
Was Sie über „Covid-19-Pässe“ wissen müssen

In vielen Ländern wird darüber diskutiert, Immunitätsausweise auszustellen. Sie sollen Menschen, die eine Infektion hinter sich haben, endlich wieder Urlaub und damit eine Rückkehr in den Alltag ermöglichen. Was sagen Immunologen und die WHO dazu?


952- Beth Nielsen Chapman, Carrie Newcomer, Erin Rae, Lisa Mednick Powell, Lillie Mae

Guest host Kathy Mattea welcomes performances from Beth Nielsen Chapman, Carrie Newcomer, Erin Rae, Lisa Mednick Powell, and Lillie Mae. Support for this podcast is provided by Adventures on the Gorge.


„Gegessen wird einzeln“ – Wie Ihr Arbeitgeber Sie schützen muss

In Pandemie-Zeiten müssen Arbeitgeber ihre Beschäftigten besonders schützen. Die Liste der Vorschriften ist lang. Das Handbuch der Katastrophenschützer geht sehr weit: Es regelt sogar den Gang zum Getränkeautomat. Ein Überblick.


Mit diesen acht Tipps motivieren Chefs ihre Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice

Gute Führung ist in der Krise wichtiger denn je. Doch wenn Vorgesetzte und Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice sind, kann das schnell zu Konflikten führen. Wer die richtigen Tricks kennt, kann auch von zu Hause motivieren. Das fängt schon beim Videocall an.


Auch viele Akademiker müssen um ihre Stellen fürchten

Sollte es zu einer tiefen Rezession in Europa kommen, seien fast 13 Millionen Jobs von Akademikern in Gefahr, davon geht das Beratungsunternehmen McKinsey aus. Vor allem Stellen in der Tourismusbranche seien nicht mehr sicher.


Bei diesen Firmen finden Sie in der Krise noch Arbeit

In Deutschland stecken Millionen Menschen in Kurzarbeit, viele Unternehmen kämpfen ums Überleben. Trotzdem stellen Betriebe mitten in der Coronavirus-Krise tausende neue Mitarbeiter ein. Diese Liste verrät, wo Sie suchen müssen.


In diesen Ländern öffnen die Schulen – und in diesen nicht

Während in Deutschland die ersten Klassen wieder in die Schulen dürfen, planen auch andere Länder einen Neustart. Doch nicht jedes Land geht so weit. Eine Zusammenfassung zeigt, welche Länder ihre Schulen öffnen und welche nicht.


Auf Jobsuche in der Corona-Krise – das müssen Sie beachten

Arbeitssuche ist zermürbend, die Corona-Krise verschärft das Problem noch. Die Arbeitsämter sind zwar geschlossen, doch der Betrieb läuft und auch die Fristen gelten weiterhin. Was Ihnen in dieser Situation an staatlicher Hilfe zusteht.


„Es ist schon ziemlich hart, was Frauen sich anhören müssen“

In naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Berufen sind Frauen immer noch unterrepräsentiert. Wer es versucht, fühlt sich mitunter fehl am Platz, kündigt – und ist als wichtige Fachkraft verloren. Denn im Büro stecken Frauen in einem Dilemma.


Bei günstigen Plattenspielern zählt vor allem das Weglassen

Die Vinyl-Schallplatte hat sich einen festen Platz im Musikmarkt zurückerobert. Das Angebot an Plattenspielern ist riesig. Der Test zeigt, dass bei neuen Modellen oft weniger mehr ist.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Verbraucher bei Smarthome-Geräten im Schadensfall oft allein gelassen

Nutzer von Smarthome-Geräten bleiben im Schadensfall meist auf den Kosten sitzen. Denn das Produkthaftungsgesetz ist schon 30 Jahre alt. Verbraucherschützer wollen das ändern. Es drohen aber noch andere Gefahren.

  • Webwelt & Technik


So motivieren Sie Ihr Kind zum Lesen

Jeder sechste Grundschüler liest nie oder so gut wie nie außerhalb des Unterrichts. Experten befürchten, dass die Corona-Krise Bildungslücken weiter verstärken könnte. Was Eltern jetzt tun können, um ihre Kinder für das Lesen zu begeistern.


Boris Palmer soll wohl nicht aus der Partei ausgeschlossen werden

Innerhalb der Grünen-Partei rumort es - auch wegen eines Streits um neuerliche Aussagen Boris Palmers. Ein Parteiausschluss, wie von einigen gefordert, scheint dem Tübinger Oberbürgermeister aber nicht zu drohen.


Verschwörungstheoretiker sind keine harmlosen Spinner

Früher gab es pro Dorf ein paar einsame Sonderlinge. Heute sind sie dank sozialer Medien vernetzt. Sie reden von „querdenken“. In Wahrheit suchen sie einfache Antworten auf komplexe Fragen – und sind schnell dabei, für alles einen Schuldigen zu finden.


„Wir können nicht anders“ – Weißrussland feiert Kriegsende mit großer Militärparade

Der 75. Jahrestag des Sieges über den Hitlerfaschismus ist in der weißrussischen Hauptstadt Minsk mit einer großen Militärparade gefeiert gefeiert worden. Auf den Tribünen stehen Weltkriegsveteranen dicht an dicht ohne Maske.


Leah Senior shares baroque "Evergreen" music video

Enchanting singer and instrumentalist Leah Senior has just shared her charming new track "Evergreen," via Flightless Records, label of King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. This joyful tune comes after a long wait from Senior, whose last full length album, Pretty Faces, came in 2017. "Evergreen" also comes with an exciting announcement, the release of a new album The Passing […]

The post Leah Senior shares baroque "Evergreen" music video appeared first on EARMILK.


Seniors In Isolation / Sheltering In Place In India / Pianist, Composer, And MC Kev Choice

How are seniors are coping in this time of isolation? We'll hear how non-profits and an army of volunteers in the Bay Area are working to relieve the anxiety. Then, we continue checking in with reporters around the globe on the coronavirus. Today, we're going to India. And, Oakland pianist and MC, Kev Choice shares the spiritual dimension of his music.


Beatroot Music Presents The Beatroot Suite Live Performance + Q&A Series

Welcomes Grammy Award-Winning Superstar Lyrica Anderson For Latest Edition

Invites Viewers To Donate Live To Historic Memphis Community Orange Mound

April 30th 2020 (Memphis, TN) – Triple threat Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, and producer, Lyrica Anderson will appear on Beatroot Musics The Beatroot Suite for a live performance of her new single “Marriott” and Q&A on Thursday April 30, 2020 at 9:30pm ET/6:30pm PT. 

In addition to this fan experience, Lyrica invites viewers to donate live to support COVID-19 relief efforts in Orange Mound—the oldest African-American community in Memphis, TN. Beginning May 2nd, the team will supply residents of the community affected by the pandemic with care packages comprised of food and hygiene items as part of the Zone 6 CAReavan. All residents in Zone 6 are eligible to the generosity of those who donated across the country. 

Tune in and watch on Instagram Live HERE

The Beatroot Suite is a new music initiative launched by artist-centric label services platform Beatroot Music. In addition to empowering artists with tools and resources to succeed independently, the company hosts this innovative online venue as a stage for its talent roster to showcase and discuss new material. Last week, The Beatroot Suite welcomed award-winning, multi-platinum selling songwriter and artist Elijah Blake.

The post Beatroot Music Presents The Beatroot Suite Live Performance + Q&A Series appeared first on


Brunswick Attorney Who Leaked Video Confirms He Is Not Representing Anyone In Arbery Shooting

Alan David Tucker of the Tucker & Browning law firm said Friday he is not representing anyone in the murder case against Travis McMichael and his father, Gregory McMichael.


Presenter’s Paradox

When thinking about how we present ourselves, say at a job interview, we might think that the more good stuff we tell our prospective employer the better. However, that’s not really the case. Our best assets can be overshadowed by the average of all we present. In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head,...


Amicable Dissent

Turns out it is hard to change your mind, not to mention biologically expensive. But as Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about in this edition of Two Guys on Your Head there are many reasons we should learn how to do it better and more often.


Motivation and Self-Presentation

It turns out that our motivational system has a lot to do with how we present ourselves. In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head,  Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the psychology behind motivation and self-presentation and what that means when it comes to gender.


The Past, Present, and Future of The Humanities

We kicked off a brand new season of Views and Brews at The Cactus Cafe with a discussion about“The Past, Present, and Future of the Humanities.” Listen back as KUT’s Rebecca McInroy along with guest host Dr. David Kornhaber, and an expert panel including Dennis Ahlburg, Helene Meyers, Amelia Pace-Borah, and Paul Woodruff, explore the...


Seven Steps to Experience the Presence of God

We have been separated from God because of our sin. God created us to be with Him. The plan of salvation is about how to get back into the presence of God.

  • Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor


AmbiophonicDSP Download link never sent

I am in the same boat Sorry, it's in the mail. Let me know if there are any problems or issues.


Seven Steps to Experience the Presence of God

We have been separated from God because of our sin. God created us to be with Him. The plan of salvation is about how to get back into the presence of God.

  • Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor


Quinoa: Tanya Kerssen (Ep. 12)

“While no one would argue that Bolivian farmers shouldn’t get a good price for their crop, these trends cannot be ignored—or left up to global market forces. Perhaps most tragic of all is that this boom (and booms are always followed by a bust) is leading the poorest, most vulnerable farmers to degrade their own...


V&B – The Past, Present, and Future of The Greek Economy

In this episode of Views & Brews,  KUT’s Rebecca McInroy joins the hosts of KUT’s The Secret Ingredient podcast, Tom Philpott and Raj Patel, as they sit down with the eminent economist James K. Galbraith author of the forthcoming “Welcome to the Poisoned Chalice: The Destruction of Greece and the Future of Europe” to talk inequality, the Greek...


This Song: Zac Little of Saintseneca // Sons of Bill

Saintseneca's Zac Little explains how Paul McCartney's "Uncle Albert" showed him what how expansive making a recording could be. Then Sons of Bill explore how songs by Woody Guthrie, John Prine and Bill Evan's Trio blew their minds and describe what it's like to play in a band with your brothers.


This Song: Angel Olsen

Singer and Songwriter Angel Olsen's latest record "Phases" is a collection of B-sides and rarities that chronicles her musical journey. Listen as she describes how the The Velvet Underground influenced her on that journey, and how Lou Reed's "Coney Island Baby" is helping her in the current moment.


Robert Townsend (Ep. 44, 2019)

This week on In Black America, John L. Hanson, Jr. speaks with Robert Townsend, actor, film director and producer, writer, and former cable network programming executive with more than three decades in the entertainment industry, whose credits include Hollywood Shuffle and The Five Heartbeats.


Robert Townsend (Ep. 21, 2020)

This week on In Black America, producer and host John L. Hanson speaks with actor, film director/producer and writer Robert Townsend about his challenges and successes over three decades in the entertainment industry, including the groundbreaking film Hollywood Shuffle, the Making The Five Heartbeats documentary, and new television project American Soul.


Michael Pack: Trump Pushes for Senate to Confirm Conservative to Run Voice of America

A key Senate committee has scheduled a vote on the long-stalled nomination of Michael Pack, an ally of Stephen K. Bannon, to run the agency in charge of the Voice of America. Employees are worried.


Hit 'Send' And the World Laughs With You

The guy's Irish or Scottish or something like that, and he's drunk as a skunk. He staggers down the street, stumbles to his car and starts fumbling to get his key in the lock when two cops walk up, one male, one female.


Maia lanza 'Sensus', album musical que le apuesta a la salsa


Corona: US-Arbeitslosenquote auf historischem Höchststand

Die Arbeitslosenquote in den USA ist im April auf 14,7 Prozent gestiegen - der höchste Wert seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die tatsächlichen Zahlen könnten sogar noch höher liegen.


Eurogruppe macht ESM-Krisenhilfen startklar

Vor einem Monat hatten die Finanzminister der Eurozone ein Milliarden-Rettungsprogramm in der Corona-Krise vereinbart, nun sind auch letzte Details geklärt: Strikte Auflagen für ESM-Kredite wird es nicht geben.


Corona: In zwölf Landkreisen mehr als 25 Neuinfektionen

Wenn es mehr als 50 Corona-Neuinfektionen je 100.000 Einwohner gibt, muss ein Landkreis reagieren. In drei Kreisen - Greiz, Coesfeld und Steinburg - ist das derzeit der Fall. Doch es gibt noch weitere Regionen, die nur knapp unter der Marke liegen.


Tausende Teilnehmer bei Protesten gegen Corona-Maßnahmen

Tausende Menschen haben in mehreren deutschen Städten gegen die Einschränkungen zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie demonstriert. Einer der Schwerpunkte war Stuttgart. Auch in Berlin, München und Frankfurt gab es Proteste.


JetBlue is the first major U.S. airline to require masks for passengers

The coronavirus has changed how we travel in many ways including the increased use of face masks on flights and in airports.


Nintendo of America sends home workers after employee tests positive for coronavirus

Nintendo of America has confirmed that an employee from its Redmond-based studio in Washington has tested positive for coronavirus. All other employees who had contact with them are now in self-quarantine even if asymptomatic, Nintendo wrote in a statement sent to The Washington Post. Upon learning the diagnosis, Nintendo of America alerted the public health […]


35 essential games to play while stuck at home

Looking for a new way to entertain yourself? From role-playing games, to battle royales, to open-world masterpieces, the Launcher team endorses these can't-miss titles.


Seattle U’s Terrell Brown lighting up the WAC, wants to send the seniors ‘out with a blast’

Brown, from Garfield High School, leads the WAC in scoring (20.7 points a game), is third in assists (4.9) and tied for fourth in rebounding (6.4) and steals (1.6).


New Seahawk Greg Olsen says he’s coming to Seattle to win ‘and perform at a high level’

Greg Olsen’s days currently consist of waking up in his permanent home in Charlotte and heading to an office about five minutes away to spend his afternoon zooming in to virtual meetings with the Seahawks.


Lower Duwamish Waterway bridge could close, too, if cracks on the West Seattle high bridge worsen

A low-bridge closure would divert the remaining 8,000 to 15,000 daily vehicles that still cross the Duwamish Waterway there.


Metro places passenger limits on buses to strengthen social distancing amid coronavirus outbreak

The “temporary optimal/ideal” passenger limits are 12 riders on a 40-foot bus and 18 on a 60-foot bus, according to a bulletin to drivers from Metro.


Greyhound to require passengers to wear face masks

In addition to the face mask policy, Greyhound said it also stepped up cleaning procedures, sanitizing buses after every trip and frequently cleaning locations.


Oregon Gov. Kate Brown presents plan to reopen amid coronavirus

Brown said that on May 15 she will loosen restrictions statewide on day cares and on retail shops that were previously closed, including furniture stores, boutiques, jewelry stores and art galleries.


Seattle, Department of Justice ask judge to release police from remaining consent decree oversight

Along with a 2018 ruling by the court that the city had reached full compliance with a 2012 consent decree, the request would dissolve virtually all remaining oversight of the police department regarding its use of force and other issues.