orm Computing with bricks and mortar: Classification of waveforms with a doped concrete blocks. (arXiv:2005.03498v1 [cs.ET]) By arxiv.org Published On :: We present results showing the capability of concrete-based information processing substrate in the signal classification task in accordance with in materio computing paradigm. As the Reservoir Computing is a suitable model for describing embedded in materio computation, we propose that this type of presented basic construction unit can be used as a source for "reservoir of states" necessary for simple tuning of the readout layer. In that perspective, buildings constructed from computing concrete could function as a highly parallel information processor for smart architecture. We present an electrical characterization of the set of samples with different additive concentrations followed by a dynamical analysis of selected specimens showing fingerprints of memfractive properties. Moreover, on the basis of obtained parameters, classification of the signal waveform shapes can be performed in scenarios explicitly tuned for a given device terminal. Full Article
orm Subquadratic-Time Algorithms for Normal Bases. (arXiv:2005.03497v1 [cs.SC]) By arxiv.org Published On :: For any finite Galois field extension $mathsf{K}/mathsf{F}$, with Galois group $G = mathrm{Gal}(mathsf{K}/mathsf{F})$, there exists an element $alpha in mathsf{K}$ whose orbit $Gcdotalpha$ forms an $mathsf{F}$-basis of $mathsf{K}$. Such an $alpha$ is called a normal element and $Gcdotalpha$ is a normal basis. We introduce a probabilistic algorithm for testing whether a given $alpha in mathsf{K}$ is normal, when $G$ is either a finite abelian or a metacyclic group. The algorithm is based on the fact that deciding whether $alpha$ is normal can be reduced to deciding whether $sum_{g in G} g(alpha)g in mathsf{K}[G]$ is invertible; it requires a slightly subquadratic number of operations. Once we know that $alpha$ is normal, we show how to perform conversions between the working basis of $mathsf{K}/mathsf{F}$ and the normal basis with the same asymptotic cost. Full Article
orm High Performance Interference Suppression in Multi-User Massive MIMO Detector. (arXiv:2005.03466v1 [cs.OH]) By arxiv.org Published On :: In this paper, we propose a new nonlinear detector with improved interference suppression in Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) system. The proposed detector is a combination of the following parts: QR decomposition (QRD), low complexity users sorting before QRD, sorting-reduced (SR) K-best method and minimum mean square error (MMSE) pre-processing. Our method outperforms a linear interference rejection combining (IRC, i.e. MMSE naturally) method significantly in both strong interference and additive white noise scenarios with both ideal and real channel estimations. This result has wide application importance for scenarios with strong interference, i.e. when co-located users utilize the internet in stadium, highway, shopping center, etc. Simulation results are presented for the non-line of sight 3D-UMa model of 5G QuaDRiGa 2.0 channel for 16 highly correlated single-antenna users with QAM16 modulation in 64 antennas of Massive MIMO system. The performance was compared with MMSE and other detection approaches. Full Article
orm Successfully Applying the Stabilized Lottery Ticket Hypothesis to the Transformer Architecture. (arXiv:2005.03454v1 [cs.LG]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Sparse models require less memory for storage and enable a faster inference by reducing the necessary number of FLOPs. This is relevant both for time-critical and on-device computations using neural networks. The stabilized lottery ticket hypothesis states that networks can be pruned after none or few training iterations, using a mask computed based on the unpruned converged model. On the transformer architecture and the WMT 2014 English-to-German and English-to-French tasks, we show that stabilized lottery ticket pruning performs similar to magnitude pruning for sparsity levels of up to 85%, and propose a new combination of pruning techniques that outperforms all other techniques for even higher levels of sparsity. Furthermore, we confirm that the parameter's initial sign and not its specific value is the primary factor for successful training, and show that magnitude pruning cannot be used to find winning lottery tickets. Full Article
orm Detection and Feeder Identification of the High Impedance Fault at Distribution Networks Based on Synchronous Waveform Distortions. (arXiv:2005.03411v1 [eess.SY]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Diagnosis of high impedance fault (HIF) is a challenge for nowadays distribution network protections. The fault current of a HIF is much lower than that of a normal load, and fault feature is significantly affected by fault scenarios. A detection and feeder identification algorithm for HIFs is proposed in this paper, based on the high-resolution and synchronous waveform data. In the algorithm, an interval slope is defined to describe the waveform distortions, which guarantees a uniform feature description under various HIF nonlinearities and noise interferences. For three typical types of network neutrals, i.e.,isolated neutral, resonant neutral, and low-resistor-earthed neutral, differences of the distorted components between the zero-sequence currents of healthy and faulty feeders are mathematically deduced, respectively. As a result, the proposed criterion, which is based on the distortion relationships between zero-sequence currents of feeders and the zero-sequence voltage at the substation, is theoretically supported. 28 HIFs grounded to various materials are tested in a 10kV distribution networkwith three neutral types, and are utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Full Article
orm Datom: A Deformable modular robot for building self-reconfigurable programmable matter. (arXiv:2005.03402v1 [cs.RO]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Moving a module in a modular robot is a very complex and error-prone process. Unlike in swarm, in the modular robots we are targeting, the moving module must keep the connection to, at least, one other module. In order to miniaturize each module to few millimeters, we have proposed a design which is using electrostatic actuator. However, this movement is composed of several attachment, detachment creating the movement and each small step can fail causing a module to break the connection. The idea developed in this paper consists in creating a new kind of deformable module allowing a movement which keeps the connection between the moving and the fixed modules. We detail the geometry and the practical constraints during the conception of this new module. We then validate the possibility of movement for a module in an existing configuration. This implies the cooperation of some of the modules placed along the path and we show in simulation that it exists a motion process to reach every free positions of the surface for a given configuration. Full Article
orm Crop Aggregating for short utterances speaker verification using raw waveforms. (arXiv:2005.03329v1 [eess.AS]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Most studies on speaker verification systems focus on long-duration utterances, which are composed of sufficient phonetic information. However, the performances of these systems are known to degrade when short-duration utterances are inputted due to the lack of phonetic information as compared to the long utterances. In this paper, we propose a method that compensates for the performance degradation of speaker verification for short utterances, referred to as "crop aggregating". The proposed method adopts an ensemble-based design to improve the stability and accuracy of speaker verification systems. The proposed method segments an input utterance into several short utterances and then aggregates the segment embeddings extracted from the segmented inputs to compose a speaker embedding. Then, this method simultaneously trains the segment embeddings and the aggregated speaker embedding. In addition, we also modified the teacher-student learning method for the proposed method. Experimental results on different input duration using the VoxCeleb1 test set demonstrate that the proposed technique improves speaker verification performance by about 45.37% relatively compared to the baseline system with 1-second test utterance condition. Full Article
orm YANG2UML: Bijective Transformation and Simplification of YANG to UML. (arXiv:2005.03292v1 [cs.SE]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Software Defined Networking is currently revolutionizing computer networking by decoupling the network control (control plane) from the forwarding functions (data plane) enabling the network control to become directly programmable and the underlying infrastructure to be abstracted for applications and network services. Next to the well-known OpenFlow protocol, the XML-based NETCONF protocol is also an important means for exchanging configuration information from a management platform and is nowadays even part of OpenFlow. In combination with NETCONF, YANG is the corresponding protocol that defines the associated data structures supporting virtually all network configuration protocols. YANG itself is a semantically rich language, which -- in order to facilitate familiarization with the relevant subject -- is often visualized to involve other experts or developers and to support them by their daily work (writing applications which make use of YANG). In order to support this process, this paper presents an novel approach to optimize and simplify YANG data models to assist further discussions with the management and implementations (especially of interfaces) to reduce complexity. Therefore, we have defined a bidirectional mapping of YANG to UML and developed a tool that renders the created UML diagrams. This combines the benefits to use the formal language YANG with automatically maintained UML diagrams to involve other experts or developers, closing the gap between technically improved data models and their human readability. Full Article
orm Mortar-based entropy-stable discontinuous Galerkin methods on non-conforming quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes. (arXiv:2005.03237v1 [math.NA]) By arxiv.org Published On :: High-order entropy-stable discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for nonlinear conservation laws reproduce a discrete entropy inequality by combining entropy conservative finite volume fluxes with summation-by-parts (SBP) discretization matrices. In the DG context, on tensor product (quadrilateral and hexahedral) elements, SBP matrices are typically constructed by collocating at Lobatto quadrature points. Recent work has extended the construction of entropy-stable DG schemes to collocation at more accurate Gauss quadrature points. In this work, we extend entropy-stable Gauss collocation schemes to non-conforming meshes. Entropy-stable DG schemes require computing entropy conservative numerical fluxes between volume and surface quadrature nodes. On conforming tensor product meshes where volume and surface nodes are aligned, flux evaluations are required only between "lines" of nodes. However, on non-conforming meshes, volume and surface nodes are no longer aligned, resulting in a larger number of flux evaluations. We reduce this expense by introducing an entropy-stable mortar-based treatment of non-conforming interfaces via a face-local correction term, and provide necessary conditions for high-order accuracy. Numerical experiments in both two and three dimensions confirm the stability and accuracy of this approach. Full Article
orm On Optimal Control of Discounted Cost Infinite-Horizon Markov Decision Processes Under Local State Information Structures. (arXiv:2005.03169v1 [eess.SY]) By arxiv.org Published On :: This paper investigates a class of optimal control problems associated with Markov processes with local state information. The decision-maker has only local access to a subset of a state vector information as often encountered in decentralized control problems in multi-agent systems. Under this information structure, part of the state vector cannot be observed. We leverage ab initio principles and find a new form of Bellman equations to characterize the optimal policies of the control problem under local information structures. The dynamic programming solutions feature a mixture of dynamics associated unobservable state components and the local state-feedback policy based on the observable local information. We further characterize the optimal local-state feedback policy using linear programming methods. To reduce the computational complexity of the optimal policy, we propose an approximate algorithm based on virtual beliefs to find a sub-optimal policy. We show the performance bounds on the sub-optimal solution and corroborate the results with numerical case studies. Full Article
orm A Separation Theorem for Joint Sensor and Actuator Scheduling with Guaranteed Performance Bounds. (arXiv:2005.03143v1 [eess.SY]) By arxiv.org Published On :: We study the problem of jointly designing a sparse sensor and actuator schedule for linear dynamical systems while guaranteeing a control/estimation performance that approximates the fully sensed/actuated setting. We further prove a separation principle, showing that the problem can be decomposed into finding sensor and actuator schedules separately. However, it is shown that this problem cannot be efficiently solved or approximated in polynomial, or even quasi-polynomial time for time-invariant sensor/actuator schedules; instead, we develop deterministic polynomial-time algorithms for a time-varying sensor/actuator schedule with guaranteed approximation bounds. Our main result is to provide a polynomial-time joint actuator and sensor schedule that on average selects only a constant number of sensors and actuators at each time step, irrespective of the dimension of the system. The key idea is to sparsify the controllability and observability Gramians while providing approximation guarantees for Hankel singular values. This idea is inspired by recent results in theoretical computer science literature on sparsification. Full Article
orm Beware the Normative Fallacy. (arXiv:2005.03084v1 [cs.SE]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Behavioral research can provide important insights for SE practices. But in performing it, many studies of SE are committing a normative fallacy - they misappropriate normative and prescriptive theories for descriptive purposes. The evidence from reviews of empirical studies of decision making in SE suggests that the normative fallacy may is common. This article draws on cognitive psychology and behavioral economics to explains this fallacy. Because data collection is framed by narrow and empirically invalid theories, flawed assumptions baked into those theories lead to misleading interpretations of observed behaviors and ultimately, to invalid conclusions and flawed recommendations. Researchers should be careful not to rely solely on engineering methods to explain what people do when they do engineering. Instead, insist that descriptive research be based on validated descriptive theories, listen carefully to skilled practitioners, and only rely on validated findings to prescribe what they should do. Full Article
orm Learning, transferring, and recommending performance knowledge with Monte Carlo tree search and neural networks. (arXiv:2005.03063v1 [cs.LG]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Making changes to a program to optimize its performance is an unscalable task that relies entirely upon human intuition and experience. In addition, companies operating at large scale are at a stage where no single individual understands the code controlling its systems, and for this reason, making changes to improve performance can become intractably difficult. In this paper, a learning system is introduced that provides AI assistance for finding recommended changes to a program. Specifically, it is shown how the evaluative feedback, delayed-reward performance programming domain can be effectively formulated via the Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) framework. It is then shown that established methods from computational games for using learning to expedite tree-search computation can be adapted to speed up computing recommended program alterations. Estimates of expected utility from MCTS trees built for previous problems are used to learn a sampling policy that remains effective across new problems, thus demonstrating transferability of optimization knowledge. This formulation is applied to the Apache Spark distributed computing environment, and a preliminary result is observed that the time required to build a search tree for finding recommendations is reduced by up to a factor of 10x. Full Article
orm Computing-in-Memory for Performance and Energy Efficient Homomorphic Encryption. (arXiv:2005.03002v1 [cs.CR]) By arxiv.org Published On :: Homomorphic encryption (HE) allows direct computations on encrypted data. Despite numerous research efforts, the practicality of HE schemes remains to be demonstrated. In this regard, the enormous size of ciphertexts involved in HE computations degrades computational efficiency. Near-memory Processing (NMP) and Computing-in-memory (CiM) - paradigms where computation is done within the memory boundaries - represent architectural solutions for reducing latency and energy associated with data transfers in data-intensive applications such as HE. This paper introduces CiM-HE, a Computing-in-memory (CiM) architecture that can support operations for the B/FV scheme, a somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme for general computation. CiM-HE hardware consists of customized peripherals such as sense amplifiers, adders, bit-shifters, and sequencing circuits. The peripherals are based on CMOS technology, and could support computations with memory cells of different technologies. Circuit-level simulations are used to evaluate our CiM-HE framework assuming a 6T-SRAM memory. We compare our CiM-HE implementation against (i) two optimized CPU HE implementations, and (ii) an FPGA-based HE accelerator implementation. When compared to a CPU solution, CiM-HE obtains speedups between 4.6x and 9.1x, and energy savings between 266.4x and 532.8x for homomorphic multiplications (the most expensive HE operation). Also, a set of four end-to-end tasks, i.e., mean, variance, linear regression, and inference are up to 1.1x, 7.7x, 7.1x, and 7.5x faster (and 301.1x, 404.6x, 532.3x, and 532.8x more energy efficient). Compared to CPU-based HE in a previous work, CiM-HE obtain 14.3x speed-up and >2600x energy savings. Finally, our design offers 2.2x speed-up with 88.1x energy savings compared to a state-of-the-art FPGA-based accelerator. Full Article
orm Xamarin Native vs. Xamarin.Forms: How to Choose By dzone.com Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 18:23:13 GMT As Android and iOS continue to dominate the mobile market, businesses need to develop applications that meet the diverse requirements of each operating system. Launching native mobile applications for Apple App Store and Google Play Store is going to be a long and expensive process. Not every business has adequate time and funds for developing native mobile applications. That is why cross-platform app frameworks have been rising to popularity. Choosing cross-platform mobile app development services enables organizations to add their presence to both Android and iOS markets. Xamarin, recently acquired by Microsoft, is one of the best frameworks for cross-platform mobile app development. Rich features, agility, and cost-effectiveness make it an ideal choice for building cross-platform apps. Full Article .net web dev mobile app development c# xamarin xaml cross platform app development xamarin forms
orm Getting Started With Angular Reactive Form Validation By dzone.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 18:27:28 GMT Handling user input with forms is the cornerstone of many common applications. Applications use forms to enable users to log in, to update a profile, to enter sensitive information, and to perform many other data-entry tasks Full Article tutorial web dev angular typescript reactive form validation
orm Neumorphism Login Form By codepen.io Published On :: 2020-05-08T22:57:06-07:00 See the Code - See it Full Page - See Details This Pen uses: Pug, SCSS, JavaScript, and Full Article
orm The Innovia Foundation's former president has finally won his three-year battle to stop the organization from donating to a racist website By www.inlander.com Published On :: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 01:30:00 -0700 There's one thing the Innovia Foundation can never say: That it hadn't been told.… Full Article News/Local News
orm In lieu of in-person performances, musicians are using social media and live streams to connect with fans By www.inlander.com Published On :: Thu, 09 Apr 2020 01:31:00 -0700 Ask any working musician why they play live, why they lug their equipment to and from bars and restaurants and wine-tasting rooms week after week, and they'll point to the same nebulous thing: It's the connection with an audience.… Full Article Music News
orm With a new compilation from his label CorpoRAT Records, Kris Martin gives his roster of local rockers a sonic platform By www.inlander.com Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 01:30:00 -0700 When he was putting together the latest compilation CD for his label CorpoRAT Records, Kris Martin had intended to hand out promotional discs at Boise's Treefort Music Festival, where several artists from the Spokane label were scheduled to perform, and then officially release the album in April for Record Store Day.… Full Article Music News
orm For workers, no sign of ‘what normal is going to look like’ By www.inlander.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 10:28:15 -0700 By Patricia Cohen and Tiffany Hsu The New York Times Company… Full Article News/Nation & World
orm Coeur d'Alene's Summer Theater schedules a virtual performance for May 30 By www.inlander.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 13:32:26 -0700 While events around the country have been put on hold, Coeur d’Alene’s Summer Theatre is still slated for a show at the end of the month. But it won’t be in the usual format.… Full Article Culture/Arts & Culture
orm Process for the preparation of crystalline forms of agomelatine and novel polymorph thereof By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The invention concerns a new process for the preparation of crystalline form of agomelatine from a solution of agomelatine in a solvent, characterized in that the agomelatine is crystallized by instantaneous precipitation from said solution, at a temperature equal to or below −10° C. Full Article
orm Process for the synthesis of arformoterol By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The present invention provides a process for preparing a compound of formula (VI) or a salt thereof, the process comprising: (i) reacting 4-methoxyphenyl acetone with an amine of formula (VIII) under conditions of reductive amination to produce a compound of formula (II) or a salt thereof, wherein there is no isolation of an imine intermediate formed during the reductive amination; (ii) condensing the compound (II) or the acid addition salt thereof with an α-haloketone of formula (III) to produce the compound of formula (IV); (iii) reducing the compound (IV) to a compound of formula (V); and (iv) reducing the compound (V) to the compound of formula (VI), wherein the reduction is carried out in the presence of either (1) a hydrogen donating compound in the presence of a hydrogen transfer catalyst; or (2) ammonium formate using a hydrogenation catalyst, wherein R1 and R2 are independently optionally substituted arylalkyl, and Hal is selected from chloro or bromo. Full Article
orm Monitoring method and subsystem that detects abnormal system states By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The current application is directed to monitoring subsystems, and monitoring methods incorporated within the monitoring subsystems, that monitor operation of devices and systems in order to identify normal states and to quickly determine when a device or system transitions from a normal state to an abnormal state. The methods and monitoring components to which the current application is directed employ self-organizing maps and moving-average self-organizing maps to both characterize normal system behavior and to identify transitions to abnormal system behaviors. Full Article
orm Method for generating visual mapping of knowledge information from parsing of text inputs for subjects and predicates By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A method for performing relational analysis of parsed input is employed to create a visual map of knowledge information. A title, header or subject line for an input item of information is parsed into syntactical components of at least a subject component and any predicate component(s) relationally linked as topic and subtopics. A search of topics and subtopics is carried out for each parsed component. If a match is found, then the parsed component is taken as a chosen topic/subtopic label. If no match is found, then the parsed component is formatted as a new entry in the knowledge map. A translation function for translating topics and subtopics from an original language into one or more target languages is enabled by user request or indicated user preference for display on a generated visual map of knowledge information. Full Article
orm Information providing apparatus for vehicle, and method therefor By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT An information providing apparatus for vehicle has a remaining capacity detecting section 110 that detects a remaining capacity of a battery; a power consumption amount detecting section 130 that detects a power consumption amount of the battery; a power consumption amount history generating section 130 that generates a power consumption amount history on the basis of the power consumption amount detected by the power consumption amount detecting section 130; a charge necessity judgment information generating section 130 that generates, on the basis of the power consumption amount history generated by the power consumption amount history generating section 130, charge necessity judgment information which is information for user's judgment about whether or not charging of the battery is necessary; and a providing section 150 that provides information of the remaining capacity of the battery and the charge necessity judgment information with these information correlated with each other to the user. The information providing apparatus can properly provide the information for user's judgment about whether or not charging of the battery to the user. Full Article
orm Solid forms of gyrase inhibitor (R)-1-ethyl-3-[6-fluoro-5-[2-(1-hydroxy-1-methyl-ethyl)pryimidin-5-yl]-7-(tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]urea By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The present application is directed to solid forms of compounds of formula I: and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, that inhibit bacterial gyrase and/or Topo IV and pharmaceutical compositions comprising said compounds and salts. These compounds and salts are useful in treating bacterial infections. Full Article
orm Composition for forming intermediate film for laminated glass, intermediate film for laminated glass and laminated glass By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The object of the present invention is to provide an intermediate film for laminated glass which prevents reductions of transparency and appearance property caused by permeation of moisture and water. The above object is attained by the present invention, i.e., a composition for forming an intermediate film for a laminated glass which comprises ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and a compound having alkyleneoxy group. The composition of the present invention enables the formation of an intermediate film for a laminated glass that restrains white spots from occurring by the permeation of moisture and water. Full Article
orm Formulations comprising isosorbide-modified unsaturated polyester resins and low profile additives which produce low shrinkage matrices By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Formulations comprising an isosorbide-modified unsaturated polyester comprising maleic acid, fumaric acid, itaconic acid or maleic anhydride and isosorbide and one or more low profile additives. The formulations exhibit better shrink control in molding compound formulations with standard low profile additives than their non-isosorbide-modified analogues. These isosorbide-modified unsaturated polyester resins may be applied in molding compounds like sheet molding compounds or bulk molding compounds and may be components of fiber reinforced composites or other composite materials. Full Article
orm Certain heterocyclic substituted diphosphonate compounds pharmaceutical compositions, and methods of treating abnormal calcium and phosphate metabolism By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 10 Dec 1991 08:00:00 EST The present invention relates to novel heterocycle-substituted diphosphonic acids, and the pharmaceutically-acceptable salts and esters thereof, in which the diphosphonate-substituted carbon atom moiety is attached to a carbon atom in a nitrogen-containing six membered ring heterocycle, preferably a piperidine ring. The heterocycle-substituted diphosphonic acid compounds have the general structure: ##STR1## wherein Z is a nitrogen-containing six membered ring heterocycle moiety selected from piperidinyl, diazinyl and triazinyl; m, n and m+n are from 0 to 10; Q is a covalent bond or a moiety selected from oxygen, sulfur or nitrogen; and R1, R2, R3 and R4 are substituent groups.The present invention further relates to pharmaceutical compositions containing these novel compounds. Finally this invention relates to methods for treating or preventing diseases characterized by abnormal calcium and phosphate metabolism by utilizing a compound or pharmaceutical composition of the present invention. Full Article
orm Methods, complexes, and system for forming metal-containing films By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 08:00:00 EST A method of forming a film on a substrate using Group IIIA metal complexes. The complexes and methods are particularly suitable for the preparation of semiconductor structures using chemical vapor deposition techniques and systems. Full Article
orm Methods for forming lead zirconate titanate nanoparticles By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT Methods for forming lead zirconate titanate (PZT) nanoparticles are provided. The PZT nanoparticles are formed from a precursor solution, comprising a source of lead, a source of titanium, a source of zirconium, and a mineralizer, that undergoes a hydrothermal process. The size and morphology of the PZT nanoparticles are controlled, in part, by the heating schedule used during the hydrothermal process. Full Article
orm Construction articles and methods of forming same By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT A pipe choke for use in drilling and mining operations comprising a body including a first end and a second end configured to couple to a pipe, an opening extending through the body from the first end to the second end, and wherein the body includes a first phase comprising recrystallized silicon carbide and a second phase comprising silicon. Full Article
orm Dielectric thin film-forming composition, method of forming dielectric thin film and dielectric thin film formed by the method By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT A liquid composition is provided for forming a thin film in the form of a mixed composite metal oxide in which a composite oxide B containing copper (Cu) and a composite oxide C containing manganese (Mn) are mixed into a composite metal oxide A represented with the general formula: Ba1-xSrxTiyO3, wherein the molar ratio B/A of the composite oxide B to the composite metal oxide A is within the range of 0.002 Full Article
orm Method for producing magnetic disk, and glass substrate for information recording medium By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT To provide a method for producing a magnetic disk, whereby a magnetic recording layer is formed at a high temperature. A method for producing a magnetic disk, which comprises a step of forming a magnetic recording layer on a glass substrate having a temperature of at least 550° C., wherein the glass substrate comprises, as represented by mol percentage, from 62 to 74% of SiO2, from 6 to 18% of Al2O3, from 2 to 15% of B2O3 and from 8 to 21%, in total, of at least one component selected from MgO, CaO, SrO and BaO, provided that the total content of the above seven components is at least 95%, and further contains less than 1%, in total, of at least one component selected from Li2O, Na2O and K2O, or contains none of these three components. Full Article
orm High temperature platformer By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT An apparatus for reforming a hydrocarbon stream is presented. The apparatus involves changing the design of reformers and associated equipment to allow for increasing the processing temperatures in the reformers and heaters. The reformers are operated under different conditions to utilize advantages in the equilibriums, but require modifications to prevent increasing thermal cracking and to prevent increases in coking. Full Article
orm Integrated hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactor in a catalytic reforming process configuration for improved aromatics production By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A process for reforming hydrocarbons is presented. The process involves applying process controls over the reaction temperatures to preferentially convert a portion of the hydrocarbon stream to generate an intermediate stream, which will further react with reduced endothermicity. The intermediate stream is then processed at a higher temperature, where a second reforming reactor is operated under substantially isothermal conditions. Full Article
orm Initial hydrotreating of naphthenes with subsequent high temperature reforming By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A process for the production of aromatics through the reforming of a hydrocarbon stream is presented. The process utilizes the differences in properties of components within the hydrocarbon stream to increase the energy efficiency. The differences in the reactions of different hydrocarbon components in the conversion to aromatics allows for different treatments of the different components to reduce the energy used in reforming process. Full Article
orm Co-current catalyst flow with feed for fractionated feed recombined and sent to high temperature reforming reactors By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A process is presented for the increasing the yields of aromatics from reforming a hydrocarbon feedstream. The process includes splitting a naphtha feedstream into a light hydrocarbon stream, and a heavier stream having a relatively rich concentration of naphthenes. The heavy stream is reformed to convert the naphthenes to aromatics and the resulting product stream is further reformed with the light hydrocarbon stream to increase the aromatics yields. The catalyst is passed through the reactors in a sequential manner. Full Article
orm Integrated hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactor in a platforming process By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A process for reforming a hydrocarbon stream is presented. The process involves splitting a naphtha feedstream to at least two feedstreams and partially processing each feedstream in separate reactors. The processing includes passing the light stream to a combination hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactor. The process reduces the energy by reducing the endothermic properties of intermediate reformed process streams. Full Article
orm Integrated hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactor in a platforming process By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A process for reforming a hydrocarbon stream is presented. The process involves splitting a naphtha feedstream to at least two feedstreams and partially processing each feedstream in separate reactors. The processing includes passing the light stream to a combination hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactor. The process reduces the energy by reducing the endothermic properties of intermediate reformed process streams. Full Article
orm Device and method for forming on a nanowire made of a semiconductor an alloy of this semiconductor with a metal or a metalloid By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Device for forming, on a nanowire made of a semiconductor, an alloy of this semiconductor with a metal or metalloid by bringing this nanowire into contact with electrically conductive metal or metalloid probes and Joule heating the nanowire at the points of contact with the probes so as to form an alloy such as a silicide. Application to the production of controlled-channel-length metal-silicide transistors. Full Article
orm Item produced via thermoforming By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The present invention relates to an item produced via thermoforming and comprising: i) a biodegradable polyester comprising:a) succinic acid;b) optionally one or more C6-C20 dicarboxylic acids; e) 1,3-propanediol or 1,4-butanediol; f) a chain extender or branching agent;ii) polylactic acid;iii) at least one mineral filler; The invention further relates to processes for producing the abovementioned items. Full Article
orm Intelligently responding to hardware failures so as to optimize system performance By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A method, system and computer program product for intelligently responding to hardware failures so as to optimize system performance. An administrative server monitors the utilization of the hardware as well as the software components running on the hardware to assess a context of the software components running on the hardware. Upon detecting a hardware failure, the administrative server analyzes the hardware failure to determine the type of hardware failure and analyzes the properties of the workload running on the failed hardware. The administrative server then responds to the detected hardware failure based on various factors, including the type of the hardware failure, the properties of the workload running on the failed hardware and the context of the software running on the failed hardware. In this manner, by taking into consideration such factors in responding to the detected hardware failure, a more intelligent response is provided that optimizes system performance. Full Article
orm Memories and methods for performing column repair By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Memory devices adapted to repair single unprogrammable cells during a program operation, and to repair columns containing unprogrammable cells during a subsequent erase operation. Programming of such memory devices includes determining that a single cell is unprogrammable and repairing the single cell, and repairing a column containing the single cell responsive to a subsequent erase operation. Full Article
orm Mitigation of secondary phase formation during waste vitrification By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 08:00:00 EST A method for vitrification of waste to reduce the formation of persistent secondary phases comprising separating at least one glass frit constituent from an initial glass frit to form a modified glass frit. The waste, modified glass frit, and the at least one glass frit constituent are mixed together with the modified glass frit and the at least one glass frit constituent being added as separate components. The resulting mixture is vitrified. Full Article
orm Efficient complex multiplication and fast fourier transform (FFT) implementation on the ManArray architecture By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT Efficient computation of complex multiplication results and very efficient fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) are provided. A parallel array VLIW digital signal processor is employed along with specialized complex multiplication instructions and communication operations between the processing elements which are overlapped with computation to provide very high performance operation. Successive iterations of a loop of tightly packed VLIWs are used allowing the complex multiplication pipeline hardware to be efficiently used. In addition, efficient techniques for supporting combined multiply accumulate operations are described. Full Article
orm Individual-specific information generation apparatus and individual-specific information generation method By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT The generation of individual-specific information having a good reliability and uniqueness is made possible with a little circuit scale. For this purpose, in an individual-specific information generation apparatus, a plurality of digital circuits are in the same circuit configuration. Each of the digital circuits outputs a fixed or a random number output value individually without their output with respect to a certain input being determined unambiguously among the digital circuits. In each of the digital circuit, an order is defined in advance. A random number judgment unit judges whether the output value is a random value or fixed, for each of the plurality of digital circuits. An individual-specific information generation unit generates the individual-specific information based on information of the order defined in the digital circuit judged by the random number judgment unit as having a fixed output value among the plurality of digital circuits and the output value. Full Article
orm Recursive type-IV discrete cosine transform system By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A recursive type-IV discrete cosine transform system includes a first permutation device, a recursive type-III discrete cosine/sine transform device, a cosine/sine factor generation device, a recursive type-II discrete cosine/sine transform device, a second permutation device. The first permutation device performs two-dimensional order permutation operation on N digital signals for generating N two-dimensional first temporal signals. The recursive type-III discrete cosine/sine transform device repeats a type-III discrete cosine/sine transform for generating second temporal signals. The cosine/sine factor generation device sequentially performs cosine/sine factor multiplication and corresponding addition operations for generating third temporal signals. The recursive type-II discrete cosine/sine transform device repeats a type-II discrete cosine/sine transform for generating fourth temporal signals. The second permutation device performs a one-dimensional order permutation operation for generating N one-dimensional output signals. The N one-dimensional output signals are obtained by performing a type-IV discrete cosine transform on the N digital input signals. Full Article