
Premier’s Concert To Be Held On Sunday

Fire Wayne, Donquili, Rikkai Scott, Yesha Townsend, Troika and T’aja Williams will take the stage for the 2024 Premier’s Concert on Sunday. A Government spokesperson said, “A memorable night of entertainment is anticipated on Sunday [June 30], when local artists, Fire Wayne, Donquili, Rikkai Scott, Yesha Townsend, Troika and T’aja Williams take the stage for […]


Robert Symons Performs Steel Pan On Ferry

[Written by Stephen Wright] Musician Robert Symons has been delighting passengers aboard one of Bermuda’s ferry with the soothing sounds of his steel pan, finding creative ways to sustain his career. A professional musician since 1976, Mr Symons has performed four days a week on the ferry, from Dockyard to Hamilton, since last month, drawing […]


Photos & Video: Jab J’Ouvert Party Event

Southlands Park in Warwick was bursting with vibrant energy this weekend as a lively crowd of people gathered to celebrate at the Jab J’Ouvert event early in the morning. Paint, music, and dancing filled the air as attendees enjoyed the festivities. Related Stories Photos & Video: TMQ Jazz Event At Victoria Park Photos/Video: Summer Sunday […]


Review: Male Voice Gospel Concert

[Written by Dale Butler] The Vernon Temple A.M.E. Church at 6 Hawthorn Lane, Middle Road, Southampton held a first-class Male Voice Gospel Concert on Sunday, September 22, 2024 in honour of distinguished patrons John and Marilyn Smith, who will celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary on October 9. The church building was filled to capacity with […]


Review: Women In The Arts Concert

[Written by Dale Butler] It was ‘A Grand Musicale’ evening organized by the Women’s Day Committee of St. Paul A.M.E. Church on Saturday, October 26 at 7.00pm, highlighting the Women in the Arts Concert. Host pastor Rev. Nicholas Genevieve-Tweed sat with admiration as a flawless program was delivered with 15 acts for patrons and general […]


Photos & Video: Taylor Made Peace Concert

[Updated with photos & video] The Ministry of National Security invites everyone to the Taylor Made Peace Concert & Family Funday, which will be held today [Nov 11] at Bernard Park. A spokesperson said, “Join us today, November 11th, from 11 AM to 6 PM at Bernard Park for a day of peace, music, and […]


Minister Furbert Attends Forum In Barbados

Minister of Youth, Social Development and Seniors Tinee Furbert is attending the XVI Ministerial Development Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean from 30 October to 1 November 2024 in Bridgetown, Barbados. A Government spokesperson said, “The theme for this year’s Forum is ‘Resilience in Action: Social Policies to Navigate Uncertainty in Latin America and […]


TBi Acquires WoW’s ‘Business & Certain Assets’

TBi has ”acquired the business and certain assets” of WoW, with TBi saying they “have an exciting vision to take the company to new heights.” A spokesperson said, “TeleBermuda International Limited [TBi] today announced that it acquired the business and certain assets of World on Wireless Limited [WoW], acting by its Joint Provisional Liquidators [JPLs], Michael […]


Minister Furbert On 2024 Cruise Ship Season

Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert provided an overview of the 2024 cruise ship season, stating that ”comparing the 2023 season, which saw 183 calls and 41 cancellations with 525,413 passengers, to 2024, we project a marginal increase of 22,651 passengers or 4.3%, and a small decrease in the number of cruise calls by 6 or 3.2%.” The Minister’s […]


Trump a podivný sen libertariánských miliardářů o vlastních královstvích

Během předvolební kampaně Donalda Trumpa se pozornost soustředila především na jeho kontroverzní výroky a soudní stíhání. Daleko zajímavější pohled ale skýtá volební program zveřejněný na Trumpových osobních stránkách. Nejenže napovídá, kdo za jeho kampaní stál, ale také, po čem šedé eminence v jejím pozadí touží. Pokud se například naplní sliby vizionářské sekce Kvantový skok, mohou v USA brzy vzniknout samosprávné městské mikrostáty ovládané autoritářskými miliardáři. V programu Donalda Trumpa pro ně existuje hezké jméno Freedom Cities – Města svobody.


Vladimír Mertlík: Je 35 let dost, nebo málo? Z žaláře národů, kolem ruského dubu až k padlým iluzím

Zase budeme slavit i nadávat – jak kdo – na pětatřicet let od listopadu 1989. Uteklo to jako voda. Hodnotíme ten čas v průzkumech, jako bychom nevěděli, že vypovídají nejvíc o nás samých. Je to dost, nebo málo, těch pětatřicet let? Co jsme dokázali a co jsme pokazili? Ohlédněme se ve Zpětném zrcátku za tím, co zůstane potomkům, až budou hodnotit našich pětatřicet let. Začátky jsou vždycky plné slunce, slibů a těšení. Nevěsta je panensky bílá, ženich čestný a silný. Ona symbol věčné lásky, on pevnost pravdy. Proto si bez váhání slíbí věrnost až do smrti, neboť jen tak pravda a láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí… Hudba hraje, všichni se drží kolem ramen a vše vypadá tak snadné a nadějné… Jako budoucnost, než se stane přítomností. Takoví jsme byli, vzpomínáme pak po letech. Ale jací jsme vlastně byli?


Rapping with Rab and Robert

Someone elseweb crossed a couple of wires and mentioned Robert Frost when they meant Robert Burns. And I got that...




Antifa Black Lives Matter is a totalitarian political movement to overthrow a capitalistic free market and free society

Elected Republicans, almost all of them, are in no hurry to stop the disorder. They appear to believe what we're watching is a version of the Rodney King riots from 1992. People saw an upsetting video on the internet, they're angry, and that's understandable. But they'll calm down soon, and we can get back to cutting capital gains taxes and sanctioning Bashar al- Assad. That's their view of it. They are wrong. This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious and highly organized political movement. It is not superficial. It is deep and profound. It has vast ambitions. It is insidious; it will grow. Its goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge Western civilization itself. This is an ideological movement. The ideas that fuel it have incubated for decades on college campuses. We paid for all of it, by the way. The rest of us were so thrilled that our kids got into Duke that we decided to ignore what Duke was actually teaching them and are continuing to send big checks. That was a mistake. It was one of the greatest mistakes we've ever made. Continue reading


The CIA NSA FBI are today’s Gestapo. Didn’t they create a phony Russian investigation to overthrow a Presidency?



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Matt Taibbi about censorship and the Twitter files


A Certain Number of Things - Thing Seven

Alt Text. Two elephants, conferring.


As Someone Quite Rightly Points Out, Actually an Entirely Uncertain Number of Things - Things Eight and Nine

Alt Text: Two dog walkers, walking two dogs. (It looks as if I've whimsically made it look like one of the dogs is interested in a butcher's signboard advertising sausages, but actually it wasn't me who did that. It was the dog.)


TIFF Day 7: Concert Films are the New Concerts

Beans [Canada, Tracey Deer, 4] As the 1990 Oka standoff envelops her Mohawk community, a shy tween achiever (Kiawentiio) decides to toughen up by ingratiating herself to the tough kids. Mixing the docudrama and coming-of-age structures offsets the inherent trickiness of both, but it wouldn’t work without an appealing and touching performance from its charismatic young lead.

Akilla’s Escape [Canada, Charles Officer, 4] Weed dealer hoping to leave the business (Saul Wiliiams) tries to recover his boss’ ripped-off cash and product without sacrificing a young gang member who reminds him of his younger self. Moody, laconic crime drama contextualized by the political history of Jamaican gangsterism.

Williams, a recording artist, also supplies the score. The kinds of films that play at the festival often economize by favoring black credit  screens over full title sequences, so it’s always a bracing change of pace to see a well-done one. The title sequence for this not only delivers a welcome jolt of mood and energy but does a lot of the storytelling work that would otherwise have to be done with expository dialogue.

New Order [Mexico, Michel Franco, 4] A wedding thrown by a wealthy family during a growing insurrection suffers a murderous attack by protestors and the kidnapping of the bride. Wildly disturbing vision of political violence and degradation takes its time unreeling its allegorical purpose.

David Byrne’s American Utopia [US, Spike Lee, 4] Filmed version of the Broadway version of David Byrne’s recent tour features joyous choreography, simple but arresting stagecraft, and songs from his Talking Heads and solo eras. When you shoot a concert film featuring David Byrne, you have to bring it, and Lee does that ably, finding countlesss different ways to shoot within a proscenium.

David Byrne has always been a hugely important artist to me, but I was surprised how moved I was to get to feel that I was at a live concert.

Capsule review boilerplate: Ratings are out of 5. I’ll be collecting these reviews in order of preference in a master post the Monday after the fest. Films shown on the festival circuit will appear in theaters, disc and/or streaming over the next year plus.

  • toronto international film festival


New insights into asteroid properties: A STEP Grant update

A Planetary Society-funded project to understand asteroids achieved its main goals and scientific objectives this year.


War for Cybertron game

The new Deception medic 'Wrench' gets his first taste of combat.

 I love this little cassette bot, he's so cute. I must make some more.

Skyfire brings the rain.

  • War for Cybertron
  • War for Cybertron.


Why Virat Kohli, Jasprit Bumrah were missing from Perth nets; India ramp up privacy amid Manchester United-like security - Hindustan Times

  1. Why Virat Kohli, Jasprit Bumrah were missing from Perth nets; India ramp up privacy amid Manchester United-like security  Hindustan Times
  2. Virat Kohli in focus: Intense net session begins for upcoming Test series against Australia  The Times of India
  3. Virat Kohli in Australia for BGT: A timeline  India Today
  4. Black veil of secrecy: India begin training in privacy in Perth  ESPNcricinfo
  5. India to play intra-squad warm-up match at WACA on Friday ahead of Australia Tests but BCCI denies public viewing  Hindustan Times


Convert Old Junk Bikes Into Race-Ready Fixed Gear Bikes in No Time!

EIGHTINCH shows us how to fix up old bikes using a fairly basic conversion kit. You'll need:

  • Amelia wheels with tires & tubes
  • 16t cog
  • lockring
  • Courier cranks
  • A bottom bracket
  • A KMC chain

More videos for both seasoned and amateur bike enthusiasts here!


Lint Trap Fixed, Fire Averted


This Bizarre Instagram Account Inserts Donald Trump Into Your Favorite Movies

Trump In Cinema is dedicated to displaying some of movie history's best moments with Donald Trump at the center of them. Some of these photoshops are too perfect. Others as just... troubling.


Nancy Pelosi Pointing At Trump Is An Assertive Dank Meme

During a meeting to discuss Syria, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was photographed assertively pointing a finger at Donald Trump. Trump later tweeted the photo with the caption, "Nervous Nancy's unhinged meltdown!" the photo has inspired a whole host of memes from every political angle. 

Whether you're a Trump supporter or a Pelosi fan, we think you'll find these trending memes amusing. Or maybe you hate both of them equally! That's certainly an option too!


CC Certificate Alumni Making a Global Impact

Launched in 2018, the Creative Commons Certificate program has trained and graduated nearly 1800 people from 66 countries. The Certificate program offers in-depth courses about CC licenses, open practices, and the ethos of the Commons. Our staff is constantly inspired by our community of Certificate alumni, accomplishing incredible things. In this interview, we were delighted…

The post CC Certificate Alumni Making a Global Impact appeared first on Creative Commons.


Countrywide air raid alert issued in Ukraine

Ukrainian authorities activated air raid alerts throughout the entirety of the country on Wednesday, with the president's chief of staff warning of a missile attack on the capital city, AFP report...


‘Fart blaster’ tops Christmas toy wishlist as experts predict record sales

Despicable Me 4 tie-in smells more like popcorn while a waddling duck and an interactive pet monkey also feature A “fart blaster” with a repertoire of 15 sounds that blasts “fog fart rings” and a waddling mother duck are among the toys destined to appear on Christmas lists as experts predict a…


Australia plans to ban social media for under 16s — and experts have called it a ‘momentous step’

One expert says Australia is "on the verge of reclaiming childhood after it had been stolen for 15 years."


An all-new 650 hp Cadillac, Hertz is selling off more EVs, and something weird at Tesla

On today’s exciting episode of Quick Charge, we’ve got the Vistiq! It’s all-new, three row SUV from Cadillac that packs 650 hp and can go from 0-60 mph in under 3.5 seconds, a serious word from Rivian, and something fishy at Tesla. We’ve also got word that Hertz is selling off even more of its…


Media executives say that some brands were preparing to advertise on X once again, as Elon Musk was likely to gain an influential Trump administration role


Would Donald Trump's Iran Crackdown Benefit Russia? Experts Weigh In

Even before Donald Trump named Elise Stefanik the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, the New York representative had touted how the president-elect would return to a "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran. The Wall Street Journal said Trump would "drastically increase" sanctions to "choke…


Is Hilbert’s Grand Hotel a paradox?

Hilbert’s Grand Hotel shows that a fully occupied hotel with infinitely many rooms can accommodate additional guests. But our analyze finds that this is not true. Let us illustrate Hilbert’s Grand Hotel in Figure 1 where each square is a room and is occupied. Suppose that the rooms of the hotel are numbered 1, 2,...


A Warning from Maj. TurnerThis election is going to clearly define the rest of everybody’s life

You must watch this warning from a soldier who has everything on the line. ... READ MORE


Shaws/Albertsons offering $25 credit with $150+ in gaming gift cards

From 11/17 until 12/14, get $25 off future grocery purchase when you buy $150+ in gift cards. Includes PSN, xbox, gamestop, and other random retailers.

16.6% discount on gaming credit if you were getting groceries anyway. Promos are usually valid at all regional Albertson affiliates. Star Market, Acme, Vons, etc.


Ah, Well, Nevertheless

Satan is prepping Biden's chair.

Going out on genocide. Strange life arc.


How to Set and Crush Your Goals in 2024: Expert Tips and Examples

Ah, 2024. Another year, another set of resolutions gathering dust by February, right? Not this time. Let’s face it – we’ve all been there, setting lofty goals only to watch them fizzle out faster than a New Year’s Eve sparkler. But here’s the kicker: it’s not about cramming more into your day like it’s a ... Read more

The post How to Set and Crush Your Goals in 2024: Expert Tips and Examples appeared first on LifeHack.


Short breaks in 2015, an uncertain future

Short breaks are among the most fundamental services for supporting families with disabled children. By providing breaks from caring and positive experiences for children and young people, they allow parent carers to focus on relationships with other children, or to have time to themselves or with their partner, leading to lower levels of psychological distress, higher levels of life satisfaction and better health. As a result, fewer parent carers reach ‘breaking point’ and fewer children require access to emergency provision or enter the looked after system. This report, commissioned by Every Disabled Child Matters, looks at the current provision of short breaks to families of disabled children in England.


A research agenda for respite care. Deliberations of an expert panel of researchers, advocates and funders

ARCH, the National Respite Network and Resource Center in the United States of America identified that evidence-based research on respite care has, to large extent, been lacking. Across ages, needs and settings, respite is based upon the premise that providing caregivers periodic relief from daily, ongoing caregiving responsibilities will directly benefit them in terms of their physical health, immediate and long-term psychological health, and social-emotional relationships with family members. These benefits are assumed to result in secondary benefits for care receivers and even larger societal benefits in the form of cost benefits or improved employee productivity. Some research studies point to the merits of these assumptions. However, evidence-based research supporting this premise - or going beyond it to demonstrate how to best provide respite care that results in maximum benefits - has not been available. This report presents the findings of an expert panel composed of academics, researchers, service providers, advocates, policymakers and administrators representing a range of age groups, disabilities and professional disciplines. Over a period of 18 months the panel explored the current status of respite research, proposed strategies to overcome barriers to research, and developed a plan to encourage rigorous research in key areas.


The first home in California to be Zero Carbon certified

It sits on a flat stretch of green, surrounded by the rolling hills and pretty palm trees of Southern California. It's an amazing little oasis, a quiet getaway. And it's the first building in California to receive Zero Carbon Certification from the International Living Future Institute. It's only the fourth building in the entire world to reach this status. This home is called Zero One by MariSol Malibu and it's the first of its kind.[...]


Arsenal Women Arsecast 92: Arsenal 0-0 Everton

In this episode of the Arsenal Women Arsecast, Tim and Jamie talk about Arsenal’s 1-0 win over Leicester at the King Power. Tim and Jamie discuss a rotated starting line-up, how much the packed early season schedule contributed to a leggy performance, whether the game can be taken in isolation or whether concerns about the attack in particular persist and the performances of Daphne van Domselaar, Alessia Russo, the midfield partnership of Lia Walti and Kyra Cooney-Cross, defensive injuries and a lack of creativity without Mariona and Kafaji starting the game.

Get extra bonus content and help support Arseblog by becoming an Arseblog Member on Patreon:

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Enough to Convince Me to Convert to Satinism


Stop LUCR-3 Attacks: Learn Key Identity Security Tactics in This Expert Webinar

Did you know that advanced threat actors can infiltrate the identity systems of major organizations and extract sensitive data within days? It’s a chilling reality, becoming more common and concerning by the day. These attackers exploit vulnerabilities in SaaS and cloud environments, using compromised identities to move laterally within networks, causing widespread damage. Cybersecurity and IT


South Korea Fines Meta $15.67M for Illegally Sharing Sensitive User Data with Advertisers

Meta has been fined 21.62 billion won ($15.67 million) by South Korea's data privacy watchdog for illegally collecting sensitive personal information from Facebook users, including data about their political views and sexual orientation, and sharing it with advertisers without their consent. The country's Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) said Meta gathered information such as