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JoT #2704: (don't) Squash the bug!

Ziggy, is that you?

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JoT #2705: Pandemic mental checklist!

Helping you manage those out-of-control feelings!

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Support group for writers of end user licensing agreements

Nitrozac had to undergo an emergency endodontic procedure, *ouch*, so she is off for a few days to let her recover. We'll be back with a new smile soon, in the meantime, here's one of our fave retros...

science and technology

Four Favorite Tools

The kind folks at Cool Tools sent us a copy of Four Favorite Tools, which is a compilation of recommendations from the Cool Tools Podcast, including from the episodes we were on. I’ve had it sitting on my desk since it arrived, and I’ve been flipping through it pretty regularly. It’s been fun to look … Continue reading Four Favorite Tools

science and technology

Linkdump: December 2019

An interactive history of the subway map @ NYTimes Audubon weighs in on memes: When Is a Bird a ‘Birb’? An Extremely Important Guide Wired profiles Cliff Stoll Lego Axle Sorter RasterCarve: A free software package for CNC carving images Touchscreen interfaces and the USS John S. McCain Waiting For An Earthquake is a demo … Continue reading Linkdump: December 2019

science and technology

Windell and Lenore on the podcast

Elecia and Chris of invited us to come back on the show for episode 317: WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DISINTEGRATED?. We also had the added enticement of a low tide adventure after recording. Lenore had been on the show back in 2014 for episode 40: MWAHAHA SESSION, and Windell was on the following … Continue reading Windell and Lenore on the podcast

science and technology

Linkdump: January 2020

Open source SVG emoji from Twitter 2-Bit Mario: A physical Mario Brothers game The most important device in the universe, built by prop designer John Zabrucky Video made from photos of Comet 67p taken by Rosetta A Conversation on Microbiomes mostly focused on the Sourdough Project Cat Coat Genetics 101: A Tweetorial Thermochromic 7-segment display … Continue reading Linkdump: January 2020

science and technology

Open Hardware Summit 2020

The tenth annual Open Hardware Summit will be in New York held online on March 13. I’ll be participating in a panel looking back at the past ten years of open source hardware and looking forward to the next decade as well. The schedule is filled with great speakers and I’m looking forward to seeing … Continue reading Open Hardware Summit 2020

science and technology

Sheltering in place

We started Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories in 2006 as a “personal project blog”, to capture, organize, and share some of the things we do for fun. It has evolved over time to become a resource for our customers as well as a way for us to share interesting and educational information from a variety of … Continue reading Sheltering in place

science and technology

Linkdump: March 2020

Dial Indicator Clock Anatomy of a rental phishing scam The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe Fixie Clock with OLED based “fake NIXIE” tubes The placebo effect and veterinary care Fruit Walls: Urban Farming in the 1600s A list of projects that took an exceptionally long time Trash Amps: Nifty DIY speaker and guitar amp … Continue reading Linkdump: March 2020

science and technology

An EggBot Brunch Party

Heather Seeba wrote in to let us know about a gathering she has hosted around the EggBot. The EggBot brunches have been big hits with my friends. Seeing the fascination and excitement showing new people my EggBot has to be my favorite part of playing with it. The inspiration came when I took the ‘bot … Continue reading An EggBot Brunch Party

science and technology

Evil Mad Scientist on KidsLab Podcast

I recently had the pleasure of talking with Sven of the KidsLab podcast and the Evil Mad Scientist episode is now live! KidsLab is “a podcast for parents, educators and everybody passionate about #STEAM education.”

science and technology

Linkdump: April 2020

“Do we want to get to the moon or not?” John C. Houbolt was responsible for the Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous plan A video comparison of different laser marking compounds for use with CO2 lasers Figures in the Sky: How cultures across the World have seen their myths and legends in the stars A wonderful little <$10 … Continue reading Linkdump: April 2020

science and technology

Not Just the End of IT, the End of IT Contractors

Earlier this week I predicted the demise of conventional IT caused by the wide adoption of SD-WAN and SASE, accelerated by the emergency demands of everyone working from home. Now that Congress has passed a $2.2 trillion COVID-19 bail-out, let’s throw-in the implications of that legislation to see what effect it is all likely to have on what used to be IT. The short version is to expect an even bigger bloodbath as IT employees at all levels are let go forever. Please understand that some version of this bloodbath was going to happen anyway. What matters right now is how we respond to it. While my previous column was generally about turning lower-level IT nerds into Uber drivers, this one goes a little further […]

Digital Branding
Web Design

science and technology

Sometimes We Get Lucky:

Last weekend I participated in two investing panels for my friend’s global online fashion conference. Anina is the pretty girl next to me in the picture atop this page. My second panel was the final event of the conference, so Anina and I stayed on the line to talk a bit afterward. She had been up for 72 continuous hours. Oddly, what we discussed were N-95 respirator masks, which are in such short supply thanks to COVID-19. Anina lives in Beijing and China is starting to get back to work as the country slowly backs-off from its draconian coronavirus shut-down. Some businesses are retooling to address global coronavirus needs and one of those retooled factories is owned by a friend of Anina’s. His garment […]

Digital Branding
Web Design

science and technology

Three Mile Island Lessons for COVID-19: FEMA and Me

Forty-one years ago this summer I was a young investigator working in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC for the President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island, a big federal investigation chaired by Dartmouth Professor John Kemeny, who is best known as the father of the BASIC programming language. I learned a lot that summer and fall not only about nuclear accidents but about how governments and industries respond to crises. Some of those lessons apply to the current COVID-19 pandemic, which is also being poorly managed. This may surprise you (that 41-year-old lessons can still apply) but governments, especially, change at a glacial pace. The two federal agencies with which I mainly dealt were the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Nuclear […]

Digital Branding
Web Design

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COVID-19 Lessons from Three Mile Island #2 — the NRC

My last column was about crisis management lessons I learned back in 1979 while investigating the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island (TMI). Let’s just say that FEMA wasn’t ready for a nuclear meltdown. Today we turn to the other federal agency I investigated at that same time — the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). While FEMA was simply unprepared and incompetent, the NRC was unprepared and lied about it. Like FEMA, the NRC had recently undergone a rebranding from its previous identity as the Atomic Energy Commission — a schizoid agency that had been charged with both regulating nuclear power and promoting it. It’s difficult to be the major booster of technology while at the same […]

Digital Branding
Web Design

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Cringely’s Rules for Home Schooling in the Age of COVID-19

My first job out of college was teaching biology, chemistry, physics, and vocational agriculture at Triway High School in rural Wooster, Ohio. I lasted for six weeks. The school environment was such a downer, from the smoke-filled teachers’ lounge to my young co-workers who were teaching mainly, it seemed to me, to avoid service in Vietnam. So when a reporting job became available, I jumped on it, leaving Ohio forever. Years later I returned to teaching, this time at Stanford University, where I worked for six years. Now, 37 years after Stanford, I’m teaching my kids at home thanks to COVID-19. You may be teaching your kids, too. This column is my attempt to make your job easier. It’s not that I’m God’s gift to […]

Digital Branding
Web Design

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science and technology


science and technology

dollypopinspiration: nanushka Open space with natural light in...



Open space with natural light in the Lousiana Museum of Modern Art ✨ via


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science and technology


science and technology

ehoradote: Conte de printemps (1990) Éric Rohmer interiores


Conte de printemps (1990) Éric Rohmer


science and technology


science and technology


science and technology

rickowensonline:LAS PALMAS AVE, HOLLYWOOD, 2002



science and technology

20aliens: Home of Architect Colin St. John Wilson, Cambridge,...


Home of Architect Colin St. John Wilson, Cambridge, England 1972. 

science and technology


science and technology


★スマートボーイズPresents滝口幸広の『Xmas?忘年会!?帰ってきた、花の85年組!!』公開生放送~タッキー 15th アニバーサリー Final~ 【出演】主演:滝口幸広(1985年5月29日生まれ)ゲスト:八神蓮(1985年12月14日生まれ) / 中河内雅貴(1985年8月23日生まれ)MC:後日発表!【日程】2019年12月1日(日)・開場 12:15~・開演&生放送 13:00~(約60分)・生放送終了&会場限定トーク 14:00~(約20分)※会場トーク後に「85名限定」4

science and technology


この投稿をInstagramで見る 今日はこの3人で今度のイベントのためのとある撮影してきました???? 詳しく話せないですが詳細を待っていて下さい???? #河合龍之介#伊崎龍次郎#滝口幸広#stardustpromotion 滝口幸広(@yukihiro_takiguchi_official)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年Nov月1日am7時20分PDT

science and technology

今日は青春鉄道のライブin大阪の初日でした 今日は有楽町役のゆずきが千秋楽だったのと西武秩...

この投稿をInstagramで見る 今日は青春鉄道のライブin大阪の初日でした???????????? 今日は有楽町役のゆずきが千秋楽だったのと西武秩父線が先月50周年を迎えた事をお祝いしていただきました???? これからも西武線は皆様と共に会長とともに栄光の道を歩みたいと思います???? 会長万歳!西武鉄道万歳!青春鉄道万歳! #西武秩父線50周年#青春鉄道#stardustpromotion 滝口幸広(@yukihiro_takiguchi_official)がシェアした

science and technology


この投稿をInstagramで見る 本日を持ちまして青春鉄道ライブ無事終着地に到着しました???? 沢山のご乗車ありがとうございました 沢山の思いを乗せてこれからも青春鉄道は走り続けます???? これからも青春鉄道をよろしくお願いします #青春鉄道#鉄ミュ#ライブ#stardustpromotion 滝口幸広(@yukihiro_takiguchi_official)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年Nov月4日am7時07分PST

science and technology


この投稿をInstagramで見る 久々に実家に帰ってきてオヤジのたらこスパをいただきました???? 昔は週に2回はこのパスタを食べていた。 週2でこれを与えるとお子さんは滝口のような良い子に育ちます ぜひご自宅での食育に???????????? #たらこスパ#正しい滝口の作り方#stardustpromotion 滝口幸広(@yukihiro_takiguchi_official)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年Nov月8日am5時44分PST

science and technology


★映画「AI探偵」DVD発売先行イベント開催!!【日程】12月21日(土)【会場】浜離宮朝日ホール(小ホール) 【内容】出演者&監督トークショー【登壇者(予定)】荒牧慶彦・滝口幸広・溝口琢矢・千葉誠治監督 詳しくはこちらから⇒

science and technology


この投稿をInstagramで見る 昨日実家でお手伝いしてきました???? 料理は作ってないのでホールでのお手伝いしたけどなかなか大変だった???? たまに時間ができると実家でお手伝いするんですがそのたびにこの仕事を30年以上続けてきた両親は本当に凄いと感じさせられる 1日12時間以上立ち仕事をするのは本当に大変なことです オヤジ、おかんいつもお疲れ様 #お手伝い#stardustpromotion 滝口幸広(@yukihiro_takiguchi_officia

science and technology

今日は年末のるひまさんと明治座さんの舞台『麒麟にの・る』の取材をして頂いてきましたー こー...

この投稿をInstagramで見る 今日は年末のるひまさんと明治座さんの舞台『麒麟にの・る』の取材をして頂いてきましたー???????????? こーゆー取材や打ち合わせがあると年末が来たなぁって言う感じがします 今年も明治座で楽しみたいと思います???? #明治座#麒麟にの・る #stardustpromotion 滝口幸広(@yukihiro_takiguchi_official)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年Nov月11日am12時35分PST

science and technology


★スマートボーイズPresents滝口幸広の『Xmas?忘年会!?帰ってきた、花の85年組!!』公開生放送~タッキー 15th アニバーサリー Final~ 【出演】主演:滝口幸広(1985年5月29日生まれ)ゲスト:八神蓮(1985年12月14日生まれ) / 中河内雅貴(1985年8月23日生まれ)MC:井深克彦(1987年4月13日生まれ) 【日程】2019年12月1日(日)・開場 12:15~・開演&生放送 13:00~(約60分)・生放送終了&会場限定トーク 14:00~(約20分)※

science and technology


皆様へ 誠に突然のことでございますが、弊社所属の滝口幸広が2019年11月13日未明、突発性虚血心不全のため永眠致しました。(享年34歳) 通夜、葬儀につきましては、ご家族の意向を尊重し、近親者のみで執り行なわせていただきます。 これまで温かく応援してくださったファンの皆様ならびにお世話になった関係者の皆様へ、ご報告致しますとともに厚く御礼申し上げます。 2019年11月15日株式会社スターダストプロモーション

science and technology

Triggers, FlashForward, and Me

A piece I finished five years ago today, on April 15, 2012, for the blog of Gollancz, my UK publisher: Triggers, FlashForward, and Me by Robert J. Sawyer Thanks to the good people at Gollancz, I was recently interviewed in SFX, the world’s top-selling English-language magazine devoted to science fiction. I spoke in that interview […]

science and technology

Where Star Wars beats Star Trek

One thing I like about the Star Wars franchise: it is coherent; it doesn’t keep trying to reimagine or reinvent or reinterpret itself. The latest film, Rogue One, goes to great lengths to look like and fit in with the very first film, the original Star Wars, from 40 years ago. Star Trek made a […]