
Mit Geld allein lassen sich Südeuropas Probleme nicht lösen

Finanzhilfen für besonders von der Krise getroffene Länder wie Italien? Die Erfahrung mit der deutschen Währungsunion zeigt, dass das allein nicht reichen wird. Es gilt, die Wirtschaftsstruktur anzupassen. Dazu braucht es relative Preisänderungen.


01 - cruelest month - vampire deer by pyramid termite

i guess you would call this my quarantine album - i call it solskifte, which means sun division - and in a lot of ways, not just seasonal, that's what seems to be going on - much more inside on march 31, i got an email announcing that there was going to be an rpm challenge for april, in addition to the one in feb they have every year and i do albums for every year on march 24, i had to leave work early because after lunch i felt like i was going to drop - i had been feeling some slightly annoying sinus trouble that i had thought was allergies, but i realized i had something worse i didn't know if i was running a fever or not - i made a quick trip to the med center - i called first - and after a brief exam, i was told i had a low grade fever and was instructed to quarantine for 14 days - this was also something my company's new covid-19 policy demands, so there's no problem here and i even get partial compensation so i spent the next few days trying to feel better - it wasn't until sunday that i was starting to feel that maybe i didn't have this bad thing - or that maybe in spite of being 62 with a few medical problems i was going to make it meanwhile, my poor kid's stuck with me in the apartment and not real happy well, this is long - but on april 1st, i decided to try coming up with new music and ended up writing some songs that are about how i felt about being in my apartment, sick, and wondering what would happen next sometimes it's been warm enough to open up my window for a bit - and this is what i felt about that calling on the wind to give me back my name remembering an old world that used to seem tame clouds outside my window never give us rain i used to go out there but i won't do that again in the cruelest month the birds eat seedlings in the cruelest month i dare not confess my feelings in the cruelest month the world is awry tossing out its life like trash thrown aside staring at the glass and wondering what i am sense the blood within my body - still wondering what i am my thoughts are like birds, but they never rise above my feet are nailed onto the earth and i do not know love in the cruelest month the birds eat seedlings in the cruelest month i dare not confess my feelings in the cruelest month the world is awry tossing out its life like trash thrown aside


02 - solskifte - vampire deer by pyramid termite

in the northern part of the world, the sun takes a while to be given a bigger share of our sky - which also can stand for a metaphor for a lot of things these days circle round the river, make a place for sun hold your hand out to the field when day is done night chills still in spring, night looks back days still hint at weakness, the trees stay black this is our portion even through the equinox solskifte is slow to undo locks these are the days when we are unsure where to go solskifte gives up the sun so slow circle round the ashes that fall from the sky heartless and invisible to our careless eye circle round the hearts that drive the grasping hand say a prayer for those who are married to this land this is our portion even through the equinox solskifte is slow to undo locks these are the days when we are unsure where to go solskifte gives up the sun so slow


03 - crows happen - vampire deer by pyramid termite

my daughter has a treefull of crows outside her window and she's convinced they're as interested in her as she is in them she's sure they are her friends i've tried to tell her that i'm not sure they're really all that interested in her, but i don't really think that's getting through to her - and i don't know whether she really understands the current situation - why she has to stay home, why her dad had to stay in quarantine for 14 days just because he was a little sick, why her dad was worried about what was going to happen i guess this song is about all that i can't tell you if the crows like you even though you believe they talk to you they were created for another world but maybe we pretend that it's not our world too fly around and looking for a meal fly around and looking for a summer deal but it's april and where we live everything takes so long to happen well, it's not much fun, wondering if i'll be gone i can't even go for a walk on the lawn the days all count to the last fade away but then again, it's always really been that way do you think the crows don't think about all that? somehow i think they do - the way they gather at their friend lying there, complaining everything more or less has to happen but with any luck, it will warm up a little and i think my hourglass isn't ready to settle we can go out and watch the crows once again and you can tell me that they are your friends one day we'll get to walk out and feel free and not think about the things that could be we can be like crows and bluff our way through all the things, good and bad, that happen and the secret to life, so i've been told is you keep lucking out and then you find yourself old and you wonder, what the hell did i do with all that time? and it didn't make much sense, and it didn't even rhyme and if i gave you a ring for surety some crow would go and grab it and hide it in a tree and forget about it - that crow and you and me just more of those things that happen


04 - keeping warm - vampire deer by pyramid termite

this is about just sitting at home, waiting to see if i got better or not - spoiler - i did get better i have been keeping warm i have been keeping warm the sun has not been keeping warm i have been keeping warm outside the world goes gray outside the children play not everyone follows the soul of the day outside the world goes gray the wheels of the carts are turning but not today for me the stars are coldly burning but not today for me i wake up with nothing resolved nothing done and nothing resolved the world wears a mask of glass for me i look out there and there's nothing's resolved i'm getting soft on memory i do not want what could be time drips seconds carelessly too slow and too fast to please me and i understand the revelation is here and no one wanted to look at it, no one wanted fear and i understand i can claim another day and i have no ideas but to let it slip away


05 - cadillac ride - vampire deer by pyramid termite

this guy - well, he always gets his way, eventually i've got it, you know i've really got it everything you could really want all the music you listened to all the booze you drank all the friends you slept with all the friends you didn't they're just shadows, so are you but you know what you're going to do come with me for a cadillac ride open the earth and see what's inside don't you cry about murder don't you cry about the carelessness of man your problem is, you just don't see there was never any other plan but take this glass of rum from my bony hand give me a toast, let me tip my top hat come on baby, come on into my house i'll give you this and i'll give you that come with me for a cadillac ride open the earth and see what's inside say hello to president kennedy say hello to fu manchu say hello to the 36 wise men yes, they've been staying with me, too the bishop said god could sort them out well, i've been waiting for many years here's that party pal you've been dreaming of now let's not see any tears come with me for a cadillac ride open the earth and see what's inside


06 - turn away - vampire deer by pyramid termite

the thing is that all that is offered is futility ... i could make you run to the sky says the great keeper of the lie i am the reason why you medicate i am the reason why you hate turn away and find something small to occupy your time turn away and find something small to occupy your mind i could give you vast kingdoms i could give you the song of the sea i could give you the heart of the crane i could give you eternity turn away and find something small to occupy your time turn away and find something small to occupy your mind there's no sense in standing on that rock there's no sense in praying to the clock there's no sense in counting all the stripes there's no sense believing all the hypes turn away and find something small to occupy your time turn away and find something small to occupy your mind


07 - nothing on the wind - vampire deer by pyramid termite

hoping that some of the things we like, which seem to be shallow comforts until we're deprived of them, will manage to come back sometime soon time to go walking - time to go singing time to go loving - that's what i want to just wander supermarkets of desire and see what's mine there - that's what i want there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved maybe be wiser - maybe be foolish maybe there is room where we can be both maybe live a little sweeter knowing we can win or lose maybe there is room where we can do both there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved


Weltweite Reisewarnung ist bis Mitte Juni verlängert

Außenminister Heiko Maas gibt keine Prognose für die Reisesaison im Sommer. Die Bundesregierung kann nach wie vor „kein sorgenloses Reisen“ empfehlen, so Maas und begründete damit die Verlängerung der weltweiten Reisewarnung bis zum 14. Juni.


„Muss davon ausgehen, dass man einen sehr aktuellen Corona-Test mitbringen muss“

Im Interview mit WELT verteidigt Außenminister Heiko Maas die Entscheidung für eine Verlängerung der weltweiten Reisewarnung bis 14. Juni. Auch wenn eine Reisewarnung kein Reiseverbot sei, werde die Bundesregierung weitere Rückholaktionen im Sommer nicht wiederholen, so Maas.


By mittens in "Really, 2020? I mean, really?" on MeFi

So like, nobody else finds the timing of this story kinda culturally suspicious? We had years of warnings of Africanized bees, and now we've got deadly Asian hornets, at a moment when anti-China rhetoric has reached a fevered pitch? Literally two of these bugs have been spotted in the US, and the guy who is the focal point of the NYT story isn't sure these were even involved, but now the Paper of Record and the entire American internet is talking about Asian Murder Hornets? Gaaaaaaaah I'm just going back inside for a while.


Brüssel will Einreisestopp in die EU bis Mitte Juni verlängern

Die EU-Kommission hat wegen der Corona-Pandemie eine Verlängerung des Einreisestopps nach Europa um einen weiteren Monat empfohlen. Zuletzt gab es immer mehr Forderungen, Deutschland solle die Kontrollen an den Grenzen zu seinen Nachbarländern aufheben.


Frontex rechnet mit Migranten-Zustrom

Nach einem internen Bericht der Europäischen Grenzschutzagentur Frontex ist mit einem Zustrom von Migranten an der Grenze zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland zu rechnen. Der Bericht liegt WELT vor.


„Er zeigte mit dem Finger auf mich und sagte: ‚Du bist nichts für mich‘“

Erstmals hat sich Tara Reade vor laufender Kamera zu ihren Vorwürfen gegen den demokratischen US-Präsidentschaftsbewerber geäußert. Joe Biden habe sie vor 27 Jahren bedrängt und beschimpft, so die Ex-Mitarbeiterin, die auch einen Lügentest anbot.


Diese Risiken gehen Sie mit einem falschen Attest ein

Wer eine Reise nicht antreten will, hofft, dass sein Geld von der Rücktrittsversicherung zurückerstattet wird. Doch die zahlt nur bei nachgewiesener Krankheit – und nicht bei Pandemien wie dem Coronavirus. Vor allem ein Vorgehen ist riskant.


Probleme mit dem Kredit? Das sollten Sie jetzt tun

In den kommenden Monaten könnten viele Kreditnehmer in Zahlungsschwierigkeiten kommen. Schon nach kurzer Zeit können Banken dann das Darlehen kündigen. Doch es gibt Hoffnung. Das sollten Verbraucher jetzt wissen.


Mit diesem Trick gelingt Ihnen die Flucht aus der PKV

Brückenteilzeit heißt das neue Schlupfloch, das Privatversicherten den Wechsel in die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung ermöglicht. Die Flucht aus dem teuren PKV-Tarif funktioniert unter ganz bestimmten Bedingungen.


Commercial Hit Songs - Submit for the SE Asian Market - Taiwan, Japan, China etc

Looking for commercial hit songs for a host of pop artists in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan etc. We work closely with Universal Music in Hong Kong, giving us direct access to major artists in South East Asia and Japan searching for tracks for their next and current projects.

We are looking for commercial radio tracks which have great beats, memorable hook lines and current styles. Uptempo K-Pop, ballads, R&B/Pop, Rock, Soul and MOR suitable for male, female and boy and girl-bands.

Lyrics may be translated depending on the artist so send in all language demos or masters.

We are looking forward to hearing some great music.

- Dean Hart / Afrikan Cowboy Publishing

Deal Type: Song Placement
Decision Maker: Selected tracks will be pitched for final decision
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $1,000+ based on final placement
Song Quality: Rough Demos, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready


Want To Adopt A Dog? First Ask Yourself: Can You Still Commit Post-Pandemic?

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit


Mit einem „Stützsystem“ motivieren Sie Ihr Kind in der Pubertät

Während der Pubertät ist das Gehirn eine Großbaustelle. Schule ist bei vielen Jugendlichen nicht mehr die erste Priorität. Mit einfachen Regeln können Eltern ihr Kind trotzdem noch motivieren. Zwei Fehler sollten Sie jedoch tunlichst vermeiden.


Mit diesen acht Tipps motivieren Chefs ihre Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice

Gute Führung ist in der Krise wichtiger denn je. Doch wenn Vorgesetzte und Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice sind, kann das schnell zu Konflikten führen. Wer die richtigen Tricks kennt, kann auch von zu Hause motivieren. Das fängt schon beim Videocall an.


So versorgen Sie Ihre AirPods mit Power

Sie möchten Ihre AirPods laden – und das möglichst schnell und unkompliziert? Lesen Sie hier, worauf zu achten ist.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Mit diesem Gaming-Headset bekommen sie in virtuellen Welten alles mit

Mit dem ersten Gaming-Headset Cage hat Hersteller Teufel einen ordentlichen Markteinstand geliefert. Jetzt erscheinen die Kopfhörer rundum erneuert. Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger beseitigen sie einen entscheidenden Makel.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Das zeichnet ein Handy mit guter Kamera aus

Bei der Smartphone-Wahl zählt für viele Nutzer heutzutage vor allem eines: Es muss beeindruckende Fotos machen können. Ein Handy mit guter Kamera zu finden, ist allerdings nicht immer leicht – worauf Sie bei der Wahl achten sollten und welche Modelle derzeit im Handel punkten können, erfahren Sie hier.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Laptop mit Touchscreen: Die besten Modelle

Laptop mit Touchscreens sind die perfekte Mischung aus den Vorzügen eines Notebooks und den intuitiven Bedienmöglichkeiten eines Tablets.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Mit Swinsian gehört der iTunes-Frust der Vergangenheit an

Keine Lust auf iTunes oder die Musik-App in macOS? Mit Swinsian gibt es eine Alternative mit vielen Funktionen. Im Test konnte das Programm überzeugen. Es gibt allerdings zwei Einschränkungen.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Diese Online-Kurse machen Sie fit für den Umgang mit Geld

Keine Ahnung von Finanzen? Online-Kurse helfen Nutzern dabei, besser mit ihrem Geld umzugehen. Oft sind die Angebote sogar kostenlos. Die Teilnahme kann sich gerade in der Krisenzeiten lohnen.

  • Webwelt & Technik


„Er zeigte mit dem Finger auf mich und sagte: ‚Du bist nichts für mich‘“

Tara Reade beschuldigt Joe Biden, er habe sie 1993 in einem Senatsgebäude gegen eine Wand gedrückt, unter ihren Rock gegriffen und sei mit seinen Fingern in ihre Vagina eingedrungen. Nun hat sie sich vor laufender Kamera zu ihren Vorwürfen geäußert.


„Wir können nicht anders“ – Weißrussland feiert Kriegsende mit großer Militärparade

Der 75. Jahrestag des Sieges über den Hitlerfaschismus ist in der weißrussischen Hauptstadt Minsk mit einer großen Militärparade gefeiert gefeiert worden. Auf den Tribünen stehen Weltkriegsveteranen dicht an dicht ohne Maske.






gangsta love,mitchy slick,B.F.L.Y -Make it mix final HUNNAFIEDRECORDS - gangsta love,mitchy slick,B.F.L.Y -Make it mix final


0x29: Richard Fontana at Linux Collaboration Summit 2012

Karen and Bradley play and discuss Richard Fontana's Linux Collaboration Summit 2012 talk, The Decline of the GPL, and What To Do About It.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:36)

Karen mentioned a legal summit where Richard and Karen spoke; the same event where the organizers said having Bradley speak would be the same as having the caterers speak.

Segment 1 (04:46)

Fontana's slides for this talk are available on Fontana's website.

Note that this talk is a longer version of Ricahrd Fontana's FOSDEM 2012 talk, The (possible) decline of the GPL, and what to do about it from the FOSDEM 2012 Legal and Policy Issues DevRoom.

Segment 2 (57:24)

Bradley and Karen discuss Fontana's talk.

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


0x54: Carol Smith at LCA 2015

Bradley and Karen interview Carol Smith, Programs and Open Source Community Manager of Google Summer of Code about the program and its policies and procedures.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:00:35)

Bradley encourages those who attend FOSDEM 2015 to attend sign up to attend the Supporter Night Event on 30 January 2015 in Brussels, Belgium.

Segment 1 (00:50:11)

More Show notes for this one coming soon!

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


The Summit on Race in America, pt. 1 (Ep. 29, 2019)

On this week’s program, In Black America producer and host John L. Hanson, Jr. presents a conversation with James “Jimmy Jam” Harris, Shemekiah Copeland, and Wyclef Jean at The Summit on Race in America: Liberty and Justice for All, held this Spring at the LBJ Presidential Library, on the campus of the University of Texas...


The Summit on Race in America, pt. 2 (Ep. 30, 2019)

On this week’s program, In Black America producer and host John L. Hanson, Jr. concludes a discussion with James “Jimmy Jam” Harris, Shemekiah Copeland, and Wyclef Jean at The Summit on Race in America: Liberty and Justice for All, held this Spring at the LBJ Presidential Library, on the campus of the University of Texas...


Cory Minor-Smith (Ep. 47, 2019)

This week on In Black America, producer and host John L. Hanson, Jr. speaks with Corey Minor Smith, attorney, transformational speaker, former Canton, Ohio at-large city council member, and author of #Driven, which chronicles her experiences with a family member’s mental illness.


Mitch Landrieu (Ep. 7, 2020)

This week on In Black America, producer and host John L. Hanson, Jr. speaks with Mitch Landrieu, best selling author, speaker and attorney who was Mayor of New Orleans from 2010 to 2018. He discusses a report on race and class he authored, titled Divided by Design: Findings from the American South.


Corey Minor Smith (Ep. 22, 2020)

This week on In Black America, producer and host John L. Hanson, Jr. presents a 2019 conversation with Corey Minor Smith, attorney, singer, transformational speaker, , and author of #Driven. She was previously an At Large member of the Canton, Ohio City Council, the first African American elected to a city-wide position in Canton.


LALA Is A FREE LA-2A Limiting Amplifier VST By Analog Obsession

Analog Obsession has released LALA, a freeware emulation of the LA-2A tube compressor in VST, VST3, and AU plugin formats for digital audio workstations on PC and Mac. LALA is Analog Obsession’s first emulation of the LA-2A Classic Leveling Amplifier. The plugin delivers all the core features of the original hardware unit, along with some [...]

View post: LALA Is A FREE LA-2A Limiting Amplifier VST By Analog Obsession


¿Es Bueno que el Comité de la Regla Fiscal permita más déficit al gobierno?


Bahn: Gewerkschaft rechnet mit langsamer Erholung

Jahrelang fuhr die Bahn Fahrgastrekorde ein. Mit der Corona-Krise kam der Einbruch. Viele Kunden kämen so schnell nicht zurück, glaubt der Chef der Gewerkschaft EVG, Hommel. Das liege vor allem am Rückgang von Dienstreisen.


Deutschland- und Weltkarte mit Coronavirus-Fällen

Wie viele bestätigte Coronavirus-Fälle gibt es? Die interaktiven Karten geben einen aktuellen Überblick für Deutschland und die Welt. Sie zeigen auch an, wie viele Menschen gestorben und wie viele genesen sind.


WSU coaches Nick Rolovich and Kyle Smith taking temporary salary reductions as part of ‘cost containment’ measure

To help compensate for lost NCAA distribution and added expenditures caused by the novel coronavirus outbreak, Washington State announced multiple “cost containment” measures Monday.


One of two Power Five schools without a 2021 commit, Washington State faces hurdle in recruiting

Of the 65 programs that make up college football’s “Power Five” conferences, 63 have at least one prospect committed in the 2021 recruiting class. Washington State and Arizona are the two that don't.


California wide receiver Orion Peters becomes first WSU Cougars commit in 2021 class

Inglewood (Calif.) High wide receiver Orion Peters pledged to WSU, becoming the first 2021 prospect to do so when he announced his decision on Twitter Friday night.


Three-star offensive tackle Christian Hilborn becomes WSU’s second 2021 commit

Christian Hilborn, a 6-foot-5, 280-pound offensive tackle from Highland High School in Utah has pledged to the Cougars, becoming WSU's second commit of the 2021 class.


Four-star center Dishon Jackson commits to Washington State

Coach Kyle Smith has added one of the top-rated prospects in program history to an already robust 2020 recruiting class.


WSU coaches Nick Rolovich and Kyle Smith taking temporary salary reductions as part of ‘cost containment’ measure

To help compensate for lost NCAA distribution and added expenditures caused by the novel coronavirus outbreak, Washington State announced multiple “cost containment” measures Monday.


WSU coaches Nick Rolovich and Kyle Smith taking temporary salary reductions as part of ‘cost containment’ measure

To help compensate for lost NCAA distribution and added expenditures caused by the novel coronavirus outbreak, Washington State announced multiple “cost containment” measures Monday.