Central periphery?: art, culture and history of the medieval Jazira (Northern Mesopotamia, 8th-15th centuries) / edited by Lorenz Korn and Martina Müller-Wiener

Rotch Library - NK1270.L36 2012


The Syrians in Egypt, 1725-1975 / Thomas Philipp ; with a foreword by Ilham Khuri-Makdisi

Rotch Library - DT72.S9 P44 2017


Sanayileşme ve modernizm: Türkiye'ye sanayileşmeyle gelen modernin mimari kültürü / Meltem Özkan Altınöz

Rotch Library - NA1368.5.M63 O93 2017


Balkanlardaki Türk mimari eserlerinden örnekler / Ömer Turan, Mehmet Z. İbrahimgil

Rotch Library - NA499.T87 2004


İslâm Medeniyetinde Bağdat (medînetü's-selâm) Uluslararası Sempozyum: International Symposium on Baghdad (madinat al-salam) in the Islamic Civilization = al-Muʼtamar al-Duwalī Baghdād (madīnat al-salām) fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Islāmīyah:

Rotch Library - DS79.9.B25 I85 2008


Mütereddit modernler: Schmitthenner, Pikionis, Fathy, Eldem, Correa: dünyada ve Türkiye'de mimar ideologlar / Uğur Tanyeli ; fotoğraflar, Cemal Emden

Rotch Library - NA680.T363 2018


İstanbul'un incileri: Anadolu yakası camileri / Sudi Yenigün

Rotch Library - NA5870.A1 Y46 2017


Ottoman Baroque: the architectural refashioning of eighteenth-century Istanbul / Ünver Rüstem

Rotch Library - NA1370.R88 2019


19. Yüzyıl Istanbul'unda Otel Yapılarının Doğuşu ve Gelişimi / M. Elif Çelebi

Rotch Library - TX907.5.T9 C45 2011


Diyarbakır'daki İslâm dönemi mimari yapılarında süsleme / Gülsen Baş

Rotch Library - NA3565.D49 B37 2013


The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem: the crusader lining of an early Christian basilica / Bianca and Gustav Kühnel ; with a new edition of the mosaic inscriptions in the appendix by Erich Lamberz

Rotch Library - NA5978.B48 K84 2019


Scribbling through history: graffiti, places and people from antiquity to modernity / edited by Chloé Ragazzoli, Ömür Harmanşah, Chiara Salvador and Elizabeth Frood

Rotch Library - GT3912.S37 2018


Nevzat Sayın: düşler, düşünceler, işler, 1990-2004 / hazırlayan, Tansel Korkmaz

Rotch Library - NA1373.S39 N48 2004


Architekturführer Kabul / Jan Dimog

Rotch Library - NA1492.2.K3 D56 2019


Vartan Avakian: all that is seen and unseen / with an essay by Merve Bedir ; editors, Daniela Leykam, Dr. Nicola Müllerschön, Christoph Tannert

Rotch Library - N7276.8.A93 A4 2018


Houses of God: from the Great Mosque of Qayrawan to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque = Buyūtu Allāh min Jāmiʻ al-Qayrawān ilá Jāmiʻ al-Shaykh Zāyid al-Kabīr / editor, Professor Khalil al-Shaikh ; content translator, Khaled al-Masri

Rotch Library - NA4670.B39 2014


Between the Ottomans and the Entente: the first World War in the Syrian and Lebanese diaspora, 1908-1925 / Stacy D. Fahrenthold

Rotch Library - DS94.7.F34 2019


Düşünceler işler, 2004-2018: Thought works, 2004-2018 / Nevzat Sayın

Rotch Library - NA1373.S39 D87 2019


Bergama'da Türk-İslâm mimarisi / Hatice Özdemir

Rotch Library - NA1371.B47 O933 2009


İstanbul tarihî çeşmeler külliyatı / [editör Necdet Ertuğ]

Rotch Library - NA9415.I78 2006


Treasures of knowledge: an inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3-1503/4) / edited by Gülru Necipoğlu, Cemal Kafadar, and Cornell H. Fleischer

Rotch Library - Z6621.T53 T74 2019


Nukhustīn rūyārūyīʹhā-yi hunar-i ʻaṣr-i Nāṣirī bā hunar-i gharb (mūsīqī, namāyish, naqqāshī) / Muṣṭafá Laʻlʹshāṭirī

Rotch Library - N7284.L358 2018


Usṭūrahʹhā va namādʹhā-yi āyinī dar nigārahʹhā-yi Saqānifārʹhā-yi Māzandarān / taʼlīf va gurdʹāvarī-i Muṣṭafá Rustamī, Fāṭimah Bābājānʹtabār Nashlī

Rotch Library - N7280.R888 2018


Museums, emotion, and memory culture: the politics of the past in Turkey / Gönül Bozoğlu

Rotch Library - AM79.T8 B69 2020


Land and society in early South Asia: Eastern India 400-1250 AD / Ryosuke Furui

Rotch Library - HN690.B39 F87 2020


Ritual journeys in South Asia: constellations and contestations of mobility and space / edited by Jürgen Schaflechner and Christoph Bergmann

Rotch Library - BL1055.R585 2020


Regeneration, heritage and sustainable communities in Turkey: challenges, complexities and potentials / Müge Akkar Ercan

Rotch Library - HT178.T92 I872 2020


MAMLUKISCHE MINBARE: islamische predigtkanzeln in agypten, syrien, libanon, israel und den ... palastinensischen autonomiegebieten zwischen 1250.

Rotch Library -


Organizing an urban way of life in the steppe: water, agriculture, townscape and economy in the early Islamic town of Kharab Sayyar / von Michael Würz

Rotch Library - DS94.5.W87 2018


L'agronomie de la Mésopotamie antique: analyse du "Livre de l'agriculture nabatéenne" de Qûṯâmä / par Mohammed El Faïz

Rotch Library - HD2065.E4 1995


A Seventeenth-Century Odyssey in East Central Europe: The Life of Jakab Harsanyi Nagy / by Gábor Kármán

Rotch Library - CT968.H377 K27 2016


The temptation of graves in Salafi Islam: iconoclasm, destruction and idolatry / Ondřej Beránek and Pavel Ťupek

Rotch Library - BP195.W2 B47 2018


Queens, eunuchs and concubines in Islamic history, 661-1257 / Tael El-Azhari

Rotch Library - DS38.3.E43 2019


10 Indian companies in 25 top workplaces list for Asia

India offices of MNCs like DHL, Google and Marriott ranked among the top workplaces in Asia. 10 Indian companies including Lupin, M&M and InterGlobe Enterprises also made it to the list under the '25 Best Large Places to Work' category.


Lunching with the antichrist : a family history: 1925-2015 / Michael Moorcock

Moorcock, Michael, 1939-


Saudi Aramco IPO: 25 banks hired as bookrunners face pared pay of $90 mn

The banks will be paid 35 basis points of the money raised, according to the three sources


SBI Cards and Payment Services' $1.25 billion-IPO to open on March 2

The company plans to issue new shares worth Rs 500 crore and will offer up to 130.5 million shares for sale


Assam hikes excise duty on liquor by 25%


Black Panther. writer[s], Nnedi Okorafor, Aaron Covington ; artists, André Lima Araújo, Mario del Pennino ; color artist[s], Chris O'Halloran, Ian Herring, Irma Knivila ; penciler, Tana Ford ; inkers, Tana Ford, Terry Pallot, Scott Hanna ;

Barker Library - PN6728.B53 L66 2018


Export contraction in April could surpass March's steep 25-year decline

Major forex earning sectors cite lack of labour, funds and key supplies


Del Ingeniero Germán Matamoros Blanco, Area Aguas Subterráneas SENARA para el Ingeniero José Miguel Zeledón, Jefe Departamento de Aguas, MINAE


Del Ing. José Joaquín Chacón., subjefe, MINAE, para los señores Vera Zeledon Pinto, Jhonny Guzmán, Edgar Moreira Navarro y David Solis Rojas. Notificación de reunion para aclarar dudas sobre los proyectos de riego en Montever


Del Ing. José Joaquín Chacon S., subjefe, Ministerio del Ambiente y Energia, Instituto Meteorologico Nacional, para Los Señores Vera Zeledón Pinto, Jhonny Guzmán Zamora, Ing. Edgar Moreira Navarro y Ing. David Solís Rojas


Del Ing. Germán Matamoros Blanco, SENARA, para el Ing. José Miguel Zeledón, jefe, Departamento de Aguas, MINAE


Del Ing. Edgar Mairena Navarro, encargado de proyectos, Region Pacifico Central, para el Ing. Jorge E. Rojas Chacón, Director Previsión Vial, Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes. Solicitud a permiso de apertura por parte Ing. Edgar M


De Xenia González Rojas para Victorino Molina Rojas, presidente, Junta Directiva, Asociación Acueductos Rurales Santa Elena y Cerro Plano. Queja de Vecinos de Los Llanos a AyA


De Vecinos de Monteverde para el Sr. Marconi Suárez Soto, intendente, Municipal Distrito de Monteverde. Solicitud de suspender zanjeos


Del Lic. José Manuel Echandi Meza, Defensor de los Habitantes, para el Lic. Randall Quirós Bustamante, Ministro de Obras Públicas y Transportes. Defensoria solicita suspensión de zanjeos


De Xenia González Rojas, vecina Los LLanos, para Victorino Molina Rojas, presidente, Junta Directiva, Asociación Acueductos Rurales. Solicitud de información sobre razones de falta de agua en Monteverde


De Sergio Alb. Fonseca Fernández, asesor, MOPT, para el Ing. Jorge Rojas Chacón, Director de Previsión Vial, MOPT. Solicitud de informe para responder demanda de la Defensoria de los Habitantes en caso Rogumeca