
Our ancestor Lucy may have used tools more than 3 million years ago

An analysis looking at the hand bones of australopithecines, apes and humans reveals that tool use likely evolved before the Homo genus arose.


Extremely rare 'failed supernova' may have erased a star from the night sky without a trace

An artist's rendering of a black hole


I have Dupuytren’s Disease

Last November an odd, rather hard, bump suddenly appeared in the palm of my right hand. A few weeks later, in a routine physical exam, I asked my Dr. what the lump might be. She thought it was a harmless, ganglion cyst. In January, suddenly two more lumps appeared in the same area of my palm, about 1.5 inches below my little and ring fingers. Feeling some concern about this, I made an appointment with a hand specialist, a surgeon, who told me with absolute certainty that I had Dupuytren’s Disease.

In case you are wondering, Dupuytren (pronounced sort of like doo-pi-tron), is the name of a French surgeon who pioneered a surgical treatment for the disease in 1831. With thanks to the internet, especially The International Dupuytren Society website and forum, I have learned a lot about this disease and have since taken steps to prevent or at least slow its further development.

Dupuytren’s Disease (also called Dupuytren's contracture) is basically a non-malignant, tumor-building, auto-immune disease that affects the hands, with about a 40% chance of eventually turning a functioning hand into a claw which cannot be opened. The disease targets the tiny fibers which join the skin on the palm and fingers to the structure of the hand (bone, muscles, tendons, nerves). The fibers become enlarged, hardened, and inflexible. In roughly 60% of the people who have it, the disease at some point goes dormant, leaving the person with partial to full use of their hand(s). For the unlucky 40% who lose the use of their hand(s), the options are grim. Surgery to remove the fibrous tumors, along with 6 months of physical therapy following surgery, is a horrendous ordeal. And often the small bits of remaining tumor grow and spread, resulting in a closed, useless hand again some months or years later. There is no known cure.
You can skip this paragraph if you are not so interested in the disease in general. In the following paragraphs, I’ll tell you about my personal experience with it so far... Some other names for Dupuytren’s Disease are: claw hand, Viking disease, palmar fascia contracture, and flexion contracture. Because it often causes one or more fingers to curl inward toward the palm, it is sometimes confused with trigger finger, an entirely different affliction. It is linked to heredity, Northern European descent, diabetes and other auto-immune diseases. Men are more likely to have it than women, and its incidence increases in older (over 50) folks for both men and women. Often it is dormant until there is injury or trauma to the hand(s). There are currently four categories of treatment: radiation therapy (successful only in the very early developmental stage of the disease), needle aponeurotomy (generally considered for stage 1 or 2 of the disease with 6 to 90 degrees of deformation), collagenase injection (also stage 1 or 2), and surgery (advanced stages).
This is a copy-machine scan of my right hand in August, 2012. At that time, I probably had the disease, but there were no obvious signs of it.

This is a piece I created using the above scan. It celebrates the many blessings of my hand. Who knew that 4 years later it would be in jeopardy.
If you know me at all, you know that I love to stitch! Give me a needle and thread, a few beads or layered fabric that needs hand-quilting, and I am in heaven. If I couldn’t stitch, I’d be miserable. Already, I noticed (in January) that my right (dominant) hand was losing flexibility and strength. I dropped things all of the time because my grip was not as strong. And I could not spread my fingers or flex them backwards. The progression was alarmingly fast at that time, and affected my ability to hold and control a needle, scissors, etc.

So, as I learned more and more about the possible development of my disease, I decided to take an immediate step to get radiation therapy, which reportedly has an 85 to 93% chance of halting further development of the disease, if taken when the disease is in its initial, active, developmental phase. The treatment consists of 5 + 5, daily, low-dose, radiation sessions (with a 3 month or more interval between the first and second five sessions).

In the USA, the medical profession has mostly chosen to ignore the early stages of the disease, because (I guess) it only becomes a serious issue for about 40% of those who have it, and they (like me) are mostly older folks with a good chance of dying before the disease becomes seriously debilitating. Until quite recently, treatment has been in the realm of the surgeons. The one who diagnosed me, for example, did not even mention radiation therapy. He simply said that if it got worse, much worse, we could consider surgery.

For this reason, not many hospitals or insurance plans offer or cover radiation therapy. I discovered that it is offered by Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, WA, but not covered by my Medicare Insurance Plan. The out-of-pocket expense for the treatments for one hand would be a whopping $25,000 if I chose to pay for it myself. Even if my insurance had covered it, my cost would still have been 20% or $5,000. So I began to look into other options.

I learned that one of the Radiation Treatment Centers in Germany had been treating about 300 Dupuytren pa


“Facebook groups” feeds and posting have been deprecated

We are sorry to inform you that posting to Facebook groups and generating Facebook group feeds is no longer available in RSS Ground. Facebook has deprecated its Groups API and restricted Facebook group access for developers.  Read more about Facebook deprecations and Breaking changes. All posting campaigns that make posts to Facebook groups and RSS […]

The post “Facebook groups” feeds and posting have been deprecated appeared first on RSSground.com.


How to have the perfect autumn city break in Paris


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Koalas have fingerprints almost identical to ours

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How a select few people have been cured of HIV

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How This Stingray May Have Gotten Pregnant Without a Mate

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Ann Patchett on how God and her Catholic faith have changed

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Does Oman Have A Specific Digital Nomad Visa Program?

Oman, otherwise officially known as the Sultanate of Oman, is within the southeastern portion of the Arabian Peninsula. The country is surrounded by two sea bodies including the Arabian Sea in the southeast and the Sea of Oman in the northeastern portion. A larger body of water, the Indian Ocean, is also near Oman in the southeastern area like the Arabian Sea. Americans, Canadians, and other digital nomads from various countries can easily assimilate as digital nomads since English is a widely used language besides the official language, Arabic. While there is no digital nomad visa program in Oman, you can opt to apply for an employment visa. If you are a digital nomad, you will have to apply for various eVisas depending on where you are going, such as an eVisa Ethiopia. How To Apply for An Employment Visa in Oman Applying for an employment visa in Oman takes six steps with an overall turnaround time of up to 9 weeks long depending on individual processing time. The first step is the initiation process where you have to contact Fakhoury Global Immigration and send in the appropriate documents to start applying for the employment visa. This initial step only takes about 24-72 hours. The second step involves filling out the labor permit application and waiting for that to be approved within 3 to 4 weeks. For step 3, you must fill out the employment visa application and provide the mandated documents. Take everything to the closest Royal Oman Police location for full processing within 1 week to a month. The fourth step involves entering Oman where you can begin your digital nomad endeavors once this happens. For step 5, you need to have a health exam at one of the entity’s supported clinics. You will need a chest X-ray, blood tests to be sure you don’t have any bad diseases, as well as pee and poop samples for a full health profile. The final step is applying for and receiving a residential ID card from the Directorates General of Civil Status. The Benefits of Being A Digital Nomad In Oman Your day can be filled with exploring what Oman has to offer in between getting your work done on your laptop. You can have breakfast at Tr.Eat Cafe and get your work done with nearby free Wi-Fi. Then, you can take a break and explore the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in the afternoon before grabbing dinner at Theatrum Restaurant. Plan your itinerary in Oman around your work schedule so that you can still have fun where you are temporarily living while getting your work done. Locating yourself in Muscat would be your best bet as it is the most popular part of Oman with the most free Wi-Fi spots so you can have a variety of places to work. Work can get boring if you are working in the same place every day. Instead of purchasing expensive home Internet, you can plan your day to be located near free Wi-Fi spots to get your work done. No Internet access at home can help you to stay connected to yourself with non-tech activities like reading a book or embarking on a hobby before you go back to being a digital nomad exploring Oman the next day. Where Can I Get Free Wi-Fi in Oman? According to WiFi Map, the top 5 places with free Wi-Fi in Oman are Muscat, Seeb, Salalah, Sohar, and Matrah. Muscat is the most popular region of Oman with free Wi-Fi spots, featuring 2,883 locations to connect with your laptop to complete your workload. When you first enter Muscat or another popular region in Oman with Wi-Fi spots, you can download WiFi Map to your smartphone so you are informed of all the nearby spots where you can get connected. Local hotels, cafes, restaurants, and other businesses could have free Wi-Fi for their patrons. Maybe you want to explore a part of Oman that you have not seen yet. Book a few days at a local hotel and you can utilize the free Wi-Fi there. Whenever you stop at a cafe or restaurant for a meal, you can get some work done after eating before you go to your next destination. Become A Digital Nomad in Oman Today! Oman has so much to offer such as opera houses, mosques, delightful eateries, and forts like the Jibreen Castle. Wadi Bani Khalid is a desert retreat with a mountainous landscape and clear green waters for swimming. When you have to stay connected to work, you can stop by one of the most popular Wi-Fi spots in Muscat. When you want to explore Oman’s attractions and eateries, you can put away your work and enjoy life. Being a digital nomad in Oman can change your life so start the employment visa process today! Author Bio: Cathy Slater is an experienced content writer. She is associated with many renowned travel blogs as a guest author where she shares her valuable travel tips with the audience.

The post Does Oman Have A Specific Digital Nomad Visa Program? appeared first on Geeky Traveller.


So…What Have We Learned?

What a crazy, wild ride it has been.  As much as I dislike politics and, particularly the rhetoric, lies and deceit of the “swamp,” as publisher of Wisconsin Christian News, a radio commentator and TV host, I must follow the news every day and then decipher it all for you, and this past election cycle consumed much …


Voters Concerned About Energy Security Have A Choice To Make

By David Blackmon Voters concerned about national security matters must also be concerned about America’s energy security. Modern society can no longer function without abundant, affordable and uninterrupted sources of energy to fuel the technologies that make modern life possible. Like it or not, this is an unavoidable fact of life. No development in this […]

The post Voters Concerned About Energy Security Have A Choice To Make appeared first on Liberty Unyielding.


'I gave everything to boxing and still have nothing'

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'Everyone hopes to have different schedule in 2026'

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'You don’t have to be the strongest' - is arm wrestling on the rise?

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Springboks aim to have 'two best teams in the world'

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'We live in fear' - forced expulsions taint Kenya's safe haven image

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Khalife could have 'endangered Zaghari-Ratcliffe'

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Do I Need To Have A Safe First To Own Firearms?

Although most states do not require you to securely store your firearms in any particular manner or device, you might want to consider doing so. There are several good reasons to keep any firearms that are not under your direct control locked up securely. It is important to note that some states and cities have […]

The post Do I Need To Have A Safe First To Own Firearms? appeared first on Patriot Outdoor News.

  • Gear & Accessories


“If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!” ~ Donald J. Trump

Touché! .@POTUS45: "If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!" pic.twitter.com/GpMO46zrNQ — Natalie Harp (@NatalieJHarp) August […]

The post “If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!” ~ Donald J. Trump appeared first on Powdered Wig Society.


When my job required me to return to the office, I used my emergency fund to quit. It worked out, but I should have saved more.

When my job announced we were returning to the office, I was able to quit and rely on my emergency fund while job searching. I still wish I had saved more.


Which Americans have passports, and which Americans don’t?

30% of Americans have passports. But where do those Americans live? New Jersey takes the prize for the highest percentage of passports issued: 68.36%. At the low end: Mississippi, with just 19.86%. Via C.G.P. Grey, see the graphic below: For the “yes, but…” file: This dataset actually reflects addresses for issuance, not ownership of US […]

The post Which Americans have passports, and which Americans don’t? first appeared on UPGRADE: TRAVEL BETTER.


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Any complaints, queries or suggestions about content on News24 may be sent to our public editor George Claassen.


Democrats Have Another Problem to Worry About as Man Who Helped Trump Win Has Eyes on Blue State

Conservative activist Scott Presler, whose organization Early Vote Action helped swing Pennsylvania to the right in the general election, announced Monday he will be working to do the same in […]

The post Democrats Have Another Problem to Worry About as Man Who Helped Trump Win Has Eyes on Blue State appeared first on The Western Journal.


Sport | It's been a long walk to Bafana for Sage Stephens: 'To have your first call up at 33 is special'

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Sport | Key dying minutes of Tests: Boks have been demons, England disasters

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The West, a New Haven for the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’s Planetary Nebula’?

By SADF – Nov. 30, 2022 Online conversation on The West, a New Haven for the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’s Planetary Nebula’? On November the 29th at 16H.00 (CET), SADF promoted an online conversation in the web platform StreamYard titled ‘The West, a New Haven for the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’s Planetary Nebula’?’ The conversation included the Member of the European Parliament (EPP, […]


Even singular integral operators that are well behaved on a purely unrectifiable set

Benjamin Jaye and Manasa N. Vempati
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (), 5105-5116.
Abstract, references and article information


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Extremely rare 'failed supernova' may have erased a star from the night sky without a trace


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‘We have lost a future scientist’ - William Knibb High student gets emotional send-off

Family, friends, and community members gathered on Saturday at the Falmouth First Assembly Church to celebrate the life of 15-year-old Jahmarie Reid, a William Knibb High student who tragically lost his life at sea on August 27 in what is believed...


Seeded fibrils of the germline variant of human {lambda}-III immunoglobulin light chain FOR005 have a similar core as patient fibrils with reduced stability [Molecular Biophysics]

Systemic antibody light chains (AL) amyloidosis is characterized by deposition of amyloid fibrils derived from a particular antibody light chain. Cardiac involvement is a major risk factor for mortality. Using MAS solid-state NMR, we studied the fibril structure of a recombinant light chain fragment corresponding to the fibril protein from patient FOR005, together with fibrils formed by protein sequence variants that are derived from the closest germline (GL) sequence. Both analyzed fibril structures were seeded with ex-vivo amyloid fibrils purified from the explanted heart of this patient. We find that residues 11-42 and 69-102 adopt β-sheet conformation in patient protein fibrils. We identify arginine-49 as a key residue that forms a salt bridge to aspartate-25 in the patient protein fibril structure. In the germline sequence, this residue is replaced by a glycine. Fibrils from the GL protein and from the patient protein harboring the single point mutation R49G can be both heterologously seeded using patient ex-vivo fibrils. Seeded R49G fibrils show an increased heterogeneity in the C-terminal residues 80-102, which is reflected by the disappearance of all resonances of these residues. By contrast, residues 11-42 and 69-77, which are visible in the MAS solid-state NMR spectra, show 13Cα chemical shifts that are highly like patient fibrils. The mutation R49G thus induces a conformational heterogeneity at the C terminus in the fibril state, whereas the overall fibril topology is retained. These findings imply that patient mutations in FOR005 can stabilize the fibril structure.


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Rammya Mathew: GPs have to be able to request MRI scans for patients in primary care

At a recent clinical meeting, I heard that GPs local to me are about to lose the ability to request magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans for patients presenting with musculoskeletal symptoms. We’re instead advised to refer our patients to a musculoskeletal clinical assessment and triage service (CATS)—staffed largely by musculoskeletal advanced practitioners, who will assess our patients and determine whether imaging is warranted.The hope is that fewer patients will have unnecessary imaging and that this will reduce the potential harms of overdiagnosis. Radiologists rarely report musculoskeletal MRI scans as entirely normal, and it can be hard to know what to do with abnormal findings on an MRI. More often than not, patients with abnormal scans are referred to orthopaedic teams, even though there may not necessarily be a surgical target.At a population level, this is problematic on two fronts. Firstly, MRI scans are expensive and need to be used judiciously....


Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott to have season-ending hamstring surgery

Veteran quarterback Dak Prescott will undergo season-ending surgery to repair his injured hamstring, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones announced Tuesday.