Pulu Keeling National Park : management plan 2015 - 2025


Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams : ecology and management / edited by Thibault Datry, Núria Bonada, Andrew Boulton


Nanoscale calibration standards and methods : dimensional and related measurements in the micro- and nanometer range / edited by Günter Wilkening, Ludger Koenders


Micro and nano fabrication : tools and processes / Hans H. Gatzen, Volker Saile, Jürg Leuthold ; with a foreword and an introduction by Richard S. Muller

Gatzen, Hans-Heinrich, author


Polypropylene Handbook: Morphology, Blends and Composites / József Karger-Kocsis, Tamás Bárány, editors

Online Resource


New trends in coal conversion: combustion, gasification, emissions, and coking / editors, Isabel Suárez-Ruiz, Maria Antonia Diez, Fernando Rubiera

Hayden Library - TP352.N49 2019


Supercritical antisolvent precipitation process: fundamentals, applications and perspectives / Diego T. Santos, Ádina L. Santana, M. Angela A. Meireles, Ademir José Petenate, Eric Keven Silva, Juliana Q. Albarelli, Júlio C. F. Johner, M.The

Online Resource


Health and safety aspects of food processing technologies / Abdul Malik, Zerrin Erginkaya, Hüseyin Erten, editors

Online Resource


Explosives detection: sensors, electronic systems and data processing / edited by Lorenzo Capineri and Eyüp Kuntay Turmuş

Online Resource


49.25% efficient cyan emissive sulfur dots via a microwave-assisted route

RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17266-17269
DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02778B, Paper
Open Access
Zhe Hu, Hanqing Dai, Xian Wei, Danlu Su, Chang Wei, Yuanyuan Chen, Fengxian Xie, Wanlu Zhang, Ruiqian Guo, Songnan Qu
The cyan emissive sulfur dots with a record high PL QY of 49.25% were successfully synthesized via a microwave-assisted route.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A strategic-oriented implementation of projects [electronic resource] / Mihály Görög, PhD, Professor of Project Management

Görög, Mihály, 1951-


Strategisches management für KMU [electronic resource] : unternehmenswachstum durch (r)evolutionäre Unternehmensführung / Gerrit Hamann

Hamann, Gerrit, author


Strategisches management und marketing [electronic resource] : markt- und wettbewerbsanalyse, strategische frühaufklärung, portfolio-management / Edgar Kreilkamp

Kreilkamp, Edgar


Talent-Gespräche [electronic resource] : Worum es geht, weshalb sie wichtig sind, wie sie richtig geführt werden / Roland Smith und Michael Campbell

Smith, Roland, 1951- author


Unternehmensführung [electronic resource] : Strategie, Management, Praxis / Hans-Erich Müller

Müller, Hans-Erich, 1945- author


Ein Weg zu Industrie 4.0 [electronic resource] : Geschäftsmodell für Produktion und After Sales / Myriam Jahn

Jahn, Myriam, author


Wirkungsvolle führung im change-management [electronic resource] : Studie am Beispiel des Privatkundengeschäfts von banken / Christian Pein

Pein, Christian, author


Zeitmanagement mit Microsoft Office Outlook [electronic resource] : die Zeit im Griff mit der meistgenutzten Bürosoftware - Strategien, Tipps und Techniken (Versionen 2003 - 2010) / Lothar Seiwert

Seiwert, Lothar


Zeitmanagement mit Microsoft Outlook [electronic resource] : die Zeit im Griff mit der meist genutzten Bürosoftware : Strategien, Tipps und Techniken (Versionen 2003-2013) / Lothar Seiwert, Holger Wöltje, Christian Obermayr

Seiwert, Lothar


Inflows in equity mutual funds plunge 25% to Rs 83,781 cr in FY20

This was the sixth successive year of net inflows in equity mutual funds


MARKET WRAP: RIL, HUL help Sensex end 199 pts up; Nifty settles at 9,251

All that happened in the markets today


Indian-American among top 25 women in US healthcare

  • DO NOT USE Indians Abroad
  • World


Tulsi Gabbard features in ’25 Most Influential Women in Congress’

  • DO NOT USE Indians Abroad
  • World


Indian-American professor wins $625,000 MacArthur ‘Genius’ grant

  • DO NOT USE Indians Abroad
  • World


Bioanalytical chemistry / Andreas Manz (KIST Europe, Germany), Petra S Dittrich (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Nicole Pamme (University of Hull, UK), Dimitri Iossifidis (Analytical Equipment Supplies & Support, Greece)

Manz, A. (Andreas), author


Structural, spectroscopic and electronic properties of a family of bi-octahedral Ru25+/6+ complexes with a bridging 2,5-di(2-pyridyl)pyrrolide ligand

Dalton Trans., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01325K, Paper
Shi-Rui Kang, Qin Zi Zhou, Chang-Fang Xiong, Bin Liu, John E. McGrady, Mohammed Obies, Chao Liu, Piao He, Xiao-Yi Yi
A family of Ru2 dimers, [Ru2(μ-κ2N,N’:κ2N’,N’’-dpp)2(μ-X)(X)2]q+ (X = Cl, Br, q = 0 and X = I, q = 1) is synthesized from a [Ru2(OAc)4Cl] paddlewheel starting material. The neutral...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Reconsidering Constitutional Formation II Decisive Constitutional Normativity: From Old Liberties to New Precedence / edited by Ulrike Müßig

Online Resource


Sustainable ocean resource governance: deep sea mining, marine energy and submarine cables / edited by Markus Kotzur, Nele Matz-Lück, Alexander Proelss, Roda Verheyen, Joachim Sanden

Barker Library - K3485.S87 2018


Being brown: Sonia Sotomayor and the Latino question / Lázaro Lima

Barker Library - KF8745.S67 L56 2020


Das bayerische Bibliothekwesen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart Von Georg Reismüller. [Kopftitel.] ([1930])


Ein Abend auf den Bergen Op. 25 ([1920?])


Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón wants to put CO<sub>2</sub> to good use

Her company, Orchestra Scientific, is developing membrane technology to separate carbon dioxide from other gases and use it as a product


Gates, Wellcome, and Mastercard give $125 million for coronavirus treatments


Por que o melhor material para uma máscara facial caseira para o coronavírus é difícil de identificar

Variáveis em tecidos, ajuste e comportamento do usuário podem influenciar a eficácia com que uma máscara pode bloquear a propagação do vírus


Empfehlungen zur patienteninformation [electronic resource] : dermatologie / by Wolfgang Tilgen, Dorothee Dill-Müller, Patrick Koch, Uwe Reinhold

Darmstadt : Steinkopff Verlag Darmstadt, 2005


Diseases of the heart, chest & breast [electronic resource] : diagnostic imaging and interventional techniques / 39th International Diagnostic Course in Davos (IDKD), Davos, March 25-30, 2007, including the Pediatric Satellite Course "Kangaroo&qu

Milan ; New York : Springer, [2007]


Diabetes bei kindern und jugendlichen [electronic resource] : klinik - therapie - rehabilitation / Peter Hürter, Thomas Danne ; mit Beiträgen von Karin Lange

Berlin : Springer, 2005


Die doktorarbeit: vom start zum ziel [electronic resource] : lei(d)tfaden für promotionswillige / Barbara Messing, Klaus-Peter Huber

Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007


Das herzkatheterlabor [electronic resource] : einführung in die aufgabenbereiche des kardiologischen assistenzpersonals / M. Winkhardt

Darmstadt : Steinkopff, 2005


Das EPU-Labor [electronic resource] : einführung in die invasive elektrophysiologische untersuchung / Christine Schneider

Darmstadt : Steinkopff, [2005]


Das EKG [electronic resource] : auf einen blick und im detail / Marc Gertsch ; Geleitwort von Gerhard Steinbeck ; übersetzt aus dem Englischen von Benjamin Fässler

Heidelberg : Springer, [2007]


PwC deferring promotions, increments and bonuses of India employees, partners to take 25% pay cut

PwC India is deferring promotions, increments and bonuses for all its employees in India due to Covid impact.


Excise duty on liquor increased by 25%: Assam Industries and Commerce Minister

The Assam government has taken several crucial decisions in its Cabinet meeting including increasing the excise duty on liquor by 25 percent."In the Cabinet, we took several decisions which included increasing the excise duty on liquor by 25 percent.


Applied Physics of Condensed Matter (APCOM 2019): conference date, 19-21 June 2019: location, Strbske Pleso, Slovak Republic / editors, Jozef Sitek, Ján Vajda and Igor Jamnický

Online Resource


The special theory of relativity: Einstein's world in new axiomatics / Helmut Günther, Volker Müller

Online Resource


The formative years of relativity: the history and meaning of Einstein's Princeton lectures: featuring Einstein's classic text The meaning of relativity in its historical context / Hanoch Gutfreund and Jürgen Renn

Hayden Library - QC173.6.G878 2017


Einstein equations: physical and mathematical aspects of general relativity: Domoschool 2018 / Sergio Cacciatori, Batu Güneysu, Stefano Pigola, editors

Online Resource


ATLAS: a 25-year insider story of the LHC experiment / by the ATLAS Collaboration

Hayden Library - QC787.P73 A85 2019


Electrons in solids: mesoscopics, photonics, quantum computing, correlations, topology / Hendrik Bluhm, Thomas Brückel, Markus Morgenstern, Gero Plessen, Christoph Stampfer

Hayden Library - QC176.8.E4 B58 2019


A Compendium of Solid State Theory Ladislaus Alexander Bányai

Online Resource