
El concejal del PSOE convertido en presidente de la CHJ que no levantó la voz para advertir de la riada mortífera

Miguel Polo guarda silencio pese a que la Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar, que dirige, jugó un papel esencial en la gestión de la DANA que arrasó Valencia. No avisó a la Generalitat a tiempo Leer


"No será fácil" el examen hoy de Ribera para ser vicepresidenta de la Comisión: "Circula que estaba desaparecida durante la DANA porque estaba estudiando"

Desde el PP Europeo se apunta también que las políticas "sanchistas" en competencia generan preocupación en la capital comunitaria, y que si los socialistas atacan al candidato italiano de Meloni irán a por la responsable de Transición Ecológica Leer


El PPE bloquea el nombramiento de Ribera como vicepresidenta de la Comisión y quiere que antes dé explicaciones en el Congreso

"No puede venir a Europa sin aclarar su trabajo en España", afirman en la formación 'popular'. La candidata española sí se someterá al 'hearing', pero sus conclusiones, así como las del resto de candidatos a vicepresidente, no se sabrán hoy Leer

  • Artículos Daniel Viaña
  • Artículos Francisco Pascual
  • Artículos Raúl Piña


Feijóo recomendó a Mazón activar la emergencia nacional y éste le respondió: "El Gobierno no quiere, presidente"

El presidente del PP le "sugirió" que activase los trámites para elevar el nivel de alerta y cederle el liderazgo operativo al Ejecutivo central, pero el dirigente autonómico no lo veía claro: "Sánchez se desentiende", le respondió el barón valenciano Leer


La batalla por las presidencias de las dos Salas clave del Supremo se aviva por la regla de la paridad en el CGPJ

Martínez Arrieta y Ferrer se disputan la Sala II mientras Teso y Lucas la Tercera Leer


Marta Sánchez, la mujer al frente del gigante de las residencias de estudiantes Resa: "El gran reto del sector es construir 400.000 camas y que sean asequibles"

La consejera delegada de Resa cree que España vive un 'boom' universitario que irá a más por el Brexit. Plantea también que el gran reto del sector es "construir 400.000 camas y que tengan un precio asequible" Leer


Heather Adkins, vicepresidenta de Google: "Las contraseñas siempre fueron una mala idea, nunca debieron haber existido"

De la vicepresidenta de Ingeniería de Seguridad de Google depende la estrategia de defensa ante ataques cibernéticos. Ayer defendió el uso de la inteligencia artificial para este cometido en un congreso en Málaga Leer


Daniel Sánchez, todas las voces del presidente

Este manchego ha interpretado en RTVE a los últimos cuatro mandatarios de EEUU y a los líderes políticos de Francia, Italia, Reino Unido y Cataluña Leer

  • Artículos Luis Blasco


Blinken viaja de emergencia a Bruselas para debatir la ayuda a Ucrania tras la elección de Trump como presidente de EEUU

La elección de Trump el 5 de noviembre, sumada a una crisis política en Alemania, aumentó los temores en Europa sobre el futuro de la asistencia a Kiev Leer


El presidente palestino, Abu Mazen, busca abrir una nueva página con Donald Trump

El dirigente llama por primera vez al presidente electo de EEUU desde 2017, a la espera de que su segundo mandato sea muy diferente al primero en un momento clave para la causa palestina. Leer


Eugenia Martínez de Irujo y su nueva ilusión, el presidente de Universal España


El ex presidente del PP Mariano Rajoy pide el apoyo para Carrasco en Castellón: "No somos bisagra, somos un partido serio"

La candidata consigue reunir a facciones enfrentadas como Moliner y Carlos Fabra en su acto central con un Mariano Rajoy que reclama «apoyo» al PP. Carrasco: «Solo votando al PP se conseguirá el cambio» Leer


Una mujer de 87 años sufre una estafa de 80.000 euros por una trabajadora del centro en el que reside y varios de sus familiares

La afectada se percató de lo sucedido al ver que apenas le quedaban 63 céntimos en su cuenta bancaria Leer


Absuelto el ex presidente de Diputación José Joaquín Ripoll y la ex alcaldesa de Orihuela Mónica Lorente por una pieza del 'caso Brugal'

Ambos fueron juzgados junto a otras 11 personas por irregularidades en la tramitación y adjudicación, en 2008, del Plan de Residuos de la Zona XVII, de la comarca de la Vega Baja Leer


Malcolm Treviño-Sitté:"Me gustaría ser el primer presidente negro de España"

Malcolm Treviño-Sitté interpreta al vital y carismático Mahamoud Touré en la nueva serie de RTVE Detective Touré, un detective atípico que conquistará los al público con su sentido del humor y astucia Leer


Kenya: EU Ambassador Denounces Fake Travel Ban Reports After Kenyan Deputy President's Impeachment

[Africa Check] EU ambassador denounces fake travel ban reports after Kenyan deputy president's impeachment


Both Republicans and Democrats criticize President over handling of ISIS threat

Pamela Falk, CBS News Foreign Affairs Analyst, discusses the latest with the US response to ISIS and how the rest of the world is reacting.


President answers critics with strategy

Steve Chaggaris, Executive Washington Editor for, gives political analysis of President Obama's plan to defeat ISIS.


Somalia: Somali President Urges Immediate Action for Palestinian Statehood At Arab-Islamic Summit

[Shabelle] Riyadh, Saudi Arabia -- In a compelling speech at the Extraordinary Summit of the Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia underscored the dire necessity of establishing a Palestinian state as crucial for enduring peace in the Middle East.


Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe to Create More Green Jobs - President

[The Herald] Baku, Azerbaijan -- ZIMBABWE aspires to transition from a mere supplier of raw minerals to a key player in the global renewable energy sector and create green jobs as it industrialises, President Mnangagwa has said.


Zimbabwe: Inside PNP's Plan to Double Subsidiary in 5 Years

[The Herald] Pick n Pay's Boxer subsidiary, which will list on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) before the end of 2024, has an ambitious plan to double its turnover within five years.


o9 Solutions and Supply Chain Insights with LKQ Europe reveal significant supply chain planning improvements following pilot to test outside-in planning

o9 Solutions, the enterprise AI software platform provider for transforming planning and decision-making, and analyst firm Supply Chain Insights, has announced that LKQ Europe captured significant supply chain planning insights as a result of the company’s participation in a pilot programme designed to test outside-in planning concepts through Project Zebra.


Supreme Court sides with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, spurning a conservative attack

The Supreme Court's rejected a conservative-led attack that could've undermined the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The post Supreme Court sides with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, spurning a conservative attack first appeared on Federal News Network.


Cost pool considerations for remote and multi-state employees

Labor shortages and the desires of employees for a more balanced life are opening the door, now more than ever, for fully remote work options. This can potentially lead to a team of multi-state workers.

The post Cost pool considerations for remote and multi-state employees first appeared on Federal News Network.


Secret Service director steps down after assassination attempt against ex-President Trump at rally

Kimberly Cheatle, who had served as Secret Service director since August 2022, faced growing calls to resign.

The post Secret Service director steps down after assassination attempt against ex-President Trump at rally first appeared on Federal News Network.


What’s inside the new strategy of the Defense Logistics Agency

Citing the fact that the armed services are all undergoing transformation, the Defense Logistics Agency is striving to keep up with a new strategic plan.

The post What’s inside the new strategy of the Defense Logistics Agency first appeared on Federal News Network.


US Naval Academy says considering race in admissions helps create a cohesive military

A bench trial began last week in Baltimore federal court in a civil case over affirmative action at American military academies. Attorneys for the U.S. Naval Academy say the school should be allowed to continue using race as an admissions factor because prioritizing diversity in the military makes it stronger and more effective. But the group that brought the case, Students for Fair Admissions, says candidates should be evaluated based only on other factors, including socioeconomics. The group was also behind the case that led to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision last year that ended the consideration of race and ethnicity in college admissions. The group also sued West Point, but the Naval Academy case went to trial first.

The post US Naval Academy says considering race in admissions helps create a cohesive military first appeared on Federal News Network.


Macron: France will 'drive innovation ecosystem of Tech,' president tells Euronews Next

Macron: France will 'drive innovation ecosystem of Tech,' president tells Euronews Next


Astronomers may have discovered the first planet outside of our galaxy

Astronomers may have discovered the first planet outside of our galaxy


Are managed service providers ready for insider attacks?

In this guest blog, Acronis president Gaidar Magdanurov takes a look at how solution providers can protect the weakest link in any cybersecurity defense: people.


HP Canada names Biase next president

Michelle Biase will return to HP Canada as its new president next month, while US-based executive Peter DiMarco takes over her role as interim general manager of distributor D&H Canada.


Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest outside Israeli military enlistment office

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest outside Israeli military enlistment office


Sneak Peek Inside the Technibble Membership

In this video, I show a little sneak peek into the Technibble Membership, and what you can expect as a member.

Source: Sneak Peek Inside the Technibble Membership -

  • Manage Your Computer Business


The Inside Story Behind the Historic First Flight on Mars

Even if the Ingenuity helicopter fails, it is already a success — an engineering resource for a grand future of flight on other worlds.


Besides a Cozy Home, Burrowing May Have Given Animals an Evolutionary Advantage

From evading predators to withstanding natural disasters, animals have been using burrows for over 500 million years.


Animal Embryos Can Sense Predators and Food While Still Inside the Egg

Animal embryos can adapt to their surroundings in remarkable ways like sensing predators and food sources to improve their survival. But can it help them face climate change?


YouTube Is Considering One Of Its Most Polarizing UX Changes Ever

Just like YouTube Shorts, a swipe down could soon play the next long-form video.


What Goes On Inside the Mind of a Dog?

Help researchers understand the underpinnings of dog personality and behavior with these Citizen Science projects.


In progress : see inside a lettering artist's sketchbook and process, from pencil to vector /

Library - Art Library, Location - LIB, Call number - NK3631.H57 A35 2015


DataTables Column Filtering with Server-side Processing using PHP

DataTables is a JavaScript library used to enhance the functionality and add advanced features to HTML tables. DataTables plugin converts a basic HTML table to an advanced feature-rich table instantly. There are various advanced features are available with DataTables, and server-side processing is one of them. DataTables server-side processing enables you to load a large number of data sets from the database. By setting the server-side option the search, pagination, and column sorting operations will be handled with the server-side script and database. Column filtering is a very useful option to help the user find specific records in a large

The post DataTables Column Filtering with Server-side Processing using PHP appeared first on CodexWorld.


Inbound Inside Sales

Panaya is seeking talented inside sales person for lead qualification and development in a fast growing startup. Office is located in Raanana.


  • Generate outbound leads
  • Respond to and qualify Incoming web, email, and phone inquiries
  • Develop the lead until it's sales ready
  • Route qualified opportunities to the appropriate sales person for further development and closure
  • Achieve monthly and quarterly quota of qualified opportunities and closed deals
  • Provide timely and accurate management reports

  • Minimum 2-3 years of inside sales (ideally 5-6)
  • Enterprise sales - great advantage
  • Proven over achievement record
  • An aggressive hunter
  • Excellent phone & email communication skills
  • Positive Attitude
  • Organized
  • English at mother tongue level, German and French a plus
  • Willingness to work in non standard hours to support multiple time zones
  • expertise- a plus

REPORTING to: Director of BD
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
Travel abroad not required

For more information, contact Tali at or 09-7618000 ext 124


Inside Sales - Herzliya

Inside sales representative for high tech in Herzliya Pituach


  • Responsible for prospecting and identifying new business
  • Working closely with Field Sales Executives
  • Qualify opportunities by understanding customer needs, budgets and decision making
  • Meeting sales targets established by the company.

  • 2-5 years experience in a sales organization with at least one year of high volume calling
  • Outbound sales experience
  • English mother tongue (preferable British/ Irish accent)
  • Skilled in Outlook and Internet research tools

Full time position Sunday-Thursday

Salary base approx 8K and bonus 5-7K


CV in English ONLY


Inbound Inside Sales - Raanana

Company in Raanana is seeking talented inside sales person for lead qualification and development in a fast growing startup.


  • Generate outbound leads
  • Respond to and qualify Incoming web, email, and phone inquiries
  • Develop the lead until it's sales ready
  • Route qualified opportunities to the appropriate sales person for further development and closure
  • Achieve monthly and quarterly quota of qualified opportunities and closed deals
  • Provide timely and accurate management reports

Prerequisite Work Experience and Skills
  • Minimum 2-3 years of inside sales (ideally 5-6)
  • Enterprise sales - great advantage
  • Proven over achievement record
  • An aggressive hunter
  • Excellent phone & email communication skills
  • Positive Attitude
  • Organized
  • English at mother tongue level, German and French a plus
  • Willingness to work non-standard hours to support multiple time zones
  • expertise- a plus

REPORTING to: Director of BD

Travel abroad not required

Please send resume to:


TV outside the box : trailblazing in the digital television revolution

Location: Engineering Library- TK5105.887.L35 2016


How to install and run the New Outlook and Classic Outlook side by side

Now that the New Outlook is available in the various Office Channels and also is replacing Windows Mail and Calendar soon, I really want to try it out but don’t want to use it as my daily driver just yet.

Is there any way that I can install and run the New Outlook and the current Outlook at the same time?


Medicaid can now pay for care given on sidewalks. It could help mitigate homelessness

Medicaid can now pay for medical and mental health care delivered on the sidewalk. This will transform how care for unhoused people can be given in the states that take advantage of the policy change.


President Donald J. Trump Signed H.R. 390 into Law (Iraq and...

President Donald J. Trump Signed H.R. 390 into Law (Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018)

  • United States Government Information