why Why Orthodox Can't Sing . . . and How to Fix It By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-03-01T05:52:08+00:00 This episode includes an interview with Benedict Sheehan, the Director of Music at St. Tikhon's Seminary and the author of The Music Stand blog with Ancient Faith. He shares his thoughts on the state of our music and makes suggestions on how to improve it. Full Article
why Dating Pascha, what was decided at Nicea and why By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2021-06-07T17:31:20+00:00 Join Fr. Harry Linsinbigler and Fr. Anthony Perkins as they (mainly) talk about the actual formula decided on at Nicea, why it was important, and where we are now (hint: we are completely in compliance!). There's also a tangental gem on the Masoretic vs. Septuagint Old Testament. Fr. Harry has (mostly) recovered from his bout with COVID and he and Fr. Anthony are still basking in the Paschal Glow. Enjoy the show! Full Article
why Teaching Why We Fast By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2014-05-18T01:54:03+00:00 Elissa offers some suggestions for teaching children about the purpose of fasting. Full Article
why Noah's Ark: Why We Go to Church By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2014-05-18T02:16:36+00:00 Elissa tells the complete story of Noah's Ark to demonstrate how doing so can be used to teach children about why we go to—and participate in the disciplines of—the Holy Orthodox Church. Full Article
why Why Does Life Have to be So Hard? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-08-29T02:42:57+00:00 Fr. Michael gives some answers to the age-old question of why life is hard. Full Article
why Why Does God Humble Us? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-12-02T04:56:14+00:00 "Truly, O Lord, if we do not humble ourselves, You do not cease to humble us. Real humility is the fruit of knowledge; and true knowledge, the fruit of trials." St. Isaac the Syrian Homily 36 Full Article
why Why Do We Fast In Lent? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-12-03T04:58:59+00:00 As we prepare with God’s help to enter the arena of the Great Fast, let’s not mistake the means for the end. Let’s use the tools the Church gives us wisely. Let’s push ourselves. Let’s deny ourselves that we may know ourselves. Let’s pray with the Publican, the Harlot and the Thief. And let’s together long for the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. Full Article
why Why We Have To Suffer By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2019-03-31T02:09:10+00:00 Indeed, from whence does the strength of God and the knowledge of God come? I think I have always imagined a kind of magic wand that God waved over those He loved so that they would be full of His virtue. Even the Apostle Paul tells us that his own humility came from a messenger of Satan sent to beat him up (2 Cor. 12: 7). If St. Paul had to learn humility through suffering for Christ’s sake, should we expect anything less? No, there is no magic wand. We grow in Christ as we love what He loves, especially in the midst of suffering. Full Article
why Why Don't Temptations Go Away? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-05-02T21:45:33+00:00 In homily 69, St. Isaac reminds us that temptations to sin come upon all people, even the “perfect.” Quoting freely from St. Macarius of Alexandria, St. Isaac reminds us that our inner state is rather like the weather. “There is cold, and soon after, burning heat, and then perhaps even hail, and after a little, fair weather.” Full Article
why Why Do We Kiss the Cross? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2021-06-05T13:44:41+00:00 When we celebrate the Cross, we are not so much remembering the Crucifixion of Christ, as much as we are remembering the salvation that Christ’s Crucifixion has brought us and all the ways that we too are crucified with Christ. You see Christ did not suffer so that we would not have to suffer. Rather, Christ suffered on the Cross to be with us in our suffering, to lead us to the Resurrection through our suffering. Full Article
why Episode 5: Cutting Onions in Dusty Rooms: Why Pixar Makes Us Cry By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-09-07T13:42:24+00:00 Grab a pipe and a cup of coffee and join Steve and Christian as they sit in Christian’s backyard and discuss Pixar’s latest installment, The Good Dinosaur, exploring some of the themes of death and life, fear and love, and of course, how these relate to our life in Christ in the Orthodox Church. WARNING: If you’re as a big a softy as these two, you’re going to need Kleenex. They sure could have used some. Full Article
why The New Orthodox Faithful: Why Evangelical Christian University Graduates Are Becoming Orthodox By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2007-10-12T15:04:10+00:00 The Orthodox Church is seeing an influx of graduates from Evangelical Christian colleges and universities, exploring traditional forms of historic Christianity. In this program Kevin Allen discusses this trend with two graduates of BIOLA University (Jesse Cone and Michael Unruh) who were recently chrismated. Full Article
why Why Do I Need Icons? Why Do I Want Porn? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-04-14T12:55:57+00:00 That which calls me to embrace the icon and that which calls me to embrace pornography is at root the same thing. Read the transcript HERE. Full Article
why Fr. Jonah on Why Be a Monk By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2014-05-26T15:00:47+00:00 In the final interview of the series with Father Jonah, Steve and Bill have a major meltdown during the first segment trying to explain that even though this is the last interview it was really the first one recorded. This program focuses on the Christian life and monasticism as one expression of living out the Gospel of Christ in community. In this program Fr. Jonah discusses his view of our modern culture, the spirit of the age, and marriage and family and its similarities to the monastic community. It serves as a summary of many of the things discussed in the other five programs. Full Article
why Prayers to the Saints - Part 2: Why Intercession? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-01-31T01:53:30+00:00 In this program we deal with the concept of prayer and intercession. What is prayer in the scriptures? Is "prayer" worship to be given only to God? What is intercession? Why are we commanded to intercede for each other? More importantly, who can intercede for us? Full Article
why Fasting: What and Why - Part 1 By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2008-10-24T15:26:00+00:00 It can seem sometimes that if we are not fasting, we are preparing to fast in the Orthodox Church. In part 1, Dn. Michael helps understand why we fast. Full Article
why Fasting: What and Why - Part 2 By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2008-10-31T09:55:00+00:00 Dn. Michael continues his study on fasting in an age of self-gratification and excess. Full Article
why My God, My God Why Have You Forsaken Me? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-05-29T20:03:53+00:00 Steve discusses his struggle with his recent diagnosis with cancer while caregiving his dying parents. He takes an honest, hard look at the common sayings and spiritual counsels often given to people who are suffering. Full Article
why Why Being Alive Is a Blessing By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-05-19T16:17:00+00:00 The Orthodox view existence as directed toward an encounter with a personal God who gives meaning to all the dimensions of earthly human existence. Full Article
why Why is this the time? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2021-07-13T22:25:06+00:00 Listen to a short reflection about S., who is becoming a new person. Full Article
why Why do we go to the Refuge in the summer? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2021-07-13T22:26:43+00:00 The Refuge is a place to refocus, pray, and plan, impacting the entire community associated with St. John the Compassionate Mission. Full Article
why Who gets shipped and why? By pudding.cool Published On :: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 23:40:01 +0000 The Pudding's deep analysis of 10 years of fanfic ships on AO3 # Full Article Links
why Why We Need a God of Wrath By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-10-14T22:01:20+00:00 Do the words “God is love” mean God could never be wrathful? Full Article
why Why I Am a Christian (Part 1) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2023-07-19T05:00:00+00:00 Many years ago, when I was tucking my eldest daughter into bed, she asked me a question: “Dad, why do we believe in the Resurrection?” I have always taught both my daughters to be strong and to think for themselves, and so I was happy to hear the question, and I answered it as best as I could, giving the historical evidence. At the end of it all, she said, “Oh, good. I was afraid you were going to say that we should believe in it because it was in the Bible.” No chance of that; Dad is not a fideist, nor a fan of circular reasoning. The case for Christianity is a strong one, and can withstand historical scrutiny. Here I would like to set out the case for Christianity in somewhat fuller terms than I did that night so long ago. Full Article
why Why I Am a Christian (Part 2) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2023-08-02T05:00:00+00:00 In my previous piece, “Why I Am a Christian (Part 1)” I examined the question of why one should believe in the physical Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. I looked at the essential historical reliability of the Gospels portraits of Jesus and His claims to be God. I concluded that given the number and audacity of those claims, there were only three live options on the table: either He was a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. I suggested that His many miracles made sense of and supported the third option. Full Article
why Why Should I Come to Confession By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2018-03-13T03:43:35+00:00 Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the role of confession in maintaining a healthy spiritual life. Full Article
why Why Marriage? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2021-10-11T19:59:13+00:00 Fr. Apostolos Hill took the opportunity of his and Presvytera Denise's 38th wedding anniversary to offer a homily about marriage in the Orthodox view. Full Article
why Why We Preserve the Faith By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2022-03-14T18:51:13+00:00 "I'm no longer content for our faith to be stuck in a mason jar. Our faith is food, and hungry, starving people need to eat what we uniquely can give them." Full Article
why Why John 3:16 Matters By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2022-09-12T14:42:03+00:00 Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a straightforward line-by-line examination of the Gospel message in John 3:16. Full Article
why Why Does Evil Exist? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-12-17T21:45:01+00:00 Full Article
why Why Was There Temptation In Paradise By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-02-29T15:01:39+00:00 Full Article
why Why Must We Love Our Enemies? (Lk 6:31-36) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-05-15T20:39:14+00:00 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Full Article
why Why Me, God? (John 5:1-15) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-05-30T05:49:28+00:00 At the foundation of our life as Christians, we are given the gift of new life in baptism. Fr Tom reminds us that this baptism is given to us not to escape the crosses and illnesses of this life, but rather so that we can endure them. Full Article
why Why People Leave (Luke 18:35-43) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-06-01T07:15:57+00:00 We all know of someone who's given up on The Faith for one reason or another. Fr Thomas reminds us that our love for God and for one another must be the bond that brings us together and keeps us together. (Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost) Full Article
why Why We Worship the Way We Do (Luke 2:22-40) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-06-01T07:17:32+00:00 When we hear about Old Testament Temple worship, we can sometimes think we're far removed from it. Fr Thomas reminds us that Orthodox Christian worship is, in fact, directly related to Old Testament Temple worship, because it's the fulfillment of those old forms and rituals. (Great Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple) Full Article
why Why I'm (Still) Orthodox [Jn 17:1-13] By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-06-01T07:25:00+00:00 It's becoming more and more common today for some people to leave the religion of their childhood and explore other faiths. While Orthodoxy has recently gained a tremendous number of converts from this movement, admittedly, "the door swings both ways." Fr Thomas teaches about why the Church is one and gives an impassioned and compelling presentation on the remarkable uniqueness of the Orthodox Faith. (Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council/7th Sunday of Pascha) Full Article
why Why We Have “Closed Communion” By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-08-01T05:00:25+00:00 Often the Orthodox Church is criticized for practicing what is sometimes called "closed communion," which means only Orthodox Christians are permitted to receive the Eucharist. Using the story of the miracle of feeding the five thousand, Fr Thomas reminds us that God shares his fullness with us in Holy Communion. And since we experience unity with one another at the chalice, the implications are enormous! Full Article
why Why Do Bad Things Happen To Christians? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-08-09T04:55:16+00:00 One of the most enduring questions in the minds of people is, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Christians are certainly not immune from either bad things happening or questioning why. Fr Thomas, using the story of Jesus walking on the water, reminds us that He is the Master Teacher, and can use all struggles to bring us closer to Him. (Mt 14:22-33) Full Article
why Why is There a Judgment? (Mt 25:31-46) By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-03-10T21:34:47+00:00 Before we enter into Great Lent, the Church presents us with a depiction of the awesome and fearful Final Judgment of the world by Christ to motivate us to love God and man. In teaching this, Fr Thomas offers an answer to the age-old question, "Why do we have to be judged?" Full Article
why Why We Don't Fear Death By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2016-05-17T23:58:54+00:00 At every post-Resurrection appearance, the Lord Jesus Christ greets His Disciples with the words "Peace be with you! Do not be afraid!" Fr Thomas teaches us that because of Christ's destruction of the sting of death by His own death, and our participation in His death and resurrection through our baptism, we have nothing to fear, not even death itself! Full Article
why Why We Need Icons By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2017-06-02T19:14:19+00:00 On the First Sunday of Great Lent, Fr Thomas teaches us that icons are not merely beautiful decorations, but rather absolutely necessary witnesses to the incarnation of Christ and the presence of the Kingdom of God. Full Article
why Why Did the Word of God Become a Man? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-01-23T02:40:35+00:00 On Christmas Eve, Fr Thomas reminds us that Christ came as a human to restore the image of God in us and show us how to become what we were always meant to be. Full Article
why Why is Great Lent So Intense? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-01-23T02:48:13+00:00 Fr Thomas gives a compelling case for the intense spiritual and physical efforts involved in observing Great Lent, beginning with the end in mind: the true significance of the Resurrection of Christ. Full Article
why If God is Love, Why Can't I Live However I Want? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-01-23T03:17:22+00:00 "God is Love" has become one of the most abused verses of Scripture. It's used today to justify every sin and excuse every condition. Fr Thomas urges us to look at the entirety of the Gospel message to truly understand the implications of being a creature of God Who is Love. Full Article
why Why Do We Pray to the Saints? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2020-01-23T18:02:15+00:00 On the Sunday of All Saints, Fr. Thomas gives clear and direct evidence from the scriptures explaining how and why we ask for the prayers of the saints who have gone before us. Full Article
why Why Are We Judged By God? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2021-03-10T19:51:25+00:00 Being judged by God is far more than a legal pronouncement. Listen as Fr. Tom reminds the faithful that God's judgment has much more to do with our purification and our becoming truly human. Full Article
why Why Should I Be Like God? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2022-10-02T09:47:38+00:00 Listen as Fr. Tom discusses what it means to be truly human and why we can't settle for being anything less. Full Article
why Why Do We Fast? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-10-06T04:43:24+00:00 When did fasting begin? Did Jesus start the whole thing off? The righteous and the repentant fasted in the Old Testament. Well, what about Abraham then? The fact is, humankind was taught to fast right from the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden. Full Article
why Why Are You Hiding? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-02-07T04:42:10+00:00 Full Article
why Why Are You Angry? By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2015-03-01T21:18:17+00:00 Full Article