
5 горячих аксессуаров для гаджетов Apple и не только. Например, внешний SSD для iPhone с MagSafe

Есть категория людей, для которых многочисленные гаджеты – будь то смартфон, ноутбук или что-то другое – становятся не просто рабочими инструментами, а верными помощниками, которые помогают в делах, развлекают, напоминают важные вещи и, главное, не подводят. Если вы ждали знак, чтобы выбрать годный аксессуар для своей техники и сделать покупку, то вот он: все товары...


***** List of GSA's - FEDAGSA (rank 26)

ADL Aviation Ltd. Globe Air Cargo. Aviation Cargo Service Ltd. Air Logistics. Airbridge International Agencies. Uganda. Ukraine. UK. UK. UK. ACP Worldwide Ltd: UK: Select Airline Management . Globe Air Cargo. SpeedWolfe Aviation Solutions Sector. CargoConnect(GSA)Ltd - Duport International. UK. UK. UK. UK. Airline Cargo Resources Fz Co: United Arab Emirates: Cargo Partners - DNATA. IGS Air ...


Juristische Fangfrage: Scheidungsantrag beim Verwaltungsgericht

So blöd, wie es auf den ersten Blick aussehen mag, war die Frau keineswegs, die am 19.9.2007 einen Ehescheidungsantrag beim Schleswig-Holsteinischen Verwaltungsgericht einreichte. Welches Ziel hatte sie wohl mit ihrer - laut OLG Schleswig rechtsmissbräuchlichen, im Ergebnis aber doch erfolgreichen - Aktion im Auge?




GSA Buchhalter 2.2.0

Single-entry accounting software.


1001 Jigsaw - Home Sweet Home

Take the home environment as a source of inspiration, 8 Floor Games has produced another jigsaw collection.


Grüne Tatjana Bussner, MdB: Die CDU ist unsere Hoffnung, unser Rettungsanker für...

Dr. Alexander von Paleske ---- 5.10.2024 ----- Folgende Mail landete heute in meiner Mailbox: Tatjana Bussner, MdB Grüne Fraktion Bundestag Berlin Mitte Guten Tag Grüninnen und Grüne Die Lage für unser grünes Verbleiben an den ministeriellen Bundes-Futtertrögen nach der nächsten Bundestagswahl ist ziemlich verzweifelt: Sie ruht ausschliesslich bei und mit der CDU. Stand heute können wir bei der nächsten Bundestagswahl mit höchstens 12% der Stimmen rechnen, es könnten auch weniger...


Navigating Recent Changes to GSA Schedules

Security professionals discuss recent changes to GSA Schedules.


Determining magnetic structures in GSAS-II using the Bilbao Crystallographic Server tool k-SUBGROUPSMAG

The embedded call to a special version of the web-based Bilbao Crystallographic Server tool k-SUBGROUPSMAG from within GSAS-II to form a list of all possible commensurate magnetic subgroups of a parent magnetic grey group is described. It facilitates the selection and refinement of the best commensurate magnetic structure model by having all the analysis tools including Rietveld refinement in one place as part of GSAS-II. It also provides the chosen magnetic space group as one of the 1421 possible standard Belov–Neronova–Smirnova forms or equivalent non-standard versions.


Khadas Tea - World's First Hi-Res MagSafe DAC & Headphone Amplifier

Listen to high-definition music and lossless streaming audio, directly from your iPhone or Android smartphone.


Charby makes MagSafe Charging Universal and Faster on iPhone and Android

Bringing Apple's magnetic ecosystem to everyone, with improved charging efficiency, phone mount feature, and more.


Easy Dynamics Commends Critical GSA Equity Study

Easy Dynamics' Identity Verification API Supports Groundbreaking GSA Study on Equity in Remote Identity Proofing


'Legionella Is Flourishing': GSA Confronts Deadly Bacteria


GSTP-GSAD - Generic Sound Activity Detector

GSTP-GSAD - Generic Sound Activity Detector


Rep. Mace questions GSA’s plan for replacing FedRAMP JAB

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), chairwoman of the Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, IT and Innovation, is asking for a briefing by Oct. 3.

The post Rep. Mace questions GSA’s plan for replacing FedRAMP JAB first appeared on Federal News Network.


Army Corps CIO Peoples taking on new role at GSA

Dovarius Peoples will start as GSA’s deputy CIO on Oct. 6 after spending the last five years with the Army Corps of Engineers.

The post Army Corps CIO Peoples taking on new role at GSA first appeared on Federal News Network.


GSA’s FAS streamlining federal procurement by updating GSA Advantage, improving UX, reducing PALT

GSA's Federal Acquisition Service is on the front lines of federal procurement, making the processes easier for acquisition professionals, agencies and vendors.

The post GSA’s FAS streamlining federal procurement by updating GSA Advantage, improving UX, reducing PALT first appeared on Federal News Network.


Some governmentwide plans the GSA is cooking up

"We've got customers who expect things from us, whether it's tenants in buildings or agency partners who were looking to buy things," said Robin Carnahan.

The post Some governmentwide plans the GSA is cooking up first appeared on Federal News Network.


How GSA is delivering new IT capabilities faster than ever

David Shive, GSA’s chief information officer, said concepts like human-centered design and user experience has evolved over the last five plus years.

The post How GSA is delivering new IT capabilities faster than ever first appeared on Federal News Network.


GSA: 75 years of adapting to the changing needs of agencies

Robin Carnahan, the administrator of GSA, explains why the agency’s mission has remained the same over the last 75 years, but how it goes about has changed.

The post GSA: 75 years of adapting to the changing needs of agencies first appeared on Federal News Network.


GSA’s emerging tech radar keeping tabs on future needs

Michael Berkholtz, a senior manager for technology lifecycle services for GSA, said the agency is analyzing emerging technologies based on four criteria.

The post GSA’s emerging tech radar keeping tabs on future needs first appeared on Federal News Network.


ReactomeGSA - Efficient Multi-Omics Comparative Pathway Analysis

Johannes Griss
Dec 1, 2020; 19:2115-2124
Technological Innovation and Resources


ReactomeGSA - Efficient Multi-Omics Comparative Pathway Analysis [Technological Innovation and Resources]

Pathway analyses are key methods to analyze 'omics experiments. Nevertheless, integrating data from different 'omics technologies and different species still requires considerable bioinformatics knowledge.

Here we present the novel ReactomeGSA resource for comparative pathway analyses of multi-omics datasets. ReactomeGSA can be used through Reactome's existing web interface and the novel ReactomeGSA R Bioconductor package with explicit support for scRNA-seq data. Data from different species is automatically mapped to a common pathway space. Public data from ExpressionAtlas and Single Cell ExpressionAtlas can be directly integrated in the analysis. ReactomeGSA greatly reduces the technical barrier for multi-omics, cross-species, comparative pathway analyses.

We used ReactomeGSA to characterize the role of B cells in anti-tumor immunity. We compared B cell rich and poor human cancer samples from five of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) transcriptomics and two of the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) proteomics studies. B cell-rich lung adenocarcinoma samples lacked the otherwise present activation through NFkappaB. This may be linked to the presence of a specific subset of tumor associated IgG+ plasma cells that lack NFkappaB activation in scRNA-seq data from human melanoma. This showcases how ReactomeGSA can derive novel biomedical insights by integrating large multi-omics datasets.


GSA Energy-Efficient Green Data Center Project

The proposed project will support the development of a 25.6 MW Tier-III/Rated 3, LEED Gold certified, green data center in Samut Prakan, Thailand. This financing will align with the Green Loan Principles and marks ADB's first data center financing, supporting Thailand's green growth and innovation agenda. The project aims to expand green data center capacity in Thailand, demonstrate the potential for green data centers, and support the digital economy while aligning with ADB's climate finance targets. This financing will align with the Green Loan Principles and marks ADB's first data center financing, supporting Thailand's green growth and innovation agenda. The project aims to expand green data center capacity in Thailand, demonstrate the potential for green data centers, and support the digital economy while aligning with ADB's climate finance targets.


Sainz 'the cork in the bottle' in F1 driver market jigsaw


Combining forces, GSAP & Webflow!

Change can certainly be scary whenever a beloved, independent software library becomes a part of a larger organization. I’m feeling a bit more excitement than concern this time around, though.

If you haven’t heard, GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is teaming

Combining forces, GSAP & Webflow! originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.


Android to get Apple’s MagSafe charger soon

The WPC expects the Qi2-enabled first batch of phones and wearables to roll out during the holiday season of 2023.


Goa govt's quarantine fee rules disappointing, says GSAI


Deutschland im Vergleich: OECD Beschäftigungsausblick 2019

In Deutschland sind mehr Arbeitsplätze einem hohen Automatisierungs- bzw. Änderungsrisiko ausgesetzt als im Durchschnitt der OECD. Das höhere Risiko der Automatisierbarkeit ist zum Teil auf die Bedeutung des verarbeitenden Gewerbes in Deutschland zurückzuführen.


Lärobok i telegrafi / af J. Gunnar Holmström, civilingenjör, föreståndare för K. Telegrafverkets Undervisningsanstalt ; inledning: historik och del I Morses telegrafsystem

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.H65 1914


Kickboxing Clients at iLoveKickboxingSandy Go Through a Body and Mind "Make-over" in iLoveKickboxing's 45 Day Transformation Contest

Kickboxing clients in Sandy UT participate in's National 45 Day Transformation Contest and achieve a better mindset towards fitness and personal growth as they transform their mind and body.


DIGITALSPEC Awarded Multi-Year Contract Under GSA 8(a) STARS II to Provide Enterprise Architecture Services for the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Voice of America (VOA)

This venture will create and modernize the Enterprise Architecture program, ultimately enabling Voice of America to develop and enhance it's mission to produce and distribute news media.


DIGITALSPEC Secures GSA MOBIS Schedule Contract

DSPEC selected and qualified as a GSA MOBIS contractor to provide management and consulting services that improve federal agency performance and help meet the government's mission goals.


IQBG Awarded GSA Multiple Award Schedule 36: Electronic Records Management Solutions

Leading Provider of Content and Records Management Solutions Extends Product and Service Offering to the US Federal Government in Support of the General Service Administration's Procurement Modernization Effort.


GSA Issues Order to Accept E-Signatures for Surety Bonds During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The U.S. General Services Administration has issued an order to accept e-signatures for surety bonds to allow infrastructure projects to move forward.


Hand-held jigsaw

A hand-held jigsaw includes a saw blade and control element for automating a tracking the saw blade, the hand-held jigsaw, or both along layout lines. A sensor, preferably a camera unit, detects a layout line provided on a work piece.


Werders Wehklagen wird langsam peinlich

In unschöner Regelmäßigkeit beklagt Werder Bremen Wettbewerbsnachteile. Auch beim Re-Start der Bundesliga melden sich Bedenkenträger wie Baumann und Bode zu Wort. Dabei könnte der Klub durchaus stolz auf das Erreichte sein.


Bahn: Gewerkschaft rechnet mit langsamer Erholung

Jahrelang fuhr die Bahn Fahrgastrekorde ein. Mit der Corona-Krise kam der Einbruch. Viele Kunden kämen so schnell nicht zurück, glaubt der Chef der Gewerkschaft EVG, Hommel. Das liege vor allem am Rückgang von Dienstreisen.


Mogelijk drugsafval gedumpt midden in woonwijk Arnhem

In een woonwijk in Arnhem zijn vanochtend ten minste veertig vaten met chemisch afval aangetroffen. De politie vermoedt dat het gaat om drugsafval van een illegaal laboratorium.

Vaten met drugsafval worden vaker gedumpt, vooral in Brabant en Limburg, maar ook in Gelderland. Meestal gebeurt dat buiten de bebouwde kom. Maar nu lagen de vaten aan de Randweg in Arnhem, midden in een groene woonwijk ten zuiden van de Rijn.

"Dat het zo midden in een woonwijk ligt, zien we vaker. Daar maken wij ons wel zorgen over", zegt politiewoordvoerder Marèl van Steenbergen bij Omroep Gelderland.

De vaten zijn inmiddels geruimd door een gespecialiseerd bedrijf.

Derde vondst in korte tijd

Het is het derde incident met drugsafval deze week in Arnhem-Zuid en het nabijgelegen Elst. In de nacht van woensdag op donderdag werden vaten met chemisch afval gevonden in het buitengebied bij Elst.

Donderdagochtend trof de politie op de Drielsedijk een aantal tonnen en jerrycans aan. De politie onderzoekt of er een verband is tussen de drie dumpingen, meldt dagblad De Gelderlander.


Genetics Society of America honors outstanding contributions to genetics with 2020 GSA Awards

The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is pleased to announce the 2020 recipients of its annual awards for distinguished service in the field of genetics. The awardees were nominated and selected by their colleagues and will be recognized with presentations at The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC), held April 22-26, 2020, in the metro Washington, DC area.


Jigsaw Parking

Make sure to keep your vehicle inside the designated Moebius area, sir.


GSA's North-Central Section Meeting goes virtual

(Geological Society of America) The annual meeting of The Geological Society of America's North-Central Section, originally scheduled to take place in Duluth, Minnesota, will be held virtually on May 18-19, 2020, with technical sessions in the morning and student programming in the afternoon. The online meeting is open and available to everyone for free. No registration is required.


Icelandic DNA jigsaw-puzzle brings new knowledge about Neanderthals

(Aarhus University) An international team of researchers has put together a new image of Neanderthals based on the genes Neanderthals left in the DNA of modern humans when they had children with them about 50,000 years ago. The researchers found the new information by trawling the genomes of more than 27,000 Icelanders. Among other things, they discovered that Neanderthal children had older mothers and younger fathers than the Homo-Sapien children in Africa did at the time.



Permen Ailida Candy Obat Perangsang merupakan perangsang wanita herbal yang berbentu permen candy denga rasa manis seperti buah untuk meningkatkan gairah

  • Sports and Health


Fly Obat Perangsang Wanita Cair herbal Cepat Reaksi - Rahasia Pria

Fly Obat Perangsang Wanita Cair Alami adalah perangsang khusus wanita frigid berbentuk cair yang di teteskan di minuman untuk merangsang menambah libido

  • Sports and Health



Potenzol Obat Perangsang Wanita produk jerman menyandang predikat obat perangsang dengan reaksi spontan menaikkan libido wanita menjadi lebih bergairah

  • Sports and Health


Obat Perangsang Libido Wanita Blue Wizard - Rahasia Pria

Obat Perangsang Libido Wanita Blue Wizard Adalah Obat Perangsang Wanita Alami Yang Berasal Dari Jerman, Sangat Manjur Untuk Wanita Kurang Bergairah (Firgid)

  • Sports and Health


Die angeborene Pylorusstenose im Säuglingsalter / von Jussuf Ibrahim.

Berlin : S. Karger, 1905.