why Why Have We Fasted? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-03-30T13:04:40+00:00 Full Article
why Why Do You Hate Me? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-03-30T13:05:18+00:00 Full Article
why Why Aren't You Making Me Happy? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-06-21T20:57:32+00:00 Full Article
why Why Are You Afraid? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-08-30T13:33:05+00:00 Full Article
why Why Reject God's Purpose For Yourself? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-10-08T11:55:49+00:00 Full Article
why Why Did You Ask Me That? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-12-06T22:16:53+00:00 Full Article
why Why Don't You Understand? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-12-13T21:08:26+00:00 Full Article
why Why Do You Stand Looking Up? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-06-05T21:57:30+00:00 Full Article
why The Five Ministry Roles That Define Why By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-01-08T21:55:16+00:00 Full Article
why 3 Reasons Why a Servant Departs in Peace! By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-01-30T22:31:45+00:00 Full Article
why Wake-UP to Your WHY! By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-03-27T02:13:27+00:00 Full Article
why Why Are You Orthodox? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-06-11T21:28:55+00:00 Full Article
why It's WHY You Say It By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-08-20T12:34:15+00:00 Full Article
why Why Is “In The Flesh” Non-Negotiable? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2018-02-04T22:02:40+00:00 Full Article
why It's WHY You Say It! By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2018-06-14T13:49:06+00:00 Full Article
why The 5 Ministries That Define Our WHY By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2019-01-10T13:42:51+00:00 Full Article
why Why is “In the Flesh” Non-Negotiable? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2019-02-24T21:01:01+00:00 Full Article
why Why Our Medical Elite Support Planned Parenthood By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-10-09T02:49:42+00:00 If you think it is respectable to consider babies, whether born or unborn, to be an inferior stage of human life, you can easily come to think that they have few rights that fully developed persons are bound to respect. Full Article
why Why We Don't Get Along By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-01-28T03:57:51+00:00 Wesley demonstrates how the West is increasingly incapable of engaging in true debate, achieving broadly agreeable consensuses or finding middle-ground compromises about the most important controversies that vex us. Full Article
why Why Go To Church? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-01-31T02:33:05+00:00 Dr. Rossi interviews Dr. Paul Meyendorff, the Father Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology and Director of Continuing Education at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary about the importance of attending and participating in the Divine Liturgy. Full Article
why Why Sola Scriptura Doesn't Work By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-08-16T20:57:24+00:00 A blogger on Orthodox Christianity and subdeacon at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Bellingham, Washington, explains why the Scriptures must be read in the context of tradition. Full Article
why Why Veneration is Obviously Not Worship By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-02-01T01:26:34+00:00 Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick posts a picture of the incorrupt hand of St. Katherine of Alexandria every year on Facebook. And every year, people freak out. But why? Full Article
why Why Young People Are Leaving the Church and What to Do About It By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-06-02T17:10:36+00:00 Seraphim Danckaert of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania, speaks at the Second Annual Lenten Lecture and Fundraising Reception hosted by the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture at Eastern University on March 12, 2017. Full Article
why 13 Reasons Why We Must Engage with Our Teens By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-10-03T14:02:48+00:00 Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. Philip Mamalakis about his new eBook 13 Reasons Why We Must Engage with our Teens, which is a fascinating examination of the recent Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. Full Article
why Thursday headlines: Who gets shipped and why By themorningnews.org Published On :: 2024-10-10T15:12:00+00:00 Millions are without power after Hurricane Milton tears across Florida. / The Tampa Bay TimesThe hurricane also tore open the Tampa Bay Rays' roof and felled a crane. / The Weather Channel, XPhotographs of Los Angeles's 400-mile network of aqueducts and hydropower plants. / Science History InstituteNew Mexico works to preserve its network of ancient gravity-fed irrigation ditches. / Undark MagazineA theory tries to explain why more Latinos are supporting Donald Trump—basically, because they're a diverse group of people with diverse interests. / The New YorkerA round-up of under-discussed political races. / Wake Up to PoliticsA few things learned from Melania Trump's new memoir. / The CutFashion experts analyze outfits worn by the presidential and vice presidential candidates. / GQUnrelated: An analysis of the top fanfic pairings—"who gets shipped and why?" / The PuddingAbu Dhabi overtakes Oslo to become the world's richest city in terms of assets managed by sovereign wealth funds. / SemaforElon Musk has long promised a fully autonomous vehicle, but don't expect him to follow through this week. / The VergeCaitlin Dewey: Silicon Valley has—alarmingly, and increasingly—never looked more macho. / Links I Would Gchat You If We Were FriendsWimbledon will replace line judges with electronic line calling next year, ending a 147-year tradition. / sky newsRafael Nadal plans to retire next month at age 38. / Tennis & BeyondSouth Korea's Han Kang receives this year's Nobel Prize in Literature "for her intense poetic prose." / The Literary SaloonA profile of Kang from 2023: "That will be a problem when I die—I won't be able to finish all my ideas." / The IndependentSelections from Tara Booth's comics that were made to "cope with life" or "just lighten the mood." / It's Nice That View Post → Full Article
why Why You Need a Prayer Rope By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-08-27T05:29:53+00:00 What a prayer rope is, and how it can help us. Full Article
why Why Relics? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-08-28T02:18:08+00:00 Why are relics so important in the Church? Saints are sanctified in both body and soul, and in Scripture we see how their bodies continue to be temples of the Holy Spirit even after death. The relics of the martyrs are especially important, from early liturgies in the catacombs to their place in altars today. Full Article
why Why Prayer Matters By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-08-28T03:25:56+00:00 If we attend Church services, do we need to pray on our own? If we pray on our own, do we need to attend the services? Prayer matters, and goes hand in hand with the services. Without the Liturgy, prayer is just talking to ourselves. And without prayer, Liturgy is just empty ritual. Full Article
why Why Do We Die? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-08-28T03:28:19+00:00 Christ is Risen! Yet, if Christ really has conquered death, why do we still die? With a little help from St. Paul the Apostle and Fr. John Behr, we'll take a closer look at our relationship with God and explore how we perfect our union with Christ. Full Article
why Why Christians Care for the Environment (with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-11-30T18:20:04+00:00 Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Fr. John Chryssavgis join Steve to explore why caring for the environment is part of our role as Christians and priests of creation. Full Article
why Why We Don't Hide Our Faith (featuring Sister Vassa Larin) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-11-30T18:23:48+00:00 Faith is often treated as a secret, private thing. But if we really believe that we know the way to eternal life in Christ, would we really keep that hidden from others? Full Article
why Why Easy Isn't Always Best By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-06-02T20:46:16+00:00 Lent is hard work, especially when so much of the modern world is designed to make things easy for us! Yet life isn't easy. Can we become the sort of people who learn how to do what's best, even when it's not easy? Full Article
why Why Do We Sing in Church? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-06-03T21:06:11+00:00 We've already explored why Orthodox Churches have a distinctive look. They also have a distinctive sound. Why do we sing in our Church services? Full Article
why Why Do Bishops Get Enthroned? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-09-15T19:12:01+00:00 "Be the Bee" is back and getting ready for the enthronement of Archbishop Elpidophoros. Why do bishops get enthroned? Put on your hard hats, we're about to drop some knowledge. Full Article
why Why I'm an Orthodox Christian (with Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-09-17T19:37:40+00:00 As an Orthodox Christian, you're often the only one in the room. How do you share your faith in Christ with others? Why are you an Orthodox Christian (rather than part of some other tradition)? Father Andrew Stephen Damick joins Steve again as they share 4 basics reasons they're Orthodox Christians. Full Article
why Why We Judge Others (and How to Stop) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-09-22T17:46:07+00:00 "One who every hour prepares himself to give answers for his own sins will not quickly lift up his head to examine the mistakes of others.” (St. Gennadius of Constantinople) It's easy to point our finger at someone else's mistakes, rather than focus on our own. Why? We'll explore the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant and the two big things that make it easy to judge others. As a special bonus, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you focus on your sins, not others. https://mailchi.mp/goarch/bethebee149 Full Article
why Why People Stop Being Christians (and What We Can Do About It) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-10-20T00:34:57+00:00 “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16) Adults fear that young people will grow up and stop being Christians. But no one ever fears that a kid will stop rooting for their favorite sports team. Why? We'll look at how the life of a sports fan can challenge the way we share the Faith with others. Because our goal isn't simply to make people loyal to our religion: it's to give them a taste of holiness and inspire them to be saints. If we're going to raise people to be faithful Orthodox Christians, we need to start here. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: mailchi.mp/goarch/bethebee154 Full Article
why Why Does God Allow Suffering? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-12-15T18:19:35+00:00 “For Christians, [the Twofold Annointing] means that when a person is genuinely anointed by God’s Holy Spirit, he or she becomes both a king and a sacrificial offering: the two states are inseparable.” (Fr Timothy Patitsas, "The Ethics of Beauty") 2020 has been a rough year. Why does God allow bad things to happen? Why do bad things happen even to good people? People have struggled with theodicy (the problem of evil and suffering) for centuries. To answer that, we'll build on last week's episode and explore what it means to live sacrificially. As Christians, we're anointed by God for eternal life with Him. But that anointing comes with a call to sacrifice for the life of the world. Just like Christ voluntarily laid down His life for us, we can take up this call with joy and thanksgiving. To help you apply what you learn, we'll share a simple formula which we learned from Andy Root that can help you live sacrificially in your everyday life. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: https://mailchi.mp/goarch/bethebee160 Full Article
why Why We Venerate Icons (Sunday of Orthodoxy, Triumph of Orthodoxy) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2021-03-18T21:32:22+00:00 "On this day, the first Sunday of Lent, we commemorate the restoration of the holy and venerable icons…” (Synaxarion for the Sunday of Orthodoxy) After weeks of learning about forgiveness and pride and judgment, we begin Great Lent with a Sunday dedicated to icons. Why? On one level, this is the anniversary of the triumph over Iconoclasm in 843 AD. But there's more to this triumph than meets the eye. So we'll take a deep dive into the theology of icons to learn that God made a promise to His saints. That He would unite heaven and earth. That we could look upon the face of the Lord and live. And this promise is fulfilled in us. We hold up icons as proof of this promise, the treasures we display in the Triumph of Orthodoxy. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: https://mailchi.mp/goarch/bethebee169 Full Article
why He makes $100M/year but will die with $0. Here’s why: By noahkagan.com Published On :: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:06:59 +0000 Listen to my full conversation with Bill on YouTube Go to college, get good grades, find a ‘stable’ job, work 40 hours a week in a boring cubicle, work until you’re 65+, and save your best adventures until retirement. Who decided this was the norm? Recently, I spoke with Bill Perkins, hedge fund manager, Hollywood […] The post He makes $100M/year but will die with $0. Here’s why: appeared first on Noah Kagan. Full Article Favorite Guides
why Why You Need to Take More Breaks (And How to Do It) By socialtriggers.com Published On :: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 13:00:16 +0000 Ahh!! The last couple of months have been CRAZY busy… So, I stopped taking breaks because I thought I could get MORE done. The problem? My productivity completely tanked. Something needed to change. And I had a lot of questions… Like, how do breaks help or hurt your productivity? How do you take an effective […] Full Article Uncategorized
why Keep Your Compliments To Yourself – Why I Prefer Criticism By socialtriggers.com Published On :: Thu, 10 Jan 2019 15:20:02 +0000 So, the year was 2011. I had just given a speech at Marie Forleo‘s live event. And everyone seemingly loved it. (She even got me to moonwalk on stage…) This was one of my first speaking engagements about business and entrepreneurship. And I was a little stressed out about it. Social Triggers was new. I […] Full Article Uncategorized
why Marie Kondo says to dispose of clutter. I say you should dispose of people. Here’s why… By socialtriggers.com Published On :: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 03:56:24 +0000 So, one of the first rules of “Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” is, “take each item in one’s hand, and ask, “Does this spark joy?” If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it. …and while I love Marie Kondo’s rule, I think you should take this one step further. Don’t just apply […] Full Article Uncategorized
why Florida couple’s flood claim denied over 3.5-inch step, despite 12 years of insurance payments. Here’s why By finance.yahoo.com Published On :: 2024-11-13T12:37:00Z Full Article
why Why did Scotland loss to Springboks feel inevitable? By www.bbc.com Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 20:35:36 GMT South Africa second row Eben Etzebeth said the 17-point win over Scotland flattered his side. So why did their win feel so inevitable? Full Article
why Why entrepreneurs should be watching Discovery Channel's "Gold Rush" By www.workhappy.net Published On :: 2011-11-01T09:33:22-07:00 I enjoy entrepreneurship, startups, business and the like the same way my brother in law enjoys baseball and basketball. Which is to say, I'm a rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth fan. Rarely a day goes by that I don't read, study, research, observe,... Full Article
why Why is it so special to be part of Team Scotland? By www.bbc.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 15:06:44 GMT Competing for Scotland is a rare opportunity. BBC Scotland takes a look at why it means so much Full Article
why Why is SNP government facing £170m court case over recycling scheme? By www.bbc.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:40:11 GMT Ministers could face a huge bill if they lose a legal fight over beleaguered bottle return plans. Full Article