Understanding quantum mechanics: the world according to modern quantum foundations / Detlef Dürr, Dustin Lazarovici

Online Resource


Part 2 – Ch25 – Steady Practice

These are the recordings of the complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are published in 'The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah', 2011. This was read by Ajahn Amaro during the winter of 2012

The post Part 2 – Ch25 – Steady Practice appeared first on Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.


Resilience, crisis and innovation dynamics / edited by Tüzin Baycan, Hugo Pinto

Rotch Library - HT388.R43 2018


Regional-global: dilemas de la región y de la regionalización en la geografía contemporánea / Rogério Haesbaert ; edición cuidado de Perla Zusman ; traducción de José Ángel Quintero Weir

Online Resource


Future Cities Laboratory / Stephen Cairns, Devisari Tunas (ed.), ETH Zürich / Singapore - ETH Centre

Rotch Library - HT166.F892 2019


Massive suburbanization: (re)building the global periphery / edited by K. Murat Güney, Roger Keil, and Murat Üçoğlu

Rotch Library - HT351.M37 2019


Rio de Janeiro: urban expansion and environment / edited by José L.S. Gámez, Zhongjie Lin and Jeffrey S. Nesbit

Rotch Library - HT384.B62 R558 2020


Urban Dynamics: conflicts, representation, appropriations and policies / Anne-Marie Autissier, Javier Gómez-Montero, Anxo Abuín, Victor A. Ferretti, Rubén C. Lois González, Rainer Wehrhahn (eds.)

Rotch Library - HT151.U73 2018


Urban sustainability and justice: just sustainabilities and environmental planning / Vanesa Castán Broto and Linda Westan

Rotch Library - HT241.B76 2019


Making green cities: concepts, challenges and practice / Jürgen Breuste, editor ; Martina Artmann, Cristian Ioja, Salman Qureshi, co-editors

Online Resource


Ossify invests Rs 225 crore to acquire manufacturing facility for producing Compaq TVs

The company plans to make investments of around Rs 210 crore on infrastructure development of the facility over the next four years. This new manufacturing facility will cater to the domestic and international business for Compaq televisions, for which it holds licence for multiple countries and regions.


Covid-19: Average card spend falls 25% as shopping, travel take back seat

With malls and shops closed, spending avenues are practically non-existent.


Kotak Mahindra Bank declares 10% pay cut for staff with over Rs 25 lakh annual salary

The Covid-19 crisis is expected to have a heavy impact on the economy and many corporates have been cutting salaries. Some have also retrenched staff, with the unorganised sector being hit the most. The unemployment rate in India touched 27 per cent in the week to May 3, according to think-tank CMIE.


The university according to Humboldt: history, policy, and future possibilities / Jürgen Georg Backhaus, editor

Online Resource


Design for teaching and learning in a networked world: 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2015, Toledo, Spain, September 15-18, 2015, Proceedings / Gráinne Conole, Tomaž Klobučar, Christoph Rensing, Johannes Konert, 

Online Resource


Biology of the plant cuticle / edited by Markus Riederer and Caroline Müller


Transgenic microalgae as green cell factories / edited by Rosa León, Aurora Gaván, Emilio Ferńández


Aspergillus in the genomic era / edited by János Varga, Robert A. Samson


The alga Dunaliella : biodiversity, physiology, genomics and biotechnology / editors, Ami Ben-Amotz, Jürgen E.W. Polle, D.V. Subba Rao


Biotechnology of lactic acid bacteria : novel applications / editors, Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya, Graciela M. Vignolo


China CEO II: Voices of Experience from 25 Top Executives Leading MNCs in China


Straight from the China CEO: Advice on leading operations in the world’s fastest-moving, highest stakes market. 25 top executives leading high-profile multinational companies in China, as well as seasoned and respected China-based consultants, give their front-line advice on succeeding in this market.

Soaring spending power among the world’s largest consumer population, radical digital transformation creating a cash-less, ‘always on’ society, severe



इस साल के ऑस्कर्स क्यों थे स&#2

91वें वार्षिक अकेडमी अवॉर्ड्स का कोई भी पल बोरिंग नहीं था, असीम छाबड़ा का कहना है।


Association of Antenatal Corticosteroids With Mortality and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Among Infants Born at 22 to 25 Weeks' Gestation

Interview with Waldemar A. Carlo, MD, author of Association of Antenatal Corticosteroids With Mortality and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Among Infants Born at 22 to 25 Weeks' Gestation


Functional diversity of mycorrhiza and sustainable agriculture : management to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses / Michael J. Goss (School of Envirnmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada), Mário Carvalho (Institute of Medit

Goss, M. J., author


Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture / edited by Richard A. Sikora (INRES, University of Bonn, Germany), Daniel L. Coyne (IITA, Nairobi, Kenya), Johannes Hallmann (JKI, Münster, Germany), Patricia Timper (USDA, Tifton, Ge


Landside, airside: why airports are the way they are / Victor Márquez

Online Resource


Handbook of space pharmaceuticals / editors, Yashwant Pathak, Marlise Araújo dos Santos, Luis Zea

Online Resource


Ionospheric multi-spacecraft analysis tools: approaches for deriving ionospheric parameters / Malcolm Wray Dunlop, Hermann Lühr, editors

Online Resource


Yok Olmadan: Doğa ve Sürdürülebilirlik Üzerine Bir Sergi = Till it's gone: an exhibition on nature and sustainablility / Çelenk Bafra, Paolo Colombo, exhibition curators

Rotch Library - N6496.3.T9 K335 2016


Osmanlı menzil kervansarayları / Prof. Dr. Gönül Güreşsever Cantay

Rotch Library - NA7850.T9 C36 2016


Samsun'da Türk devri mimarisi / Mehmet Sami Bayraktar

Rotch Library - NA1369.S3 B39 2016


The man behind the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: the life and letters of Edward FitzGerald / William H. Martin and Sandra Mason

Rotch Library - PR4703.A44 2016


Territory: on the development of landscape and city / published by ETH Studio Basel ; Roger Diener, Liisa Gunnarsson, Mathias Gunz, Vesna Jovanović, Marcel Meili, Christian Müller Inderbitzin, Christian Schmid

Rotch Library - HT371.E85 2016


Urban poverty in Turkey: development and modernisation in low-income communities / Burcu Şentürk

Rotch Library - HV4431.93.A5 S468 2016


Architectural design and urban planning summer studio 2015, Jerusalem: Mimari tasarım ve kent planlama yaz okulu, Kudüs 2015 / editor, Lana Kudumovič

Rotch Library - NA9246.6.J4 A73 2015


The Ottomans and the Mamluks: imperial diplomacy and warfare in the Islamic world / Cihan Yüksel Muslu

Rotch Library - DS38.7.M865 2014


Türkiye ulu camileri: albüm / fotoğraflar Mustafa Cambaz ; yayına hazırlayan Şaban Abak

Rotch Library - NA5861.T87 2016


Taşa bezenmiş cadırlar: Ahlat kümbetleri = Tents adorned with stone: Ahlat kumbets / Ahlat Kaymakamlığı Kültür Hizmetidir

Rotch Library - NA6177.T37 2010


Alhambras: arquitectura neoárabe en Latinoamérica / Rafael López Guzmán, Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales (coordinadores) ; (textos) Anissa Foukalne [and eighteen others]

Rotch Library - NA702.4.A44 2016


Architecture and the Turkish city: an urban history of Istanbul since the Ottomans / Murat Gül

Rotch Library - NA1370.G757 2017


Istanbul, open city: exhibiting anxieties of urban modernity / Ipek Türeli

Rotch Library - DR726.T85 2018


Ḥikāyāt shaʻbīyah min Filasṭīn / iʻdād Najwá Qaʻwār Faraḥ ; rusūm Nawāl al-Shawwā

Rotch Library - GR286.2.A72 F37 2008


Meşk-i Istanbul Yenikapı Mevlevîhanesi restorasyonu 2005 - 2010 / editörler M. baha Tanman, Gülru Tanman

Rotch Library - BP189.7.M4 M47 2015


Don't say it. Spray it: der Kampf kritischer Künstler um Kommunikation: eine Untersuchung zur politischen Bedeutung und Wirkung von Graffiti in Kairo / Judika Zerrer

Rotch Library - ND2865.C35 Z47 2016


Fotoğraflarla dünden bugüne Kudüs: Jerusalem in photographs from past to present = al-Quds min khilāl al-ṣūr fī al-māḍī wa-al-ḥāḍir.

Rotch Library - DS109.2.F68 2015


Anadolu'nun Orhun Abideleri: Ahlat mezar taşları =Orkhon monuments of Anatolia: Ahlat tombstones / Fotoğraflar Bünyamin Özdemir [and six others] ; metin hazırlama Selami Reisoğlu, Mustafa Oral, Abdullah Alp ; metin İngilizce tercümeleri

Rotch Library - NB1880.T9 A53 2010


A restoration story: Şeyh Süleyman Masjid (Turkey-Italy Collaboration of Restoration Approach / MED-ART, transnational cooperation for cultural heritage preservation, Seyh Süleyman Mescidi Restorasyonu ve Eğitim Projesi = Restoration of Şeyh S&#

Rotch Library - NA4670.R47 2017


Merkezi bir kent parçası kentsel tasarım projesi / Atabaş Mimarlık ; [proje koordinatörü M. Kadri Atabaş]

Rotch Library - HT169.T87 A83 2004


The book in Mamluk Egypt and Syria (1250-1517): scribes, libraries and market / by Doris Behrens-Abouseif

Rotch Library - Z8.E4 B44 2019


Eastern Mediterranean port cities: a study of Mersin, Turkey -- from antiquity to modernity / Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu, Eyüp Özveren, Tülin Selvi Ünlü, editors

Rotch Library - DR741.M4 E37 2019