
Funding Available for Tree-Planting Projects

State agencies and non-governmental organizations with 501(c)(3) status have until July 1 to submit funding request proposals for reforestation projects through the Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative (TEDI).


Delaware Sends Wildfire Crew to Northern California

The Delaware Forest Service mobilized a 19-person wildfire crew from Blackbird State Forest to northern California. The crew will travel cross-country to join other wildfire crews to battle blazes as the number of wildfires in the area continue to grow, sparked by hot, dry, and windy weather combined with an unstable atmosphere, creating lightning-caused fires.


Volunteers Needed To Plant Trees on September 17 at Blackbird State Forest, Enhancing the Chesapeake Bay

TOWNSEND, Del. (September 7, 2022) – Volunteers are needed to plant 2,000 hardwood seedlings along the Cypress Branch at Blackbird State Forest on Saturday, September 17 to provide scenic beauty, enhance wildlife habitat, fight invasive species, and improve water quality in the critical Chesapeake Bay Watershed. State Forester Michael Valenti said, “Planting trees is a […]


Blackbird State Forest’s Meadows Tract Renamed in Honor of Senator Bruce C. Ennis

TOWNSEND, Del. (September 20, 2022) – At a bill signing ceremony held at the Blackbird State Forest’s Meadow Tract, Governor Carney signed Senate Bill 328, renaming the Blackbird State Forest’s Meadows Tract the “Bruce C. Ennis Tract” in honor of Senator Bruce C. Ennis. The Ennis Tract covers 456 acres with open meadows, forested trails, […]


2,075 Seedlings Planted for the Harriet Tubman Bicentennial Tree Planting

On September 17, over 100 volunteers planted 2,075 trees at the Blackbird State Forest for the Harriet Tubman Bicentennial Tree Planting. This initiative will provide scenic beauty, enhance wildlife habitat, fight invasive species, and improve water quality in the critical Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This tree planting was part of a broader program to commemorate the 200th birthday year of Harriet Tubman in 1822 and part of International Underground Railroad Month.


Increase in Gypsy Moth Activity Detected For 2022

DOVER, Del. (October 4, 2022) – The Delaware Forest Service has detected approximately 825 acres of defoliation around the Cypress Swamp, Gumboro, and the Nanticoke Wildlife Area due to gypsy moths, as compared to 2021 with only about 12 acres impacted by this invasive pest. Trees most threatened from defoliation by the gypsy moth, also […]


Delaware Emergency Order Allows Fall Staging of Poultry Litter to Help Reduce HPAI Risk

Members of the Delaware Nutrient Management Commission approved an emergency order during their October 4 meeting to allow for a 180-day extension for properly staged poultry litter in Delaware Crop fields beginning on November 1.


Urban Forestry Grants up to $5,000 Available

DOVER, Del. (November 4, 2022) – Delaware’s Urban and Community Forestry Program is now accepting applications for up to $5,000 in matching grants for tree planting and management projects on public land and community open space. Urban and community grants are open to all Delaware municipalities, homeowner associations, and certified nonprofits, including schools and churches. […]


2023 Arbor Day Poster Contest Now Open

The Delaware Forest Service is now seeking entries for its annual Arbor Day Poster Contest, open to all K-5 public, private, homeschool, after-school, and other organized youth groups.  Designed to increase student knowledge about trees and forest resources, the contest is a great way for students to learn about the role trees play in our communities and their direct impact on Delawareans' health and well-being.


Funding Available for Delaware Communities Seeking to Improve Tree Canopy

The urban forestry grant program helps communities harness the numerous natural benefits of trees: cleaner air and water, energy savings, increased property values, civic pride, and reduced storm water runoff and flooding. Funding is provided by the U.S. Forest Service and state funds.


Delaware’s 2022 Farmers Markets Hit All-time High Sales Record

During the Farmers Market Managers Summit held during Delaware Ag Week today, the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) announced that last year’s farmers markets hit an all-time high sales record of $3.7 million.


Responding to U.S. Ag Census Critical for Delaware Producers

Every five years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) surveys every agricultural producer across the country and in Puerto Rico to obtain a complete account of the industry, its changes, and emerging trends. Less than 25 percent of Delaware producers have responded to the 2022 Ag Census, which could jeopardize farm policy and decision-making about disaster relief, community planning, technology development, and more.


DNREC, DDA Celebrate World Wetlands Day with Agreement to Manage, Protect Delaware’s Unique Wetland Communities

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and the Department of Agriculture (DDA) Forest Service are to celebrate World Wetlands Day today, Thursday, Feb. 2, by signing a cooperative agreement to manage and protect unique wetland communities that occur on state-owned forest, park and wildlife lands.


Brandywine Springs Student Wins Arbor Day Poster Contest

Lyla Jones, a second-grader from Brandywine Springs Elementary School in Wilmington, is the overall winner of the Delaware Forest Service's annual Arbor Day School Poster Contest. This year's competition attracted almost 7,600 entries from more than 70 schools. The theme – "Trees Are Terrific…In All Shapes and Sizes!" – highlights how a diverse community forest is a healthier forest that attracts a variety of wildlife and is more visually stimulating.


Frontline Farm and Food Workers Eligible for Relief Payments

The Delaware Department of Agriculture has partnered with Pasa Sustainable Agriculture to assist frontline farm and meatpacking workers who live or work in Delaware in receiving a one-time $600 relief payment through the Farm and Food Workers Relief Program (FFWR).


Delaware Forest Service Celebrates Arbor Day With Tree Planting

DOVER, Del. (May 2, 2023) – On the morning of Saturday, April 29, the Delaware Forest Service celebrated Arbor Day with an extensive tree planting surrounding the Peters Scout Camp/Peters Tract at Blackbird State Forest, along with our 2023 Arbor Day Poster Contest winners and their families. With support from the Forest Initiative Fund (FIF), […]


DelDOT and DDA Tree Planting In Support Of Forest Initiative Fund

DOVER, Del. (May 11, 2023) – The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is partnering with the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s Delaware Forest Service (DFS) to plant over 12,100 trees in support of the Forest Initiative Fund (FIF). FIF was created by the DFS to help address water quality, air quality, and overall life for all […]


Fourteenth DAEE Conference Recognizes Awardees and Sponsors

This year's conference theme, "Nature's Best Hope, Our Role as Educators" showcased a full day of sessions intended to connect people with nature, integrate environmental education into the school day, and cultivate environmental leaders.


Delaware Bans Trail Cameras for Recreational Use on State Wildlife Areas, State Forests, and State Parks

DNREC and DDA have determined that trail cameras for recreational use are no longer to be permitted on state wildlife areas, state parks, or state forests.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
  • Division of Fish and Wildlife
  • News
  • ban
  • Delaware State Forests
  • Delaware State Parks
  • outdoors and recreation
  • state wildlife areas
  • trail cameras


Odessa FFA Students Place First in Forestry Challenge

DOVER, Del. (June 28, 2023) – Odessa High School in Townsend placed first among six Delaware high school FFA chapters that squared off at Brecknock County Park in Camden last week, at the annual “Forestry Career Development Event (CDE),” a challenging test of tree identification skills, forestry tools and knowledge, and math-related abilities. Each team […]


Delaware Potbellied Pig Owners Have 30 Days to Apply for an Invasive Animal Permit

On June 1, a new regulation was published in the Delaware Register of Regulations (Volume 26, Issue 12) listing potbellied pigs and feral swine of any kind as invasive. The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) is providing a 30-day grace period for potbellied pig owners to apply for an Invasive Animal Permit. Owners have until August 12 to submit an application and comply with 3 DE Admin. Code 906 Possession, Sale, or Exhibition of Non-Native and Invasive Animal Species.


State Fair Offers Opportunity to Learn About Delaware Agriculture

Whether you are headed to the state fair from the city, suburbs, or our rural communities, the Delaware State Fair is a perfect opportunity to learn about agriculture, the state’s top industry.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • 4-H
  • Delaware Agricultural Education Center
  • Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse
  • Delaware State Fair
  • educational food demonstrations
  • FFA
  • state fair


Delaware Ag Department Provides Microchip Option for Potbellied Pig Owners

More than 40 Delaware potbellied pig owners have applied for an Invasive Animal Permit since the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) notified residents last week of the new regulation, 3 DE Admin. Code 906 Possession, Sale, or Exhibition of Non-Native and Invasive Animal Species, listing potbellied pigs and feral swine of any kind as invasive. One of the biggest concerns for these owners is the visible identification ear tag their animals must have to comply with the regulation.


Delaware Department of Agriculture Awards Over $665,000 for Innovative Projects to Improve Food Supply Chain

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) today announced it is awarding $665,872 in funding to 12 projects through the First State Food System Program. The program, managed by the Delaware Council on Farm and Food Policy, strengthens the local food system by supporting the broad food supply chain spectrum.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • News
  • ARPA
  • Delaware Council on Farm and Food Policy
  • First State Food System Program
  • food supply chain
  • grants


Farmer Kitty Holtz Honored at Delaware State Fair for Contributions to Agriculture

Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse presented Katherine “Kitty” Holtz with the Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service to Agriculture during the State Fair Awards presentation on Governor’s Day for her contributions.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • agriculture
  • Delaware Farm Bureau
  • Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse
  • Delaware State Fair
  • farmer
  • Kitty Holtz
  • Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service to Delaware Agriculture
  • women in agriculture


Delaware Sends Wildfire Crew to Southern California

The Delaware Forest Service mobilized a 3-person wildland fire engine crew from Blackbird State Forest on July 28th for a fire assignment to Wawona, California. Working with the Yosemite National Park’s Emergency Communication Center and various agencies from all over the country, the crew will be working on patrolling and isolating new fire starts due to human activity and lightning strikes.


Delaware Forest Service – New Campsites and Online Reservation Portal – NOW LIVE!

The Delaware Forest Service has launched a new online portal for reserving campsites and other venues on state forestland. Applicants can make reservations for primitive tent camping, rent the Lodge at Redden State Forest and reserve the pavilions. Additional campsites at Blackbird State Forest and Redden State Forest are also now open to the public.


Department of Agriculture Reminds Senior Participants to Use Farmers Market Nutrition Program Benefits by October 31

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) is reminding senior Delawareans who registered to participate in the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program to visit local farmers markets and on-farm markets to use their benefits before they expire on October 31.


Delaware Announces Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety Block Grant Program

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) announced they will be distributing $199,600 in relief funds through the Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety (SPRS) Block Grant Program to eligible Delaware seafood processors, dealers, and processing vessels who were financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Delaware State Forest Usage Reminders

DOVER, Del. (October 19, 2023) – With hunting season now open, the Delaware Department of Agriculture Forest Service would like to remind our users of regulations as they relate to State Forest lands. This information can also be found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide. To view all State Forest Rules and Regulations, please […]


LEADelaware Seats Twelve Fellows for Class VII

Following an extensive application and interview process, LEADelaware has seated 12 fellows representing Delaware’s agriculture industry, who will begin a 2-year journey to develop leadership skills within the food, fiber, and natural resources industries. The program offers unique learning opportunities where fellows will do site visits, attend seminars and expert panels, and participate in team activities and workshops. At the end of the program, the cohort will go on an international agriculture study trip to be determined in 2025.


Delaware Association for Environmental Education Seeks Presentations and Award Nominations

DOVER, Del. (December 13, 2023) – The Delaware Association for Environmental Education (DAEE) is holding its 15th Annual Conference with a focus on “Nature Access for All!” on February 24, 2024, at Fred Fifer III Middle School in Camden. The keynote speaker will be Dr. McKay Jenkins, noted author and University of Delaware professor. Todd […]


Department Adds New Test Options and Increases Fees for Seed Lab

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) announced beginning January 2, 2024, their seed laboratory will offer additional testing service options to assist producers. For the first time since 1999, DDA is increasing fees for services performed by the DDA Seed Lab.


2024 Delaware Ag Week Promises Networking and Latest Innovations

Delaware’s agricultural industry looks forward to attending the annual Delaware Ag Week at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington from January 8 – 11, 2024. “Ag Week is the largest venue where Delaware farmers, agribusinesses, and subject matter experts can network and learn about the latest innovations and research that will impact them in the upcoming growing season,” said Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse.


Delaware Forest Service Partners with Delaware Libraries to Promote Smokey Bear Reading Challenge

The challenge is geared towards children ages 4 through 10, but all ages are welcome to join. The Smokey Bear Reading Challenge aims to engage youth in reading about wildfire prevention, forests, and natural resource careers while they explore their local environment.


2024 Arbor Day Poster Contest Now Open

PHOTO: Lyla Jones of Brandywine Springs Elementary (at right) was the State winner for the 2023 poster contest. Contact: Ashley Melvin, Delaware Forest Service (302) 698-4551  ashley.melvin@delaware.gov DOVER, Del. (February 1, 2024) – The Delaware Forest Service is now seeking entries for its annual Arbor Day Poster Contest, open to all K-5 public, private, homeschool, […]


Delaware Department of Agriculture Opens Request for Applications for Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program

Through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), more than $1.7 million in competitive grant funding is available for projects designed to build resilience across the middle of Delaware’s food supply chain. The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) announced they are accepting applications for the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI) through April 30, 2024.


Delaware Forest Service Joins Daughters of the American Revolution to Establish Memorial Forest in Sussex County

DOVER, Del. (April 22, 2024) – The Delaware Forest Service hosted the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Col. John Haslet Chapter in Dover, and other volunteers to establish a memorial plot dedicated to former State Forester Walter F. Gabel, who served in this role from 1974 to 1991. “We are excited about this DAR […]


Delaware Forest Service Celebrates Arbor Day and Poster Contest Winners at Abbott’s Mill

Surrounded by family members, teachers, legislators, and cabinet officials, a dozen school-aged children from across Delaware were honored during the Delaware Forest Service’s annual Arbor Day celebration held on April 26 at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center for their artistic abilities, depicting this year’s theme of “Trees are Terrific…For Outdoor Adventures!”


Flag lowering for Peace Officers Memorial Day

Friday, May 15 is Peace Officers Memorial Day. On this day we pay tribute to peace officers across our country who have died, or who have been disabled in the line of duty. In accordance with federal law (36 U.S.C. 175) and a proclamation issued by President Trump, Governor Carney requests that the Delaware and […]


Flag Lowering Reminder for Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those fallen heroes who have died while protecting our country. To honor the dedication and service of all of our service members Governor Carney requests that the proper protocol for the U.S. Flag Code be followed this Memorial Day. Flags are to be lowered to half-staff on Monday […]


Flags to be lowered Friday, July 10 for passing of former Rep. Donald Clark

With the passing of former State Representative Donald Clark on June 24, 2020 Governor Carney has ordered the United States and Delaware flags at state buildings and facilities be flown at half-staff Friday, July 10 as a mark of respect for Mr. Clark and his service to Delaware. Mr. Clark was first elected to the […]


Flag lowering for Rep. John Lewis

President Trump today ordered United States flags at all U.S. government buildings and facilities be flown at half-staff immediately in memory of Representative John Lewis of Georgia. In concurrence with the President’s order, Gov. Carney has ordered the United States and Delaware flags at state buildings also be flown at half-staff. Flags are to be […]


Governor Carney to lower Delaware flags at State buildings for Overdose Awareness Day

Governor John Carney has ordered the Delaware state flag at State facilities be lowered to half staff on Monday, August 31 in observance of Overdose Awareness Day. The Governor’s order only applies to State facilities, however local governments, businesses and Delawareans flying the Delaware state flag are encouraged to participate as well. The Delaware state […]


Delaware Flag to be Lowered for Former Milford Mayor Ronnie Rogers

Governor Carney has ordered the Delaware flag to be lowered September 9, 2020 to honor the many years of public service of former Milford mayor Joseph Ronald “Ronnie” Rogers who passed away on Sunday, August 30, 2020. Mr. Rogers began his political career in Milford by running for city council representing the 1st ward in […]


Flags to be Lowered for Passing of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Per US flag Code, both the US and Delaware flags are to be lowered to half staff due to the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The US Flag Code requires flags to remain at half-staff until the day of Justice Ginsburg’s interment. As that date has not yet been determined, subsequent […]


Update – Flag Lowering for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Please note the following update regarding the current flag lowering for the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The interment for Justice Ginsburg is scheduled for tomorrow, September 29. Accordingly, all flags are to be returned to full staff at the close of business tomorrow, September 29.


Flags to be lowered Sunday for National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day

Everyday across Delaware, thousands of firefighters serve their communities and protect the public by responding to not only fires but almost any emergency situation. Sunday, October 4 has been recognized by Congress as the day US and State flags are to be flown at half-staff in recognition of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day. Governor […]

  • Flag Status
  • Office of Management and Budget
  • National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day


Flags to be lowered December 7 for National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Monday, December 7, 2020 marks National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Each year, on December 7 we honor the over 2,400 men and women who lost their lives for our country on this day in 1941. Public Law 103-308 requests the President to issue a proclamation requesting flags be lowered to half staff each December 7. […]


Governor Carney Releases Government Efficiency and Accountability Review (GEAR) Board Report

Fourth annual report highlights State accomplishments WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Thursday released the fourth annual report of the Government Efficiency and Accountability Review (GEAR) Board. Governor Carney established GEAR by Executive Order in February of 2017 in order to identify ways for state government to operate more efficiently, improve the delivery of state services, and provide […]

  • Department of Finance
  • Governor John Carney
  • Office of Management and Budget
  • Office of the Governor
  • GEAR
  • GEAR Board
  • Government Efficency and Accountability Reveiw Board
  • governor
  • Governor Carney