
CSSplay - Responsive Droplist Menu

A responsive droplist menu that works in all modern browsers including touch screens and smart phones.


CSSplay - Form select list alternative

An alternative to a form select list which can be fully styled.


CSSplay - Form select list to drop list conversion

A CSS conversion of a form select list to a drop list.


CSSplay - PC, tablet and Smartphone droplist animated menu

A droplist animated menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.


CSSplay - A droplist menu using flexbox

A droplist menu using the latest flexbox syling which does not require size calculations.


CSSplay - CSS British Flag

The British Flag using just two divs.


CSSplay - Vimeo video select list with external controls

Vimeo video select list with external play/pause/rewind controls and fallback for iOS


CSSplay - CSS only responsive droplist menu

A CSS ONLY responsive multi-level droplist menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - CSS only responsive droplist menu version 2

A CSS ONLY responsive multi-level droplist menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu - version 2

A second CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


Topic Tomographies. A visual approach to distil information from media streams.

The project is a collaboration between DensityDesign Lab and ISI... more


Tomotopigrafie. Modelli visivi per processi di topic modeling dinamico e gerarchico.

In the information overload age, the user needs to find... more


La forma dell’organizzazione. Strumenti visuali e modelli data-driven per sistemi organizzativi adattivi

The idea of the organization and companies as phenomena to... more



Poliscope is a close collaboration between the communication department of... more


Interferenze: mappare, visualizzare e comunicare il tema dell’omogenitorialità in Italia

The research is developed around the contemporary debate on LGBT... more


Long-term ecological reflections: writers, philosophers, and scientists meet in the forest

Over the past 7 years, a strong collaboration has emerged between the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest ecosystem research group and the Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word, an independently funded program for nature writing based in the Department of Philosophy, Oregon State University. The program is called Long-Term Ecological Reflections and it brings together scientists, creative writers, and environmental philosophers to consider new ways to conceptualize and communicate views of long-term ecological change in forests and watersheds and the participation of humans in that change. The program is designed to parallel the Long-Term Ecological Research program, a national science program initiated in 1980 and involving the Andrews Forest. Both programs focus on primary inquiry and have 200-year planning horizons, which have resulted in some uniquely farsighted perspectives and astute ecological observations.


Factors influencing line officers' decisions about National Environmental Policy Act project design and development.

Prior to the existence of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Forest Service district rangers had considerable latitude to make resource management decisions and execute management plans with relatively little encumbrance by documentation and process requirements.


Public acceptance of disturbance-based forest management: a study of the Blue River Landscape Strategy in the Central Cascades Adaptive Management Area.

This report examines public perspectives on disturbance-based management conducted in the central Cascade Range in Oregon as part of the Blue River Landscape Strategy.


A sensitivity analysis of Forests on the Edge: Housing Development on America's Private Forests.

The original Forests on the Edge report (FOTE 1) indicated that 44.2 million acres of private forest land was projected to experience substantial increases in residential development in the coming decades.


Values, beliefs, and attitudes technical guide for Forest Service land and resource management, planning, and decisionmaking.

In recent years, the Forest Service and the public have placed increasing priority on making sure that management of public lands takes into account the needs of nearby communities, regional residents, national residents, and even members of the public who may not currently visit public lands.


We're all in this together: decisionmaking to address climate change in a complex world

Forests significantly influence the global carbon budget: they store massive amounts of carbon in their wood and soil, they sequester atmospheric carbon as they grow, and they emit carbon as a greenhouse gas when harvested or converted to another use.


Murder investigation launched following discovery of woman’s body in Reigate

A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder


M25 crash: Air ambulance called to serious collision near Reigate involving two lorries and car

A driver of a car collided with a bridge barrier and two lorries


Number of coronavirus deaths at Surrey hospital trusts rise to 980

The latest figures have been announced by NHS England


Surrey Police issue statement after armed officers and helicopter called to Guildford in early hours

Armed officers and a police helicopter were in Guildford during the early hours


Police warning after 'in distress' dog found left inside hot car at B&Q car park

The owner 'didn't seem to care', according to witnesses


Dalgona coffee is the new lockdown craze and this is how you can easily make it

You don’t need any fancy equipment or special coffee beans


Police rules on shopping this Bank Holiday weekend

The official guidelines for anyone planning to head to the supermarkets for an essential shop


The spooky tale of the A3 'ghost crash' and a mysterious discovery

The discovery of a maroon Vauxhall Astra and a body by the A3 has become a Surrey urban legend


Number of coronavirus deaths at Surrey hospital trusts rise to 983

The latest NHS figures show a small increase in recorded deaths


Man in his 20s found dead in Redhill car park

Multiple emergency services responded to the incident     


What time will Boris Johnson make 'road map' lockdown announcement on Sunday?

The Prime Minister will be outlining the government's plans for easing lockdown restrictions in the UK


California's forest resources, 2001-2005: five-year Forest Inventory and Analysis report.

This report highlights key findings from the most recent (2001-2005) data collected by the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program across all forest land in California.


Oregon's forest resources, 2001-2005: five-year Forest Inventory and Analysis report.

This report highlights key findings from the most recent (2001-2005) data collected by the Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis (PNW-FIA) Program across all ownerships in Oregon.


A U.S. Forest Service special forest products appraisal system: background, methods, and assessment.

Increasing concern over the management and harvest of special forest products (SFP) from national forest lands has led to the development of new Forest Service policy directives.


. 2012. Natural and cultural history of beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax). Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-864. Portland, OR: U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,Pacific Northwest Research Station. 80 p.

Forest managers are seeking practical guidance on how to adapt their current practices and, if necessary, their management goals, in response to climate change. Science-management collaboration was initiated on national forests in eastern Washington where resource managers showed a keen interest in science-based options for adapting to climate change at a 2-day workshop. Scientists and managers reviewed current climate change science and identified resources vulnerable to expected climate change. Vulnerabilities related to vegetation and habitat management included potential reductions in forest biodiversity and low forest resilience to changing disturbance regimes. The vulnerabilities related to aquatic and infrastructure resources included changing water quality and quantity, the risk to roads and other facilities from changes to hydrologic regimes, and the potential loss of at-risk aquatic species and habitats. Managers then worked in facilitated groups to identify adaptations that could be implemented through management and planning to reduce the vulnerability of key resources to climate change. The identified adaptations were grouped under two major headings: Increasing Ecological Resiliency to Climate Change, and Increasing Social and Economic Resiliency to Climate Change. The information generated from the science-management collaborative represents an initial and important step in identifying and prioritizing tangible steps to address climate change in forest management. Next would be the development of detailed implementation strategies that address the identified management adaptations..



October 2012—When you hear the word “ecosystem,” what comes to mind? A forest? A river, maybe? Well, how about a city? It turns out, the green spaces in our urban areas can offer a range of ecosystem services, just like forests and rivers. Station scientists are working to better understand cities as ecosystems and demonstrate how nearby nature provides important benefits and services. (4:19)



April 2012—To anticipate how a changing climate might impact future forest fires, scientists need to understand the past. But how can you tell the frequency and severity of wildfires that occurred hundreds—or, even, thousands—of years ago? Part of the answer lies in tree rings (6:09)


If A Tree Falls In The Woods, Who Will Measure It? DecAID Decayed Wood Advisor

Decayed wood plays many critical roles in forest ecosystems. Standing dead trees, called snags, provide habitat for a suite of wildlife, including several species of birds, insects, bats, and other mammals. Down wood provides wildlife habitat and performs ecosystem services such as releasing humus, nitrogen, and phosphorus into the forest soil, storing pockets of moisture, and stabilizing soil on slopes. Root wads, tree stumps, hollow trees, and partially dead trees also perform important ecological roles as wildlife habitats and sources of soil organic matter. DecAID Advisor is an on-line decision-aiding system to help managers plan for wood decay elements for biodiversity in forests of Washington and Oregon. DecAID Advisor is a statistical "meta-analysis" and synthesis of a vast amount of wildlife and inventory data. It does not make decisions for managers, but instead, DecAID Advisor advises on size and amount of snags, down wood, and other wood decay elements to meet management objectives and to help set those objectives by forest type and structural condition class. It is the first decision-aiding tool of its kind, given its scope of species, inventory data, and topics provided.


Knock On Wood: Is Wood Production Sustainable In The Pacific Northwest?

The Pacific Northwest is one of the world's major timber-producing regions, and its capacity to produce wood on a sustained-yield basis is widely recognized. Nonetheless, there has been increasing public interest in assuring that forests are being sustainably managed, as well as a desire by landowners to demonstrate their commitment to responsible stewardship.


Alaska Communities and Forest Environments: A Problem Analysis and Research Agenda

This problem analysis describes a variety of human-resource interaction issues and identifies related social science research and development needs that serve as the foundation for the Alaska Communities and Forest Environments Team within the Pacific Northwest Research Station. The document lays out a research agenda that focuses on understanding relations between human communities and natural resources.


Northwest Forest Plan (The First 10 Years 1994-2003): Socioeconomic Monitoring of Coos Bay District and Three Local Communities

This case study examines the socioeconomic changes that took place between 1990 and 2000 in and around lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Coos Bay District in southwestern Oregon for purposes of assessing the effects of the Northwest Forest Plan (the Plan) on rural economies and communities in the Coos Bay region.


Does Wood Slow Down “Sludge Dragons?” The Interaction Between Riparian Zones and Debris Flows In Mountain Landscapes

Conservation measures for aquatic species throughout the Pacific Northwest rely heavily on maintaining forested riparian zones. A key rationale for this strategy is that the presence of standing and downed trees next to streams will provide a continuous source of wood, which is an important structural component of aquatic habitat.


Broadening Participation In Biological Monitoring: Handbook For Scientists and Managers

Participatory (collaborative, multiparty, citizen, volunteer) monitoring is a process that has been increasing in popularity and use in both developing and industrialized societies over the last several decades. It reflects the understanding that natural resource decisions are more effective and less controversial when stakeholders who have an interest in the results are involved in the process. An adequate number of such projects have now been organized, tried, and evaluated such that sufficient information exists to recommend a comprehensive approach to implementing such processes. This handbook was written for managers and scientists in the United States who are contemplating a participatory approach to monitoring biological resources, especially biodiversity. It is designed as a how-to manual with discussions of relevant topics, checklists of important considerations to address, and resources for further information. Worksheets for developing, implementing, and evaluating a monitoring plan are posted on a companion Web site. The subject matter is divided into 3 stages of a monitoring project encompassing a total of 22 topical modules. These modules can be used in any sequence on an ongoing basis. Stages and modules include (1) planning-documentation, goals, indicators, collaboration, decisions, context, organization, participants, communication, incentives, design, and resources; (2) implementation-training, safety, fieldwork, sampling, data, and quality; and (3) followthrough-analysis, reporting, evaluation, and celebrations. Collaboration always involves colearning, so documenting choices, plans, and activities with the Web site worksheets is integral to the manual's effectiveness.


Yellow-Cedar Decline In The North Coast Forest District of British Columbia

The distribution of a forest decline of yellow-cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis (D. Don) Orsted) has been documented in southeast Alaska, but its occurrence in British Columbia was previously unknown. We conducted an aerial survey in the Prince Rupert area in September 2004 to determine if yellow-cedar forests in the North Coast Forest District of British Columbia were experiencing a similar fate as in nearby Alaska. Numerous large areas of concentrated yellow-cedar mortality were found, extending the known distribution of the decline problem 150 km south of the Alaska-British Columbia border. The forests with the most concentrated tree death occurred at 300 to 400 m elevation, frequently on south aspects. The appearance of these forests including proximity to bogs; mixtures of dying, recently killed, and long-dead trees; and crown and bole symptoms of dying trees were all consistent with the phenomenon in southeast Alaska.


Timber Resource Statistics For Forest Land In Eastern Washington, Jan 2002

This report summarizes timber resource statistics for the 20 counties in eastern Washington. The inventory sampled all private and public lands except those administered by the National Forest System in 2001, and those that were reserved from management for wood products.


Financial Analysis of Fuel Treatments On National Forests In The Western United States

The purpose of this note is to provide a starting point for discussion of fire hazard reduction treatments that meet the full range of management objectives, including budget priorities. Thoughtful design requires an understanding not only of the physical and biological outcomes, but also the costs and potential revenues of applying variations of fire hazard reduction treatments in a wide range of stand conditions. This analysis was done with My Fuel Treatment Planner software and provides estimates of cost and net revenue from fire hazard reduction treatments on 18 dry forest stands from 9 national forests in the Western United States. The data and software tools used in this analysis are all available, so these analyses can be easily modified to address a wider range of treatments and conditions.


Sustainable Forestry In Theory and Practice: Recent Advances In Inventory and Monitoring, Statistics and Modeling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science

The importance to society of environmental services, provided by forest ecosystems, has significantly increased during the last few decades. A growing global concern with the deterioration of forests, beginning perhaps most noticeably in the 1980s, has led to an increasing public awareness of the environmental, cultural, economic, and social values that forests provide. Around the world, ideas of sustainable, close-to-nature, and multi-functional forestry have progressively replaced the older perception of forests as only a source for timber. The international impetus to protect and sustainably manage forests has come from global initiatives at management, conservation, and sustainable development related to all types of forests and forestry. A few of the more notable initiatives include: the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED); regional follow-ups to the Earth Summit such as the Montreal Process and Helsinki Accords; the forest elements of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC).


Analytical and Decision Support For Managing Vegetation and Fuels: A Consumer Guide

Current efforts to improve the scientific basis for fire management on public lands will benefit from more efficient transfer of technical information and tools that support planning, implementation, and effectiveness of vegetation and hazardous fuel treatments. The technical scope, complexity, and relevant spatial scale of analytical and decision-support tools differ considerably, which provides a challenge to resource managers and other users who want to select tools appropriate for a particular application. This publication provides a state-of-science summary of tools currently available for management of vegetation and fuels. Detailed summaries include a description of each tool, location where it can be obtained, relevant spatial scale, level of user knowledge required, data requirements, model outputs, application in fuel treatments, linkage to other tools, and availability of training and support. Streamlined summaries in tabular format allow users to rapidly identify those tools that could potentially be applied to a specific management need. In addition, an interdisciplinary team process is described that facilitates application of tools and decisionmaking at different spatial scales.