
Storm trades Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis; adds free agent Epiphanny Prince

On a busy day of transactions, the Storm traded guard Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis on Monday hours after signing free-agent guard Epiphanny Prince. Seattle sent Mosqueda-Lewis to Connecticut for a 2021 second-round WNBA draft pick. The five-year veteran was selected at No. 3 overall by the Storm in the 2015 draft.  She averaged 5.3 points, 1.1 rebounds […]


Andre Harrell, music exec who discovered Diddy, dies at 59

NEW YORK (AP) — Andre Harrell, the Uptown Records founder who shaped the sound of hip-hop and R&B in the late ’80s and ’90s with acts such as Mary J. Blige and Heavy D and also launched the career of mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, has died. He was 59. Diddy’s REVOLT company confirmed the death […]


Ron Judd’s advice for Northwesterners Going to Hawaii (GTH)

It seems appropriate to acronym-ize the affliction striking Northwesterners during the dark, dank, depressing days of winter when it seems there is only one thing, really, left to be done: jetting off to Maui, or thereabouts.

  • Pacific NW Magazine


Washington adds just over 100,000 unemployment claims, but layoffs might be peaking

For the week ending May 2, the state received 109,167 initial claims for unemployment insurance, down almost 22% from the prior week, according to U.S. Labor Department figures released Thursday morning.


Lawns are the new wedding venue in the age of coronavirus

NEW YORK (AP) — Love in the age of coronavirus sometimes requires a lawn. Couples with dashed wedding plans due to lockdown restrictions have been tying the knot on those tidy green spreads instead, including at least one loaner. Danielle Cartaxo and Ryan Cignarella were supposed to get married in West Orange, New Jersey, on […]


Churchill Downs executive addresses surge in horse deaths

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The corporate owner of a New Orleans horse racing track appeared before Louisiana’s Racing Commission on Monday to address a surge in horse deaths there. Mike Ziegler, executive director of racing for Kentucky-based Churchill Downs Inc., presented a list of potential reforms for the commission to consider, including restrictions on certain […]


With both Trump and the coronavirus looming, Democrats are suddenly seeking safety

Bernie Sanders was widely expected in recent months to win our Democratic primary, just as he had steamrolled the Democratic caucuses here against mainstream favorite Hillary Clinton four years ago. But in early returns in Washington's presidential nominating contest Tuesday, he was in a dead heat with the more moderate Joe Biden.


Join the bear hunt! Download these teddy bears to color and put in your window during the coronavirus outbreak

Join the bear hunt. Post a teddy bear, real or drawn, in your window for kids to find.


Storms this week expected to add needed depth to Washington snowpack

By the end of December, snowpack statewide was only half the long-term average The vast and vital frozen reservoir provides water that supports fish, farm irrigation and power generation.


Washington adds just over 100,000 unemployment claims, but layoffs might be peaking

For the week ending May 2, the state received 109,167 initial claims for unemployment insurance, down almost 22% from the prior week, according to U.S. Labor Department figures released Thursday morning.


Washington adds just over 100,000 unemployment claims, but layoffs might be peaking

For the week ending May 2, the state received 109,167 initial claims for unemployment insurance, down almost 22% from the prior week, according to U.S. Labor Department figures released Thursday morning.


Now streaming: ‘Star Wars’ movies, ‘The Eddy,’ ‘Bloodshot,’ ‘Solar Opposites’ and more

Looking for something to stream? Here are this week's highlights.


Mogelijk drugsafval gedumpt midden in woonwijk Arnhem

In een woonwijk in Arnhem zijn vanochtend ten minste veertig vaten met chemisch afval aangetroffen. De politie vermoedt dat het gaat om drugsafval van een illegaal laboratorium.

Vaten met drugsafval worden vaker gedumpt, vooral in Brabant en Limburg, maar ook in Gelderland. Meestal gebeurt dat buiten de bebouwde kom. Maar nu lagen de vaten aan de Randweg in Arnhem, midden in een groene woonwijk ten zuiden van de Rijn.

"Dat het zo midden in een woonwijk ligt, zien we vaker. Daar maken wij ons wel zorgen over", zegt politiewoordvoerder Marèl van Steenbergen bij Omroep Gelderland.

De vaten zijn inmiddels geruimd door een gespecialiseerd bedrijf.

Derde vondst in korte tijd

Het is het derde incident met drugsafval deze week in Arnhem-Zuid en het nabijgelegen Elst. In de nacht van woensdag op donderdag werden vaten met chemisch afval gevonden in het buitengebied bij Elst.

Donderdagochtend trof de politie op de Drielsedijk een aantal tonnen en jerrycans aan. De politie onderzoekt of er een verband is tussen de drie dumpingen, meldt dagblad De Gelderlander.


Man die vriendin doodde mag eind van zijn straf thuis uitzitten wegens corona

175 gedetineerden aan het einde van hun celstraf mogen de tijd die hun nog in de gevangenis rest thuis uitzitten. Gevangenissen willen voorkomen dat ze telkens met proef- en weekendverlof gaan en dan besmet raken met het coronavirus.

Een van de gevangenen die nu met een enkelband thuis zitten is veroordeeld voor de dood van Kim Stoker uit Emmen. Haar vader is woedend. "Ik snap hier helemaal niks van. Die man hoort gewoon opgesloten te zitten in zijn cel. Daar is hij toch ook veilig voor corona", aldus Rob Stoker bij RTV Drenthe. "Dit is te bizar voor woorden."

De 24-jarige Kim Stoker werd op 10 februari 2013 doodgestoken in haar flat in Emmen. Haar vriend werd veroordeeld tot twaalf jaar cel wegens doodslag.

Rob Stoker stuitte bij toeval op het bericht in een regionale krant, waaruit bleek dat een groep van 24 gedetineerden in de zeer beperkt beveiligde inrichting (ZBBI) in Veenhuizen met elektronisch toezicht naar huis is gestuurd vanwege het coronavirus. Vorige week kreeg hij de bevestiging dat een van de 24 de moordenaar van zijn dochter is.

De regeling geldt niet alleen voor de gedetineerden in het Drentse dorp, maar in totaal voor 175 gevangenen in heel Nederland. "Zij hebben een enkelband en slapen thuis", aldus Eveline Petit van de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen bij RTL.

Tijdelijk verlof

Alle 175 zitten aan het einde van hun gevangenschap. Overdag zijn ze buiten de gevangenis aan het werk. Ze krijgen ook weekendverlof. Dat leidt tot veel inkomend en uitgaand verkeer in de gevangenis en dat verhoogt het besmettingsrisico.

Het is niet duidelijk hoe lang de regeling nog loopt. Stoker heeft van de gevangenis gehoord dat het om een "tijdelijk" verlof gaat. De moordenaar zou het resterende deel van zijn straf (tot februari volgend jaar) in de cel moeten uitzitten "zodra de coronacrisis dat toelaat". "Maar ik geloof daar echt niet meer in", zegt Stoker.

De Emmenaar onderneemt verder geen actie. "Ik kan er wel heel erg boos over doen, en het totaal niet eens zijn met dergelijke procedures, maar het helpt toch niks. Het is zo frustrerend."


Met deze maatregelen kunnen middelbare scholieren straks weer naar school

Als 2 juni de middelbare scholen in Nederland weer opengaan, gaan die er heel anders uitzien. Deze week kwamen de VO-Raad en de onderwijsbonden met een protocol over de 'anderhalvemeterschool'. Het advies: gespreid naar school, anderhalve meter afstand en een dichte kantine.

NOS Stories dook in het protocol om uit te zoeken hoe zo'n middelbare school in coronatijden er dan precies uit gaat zien. In de video hieronder zie je hoe honderdduizenden middelbare scholieren over een paar weken weer naar school gaan - en wat de leerlingen daar eigenlijk zélf van vinden.


IBM Blockchain To Address COVID-19 Medical Supply Chain Shortages

IBM has rolled out "IBM Rapid Supplier Connect" to help in addressing the shortages in the COVID-19 Medical Supply Chain. The IBM Blockchain-powered solution can help healthcare and government agencies in the U.S. and Canada to rapidly identify and onboard new, non-traditional, alternative vendors to address the shortage of equipment, devices and supplies needed for COVID-19 relief efforts.


MATHIAS, W.: Choral Music - A May Magnificat / Learsongs / Riddles (St. John's Voices, The Gentlemen of St. John's, G. Walker) (8.574162)

William Mathias wrote some of the most imaginative, communicative and joyful choral music of the mid-to late 20th century. These qualities are perhaps most clearly represented in his substantial catalogue of works for choir and, in particular, his settings of sacred texts, notably the invigorating A Babe is Born and the hauntingly beautiful Ave verum corpus, one of his last compositions. This selection also includes the both serious and entertaining sequence of Riddles and the rapt, ecstatic A May Magnificat. More Mathias choral music can be heard on 8.573523.


BEETHOVEN, L. van: Celebrate Beethoven - Music from His Middle Compositional Period (9.30206)


Podcast: Ludwig van Beethoven. Works from his middle years. (Feb 28, 2020)

Celebrate Beethoven – Music from His Middle Compositional Period 9.30206 Raymond Bisha presents an overview of works written by Beethoven during his middle years period. It’s a companion resource to the latest release in Naxos’ monthly digital album series featuring the music of Beethoven in this 250th anniversary year of his birth. February’s compilation album (9.30206) presents a programme of wo ...more


BERNSTEIN, L.: Songfest / GERSHWIN, G.: An American in Paris (Wolf Trap Opera, National Orchestral Institute Philharmonic, Judd) (8.559859)

An American in Paris is one of Gershwin’s most vivacious works, an orchestral ballet saturated in homesickness and the blues. This recording, however, uses the new 2019 critical edition and offers Gershwin’s original orchestration, unheard for 75 years—leaner, more angular and transparent, it also employs the correct use of the iconic taxi horns, for a new sonic experience. The breezy vitality of Copland’s An Outdoor Overture is balanced by Bernstein’s Songfest—written to celebrate the Bicentennial Year in America, setting the verses of 13 of the country’s poets.


Muddy Waters - Muddy Waters Day

...celebrating Muddy Waters 1976 performance in Boston as the city declared ‘Muddy Waters Day’


Dudded Flight Centre customers won’t return

Travellers should consider taking legal action to get money back


Warning over Mother’s Day cuddles

Australians are being warned to take care when visiting their mums today, particularly if they are elderly.


Meaning of items seen in Queen’s address

The Queen has told locked down Brits to “never give up, never despair” in a stirring televised address.


Inside the machine: Hidden technologies from sea to sky

From weather forecasting to sending email, there is an astonishing amount of hidden technology involved - we take a peek inside the machinery.


How social media has influenced the wedding industry

There was a time when the only weddings we saw were the ones we attended. But in today’s social media world, we see thousands of weddings, from every imaginable angle.

  • Radio/Under the Influence


Classroom Pet Ban, Nose Whistling Champion, Little Buddy App

We learn about a new movement to remove all pets from British Columbia’s classrooms, we meet Canada’s whistling champion, and we explore the working conditions of app workers.

  • Radio/This is That


What's behind the sudden uptick in coronavirus cases?

On today's episode: * Is the uptick in cases because of people travelling at Easter a few weeks ago? * Should I be worried about the increased number of cases? * Will salt in my homemade salami kill coronavirus? * We can't travel to other states yet. Isn't it a bit early to travel to NZ? * Is it possible Ebola and coronavirus can mutate into a more potent virus? And Norman has some news from a research paper about heart medication, which found it didn't worsen the disease for people who got it or make them more susceptible to it in the first place.


Weekend Life Matters: urban change post-Covid, sea and sand restored, Cape York beats the odds, and his Bobness sings for us all

Can these lockdown patterns of urban behaviour change how we shape our cities, one man's mission to de-plastic our sea and sand, how Cape York communities have had zero infection on a shoestring budget, and a landmark Dylan song falls back into relevance.


Heavy smokers 'will spend $10,000 a year', with addicts saying tax hike won't stop them

Alice says the tobacco tax increase won't act as an incentive to break the addiction because smoking already has a "hold" on her life.


Ex-police minister Rene Hidding won't be charged over alleged sex abuse

A woman who claims she was sexually abused by former police minister Rene Hidding says she has been told he will not be charged over her claims.


Maremma sheepdog and little penguin protector retires after nine years on Middle Island

Oddball might have been the movie star, but Tula the maremma is the real hero of Middle Island's famed penguin protection program, and she's retiring after almost a decade of service.


Paradise Dam is shedding water, so what's wrong and is it all necessary?

SunWater is about to shed the equivalent of 32,000 Olympic pools of water from Bundaberg's Paradise Dam, which is less than 20 years old so what went wrong?


Cultural Wedding blessing close up.JPG

  • ABC Wide Bay
  • widebay
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture
  • Government and Politics:All:All
  • Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All
  • Australia:All:All
  • Australia:QLD:Agnes Water 4677
  • Australia:QLD:All


Cultural Wedding blessing 1.JPG

  • ABC Wide Bay
  • widebay
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture
  • Government and Politics:All:All
  • Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All
  • Australia:All:All
  • Australia:QLD:Agnes Water 4677
  • Australia:QLD:All


Cultural Wedding group photo.JPG

  • ABC Wide Bay
  • widebay
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture
  • Government and Politics:All:All
  • Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All
  • Australia:All:All
  • Australia:QLD:Agnes Water 4677
  • Australia:QLD:All


Cultural Wedding song.JPG

  • ABC Wide Bay
  • widebay
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture
  • Government and Politics:All:All
  • Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All
  • Australia:All:All
  • Australia:QLD:Agnes Water 4677
  • Australia:QLD:All


Cultural wedding dance

  • ABC Wide Bay
  • widebay
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture
  • Government and Politics:All:All
  • Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All
  • Australia:All:All
  • Australia:QLD:Agnes Water 4677
  • Australia:QLD:All


In Israel the coronavirus is adding to a political and legal crisis

The coronavirus has overshadowed an unprecedented political and legal crisis that has left Israel without a government and with an un-elected prime minister who is now ruling by decree.


The vulnerability of modern societies to sudden outbreaks

Despite the advances of medicine, today's societies are vulnerable to sudden outbreaks of infectious diseases.


Banned driver and drug addict crashed stolen ute into family van, killing five-year-old boy

A career criminal who was banned for life from driving is jailed for crashing a stolen car into a family's van, ploughing it into a Woolworths truck and claiming the life of a five-year-old boy and injuring six of his relatives.


Kendrick Dodd jailed for life for 'next level' brutal bashing of partner Margaret Indich

A Perth man who viewed violence as an acceptable way to manage his relationships is jailed for life for killing his partner, who had a chronic heart condition, by bashing her to death with his fists and a metal pipe.


Laurie Dodd escape was result of WA prison contractor breaking 'absolute principle': Minister

Private contractors tasked with guarding a violent serial offender broke an "absolute principal of looking after prisoners" when they allowed him to escape and go on the run in Perth, WA's Corrective Services Minister says.


Child killed by car in carpark of Harmony Fields sports ground in Maddington

A six-year-old boy dies after being struck by a car in the carpark of a popular sporting ground in Perth's south.


Serial prison escapee Laurie Dodd captured in dramatic Morley arrest after fleeing custody

A man who triggered a four-day manhunt after fleeing from custody at hospital is recaptured in a dramatic arrest in Perth's north-east suburbs, with a security contractor fined $100,000 over his escape.


Meth addict was awake for a week before murdering retirement village neighbour with hammer

A 60-year-old Perth man is jailed for life for bashing his elderly retirement village neighbour to death with a hammer while in the throes of methamphetamine bender that had left him awake for more than a week.


Meet the people who live at some of Western Australia's unique addresses in defiance of authorities

They are a select group of people who live in places that would never be possible today, and have refused every effort to get them to move on.