women's communities meetup on 6/19


Pentagon Opens Probe Into Sexual Abuse by U.S. Allies in Afghanistan

The Defense Department's Inspector General has opened an investigation into whether U.S. troops were discouraged from reporting the rape and sexual abuse of children by their Afghan allies.


Walliams swims for Sport Relief

Part of the Sport Relief promo for the BBC UK Homepage