sse Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:00:00 +0000 Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the Full Article
sse Canada to give essential workers a pay raise By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 17:41:03 GMT Canada is set to reward the sacrifices that essential workers have made during the pandemic. Full Article 3b7ce24d-a011-5761-9de1-4b9add453fb6 fox-news/health/infectious-disease/coronavirus fox-news/world/world-regions/canada fox-news/person/justin-trudeau fox-news/health fnc fnc/world article Fox News Peter Aitken
sse Dropped and dismissed: Child sex abuse lost in the system (rebroadcast) By Published On :: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 05:05:57 -0000 The scandal around USA Gymnastics and former Olympic team doctor Larry Nassar is shining a spotlight on the sexual abuse of young athletes. This week, Reveal revisits the story of a woman who decides to confront the coach she says abused her decades earlier. Reporter Tennessee Watson was abused by her gymnastics coach when she was a kid in the 1980s. Over 25 years later, when she learned he still was coaching children, she called the police. Her inside account of the arduous process of seeking justice in her own case exposes discrepancies in prosecutors’ responses to reports of child sexual abuse and highlights a lack of accountability. — Head over to for more of our reporting. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @reveal. And to see some of what you’re hearing, we’re also on Instagram @revealnews. Full Article Athletics Child Sexual Abuse Court Criminal Documentary Explicit or Mature Content Gymnast Gymnastics Health Justice Larry Nassar Law Legal Michigan State News & Politics Olympics Parviz Youssefi Podcast Prosecution Scandal Sexual Abuse Team USA Tennessee Watson The Heart True Crime USA Gymnastics USOC Youth Sports adfree crime
sse Essential Workers By Published On :: Sat, 04 Apr 2020 07:00:00 -0000 While much of America shelters in place, farmworkers, grocery store clerks and airline employees remain on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis. But what’s being done to protect them from catching and spreading the virus? Don’t miss out on the next big story. Get the Weekly Reveal newsletter today. Full Article Al Letson NPR Al Letson Podcast CIR podcast COVID-19 Center for Investigative Reporting podcast Investigative Reporting News & Politics Reveal NPR Reveal News Reveal Radio The Center for Investigative Reporting podcast air travel airlines coronavirus essential worker farm worker farmer field flight attendants grocery harvest produce
sse Political Rewind: Move To Open Businesses Could Risk Safety By Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 15:36:17 +0000 Tuesday on Political Rewind , Gov. Brian Kemp announced gyms, salons, bowling alleys and other specific indoor facilities will be able to reopen by Friday, with restaurants and theaters able to reopen next week. These businesses must comply with social distancing and other safety requirements. The move has drawn sharp criticism from elected leaders and commentators who say the move comes too soon and is not backed by enough data. Full Article
sse Political Rewind: Small Businesses Navigate Hazardous Road Through Crisis By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:35:19 +0000 Tuesday on Political Rewind , small businesses weather the storm during the coronavirus crisis. How are Georgia’s stores, bars, restaurants, cinemas and bookstores handling the current situation? Full Article
sse Political Rewind: New Demand Stresses Food Banks By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 14:30:36 +0000 Thursday on Political Rewind , food banks are struggling to feed the hungry as the pandemic continues. As food networks are disrupted, farmers, grocers and food banks collaborate in an effort to improve access. We talk to some of the leading food banks in Georgia to see how they are meeting the crisis. Full Article
sse MeFi: "Deep in rococo imagery of fairies, princesses, diamonds and pearls" By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 03:50:57 GMT Terri Windling (03/2020), "Once upon a time in Paris...": "As the vogue for fairy stories evolved in the 1670s and '80s, Madame d'Aulnoy emerged as one of the most popular raconteurs in Paris ... she soon formed a glittering group around her of nonconformist women and men, as well as establishing a highly successful and profitable literary career ... So how, we might ask, did Perrault become known as the only French fairy tale author of note?" Elizabeth Winter (12/2016), "Feminist Fairies and Hidden Agendas": "the term contes de fées ... was coined by ... d'Aulnoy in 1697, when she published her first collection of tales." Volker Schröder (2018-2019): this collection "is often described as 'lost' or 'untraceable'" and its "sequel has become just as scarce"; but d'Aulnoy's tales are available online, and mixed reviews such as those of the Brothers Grimm may call to mind her childhood marginalia: "if you have my book and ... don't appreciate what's inside, I wish you ringworm, scabies ... and a broken neck."A couple of articles that are free to read online break down specifics of d'Aulnoy's stories. In "A Transformed Woman," part of her occasional column On Fairy Tales at, Mari Ness discusses Madame d'Aulnoy's "The White Cat," a story that has also been recommended previously on Metafilter. And in "Early Modern French Feminine Narratives: Subverting Gender Roles and Sexual Identity in Mme d'Aulnoy's Beauty or the Fortunate Knight (1698)," [PDF] Harold Neeman discusses the story also known as "Belle-Belle" (likewise recommended previously on Metafilter).More general thematic analyses of work by d'Aulnoy and her peers include Bronwyn Reddan's "Scripting Love in Fairy Tales by Seventeenth-century French Women Writers" [PDF] and "Thinking Through Things: Magical Objects, Power, and Agency in French Fairy Tales" [PDF] (the latter available temporarily from Project MUSE) and also Meghan Kort's "Imagining Girlhood in Seventeenth-Century Female-Authored Fairytales."Works by several other authors writing in French from the 17th C. to the 19th C. illuminate d'Aulnoy's connections and her legacy (often via the collection Four and Twenty Fairy Tales, which is also at Gutenberg):Marie-Jeanne L'Héritier (Wikipedia): "The Discreet Princess; or The Adventures of Finetta," as discussed in Mari Ness's "Enchantment and Distrust." L'Héritier has also been credited as the co-author of the queer and/or trans (avant la lettre) romantic fairy tale, "Histoire de la Marquise-Marquis de Banneville," along with Perrault and L'Abbé de Choisy ("Une Collaboration Inattendue au XVIIe Siècle").Catherine Bernard (Wikipedia): Inès de Cordüe, which contains the story "Riquet à la houppe," which would later be retold by Perrault in a version available in English.Henriette-Julie de Murat (Wikipedia): "Perfect Love"; "Anguillette"; "Young and Handsome"; "The Palace of Revenge"; "The Prince of Leaves"; and "The Fortunate Punishment." Notes. See also Mari Ness's "Imprisonment and the Fairy Tales of Henriette Julie de Murat."Catherine Durand ( Les petits soupers de l'esté, ou avantures galantes, avec l'origine des fées, which may only be available in English from Black Coat Press--one of many translations there by science fiction author Brian Stableford.Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force (Wikipedia): "Fairer Than a Fairy"; and "The Good Woman." Notes.Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve (Wikipedia): "The Story of Beauty and the Beast." Notes. But see also Andrea H. Everett's thesis, Villeneuve's "La belle et la bête" (1740): An Annotated Edition in English. Incidentally, both translations include the surprising second half of the story in which Beauty and the Beast turn out to be cousins.Marguerite de Lubert (Wikipedia): "The Princess Camion"; "Princess Lionette and Prince Coquerico." Notes.Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (Wikipedia): "The Prince Désir and the Princess Mignone"; "Prince Chéri"; "The Widow and Her Two Daughters"; "Prince Fatal and Prince Fortuné." Notes.Sophie Rostopchine, Countess of Ségur (Wikipedia): "Blondine, Bonne-Biche, and Beau-Minon"; "Good Little Henry"; "History of Princess Rosette"; "The Little Gray Mouse"; and "Ourson." See also Claire-Lise Malarte-Feldman's "La Comtesse de Ségur, a Witness of Her Time" [PDF] ("the adult reader today will find more than the dark sadomasochist that some critics have found"), available temporarily from Project MUSE.George Sand (Wikipedia): Légendes rustiques, available at Gutenberg in French, purports to tell local legends in a realist mode, but it also references fairies, ogres, and the fairy tale tradition in France. The version at Gallica features amazing illustrations by her son, e.g. "Les Demoiselles" or "Les Lavandières ou Laveuses de Nuit." Previously and previouslier. Full Article
sse Cert Prep: LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT Prepare for the LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) certification exam. This course covers the five domains of this popular Linux exam, so that you can earn your certification and expand your career options as a Linux professional. Learn the fundamentals of the operating system, get introduced to numerous Linux distributions, and gain experience in the configuration, management, and usage of common open-source software applications. Instructor Jason Dion also reviews commands and scripting, process management, networking, user management, and permissions. In addition to theory, you get step-by-step demonstrations in practical labs and really learn how to use and configure key features and functionality. By the end of the course, you should start to feel like a true Linux professional. This course was created by Jason Dion. We are pleased to offer this training in our library. Full Article
sse Tableau Essential Training (2020.1) By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT Tableau is a widely used data analytics and visualization tool that many consider indispensable for data-science-related work. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to sort, compare, and analyze data from multiple sources, including Excel, SQL Server, and cloud-based data repositories. In this course, learn what you need to know to analyze and display data using Tableau 2020—and make better, more data-driven decisions for your company. Discover how to install Tableau, connect to data sources, and sort and filter your data. Instructor Curt Frye also demonstrates how to create and manipulate data visualizations—including highlight tables, charts, scatter plots, histograms, maps, and dashboards—and shows how to share your visualizations. Along the way, he highlights the new features packed into this edition of the software, including Viz Animations, which allows you to visually follow the movement of marks in a data visualization to see and understand your changing data. Full Article
sse Microsoft Forms Essential Training By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT Learn how to create surveys and quizzes quickly and easily with Microsoft Forms, which comes bundled in the Office 365 suite. Curt Frye begins by showing how to create a basic survey, including how to add different question types—multiple choice, open-ended text, rating, and more—add ranking options, and allow for file uploads. Next, Curt steps through creating quizzes, including adding quiz questions, assigning point values to questions, and adjusting quiz options. Once you've learned to create a basic survey or quiz, you can learn how to edit forms, share them with other users, adjust themes, and preview how your form will look on different platforms. Finally, Curt shows how to view and analyze your results. Full Article
sse Redshift Render Essential Training By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT Learn how to use the rendering power of Redshift to improve your motion graphics workflow. In this course, mograph artist Ryan McCauley introduces C4D artists to this powerful rendering engine that plugs right into any production pipeline. Learn the basics of biased GPU rendering and the node-based workflow in Redshift. Discover how to use the tools and options in the real-time Renderview, control geometry, work with particle systems, and create your own materials and textures. Find out how to place and manipulate lights and cameras in a scene and output a final render. Plus, get useful troubleshooting and workflow tips to help your Redshift rendering—and integration with Cinema 4D—run smoother. Full Article
sse 10 Grasses for Prairie-Style Gardens By Published On :: Jun 10 2016 09:10:00AM From upright and airy to short and mounding, these grasses form the backbone of a prairie garden Full Article
sse Deutschlands Besserverdiener verschulden sich stärker By Published On :: Sat, 02 May 2020 22:14:36 GMT In der Corona-Krise steigt die Verschuldung vieler Deutscher. Vor allem Menschen mit monatlichem Nettoeinkommen von mehr als 5000 Euro nehmen höhere Kredite auf. Trotzdem verschieben viele Verbraucher größere Investitionen. Eine Branche trifft das besonders. Full Article Geld
sse Mit Geld allein lassen sich Südeuropas Probleme nicht lösen By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 08:46:27 GMT Finanzhilfen für besonders von der Krise getroffene Länder wie Italien? Die Erfahrung mit der deutschen Währungsunion zeigt, dass das allein nicht reichen wird. Es gilt, die Wirtschaftsstruktur anzupassen. Dazu braucht es relative Preisänderungen. Full Article Geld
sse Der Sommerurlaub fällt aus. Wir müssen jetzt radikal umdenken By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 02:13:08 GMT Wir müssen uns vorerst von der Hoffnung verabschieden, weit weg zu fahren, um den Alltag und alles Negative hinter uns zu lassen. Was macht das mit uns? Wie können wir uns trotzdem erholen? Eine Psychologin gibt Tipps. Full Article Deutschland
sse Eine abenteuerliche Odyssee in der Ägäis By Published On :: Sun, 03 May 2020 03:56:32 GMT Die Haare im Wind, salzige Luft in der Nase, immer nah am Wasser: Eine Segelkreuzfahrt durch die Inselwelt der Kykladen ist ein Erlebnis. Zur echten Herausforderung wird sie, wenn der Meltemi in Sturmstärke bläst. Full Article Europa
sse Brüssel will Einreisestopp in die EU bis Mitte Juni verlängern By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 16:04:00 GMT Die EU-Kommission hat wegen der Corona-Pandemie eine Verlängerung des Einreisestopps nach Europa um einen weiteren Monat empfohlen. Zuletzt gab es immer mehr Forderungen, Deutschland solle die Kontrollen an den Grenzen zu seinen Nachbarländern aufheben. Full Article Ausland
sse Reisewarnung bis Ende April – das müssen Sie jetzt wissen By Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 12:03:49 GMT Die allgemeine Reisewarnung ist die höchste Eskalationsstufe der Hinweise des Auswärtigen Amts. Normalerweise wird sie nur für Kriegsgebiete und besonders gefährliche Regionen ausgesprochen – jetzt gilt sie weltweit. Was Reisende wissen müssen. Full Article Verbraucher
sse Jetzt haben Sie die Chance, die PKV zu verlassen By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 11:20:39 GMT Viele Privatversicherte bereuen ihren Eintritt in die PKV und suchen nach einer Möglichkeit, sie wieder zu verlassen. Normalerweise ist das extrem schwierig. Doch die Corona-Krise ermöglicht einen solchen Exit. WELT erklärt, wer jetzt die Chance dazu hat. Full Article Verbraucher
sse As Governors Urge Businesses To Reopen, Workers May Be Pushed Off Unemployment By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 06:57:00 +0000 There's a call Laura Jean Truman is dreading, and she's convinced it's just a matter of time before it comes. Truman, who's a server at Manuel's Tavern in Atlanta, says the source of her angst is the fear that sometime in the next few weeks her boss is going to call and say it's time to go back to work, putting her in the position of having to make a choice between her safety and being able to pay the bills that continue to arrive despite the coronavirus. "Right now, everyone who is not working at restaurants is able to be on unemployment," she told NPR. "But once restaurants decide to open, and if we decide that we don't feel safe going back into those restaurants, we then are no longer eligible for unemployment because then we have a job opportunity that we're turning down," Truman explained. "It's a tremendously scary thing to have to think about," she said. The predicament is one in which millions of people receiving state unemployment benefits along with federal dollars from the Full Article
sse Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:00:00 +0000 Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the Full Article
sse Was Sie über „Covid-19-Pässe“ wissen müssen By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 09:55:44 GMT In vielen Ländern wird darüber diskutiert, Immunitätsausweise auszustellen. Sie sollen Menschen, die eine Infektion hinter sich haben, endlich wieder Urlaub und damit eine Rückkehr in den Alltag ermöglichen. Was sagen Immunologen und die WHO dazu? Full Article Gesundheit
sse 948- John Pizzarelli Trio, Catherine Russell, Devotchka, Kate Vargas, Bob Thompson Unit By Published On :: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 01:00:00 -0600 John Pizzarelli Trio, Catherine Russell, Devotchka, Kate Vargas and Bob Thompson Unit all in live performance. Support provided by Adventures on the Gorge. Full Article Podcasts
sse 963- Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out, Peter Mulvey, Dom Flemons and more By Published On :: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:00:00 -0600 Guest host Kathy Mattea welcomes Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out, Peter Mulvey, Dom Flemons, Christopher Paul Stelling and The Small Glories. Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. Full Article Podcasts
sse Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:00:00 +0000 Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the Full Article
sse Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:00:00 +0000 Very briefly, at the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, there were slightly more women on American nonfarm payrolls than men. That's no longer true. The historically disastrous April jobs report shows that the brunt of job losses fell on women. Women now account for around just under half — 49% — of American workers, and they accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month. One way of looking at why that matters that is to look at the gap that opened up between women's and men's unemployment last month. The below chart shows women's unemployment rate minus men's unemployment rate since 2007. Usually, the line bumps around near or just below zero — meaning men's unemployment is usually near or slightly higher than women's. But that spike on the far right shows how women's unemployment leapt to be 2.7 points higher than men's in April. Women had an unemployment rate of 16.2% to men's 13.5% last month. That's uncommon for a recession. The below chart is a longer view, and the Full Article
sse „Gegessen wird einzeln“ – Wie Ihr Arbeitgeber Sie schützen muss By Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 10:40:06 GMT In Pandemie-Zeiten müssen Arbeitgeber ihre Beschäftigten besonders schützen. Die Liste der Vorschriften ist lang. Das Handbuch der Katastrophenschützer geht sehr weit: Es regelt sogar den Gang zum Getränkeautomat. Ein Überblick. Full Article Karriere
sse Auch viele Akademiker müssen um ihre Stellen fürchten By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 14:12:51 GMT Sollte es zu einer tiefen Rezession in Europa kommen, seien fast 13 Millionen Jobs von Akademikern in Gefahr, davon geht das Beratungsunternehmen McKinsey aus. Vor allem Stellen in der Tourismusbranche seien nicht mehr sicher. Full Article Karriere
sse Auf Jobsuche in der Corona-Krise – das müssen Sie beachten By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 09:08:00 GMT Arbeitssuche ist zermürbend, die Corona-Krise verschärft das Problem noch. Die Arbeitsämter sind zwar geschlossen, doch der Betrieb läuft und auch die Fristen gelten weiterhin. Was Ihnen in dieser Situation an staatlicher Hilfe zusteht. Full Article Karriere
sse „Es ist schon ziemlich hart, was Frauen sich anhören müssen“ By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 09:27:55 GMT In naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Berufen sind Frauen immer noch unterrepräsentiert. Wer es versucht, fühlt sich mitunter fehl am Platz, kündigt – und ist als wichtige Fachkraft verloren. Denn im Büro stecken Frauen in einem Dilemma. Full Article Karriere
sse Bei günstigen Plattenspielern zählt vor allem das Weglassen By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 06:48:41 GMT Die Vinyl-Schallplatte hat sich einen festen Platz im Musikmarkt zurückerobert. Das Angebot an Plattenspielern ist riesig. Der Test zeigt, dass bei neuen Modellen oft weniger mehr ist. Full Article Webwelt & Technik
sse Verbraucher bei Smarthome-Geräten im Schadensfall oft allein gelassen By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 11:03:17 GMT Nutzer von Smarthome-Geräten bleiben im Schadensfall meist auf den Kosten sitzen. Denn das Produkthaftungsgesetz ist schon 30 Jahre alt. Verbraucherschützer wollen das ändern. Es drohen aber noch andere Gefahren. Full Article Webwelt & Technik
sse Boris Palmer soll wohl nicht aus der Partei ausgeschlossen werden By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 16:05:41 GMT Innerhalb der Grünen-Partei rumort es - auch wegen eines Streits um neuerliche Aussagen Boris Palmers. Ein Parteiausschluss, wie von einigen gefordert, scheint dem Tübinger Oberbürgermeister aber nicht zu drohen. Full Article Deutschland
sse Minnesota Gov. Walz Says More Testing Is Needed Before Many Businesses Can Reopen By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 11:54:00 +0000 As Minnesota Gov. Walz weighs his decision on when to let nonessential businesses reopen, he's facing a lot of pressure from a frustrated workforce, especially from small business owners who are trying to stay afloat during the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus outbreak. "The frustrations that they have are real. These are businesses that, they may have been in families for generations or they built up," the Democratic governor says in an interview with Morning Edition . The state is under a stay-at-home order until at least May 18 . In reopening the economy, he says, businesses will face another challenge: consumer confidence. Walz worries that — even with stay-at-home orders lifted — many consumers will be skittish about reengaging with businesses until they feel safe. Walz says many businesses should remain closed until the state ramps up its testing capacity. Achieving that goal will help contain the virus's spread, as well as bolster the public's confidence, he says. Full Article
sse Tennessee Surf Rock With Repeat Repeat By Published On :: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 20:46:46 +0000 Repeat Repeat started its life as surf rock from high atop the Cumberland Plateau. East Nashville, Tenn. to be exact. As they get ready for their next album, titled Floral Canyon and tentatively set for a July release, the band is growing past the purely sunny sounds of their debut Bad Latitude, changes you can hear in the Field Session recorded with the Field Note Stenographers. On the track "Mostly", Jared and Kristyn Corder sing about a tumultuous relationship. Chunky, doomy guitar and bass accentuate the drama. On "Plugged In", the band rips through a summer jam that asks us to think hard about the beliefs we hold dear, why we have them and why we try to convince others of their truth. Repeat Repeat is on the road through April, then back in their Tennessee home for a while. They expect to be out again this summer in support of Floral Canyon after its release. You can find their music on Bandcamp. Check out the entire Field Session recorded with the Field Note Stenographers. Full Article
sse Amicable Dissent By Published On :: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 02:19:50 +0000 Turns out it is hard to change your mind, not to mention biologically expensive. But as Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about in this edition of Two Guys on Your Head there are many reasons we should learn how to do it better and more often. Full Article Two Guys on Your Head amicable decent changing minds comedy humor podcast psychology Science
sse 258: ‘Pousse-Café’, With John Moltz By Published On :: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 17:41:53 EDT Special guest John Moltz returns to the show for a mid-summer Q&A episode, answering actual questions from actual listeners. Full Article
sse 266: ‘iPhone-Colored Glasses’, With Rene Ritchie By Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2019 19:58:06 EDT Special guest Rene Ritchie returns to the show. Topics include Google's new Pixel 4 phones, Apple's travails in Hong Kong and China, whether there will be another Apple event this year, and MacOS 10.15 Catalina. Full Article
sse Quinoa: Tanya Kerssen (Ep. 12) By Published On :: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 17:49:09 +0000 “While no one would argue that Bolivian farmers shouldn’t get a good price for their crop, these trends cannot be ignored—or left up to global market forces. Perhaps most tragic of all is that this boom (and booms are always followed by a bust) is leading the poorest, most vulnerable farmers to degrade their own... Full Article The Secret Ingredient Bolivia farming food Gluten Free politics Quinoa Raj Patel Rebecca McInroy Superfoods Tanya Kerssen Tom Philpott
sse 150707-rassegna-stampa By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 18:29:32 GMT 07-Jul-2015 08:27.This item belongs to: audio/radio24.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, VBR MP3 Full Article audio/radio24
sse 150110-rassegna-stampa-europa By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 18:30:40 GMT 12-Jan-2015 12:11.This item belongs to: audio/radio24.This item has files of the following types: Metadata Full Article audio/radio24
sse Kerry Cites Suppressed Votes in Election By Published On :: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 12:21:57 GMT Sen. John F. Kerry, in some of his most pointed public comments yet about the presidential election, invoked Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy on Monday as he criticized President Bush and decried reports of voter disenfranchisement. Full Article
sse Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott discusses conference’s financial hit and ‘concern and anxiety’ over athletes because of coronavirus By Published On :: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 09:58:14 -0700 The Pac-12 is facing a revenue hit of at least $1 million per school from the cancellation of its men’s basketball tournament and March Madness, although the full extent of the damage won’t be known for weeks. Full Article Cougar Basketball Cougars Huskies Husky Basketball Husky Football NCAA Tournament Pac-12 Sports
sse Coronavirus pushed spin, barre, yoga and other fitness classes online. Here’s how Seattle-area fitness studios have adapted By Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 06:00:32 -0700 In these coronavirus pandemic times, online yoga has become as ubiquitous as online dating. But for some other kinds of fitness classes, the switch to virtual instruction has been more challenging. Full Article Fitness Life Wellness
sse Blackstrap molasses helped normalize bowel habits By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 06:00:00 -0700 One reader reports success with molasses for normalizing bowel movements. Full Article Life Wellness
sse JetBlue is the first major U.S. airline to require masks for passengers By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 11:02:38 -0700 The coronavirus has changed how we travel in many ways including the increased use of face masks on flights and in airports. Full Article Business Health Nation Nation & World Travel Wellness World
sse 35 essential games to play while stuck at home By Published On :: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 08:56:28 -0700 Looking for a new way to entertain yourself? From role-playing games, to battle royales, to open-world masterpieces, the Launcher team endorses these can't-miss titles. Full Article Entertainment Technology Video Games
sse Seattle University’s top post player Myles Carter dismissed from team By Published On :: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 15:35:52 -0800 He has been the team's leading rebounder the past two seasons after transferring from Seton Hall. Full Article Seattle University Sports
sse Metro places passenger limits on buses to strengthen social distancing amid coronavirus outbreak By Published On :: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:25:32 -0700 The “temporary optimal/ideal” passenger limits are 12 riders on a 40-foot bus and 18 on a 60-foot bus, according to a bulletin to drivers from Metro. Full Article Local News Puget Sound Traffic Lab