
By MiraK in "Coping in a red state" on Ask MeFi

My situation is not exactly the same as yours but it is a story of how to get along with friends and family who are on the total opposite side of the aisle, so perhaps you can find something to help you in my strategies.

My parents are extremely right wing - in India. It is mortifying and horrifying enough that they are this way but to make things worse my mother is also deep into conspiracy theories on a similar scale and off-the-charts-insane like QAnon in the US. At the same time I am also still engaged in a decade-long effort to build a decent relationship with my parents. So even though this is a self-imposed form of hell, the fact remains I am trying to actively love (as in verb-love) these people whose political opinions horrify me and who ruined their relationship with me in the past by throwing me out of their home as a teenager, abusing me as a child, etc.

Step 0 in accomplishing this task is to actually be clear, honest, and fully committed with yourself that you do want to keep and build these relationships.

For many years I was on the fence about it and I made no effort at all to build a relationship with my parents. That was fine! If you are here, you are not doing anything wrong! And neither will you be doing anything wrong if you do choose to walk away properly from people who trigger you too much. Many years after not working and fence-sitting, I intellectually realized I wanted to fix things but emotionally I remained uncommitted, angry, resentful, and blisteringly mad about how unfair it was that *I* was the one doing this fixing and building. This was also a valid stage to go through, and I suspect you're somewhere around here, feeling angry and hurt and torn within yourself that these are your fucking choices: to learn how to get along with assholes or else to lose all your family and friends. The unfairness REALLY RANKLES. This is extremely valid and extremely real, and there is no way out of this stage but through it. But sadly, no forward movement will happen FOR YOU EMOTIONALLY in this phase, as far as making your peace with your situation goes. (Also no forward movement will happen in fixing the relationship but that is not necessarily a bad thing, if you're in this stage.)

Accomplishing Step 0 - becoming fully and truly committed to building and maintaining these relationships - is a hue, huge task in itself. I would strongly encourage you to work with a psychodynamic therapist or some other modality that pays attention to childhood issues, in order to get to Step 0. You will know you have reached Step 0 when you can "radically accept" that your friends and family voted against your life, your rights, and your wellbeing. That is who they are, this is what you are dealing with, and you no longer have any wish to wrestle with this reality (try to convince them, try to lead by example, try to explain yourself, try to talk to them, try to get them to acknowledge your pain or at least be forced to see it, etc) because you. just. fully. accept their political position is their political position - you accept their total separateness from you and you accept their right to be separate from you - and even though you may be angry, even though you may be hurt, even though you still hate their politics, you want to just get on with building the relationship. If you're there, then you can move on to

Stratagem 1: find things you enjoy about this person, and trying to do things you mutually enjoy with them. Even the smallest movement towards identifying and then amplifying the good (by having small good interactions) will help. Repeated good interactions are what finally defeated my insecurity about "giving my parents an inch" - it felt so threatening to me to have anything nice with these people against whom I was nursing so much anger, and I TREASURED my anger, I didn't want to lose it! Having repeated nice experiences made me feel like, okay, I still haven't lost my right to anger or my anger even though I am having fun with them. Both my anger and my love can coexist. This has been a HUGE relief.

Stratagem 2: stop talking politics with them entirely. These are not your politics buddies. FIND OTHER POLITICS BUDDIES YOU CAN RELIABLY GET SUPPORT FROM for the political side of you. This type of compartmentalization is a healthy practice because nobody can be everything to us. Nobody in our personal life can check all the boxes and be everything we need from the world. People's failings are sometimes located near the very things we consider "basic shit". They are human, and this is okay, and we can find others to fill this basic need for us.

Stratagem 3: This may seem like the opposite of Stratagem 2 but it is not - don't stay silent when your friends and family say horrible political things to you or around you. You don't bring up politics but you don't stay quiet when unacceptable things are spoken in your vicinity. You MUST say something, you MUST speak your mind. Make it short but make it honest. Otherwise you build up an incredible amount of resentment and anger that will poison the relationship and run counter to your Step 0 goals.

Stratagem 4: After you say it, move on without belaboring your point or trying to get them to agree with you. Say it, and then completely let it go. Saying it is the point. The goal is NOT to change them, move them, make them think like you, make them acknowledge you, make them apologize, etc. The goal is unburdening yourself by speaking your truth, protecting the relationship by not allowing thoughts to fester in secret. If what they have said is horrible, say, "Wow, that's pretty horrible," and then move on immediately - warmly, affectionately, taking the sting out of it with your manner, without holding a grudge. You get your satisfaction by speaking up, not by making them bend. This strikes a great balance between being authentic and yet sidestepping useless conflict.

Stratagem 5: If they want to argue with you, you have to learn how to bow out smoothly without engaging in that. Say things like, "Oh, dad, that's fine, we can let it go. Tell me about Auntie's health..." Again it is important to remain non-retaliatory, don't punish them for wanting to hash this out by being angry. Be calm and warm and affectionate, but do not be moved into engaging in the political discussion. Walk out and take a short break if you need to. But come back on your own as soon as possible, and be loving. These are your people. You have boundaries with them, not walls.


By duien in "Where do you see signs of hope?" on Ask MeFi

I'm usually allergic to a lot of the way "find the bright side" kind of things are framed, but this extended quotation from Great Tide Rising by Kathleen Dean Moore came across my Mastodon feed and really resonated with me.

Over the years, college students have often come to my office distraught, unable to think of what they might be able to do to stop the terrible losses caused by an industrial growth economy run amok. So much dying, so much destruction. I tell them about Mount Saint Helens, the volcano that blasted a hole in the Earth in 1980, only a decade before they were born.

Those scientists were so wrong back in 1980, I tell my students. When they first climbed from the helicopters, holding handkerchiefs over their faces to filter ash from the Mount Saint Helens eruption, they did not think they would live long enough to see life restored to the blast zone. Every tree was stripped gray, every ridgeline buried in cinders, every stream clogged with toppled trees and ash. If anything would grow here again, they thought, its spore and seed would have to drift in from the edges of the devastation, long dry miles across a plain of cinders and ash. The scientists could imagine that– spiders on silk parachutes drifting over rubble and plain, a single samara spinning into the shade of a pumice stone. It was harder to imagine the time required for flourishing to return to the mountains – all the dusty centuries.

But here they are today: On the mountain, only thirty-five years later, these same scientists are on their knees, running their hands over beds of moss below lupine in lavish purple bloom. Tracks of mice and fox wander along a stream, and here, beside a ten-foot silver fir, a coyote's twisted scat grows mushrooms. What the scientists know now, but didn't understand then, is that when the mountain blasted ash and rock across the landscape, the devastation passed over some small places hidden in the lee of rocks and trees. Here, a bed of moss and deer fern under a rotting log. There under a boulder, a patch of pearly everlasting and the tunnel to a vole's musty nest. Between stones in a buried stream, a slick of algae and clustered dragonfly larvae. Refugia, they call them: places of safety where life endures. From the refugia, mice and toads emerged blinking onto the blasted plain. Grasses spread, strawberries sent out runners. From a thousand, ten thousand, maybe countless small places of enduring life, forests and meadows returned to the mountain.

I have seen this happen. I have wandered the edge of Mount Saint Helens vernal pools with ecologists brought to unscientific tears by the song of meadowlarks in this place.

My students have been taught, as they deserve to be, that the fossil-fueled industrial growth culture has brought the world to the edge of catastrophe. They don't have to "believe in" climate change to accept this claim. They understand the decimation of plant and animal species, the poisons, the growing deserts and spreading famine, the rising oceans and melting ice. If it's true that we can't destroy our habitats without destroying our lives, as Rachel Carson said, and if it's true that we are in the process of laying waste to the planet, then our ways of living will come to an end – some way or another, sooner or later, gradually or catastrophically – and some new way of life will begin. What are we supposed to do? What is there to hope for at the end of this time? Why brother trying to patch up the world while so many others seem intent on wrecking it?

These are terrifying questions for an old professor; thank god for the volcano's lesson. I tell them about the rotted stump that sheltered spider eggs, about a cupped cliff that saved a fern, about all the other refugia that brought life back so quickly to the mountain. If destructive forces are building under our lives, then our work in this time and place, I tell them, is to create refugia of the imagination. Refugia, places where ideas are sheltered and encouraged to grow.

Even now, we can create small pockets of flourishing, and we can make ourselves into overhanging rock ledges to protect life so that the full measure of possibility can spread and reseed the world. Doesn't matter what it is, I tell my students; if it's generous to life, imagine it into existence. Create a bicycle cooperative, a seed-sharing community, a wildlife sanctuary on the hill below the church. Raise butterflies with children. Sing duets to the dying. Tear out the irrigation system and plant native grass. Imagine water pumps. Imagine a community garden in the Kmart parking lot. Study ancient corn. Teach someone to sew. Learn to cook with the full power of the sun at noon.

We don't have to start from scratch. We can restore pockets of flourishing life ways that have been damaged over time. Breach a dam. Plant a riverbank. Vote for schools. Introduce the neighbors to one another's children. Celebrate the solstice. Slow a river course with a fallen log. Tell stories of how indigenous people live on the land. Clear the grocery carts out of the stream.

Maybe most effective of all, we can protect refugia that already exist. They are all around us. Protect the marshy ditch behind the mall. Work to ban poisons from the edges of the road. Save the hedges in your neighborhood. Boycott what you don't believe in. Refuse to participate in what is wrong. There is hope in this: An attention that notices and celebrates thriving where it occurs; a conscience that refuses to destroy it.

From these sheltered pockets of moral imagining, and from the protected pockets of flourishing, new ways of living will spread across the land, across the salt plains and beetle killed forests. Here is how life will start anew. Not from the edges over centuries of invasion; rather from small pockets of good work, shaped by an understanding that all life is interdependent, and driven by the one gift humans have that belongs to no other: practical imagination – the ability to imagine that things can be different from what they are now.


By salishsea in "Respecfully agree to disagree" on Ask MeFi

I actually got paid to do this.

For three years (from 1996 to 1999) I worked as a Public Information and Consultation Advisor for the Federal Treaty Negotiation Office in British Columbia. It was essentially my job to talk to angry and racist non-native people about the land claims settlements we, the federal government, were negotiating with First Nations.

One thing that helped me do this job was a story I heard Utah Phillips tell at the 1997 Vancouver Folk Music Festival. Seems one day he was told of an old cowboy in New Mexico who was dying. This old cowboy had ridden on some of the last cattle drives on the Great Plains in the 1800s and had scores of songs in his head about that time. Utah made an effort to go visit him on his death bed way out in the desert. When he got to the cowboy's cabin, a nurse answered the door, said he was expected and asked him to wait in the sitting room while she got the cowboy ready for the visitor.

The cowboy was an avid reader and had many hundreds of books. As he was waiting Utah scanned the shelves and saw what was what. He was surprised and shocked to see tract after tract from the John Birch Society, a virulent right wing political movement that clashed deeply with Utah's own hard left politics. Utah reflected on the predicament he was in. Here was this cowboy full of all of these songs, and there was this irresolvable political gap between them.

But thinking on it more, Utah realized that the REASON the cowboy had so many political books is that he didn't actually KNOW much about politics. In fact if he were to ask the old man about politics, he knew the old man would only give him lies, stuff that he didn't believe but that was recited out of the books. Utah Phillips noted that there was not one book on cowboys or cowboy music on the book shelves, and that's what Utah was there for. He entered the bedroom of the dying cowboy and passed a lovely day trading songs and stories of the cattle drives of the 19th century.

In conclusion Utah said "You know, if you talk to people about what they know, they will always tell you the truth."

That line stayed with me as I ventured in cowboy country shortly afterwards. I was meeting with a group of loggers and ranchers in Williams Lake, in the interior of British Columbia and they were a hard crew. Every month we met and every month they told me that they didn't want any land claims settlements with the "goddamn Indians" in their area. One guy, a man I'll call Bob used to go on and on about "you can't make deals with Indians, they can't be trusted, they're no good with their word..." That sort of thing.

Now I am Aboriginal myself, and this rankled after a while. But keeping Utah's words in mind I challenged Bob one day and said, "Bob, you know, I'm Indian and I'm trustworthy and you can make deals with me. I know for a fact that what you're saying is bullshit. It's lies. So I'm not going to ask you about Indians anymore. Instead I'm going to talk to you about something you do know about, and that is logging. Why don't you take me out to see your operation?"

Bob agreed and the next day I met him at 5:00am with a thermos of coffee and a box of Tim Hortons and we climbed into his F350 and headed out into the Cariboo Mountains. We drove for two hours and the whole time we talked about logging and what it's like being in the business, what kind of markest he was trying to develop, and how much he loved his new machinery He talked about his new feller-buncher like he was a dad with a newborn. Gone was the intransigent racist and here beside me was an interesting man, telling me the truth about what he loved.

When we got out to the cut block where his crew was working, he radioed them in and they came down to get coffee and donuts. Of the 12 guys he had working for him, six were First Nations. I laughed when I met them and asked them if they knew Bob's opinions on the trustworthiness of Indians. "Oh yeah," One of them laughed. "He's an old blowhard!"

But Bob countered by saying that THESE guys were great, that they had been with him for coming on 20 years. THEY were different.

We laughed. Really hard. We talked for a while about what THESE guys felt about land claims and they all had different opinions. Respect arose in the space of nuance and reflection.

So many people parrot opinions. In fact opinions are so often just a front for something else, the yawning abyss of ignorance. Very few people hold fixed opinions about things that matter deeply to them. Instead the hold nuanced and thoughtful interests. That's not to say that I wouldn't claw your eyes out if you hurt my child, but that's different from having an opinion on Tiger Woods or abortion or whether or not Obama is doing a good job. Most of us aren't Tiger, a pregnant woman facing a choice or the President. Most opinions are shallow, and the holder of them guards their superficiality with outrage and emotion to prevent you from getting close and discovering nuance. People hold opinons out of fear or loyalty. But when it comes to something you really care about, it's less about an opinion and more about the nuanced, many layered, complex fabric of knowledge, practical, theoretical, aspirational and emotional

From that day on, I never again talked to Bob about First Nations people, but he became a very involved person in our advisory committee because he had a piece of his heart staked in the process. I came to respect him very much, even though he continued to blow hard against my rookie colleagues and say stupid racist things that somewhere he must have believed. He did it just to put them off guard, to protect his own vulnerabilities and mask his fear. I came to respect what lay beneath the opinion, which was a real fear that land claims would ruin his logging operation. I dismissed the racism but respected Bob and what was really at stake for him. And I think he came to respect me too.

It was the best job I ever had.


Armed Neighborhood Groups Form In The Absence Of Police Protection

Cesia Baires knocks on the three apartment doors above her restaurant and a neighboring taqueria just before curfew. A woman opens the door. Her two young children are inside. "Remember," she says to them in Spanish. "Same thing as yesterday. I'm going to come check on you. If there's anything you guys need, give us a call right away." Meanwhile, a few men climb through the window and on to the roof to set up semi-automatic weapons as the curfew begins in Minneapolis. It's something Baires never thought she would have to do as a small-business owner, but then she found out these apartments were occupied. "Material things we can replace, that's true," she says. "But there are families up here. These aren't empty buildings." A car drives by boarded-up businesses as it crosses Lake Street in Minneapolis. Volunteers, sometimes armed, are working together to protect homes and businesses. Jim Urquhart for NPR As break-ins and fires raged in the first days of mass protests over the killing of


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot On Her City's Response To Unrest Over Police Violence

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit SCOTT SIMON, HOST: Police reform is the issue that made a lawyer named Lori Lightfoot a political presence in Chicago when she was head of the Chicago Police Board. Of course, she is now Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago and said this week that police misconduct and brutality, quote, "tarnish the badge." Mayor Lightfoot joins us now. Mayor Lightfoot, thanks for being with us. LORI LIGHTFOOT: It's my pleasure, Scott. SIMON: You've led investigations into brutality cases when you were head of the police board and the CPD's Office of Professional Standards. Must also be said that as an attorney in private practice, you represented some police officers. How difficult is police reform? LIGHTFOOT: Well, having seen this issue from a lot of different angles - I also prosecuted corrupt police officers when I was a federal prosecutor. So I've been around this issue for a long time, and really, it comes down to this. You can have all the policies that you want,


As New Zealand Police Pledge To Stay Unarmed, Maori Activists Credit U.S. Protests

Although New Zealand is about as far — in miles, at least — as you can get from Minneapolis, protests have erupted there over the killing of George Floyd. The Indigenous Maori people in particular have pushed back against police use of force, which disproportionately affects them. At first glance, the context seems quite different. New Zealand police don't usually carry firearms. The reason goes back to the 19th century British aversion to creating a police force too much like a military. In general, if New Zealand police officers need to use a gun, there is one in a lockbox in their car that they can use with a supervisor's permission. But after a white nationalist gunned down 51 people in two mosques last March in Christchurch, New Zealand's police introduced a pilot program to send heavily armed police teams on patrol in three communities. One of these communities was around Christchurch. The other two were far away in counties near the city of Auckland. The police said it would


'We're Not Racist': French Police Say They're Being Unfairly Criticized

French police say they are being stigmatized during protests in France against police violence in the wake of George Floyd's death. On Thursday, police gathered in front of precincts across the country and threw down their handcuffs in a symbolic gesture against what they say is unfair criticism. "The police in France have nothing to do with the police in the U.S., and we're not racist," said Fabien Vanhemelryck, the head of the main police union in France, as he joined dozens of police officers demonstrating Friday morning along the Champs-Élysées. Just days after Floyd was killed while in police custody in Minneapolis, more than 20,000 Parisians defied a ban on gatherings during the pandemic to demand the truth about the death of a black Frenchman named Adama Traoré while in police custody in 2016. The protesters said the French police, like their American counterparts, are endemically racist, a charge denied by many top officials in a country that likes to consider itself colorblind


Georgians Demand Justice: The Messages And Momentum Behind The George Floyd Protests

Since George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer on May 25, rage that had accumulated over centuries of racial violence spilled into the nation's streets. From Atlanta , Macon and Savannah to London , Amsterdam and Paris , protesters are flooding streets that, only weeks ago, stood nearly empty due to fears of COVID-19. The crowds are unprecedented in their size , diversity and condemnation of police brutality and systemic racial injustice. Despite early property damage , largely peaceful protests have gained momentum over the course of the last week.


With Lack of Pandemic Protections, Fears — And Coronavirus — Spread Among Georgia ICE Detainees

While protests set off by the killing of George Floyd show no signs of letting up, another quieter protest has been stirring at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Irwin County, Georgia. There, a group of detainees staged a hunger strike and protest over video chat to raise the alarm over a lack of precautions against the spread of COVID-19 inside the detention center.


OST Full Show: Spotlight On Savannah — Weathering Worldwide Crises On The Georgia Coast

America’s mayors have taken center stage in 2020. Big city mayors feuded with state and federal officials over COVID-19 protections and resources, and have been praised — and condemned — for their handling of protests sparked by the death of George Floyd. These crises may be unfolding on a national scale, but affect lives in every American city and town. With Atlanta officials already in the national spotlight, On Second Thought turned to local leaders in Savannah — Georgia’s first city and the state’s largest coastal municipality — to see how they are responding. We begin with Savannah Mayor Van Johnson , who took office in January of this tumultuous year. He shed light on his decision-making processes and vision for the city’s future.


Activism, Voting Rights, And ‘Good Trouble’: New Film Highlights Legacy Of Congressman John Lewis

John Lewis has gotten into a lot of trouble in his life. The now 17-term House Representative from Atlanta has been arrested 45 times – five as a U.S. congressman. One of the original Freedom Riders , Lewis trained in nonviolent resistance, but faced a lot of brutality during his time as a young activist in the civil rights movement. He suffered harassment and attacks during lunch counter sit-ins in Nashville, his skull was fractured by a blow from a Klansman in 1961, and he was badly beaten after crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on Bloody Sunday .


Coronavirus Pandemic Spotlights Problems With Online Learning

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Distance learning in the pandemic highlights a problem that experts have warned about for years - some students have good access to the Internet, and others do not. It's called the digital divide. Many districts are about to start the school year with more distance learning, so how can they narrow that divide? Rachel Martin spoke with Nicol Turner Lee, who studies it. RACHEL MARTIN, BYLINE: When you look back at those two, sometimes three, months that students in this country were doing distance learning, what worked and what didn't? NICOL TURNER LEE: You know, I think, generally, I am in agreement with some of the folks that have looked at this short period time as somewhat of an abject failure for our children. What worked was that, you know, schools had the attention of their households to figure out what to do during a time of crisis. What didn't work was that schools were not necessarily ready to move to an online


N.C. Teacher Expresses Her And Other Teachers' Concerns About Reopening Schools

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit SARAH MCCAMMON, HOST: School - parents, students and teachers are wondering, what will it look like this year? Will doors actually open, or will students be back on their computers for classes or a mix of both? In North Carolina, Gov. Roy Cooper says he'll make an announcement this week about what his state's schools should do. Teachers like Tamika Walker Kelly are waiting. She teaches elementary school music in Fayetteville, and she's also the president of the North Carolina Association of Educators. She joins us now. Thanks for joining us. TAMIKA WALKER KELLY: Thank you for having me. MCCAMMON: I'd like to start with what you and other teachers in the state are hoping for. What do you want to see happen this fall? WALKER KELLY: So many educators around our state - and, I would say, nationwide - are really concerned about re-entering schools in a safe way. Our safety of our educators and our student is the No. 1 priority of many of us. And so we


2 Somali Americans Become Public School Principals In Minnesota For The 1st Time

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit SARAH MCCAMMON, HOST: The state of Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in the United States, tens of thousands of people, many of whom were refugees from civil war. Today, we're talking with two of them who are making history. Abdirizak Abdi and Akram Osman are the first Somali public school principals in Minnesota. That's according to the Sahan Journal, which reports about immigrants in the state. They both just started on the job, which means first figuring out how to do it in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Principal Abdi, Principal Osman, thanks so much for joining us. ABDIRIZAK ABDI: Thank you very much, Sarah. AKRAM OSMAN: Thank you. MCCAMMON: Abdi, I want to start with you. You, as I understand it, never even attended K-12 schools in the United States. You came to Minnesota when you were 19 years old. Where did your interest in education come from? ABDI: I did my school in Africa, specifically in Kenya. So we lived in


MeFi: "The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter."

The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time ...just what it says on the tin.

Before the onslaught of end of the year Best-Of lists, here is a solid top 100 for your palaver pleasure.

Big bonus points to Paste Magazine for publishing it on a single web page, rather than over a 25 page ad-filled link schmozzle.


Ask MeFi: Businesses to Boycott?

What businesses do you avoid because they have values you disagree with? Please give your rationale in your answer. This question is inspired by reaction to Trump. But please give answers from anywhere in the world, for various values.


MeFi: "Even when an adult female prays and another female passes by..."

In a place where an act as simple as reading the Quran can be an act of defiance, the Taliban has banned women from hearing other women's voices in its latest attempt to impose their version of Islamic law on Afghanistan, including mandating that women refrain from performing Takbir—an Islamic expression of faith—and from reciting the Quran aloud, even in the presence of other women.

The UN and Amnesty have stated that the oppression of Afghan women, made prisoners in their homes, unable to speak, has erased women from all spheres of life. Girls born in the 20 years free of Taliban rule went to school and learned of their mothers' experience of repression, only to lose the ability to attend school with the Taliban's return in 2021. Women lost their ability to work, learn, travel alone, or receive healthcare and became "faceless, voiceless shadows" in a brutal apartheid against women.

What makes the Taliban's ideology so uniquely repressive of women?

"What sets the Taliban apart from other Islamic groups," Moheq added, "are the tribal codes of Afghanistan also embedded in the Taliban's ideology." A fundamental part of the tribal codes is defining a narrow place for women: They exists as the property of men and for the honor of men. For example, Moheq explained, "the rape of a woman is not seen as wrong because she was raped, but because she represents the honor of a man," and that is what was violated.

The Taliban's ideology was strong enough to draw manpower from the country's tribal areas for long enough to outlast the United States and the Western-backed government in Kabul. In return, as the primary manpower of the Taliban comes from tribal areas of the country, they further reinforce the Taliban's conservative culture, including the continued exclusion of women.

However, a supermajority of Afghan men polled believe women's rights should be a national priority. But they're afraid to speak out:
Among more than 7,500 Afghans living in the country with access to mobile and internet services, the survey found, 66% said they agreed or strongly agreed that human rights for women were a top priority for the future of Afghanistan. Nearly half, or 45% of those, strongly supported the Taliban's control of the country.

Is the international community helping afghan women, or abandoning them?

To the Taliban's nihilist vision for Pashto-Itslamic culture, a proud history of alternatives exist.

UN Women - Afghanistan Gender Profile 2024
Wikipedia | Taliban Treatment of Women


Ask MeFi: Got any good advice for a PoC USian post election?

Not in a happy place. Can already feel my mind about to launch into a worse place. Please give mental health advice suggestions for books to read, your tips for surviving (or, dare I ask, thriving) in 21st century right wing regime, pointers towards activities I can incorporate into my daily practice that bend the long arc of history toward justice.


Latinos Will Never Vote For A Republican, And Other Myths About Hispanics From 2016

There were two major assumptions about Latino voters throughout the presidential campaign: (1) a record number of Latinos would show up on Election Day to oppose Donald Trump's candidacy and (2) the anti-immigration rhetoric that launched Trump's campaign would push conservative-leaning Hispanics to flee the Republican Party. Neither of those assumptions entirely panned out as expected. Prediction 1: The Surge? True. A record number of Latinos did vote this November. But the truth is complicated. The official national exit poll, the one commissioned by the big media organizations, suggests the Latino share of the electorate was higher than ever before — about 11 percent, compared to 10 percent in 2012. "It's very possible that the Latino vote, while reaching a record, may have been swamped by other groups of voters," said Mark Hugo Lopez, the director of Hispanic Research at the Pew Research Center, pointing to states like Florida which Trump won. We won't know the percentage of


10 Election Moments You Won't Totally Hate And Might Even Like

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFYXOgXqoe4 Elections aren't exactly cozy, even in the best of times. This one, though, felt worse for a lot of people. No matter where your allegiances lie, 2016 has been the emotional equivalent of a dumpster fire. But it wasn't all unbearable. Here and there, lighter moments emerged to provide comic relief — or even a small burst of joy. Here are 10 of them, in no particular order. 1. Bill Clinton at the DNC balloon drop When the balloons fell from the rafters on the final night of the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine had a lot to feel triumphant about. The Democratic Party seemed to be uniting around Clinton as its candidate. But as the Philadelphia arena filled with red, white and blue globes, no one seemed to enjoy it quite as much as Bill Clinton, who looked up with childlike wonder. 2. Trump's "Hotline Bling" Back in November 2015, when Donald Trump was still in his campaign's relative infancy, he


DOJ Watchdog To Review Pre-Election Conduct Of FBI, Other Justice Officials

Updated at 4 p.m. ET The Justice Department's watchdog has launched a sweeping review of conduct by the FBI director and other department officials before the presidential election, following calls from Congress and members of the public. Top advisers to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton have blamed FBI Director James Comey, in part, for her loss in November. Now, federal investigators say they will examine whether public statements by Comey in July, October and November 2016 ran afoul of policies that caution officials not to influence the outcome of an election and to avoid making derogatory comments about people who haven't been formally charged with wrongdoing. Comey has previously told friends and employees that he had few good choices in the investigation into Clinton's handling of classified information on her private email server. In a statement Thursday, Comey said, "I am grateful to the Department of Justice's IG for taking on this review. He is professional and


Report: Russia Launched Cyberattack On Voting Vendor Ahead Of Election

Updated at 9 p.m. ET Russia's military intelligence agency launched an attack days before Election Day on a U.S. company that provides election services and systems, including voter registration, according to a top-secret report posted Monday by The Intercept . The news site published a report, with redactions, by the National Security Agency that described the Russian spear-phishing scheme, one it described as perpetrated by the same intelligence agency — the GRU — that the Obama administration imposed sanctions on for the 2016 cyber mischief. According to the NSA report, Russian hackers sent emails to people who worked at a company that provides state and local election offices with voter registration systems, trying to trick them into giving up their user credentials. The Intercept reports, "At least one of the employee accounts was likely compromised, the agency concluded." The NSA report says that the Russians then used information from that account to launch a separate phishing


A Year Later, The Shock Of Trump's Win Hasn't Totally Worn Off In Either Party

Republicans had watched Donald Trump unleash powerful forces inside their party for more than a year. On Election Day last year, the question for many inside the GOP was how to deal with those forces once Trump had lost. Few had figured out what it would mean for the party if he won. Democrats were planning. There were lists of cabinet secretaries and the challenge of breaking the deadlock that set in between President Obama and the GOP Congress once President Hillary Clinton was in office. Few had figured out what it would mean for the party if she lost. Over the past year, Republicans have struggled to come together and govern effectively. Democrats have struggled to unite around a common cause, or move on from bitter infighting. But both parties may finally be figuring out how to exist in the Trump era. Republicans 'No if, ands or buts,' it's Trump's party New York Rep. Chris Collins made the smartest bet of his political career when he became the first House Republican to endorse


Song Critique by a Killer Pro In The Know....Have You Got A Hit Or Not?

I can help you understand the essential elements required for a" Hit Song". I will bring my considerable experience to bear on assessing the strengths and weaknesses in your music submissions and guide you towards that elusive Hit. I can help you become a better song writer as I enhance and redefine your creative song writing abilities.

Successful / "Hit" songwriting... is the very foundation of the music industry. It is all about "The Song...You Cannot Polish A Turd'. The difference between a great song ...and "a hit song" can be in fact be tiny. The trick is knowing how to build on the core idea...and find true clarity in its content.

Discover the perfect balance between the key elements needed for success which is a top quality melody and lyric combined with solid structure and arrangement.

NB Positive critique is my watch word and no musician will be harmed in the honing process :-)



Robomagic is seeking incredibly compelling acts with amazing music people have GOT to hear

Robomagic is seeking charismatic, amazing new acts (solo or groups) with infectious music people want to hear. Acts should have an eye toward working hard to make it in the music business and come to the table ready to get involved with experienced teams that know how to make it happen.

Acts can be based anywhere but relocation to London may be necessary, depending upon a range of variables and circumstances. But if you've got the goods, we'd got the team, the know-how, and the resources to help make it happen.

We look forward to hearing your best material.

- Rob Hallett - Founder / President - Robomagic


Label seeking emotional Singer-Songwriter, Folk, Americana, Alt. Country songs

Label/Publisher is seeking songs for release, publishing, sync placement opportunities, and promotion. We have a proven record of placing songs with major networks and brands such as FOX, ABC, Roxy, Forever 21, Specialized, etc.

We are specifically seeking music from artists that have a timeless sound. The overall vibe of the label is one of honest music with warm vintage emotion. We are looking for Singer-Songwriter, Folk, Americana, Indie, and Alternative Country that evokes emotion. We lean toward a more melancholy sound so please no “fun” or overly “happy” songs. At the moment we are only seeking single unreleased songs by active artists or bands. By focusing on singles we can target specific markets when promoting and seeking sync placements. This also allows us to craft the labels’ “sound” while acting as a discovery vehicle for new and emerging artists.

Please DO NOT Submit more than one song. If I like what I hear I will dig around and find more of your material or contact you for additional music.

IMPORTANT: Artists must be willing to sign the master & publishing rights to the selected song over to the label and publisher. The songwriter/writers will retain 100% of the writing credit and will receive all royalties for their share. In addition, an advance will be paid to the writer/performer for the song in an amount to be determined. The advance then becomes a recoupable expense. After the advance is recouped, all income generated by the song will be split 50/50.

Our label is distributed by our digital aggregator, The Orchard, and releases will be available on every major retailer and streaming service including iTunes, Spotify, IHeartRadio, Amazon, YouTube, Google Music, rDio, Shazam, Flipagram, etc.

- Jason Currie / Dog Bites Wolf

Deal Type: Catalog Inclusion
Decision Maker: We are the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Exclusive
Compensation: $251 - $500
Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: First Aid Kit, William Fitzsimmons, Gregory Alan Isakov, Nikki Lane, Molly Tuttle, Father John Misty


Major Beer Company Seeks music for advertising campaign 3 Slots $15k

Major Beer Company Seeks music for advertising campaign 3 Slots $15k

The opp is for several different pieces of music as it will cover 3 major tv / film ads and several web-blog adverts and music to show off a new product. They have asked for intense and dramatic songs, positive songs, friendship songs, and holiday and travel themed songs. Once again they are choosing different songs for different territories so there are many slots they are looking for me to fill.

The videos and ads will be seen by over a million people across the globe.

All styles of music and genres will be considered as the company are looking top quality songs but also lyrical substance and they are also looking for top quality standout attention-grabbing, meaningful songs whether softer emotive ballads or harder more powerful driving tracks as the range covered by the company is huge.


Please submit your best work, radio ready, mastered songs. You must own 100% copyright. Only songs with cleared samples. I will accept demos as I am also a music producer / studio owner so if the song is a 'no brainer' and has enough potential to fit the opp then I would consider re-cutting it for the client.

Grand Northern Sync has worked closely with companies such as: Apple, Honda, Reebok, Samsung, BBC, ABC, New Show Media, Massive Films, Rickety Shack films, Seat, H&M, Busch,

Payouts and rights: If selected you will keep 100% of your rights, royalties and payments dependent on the number of times the tracks are used. Payout is $25k dependent on usage and length of use.

If selected the songs will be passed to the company and they will have the final say, Grand Northern Sync will be on hand to help the artist all the way through the process with chosen artists (at no financial charge).

All songs submitted will be considered for all the other opps we have.

I am looking forward to hearing your music.


- Alexander Johnston / Grand Northern Sync


Worldwide Airplay & Promotion on #1 Award-Winning Women of Substance Radio Podcast

Award-winning Women of Substance Radio celebrates talented female performers of every genre with great songs. The music we feature is vocally excellent, has depth of character and emotion, and has lyrics that leave a lasting impression. WOS Radio has been around for 10 years and has become the trusted source for quality music by female artists in all genres for both listeners and Industry pros.

Our #1 New & Noteworthy Podcast can be heard on iTunes, YouTube, Tunein, Stitcher and many more popular platforms every 3-4 times per week.. Heard by over 10,000 monthly listeners and promoted to our social media base of over 60,000, the show is nearing 300,000 downloads and is continuing to grow. The Podcast features all Indie artists including interesting tidbits about the artists and the songs. Check it out at www.wospodcast.com or on iTunes or the Mobile Podcast App for Apple devices. Visit our website for more info at www.wosradio.com

We have many outlets available for promoting our Indies like you including our Video Blog and in-show advertising spots. Visit our website to find out more: www.WOSRadio.com

We are taking song submissions from quality Independent Artists in all genres so submit your music today for consideration.

Female artists, female fronted bands or female vocalists only please.

Please note that we are using the song to opportunity match (S2O). If you are a male performer and the song matched yours it is because it sounded like the seed songs but it can not match by gender.


Is this quote a joke? if so, what does it mean?

I was reading a listicle of jokes and this quote from Tina Fey appeared "I like to crack the jokes now and again, but it's only because I struggle with math."Is it a joke? What does it mean?


Resources for a remote road trip workation, US version.

Hatching a plan for an 8-10ish week, self-contained, van-based cross-country solo journey in 2024 while maintaining a work schedule that absolutely requires me to be connected and on video for scheduled calls every workday. Now in the brainstorming and resource-gathering stages and open to creative ideas and tools. The short version:
Because I'm a worker bee and cannot take all of this time off, I feel like anything like this needs to be fairly well structured, with a good idea of where I plan to land most of the time. This is a really non-specific post, and I welcome all thoughts around apps (e.g., Google Maps with pins, VanAlert, iOverlander, Facebook groups) or other online resources or advice, that will help me plan and execute this.

In brief, the 39yo vanagon has a 100ah LiPo aux battery, a WeBoost cel booster, a fridge, propane heat, a kill switch and good mountain tires. She has a new-ish engine and my dearly departed husband was building her out for work-travel. I'm already set up to plug in and work comfortably from the back seat for a couple of days at a time.

The nitty gritty...
About trip planning:
-starting in the PNW and hoping to route thru New England and California;
-no specific time frame in mind, though I would like to avoid intense heat (no a/c) and extended days below freezing... off the cuff and since summers in the PNW are beautiful, it might be great to stay here and enjoy it while working out kinks with the van, and leave mid August. Loosely aim for a New England fall, down to the Carolinas, return (also loosely) via TN, KY, NM, AZ, and then San Diego and north;
-I'd like to largely avoid interstates, driving in the dark and more than 300-mile days;
-I plan to develop a rough itinerary around the results of outreach to my friend network via social media to ask who would like a visit. Something like: "hey friends, I'm exploring the idea of a big road trip in 2024 and want to know if you'd like a visitor." I would include some language around the fact that I have to work, and probe for what kind of visit they would like, if they could accommodate me and the van, if I could stay/play/work in their house, and if not do they have flat and safe off-street parking, access to an outlet, etc. Your ideas welcome around the framing of that post;
-for the parts of the trip that don't involve friends, I will seek out safe and beautiful camping destinations, stealth camping as needed, forest/BLM land, options that wrap in nature and beauty and hiking and making new friends, iOverlander solutions, driveway camping invitations (I know of just a couple van and women's networks that encourage this), etc;
-I really have zero interest in camping at Walmarts, Cracker Barrels, casinos, truck stops, etc., but I know it's a thing and I will if that's my best and safest option in the moment;
-I have an iPhone and general comfort with tech... is my best bet to create a Google map with pins, or is there something better? Any additional considerations if I would like to wrap in social media to share about my trip?
-I'd kind of love to learn more about driveway camping networks, where people add themselves to a map and welcome travelers to a safe camping spot and a friendly connection. I like meeting people who like meeting people;
-I am aware of networks like trustedhousesitters.com and would be open to engagements like that as I move about.

More about the van:
-I have been setting aside a little fund to add things this year like a suitcase solar panel that trickle charges the auxiliary battery. I don't quite know how that all works, but there are lots of resources out there to figure this out;
-Starlink? I can never not be available to connect for a video call on a workday, I pay extra on my cell phone to use it as hotspot, but that relies on excellent cellular connectivity (the WeBoost typically gets me one extra bar, but often that's not enough. I don't really know if it's supposed to do better than that).

About security:
-the van has a kill switch to reduce the chance of vehicle theft, but of course this does nothing to prevent breakins, theft and vandalization. There is a locking strongbox between the seats to hold my electronics and cash, and a hitchsafe to hold extra keys, ID and cash. I'm thinking I should hide an AirTag or have some other kind of tracking mechanism;
-I don't carry a gun and really don't want to. I have bear spray. I have thought that a trip like this might call for a small InReach or some other gps tracking device;
-as much as I would like to explore urban areas, I would be worried about the van. in the absence of a safe place to park, probably I will base the van outside of a city and take public transit in to be a tourist.

About me:
-50s, fairly extroverted, lover of outdoors, adventurous, though still new to widowhood and discovering a new timidity around taking risks without my adventure partner at my side;
-have driven solo across the country three times, but that was more than 25 years ago and all in less than 10 days;
-not self-employed. I work full-time from my laptop, with a balance of heads-down work and regularly scheduled calls. I also have a fair amount of flexibility in scheduling my day. I'm planning to stretch my PTO around 3- and 4-day weekends when friends have time to play or if I am wanting to linger and explore. I can also imagine on occasion driving for a couple of hours between meetings in the day and making up for it after it's dark and I'm parked;
-not a mechanic, though I can change oil, tires and filters, look up YouTube solutions and follow basic directions (like yesterday, changing an o-ring on my power steering pump). I do plan to take measures in the next year to learn more of the basics of mechanical troubleshooting;
-possess general common sense around safety, and want to take precautions. No plans to install an alarm system or a dash cam.

This is an unreasonably long post, I know. But I figured it couldn't hurt. Seeking your favorite resources for such a trip, your best advice, what do I need to know, what should I be thinking of, etc.


I'm not trying to be paranoid but

Are we sure the electronic voting machines operated properly? I don't need a ton of proof but I want to understand if impartial experts can confirm this, or if Democrats do some sort of auditing to make sure it was all on the up and up?


Safe way to make transcribed audio notes while I'm driving

I often have thoughts or ideas when I'm in the car, but I have no easy way to capture them. I have an iPhone, but I don't want to fiddle with it while I'm driving. I'm seeking an app (or possibly a standalone device) that I can safely use while driving. Is there some app that is voice-activated (i.e., without unlocking the phone) and will transcribe short memos? Ideally, I'd like those transcripts to be available in some cloud site, so I can access them via a web browser on my office computer or home computer.

I'd even consider buying a standalone recorder that I can activate just by pushing a button. I looked on Amazon, but I didn't really see anything that can make transcripts and upload them to a cloud site. Just the audio files might work, but it would be much better for me to have transcripts that I can easily access from a computer.


Orange County Education Board Member On Her Vote For Schools To Reopen Without Masks

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit SARAH MCCAMMON, HOST: California's two largest school districts, Los Angeles and San Diego, both said yesterday that students will not be headed back to school campuses this fall. Instead, classes will be online. But school board leaders in Orange County, which sits between LA and San Diego, have decided the opposite. Last night, the Orange County Board of Education voted to approve recommendations that school campuses reopen in the fall without masks or social distancing. Lisa Sparks is one of the board members who voted in favor of those guidelines, and she joins me now. Welcome, Lisa. LISA SPARKS: Thank you. MCCAMMON: And we should note that your recommendations are not binding recommendations, but they are what your board is advising. They say that masks may be harmful to students and that social distancing causes, quote, "child harm." How so? SPARKS: I think that the data is not completely conclusive. And that is the main point of all of this


Issues of the Environment: Potawatomi Trail to receive sustainable upgrades for hikers and bikers

The popular Potawatomi Trail is about to get an environmental facelift. The hiking and biking trail connects Washtenaw and Livingston Counties and is about to get about $500,000 in upgrades. WEMU's David Fair spoke with Pinckney Recreation Area park manager, Chuck Dennison, to learn what that is going to look like.


Issues of the Environment: City of Ann Arbor working to protect trees from damaging natural gas leaks

Ann Arbor officials says some of the trees in the city are dying, and they attribute it to leaks in the DTE Energy natural gas infrastructure. The utility says it is not the problem. The city is asking DTE to conduct necessary repairs, while the utility argues it would be cost prohibitive to contract an arborist to evaluate potential methane damage to trees. What comes next? WEMU's David Fair discussed it with Ann Arbor Sustainability and Innovations Director, Missy Stults.


Issues of the Environment: Voters approve three ballot issues put forth by Washtenaw County

Washtenaw County put three ballot issues before voters in Tuesday's primary elections. All three touch on components of our environment. All three passed by a wide margin. WEMU's David Fair discusses the results and future impacts with Washtenaw County Commissioner Yousef Rabhi.


Issues of the Environment: Ann Arbor school district making progress toward renewable energy and other sustainability goals

The Ann Arbor School District is transitioning away from the use of fossil fuels. The district was the first to sign up for DTE Energy’s MIGreen Power Program to get to 100% use of renewable energy, and the district will add four more all-electric school buses this academic year. WEMU's David Fair spoke with the Ann Arbor Schools' Director of Capital Programs, Jason Bing, about where the district is today and where it’s headed.


Thousands Accept Christ in Kenya Amidst Riots

From June 22 to July 6, 2024, Amazing Facts Oceania led an evangelistic and health outreach trip to Kenya. Providing medical and dental care, sharing the gospel in prisons and schools, and preaching at 20 outdoor sites. 

God blessed mightily—4,454 precious souls responded to His call and were baptized. One of the evangelists described the crowds as “very hungry for the Word of God!”

The medical team treated 5,000 needy people across 12 medical and dental clinics. They also provided medications and health education. Additionally, the team distributed 1,600 Bibles in Swahili and English and 83,000 Amazing Facts Study Guides

Prisoners eagerly responded to the messages of hope shared by the evangelism team. Nearly 225 prisoners gave their hearts to Jesus and were baptized. They were also thrilled to receive their own copies of the Bible. 

Students at public and Christian schools also responded eagerly to the gospel presentations. In one public school, 500 students eagerly accepted Amazing Facts Study Guides. At another public school, the entire student body rose to their feet to give their lives to Christ.[PQ-HERE]

Led by Ettienne McClintock, partner relationship manager at Amazing Facts Oceania, the team included 17 pastors, lay evangelists, and medical workers from Australia and New Zealand, who responded to our Lord’s commission to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Prior to the team arriving in Kenya, Amazing Facts Oceania had sponsored local evangelists to conduct evangelistic programs at 33 additional sites, making a total of 53 sites. The local churches are now discipling the precious new additions to God’s family at each location.

Divine Protection 

Satan did not want these meetings to take place. Severe monsoonal flooding caused damage across Kenya in the month preceding the evangelistic programs. Then, just as the evangelistic meetings were to begin, violent political protests broke out across Kenya against the government’s new tax laws. Dozens of people around the governor’s office in Nairobi were killed and hundreds more injured in the protests, making headlines around the world. Foreigners were particularly under threat. 

After much prayer, the team decided to proceed with the meetings despite the dangers. God answered dramatically. Above-average rainfall had been predicted for Kenya, but it did not rain for two full weeks while the team ran mass-scale outdoor evangelism—until the last person had been baptized. Then it poured!

God’s protection was also evident as thousands gathered to hear the gospel preached in the open air. One evening, while Ettienne was preaching, he heard the shouts and gunshots of an approaching riot. People were clearly nervous, but no one left when Ettienne asked the congregation if they wanted to go home. A noticeable peace settled over the huge crowd as Ettienne prayed for divine protection. The gunshots soon faded away. Many people made decisions for Christ that night.

Lives Renewed

God has promised in His word that “no weapon that is formed against you will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17), so in answer to earnest prayers, the work went on despite Satan’s best attempts to stop it. The mission produced a harvest of souls in Kenya that could only be possible through a God who works miracles in people’s hearts.

Alex had spent the last year sleeping on park benches while trying to get a job and an education. As the oldest son, Alex was expected to support his family, but his failure to even support himself had pushed him into alcoholism. At this low point, he heard music from one of the evangelistic meetings and came to listen. The message of hope from God’s Word drew him in, and Alex gave his life to Christ that evening. He is now preparing for baptism.

The Oceania team met Jabari the day he was released from prison. * He had been falsely accused and was on his way to murder his accuser and then commit suicide when he came across one of the evangelism sites. Jabari stopped to find out what was happening and met two team members. When they realized that two lives were in grave danger, they took Jabari aside and shared with him about God’s love and forgiveness. Jabari’s face began to soften, and he was visibly touched. He gave his life to God that evening and resolved to let God bring justice instead of trying to make it happen himself.

At one of the roadside medical clinics, a 22-year-old man named John arrived with a large stick in his hand. He was missing his two front teeth but had no apparent disability. “Why the stick?” the doctor asked. 

“I fell into bad company,” the young man responded in fluent English, “and was using drugs and alcohol. My family threw me out of home, so now I live by my stick. I catch rats with my stick, and I roast and eat them. My stick helps me dig out ground nuts to eat so that I can survive.”

John’s story deeply moved the doctor. He taught John how to live more healthfully (no rats!) and told him about Jesus—the Healer who welcomes him as a son, no matter what he has done in the past. John began to attend the meetings and was baptized at the end of the program.


A Renewed Commitment to Reach Australia

After two weeks of seeing God work miraculously in Kenya, the Amazing Facts Oceania team returned to Australia and New Zealand with a renewed commitment to sharing the gospel in their secular homelands. They are now launching a robust digital media and television campaign this month with a presentation called Kingdoms in Time, which focuses on the prophecies of the Bible that have all come true, with the final prophecies soon to unfold. 

Please pray that many will give their lives to Christ through this outreach in Australia and New Zealand. Please also pray for the thousands who accepted Christ in Kenya and for the many seeds of truth that were planted by the Oceania mission trip. 

To read more about the exciting outreach to Kenya and see many more pictures, click here.

*Jabari’s name has been changed to protect his identity.


179: Calendrical Is Totally A Word

In our triumphant return to posting podcasts at the turn of the month, Jess and I talk about time management and reminders, complicated conversational dynamics, the assassination of JFK (but only very briefly), and a bunch of somewhat more MetaFilter-centric things. We time-managed our way up to about 93 minutes. Also I play a euphonium.

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- talkin' about fake cash which led to an old MeFi post
- Chicken in the Corn
- hey it's cranberry jelly
- twitter discussion about trauma dumping
- jessamyn did some filing

- Greasemonkey (or other) script to enable downloads by jessamyn
- Shop at arch salvage store in Portland, OR for me by arnicae
- Full Stack Developer by jchan

- Skittish, a playful space for online events by waxpancake
- The Fucking Bible (warning: 7.5 MB) by ignignokt
- The Stick Princess by Peach
- I finally got my Murder Ballads book back into print! by Paul Slade
- Princess Unlimited by yankeefog
- "How to Sous Vide," a helpful cookbook by veggieboy
- Formula Non (2009 - 2019) An Alternative F1 Photo Project by lawrencium

- "The real Pacific Princess had a crew of 373, rather than 6" by jessamyn
- a comment by cortex
- a fluegelhorn is probably not a fluegelhorn, and vice versa by cortex
- Film shows McD's trained new staff in proper use of Vulcan death pinch by not_on_display
- Islands in the Stream by dorothy hawk
- Divorced, beheaded, live! by Lorc
- at the world you've left / and the things you know by fight or flight
- Why so many people undercharge for their work by Bella Donna
- Those who exist, have existed, or will exist in the vicinity of Omelas by brainwane
- "the distance between reader and character or narrator" by brainwane

Ask MeFi
- a comment by brainwane
- Where did the "Rock and Roll Ending" come from? by bondcliff
- Why would I use a hot glue gun instead of just glue? by trevor_case
- Tennis Pro decoded opponent's body language and serve? by umber vowel
- How do you manage your time? by unicorn chaser
- Then we'll take it higher - pop songs that are actually protest songs by Frowner
- Waltham, MA ca. 1988 - 1990: Manufacturer of Geiger-Mueller Detectors? by ZenMasterThis
- Seeking reputable carbon offset programs by Osrinith
- Fun classic rock songs (Grateful Dead & more) to walk down the aisle to by Neely O'Hara
- logistics! by everybody had matching towels

- How MeFi (and other providers) deal with trust & safety issues by brainwane
- Obit post: Speedlime by Pallas Athena
- Newsletter 3: The Handovering by Eyebrows McGee
- MetaFilter Gift Swap 2021 THANK YOU! by mochapickle
- Mefi Art & Makers Group, Update by Glinn


181: Pivot Table the Calendar

I love podcasts, woo woo woo! I love podcasts, how 'bout you? Here's episode 181, with jessamyn and I contemplating the idea of a week and a month and talking about misc. MetaFilterian stuff. Runs about 90 minutes.

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- my penance for being late getting this up is reusing last months experimental horn version of the original podcast theme even though it hurts to listen to now
- rabbit rabbit, apparently
- 181 is a palindromic prime
- I haven't gone back to figure out if I started doing the podcast at episode 34 or earlier, but god it's been a while either way
- Jessamyn, when the reference didn't land

- The year I won a year's supply of cheese by jessamyn
- The Rocinante, my hand-painted ship model from The Expanse by rachaelfaith
- The 885 films I saw and reviewed in 2021 by growabrain
- Birdsong Audio Separation by kaibutsu
- So I made a Wordle clone (with some extra features) by RustyBrooks
- Return to the Planet: a Zine Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of FFVII by subdee

- "Life's hard enough, and I'm looking to make people feel better" by jessamyn
- WKRIP by guiseroom
- No More Waiting For The End Of Time by chavenet
- Up to 30 stitches per inch! No bobbins! Quiet! by metaquarry
- What came first? Or last, or in between? by brainwane
- A Brief History of Windfuckers by oulipian
- Ex-NM labor official shares real world experience: capitalism sucks by wenestvedt
- "There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time." by oulipian
- JEOPARDAMY! by Going To Maine
- Look at the quality of this 3D animation by They sucked his brains out!
- "It's like people who try to clone their dogs" by jessamyn
- Free thread! by cortex
- Free Thread Returns by cortex
- Free Thread Forever by cortex
- Free Thread & Robin by cortex

Ask MetaFilter
- HELP, there's an elk in my freezer! by MonkeyToes
- What was that music video with the giant blue butt sculpture? by mermaidcafe
- what's that song? by peppercorn
- What's that weird instrument: The Beatles: Get Back edition by 2N2222
- When was Van Halen's 1984 album released? by Short End Of A Wishbone
- Help identify this mystery object? by scody
- What do they call a stupid SOB in your neck of the woods? by Gotanda
- Rock music puns? by OrangeVelour
- Do I need a bank with a real building I can go to? by DMelanogaster
- Parsing Amazon reviews by Cozybee

- Introduce yourself! by cortex
- Our favorite under-loved comments of 2021 by MonkeyToes
- a comment by kimberussell


182: too many trees, not enough goats

Psst, hey kid, wanna buy a podcast?

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- I've been enjoying dry British trivia show Only Connect
- jessamyn watched The Sparks Brothers
- move over Wordle, here comes Semantle
- the old 100K user raffle video, Rafflers

- Illustrator for Rider–Waite style drawing by wesleyac

- Quantle by lipsum
- DNDle - Wordle, but you're picking stats to guess D&D monsters by avapoet
- The World's First Granny Square Pattern by rednikki (MeFi Post)
- Saturday morning cartoons by Gucky
- WordleWordle by willF

- Today's Wednesday...? Really? What does time even mean anymore? by not_on_display
- Russia orders troops into Ukraine by russilwvong
- twosday by fight or flight
- The story behind and after the photo by brainwane
- lol, buddy, good luck finding the Lincoln tunnel by bondcliff
- "Graham's number is effectively zero compared to TREE(3)" by mubba
- It was a great day for America, everybody by Rhaomi
- Crease and repeat by janell
- Do You Know Who That Worker You Just Hired Really Is? by Toddles
- "Back then longevity itself was a newsworthy topic." by jessamyn
- Thursday! What A Concept! by cortex

Ask MetaFilter
- How cold could I comfortably keep my house if I dress really warmly? by Juffo-Wup
- How can I monitor the temperature over time in several rooms? by unus sum
- Preserving Paper by roue
- Defunct blogging platforms by wesleyac
- Can I kill somebody with a sock and a hockey ball? by Zumbador
- Can you show an Iowa cow at the Illinois State Fair? by Ishbadiddle
- You mean I have to do this every night until I die? by Jubey
- Chronic Fatigue, dealing with by Brandon Blatcher
- Why do (some) people hate athlete profiles? by alex1965

- Newsletter 6: Happy belated Valentine's Day! by Pronoiac
- Shoutout to Wenestvedt on His 150,000th Favorite Given by theora55
- A Long Bet Pays Off by Rhaomi
- Dearest Reader by the primroses were over
- 22222 by loup with congrats to it takes twototututoo


183: Severance, not Succession

It was a very busy turn of the month so we're wandering in pretty late with this episode. I talk a little bit about my recent decision to transition away from running MetaFilter (but we'll, inter alia, keep podcasting); Jessamyn and I talk about MeFi stuff as per usual; we establish that she started watching the wrong show and couldn't figure out why people liked it; and we chatter about at least three words we're not sure how to pronounce and establish, once more, that neither of us can read IPA. Runs our usual "about 90 minutes".

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- Jessamyn has been reading The Rabbi Small Mysteries
- I have been tweeting about Semantle and word2vec
- turns out it's psychosomatic, ADDICT, insane, not "attic", which does make more sense
- we didn't do an April Fools thing this year, but there was a nice thread chatting about 4/1 stuff past

- Distinctive Collections Coordinators by mfoight
- Distinctive Collection Librarian / Archivist by mfoight
- Call for submissions for women's writing anthology by Flock of Cynthiabirds

- A VR Schizophrenia Simulator for Us All by Lillitatiana
- Anoited by ignignokt
- You think you're addicted to Spelling Bee? by AMyNameIs
- Hermit Crabs of Paradise Cove, Vanuatu by dobbs
- Brass sextet for 6 trumpets and epic digital signal processing by range
- Crafting: Ceramics and Metal Wire Trees by gemmy
- Guess the AI Jukebox artist by Rhaomi

- "Get Free Gold Rush Land Today!" by jessamyn
- You are now subscribed to Random Ball Facts! by loquacious
- How to make writing easier to read for everyone by storybored
- Not what I usually associate with talking mushrooms by clawsoon
- Guess the Secret Word! by not_on_display
- Mission Accepted.....Mission Complete. by Fizz
- These boots were made for narrative photographic essaying by cortex
- "reform all the tawdry inefficiencies" by brainwane
- The Inevitability Of Bushveld by cortex

Ask MetaFilter
- You too can be "Jew for a Day!" by Drasher
- Funeral smalltalk by b33j
- How to find what was on p29 of a 1954 issue of Canadian Bride magazine by paduasoy
- This is the best __________ I know of.... by dobbs
- Looking for sounds that shout their gender by nosila
- How do you interpret Maimonides' levels of charity in a modern context? by dorothy hawk
- Outdoor art installations around the world? by cyndigo
- Have there been any art shows where the art didn't exist? by andoatnp
- Do cavemen have more fun? by Jubey
- It's a round...thingy? by cortex
- Have the things you find on the ground changed in the last 30 years? by bdc34
- Name this fragment of a tune by mpark
- Help me buy a great film! by JimN2TAW
- a comment by jessamyn

First steps in some MetaFilter changes by cortex


187: Man, It's A Hot One

Belated podcast for August, American summer is just like that. No idea what we talked about, but I know we had a good time.

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Transfering faculty profiles (~150) into a new format by Shepherd
UX/UI Design Intern (Sep-Dec 2022) by jchan


Woefully Neglected by Devils Rancher
Nelson's Linkblog by Nelson
IUDs for All by thandal
Making a watermlon chair from green wood by twirlypen
Every Diner in Whatcom County, WA by cidrab
Latent Space Netsuke by gwint
AUTOEXEC.CAT by oulipian
I... HAVE... THE POWER ️ by Rhaomi
The Kubrick Times by malevolent


"with this sign for beautiful, there is no objection" by jessamyn
You really should watch a manhole entrance get replaced by majick
Nice threads by janell
"Have you ever wondered what happens to the things you leave behind?" by Kattullus
The word on the Bird by storybored
I AM IN SO INTO YOU by MollyRealized
There was good money to be made as a beatnik by wesleyac
Ten Million Power by ThePinkSuperhero
"What's it like to be a girl in a band?" by box

Ask Metafilter

My friends are struggling but I am also struggling. How to balance? by anonymous
When did cars stalling fall off as a movie/TV trope (and in...reality?) by cortex
Out of Sync by invincible summer
Your favorite stars-with-fans videos? by wenestvedt
How do I maintain a happy little kitchen? by pleasebekind
Tell me your one weird trick for loved one caretaking/advocacy by rednikki
Comedy Suggestions to Watch with my 70-year old Mother by pdxhiker
Does anyone else mishear the chorus in "Institutionalized"? by Boxenmacher


Metatalktail Hour: Life's Unwritten Rules by Taz


Ronni Solbert, Children's Book Illustrator, Dies at 96
Sign for MA Route 187
Wikipedia's entry on One Eighty Seven
The Untold Story of the Zip Code
Complexity 2022: Innovations in Weaving
Sleater-Kinney (Three Interlinked Wireframe Cubes)


Fine Art At Sears, And Other 'Stuff You Missed In History Class'

Tracy V. Wilson and Holly Frey host the popular podcast Stuff You Missed In History Class in the Atlanta offices at HowStuffWorks at Ponce City Market. They joined me during our live show from the rooftop of Ponce City Market to talk about what it’s like to produce a history podcast in a historic building – and also some of their personal connections with the Sears company, which built this building in 1926.


Footie Mob Unites Soccer Fans With Atlanta Music

Atlanta’s new MLS team plays Saturday before its seventh straight sold-out home crowd. Atlanta United hosts the Colorado Rapids Saturday at 7 p.m. at Bobby Dodd Stadium, the team's temporary home until Mercedes-Benz Stadium opens in August.


Margo Price On The Mysterious Process Of Album-Making And Motherhood

The day Margo Price walked into the studio to start recording her new album, That's How Rumors Get Started , she had butterflies in her stomach, a mixture of excitement, trepidation — and morning sickness. "I definitely was not expecting to be pregnant," she says. "I had planned to go into the studio regardless of what was happening in my personal life." Her daughter Ramona was born last June — and her new album is now out in the world, too. Price says that the two processes, making an album and having a baby, were eerily similar. "I think when you're making art and you're creating something, you have this feeling of protection," she says. "You keep it to yourself at first, and it's evolving and growing and changing. And the same [can be said] when you're carrying a baby. It's such a process that it's really hard to describe either one. I think they're both kind of mysterious in their own way. It's something that's just so personal." NPR's Ailsa Chang spoke to Margo Price about staying


'Mythbusters' Star Grant Imahara, Electrical Engineer And Robotics Wiz, Dies At 49


'Palm Springs' Romantic Comedy Is A Total Winner For The Lockdown Era

Copyright 2020 Fresh Air. To see more, visit Fresh Air . TERRY GROSS, HOST: This is FRESH AIR. At a time when many Americans are still home and life seems to have come to a standstill, our film critic Justin Chang says it could be an especially good time to watch "Palm Springs," a romantic comedy about two people forced to repeat the same day over and over again. It stars Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti. It's streaming on Hulu and playing in some drive-in theaters around the country. JUSTIN CHANG, BYLINE: "Palm Springs" was a hot ticket at this year's Sundance Film Festival, one of the last public events to take place before the movie industry shut down. I didn't see it there, but having caught up with it months later at home, I can't help but feel as though this breezily entertaining movie plays a little differently in the era of COVID-19. It's a comedy about isolation and repetition, which might not sound too appealing at a time when many of us are also leading lives of isolation


With A Glug Of Potion And A New Translation, 'Asterix' Aims To Conquer America

Asterix the Gaul, which kicks off the first volume of Papercutz' new Asterix reissues, doesn't feel like the genesis of an international juggernaut. Sure, the 1959 cartoon is funny: Diminutive-but-crafty Asterix and his towering sidekick Obelix are Laurel and Hardy transplanted to 50 B.C., delivering gonzo comeuppance to the Roman soldiers who hope to bring all of France under Caesar's rule. But nothing about René Goscinny's goofy narrative or Albert Uderzo's hyperactive, deliberately lowbrow drawings portend what the Asterix series became: a half-century-spanning, globally-bestselling, nation-defining phenomenon. Asterix's enduring popularity has puzzled critics for decades, even as the series has racked up sales of 380 million books, been translated into 111 languages and spawned dozens of adaptations in various media. In France, Asterix is a treasured icon, the series' worldwide success a source of national pride. "Asterix is our ego," a Frenchwoman told The New York Times in 1996.