
New rules for the physical basis of cellular organelle composition

(Princeton University, Engineering School) New findings about critical cellular structures have upended common assumptions about their formation and composition and provided new insight how molecular machines are built in living cells.


Bringing light to ER contacts and a new phase in organelle communication [Cell Biology]

Functioning cells depend on the outward-facing plasma membrane (PM) effectively contacting the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which serves as a central hub for contacts with mitochondria and other intracellular organelles. The contact sites are critical to intracellular communication because they mediate intermembrane exchange of lipids, ions, and other small molecules that...


Formation of liquid-like cellular organelles depends on their composition


[ASAP] The Endoplasmic Reticulum Regulates Membraneless Organelles through Contact Sites

DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.0c00232


Endosymbiotic theories of organelles revisited [Electronic book] : retrospects and prospects / Naoki Sato.

Singapore : Springer, c2019.


Endosymbiotic theories of organelles revisited: retrospects and prospects / Naoki Sato

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