
Eating Feeds 'Feel Good' Hormones in the Brain

Title: Eating Feeds 'Feel Good' Hormones in the Brain
Category: Health News
Created: 8/31/2017 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/31/2017 12:00:00 AM


Health Tip: Stay Safe During a Lightning Storm

Title: Health Tip: Stay Safe During a Lightning Storm
Category: Health News
Created: 9/1/2017 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/1/2017 12:00:00 AM


Concussions May Leave Former NFL Players With Another Issue: Impotence

Title: Concussions May Leave Former NFL Players With Another Issue: Impotence
Category: Health News
Created: 8/26/2019 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/27/2019 12:00:00 AM


Major Study Gives Women More Guidance on Hormone Therapy During Menopause

Title: Major Study Gives Women More Guidance on Hormone Therapy During Menopause
Category: Health News
Created: 8/29/2019 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/30/2019 12:00:00 AM


Gene Therapy Makes Inroads Against a Form of Hemophilia

Title: Gene Therapy Makes Inroads Against a Form of Hemophilia
Category: Health News
Created: 7/22/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/22/2022 12:00:00 AM


AHA News: Newborn Was 'Very Sick Little Boy' Despite Several Normal Prenatal Ultrasounds

Title: AHA News: Newborn Was 'Very Sick Little Boy' Despite Several Normal Prenatal Ultrasounds
Category: Health News
Created: 8/25/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/25/2022 12:00:00 AM


U.S. Government Extends Baby Formula Waivers, Rebates for WIC Families

Title: U.S. Government Extends Baby Formula Waivers, Rebates for WIC Families
Category: Health News
Created: 8/25/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/26/2022 12:00:00 AM


Abnormal Upper Heart Chamber May Boost Dementia Risk

Title: Abnormal Upper Heart Chamber May Boost Dementia Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM


Targeted and complete genomic sequencing of the major histocompatibility complex in haplotypic form of individual heterozygous samples [RESEARCH]

The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a ~4 Mb genomic segment on Chromosome 6 that plays a pivotal role in the immune response. Despite its importance in various traits and diseases, its complex nature makes it challenging to accurately characterize on a routine basis. We present a novel approach allowing targeted sequencing and de novo haplotypic assembly of the MHC region in heterozygous samples, using long-read sequencing technologies. Our approach is validated using two reference samples, two family trios, and an African-American sample. We achieved excellent coverage (96.6%–99.9% with at least 30x depth) and high accuracy (99.89%–99.99%) for the different haplotypes. This methodology offers a reliable and cost-effective method for sequencing and fully characterizing the MHC without the need for whole-genome sequencing, facilitating broader studies on this important genomic segment and having significant implications in immunology, genetics, and medicine.


Only One Quarter of Family Physicians Are Very Satisfied with Their Electronic Health Records Platform

Two decades into the era of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), the promise of streamlining clinical care, reducing burden, and improving patient outcomes has yet to be realized. A cross-sectional family physician census conducted by the American Board of Family Medicine in 2022 and 2023 included self-reported physician EHR satisfaction. Of the nearly 10,000 responding family physicians, only one-in-four (26.2%) report being very satisfied and one-in-three (33.8%) were not satisfied. These low levels of satisfaction point to the need for greater transparency in the marketplace and pressure to increase user-centric EHR design.


Performance Evaluation of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-4) on the Family Medicine In-Training Examination


In this study, we sought to comprehensively evaluate GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)’s performance on the 2022 American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) In-Training Examination (ITE), compared with its predecessor, GPT-3.5, and the national family residents’ performance on the same examination.


We utilized both quantitative and qualitative analyses. First, a quantitative analysis was employed to evaluate the model's performance metrics using zero-shot prompt (where only examination questions were provided without any additional information). After this, qualitative analysis was executed to understand the nature of the model's responses, the depth of its medical knowledge, and its ability to comprehend contextual or new information through chain-of-thoughts prompts (interactive conversation) with the model.


This study demonstrated that GPT-4 made significant improvement in accuracy compared with GPT-3.5 over a 4-month interval between their respective release dates. The correct percentage with zero-shot prompt increased from 56% to 84%, which translates to a scaled score growth from 280 to 690, a 410-point increase. Most notably, further chain-of-thought investigation revealed GPT-4’s ability to integrate new information and make self-correction when needed.


In this study, GPT-4 has demonstrated notably high accuracy, as well as rapid reading and learning capabilities. These results are consistent with previous research indicating GPT-4's significant potential to assist in clinical decision making. Furthermore, the study highlights the essential role of physicians' critical thinking and lifelong learning skills, particularly evident through the analysis of GPT-4's incorrect responses. This emphasizes the indispensable human element in effectively implementing and using AI technologies in medical settings.


Feasibility of Delivering 5-Day Normobaric Hypoxia Breathing in a Hospital Setting

BACKGROUND:Beneficial effects of breathing at FIO2 < 0.21 on disease outcomes have been reported in previous preclinical and clinical studies. However, the safety and intra-hospital feasibility of breathing hypoxic gas for 5 d have not been established. In this study, we examined the physiologic effects of breathing a gas mixture with FIO2 as low as 0.11 in 5 healthy volunteers.METHODS:All 5 subjects completed the study, spending 5 consecutive days in a hypoxic tent, where the ambient oxygen level was lowered in a stepwise manner over 5 d, from FIO2 of 0.16 on the first day to FIO2 of 0.11 on the fifth day of the study. All the subjects returned to an environment at room air on the sixth day. The subjects' SpO2, heart rate, and breathing frequency were continuously recorded, along with daily blood sampling, neurologic evaluations, transthoracic echocardiography, and mental status assessments.RESULTS:Breathing hypoxia concentration dependently caused profound physiologic changes, including decreased SpO2 and increased heart rate. At FIO2 of 0.14, the mean SpO2 was 92%; at FIO2 of 0.13, the mean SpO2 was 93%; at FIO2 of 0.12, the mean SpO2 was 88%; at FIO2 of 0.11, the mean SpO2 was 85%; and, finally, at an FIO2 of 0.21, the mean SpO2 was 98%. These changes were accompanied by increased erythropoietin levels and reticulocyte counts in blood. All 5 subjects concluded the study with no adverse events. No subjects exhibited signs of mental status changes or pulmonary hypertension.CONCLUSIONS:Results of the current physiologic study suggests that, within a hospital setting, delivering FIO2 as low as 0.11 is feasible and safe in healthy subjects, and provides the foundation for future studies in which therapeutic effects of hypoxia breathing are tested.


Abolished frameshifting for predicted structure-stabilizing SARS-CoV-2 mutants: implications to alternative conformations and their statistical structural analyses [ARTICLE]

The SARS-CoV-2 frameshifting element (FSE) has been intensely studied and explored as a therapeutic target for coronavirus diseases, including COVID-19. Besides the intriguing virology, this small RNA is known to adopt many length-dependent conformations, as verified by multiple experimental and computational approaches. However, the role these alternative conformations play in the frameshifting mechanism and how to quantify this structural abundance has been an ongoing challenge. Here, we show by DMS and dual-luciferase functional assays that previously predicted FSE mutants (using the RAG graph theory approach) suppress structural transitions and abolish frameshifting. Furthermore, correlated mutation analysis of DMS data by three programs (DREEM, DRACO, and DANCE-MaP) reveals important differences in their estimation of specific RNA conformations, suggesting caution in the interpretation of such complex conformational landscapes. Overall, the abolished frameshifting in three different mutants confirms that all alternative conformations play a role in the pathways of ribosomal transition.


DNAJA2 and Hero11 mediate similar conformational extension and aggregation suppression of TDP-43 [REPORT]

Many RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) contain low-complexity domains (LCDs) with prion-like compositions. These long intrinsically disordered regions regulate their solubility, contributing to their physiological roles in RNA processing and organization. However, this also makes these RBPs prone to pathological misfolding and aggregation that are characteristic of neurodegenerative diseases. For example, TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) forms pathological aggregates associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). While molecular chaperones are well-known suppressors of these aberrant events, we recently reported that highly disordered, hydrophilic, and charged heat-resistant obscure (Hero) proteins may have similar effects. Specifically, Hero proteins can maintain the activity of other proteins from denaturing conditions in vitro, while their overexpression can suppress cellular aggregation and toxicity associated with aggregation-prone proteins. However, it is unclear how these protective effects are achieved. Here, we used single-molecule FRET to monitor the conformations of the aggregation-prone prion-like LCD of TDP-43. While we observed high conformational heterogeneity in wild-type LCD, the ALS-associated mutation A315T promoted collapsed conformations. In contrast, an Hsp40 chaperone, DNAJA2, and a Hero protein, Hero11, stabilized extended states of the LCD, consistent with their ability to suppress the aggregation of TDP-43. Our results link single-molecule effects on conformation to macro effects on bulk aggregation, where a Hero protein, like a chaperone, can maintain the conformational integrity of a client protein to prevent its aggregation.


Learnings From an Innovative Model to Expand Access to a New and Underutilized Nonhormonal Contraceptive Diaphragm

ABSTRACTWe document the effort over the last 30 years to respond to the call by women advocates at the International Conference on Population and Development for more woman-initiated single or dual-purpose contraceptive methods by developing the Caya contoured diaphragm, an innovative diaphragm designed to meet the needs of women and their partners and expand options for nonhormonal barrier contraception. We describe the complex and interrelated set of activities undertaken to develop the product using a human-centered design process and how we are working to create a corollary sustainable market. This review includes the evidence generated around improved acceptability among couples in low- and middle-income countries and depicts challenges and practical actions on how to dispel misconceptions about diaphragm use. Importantly, we share programmatic lessons learned on increasing universal access to this new sexual and reproductive health technology. Following our new model for increasing access to new and underutilized methods, Caya is now registered and being marketed in nearly 40 countries worldwide.


Establishment of the First Institution-Based Poison Information Center in Nepal Through a Multilateral International Partnership

ABSTRACTToxicological emergencies present a significant health challenge in Nepal. Despite the high burden, the country has inadequate formal toxicology training, medical toxicology expertise, and adequate poison control infrastructure. In recognition of this need, the Nepal Poison Information Center (PIC) was established as a collaborative effort involving local and international partners. Through a comprehensive partnership framework, the Nepal PIC provides 24 hours a day, 7 days a week expert guidance to health care workers, conducts educational webinars, and engages in research. Initial data from the pilot phase indicate successful consultation delivery. Challenges include bureaucratic hurdles and the need for sustainable funding. Despite these challenges, the Nepal PIC demonstrates early feasibility and potential for expansion into a comprehensive toxicology center, contributing to the advancement of clinical toxicology in Nepal. Long-term sustainability relies on governmental support and continued advocacy efforts.


Can the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action and Cairo Consensus Normalize the Discourse on Population?


Maturity Assessment of the Health Information System Using Stages of Continuous Improvement Methodology: Results From Serbia

ABSTRACTIntroduction:Since the health information system (HIS) in public health care services in Serbia was introduced in 2009, it has gradually expanded. However, it is unclear how well the HIS components have developed and the whole system’s stage of maturity.Method:In June–September 2021, a maturity assessment of the Serbian HIS was conducted for the first time using the HIS Stages of Continuous Improvement (SOCI) toolkit. The toolkit measures HIS status across 5 HIS domains: leadership and governance, management and workforce, information and communication technology (ICT), standards and interoperability, and data quality and use. The domains were further divided into 13 components and 39 subcomponents whose maturity stage was assessed on a 5-point Likert scale, indicating the level of development: (1) emerging/ad hoc; (2) repeatable; (3) defined; (4) managed; and (5) optimized. The toolkit was applied in a working group of 32 professionals and experts who were engaged in developing the new national eHealth strategy and action plan.Results:The overall maturity score of the Serbian HIS was 1.6, which indicates a low level. The highest baseline score (2) was given to the standards and interoperability domain, and the lowest (1.1) was given to ICT infrastructure. The remaining 3 domains (leadership and governance, Management and Workforce, and Data Quality and Use) were similarly rated (1.7, 1.7, and 1.6, respectively).Conclusion:A baseline assessment of the maturity level of Serbian HIS indicates that the majority of components are between the emerging/ad hoc stage and repeatable, which represent isolated, ad hoc efforts, with some basic processes in place and existing and accessible policies. This exercise provided an opportunity to address identified weaknesses in the upcoming national eHealth strategy.


Adapting the Social Norms Exploration Tool in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Identify Social Norms for Behavior Change

ABSTRACTIn the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), male engagement, social norms, and social networks mitigate family planning behavior. We discuss the adaptation of the Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET), which identifies relevant social norms and community members upholding these norms, to inform the development of family planning interventions in the DRC. The SNET provides activity tools and templates to guide users through the following steps: (1) plan and prepare, (2) identify reference groups, (3) explore social norms, (4) analyze results, and (5) apply findings.The SNET approach resulted in discussion of social norms, particularly around birth spacing and gender norms framing the man as the decision-maker. However, despite applying a methodology specifically designed to identify social norms, other factors limiting use of contraceptive methods were identified in the process, including lack of education, rumors, and misconceptions. Adaptations were needed to include the full range of reference groups due to narrow phrasing of primary questions, and some of the participatory methods were overly complicated. Feedback from experienced data collectors suggested that the social norms framework is not intuitive, is difficult to apply correctly, and may require that data collectors have a stronger foundation in the relevant concepts to produce valid and actionable results.Although the SNET provides language for discussing normative factors and techniques to identify reference groups and social norms, modifications to the implementation process are recommended when adapting the tool for research.


Improving Maternity Care Where Home Births Are Still the Norm: Establishing Local Birthing Centers in Guatemala That Incorporate Traditional Midwives

ABSTRACTMore than half of births among Indigenous women in Guatemala are still being attended at home by providers with no formal training. We describe the incorporation of comadronas (traditional midwives) into casas maternas (birthing centers) in the rural highlands of western Guatemala. Although there was initial resistance to the casa, comadronas and clients have become increasingly enthusiastic about them. The casas provide the opportunity for comadronas to continue the cultural traditions of prayers, massages, and other practices that honor the vital spiritual dimension of childbirth close to home in a home-like environment with extended family support while at the same time providing a safer childbirth experience in which complications can be detected by trained personnel at the casa, managed locally, or promptly referred to a higher-level facility. Given the growing acceptance of this innovation in an environment in which geographical, financial, and cultural barriers to deliveries at higher-level facilities lead most women to deliver at home, casas maternas represent a feasible option for reducing the high level of maternal mortality in Guatemala.This article provides an update on the growing utilization of casas and provides new insights into the role of comadronas as birthing team members and enthusiastic promotors of casas maternas as a preferable alternative to home births. Through the end of 2023, these casas maternas had cared for 4,322 women giving birth. No maternal deaths occurred at a casa, but 4 died after referral.The Ministry of Health of Guatemala has recently adopted this approach and has begun to implement it in other rural areas where home births still predominate. This approach deserves consideration as a viable and feasible option for reducing maternal mortality throughout the world where home births are still common, while at the same time providing women with respectful and culturally appropriate care.


Chronic Administration of Cannabinoid Agonists ACEA, AM1241, and CP55,940 Induce Sex-Specific Differences in Tolerance and Sex Hormone Changes in a Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy [Special Section: Cannabinoid Signaling in Human Health and Dise

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common side effect of chemotherapy treatment, routinely manifesting as increased pain sensitivity (allodynia) in distal extremities. Despite its prevalence, effective treatment options are limited. Cannabinoids are increasingly being evaluated for their ability to treat chronic pain conditions, including CIPN. While previous studies have revealed sex differences in cannabinoid-mediated antinociception in acute and chronic pain models, there is a paucity of studies addressing potential sex differences in the response of CIPN to cannabinoid treatment. Therefore, we evaluated the long-term antiallodynic efficacy of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1)-selective, cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2)-selective, and CB1/CB2 mixed agonists in the cisplatin CIPN model, using both male and female mice. CB1 selective agonism was observed to have sex differences in the development of tolerance to antiallodynic effects, with females developing tolerance more rapidly than males, while the antiallodynic effects of selective CB2 agonism lacked tolerance development. Compound-specific changes to the female estrous cycle and female plasma estradiol levels were noted, with CB1 selective agonism decreasing plasma estradiol while CB2 selective agonism increased plasma estradiol. Chronic administration of a mixed CB1/CB2 agonist resulted in increased mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines and endocannabinoid regulatory enzymes in female spinal cord tissue. Ovarian tissue was noted to have proinflammatory cytokine mRNA expression following administration of a CB2 acting compound while selective CB1 agonism resulted in decreased proinflammatory cytokines and endocannabinoid regulatory enzymes in testes. These results support the need for further investigation into the role of sex and sex hormones signaling in pain and cannabinoid-mediated antinociceptive effects.


CIPN is a common side effect of chemotherapy. We have found that both CB1 and CB2 receptor agonism produce antinociceptive effects in a cisplatin CIPN model. We observed that tolerance to CB1-mediated antinociception developed faster in females and did not develop for CB2-mediated antinociception. Additionally, we found contrasting roles for CB1/CB2 receptors in the regulation of plasma estradiol in females, with CB1 agonism attenuating estradiol and CB2 agonism enhancing estradiol. These findings support the exploration of cannabinoid agonists for CIPN.


Spinal CSF Leaks: The Neuroradiologist Transforming Care [SPINE IMAGING AND SPINE IMAGE-GUIDED INTERVENTIONS]

Spinal CSF leak care has evolved during the past several years due to pivotal advances in its diagnosis and treatment. To the reader of the American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR), it has been impossible to miss the exponential increase in groundbreaking research on spinal CSF leaks and spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH). While many clinical specialties have contributed to these successes, the neuroradiologist has been instrumental in driving this transformation due to innovations in noninvasive imaging, novel myelographic techniques, and image-guided therapies. In this editorial, we will delve into the exciting advancements in spinal CSF leak diagnosis and treatment and celebrate the vital role of the neuroradiologist at the forefront of this revolution, with particular attention paid to CSF leak–related work published in the AJNR.


Novel pathogenic UQCRC2 variants in a female with normal neurodevelopment [RESEARCH REPORT]

Electron transport chain (ETC) disorders are a group of rare, multisystem diseases caused by impaired oxidative phosphorylation and energy production. Deficiencies in complex III (CIII), also known as ubiquinol–cytochrome c reductase, are particularly rare in humans. Ubiquinol–cytochrome c reductase core protein 2 (UQCRC2) encodes a subunit of CIII that plays a crucial role in dimerization. Several pathogenic UQCRC2 variants have been identified in patients presenting with metabolic abnormalities that include lactic acidosis, hyperammonemia, hypoglycemia, and organic aciduria. Almost all previously reported UQCRC2-deficient patients exhibited neurodevelopmental involvement, including developmental delays and structural brain anomalies. Here, we describe a girl who presented at 3 yr of age with lactic acidosis, hyperammonemia, and hypoglycemia but has not shown any evidence of neurodevelopmental dysfunction by age 15. Whole-exome sequencing revealed compound heterozygosity for two novel variants in UQCRC2: c.1189G>A; p.Gly397Arg and c.437T>C; p.Phe146Ser. Here, we discuss the patient's clinical presentation and the likely pathogenicity of these two missense variants.


Novel inherited CDX2 variant segregating in a family with diverse congenital malformations of the genitourinary system [RAPID COMMUNICATION]

Anorectal malformations (ARMs) constitute a group of congenital defects of the gastrointestinal and urogenital systems. They affect males and females, with an estimated worldwide prevalence of 1 in 5000 live births. These malformations are clinically heterogeneous and can be part of a syndromic presentation (syndromic ARM) or as a nonsyndromic entity (nonsyndromic ARM). Despite the well-recognized heritability of nonsyndromic ARM, the genetic etiology in most patients is unknown. In this study, we describe three siblings with diverse congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system, anemia, delayed milestones, and skeletal anomalies. Genome sequencing identified a novel, paternally inherited heterozygous Caudal type Homeobox 2 (CDX2) variant (c.722A > G (p.Glu241Gly)), that was present in all three affected siblings. The variant identified in this family is absent from population databases and predicted to be damaging by most in silico pathogenicity tools. So far, only two other reports implicate variants in CDX2 with ARMs. Remarkably, the individuals described in these studies had similar clinical phenotypes and genetic alterations in CDX2. CDX2 encodes a transcription factor and is considered the master regulator of gastrointestinal development. This variant maps to the homeobox domain of the encoded protein, which is critical for interaction with DNA targets. Our finding provides a potential molecular diagnosis for this family's condition and supports the role of CDX2 in anorectal anomalies. It also highlights the clinical heterogeneity and variable penetrance of ARM predisposition variants, another well-documented phenomenon. Finally, it underscores the diagnostic utility of genomic profiling of ARMs to identify the genetic etiology of these defects.


Information needs for GPs on type 2 diabetes in Western countries: a systematic review

BackgroundMost people with type 2 diabetes receive treatment in primary care by GPs who are not specialised in diabetes. Thus, it is important to uncover the most essential information needs regarding type 2 diabetes in general practice.AimTo identify information needs related to type 2 diabetes for GPs.Design and settingSystematic review focused on literature relating to Western countries.MethodMEDLINE, Embase, PsycInfo and CINAHL were searched from inception to January 2024. Two researchers conducted the selection process, and citation searches were performed to identify any relevant articles missed by the database search. Quality appraisal was conducted with the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Meaning units were coded individually, grouped into categories, and then studies were summarised within the context of these categories using narrative synthesis. An evidence map was created to highlight research gaps.ResultsThirty-nine included studies revealed eight main categories and 36 subcategories of information needs. Categories were organised into a comprehensive hierarchical model of information needs, suggesting ‘Knowledge of guidelines’ and ‘Reasons for referral’ as general information needs alongside more specific needs on ‘Medication’, ‘Management’, ‘Complications’, ‘Diagnosis’, ‘Risk factors’, and ‘Screening for diabetes’. The evidence map provides readers with the opportunity to explore the characteristics of the included studies in detail.ConclusionThis systematic review provides GPs, policymakers, and researchers with a hierarchical model of information and educational needs for GPs, and an evidence map showing gaps in the current literature. Information needs about clinical guidelines and reasons for referral to specialised care overlapped with needs for more specific information.


The Team Behind Heretic Talks That Ending, The Book of Mormon, and Monopoly

Writer-director partners Scott Beck and Bryan Woods dive into the biggest spoilers of their new Hugh Grant thriller.


Backlash after former Labour Spin Doctor's comment on Farmers and Thatcher

A former aid to Tony Blair has been criticised by the SNP after he said the Government "should do farmers what Thatcher did to the miners".


Fiddle played by Robert Burns to be used in US performance for first time

A baroque fiddle believed to have been played by Robert Burns will be performed live on stage in the United States for the first time.


Former IBM chief John Akers dies

JOHN Akers, who led IBM as its longtime dominance of the computer industry began to wane, has died, aged 79.


Global tech to transform over 3 weeks

THE world’s tech will undergo a transformation over just three weeks with a bonanza of new phones, tablets, smart watches and OLED 4K TVs.


Take-Two CEO is Not Worried About Grand Theft Auto VI Performance on Xbox Series S

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick in the company's latest earnings report said he isn't worried about Rockstar getting Grand Theft Auto VI to run on the Xbox Series S.

"Look, we support the platforms where the consumers are for as long as they’re there, and we find a way to support platforms despite different levels of tech," said Zelnick (via VideoGamesChronicle) when asked about the Xbox Series S.

Zelnick added, "Our labels are really good at that. I’m not really worried. I’ve never worried about where hardware was going. And I’ve said this many times over the years because, first of all, I don’t worry about things over which I have zero control.

"Secondly, I believe in the audience. The audience is going to show up if you have great properties, and so we just have to make sure to be on an array of platforms."

Zelnick added PC is an important platform to release games on, despite the fact Grand Theft Auto VI has not been announced for PC.

"If one platform diminishes in value, there’s always another one," he said. "So we’re seeing great growth in PC right now, for example. And I have been able to view that open formats would continue to grow. PC is an open format.

"I do think PC will continue to be a more and more important part of the console business going forward, and that isn’t complicated for us to support at all. So the bottom line is we are selective about which platforms we support. We make the tech work when we can make it work as long as the audience is big enough to make that worthwhile."

Grand Theft Auto VI will launch for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in Fall 2025.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Full Article - https://www.vgchartz.com/article/463023/take-two-ceo-is-not-worried-about-grand-theft-auto-vi-performance-on-xbox-series-s/


Stormy Daniels Says Trump Is Trying to Silence Her Again

Phillip Faraone/Getty Images

It appears Donald Trump is once again attempting to silence Stormy Daniels, despite his recent convictions in that category.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reports that Trump’s lawyers tried to “get another hush money deal” with the adult film star, to keep her from making any “public or private statements related to any alleged past interactions” with the former president. In exchange for her written agreement, Trump’s team reportedly offered to adjust the debt she owes Trump for the unsuccessful defamation case her lawyer brought against him in 2018.

Daniels still needs to pay “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in legal fees, Maddow explained, and in hammering out the exact amount, Trump’s lawyers allegedly offered to “pretend” she owed their client “less than they actually believed” she did. Whereas they first estimated Daniels’ debt at $650,000, Maddow reported, they said they would settle her tab for $620,000, if she promised not to make any “defamatory or disparaging statements about him, his business, and/or any affiliates, or his suitability as a candidate for president.” They then adjusted the fee, asking $635,000 if she refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Daniels reportedly turned them down, paying $627,500 and declining to sign the NDA.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


Factorio: Space Age review: a stellar expansion produces a masterful final form

To say that Factorio: Space Age throws out the rulebook is an understatement. It'd be more fitting to say it's somehow automated the whole process: an inserter plucked out the rulebook from my brain and deposited it in hot magma, while a new rulebook was churned out in a nearby machine and plopped into my brain from the other side - only for that to be immediately plucked out and incinerated as well. With each new planet and each new phase, Space Age reinvents itself. I'm battling hyperbole here, but ah hell, I admit defeat. Factorio: Space Age is a masterpiece, the final form of perhaps the most well-crafted building game I'll ever play.

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No Man's Sky has a Mass Effect Normandy again, together with new cross-save functionality

Back in the mists of 2021, No Man's Sky revealed its very own Normandy SR1 space frigate. "The Normandy in No Man's Sky?" you cry. "Why, that's a Mass Effect vessel. Some mistake here surely?" 1) My name's not Shirley, and 2) Indeed it is a Mass Effect ship, but HelloGames struck a time-limited deal with BioWare to create a version for their own space sim.

"Blast, if only I'd noticed this at the time and acquired one," you mourn. "Ah, so many years I have wasted." Be of good cheer, my friend, for No Man's Sky has a Normandy once again, just in time for the latest N7 Day of assorted Mass Effect celebrations. For the next two weeks, you'll be able to get a-hold of it by way of a revised version of 2021's Beachhead Expedition. Tray-tray, away!

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How ten years of Game Maker’s Toolkit’s design analysis informed Mind Over Magnet

"A lot of puzzle games can leave you staring at the same static screen for ages, but here, I’m always pushing you forward," says Mark Brown of Game Maker’s Toolkit. For a decade now, Brown has been releasing accessible deep dives on game design for his popular YouTube channel, like "How Game Designers Protect Players From Themselves" and "The Two Types of Random in Game Design." This week, he’s releasing his own for the first time.

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Strange planets could be forming inside dying stars

A planet orbiting extremely close to a white dwarf may have formed inside its star – this could be the origin of some of the most promising worlds beyond our solar system to search for life


Dark matter may allow giant black holes to form in the early universe

The long-standing mystery of how supermassive black holes grew so huge so quickly could be solved by decaying dark matter


Complex form of carbon spotted outside solar system for first time

Complex carbon-based molecules crucial to life on Earth originated somewhere in space, but we didn't know where. Now, huge amounts of them have been spotted in a huge, cold cloud of gas


What can governments do about online disinformation from abroad?

A cyberterrorism charge in Pakistan connected to riots in the UK illustrates how authorities are reaching across borders to tackle disinformation, but bringing overseas suspects to justice won't always be possible


How to avoid being fooled by AI-generated misinformation

Advances in generative AI mean fake images, videos, audio and bots are now everywhere. But studies have revealed the best ways to tell if something is real


We need transparency from the companies disseminating misinformation

As misinformation about the upcoming US elections rockets across social media, creating chaos, companies need to be honest about where this content is coming from, says Annalee Newitz


Which AI chatbot is best at avoiding disinformation?

AI chatbots from Google and Microsoft sometimes parrot disinformation when answering questions about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – but their performance depends on language and changes over time


Women on the Prairies are chasing extreme storms. Here's why

Online group Girls Who Chase has created a global community of women who head into severe weather to record images, report damage and help scientists understand the impact of storms to be better prepared

  • News/Canada/Edmonton


Trump picks former national intelligence head John Ratcliffe for CIA

President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday that John Ratcliffe, a former Texas congressman and director of national intelligence, will serve as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency in his administration.


Tennis: Former Davis Cup rep boost for Bay

… advice from former New Zealand Davis Cup player Dan Willman, who has … challenges Taranaki for the Christie Cup, the symbol of Central … place at the World Junior Davis Cup tournament in the Czech … ; Willman added. The Christie Cup has been played for since ….


Geomagnetic storm expected to hit Earth following autumnal equinox

A coronal mass ejection could strike the Earth's magnetosphere this week and cause a geomagnetic storm due to conditions caused by the autumnal equinox.

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Severe geomagnetic storm could stress power grid as recovery continues after 2 major hurricanes

The sun blasted a coronal mass at Earth earlier this week, and after back-to-back major hurricanes, some are concerned it could impact the power grid.

  • 82a0c7e5-2dd6-5546-971a-c5b1f8498e9c
  • fnc
  • Fox News
  • fox-news/science/air-and-space/sun
  • fox-news/science/air-and-space
  • fox-news/science
  • fox-news/weather/hurricanes
  • fox-news/science
  • article