
#381: The Transformative Potential of AI and Machine Learning: An Interview with Dr. Daniel Hulme

Groundbreaker Podcast associate producer Javed Mohammed [@JavedMohammed] first encountered Dr. Hulme in January 2020 at Oracle OpenWorld Middle East in Dubai, where Dr. Hulme, a featured speaker, delivered a session on “AI and the Future of Business” as part of the Transformational Technologies track. ”I was so impressed with his vision and his unconventional thinking,” Javed says. This program, which features Javed’s conversation with Dr. Hulme, grew out of their meeting in Dubai.


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OSCE supports preventive visits of the staff of the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture to the detention facilities in Isykkul, Naryn and Talas provinces

Wed, 2016-08-10 (All day) - Wed, 2016-08-17 (All day)
Isykkul, Naryn and Talas provinces, Kyrgyzstan
OSCE Center in Bishkek, National Centre for the Prevention of Torture (NCPT)
OSCE Centre in Bishkek, National Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic for the Prevention of Torture, torture prevention, porture, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
OSCE Centre in Bishkek
Central Asia
Human dimension

Staff of the National Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic for the Prevention of Torture, with support of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek will conduct monitoring visits to the detention facilities in Isyk-Kul, Naryn and Talas provinces between 10 and 17 August. These visits aim at monitoring detention conditions and human rights situation in the closed facilities.

The monitoring findings will be included in the 2016 Annual Report of the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture.


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OSCE Centre in Bishkek trains defence lawyers and prosecutors on right to liberty and freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention

BISHKEK, 28 July 2016 – A two-day training conducted by the OSCE Centre in Bishkek for 14 defence lawyers and 12 officers from the Prosecutor’s office on the right to liberty and freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention, ended today in the Kyrgyz capital.

The workshop focused on the international framework for measures of restraint, as well as the internationally recognized constitutional right to institute proceedings in cases of violations.

The detention of minors, persons with disabilities, women with children, or defendants in need of continued medical treatment and hospitalization were among the topics discussed, and participants learned more about their specific concerns to ensure that the restraint measures taken comply with human rights standards.

“The right to liberty is a basic fundamental right, protected by international human rights law and enshrined in the Kyrgyz Constitution,” said Anete Erdmane, acting Senior Human Dimension Officer at the OSCE Centre. “To ensure that restrictions on liberty are applied in compliance with the law and that other human rights are not violated as a result of the deprivation of liberty, it is important that prosecutors and lawyers are aware of the relevant standards and obligations. In line with its mandate, the OSCE Centre works to improve the administration of justice and strengthen the rule of law in Kyrgyzstan.”

The course was delivered by Ulugbek Azimov, a well-known national expert in the field, while  Sergey Poduzov, an international human rights law expert from Russia, also led a training session.

The training course is part of the OSCE Centre’s project on promoting a comprehensive approach to the rule of law, administration of justice, prevention of torture, and capacity building. 

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A new miniseries version of The Spy Who Came In From the Cold was first announced back in 2016 as a follow-up to the hugely successful le Carré miniseries The Night Manager. Le Carré worked with the producers and writer to crack their take on the material, and that work led him to write a whole new sequel to the book, A Legacy of Spies, but did not yield a series. Instead, The Little Drummer Girl (2018) proved to be the next le Carré miniseries, but work continued on The Spy Who Came In From the Cold. Now, apparently, that project has grown in scope and morphed into this one. I've long craved a long-form TV series about le Carré's Circus, devoting a season to each book and dropping in the short stories from The Secret Pilgrim at the appropriate historical moments and, most crucially, finally giving us a television version of the (to date unfilmed) middle book in the Karla trilogy, The Honourable Schoolboy. This sounds like it could turn out to be exactly that! (Though hopefully they'll begin at the real beginning with Call For the Dead, and not The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.) It's a most tantalizing prospect!

Read my George Smiley Primer here.


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