mal A well-defended territory is what some female hummingbirds find most attractive in a mate By Published On :: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 17:20:21 +0000 What they observed was unique among all bird species: successful male caribs maintained and defended territories with nectar supplies that were two to five times greater than their daily needs and also isolated part of their crop for the exclusive feeding rights of visiting females. The post A well-defended territory is what some female hummingbirds find most attractive in a mate appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Plants Research News Science & Nature birds Caribbean National Museum of Natural History
mal The Encyclopedia of Life is a global effort to document all 1.8 million named species of animals, plants and other life forms on Earth By Published On :: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 11:47:04 +0000 The Encyclopedia of Life is an unprecedented global effort to document all 1.8 million named species of animals, plants and other forms of life on Earth. For the first time in the history of the planet, scientists, students, and citizens will have multi-media access to all known living species, even those that have just been discovered. The Field Museum of Natural History, Harvard University, Marine Biological Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, and Biodiversity Heritage Library joined together to initiate the project, bringing together species and software experts from across the world. Lean more at The post The Encyclopedia of Life is a global effort to document all 1.8 million named species of animals, plants and other life forms on Earth appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Plants Video biodiversity conservation endangered species insects National Museum of Natural History
mal With specialist pollinator absent, Himalayan gingers must adapt By Published On :: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 21:05:44 +0000 The scientists staked out dozens of the gingers night and day while the plants flowered, but no long-proboscid pollinator ever appeared. Climate change, they surmised, was responsible for the loss of this highly specialized and now, perhaps forever unknown insect. The post With specialist pollinator absent, Himalayan gingers must adapt appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Plants Research News Science & Nature bees climate change insects National Museum of Natural History
mal The small whorled pogonia By Published On :: Tue, 17 May 2011 16:49:41 +0000 The small-whorled pogonia is a plain, endangered orchid that inhabits the hollows of Virginia, and survives only in collaboration with a particular type of fungus […] The post The small whorled pogonia appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Plants Research News Science & Nature Spotlight conservation biology endangered species Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
mal Small-Whorled Pogonia: Endangered Orchid on the Edge By Published On :: Fri, 07 Sep 2012 14:32:13 +0000 Small-Whorled Pogonia: Endangered Orchid on the Edge. The small-whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides) is endangered 16 of the 20 states where it still appears, earning it the title "rarest orchid east of the Mississippi." The post Small-Whorled Pogonia: Endangered Orchid on the Edge appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Plants Science & Nature Video Chesapeake Bay climate change conservation conservation biology endangered species orchids Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
mal Loss of animals spells doom for diversity of rainforest trees By Published On :: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 15:12:33 +0000 Soon after a dirt road through the forests of Lambir Hills National Park in Borneo was improved in 1987, local markets selling the meat of […] The post Loss of animals spells doom for diversity of rainforest trees appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Plants Research News Science & Nature biodiversity birds Center for Tropical Forest Science climate change conservation conservation biology Forest Global Earth Observatory mammals rain forests Tropical Research Institute
mal Shade-grown coffee plantations are mammal friendly as well, study shows By Published On :: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:50:48 +0000 Scientists have long known that in the tropics shade-grown coffee plantations provide critical habitat for migratory and resident birds. Now a new survey conducted in […] The post Shade-grown coffee plantations are mammal friendly as well, study shows appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Plants Research News Science & Nature agriculture biodiversity birds camera traps climate change conservation conservation biology endangered species food history mammals Migratory Bird Center Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Smithsonian's National Zoo
mal 3D study of teeth in modern mammals opens window to extinct animal diets By Published On :: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 19:39:06 +0000 By charting the slopes and crags on animals’ teeth as if they were mountain ranges, scientists at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History have […] The post 3D study of teeth in modern mammals opens window to extinct animal diets appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Dinosaurs & Fossils Plants Research News Science & Nature
mal Of mice and macchiato: Bird Friendly coffee gives a paw-up to small mammals as well By Published On :: Wed, 01 Mar 2017 14:47:09 +0000 Finding a mouse in your morning coffee might give you an unwelcome jolt, but there’s a strong connection between small mammals, birds and the plantations […] The post Of mice and macchiato: Bird Friendly coffee gives a paw-up to small mammals as well appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Plants Research News Science & Nature birds endangered species mammals Migratory Bird Center Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Smithsonian's National Zoo
mal Coral reef eavesdropping unveils burrowed, romantic male singers By Published On :: Mon, 07 Aug 2017 13:29:30 +0000 Coral reefs are home to some of the most colorful, diverse life on the planet. And yet, for all their fame as biodiversity hotspots, it’s […] The post Coral reef eavesdropping unveils burrowed, romantic male singers appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Marine Science Plants Research News Science & Nature Chesapeake Bay Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
mal Google Chrome malware ads will not go away By Published On :: 2020-05-07T18:06:40-05:00 Full Article
mal Obtaining the best results: aspects of data collection, model finalization and interpretation of results in small-molecule crystal-structure determination By Published On :: This article aims to encourage practitioners, young and seasoned, by enhancing their structure-determination toolboxes with a selection of tips and tricks on recognizing and handling aspects of data collection, structure modelling and refinement, and the interpretation of results. Full Article text
mal Anomalous small viral shells and simplest polyhedra with icosahedral symmetry: the rhombic triacontahedron case By Published On :: 2019-01-01 The development of antiviral strategies requires a clear understanding of the principles that control the protein arrangements in viral shells. Considered here are those capsids that violate the paradigmatic Caspar and Klug (CK) model, and it is shown that the important structural features of such anomalous shells from the Picobirnaviridae, Flaviviridae and Leviviridae families can be revealed by models in the form of spherical icosahedral packings of equivalent rhombic structural units (SUs). These SUs are composed of protein dimers forming the investigated capsids which, as shown here, are based on the rhombic triacontahedron (RT) geometry. How to modify the original CK approach in order to make it compatible with the considered rhombic tessellations of a sphere is also discussed. Analogies between capsids self-assembled from dimers and trimers are demonstrated. This analysis reveals the principles controlling the localization of receptor proteins (which recognize the host cell) on the capsid surface. Full Article text
mal Obtaining the best results: aspects of data collection, model finalization and interpretation of results in small-molecule crystal-structure determination By Published On :: 2020-05-01 In small-molecule single-crystal structure determination, we now have at our disposal an inspiring range of fantastic diffractometers with better, brighter sources, and faster, more sensitive detectors. Faster and more powerful computers provide integrated tools and software with impressive graphical user interfaces. Yet these tools can lead to the temptation not to check the work thoroughly and one can too easily overlook tell-tale signs that something might be amiss in a structure determination; validation with checkCIF is not always revealing. This article aims to encourage practitioners, young and seasoned, by enhancing their structure-determination toolboxes with a selection tips and tricks on recognizing and handling aspects that one should constantly be aware of. Topics include a pitfall when setting up data collections, the usefulness of reciprocal lattice layer images, processing twinned data, tips for disorder modelling and the use of restraints, ensuring hydrogen atoms are added to a model correctly, validation beyond checkCIF, and the derivation and interpretation of the final results. Full Article text
mal Malaysia: 84% of SMEs fell victim to cyber-attacks in 2018 By Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 10:23:00 +0200 (The Paypers) Chubb’s SME Cyber Preparedness Report has revealed that 84% of small and medium... Full Article
mal The small GTPase Rab32 resides on lysosomes to regulate mTORC1 signaling By Published On :: 2020-04-15 Kristina Drizyte-MillerApr 15, 2020; 0:jcs.236661v1-jcs.236661Articles Full Article
mal Control of assembly of extra-axonemal structures: the paraflagellar rod of trypanosomes By Published On :: 2020-04-15 Aline A. AlvesApr 15, 2020; 0:jcs.242271v1-jcs.242271Articles Full Article
mal Squaring the EMC - how promoting membrane protein biogenesis impacts cellular functions and organismal homeostasis By Published On :: 2020-04-24 Norbert VolkmarApr 24, 2020; 133:jcs243519-jcs243519REVIEW Full Article
mal Why animals eat what they eat By Published On :: 2019-08-27T07:00:00Z Full Text:What an animal eats is a fundamental aspect of its biology, but surprisingly, the evolution of diet had not been studied across the animal kingdom until now. Scientists at the University of Arizona report several unexpected findings from taking a deep dive into the evolutionary history of more than one million animal species and going back 800 million years, when the first animals appeared on our planet. The study revealed several surprising key insights: Many species living today that are carnivorous, meaning they eat other animals, can trace this diet back to a common ancestor more than 800 million years ago; A plant-based, or herbivorous, diet is not the evolutionary driver for new species that it was believed to be; Closely related animals tend to share the same dietary category -- plant-eating, meat-eating, or both. This finding implies that switching between dietary lifestyles is not something that happens easily and often over the course of evolution.Image credit: Daniel Stolte/UANews Full Article
mal Animals, Insects, etc in alphabetical order (with an image if you wish) By Published On :: 2020-05-09T15:42:45-05:00 Full Article
mal How To Temporarily Disable Your Anti-virus, Firewall And Anti-malware Programs By Published On :: 2007-10-30T10:44:34-05:00 Full Article
mal Use Process Explorer to Identify Malware Infection By Published On :: 2016-06-13T15:51:51-05:00 Full Article
mal Antibiotic Use in Food Animals Contributes to Microbe Resistance By Published On :: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 05:00:00 GMT Bacteria that resist antibiotics can be passed from food animals to humans, but not enough is known to determine the public health risks posed by such transmission, says a new report by a committee of the National Research Council. Full Article
mal Radon in Drinking Water Constitutes Small Health Risk By Published On :: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 05:00:00 GMT Radon in household water supplies increases peoples overall exposure to the gas, but waterborne radon poses few risks to human health, says a new report by a committee of the National Research Council. Full Article
mal New Report on Science Learning at Museums, Zoos, Other Informal Settings By Published On :: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 06:00:00 GMT Each year, tens of millions of Americans, young and old, choose to learn about science in informal ways -- by visiting museums and aquariums, attending after-school programs, pursuing personal hobbies, and watching TV documentaries, for example. Full Article
mal U.S. Tax Code Has Minimal Effect on Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Report Says By Published On :: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 05:00:00 GMT Current federal tax provisions have minimal net effect on greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report from the National Research Council. Full Article
mal Formaldehyde Confirmed as Known Human Carcinogen By Published On :: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:00:00 GMT A new report from the National Research Council has upheld the listing of formaldehyde as “known to be a human carcinogen” in the National Toxicology Program 12th Report on Carcinogens (RoC). Full Article
mal Assessing the Effects of Human-Caused Activities on Marine Mammals By Published On :: Fri, 07 Oct 2016 05:00:00 GMT Rising levels of noise in the ocean have been identified as a growing concern for the well-being of marine mammals, but other threats such as pollution, climate change, and prey depletion by fisheries may also harm marine mammals and influence their response to additional noise. Full Article
mal Unclassified Version of New Report Predicts Small Drone Threats to Infantry Units, Urges Development of Countermeasures By Published On :: Tue, 06 Mar 2018 06:00:00 GMT The emergence of inexpensive small unmanned aircraft systems (sUASs) that operate without a human pilot, commonly known as drones, has led to adversarial groups threatening deployed U.S. forces, especially infantry units. Full Article
mal Determining Whether There Is a Link Between Antimalarial Drugs and Persistent Health Effects Requires More Rigorous Studies By Published On :: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 05:00:00 GMT Although the immediate side effects of antimalarial drugs are widely recognized, few studies were designed specifically to examine health problems that might occur or persist months or years after people stopped taking them. Full Article
mal Mal/EncPK-NS being distributed from right-wing political site By Published On :: 2020-04-13T14:52:38-05:00 Full Article
mal malware and general antivirus protection some advice please? By Published On :: 2020-05-03T04:23:30-05:00 Full Article
mal E-wallet use increases in Malaysia during movement control order By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 13:31:00 +0200 The use of contactless payments and e-wallets has risen during the movement control order (MCO) in Malaysia. Full Article
mal How to Use Windows Defender to Scan a Folder for Malware By Published On :: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 18:16:57 EDT Windows Defender allows you to perform a Custom scan that lets you specify the specific folder or drive you would like to scan for malware. As you only need to scan that one folder, the scan time will be much quicker than scanning an entire machine. [...] Full Article Tutorials How to Use Windows Defender to Scan a Folder for Malware
mal How To Remove Malwarepro (removal Instructions) By Published On :: 2007-12-27T16:24:14-05:00 Full Article
mal How To Remove Malwarecrush (removal Instructions) By Published On :: 2007-12-28T17:05:19-05:00 Full Article
mal How To Remove Malwarecore (removal Instructions) By Published On :: 2008-02-13T17:33:01-05:00 Full Article
mal Spyware And Malware Removal Guides Index By Published On :: 2008-09-25T19:11:06-05:00 2006-2011 Full Article
mal 4 fun SoCal Christmas events that don't involve shopping malls By Published On :: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:52:58 -0800 Frank Romero with one of his French paintings, in his home in the South of France. But every year, he and his wife Sharon throw a big studio sale for Christmas, and you're invited.; Credit: John Rabe John Rabe "Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!" - Auntie Mame. Your calendar is filling up, but here are four holiday events you'll want to make room for: Every year, pioneering Chicano artist Frank Romero and his wife Sharon throw a big studio sale that includes works by a wide group of artists, and a lot of food and drink. It's just as much a party as a sales event, and Frank and the other artists are always there to meet and greet. And now that the couple is spending more time at their home in France, it's a chance for their old friends to catch up with them, so who knows who you'll see from L.A.'s arts community. RELATED: See Frank's new works - French scenes with an East LA flavor The Romero Studio annual Christmas party and sale is Saturday, Dec. 6, 6-10pm; and Sunday, Dec. 7, 1-5pm, at Plaza de la Raza, Boathouse Gallery, 3540 North Mission Rd., LA CA 90031 (in Lincoln Park across from the DMV — which BTW is a very good DMV). Then, on Sunday, Dec. 14, at 4:30pm, it's the Advent Procession of Lessons and Carols, at St. James Episcopal Church, which a friend describes as "one of the truly beautiful choral events of the season," and the highlight of the Choir of St. James' season. It's free and it's at St. James' Episcopal Church in Koreatown (3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010). "Auntie Mame," the 1958 Rosalind Russell movie with more quotable quips than a weekend getaway with Oscar Wilde, has become something of a Christmas tradition. It's screening at the American Cinematheque's Egyptian Theatre on Wednesday, Dec. 17, at 7:30. As delightful as this movie is any day of the week on your TV at home, this is a film to be seen in 35mm with a theater full of people reacting to every bon mot and heart-touching moment. GO INSIDE: The Disney Hall organ, "Hurricane Mama," turns 10 Last year, my husband and I blindly went to Disney Hall for the Holiday Organ Spectacular. We expected some music and a little fun. But it really was spectacular. It's back this year, on Friday, Dec. 19, with organist David Higgs leading the evening from the console of Hurricane Mama. If you've never seen or heard the organ in person, this is a great evening because Higgs — a teacher as well as master organist — gives you a guided tour of every stop, and every mood the organ can produce, from cathedral-loud to country-church-quiet. At the end of the night, he breaks the audience into parts to sing "The Twelve Days of Christmas," and you may sing as loud as you like. These are just a few curated selections, but they're just the tip of the iceberg in Southern California; please make your own holiday event recommendations in the comments below. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at Full Article
mal A Year After The Woolsey Fire, This Malibu Day Laborer Still Struggles to Find Work By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2019 16:08:32 -0800 Julio Osorio stands in the Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery near his mother's grave. (Emily Elena Dugdale/KPCC); Credit: Emily Elena Dugdale Emily Elena DugdaleThe devastating Woolsey fire broke out one year ago. In Malibu, it wreaked havoc not only on hundreds of homeowners but also on the day laborers, housekeepers and gardeners who traveled to the city to work in its affluent neighborhoods. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at Full Article
mal Emily Quinn: Male Or Female Is The Wrong Question—How Can We Rethink Biological Sex? By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 08:20:29 -0700 Emily Quinn speaks from the TED stage at TEDWomen 2018; Credit: /TED NPR/TED STAFF | NPRPart 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode The Biology Of Sex Artist Emily Quinn is intersex. She's one of over 150 million people in the world who don't fit neatly into the categories of male or female. She explains how biological sex exists on a spectrum. About Emily Quinn Emily Quinn is an artist and activist. She worked at Cartoon Network on the Emmy Award winning show, Adventure Time. While there she partnered with interACT and MTV to develop the first intersex main character in television history. She came out publicly as intersex in a PSA alongside the character's debut. She later worked as the Youth Coordinator for interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth. As an activist, she speaks about intersex issues before audiences and through her YouTube channel: intersexperiences. As an artist, her most recent projects include a genderless puberty guidebook and a portrait series of intersex people that will be exhibited at medical schools across the U.S. in 2020. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at Full Article
mal Small, Private Colleges Get Boost From Coronavirus Relief Funds By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 11:00:20 -0700 ; Credit: LA Johnson/NPR Elissa Nadworny and Diane Adame | NPRWhen Congress allocated money for higher education in the coronavirus rescue package, it set aside nearly $350 million for colleges that had "significant unmet needs." Most of that money has now been allotted by the U.S. Department of Education to small, private colleges that serve just a fraction of U.S. college students. Meanwhile, public colleges — which serve more than 70% of all college students — are facing a steep drop in state funding. The 20 institutions that received the most amount of money from the unmet-need fund serve less than 3,000 students combined, and about half are religious schools — including Bible colleges and seminaries — several of which serve less than 100 students. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. Lawmakers designed this unmet-need fund to give priority to any higher education institution that has received less than $500,000 through the CARES Act's other pots of funding. As a result, a school like Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, which serves 47 students, is eligible to receive $496,930 in federal aid. "Imagine you had a special reserve fund to deal with a big crisis and you spent over 90% of that in one fell swoop on vacation tickets," or something that "wasn't as necessary in the moment," says Ben Miller, the vice president for postsecondary education at the left-leaning Center for American Progress. Miller argues larger public colleges, including community colleges that serve tens of thousands of students, should be getting more financial support. He calculates the department allocated more than $320 million of the $350 million on relief for small colleges, most of them private. "As a result, they only have about 8% of the dollars they originally got here left to help any other college in the country that might be most affected," he says. As with other CARES Act funding, in order to receive the money, an institution would still need to request it from the Department of Education. Much of the CARES Act's more than $14 billion for higher education is being distributed according to the number of full-time low-income students a college serves, which is measured through federal Pell Grants. The $350-million unmet-need fund followed a different formula. Miller says for this particular pot, schools that did not receive $500,000 or more from other available CARES Act funds were given the difference between what they did receive and $500,000 limit. "So the result is that the smaller you are and the less money you've already gotten, the more you get from this program," Miller says. But $350 million can only go so far. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was given the discretion to choose which schools would benefit from the fund, and by how much. Some schools were baffled when they learned they had been allotted hundreds of thousands of dollars in relief, and many weren't aware they were even eligible for the money. Brad Smith, the president of Bakke Graduate University in Dallas, which was allotted $497,338 in federal aid, says he didn't learn of his school's eligibility until he was contacted by NPR. "I don't know anything about this," Smith says, noting that his school hadn't asked for additional federal help. "I'm taking responsibility to find out what it means." An Education Department spokesperson tells NPR, "In order to receive this funding, an institution will need to request it. Any institution that does not need this money should simply decline to request it so schools will not be in the position of having to return unneeded funds." The department says, once the requests are processed, any remaining funds will be redistributed through competitive grants. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at Full Article
mal Security firm, FireEye, employed intern who is accused of developing Malware By Published On :: 2015-07-27T10:40:25-05:00 Full Article
mal Employees Said Kaspersky Faked Malware To Harm Rivals By Published On :: 2015-08-14T18:19:46-05:00 Full Article
mal Hundreds of Apps In iOS App Store Contain Malicious Software By Published On :: 2015-09-20T22:37:47-05:00 Full Article
mal Malwarebytes for Mac By Published On :: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 13:07:55 EST Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac is a free security tool that allows you to scan your computer for common macOS infections and remove them. While focusing on adware infections, Malwarebytes for Mac will also scan for other known infections that are being released for the macOS operaitng system. [...] Full Article Downloads Malwarebytes for Mac
mal Emsisoft Anti-Malware By Published On :: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 22:21:40 EDT Emsisoft AntiMalware has become a favorite at It's dual scanning engine consists of BitDefender definitions as well as definitions created by Emsisoft, which when combined, allows for excellent and up-to-date detections. [...] Full Article Downloads Emsisoft Anti-Malware
mal Malwarebytes Anti-Malware By Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:33:31 EDT Malwarebytes is a light-weight anti-malware program that is excellent at removing the latest detections. MBAM is also able to be used along side any other security programs that you may have installed, which allows it to remove malware that was able to sneak through your normal anti-virus solution. [...] Full Article Downloads Malwarebytes Anti-Malware