
SAINTS PERPETUA, FELICITAS, AND COMPANIONS - MARTYRS 203 A.D. - Feast Day: March 6 - The record of the Passion of St. Perpetua, St. Felicitas, and their Companions is one of the great treasures of martyr literature, an authentic document preserved for us

Perpetua's father was a pagan, her mother and two brothers Christians, one of the brothers being a catechumen. These five prisoners were soon joined by one Saturus, who seems to have been their instructor in the faith and who now chose to share their punishment. At first they were all kept under strong guard in a private house. Perpetua wrote a vivid account of what happened. ...

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 1. 0 A.D. to 312 A.D. - Birth of Jesus and the early Church Age


A Conversation on Children's Literature

Join special host, Richard Rohlin, as he interviews brilliant authors and educators, Dr. Edith Humphrey and Angelina Stanford. Together they engage in rich conversation about literature, fantasy, art, and faith. Topics include: what makes literature good or bad? How do we choose good literature for our children? How do we write good literature for our children? And more! To learn more about Dr. Edith Humphrey and her newest book, "Beyond the White Fence" here. To learn more about Angelina Standford and her work at the House of Humane Letters, check out their website. To learn more about Richard Rohlin and his Finding the Golden Key project, click here.


Amor a la literatura o Decálogo del traductor literario

Helena Cortés Gabaudan

Existen unos cuantos códigos deontológicos para traductores, pero muy pocos se refieren a la traducción literaria en particular. De entre ellos, uno de los primeros que se encuentra en Internet ni siquiera llega a reunir más de 7 normas, y las que incluye apenas tienen que ver con lo que realmente garantiza la calidad de una traducción literaria; es un mero listado de requisitos básicos del traductor en general y de aspectos legales (vid. el código deontológico del traductor literario redactado por el Consejo Europeo de Asociaciones de Traductores Literarios, ceatl). Ante esta carencia, hemos redactado, entre bromas y veras, un pequeño código personal para traductores literarios noveles, un decálogo que solo se basa en los cientos de horas solitarias, ingratas, desesperantes, pero siempre felices, pasadas frente a los textos de los grandes autores.


1. Humildad (o, lo que otros llaman fidelidad al texto). No trates de ser más brillante que el propio autor; en general, la mayor literalidad posible en fondo y forma es la mejor norma, aunque siempre creando un texto propio y sin caer en la burda copia. Si tienes siempre la tentación de mejorar el original, si te gusta adaptar y añadir cosas de tu cosecha o cortar y simplificar las partes complejas, escribe novelas, pero no traduzcas. Y, en particular, si eres poeta y te encanta traducir poesía, haz un esfuerzo: olvida tu condición por un instante y sé solo traductor. El lector no quiere leer tus versos.

2. Sensatez. Algunos escritores son gente rara, sí, ¡pero no tantos! En general no escriben estupideces ni insensateces. Así pues, si algo te sorprende sobremanera o parece no tener ningún sentido, es casi seguro que te has equivocado. Indaga. Seguro que algo se te está escapando.

3. Sentido estético. Traducir correctamente el contenido de la obra original puede ser relativamente fácil, pero no hay que olvidarse de la forma estética. Analiza a fondo los recursos estilísticos y estéticos empleados por el autor y trata de lograr lo mismo en tu propio idioma. De no ser así, tanto daría hacer un buen resumen del contenido como traducir la obra.

4. Paciencia. Si quieres traducir literatura no puedes tener prisa, es labor interminable de investigación, reescritura, relectura. Una recomendación: cuando hayas acabado de traducir, olvida tu versión en un cajón durante un tiempo suficientemente largo como para borrar de tu mente el original y haz una última lectura sin tener presente más que tu sentido lingüístico y literario: en este momento, y solo en éste, tómate todas las libertades que quieras con el texto hasta que a ti te suene bien, hasta hacerlo completamente tuyo, hasta que deje de ser una traducción y se convierta en tu texto: ganará en fluidez, no sonará a traducción y tendrá un estilo homogéneo.

5. Cultura. Si no tienes cientos de horas de lectura acumulados, si careces de una sólida cultura general y de cierta experiencia vital, si no conoces los clásicos y te aburre cualquier libro que no esté lleno de acción y diálogos, si nunca ganaste un premio de redacción en el colegio ni leías por las noches con una linterna debajo de las sábanas para que no te riñeran, si nunca viajaste a los países cuyas lenguas traduces, en definitiva, si no tienes gusto por la literatura: por favor ¡no te hagas traductor literario! Se gana más con los manuales de autoayuda y los libros de cocina.

6. Naturalidad. Es más importante que la obra suene bien en tu idioma y conseguir un texto natural y fluido, carente de todo artificio, que el que se cuele alguna disculpable metedura de pata. Y el que esté libre de error, que tire la primera piedra.

7. Buena pluma. Si no tienes talento para escribir con gracia y soltura en tu propio idioma no podrás ser nunca un buen traductor literario. Solo el que escribe bien traduce bien.

8. Dominio de tu lengua. Ser bilingüe ayuda mucho, pero no es garantía de buena traducción. Conocer bien la lengua de partida es un requisito técnico tan elemental como saber leer y escribir, pero no aporta nada más. Conocer bien la lengua de llegada, haberse perdido por sus más enrevesados vericuetos, saber jugar con ella, poder burlarse de ella: esa es la condición para ser un buen traductor. Busca a quien domine muy bien la lengua extranjera y tendrás, con suerte, un correcto traductor. Busca quien domine a
fondo su lengua materna y casi seguro que habrás encontrado a un buen traductor.

9. Actualidad. No envejezcas a propósito una traducción para acercarla a la época del autor. Piensa que los lectores contemporáneos del autor pudieron disfrutar de una lectura fluida y natural en el idioma de su tiempo. No castigues a tus lectores con una barrera idiomática artificial que solo provoca distancia. Para que el original siga siendo tan accesible como en su tiempo, cada generación necesita una nueva traducción.

10. Amor. O lo correcto no es igual a lo bueno. Cuántas traducciones hubo más o menos correctas que son perfectamente olvidables, por grises, planas, carentes de toda vida. Tal vez con un excelente adiestramiento se pueda conseguir un número aceptable de correctas traducciones. Pero siempre hubo, hay y habrá muy pocas buenas traducciones. En traducción literaria, traducción correcta no equivale a buena traducción. Porque también hacen falta grandes dosis de empatía. Si a pesar de haber renegado del texto más de mil veces, en el fondo has acabado sintiendo pasión por él y su autor, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si en caso de existir la máquina del tiempo lo que más te gustaría sería tener una entrevista con el clásico al que estás traduciendo, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si lo que más te gusta al llegar a casa es sentarte ante tu libro, y nunca te vas a la cama sin haber traducido al menos unas cuantas líneas —porque ése es el momento que más disfrutas del día— es señal de que eres un traductor. Y es que, además de profesión, hace falta un poco de vocación.

Estos diez mandamientos se encierran en dos: amarás a la literatura sobre todas las cosas y a los textos que traduces como a ti mismo.


Hacer traducciones literarias es lo más parecido a tener hijos: es una gestación larga y complicada, cuanto más se acerca el inexorable plazo de entrega más insoportable y más pesado se vuelve el asunto, hay momentos en que detestas al que te embarcó en aquel lío y te preguntas cómo pudiste aceptar; y llega siempre ese momento de extremo dolor, cuando tienes que sacar fuera como sea la cabeza del infante, en que te juras a ti mismo que nunca volverás a caer en semejante empresa… pero, en general, una vez que el niño ya está fuera y lo miras, solo queda amor incondicional por tan trabajoso producto, pese a los muchos fallos que pueda tener. Y es que ¿hay alguna madre que piense que sus hijos son feos? En resumen, la traducción literaria no es una profesión, no da de comer ni se aprende en la academia: es una vocación y un talento. Si no disfrutas con ella, no la ejerzas.

Fuente: La Linterna del Traductor


¿Por dónde empiezo? Escribir un libro sin haber estudiado literatura

Publico este artículo para contestar a un comentario que he recibido y que me ha hecho reflexionar. El comentario de esta persona toca varios puntos […]



What we know and do not know about video games as marketers: a review and synthesis of the literature

The video game industry (VGI) has evolved considerably, transitioning from a niche market to a substantial sector. The VGI's magnitude and the societal implications tied to video game consumption have naturally piqued the interest of scholars in marketing and consumer behaviour. This research serves a dual purpose: firstly, it consolidates existing VG literature by evaluating articles, concepts, and methodologies, systematically tracing their evolution; secondly, it outlines potential directions and implications for forthcoming research. Within this literature, a predominant focus lies on articles investigating purchase decisions concerning VGs, followed by those exploring the integration of video game consumption into broader social contexts. Notably, a limited number of articles delve into player-game interactions and experiences within gaming worlds. This imbalance can be attributed to the fact that such inquiries are often suited to psychology and multidisciplinary journals, while the marketing discipline has predominantly addressed the VGI from a marketing management standpoint.


National ICT policy challenges for developing countries: a grounded theory informed literature review

This paper presents a review of the literature on the challenges of national information and communication technology (ICT) policies in the context of African countries. National ICT policies have been aligned with socio-development agendas of African countries. However, the policies have not delivered the expected outcomes due to many challenges. Studies have been conducted in isolation to highlight the challenges in the policy process. The study used grounded theory informed literature review to holistically analyse the problems in the context of African countries. The results were categorised in the typology of the policy process to understand the challenges from a broad perspective. The problems were categorised into agenda setting, policy formulation, legal frameworks, implementation and evaluation. In addition, there were constraints related to policy monitoring in the policy phases and imbalance of power among the policy stakeholders. The review suggests areas of further research.


Mobile wallet payments - a systematic literature review with bibliometric and network visualisation analysis over two decades

The study aims to review the literature on mobile wallet payment and align research trends using a systematic literature review with bibliometric and network visualisation analysis over two decades. It uses bibliometric analysis of the literature research retrieved from the Web of Science database. The study period was from 2001 to 2021, with 1,134 research papers. It also provides the indicators like citation trends, cited reference patterns, authorship patterns, subject areas published on the mobile wallet, top contributing authors, and highly cited research articles using the database. Furthermore, network visualisation analysis, like the co-occurrence of author keywords and keywords plus terms, has also been examined using VOSviewer software. The bibliometric analysis shows that the Republic of China dominates mobile wallet payment, and India is a significant contributor. Furthermore, the constructions of the network map using a co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling shows an interesting pattern of mobile wallet payment.


Mobile Learning, Cognitive Architecture and the Study of Literature


Requirements Elicitation Problems: A Literature Analysis

Requirements elicitation is the process through which analysts determine the software requirements of stakeholders. Requirements elicitation is seldom well done, and an inaccurate or incomplete understanding of user requirements has led to the downfall of many software projects. This paper proposes a classification of problem types that occur in requirements elicitation. The classification has been derived from a literature analysis. Papers reporting on techniques for improving requirements elicitation practice were examined for the problem the technique was designed to address. In each classification the most recent or prominent techniques for ameliorating the problems are presented. The classification allows the requirements engineer to be sensitive to problems as they arise and the educator to structure delivery of requirements elicitation training.


Authentic Assessment Design in Accounting Courses: A Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: Authentic assessments offer students the opportunity to develop skills that implement the formal learning they receive in the classroom. Although there is a need for accounting graduates to possess a plethora of skills to equip them for success, there is a shortage of literature that focuses on authentic assessment design for accounting courses. This paper aims to address this gap by compiling a toolkit for accounting educators aspiring to design and implement authentic assessments. Background: This paper reviews examples of authentic assessments that are available and have been used by accounting educators and educators in general. It highlights the skills that might be developed with each assessment Methodology: A review of 182 articles on authentic assessment design and examples of authentic assessments like portfolios, reflective journals, presentations, reports, peer and self-assessment was conducted. Contribution: A toolkit with examples of authentic assessment to ease the task of authentic assessment design for those new to authentic assessment and seasoned authentic assessment practitioners alike. Findings: Authentic assessments are a form of learning. They help graduates develop skills and attributes that will make them work-ready and capable of handling a lot of real life practical work situations. Rubrics are an important part of authentic assessment implementation and their use is mandated by business school accrediting bodies like AACSB. Recommendations for Practitioners: Accounting educators may find guidelines in this paper which will help them understand authentic assessments and enlighten them on the challenges they may encounter when implementing the assessments. Recommendation for Researchers: There is a need for future researchers to contribute more to this topic so as to increase the variety and amount of literature available for those wishing to engage with authentic curriculum design in accounting. Future researchers could also focus on the perceptions of authentic assessments of accounting educators, students and employers. Impact on Society: This paper may also be of use to prospective employers wishing to gain a clear understanding of the skills inherent in prospective graduates who may have been exposed to authentic assessments. Accounting students and graduates may find this paper useful as it will help them comprehend the importance of some the assessments with the backing and assurance from the literature. Future Research: Future research may focus on the challenges in implementing authentic assessments. It would also be great to see more research addressing the perceptions of educators towards authentic assessments.


The Role of the Discipline of Information Technology: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose. The goal of this publication is to explore methods for advancing student success in technology related disciplines via improved program classification and selection within higher education. Background. Increased demand for information technology (IT) professionals has been cited as a challenge in many fields including cybersecurity and software development. Many highlight the challenge as not just a numbers gap but a skills gap when comparing industry needs to the curricula in traditional disciplines within higher education. Closing the gap by increasing the number of skilled graduates remains a critical challenge we must address. Methodology. This publication leverages a systematic literature review to identify factors that classify existing higher education programs within the discipline of information technology. Contribution. Research in this area can act as a catalyst to increase relevance of IT related programs as well as graduation rates in technology and engineering. Findings. Authors analyzed forty-four primary studies and found that 56.8% of the publications referenced programs that meet the IT framework definition although they were not classified as IT programs. The findings and further analysis highlight direct challenges between program classification and the potential impact on student success. Recommendations for Practitioners. Research in this area is relevant for academic administrators, private sector executives and others working to increase the technology pipeline. Recommendations for Researchers. Researchers may benefit by exploring thematic analysis as a means of generating relevant classifications and taxonomies that highlight opportunities for improvement in a broad set of subject areas. Impact on Society. Research in this area can serve as a catalyst to increase graduation rates in programs related to technology and engineering. Future Research. This area would benefit from further research by comparing program success rates within varied disciplines. Future research may also produce a classification process.


The Academic Discipline of Information Technology: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose. This paper aims to answer the research question, “What are the development phases of the academic discipline of information technology in the United States?” This is important to understand the reason for the growing talent gap in the information technology (IT) industry by reviewing the evolution of information technology across time, how the discipline was formed, evolved, and gained independence from other information and computing disciplines. Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the shortage of IT professionals in the workplace. The root reason for this talent shortage requires understanding from both industry and academic perspectives in order to implement effective initiatives to prepare, recruit, and retain diverse IT professionals at an early stage. Methodology. This paper used a systematic literature review methodology and retrieved 143 primary studies from the ACM and IEEE Xplore digital libraries to review the development phases of the IT discipline as a contributing factor in understanding why, when, and how the population of professionals in IT and other relevant computing disciplines has changed and continues to fluctuate. Thematic analysis was applied to the abstracts of the primary studies, which spanned the period of 1982 to 2021. Contribution. This paper contributes to the understanding of the discipline of IT in the US and contributes foundations to researchers and educators who are working on strategies to fill the talent gap. Findings. Based on the thematic analysis in this paper, the academic discipline of IT has evolved over four phases across a timeline from 1982 to 2021. These phases were: Phase 1 (1982-1991) – Advent of Information Technology; Phase 2 (1992-2001) – Industry IT & DevOps; Phase 3 (2002-2011) – Information Technology and Management in Evolving Industry, Academia, and Research Areas; and Phase 4 (2011-2021) – Information Technology Research & Education. Recommendations for Practitioners. IT occupies an independent disciplinary space from computer science, computer engineering, and information systems. The paper suggests that practitioners seeking to fill the talent gap in IT invest in enabling its academic programs. Recommendations for Researchers. The depth of the IT disciplinary space and its continued evolution over time is ready for exploration. Continued research in this area may yield a better understanding of its role in society, the skills needed to succeed, and how to build programs to empower students with these skills. Impact on Society. Examining the discipline of IT and understanding its independence and interrelated connection with other computing disciplines will help address the shortfalls in academia across the nation by identifying the distinction between each discipline and creating comprehensive programs, degrees, and curricula suitable for various students and professionals across all educational levels. Future Research. Future research will integrate papers’ introductions and conclusions in addition to abstracts, increase the number of databases and reviewers, as well as incorporate papers that focus on other information and computing disciplines such as computer science and information systems to explore the possibility that IT as a discipline was initially practiced in an existing information or computing discipline before it gained independence.


Evolution of Information Technology in Industry: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose. This study addresses the research question: “What are the developmental phases of Information Technology in the industry?” Existing research has explored the impact of Information Technology (IT) on specific industries. However, it is essential to understand the evolution of IT within industries, its influence on the workforce, and technological advancements. Addressing this knowledge gap will enhance future workforce development and IT integration across diverse sectors. Background. IT can significantly transform industries and drive innovation to meet client demands. Understanding IT phases in industry through literature helps governments and businesses worldwide recognize its importance. This knowledge can guide strategies to address the shortage of highly skilled workers by prioritizing education and training programs to meet future demands. Methodology The methodology involved a systematic literature review of 110 IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and Google Scholar articles. Thematic analysis was used to understand the development of IT in distinct phases since the 1990s. This development has resulted in a continuous demand for new workforce skills and evolving customer expectations. Contribution. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap by enhancing our understanding of how evolving IT influences the industry and shapes IT jobs and skills. It provides a historical perspective, illustrating how IT advancements have led to new applications to meet changing needs. Additionally, the study identifies patterns in the evolving IT skill requirements due to technological advancements and discusses implications for curriculum development and higher education. Findings. The study identified three significant phases through a systematic literature review and thematic analysis. The first phase, “Advent of Industry IT” (1990-2000), established the digital framework and built essential systems and infrastructure. The second phase, “Connectivity & Information Revolution” (2000-2010), saw exponential internet growth, transforming information access and communication. The third phase, “Emerging Industry IT” (2010-present), focuses on artificial intelligence, automation, and data-driven insights, continuing to disrupt and transform industries. Recommendations for Practitioners. The changing phases of IT within the industry should inform the development of innovative programs. These programs should address diverse skill sets across eras, preparing the workforce for evolving job roles in various sectors, such as healthcare in North America, automotive manufacturing in Japan, telecommunications in Africa, and innovations in other parts of the world. Recommendations for Researchers. Researchers can conduct longitudinal studies to explore the ongoing evolution of IT, tracking its trajectory beyond current delineated phases to understand future trends. Comparative studies across various industries can assess how IT evolution varies among sectors and delve deeper into its practical implications. Researchers can also conduct impact assessment studies to determine how various IT phases directly affect organizational strategy, worker dynamics, and organizational structures across industries. Examples include logistics in the Netherlands, retail in the United Kingdom, and agriculture in Brazil. Impact on Society. Policymakers and planners can use knowledge of these phases to predict technological shifts and industry trends. This knowledge helps develop strategies and policies supporting entrepreneurship, education and training alignment, technical innovation, economic growth, and job creation in line with the changing IT landscape. Examples of policies include Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative, Germany’s Industry 4.0 strategy, Ghana’s digitization efforts, and India’s Digital India campaign. Future Research. Future research can provide a thorough understanding of the evolutionary patterns of IT within sectors by validating the study through various datasets and conducting in-depth examinations of individual industries. This will contribute to a deeper understanding of sector-specific IT evolution and their varying impact on societal interactions and industry dynamics. Comparative studies across various sectors, such as logistics in the Netherlands, retail in the United Kingdom, and agriculture in Brazil, can assess how IT evolution varies.


The Impact of IT Evolution on Industries and Workforce Skills: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: To investigate the impact of the evolution of Information Technology on global workforce skills and explore emerging approaches that address the IT talent shortage faced by diverse companies in finding skilled IT workers. Background: This paper explores diverse approaches to bridge the skilled IT workers shortage gap, especially in the context of the widening gap following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study emphasizes the need to consistently leverage business and information technology strategies for competitive advantage. Methodology: This study followed the systematic literature review methodology on 809 articles from ACM, IEEE Xplore, and Scopus digital libraries by utilizing an integrative mixed methods approach with topic modeling and manual content analysis. Contribution: This paper aims to understand and describe the impact of the evolution of the IT industry on its workforce. It contributes additional evidence to our understanding of IT workforce development to support researchers and educators working towards developing effective strategies to bridge the IT talent gap. Findings: On the one hand, the study finds that the evolution of the IT industry produces a shift in required skills and knowledge, resulting in workers needing to adapt and embrace lifelong learning. On the other hand, the evolution of IT creates new opportunities for workers and results in a more globalized and interconnected workforce. Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners are recommended to adapt to the shifting skills landscape, encourage lifelong learning, explore new opportunities for workers, and embrace a more globalized workforce. Recommendations for Researchers: Researchers are encouraged to further explore the identified themes and delve into the nuances of the evolving impact of information technology on workforce skills. Impact on Society: The findings have implications for industry growth, emphasizing the importance of aligning business and IT strategies to address the shortage of skilled IT workers on a global scale. Future Research: Future research should focus on the continuous evolution of information technology and its impact on workforce skills, considering the identified themes as a foundation for further exploration.


Information Technology in Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose. The aim of this study is to recognize the factors that contributed to the development of IT in the healthcare industry. Background. The healthcare Information Technology (IT) solutions market has experienced remarkable growth, with the healthcare sector emerging as a $303 billion industry. However, despite its substantial size, the healthcare industry has faced criticism for its slow adoption of innovative technologies. This study aims to explore factors driving the evolution of IT in the healthcare sector. Methodology. The researchers conducted a systematic literature review, searching the PubMed and Emerald databases for relevant peer-reviewed articles. After filtering based on defined criteria, 433 articles were included for analysis. Thematic analysis was applied to the abstract of articles which spanned the period of 1997 to 2023. Contribution. This study provides a conceptual framework elucidating the key factors driving the evolution of IT in the healthcare industry. By systematically analyzing the existing literature, the research identifies four overarching themes – government policies, technological potentials, healthcare delivery needs, and organizational motivations – that have propelled the development and adoption of healthcare IT solutions. Provide a conceptual model for understanding, and design of the healthcare it solutions. Findings. Based on the analysis in this paper, four themes emerged: government policies promoting IT adoption through initiatives like incentives for electronic health records; technological breakthroughs enabling new healthcare IT capabilities; healthcare delivery needs to drive IT integration for improved quality and safety; and patient experience and organizational motivations to leverage IT for streamlining processes and knowledge management. Recommendations for Practitioners. The conceptual model can guide practitioners in developing IT solutions aligned with policy drivers, technological capabilities, care delivery needs, and organizational imperatives. Recommendations for Researchers. The conceptual framework developed in this study offers a lens for researchers across disciplines to continue investigating the role of information technology in the healthcare industry. Impact on Society. Examining the evolution of IT in the healthcare industry revealed the importance of information technology in enhancing the delivery and affordability of healthcare services and addressing issues of accessibility and inequality. Future Research. Future research will explore global perspectives showcasing the successful impact of IT on healthcare, as emerging technologies impact healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.


A Systematic Literature Review of Agile Maturity Model Research

Background/Aim/Purpose: A commonly implemented software process improvement framework is the capability maturity model integrated (CMMI). Existing literature indicates higher levels of CMMI maturity could result in a loss of agility due to its organizational focus. To maintain agility, research has focussed attention on agile maturity models. The objective of this paper is to find the common research themes and conclusions in agile maturity model research. Methodology: This research adopts a systematic approach to agile maturity model research, using Google Scholar, Science Direct, and IEEE Xplore as sources. In total 531 articles were initially found matching the search criteria, which was filtered to 39 articles by applying specific exclusion criteria. Contribution:: The article highlights the trends in agile maturity model research, specifically bringing to light the lack of research providing validation of such models. Findings: Two major themes emerge, being the coexistence of agile and CMMI and the development of agile principle based maturity models. The research trend indicates an increase in agile maturity model articles, particularly in the latter half of the last decade, with concentrations of research coinciding with version updates of CMMI. While there is general consensus around higher CMMI maturity levels being incompatible with true agility, there is evidence of the two coexisting when agile is introduced into already highly matured environments. Future Research: Future research direction for this topic should include how to attain higher levels of CMMI maturity using only agile methods, how governance is addressed in agile environments, and whether existing agile maturity models relate to improved project success.


Text Classification Techniques: A Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze various text classification techniques employed in practice, their strengths and weaknesses, to provide an improved awareness regarding various knowledge extraction possibilities in the field of data mining. Background: Artificial Intelligence is reshaping text classification techniques to better acquire knowledge. However, in spite of the growth and spread of AI in all fields of research, its role with respect to text mining is not well understood yet. Methodology: For this study, various articles written between 2010 and 2017 on “text classification techniques in AI”, selected from leading journals of computer science, were analyzed. Each article was completely read. The research problems related to text classification techniques in the field of AI were identified and techniques were grouped according to the algorithms involved. These algorithms were divided based on the learning procedure used. Finally, the findings were plotted as a tree structure for visualizing the relationship between learning procedures and algorithms. Contribution: This paper identifies the strengths, limitations, and current research trends in text classification in an advanced field like AI. This knowledge is crucial for data scientists. They could utilize the findings of this study to devise customized data models. It also helps the industry to understand the operational efficiency of text mining techniques. It further contributes to reducing the cost of the projects and supports effective decision making. Findings: It has been found more important to study and understand the nature of data before proceeding into mining. The automation of text classification process is required, with the increasing amount of data and need for accuracy. Another interesting research opportunity lies in building intricate text data models with deep learning systems. It has the ability to execute complex Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks with semantic requirements. Recommendations for Practitioners: Frame analysis, deception detection, narrative science where data expresses a story, healthcare applications to diagnose illnesses and conversation analysis are some of the recommendations suggested for practitioners. Recommendation for Researchers: Developing simpler algorithms in terms of coding and implementation, better approaches for knowledge distillation, multilingual text refining, domain knowledge integration, subjectivity detection, and contrastive viewpoint summarization are some of the areas that could be explored by researchers. Impact on Society: Text classification forms the base of data analytics and acts as the engine behind knowledge discovery. It supports state-of-the-art decision making, for example, predicting an event before it actually occurs, classifying a transaction as ‘Fraudulent’ etc. The results of this study could be used for developing applications dedicated to assisting decision making processes. These informed decisions will help to optimize resources and maximize benefits to the mankind. Future Research: In the future, better methods for parameter optimization will be identified by selecting better parameters that reflects effective knowledge discovery. The role of streaming data processing is still rarely explored when it comes to text classification.


The Roles of Knowledge Management and Cooperation in Determining Company Innovation Capability: A Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop a research model derived from relevant literature to guide empirical efforts. Background: Companies struggle to innovate, which is essential for improving their performance, surviving in competition, and growing. A number of studies have discussed company innovation capability, stating that innovation capability is influenced by several variables such as cooperation and knowledge management. Therefore, further research is necessary to identify factors playing a role in enhancing innovation capability. Methodology: This study is based on systematic literature review. The stages are: (1) research scope review, (2) comprehensive online research, (3) journal quality assessment, (4) data extraction from journals, (5) journal synthesis, and (6) comprehensive report. The online research used Google Scholar database, by browsing titles, abstracts, and keywords to locate empirical research studies in peer-reviewed journals published in 2010-2020. Furthermore, 62 related articles were found, of which 38 articles were excluded from further analysis and 24 articles were selected because they were more related to the topic. Contribution: The results of this study enrich the research in the field of knowledge management, cooperation, and innovation capability by developing a conceptual framework of innovation capability. The proposed theoretical model may be fundamental in addressing the need of a research model to guide further empirical efforts. Findings: This study provides a research model derived from systematically reviewing relevant literature. The proposed theoretical model was done by incorporating the aspects of knowledge management, cooperation, and innovation capability. The model shows that knowledge management and cooperation are essential aspects of innovation capability. Furthermore, this study also provides the dimensions and sub dimensions of each variable that was established after synthesizing the literature review. Recommendations for Practitioners: Business practitioners can use the identified predictors of innovation capability and the dimensions of each variable to explore their company’s innovation capability. They can also take the relevant variables into consideration when making policies regarding innovation. Recommendation for Researchers: The theoretical model proposed in this study needs validation with further empirical investigation. Impact on Society: Readers of this paper can obtain an understanding that knowledge management and cooperation are essential aspects to consider in enhancing innovation capability. Future Research: Future studies should explore other dimensions of knowledge management and cooperation through alternative approaches and perspectives.


A Systematic Literature Review of Business Intelligence Framework for Tourism Organizations: Functions and Issues

Aim/Purpose: The main goal of this systematic literature review was to look for studies that provide information relevant to business intelligence’s (BI) framework development and implementation in the tourism sector. This paper tries to classify the tourism sectors where BI is implemented, group various BI functionalities, and identify common problems encountered by previous research. Background: There has been an increased need for BI implementation to support decision-making in the tourism sector. Tourism stakeholders such as management of destination, accommodation, transportation, and public administration need a guideline to understand functional requirements before implementation. This paper addresses the problem by comprehensively reviewing the functionalities and issues that need to be considered based on previous business intelligence framework development and implementation in tourism sectors. Methodology: We have conducted a systematic literature review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Guidelines for Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. The search is conducted using online academic database platforms, resulting in 543 initial articles published from 2002 to 2022. Contribution: The paper could be of interest to relevant stakeholders in the tourism industry because it provides an overview of the capabilities and limitations of business intelligence for tourism. To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify and classify the BI functionalities needed for tourism sectors and implementation issues related to organizations, people, and technologies that need to be considered. Findings: BI functionalities identified in this study include basic functions such as data analysis, reports, dashboards, data visualization, performance metrics, and key performance indicator, and advanced functions such as predictive analytics, trend indicators, strategic planning tools, profitability analysis, benchmarking, budgeting, and forecasting. When implementing BI, the issues that need to be considered include organizational, people and process, and technological issues. Recommendations for Practitioners: As data is a major issue in BI implementation, tourism stakeholders, especially in developing countries, may need to build a tourism data center or centralized coordination regulated by the government. They can implement basic functions first before implementing more advanced features later. Recommendation for Researchers: We recommend further studying the BI implementation barriers by employing a perspective of an adoption framework such as the technology, organization, and environment (TOE) framework. Impact on Society: This research has a potential impact on improving the tourism industry’s performance by providing insight to stakeholders about what is needed to help them make more accurate decisions using business intelligence. Future Research: Future research may involve collaboration between practitioners and academics in developing various BI architectures specific to each tourism industry, such as destination management, hospitality, or transportation.


The International Case for Micro-Credentials for Life-Wide And Life-Long Learning: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: Systematic literature reviews seek to locate all studies that contain material of relevance to a research question and to synthesize the relevant outcomes of those studies. The primary aim of this paper was to synthesize both research and practice reports on micro-credentials (MCRs). Background: There has been an increase in reports and research on the plausibility of MCRs to support dynamic human skills development for an increasingly impatient and rapidly changing digital world. The integration of fast-paced emerging technologies and digitalization necessitate alternative learning paradigms. MCRs offer time, financial, and space flexibility and can be stacked into a larger qualification, thereby allowing for a broader range of transdisciplinary competencies within a qualification. However, MCRs often lack the academic rigor required for accreditation within existing disciplines. Methodology: The study followed the PRISMA framework (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses), which offers a rigorous method to enhance reporting quality. The study used both academic research and practice reports. Contribution: The paper makes a theoretical contribution to the discourse about the need for innovation within existing educational paradigms for continued relevance in a changing world. It also contributes to the debate on the role of MCRs in bridging the gap between practice and academia despite the growing difference between their interests, and the role that MCRs play in the social-economic plans of countries. Findings: The key findings are that investments in MCRs are mainly in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Education sectors, and have taken place mainly in high-income countries and regions – contexts that particularly value practice-accredited MCRs. Low-income countries, by contrast, remain traditional and insist on MCRs that are formally accredited by a recognized academic institution. This contributes to a widening skills gap between low- and high-income countries or regions, which results in greater global disparities. There is also a growing divide between academia and practice concerning their interest in MCRs (a reflection of the rigor versus relevance debate), which partially explains why many global and larger organizations have gone on to create their own learning institutions. Recommendations for Practitioners: We recommend that educational mechanisms consider the critical importance of MCRs as part of innovative efforts for life-wide (different sectors) and life-long (same sector) learning, especially in low-income countries. MCRs provide dynamic mechanisms to fill skills gaps in an increasing ruthless international battle for talent. Recommendation for Researchers: We recommend focused research into skills and career pathways using MCRs while at the same time remaining responsive to transdisciplinary efforts and sensitive to global and local changes within any sector. Impact on Society: Work and society have transformed over time, and more so in the new digital age, yet academia has been slow in adapting to the changes, forcing organizations to create their own learning institutions or to use MCRs to fill the skills gap. The purpose of education goes beyond preparing individuals for work, extending further to creating an environment where individuals and governments seek their own social and economic outcomes. MCRs provide a flexible means for co-creation between individuals, education, organizations, and government that could stem global rising unemployment, social exclusion, and redundancy. Future Research: Future research should focus on the co-creation of MCRs between practitioners and academia.


Determinants of Knowledge Transfer for Information Technology Project Managers: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the key determinants hindering Knowledge Transfer (KT) practices for Information Technology Project Managers (ITPMs) Background: The failure rate of IT projects remains unacceptably high worldwide, and KT between project managers and team members has been recognized as a significant issue affecting project success. Therefore, this study tries to identify the determinants of KT within the context of IT projects for ITPMs. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature (SLR) was employed in the investigation. The SLR found 28 primary studies on KT for ITPMs that were published in Scopus and Web of Science databases between 2010 and 2023. Contribution: Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) was used to build a theoretical framework where the determinants were categorized into Personal factors, Environmental (Project organizational) factors, and other factors, such as Technological factors influencing ITPMs (Behavioral factors), to implement in KT practices. Findings: The review identified 11 key determinants categorized into three broad categories: Personal factors (i.e., motivation, absorptive capability, trust, time urgency), Project Organizational factors (i.e., team structure, leadership style, reward system, organizational culture, communication), and Technological factors (i.e., project task collaboration tool and IT infrastructure and support) that influence implementing KT for ITPMs Recommendations for Practitioners: The proposed framework in this paper can be used by project managers as a guide to adopt KT practices within their project organization. Recommendation for Researchers: The review showed that some determinants, such as Technological factors, have not been adequately explored in the existing KT model in the IT projects context and can be integrated with other relevant theories to understand how a project manager’s knowledge can be transferred and retained in the organization using technology in future research. Impact on Society: This study emphasizes the role of individual actions and project organizational and technological matters in shaping the efficacy of KT within project organizations. It offers insight that could steer business owners or executives within project organizations to closely observe the behavior of project managers, thereby securing successful project outcomes. Future Research: The determinant list provided in this paper is acquired from extensive SLR and, therefore, further research should aim to expand and deepen the investigation by validating these determinants from experts in the field of IT and project management. Future studies can also add other external technological determinants to provide a more comprehensive KT implementation framework. Similarly, this research does not include determinants identified directly from the industry, as it relies solely on determinants found in the existing literature. Although a comprehensive attempt has been made to encompass all relevant papers, there remains a potential for overlooking some research in this process.


Maternal Recommender System Systematic Literature Review: State of the Art and Future Studies

Aim/Purpose: This paper illustrates the potential of health recommender systems (HRS) to support and enhance maternal care. The study aims to explore the recent implementations of maternal HRS and to discover the challenges of the implementations. Background: The sustainable development goals (SDG) aim to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. However, progress is uneven between countries, with primary causes being severe bleeding, infections, high blood pressure, and failed abortions. Regular antenatal care (ANC) visits are crucial for detecting and managing complications, such as hypertensive illnesses, anemia, and gestational diabetes mellitus. Utilizing maternal evaluations during ANC visits can help identify and treat problems early, lowering morbidity and death rates for both mothers and fetuses. Technology-enabled daily health recording can help monitor pregnancy by providing actionable guides to patients and health workers based on patient status. Methodology: A systematic literature review was conducted using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) to identify maternal HRS reported in studies between November 2022 and December 2022. Information was subsequently extracted to understand the potential benefits of maternal HRS. Titles and abstracts of 1,851 studies were screened for the full-text screening, in which two reviewers independently selected articles and systematically extracted data using a predefined extraction form. Contribution: This study adds to the explorations of the challenges of implementing HRS for maternal care. This study also emphasizes the significance of explainability, data-driven methodologies, automation, and the necessity for integration and interoperability in the creation and deployment of health recommendation systems for maternity care. Findings: The majority of maternal HRS use a knowledge-based (constraint-based) ap-proach with more than half of the studies generating recommendations based on rules defined by experts or available guidelines. We also derived four types of interfaces that can be used for delivering recommendations. Moreover, patient health records as data sources can hold data from patients’ or health workers’ input or directly from the measurement devices. Finally, the number of studies in the pilot or demonstration stage is twice that in the sustained stages. We also discovered crucial challenges where the explainability of the methods was needed to ensure trustworthiness, comprehensibility, and effective enhancement of the decision-making process. Automatic data collection was also required to avoid complexity and reduce workload. Other obstacles were also identified where data integration between systems should be established and decent connectivity must be provided so that complete services can be admin-istered. Lastly, sustainable operations would depend on the availability of standards for integration and interoperability as well as sufficient financial sup-port. Recommendations for Practitioners: Developers of maternal HRS should consider including the system in the main healthcare system, providing connectivity, and automation to deliver better service and prevent maternal risks. Regulations should also be established to support the scale-up. Recommendation for Researchers: Further research is needed to do a thorough comparison of the recommendation techniques used in maternal HRS. Researchers are also recommended to explore more on this topic by adding more research questions. Impact on Society: This study highlights the lack of sustainability studies, the potential for scaling up, and the necessity for a comprehensive strategy to integrate the maternal recommender system into the larger maternal healthcare system. Researchers can enhance and improve health recommendation systems for maternity care by focusing on these areas, which will ultimately increase their efficacy and facilitate clinical practice integration. Future Research: Additional research can concentrate on creating and assessing methods to increase the explainability and interpretability of data-driven health recommender systems and integrating automatic measurement into the traditional health recommender system to enhance the anticipated outcome of antenatal care. Comparative research can also be done to assess how well various models or algorithms utilized in these systems function. Future research can also examine creative solutions to address resource, infrastructure, and technological constraints, such as connectivity and automation to help address the shortage of medical personnel in remote areas, as well as define tactics for long-term sustainability and integration into current healthcare systems.


Unveiling Roadblocks and Mapping Solutions for Blockchain Adoption by Governments: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: Blockchain technology (BCT) has emerged as a potential catalyst for transforming government institutions and services, yet the adoption of blockchain in governments faces various challenges, for which previous studies have yet to provide practical solutions. Background: This study aims to identify and analyse barriers, potential solutions, and their relations in implementing BC for governments through a systematic literature review (SLR). The authors grouped the challenges based on the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework while exercising a thematic grouping for the solutions, followed by a comprehensive mapping to unveil the relationship between challenges and solutions. Methodology: This study employs the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 methodology, combined with the tollgate method, to improve the quality of selected articles. The authors further administer a three-level approach (open coding, axial coding, and selective coding) to analyse the challenges and solutions from the articles. Contribution: The authors argue that this study enriches the existing literature on BC adoption, particularly in the government context, by providing a comprehensive framework to analyse and address the unique challenges and solutions, thus contributing to the development of new theories and models for future research in BC adoption in government settings and fostering deeper exploration in the field. Findings: The authors have unveiled 40 adoption challenges categorised using the TOE framework. The most prevalent technological challenges include security concerns and integration & interoperability, while cultural resistance, lack of support and involvement, and employees’ capability hinder adoption at the organisational level. Notably, the environmental dimension lacks legal and standard frameworks. The study further unveils 28 potential solutions, encompassing legal frameworks, security and privacy measures, collaboration and governance, technological readiness and infrastructure, and strategic planning and adoption. The authors of the study have further mapped the solutions to the identified challenges, revealing that the establishment of legal frameworks stands out as the most comprehensive solution. Recommendations for Practitioners: Our findings provide a big picture regarding BC adoption for governments around the globe. This study charts the problems commonly encountered by government agencies and presents proven solutions in their wake. The authors endeavour practitioners, particularly those in governments, to embrace our findings as the cornerstone of BC/BCT adoption. These insights can aid practitioners in identifying existing or potential obstacles in adopting BC, pinpointing success factors, and formulating strategies tailored to their organisations. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers could extend this study by making an in-depth analysis of challenges or solutions in specific types of countries, such as developed and developing countries, as the authors believe this approach would yield more insights. Researchers could also test, validate, and verify the mapping in this study to improve the quality of the study further and thus can be a great aid for governments to adopt BC/BCT fully. Impact on Society: This study provides a comprehensive exploration of BC adoption in the government context, offering detailed explanations and valuable insights that hold significant value for government policymakers and decision-makers, serving as a bedrock for successful implementation by addressing roadblocks and emphasising the importance of establishing a supportive culture and structure, engaging stakeholders, and addressing security and privacy concerns, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of BC adoption in government institutions and services. Future Research: Future research should address the limitations identified in this study by expanding the scope of the literature search to include previously inaccessible sources and exploring alternative frameworks to capture dynamic changes and contextual factors in BC adoption. Additionally, rigorous scrutiny, review, and testing are essential to establish the practical and theoretical validity of the identified solutions, while in-depth analyses of country-specific and regional challenges will provide valuable insights into the unique considerations faced by different governments.


Barriers of Agile Requirements Engineering in the Public Sector: A Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: The objective of this study is to summarize the challenges of Agile Requirements Engineering (Agile RE) in the public sector in republican and constitutional monarchy nations. Additionally, it offers recommendations to address these challenges. Background: Failure of IT projects in the public sector results in financial losses for the state and loss of public trust, often attributed to issues in requirements engineering such as prioritization of user needs and excessive scope of requirements. IT projects can have a higher success rate with Agile RE, but there are also drawbacks. Therefore, this study holds significance by presenting a thorough framework designed to pinpoint and overcome the challenges associated with Agile RE to increase the success rate of IT projects. Methodology: This study employs a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) protocol in the field of software engineering or related domains, which consists of three main phases: planning the review, conducting the review with a snowballing approach, and reporting the review. Furthermore, the authors perform open coding to categorize challenges based on the Agile methodologies adoption factor model and axial coding to map potential solutions. Contribution: The authors assert that this research enriches the existing literature on Agile RE, specifically within the public sector context, by mapping out challenges and possible solutions that contribute to creating a foundation for future studies to conduct a more in-depth analysis of Agile adoption in the public sector. Furthermore, it compares the barriers of Agile RE in the public sector with the general context, leading to the discovery of new theories specifically for this field. Findings: Most challenges related to Agile RE in the public sector are found in the people and process aspects. Project and organizational-related are subsequent aspects. Therefore, handling people and processes proficiently is imperative within Agile RE to prevent project failure. Recommendations for Practitioners: Our findings offer a comprehensive view of Agile RE in the public sector in republican and constitutional monarchy nations. This study maps the challenges encountered by the public sector and provides potential solutions. The authors encourage practitioners to consider our findings as a foundation for adopting Agile methodology in the public sector. Furthermore, this study can assist practitioners in identifying existing barriers related to Agile RE, pinpointing elements that contribute to overcoming those challenges, and developing strategies based on the specific needs of the organizations. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers have the potential to expand the scope of this study by conducting research in other countries, especially African countries, as this study has not yet encompassed this geographic region. Additionally, they can strengthen the evidence linking Agile RE challenges to the risk of Agile project failure by performing empirical validation in a specific country. Impact on Society: This research conducts a comprehensive exploration of Agile RE within the public sector, serving as a foundation for the successful adoption of Agile methodology by overcoming obstacles related to Agile RE. This study highlights the importance of managing people, processes, projects, and organizational elements to increase the success of Agile adoption in the public sector. Future Research: In the future, researchers should work towards resolving the limitations identified in this study. This study has not provided a clear prioritization of challenges and solutions according to their significance. Therefore, future researchers can perform a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (F-AHP) to prioritize the proposed solutions.


Why Learners Choose Plagiarism: A Review of Literature


A Systems Approach to Conduct an Effective Literature Review in Support of Information Systems Research


On Categorizing the IS Research Literature: User Oriented Perspective


Digital Means for Reducing Digital Inequality: Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to identify the possibilities for reducing the second and third levels of the digital divide (or inequality) through conscious application of digital technologies, especially through the promotion of digital means for information, enlightenment, and entertainment. Background: This article reviews studies carried out between 2000 and 2017, which investigate the social benefits of digital technology use for disadvantaged user groups and, especially, of their outcomes in terms of increasing digital skills and motivation to use information and communication technologies. Methodology: The literature review of the selected texts was carried out using thematic content analysis. The coding scheme was open but based on the theory of three levels of digital divide by van Dijk. Contribution: The results of the analysis show the difficulties related to the attempts of reducing the digital divide on the second and third level using only digital interventions, but also reveal the potential of these interventions. Findings: The literature review confirms the connection of different levels of digital divide with other relational and structural inequalities. It provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of digital interventions aimed at the reduction of digital inequalities. Their success depends on the consideration of the context and participants needs as well as on carefully planned strategies. The paper summarizes and demonstrates the shortcomings and limitations of poorly designed interventions in reducing the digital divide but emphasizes the possibilities of raising the motivation and benefits for the participants of strategically planned and implemented projects. Recommendations for Practitioners: While planning a digital intervention with the aim of reducing digital inequalities, it is necessary to assess carefully the context and the needs of participants. Educational interventions should be based on suitable didactic and learning strategies. Recommendation for Researchers: More research is needed into the factors that increase the effectiveness of digital interventions aimed at reducing the digital divide. Future Research: We will apply the findings of this literature review in an intervention in the context of Lithuanian towns of different sizes.


Effective Selection of Quality Literature During a Systematic Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: Although a literature review is the fundamental base for any research, it is often considered tedious and conducted with a lack of methodology and rigor. The paper presents a method for systematically searching and screening literature using modern search technologies. The method focuses on minimizing the amount of manual screening by employing the references among papers. Background: A method to select quality literature effectively using modern search technologies is presented and evaluated. Methodology: The method starts with a keywords search in which the most suitable keywords are identified. In the backward search, promising resources are collected based on the keywords and their reference sections are searched for duplicates to find often cited basic literature. Then, the forward search identifies current literature that cites the basic sources. Contribution: Modern search technologies have the potential to improve the effectiveness of the use of information channels significantly and thus of traditional literature searches. Findings: The selection method was applied to the field of literature review itself and to the field of functional modelling. In both cases, relevant literature was identified within a surprisingly short time. Recommendation for Researchers: Literature reviews should be done systematically by using modern search technologies. Future Research: The presented method may be adapted according to the evolution of search technologies. The tool support for the automated extraction of references should be improved and a quantitative evaluation of the method in comparison to traditional reviews may foster the findings.


Organizing Information Obtained From Literature Reviews – A Framework for Information System Area Researchers

Aim/Purpose: A literature review is often criticized for the absence of coherent construction, synthesis of topics, and well-reasoned analysis. A framework is needed for novice researchers to organize and present information obtained from the literature review. Background: Information and communication technologies advancement have yielded overwhelming information. The massive availability of information poses several challenges, including storage, processing, meaningful organization, and presentation for future consumption. Information System Researchers have developed frameworks, guidelines, and tools for gathering, filtering, processing, storing, and organizing information. Interestingly, information system researchers have vast information that needs meaningful organization and presentation to the research fraternity while conducting a literature review on a research topic. Methodology: This paper describes a framework called LACTiC (Location, Author, Continuum, Time, and Category) that we adapted from another framework called LATCH (Location, Alphabetical, Time, Category, and Hierarchy). LATCH was used to organize and present information on e-commerce websites for seamless navigation. We evaluated the LACTiC framework. Contribution: Information System Researchers can use the LACTiC framework to organize information obtained from literature review. Findings: The evaluation reveals that most researchers from information systems organize information obtained from the literature review category-wise, followed by continuum, author, time, and location. Recommendation for Researchers: Overall, the framework works well and can be helpful for researchers for an initial idea for organizing information obtained from the literature review. Future Research: To conceptualize the framework, the study was carried out using Information Systems related literature. To generalize the proposed framework, we may suggest that the study can be extended to other areas of business management, such as marketing, finance, operation, decision sciences, accounting, and economics.


Leadership in Face-to-Face and Virtual Teams: A Systematic Literature Review on Hybrid Teams Management

Aim/Purpose: The rise of virtual communication technologies and hybrid work contexts has brought significant changes to leadership dynamics, highlighting the need for effective management of teams operating in both face-to-face and virtual settings, known as hybrid teams. Background: This systematic review examines leadership models utilized in face-to-face and virtual teams, factors contributing to leadership emergence in these contexts, and effective strategies for leading hybrid teams. Methodology: In this study, three scientific databases were searched, resulting in the retrieval of 1,707 studies. These studies were then subjected to a review process following the PRISMA guidelines, ultimately leading to the inclusion of 15 research contributions in the final review. Contribution: Given the results, key strategies for practitioners include the development of strong communication skills, providing constructive feedback, and implementing efficient remote management techniques. Findings: The findings emphasize three prominent leadership models – transformational leadership, leader-member exchange (LMX), and shared leadership – all of which play crucial roles in hybrid team settings. Personality factors drive leadership emergence in face-to-face settings, while virtual settings benefit more from task-related behaviors. Recommendation for Researchers: This review informs researchers seeking to enhance leadership efficacy in modern group settings, aiding leaders in navigating the complexities of hybrid team environments.


Artificial intelligence to automate the systematic review of scientific literature from Computing

The study shows that artificial intelligence (AI) has become highly important in contemporary computing because of its capacity to efficiently tackle intricate jobs that were typically carried out by people. The authors provide scientific literature that analyzes and


New life for old data: Integrating and visualizing primary biodiversity data from prospective and legacy taxonomic literature

XML markup of taxonomic research and specimen data is a valuable tool for structuring the incessantly accumulating biodiversity knowledge. It allows for the opportunity to collectively use the currently fragmented information for more detailed analysis.

A new research paper, published in theBiodiversity Data Journal, demonstrates how XML markup using GoldenGATE can address the challenges presented by unstructured legacy data, like those presented in the widely used PDF format. The paper demonstrates how structured primary biodiversity data can be extracted from such legacy sources and aggregated with and jointly queried with data from other Darwin Core-compatible sources, to present a visualization of these data that can communicate key information contained in biodiversity literature.

Specimen data in taxonomic literature are among the highest quality primary biodiversity data. Innovative cybertaxonomic journals such as the Biodiversity Data Journal are using workflows that preserve the data's structure and semantic specificity and disseminate electronic content to aggregators and other users that makes these data reusable.

Such structure however is lost in traditional taxonomic publishing and currently, access to that resource is cumbersome, especially for non-specialist data consumers.

The question is: how do you manage this vast distributed repository of knowledge about biodiversity to make it easily available reusable for future research?

To answer this challenge this project queried XML structured articles published in Biodiversity Data Journal along with historical taxonomic literature marked up using GoldenGATE, and represents the results as a series of standard charts. XML structured documents are maintained by the Swiss NGO Plazi and are freely available online.

In such form, data associated with specimens becomes much more valuable as it can reveal key information about a particular species, and even about the scientists who investigate them. Charts indicate at a glance, for example, what time of year and elevation range a species is likely to be found at, useful information if you want to search for it in the field.

Our accumulated biodiversity knowledge includes an estimated 2-3 billion specimens in natural history collections and 500 million pages of printed text. These are the data we need to answer questions that are relevant to our world today, like setting conservation priorities and anticipating the effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions that affect the lives of people.

"In short, we have half a billion pages worth of biodiversity knowledge and are just learning how to query it. The real power comes when data from many articles are combined, queried, and reused for new purposes. Potential applications span the scientific, policy, and public spheres. When we all have better access to the information that already exists in the global corpus of biodiversity literature, this helps us do a better job of exploring what we don't know and wisely applying what we do." explains the lead author Dr Jeremy Miller, Naturalis Biodiversity Center.


This project was supported by pro-iBiosphere and EU BON, two FP-7 (European Union Seventh Framework Programme, 2007-2013) grants (No 312848 and 308454).

Original source:

Miller J, Agosti D, Penev L, Sautter G, Georgiev T, Catapano T, Patterson D, King D, Pereira S, Vos R, Sierra S (2015) Integrating and visualizing primary data from prospective and legacy taxonomic literature. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5063. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e5063



Corrected data re-harvested: curating literature in the era of networked biodiversity informatics


Integrating and visualizing primary data from prospective and legacy taxonomic literature


Trapped Mobility: a theoretical framework and literature review focusing on displaced youth at the borders between the Global South and Global North.

Children's Geographies; 02/01/2022
(AN 154441555); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Application of the COM-B model to the correlates of children's outdoor playing and the potential role of digital interventions: a systematic literature review.

Children's Geographies; 06/01/2023
(AN 164286253); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Designing public playgrounds for inclusion: a scoping review of grey literature guidelines for Universal Design.

Children's Geographies; 06/01/2023
(AN 164286252); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Organizational Change in the Nonprofit Context: A Scoping Review of the Literature

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Ahead of Print. This scoping review takes stock of the landscape of organizational change research in the nonprofit context. Focusing on research published in leading peer-reviewed journals in nonprofit and civil society studies, we extracted 111 published articles from 1973 to 2019. Our findings provide a comprehensive overview of the […]

The post Organizational Change in the Nonprofit Context: A Scoping Review of the Literature was curated by information for practice.

  • Meta-analyses - Systematic Reviews


Author Han Kang Wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature

[Culture] :
South Korean author Han Kang has won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature. The Swedish Academy made the announcement Thursday, making Han the second South Korean ever to win a Nobel Prize and the first to attain the honor in literature. The academy said it was awarding Han the prize “for her intense poetic ...



Nobel Literature Prize Goes to S. Korean Han Kang for "Intense Poetic Prose"

[Culture] :
Anchor: South Korean author Han Kang has won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature. The Swedish Academy made the announcement Thursday, and Han became the second South Korean ever to win a Nobel Prize and the first to attain the honor in literature. Kim Bum-soo has more.   Report: South Korean writer Han ...



Celebrating Black History Month: From Litigation to Literature

As February comes to a close, we end our celebration of Black History Month with a podcast featuring Littler attorneys and authors in honor of this year’s theme “African Americans and the Arts.” Littler attorney Karimah Lamar, has a thought-provoking conversation with fellow Littler attorneys Michael Wilder and Tiffany Obeng, who share their journey to becoming published authors and the influence it has had on their careers.


The Image of Africa in the Literature of the Harlem Renaissance

New essay by Trudier Harris, "The Image of Africa in the Literature of the Harlem Renaissance," added to Freedom's Story: Teaching African American Literature and History, TeacherServe from the National Humanities Center.


Ask MeFi: Suggestions for spinsterhood literature/essays

I'm a 40F who upon hearing the election results this week, felt a surge a gratitude about being a spinster. I figure there has to be articles, books, or some type of literature made by fellow spinsters throughout history about their experiences.

I'm a 40F who upon hearing the election results this week, felt a surge a gratitude about having no kids or a male partner. I of course have been on this path for years, mostly due to my total disinterest in dating and or sex. (I didn't realize I was a OG member of the 4B Movement.)
The choice to forego the things that many women consider their purpose in life does make you feel like the weird one.
I figure there has to be articles, books, or some type of literature made by fellow spinsters throughout history about their experiences. It find it a 95 percent positive experience, but I'd also be curious if these ladies have also written about the drawbacks (money troubles, not being anyone's person) as well.
I'd be curious how the stigma played out then as it does now, I figure it was worse then due to not being able to get good jobs, but I know in some places, these women served as elderly caretakers. I look forward to learning more.


Literatura colombiana: su futuro y el auge del feminismo

Tres escritoras colombianas y un escritor hablaron de cómo la literatura está abordando asuntos de género; también se refirieron al futuro del libro en Colombia.


Una mirada desde la literatura a los días que vive el país

Tres escritores reflexionaron sobre las protestas, el estallido social y el papel de la violencia. También hablaron de la necesidad del diálogo y de la radicalización.


Letras, libros y literatura en el 2021

Cuatro importantes escritores hablan de lo que leyeron en el 2021; de las tendencias en literatura, de la primera persona y de las obras que acaban de escribir.


FilBo, literatura y el estado de la industria

Escritores y expertos del sector hablaron de la importancia del regreso de la FilBo, de las novedades literarias y del estado de la industria editorial.


Literatura: Homenaje a Milan Kundera y la correspondencia del Boom latinoamericano

Panelistas hicieron un recuento del impacto de la obra de Milan Kundera en la literatura universal. También hablaron de las revelaciones que trae el libro Las cartas del Boom.


Literatura, pensamiento, ciencia y democracia, lo que trae el Hay Festival

Los escritores Javier Moro y Selva Almada, la gestora cultural Margarita Valencia y Constanza Escobar directora de desarrollo del Hay Festival conversan sobre las expectativas que despierta este evento en el país.