
Para-standing tennis star celebrates winning year

The world champion Georgia Routledge says she only took up the sport last year.



Preparar Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes del Estado 2022 Si has llegado a este post, probablemente quieras saber cómo preparar las oposiciones al Cuerpo de Traductores e Intérpretes...

La entrada PREPARAR OPOSICIONES AL CUERPO DE TRADUCTORES E INTÉRPRETES DEL ESTADO 2022 se publicó primero en Nartran Translations.


¿Para qué sirve un burofax? Reclamando facturas

Uno de los primeros pasos que se suelen dar ante una factura impagada es preguntarle, amablemente, al cliente por el importe debido. Esto se suele hacer, habitualmente, por teléfono o por escrito usando el correo electrónico. Sin embargo, cuando a pesar de nuestra insistencia la factura sigue pendiente llega un momento en el que tenemos […]


Nuevo Reglamento que equipara las traducciones juradas en la UE

El año 2019 nos traerá alguna que otra novedad para las traducciones juradas en forma de un nuevo Reglamento que no ha estado exento de cierta polémica. Hablamos del Reglamento (UE) 2016/1191 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 6 de julio de 2016 por el que se facilita la libre circulación de los ciudadanos […]


WordPress, el mejor amigo para tu emprendimiento

En la meetup de abril en Valladolid, descubrimos por qué WordPress es el mejor amigo para tu emprendimiento. Mauricio Gelves nos contó […]


Y tú, ¿para qué usas WordPress?

Una vez más nos encontramos en la meetup de WordPress Valladolid para compartir qué usos le damos a nuestro sistema de gestión […]



Con el entrada en vigor de la nueva normativa sobre traducción jurada a finales del año 2014, los traductores jurados nos enfrentamos a una serie de cambios que todavía siguen causando confusión. Uno de ellos,...

The post PLAZO HASTA EL 15 DE NOVIEMBRE PARA CAMBIAR EL SELLO DE TRADUCTOR JURADO appeared first on El Blog del Traductor Jurado.


El brexit para los traductores jurados: ¿Qué consecuencias tiene?

La posible y cada vez más anunciada salida de Reino Unido de la Unión Europea, el llamado brexit, tiene consecuencias en todos los ámbitos. Para algunos es una catástrofe. Para otros, la liberación. Independientemente...

The post El brexit para los traductores jurados: ¿Qué consecuencias tiene? appeared first on El Blog del Traductor Jurado.


Real Decreto 2020 para regular Traductor Jurado e Intérprete Jurado

Tras varios meses de actividad bajo mínimos a causa de la pandemia del COVID19, en los que quedó claro que no es fácil ser traductor jurado en tiempos de coronavirus, la Oficina de Interpretación...

The post Real Decreto 2020 para regular Traductor Jurado e Intérprete Jurado appeared first on El Blog del Traductor Jurado.


Normas para la escritura científica

La ciencia en español no se escribe como en inglés

El lenguaje científico se distingue porque trata un campo concreto del saber y porque se suele dirigir a especialistas o profesionales de ese campo del saber, por lo que usa una terminología específica. Además de que los vocablos utilizados resulten extraños a un hablante lego en la materia, el significado de esos vocablos es preciso y objetivo, y puede ser distinto al que se conoce en el lenguaje común.

Hace ya años que el inglés se ha erigido como idioma de comunicación en las ciencias experimentales. Como consecuencia, cualquier investigador científico que quiera estar al día y divulgar sus conocimientos se verá obligado a leer, escribir y publicar básicamente en ese idioma, con lo que el hábito de comunicarse en inglés acaba corrompiendo su idioma materno con expresiones y usos anglicistas innecesarios, que se transmiten luego al resto de la población igualmente entendida con la que se interrelaciona—profesores, periodistas, científicos—, con lo cual entran fácilmente en circulación. El descuido con el que se trata el tema de la escritura científica en español es, por tanto, enorme a pesar de que también existen organismos y colecciones de reglas que orientan en el correcto empleo del español a la hora de traducir o crear un documento científico.

En las páginas de este pequeño manual interactivo se pretende ofrecer, tanto a profesores como a estudiantes, un marco conceptual y descriptivo en torno al lenguaje científico, de acuerdo con los parámetros de la ciencia. Nada nos gustaría más que servir de referencia para el estudio, producción y corrección de cualquier tipo de texto científico. Autor: Gonzalo Claros.

[Al pie se encuentran enlaces con más recursos, aunque no todos funcionan, y el archivo en PDF para imprimir].


Para qué escribir un libro

Uno de mis alumnos está escribiendo ahora las memorias de su infancia. Es un libro hermoso, sincero, único, en el que rescata los recuerdos luminosos […]



Cost-Sensitive Spam Detection Using Parameters Optimization and Feature Selection

E-mail spam is no more garbage but risk since it recently includes virus attachments and spyware agents which make the recipients' system ruined, therefore, there is an emerging need for spam detection. Many spam detection techniques based on machine learning techniques have been proposed. As the amount of spam has been increased tremendously using bulk mailing tools, spam detection techniques should counteract with it. To cope with this, parameters optimization and feature selection have been used to reduce processing overheads while guaranteeing high detection rates. However, previous approaches have not taken into account feature variable importance and optimal number of features. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, there is no approach which uses both parameters optimization and feature selection together for spam detection. In this paper, we propose a spam detection model enabling both parameters optimization and optimal feature selection; we optimize two parameters of detection models using Random Forests (RF) so as to maximize the detection rates. We provide the variable importance of each feature so that it is easy to eliminate the irrelevant features. Furthermore, we decide an optimal number of selected features using two methods; (i) only one parameters optimization during overall feature selection and (ii) parameters optimization in every feature elimination phase. Finally, we evaluate our spam detection model with cost-sensitive measures to avoid misclassification of legitimate messages, since the cost of classifying a legitimate message as a spam far outweighs the cost of classifying a spam as a legitimate message. We perform experiments on Spambase dataset and show the feasibility of our approaches.


Attention-based gating units separate channels in neural radiance fields

We introduce a unique inductive bias to improve the reconstruction quality of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), NeRF employs the Fourier transform to map 3D coordinates to a high-dimensional space, enhancing the representation of high-frequency information in scenes. However, this transformation often introduces significant noise, affecting NeRF's robustness. Our approach allocates attention effectively by segregating channels within NeRF using attention-based gating units. We conducted experiments on an open-source data set to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which leads to significant improvements in the quality of synthesised new-view images compared to state-of-the-art methods. Notably, we achieve an average PSNR increase of 0.17 compared to the original NeRF. Furthermore, our method is implemented through a carefully designed special Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture, ensuring compatibility with most existing NeRF-based methods.


The authenticity of digital evidence in criminal courts: a comparative study

Scientific progress has a significant impact on both reality and the law that applies to it. As the ICT system has positive points that are considered an added value to it, it made it easier for people to perform their tasks and facilitate interpersonal communication for individuals, saved effort and money, and reduced the time needed to accomplish part of the duties. However, at the same time, it has become a means of committing offences and a fertile space for the existence of offence, to the extent that offence in our current era has become the result of intermarriage between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Thus, the issue of proving cybercrimes requires a deep exploration in the notion of the authenticity of audio evidence obtained from electronic searches, as well as the process of eavesdropping and recording phone calls, and the use of expert and inspection procedures in criminal lawsuits and its impact on proof before the criminal courts.


Organisational Paradigms and Network Centric Organisations


Factors Influencing the Decision to Choose Information Technology Preparatory Studies in Secondary Schools: An Exploratory Study in Regional/Rural Australia


Remote Method Invocation and Mobil Agent: A Comparative Analysis


The Interface between Technological Protection Measures and the Exemptions to Copyright under Article 6 Paragraph 4 of the Infosoc Directive and Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act


A Comparative Analysis of Common E-Portfolio Features and Available Platforms


Is There a Value Paradox of E-learning in MBA Programs?


Threat Modeling Using Fuzzy Logic Paradigm


Socio-Technical Theory and Knowledge Construction: Towards New Pedagogical Paradigms?


Is Usage Predictable Using Belief-Attitude-Intention Paradigm?


Open Innovation in SMEs: From Closed Boundaries to Networked Paradigm


So Different Though So Similar? – Or Vice Versa? Exploration of the Logic Programming and the Object-Oriented Programming Paradigms


Informing via Websites: Comparative Assessment of University Websites


Web-based Tutorials and Traditional Face-to-Face Lectures: A Comparative Analysis of Student Performance


Unraveling the Digital Literacy Paradox: How Higher Education Fails at the Fourth Literacy


Changing Paradigms of Technical Skills for Data Engineers

Aim/Purpose: This paper investigates the changing paradigms for technical skills that are needed by Data Engineers in 2018. Background: A decade ago, data engineers needed technical skills for Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. With the advent of Hadoop and NoSQL Databases in recent years, Data Engineers require new skills to support the large distributed datastores (Big Data) that currently exist. Job demand for Data Scientists and Data Engineers has increased over the last five years. Methodology: This research methodology leveraged the Pig programming language that used MapReduce software located on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. Data was collected from 100 job advertisements during July of 2017 and then was uploaded to the AWS Cloud. Using MapReduce, phrases/words were counted and then sorted. The sorted phrase / word counts were then leveraged to create the list of the 20 top skills needed by a Data Engineer based on the job advertisements. This list was compared to the 20 top skills for a Data Engineer presented by Stitch that surveyed 6,500 Data Engineers in 2016. Contribution: This paper presents a list of the 20 top technical skills required by a Data Engineer.


Socio-Technical Knowledge Management and Epistemological Paradigms: Theoretical Connections at the Individual and Organisational Level


Understanding Internal Information Systems Security Policy Violations as Paradoxes

Aim/Purpose: Violations of Information Systems (IS) security policies continue to generate great anxiety amongst many organizations that use information systems, partly because these violations are carried out by internal employees. This article addresses IS security policy violations in organizational settings, and conceptualizes and problematizes IS security violations by employees of organizations from a paradox perspective. Background: The paradox is that internal employees are increasingly being perceived as more of a threat to the security of organizational systems than outsiders. The notion of paradox is exemplified in four organizational contexts of belonging paradox, learning paradox, organizing paradox and performing paradox. Methodology : A qualitative conceptual framework exemplifying how IS security violations occur as paradoxes in context to these four areas is presented at the end of this article. Contribution: The article contributes to IS security management practice and suggests how IS security managers should be positioned to understand violations in light of this paradox perspective. Findings: The employee generally in the process of carrying out ordinary activities using computing technology exemplifies unique tensions (or paradoxes in belonging, learning, organizing and performing) and these tensions would generally tend to lead to policy violations when an imbalance occurs. Recommendations for Practitioners: IS security managers must be sensitive to employees tensions. Future Research: A quantitative study, where statistical analysis could be applied to generalize findings, could be useful.


Viability of the "Technology Acceptance Model" in Multimedia Learning Environments: A Comparative Study


Learning Pod: A New Paradigm for Reusability of Learning Objects


A Longitudinal Comparative Study of Student Perceptions in Online Education


An Approach toward a Software Factory for the Development of Educational Materials under the Paradigm of WBE


New Technologies and New Paradigms in Historical Research


Quantum Computers: A New Paradigm in Information Technology


Bias, Misinformation and the Paradox of Neutrality


The Impact of Paradigm Development and Course Level on Performance in Technology-Mediated Learning Environments


Exhibiting the Effects of the Episodic Buffer on Learning with Serial and Parallel Presentations of Materials


The Information Age Measurement Paradox: Collecting Too Much Data


The Paradox of Tethering: Key to Unleashing Creative Excellence in the Research-Education Space


Social Networking Site Continuance: The Paradox of Negative Consequences and Positive Growth


Shifting Paradigms in Information Flow: An Open Science Framework (OSF) for Knowledge Sharing Teams

Aim/Purpose: This paper explores the implications of machine-mediated communication on human interaction in cross-disciplinary teams. The authors explore the relationships between Open Science Theory, its contributions to team science, and the opportunities and challenges associated with adopting open science principles. Background: Open Science Theory impacts many aspects of human interaction throughout the scholarly life cycle and can be seen in action through various technologies, which each typically touch only one such aspect. By serving multiple aspects of Open Science Theory at once, the Open Science Framework (OSF) serves as an exemplar technology. As such it illustrates how Open Science Theory can inform and expand cognitive and behavioral dynamics in teams at multiple levels in a single tool. Methodology: This concept paper provides a theoretical rationale for recommendations for exploring the connections between an open science paradigm and the dynamics of team communication. As such theory and evidence have been culled to initiate a synthesis of the nascent literature, current practice and theory. Contribution: This paper aims to illuminate the shared goals between open science and the study of teams by focusing on science team activities (data management, methods, algorithms, and outputs) as focal objects for further combined study. Findings: Team dynamics and characteristics that will affect successful human/machine assisted interactions through mediators of workflow culture, attitudes about ownership of knowledge, readiness to share openly, shifts from group-driven to user-driven functionality, group-organizing to self-organizing structures, and the development of trust as teams regulate between traditional and open science dissemination. Recommendations for Practitioners: Participation in open science practices through machine-assisted technologies in team projects/scholarship should be encouraged. Recommendation for Researchers: The information provided highlights areas in need of further study in team science as well as new primary sources of material in the study of teams utilizing machine-assisted methods in their work. Impact on Society: As researchers take on more complex social problems, new technology and open science practices can complement the work of diverse stakeholders while also providing opportunities to broaden impact and intensify scholarly contributions. Future Research: Future investigation into the cognitive and behavioral research conducted with teams that employ machine-assisted technologies in their workflows would offer researchers the opportunity to understand better the relationships between intelligent machines and science teams’ impacts on their communities as well as the necessary paradigmatic shifts inherent when utilizing these technologies.