
Lockdown essentials: Drinks for a rainy day

Both these elements have been able to ease the pain and despair of social separation by their ubiquitous yet inconspicuous nature.


Rethinking how we educate

Some of the solutions we are gradually moving towards are personalised learning, constant upskilling, and greater collaboration between traditional education providers and edtech players.


5-year-old boy dies from rare inflammatory illness linked to COVID-19 in US

Michael Gewitz, Physician-in-Chief of Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, where the boy passed away, said the child suffered "serious neurological complications" from the pediatric multi-symptom inflammatory syndrome.


Think like a Phish

As stated in our previous blogs, phishing messages rely on social engineering. Security awareness for all employees is key when it comes to protecting against phishing attacks due to the veil of lies within emails/links/attachments.


Bank of England: U.K. economy to shrink by most since 1706

The Bank of England warned Thursday that the British economy could suffer its deepest annual contraction in more than three centuries as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, before bouncing back next year.


Did 'The Simpsons' Predict Coronavirus, Murder Hornets? Twitter Thinks So

Some social media users are convinced that an early episode of The Simpsons also came close to predicting the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the invasion of "murder hornets".


"Don't Visit Linkin Park": Mumbai Police's Musical Warning Amid Lockdown

Mumbai Police asked residents to respect lockdown rules - and enlisted the help of some popular bands to do so.


Think you can play cornhole with the pros?

It's more than tossing bags at a cookout. KC Joyner looks at the deeper levels of strategy and skill.


Burrow 'waiting to see' before inking Bengals deal

The top overall pick in this year's draft said he hasn't signed his contract with the team as he's in a holding period because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Link to: 7 Habits of Highly Successful S-Parameters: How to Simulate Those Pesky S-Parameters in a Time Domain Simulator

Hi All, If you were unable to attend IMS 2017 in June 2017, the IMS MicroApp “7 Habits of Highly Successful S-Parameters” is on our Cadence website. On Cadence Online Support , the in-depth AppNote is here: 20466646 . Best regards, Tawna...(read more)


Tales from DAC: Semiconductor Design in MY Cloud? It's More Likely Than You Think

Everyone keeps talking about “the cloud” this and “the cloud” that these days—but you’re a semiconductor designer. Everyone keeps saying “the cloud” is revolutionizing all aspects of electronics design—but what does it mean for you? Cadence's own Tom Hackett discussed this in a presentation at the Cadence Theater during DAC 2019.

What people refer to as “the cloud” is commonly divided into three categories: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and software as a Service (SaaS). With IaaS, you bring your own software—i.e. loading your owned or appropriately licensed tools onto cloud hardware that you rent by the minute. This service is available from providers like Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Service, and Microsoft Azure. In PaaS (also available from the major cloud providers), you create your own offering using capabilities and a software design environment provided by the cloud vendor that makes subsequent scaling and distribution really easy because the service was “born in the cloud”.  Lastly, there’s SaaS, where the cloud is used to access and manage functionality and data without requiring users to set up or manage any of the underlying infrastructure used to provide it.  SaaS companies like Workday and Salesforce deliver their value in this manner.  The Cadence Cloud portfolio makes use of both IaaS and SaaS, depending on the customers’ interest.  Cadence doesn’t have PaaS offerings because our customers don’t create their own EDA software from building blocks that Cadence provides.

All of these designations are great, but you’re a semiconductor designer. Presumably you use Workday or some similar software, or have in the past when you were an intern, but what about all of your tools? Those aren’t on the cloud.

Wait—actually, they are.

Using EDA tools in the cloud allows you to address complexity and data explosion issues you would have to simply struggle through before. Since you don’t have to worry about having the compute-power on-site, you can use way more power than you could before. You may be wary about this new generation of cloud-based tools, but don’t worry: the old rules of cloud computing no longer apply. Cloud capacity is far larger than it used to be, and it’s more secure. Updates to scheduling software means that resource competition isn’t as big of a deal anymore. Clouds today have nearly unlimited capacity—they’re so large that you don’t ever need to worry about running out of space.

The vast increase in raw compute available to designers through the cloud makes something like automotive functional safety verification, previously an extremely long verification task, doable in a reasonable time frame. With the cloud, it’s easy to scale the amount of compute you’re using to fit your task—whether it’s an automotive functional safety-related design or a small one.

Nowadays, the Cadence Cloud Portfolio brings you the best and brightest in cloud technology. No matter what your use case is, the Cadence Cloud Portfolio has a solution that works for you. You can even access the Palladium Cloud, allowing you to try out the benefits of an accelerator without having to buy one.

Cloud computing is the future of EDA. See the future here.


હનુમાન જયંતીએ જોવા મળશે Super Pink Moonનો અદભૂત નજારો, જાણો શુભ સંયોગ

Super Pink moon: 8 એપ્રિલે ચૈત્રી પૂર્ણિમાનો શુભ સંયોગ, આ સમયે જુઓ સુપરમૂન


D-Link Gear Open To Remote Takeover Will Remain Unpatched


Satnav Spoofing Attacks: Why These Researchers Think They Have The Answer


RFID Chip Implants Linked To Cancer In Animals


IBM Reports Huge Rise In Malicious Links


ThinkPHP 5.0.23 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module exploits one of two PHP injection vulnerabilities in the ThinkPHP web framework to execute code as the web user. Versions up to and including 5.0.23 are exploitable, though 5.0.23 is vulnerable to a separate vulnerability. The module will automatically attempt to detect the version of the software. Tested against versions 5.0.20 and 5.0.23 as can be found on Vulhub.


TP-Link TL-WR849N 0.9.1 4.16 Authentication Bypass

TP-Link TL-WR849N version 0.9.1 4.16 suffers from a firmware upload authentication bypass vulnerability.


TP-Link Archer A7/C7 Unauthenticated LAN Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module exploits a command injection vulnerability in the tdpServer daemon (/usr/bin/tdpServer), running on the router TP-Link Archer A7/C7 (AC1750), hardware version 5, MIPS Architecture, firmware version 190726. The vulnerability can only be exploited by an attacker on the LAN side of the router, but the attacker does not need any authentication to abuse it. After exploitation, an attacker will be able to execute any command as root, including downloading and executing a binary from another host. This vulnerability was discovered and exploited at Pwn2Own Tokyo 2019 by the Flashback team.


TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX SetEncryptKey Command Injection

TP-LINK Cloud Cameras including products NC260 and NC450 suffer from a command injection vulnerability. The issue is located in the httpSetEncryptKeyRpm method (handler for /setEncryptKey.fcgi) of the ipcamera binary, where the user-controlled EncryptKey parameter is used directly as part of a command line to be executed as root without any input sanitization.


SGI IRIX 6.4.x Run-Time Linker Arbitrary File Creation

SGI IRIX versions 6.4.x and below run-time linker (rld) arbitrary file creation exploit.


Unprecedented DNS Hijacking Attacks Linked To Iran


TP-LINK Cloud Cameras NCXXX Bonjour Command Injection

TP-LINK Cloud Cameras including products NC200, NC210, NC220, NC230, NC250, NC260, and NC450 suffer from a command injection vulnerability. The issue is located in the swSystemSetProductAliasCheck method of the ipcamera binary (Called when setting a new alias for the device via /setsysname.fcgi), where despite a check on the name length, no other checks are in place in order to prevent shell metacharacters from being introduced. The system name would then be used in swBonjourStartHTTP as part of a shell command where arbitrary commands could be injected and executed as root.


Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 ACEManager iplogging.cgi Command Injection

An exploitable command injection vulnerability exists in the ACEManager iplogging.cgi functionality of Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 FW 4.9.3. A specially crafted HTTP request can inject arbitrary commands, resulting in arbitrary command execution. An attacker can send an authenticated HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability.


Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 ACEManager upload.cgi Unverified Password Change

An exploitable unverified password change vulnerability exists in the ACEManager upload.cgi functionality of Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 FW 4.9.3. A specially crafted HTTP request can cause a unverified device configuration change, resulting in an unverified change of the user password on the device. An attacker can make an authenticated HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability.


Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 ACEManager ping_result.cgi Cross Site Scripting

An exploitable cross-site scripting vulnerability exists in the ACEManager ping_result.cgi functionality of Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 FW 4.9.3. A specially crafted HTTP ping request can cause reflected javascript code execution, resulting in the execution of javascript code running on the victim's browser. An attacker can get a victim to click a link, or embedded URL, that redirects to the reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability to trigger this vulnerability.


Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 ACEManager upload.cgi Remote Code Execution

An exploitable remote code execution vulnerability exists in the upload.cgi functionality of Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 FW 4.9.3. A specially crafted HTTP request can upload a file, resulting in executable code being uploaded, and routable, to the webserver. An attacker can make an authenticated HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability.


Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 ACEManager Embedded_Ace_Get_Task.cgi Information Disclosure

An exploitable Information Disclosure vulnerability exists in the ACEManager EmbeddedAceGet_Task.cgi functionality of Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 FW 4.9.3. A specially crafted HTTP request can cause an information disclosure, resulting in the exposure of confidential information, including, but not limited to, plaintext passwords and SNMP community strings. An attacker can make an authenticated HTTP request, or run the binary, to trigger this vulnerability.


Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 ACEManager Embedded_Ace_Set_Task.cgi Permission Assignment

An exploitable Permission Assignment vulnerability exists in the ACEManager EmbeddedAceSet_Task.cgi functionality of Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 FW 4.9.3. A specially crafted HTTP request can cause a arbitrary setting writes, resulting in the unverified changes to any system setting. An attacker can make an authenticated HTTP request, or run the binary as any user, to trigger this vulnerability.


Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 ACEManager template_load.cgi Information Disclosure

An exploitable information disclosure vulnerability exists in the ACEManager template_load.cgi functionality of Sierra Wireless AirLink ES450 FW 4.9.3. A specially crafted HTTP request can cause a information leak, resulting in the disclosure of internal paths and files. An attacker can make an authenticated HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability.


D-Link DIR-859 Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution

D-Link DIR-859 Routers are vulnerable to OS command injection via the UPnP interface. The vulnerability exists in /gena.cgi (function genacgi_main() in /htdocs/cgibin), which is accessible without credentials.


OpenSSH Chink Bares Encrypted Data Packets


Antwerp benefits from retail rethink

Antwerp has long been an attractive retail location in Belgium, while also offering investors an efficient and transparent planning process.