
Forgotten journey / Silvina Ocampo ; translated by Suzanne Jill Levine and Katie Lateef-Jan

Dewey Library - PQ7797.O293 A2 2019


The Origins of Public Diplomacy in US Statecraft: Uncovering a Forgotten Tradition / by Caitlin E. Schindler

Online Resource


No fly zones and international security: politics and strategy / Stephen Wrage and Scott Cooper

Dewey Library - JZ6368.W73 2019


War-Time Care Work and Peacebuilding in Africa: the Forgotten One / Fatma Osman Ibnouf

Online Resource


The cinema of Oliver Stone: art, authorship and activism / Ian Scott and Henry Thompson

Online Resource


Queer timing: the emergence of lesbian sexuality in early cinema / Susan Potter

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.L48 P68 2019


Nonfiction sound and story for film and video: a practical guide for filmmakers and digital content creators / Amy DeLouise & Cheryl Ottenritter

Dewey Library - PN1995.9.P7 D45 2020


Female authorship and the documentary image: theory, practice and aesthetics / edited by Boel Ulfsdotter and Anna Backman Rogers

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.W6 F43 2018


Female agency and documentary strategies: subjectivities, identity and activism / edited by Boel Ulfsdotter and Anna Backman Rogers

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.W6 F42 2018


Scalability rules : 50 principles for scaling Web sites / Martin L. Abbott, Michael T. Fisher

Abbott, Martin L


Typography = Typographie = Typographie : when, who, how / edited by Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott, Bernard Stein; text Philipp Luidl


Learn HTML5 and Javascript for iOS / Scott Preston

Preston, Scott, 1969-


Purity and provocation : Dogma 95 / edited by Mette Hjort and Scott MacKenzie


Typography : an encyclopedic survey of type design and techniques throughout history / by Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott, and Bernard Stein

Friedl, Friedrich


The ethics of global poverty : an introduction / Scott Wisor

Wisor, Scott, 1981- author


The myth of the framework : in defence of science and rationality / Karl R. Popper ; edited by M.A. Notturno

Popper, Karl R. (Karl Raimund), 1902-1994, author


Descartes, Malebranche, and the crisis of perception / Walter Ott

Ott, Walter R., author


A tapestry of values : an introduction to values in science / Kevin C. Elliott

Elliott, Kevin Christopher, author


Gilbert Simondon's Psychic and collective individuation : a critical introduction and guide / David Scott

Scott, David (David Michael Ryan Davis), author


Männlichkeiten und Moderne: Geschlecht in den Wissenskulturen um 1900 / edited by Ulrike Brunotte, Rainer Herrn

Online Resource


Young men navigating contemporary masculinities / Karla Elliott

Online Resource


The evils of polygyny: evidence of its harm to women, men, and society / Rose McDermott ; edited by Kristen Renwick Monroe ; commentary by B. J. Wray, Robert Jervis, and Valerie Hudson

Hayden Library - HQ997.5.M33 2018


Sex and secularism / Joan Wallach Scott

Barker Library - HQ1190.S38 2018


Gender and the politics of history / Joan Wallach Scott

Hayden Library - HQ1154.S335 2018


Nonbinary: memoirs of gender and identity / edited by Micah Rajunov and Scott Duane

Barker Library - HQ77.9.N645 2019


The world philosophy made: from Plato to the digital age / Scott Soames

Dewey Library - B59.S63 2019


Scottish philosophy in the seventeenth century / edited by Alexander Broadie

Online Resource


Whither Fanon?: studies in the blackness of being / David Marriott

Dewey Library - B1029.F354 M37 2018


A transformation journey to creative and alternative planetary futures / Victor V. Motti

Dewey Library - BD450.M68 2019


Camp Sagan: The Forgotten Prisoners of World War I

The fact that Russian World War I soldiers remained prisoners of war well after the November 1918 Armistice is one of the more obscure aspects of the war’s history. But with civil war raging in Russia, concerns arose over repatriating soldiers that might return to reinforce the Bolsheviks. This meant large number of Russian soldiers remained in...

The post Camp Sagan: The Forgotten Prisoners of World War I appeared first on New-York Historical Society.


Rare photographs of Hart Island, New York’s potter’s field

Update on April 14, 2020: Hart Island is back in the news for the most tragic of reasons: It’s currently being used as a burial ground for victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the time since this post was first published, control of Hart Island was transferred to New York City’s Department of Parks and burials are no...

The post Rare photographs of Hart Island, New York’s potter’s field appeared first on New-York Historical Society.


Lifestyle mobilities : intersections of travel, leisure and migration / edited by Tara Duncan, University of Otago, New Zealand, Scott A. Cohen, University of Surrey, UK, Maria Thulemark, Dalarna University, Sweden


Understanding and governing sustainable tourism mobility : psychological and behavioural approaches / edited by Scott A. Cohen, James E.S. Higham, Paul Peeters and Stefan Gössling


The tourism education futures initiative : activating change in tourism education / edited by Darko Prebezac, Christian Schott and Pauline J. Sheldon


The forgotten district [videorecording] / a documentary by Oliver Dickinson


Contemporary destination governance : a case study approach / editors, Harald Pechlaner, Pietro Beritelli, Sabine Pichler, Mike Peters, Noel Scott


Tourism and water / Stefan Gössling, C. Michael Hall and Daniel Scott

Gössling, Stefan


The art of travel / Alain de Botton

De Botton, Alain, author


Responsible tourism and CSR : assessment systems for sustainable development of SMEs in tourism / Mara Manente, Valeria Minghetti, Erica Mingotto

Manente, Mara, author


Commercial space exploration : [ethics, policy and governance] / edited by Jai Galliott


The responsibility to protect and the third pillar : legitimacy and operationalization / edited by Daniel Fiott (researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium), Joachim Koops (research professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)


Criminology / edited by Chris Hale, Professor of Criminology, University of Kent, Keith Hayward, Professor of Criminology, University of Kent, Azrini Wahidin, Professor of Crminology and Criminal Justice, Nottingham Trent University, Emma Wincup, Director


Morality and the environmental crisis / Roger S. Gottlieb

Gottlieb, Roger S., author


Adults and children in postmodern societies : a comparative law and multidisciplinary handbook / edited by Jehanne Sosson, Geoffrey Willems, Gwendoline Motte


Australian property law : cases and materials / Anthony P Moore, Scott Grattan, Lynden Griggs

Moore, Anthony P


Statutory interpretation in private law / editors Prue Vines, M. Scott Donald


Brown & Marriott's ADR principles and practice / Dr Shirley A. Shipman, Benjamin D. Waters, William Wood

Shipman, Shirley, 1957- author


Valorisation of household labour in family property law : a comparative perspective / Charlotte Declerck and Leon Verstappen (Eds.)


Empowering the great energy transition: policy for a low-carbon future / Scott Victor Valentine, Marilyn A. Brown, and Benjamin K. Sovacool

Dewey Library - HD9502.U52 V35 2019


Slavery and the School: The College's Forgotten Past

A painful history is suppressed, until a humble schoolhouse provides a means of sharing a story of mercy. William and Mary’s Professor Terry Meyers details his search for the structure that housed the first Bray School, and his hopes for finding proof at the College of “a bright spot in an otherwise dark narrative.”

  • Archaeology & Conservation
  • Buildings and Sites
  • education
  • slavery
  • william and mary