
André Bodlin - Welcome to the Fella

André Bodlin - Welcome to the Fella

Last year our bro André Bodlin published his "welcome to the Fella" part, which was at the end of the "The Fella - Mid West Trip" Video. You can watch the full "Welcome Part" as single clip right here!

Enjoy the Video, Your kunstform BMX Shop.

Video: Marcus Brückner

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Artur Meister - Welcome to kunstform Video 2018

Artur Meister has spent the last one and a half months with filming for his "welcome to kunstform" video with his homie David Schaller. We're more than happy with the final result and looking forward to the future with Artur!
Freedombmx asked Artur for a little interview, which you can check right here:
Click here for the full interview.

All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: David Schaller

Interview: Freedombmx

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Ricky Felchner x kunstform Video 2018

Ricky Felchner produced with David Schaller a really good video, which they've filmed in the area Leipzig, Germany. Ricky isn't just a big fan of huge transfers, he's also a Lip-trick god, as you can see in the video!

Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: David Schaller

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Artur Meister - Welcome to Kink BMX x Traffic Distribution

Artur Meister has spent the last months with filming for his welcome to KINK BMX x Traffic Distribution which he've filmed with the homie David Schaller. The whole video is packed with steezy Street clips, which you shouldn't miss!

All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: David Schaller

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André Bodlin - Welcome to Eclat x Traffic

André Bodlin filmed his welcome to Eclat x Traffic Distribution with Christian Geisenberger over the last couple months during their road trips to Spain and Denmark and of course in Germany, as well. André had a bad knee injury not so long ago, so at this point he earns two straight props for the awesome video!

All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Christian Geisenberger

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Ricky Felchner - welcome to mankind - Teaser

Ricky Felchner will not only participate at this year's Simple Session 2019 for the first time, he's also new in the Mankind Bike Co. BMX Team, congrats bro! Ricky filmed together with Michael Lorenz his Welcome Edit, which will drop very soon and as you can see in the teaser, there'll be a lot of bangers in it!

Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Michael Lorenz

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Ricky Felchner - welcome to mankind Video

Ricky Felchner is a new member of the Mankind Bike Co. BMX Team and dropped a banger Welcome Edit, which you can watch right here! Ricky participated for the first time at this year's Simple Session,as well, which you can right here.

Enjoy the videos, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Michael Lorenz

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Miguel Smajli - Welcome to Shadow BMX Video

Now it is more than official. Our Bro Miguel Smajli is now officially part of The Shadow Conspiracy Family! Miguel has been collecting clips for about 1 year and had to put up with heavy setbacks here and there. All you have to do is watch the first clip in the video, my face ... Congratulations Miguel, the edit is a bombshell and being part of The Shadow Conspiracy is more than worth your while!

Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: David Schaller

Related links:


Konsty Rudobashta - Welcome to kunstform Video

Our bro Konsty Rudobashta recently finished his Welcome to kunstform BMX Team Edit. If you're into unscrupulous BMX riding, then watch the video now. Because Konsty does not seem to know fear in the bowls of Marseille, nor in the meanest drops in the Czech Republic. Now go and press play!

Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Konsty

Related links:


Tom Venzke & Elias Bauer – Welcome to the Family!

Our Bros Tom Venzke & Elias Bauer from Berlin are now officially part of the kunstform BMX Shop Team 2020/21. Due to Corona there is currently no Welcome to the Team Edit. So that nobody has to go empty-handed here, you can now treat yourself with an Insta Mix by Elias & Tom. There is only one thing left to say: Welcome to the team!

Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: freedombmx

Related links:


Felix Prangenberg - Welcome to Etnies Pro Video

It's official: Our bro Felix Prangenberg is now part of the Etnies Pro Team. To celebrate this event appropriately, you can now watch Felix's Welcome to the Team Edit. In addition to the obligatory, wild street maneuvers Felix' homies also have some words to say, which completes the edit very nicely. So, now there's only one thing left to say from us: Congratulations Felix, you more than deserve it!

Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: David Schaller

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Welcome to a new associate partner: MOU signed with HaMAARAG

EU BON takes care to enhance the expertise of its consortium by affiliating associate partners, an approach the project is planning to continue with. EU BON is pleased to welcome the latest addition to our list of associate partners - HaMAARAG- The Israel National Program for Ecosystem Assessment.

HaMaarag was established in 2006, following a decade’s worth of research in Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) stations. Its main objective is to promotescience-based management of open landscapes and natural resources, for human well-being and for long-term sustainability of nature in Israel.

HaMaarag aims to:
•   Generate science-based knowledge about the state of ecosystems and biodiversity in Israel
   Strengthen the relationship between scientific knowledge, management and policymaking, in the fields of natural resource and open landscape management, land use planning and nature conservation.
   Improve accessibility of this knowledge to decision-makers and the general public.

By achieving these aims, HaMaarag promotes the development of a common language, knowledge base and perspective regarding ecosystems in Israel, thus facilitating efficiency of management and policy within the relevant organizations.


EU BON welcomes a new Associated Partner - MUSE (Museo delle Scienze)

We are happy to announce the latest member of our Associated Partners list - MUSE (Museo delle Scienze)

MUSE, or the Science Museum is an auxiliary body of the Autonomous Province of Trento. Its task is to interpret nature, starting from the mountains, using the eyes, tools, and applications of scientific research, taking advantage of the challenges of the contemporary world, stimulating scientific curiosity and the pleasure of knowledge, giving value to science, innovation, and sustainability. 

We look forward to more institutions and projects joining our Associated Partners family.


Welcoming our latest associated partner: ECSA - European Citizen Science Association

ECSA – the European Citizen Science Association is the latest addition to our ever growing group of associated partners. The Memorandum of Understanding handover took place at the reception of the ECSA Conference at the Museum für Naturkunde on 19 May 2016.

ECSA is a network of Citizen Science initiatives, research institutes, universities, museums, other organisations and individuals from 20 EU countries, Switzerland, Israel and the US, who are working together with the mission to connect citizens and science through fostering active participation. ECSA is a registered non-profit association administered by a Secretariat hosted at the Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Research (MfN) in Berlin, Germany. 

See the full list of associated partners here.

Photo: Signing the MoU between ECSA Chair of Data, Tools and Technology Committee Dr. Jaume Piera and EU BON's Project manager Anke Hoffmann; Credit: Hwaja Götz


DataONE welcomes its first South American Member Node

EU BON partner DataONE welcomes the Program for Research on Biodiversity (PPBio) Western Amazon as its first Member Node in South America. PPBio’s Western Amazon Node data repository contains data from surveys conducted in the framework of the Research Program in Biodiversity, the Center for Integrated Studies of Biodiversity in the Amazon and partner projects.

About PPBio:

The Research Program in Biodiversity (PPBio) is structured into three components:

  • Biological Collections - support and development of biological collections such as herbaria, museums and living collections;
  • Biological Inventories - biodiversity surveys, collecting sites, metadata and data for long-term studies;
  • Thematic Projects - developing methods for sustainable management of biodiversity and bioprospecting.

PPBio’s research is based on spatial standardization that is crucial for answering the questions raised by decision makers, the integration of biodiversity and physical sciences and on the incorporation of local people and traditional knowledge in biodiversity research and bio-prospecting. PPBio uses a flexible, standardized, modular and economical sampling method, RAPELD, which is compatible with other existing methods and a data policy which enable their datasets to be quickly made available to other researchers. PPBio has produced several free online guides to the flora and fauna of the region and the book "Biodiversity and Integrated Environmental Monitoring" which is essential reading for anyone with questions about biodiversity whether or they also intend to collect data.


2nd EARSeL SIG LU/LC and NASA LCLUC joint Workshop: Advancing horizons for land cover services entering the big data era

Following the successful 1st joint Workshop with more than 150 participants from 4 continents in Berlin, 2014, the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Land Use and Land Cover (SIG LU/LC) and NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change (LCLUC) Program organize their 2nd joint workshop.
The Workshop will be conceptually linked with and support the objectives of the following ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016 on 9–13 May 2016, as a brainstorming preparation.
Hosting distinguished keynote speakers and poster presentations, the Workshop will discuss the latest advancements and upcoming challenges in Land Cover and Land Use Monitoring for the Environment, Food security, Energy, Health and Security. More information in the conference brochure.


George Frideric Handel - Alceste (soprano: Lucy Crowe; tenor: Benjamin Hulett; bass-baritone: Andrew Foster-Williams; Early Opera Company; conductor: Christian Curnyn)

The incomplete ‘incidental music’ for Alceste, conducted with liveliness and sensitivity.


The Worship Podcast (Episode 9): The Last 50 Years of Worship - Malcolm du Plessis

Malcolm du Plessis has quite an incredible resumé when it comes to worship.  He talks about his background in this episode of The Worship Podcast.  However, he also talks about something - we believe - that is critical for every worship pastor, leader and song writer to understand.

And that is the evolution of worship over the past few decades.  Malcolm has experience and studied knowledge in this area, like few others do.  Listen in today with a close ear, and you may just find some answers to the question, "Why do we do things that way?", you've been asking.


The Worship Podcast is powered by All About Worship (Dustin Smith & James Galbraith) and WeAreWorship (Wisdom Moon & Morgan Shirey).

Subscribe to the podcast and find the show notes: 

You can also connect with The Worship Podcast on social media:
The Worship Podcast on Facebook
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Secrets of Alchemy

Once upon a time, science and magic were two sides of the same coin. Today, we learn science in school and save magic for children’s books. What if it were different? What would it be like to see the world as an alchemist?

Original Air Date: September 19, 2020


Sarah DurnPamela SmithWilliam NewmanCharles Monroe-KaneJason Pine

Interviews In This Hour:

Transmutation Of The SpiritThe Historical Lessons Embedded in Alchemical RecipesWas Sir Isaac Newton 'The Last of the Magicians'? The Buried Secrets of Czech AlchemyDrug Store Alchemy in the Ozarks

Further Reading:

Maier: Atalanta Fugiens


Fresh Coat Painters Welcomes Wayne Scherger as New Chief Operating Officer

Fresh Coat Painters, a leading national residential and commercial painting franchise with over 170 units, is pleased to announce the appointment of Wayne Scherger as its new Chief Operating Officer.


Welcome to the Holiday Hangover!

Tips to get customers to pay you on time.


LC Endothermic Firestop Sealant from Specified Technologies

Specified Technologies announced that its SpecSeal LC Endothermic Firestop Sealant is now being offered in three colors: deep red, gray and white. Customers have been asking for both the white and gray for gypsum wallboard and concrete block spaces.


3E Estimator Makes Calculating Savings Easy

A new tool that leverages the capabilities of NAIMA’s 3E Plus pipe insulation thickness calculator for commercial and industrial facilities is now available. Within just a few minutes, the 3E Estimator can give users a ballpark estimate of the energy and emissions savings from adding insulation to the piping in an industrial facility.


Holcim to Acquire OX Engineered Products

On Oct. 8, Holcim Group announced the acquisition of OX Engineered Products, a leader in residential wall insulation and sheathing. The acquisition further strengthens Holcim’s commitment to expanding its comprehensive building envelope solutions beyond roofing, providing customers with a broader range of high-performance materials for residential and commercial construction.


A Welcome Disruption: How Prefab Construction Savings could Transform the Industry White Paper

Prefab construction is here, and it’s happening. The combination of a severe labor shortage and extreme shortfalls in housing supply is driving a renewed interest in prefabricated construction as a more cost-efficient alternative to traditional building.


Trowel Talk: Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends

Have you ever been to an industry trade show? I usually attend several each year; the INTEX Expo, World of Concrete, and this year I had the opportunity to attend the Remodeling Show sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders at the Convention Center in Baltimore. You can always tell when a trade show is in town. Local restaurants and hotels are filled with small groups wearing matching shirts.


Metal Minds in Motion Roundtables at METALCON

METALCON is hosting a series of insightful roundtable discussions, each facilitated by an expert member of the Metal Construction Association, at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31, at The Exchange area in the exhibit hall.


EIMA Welcomes Georgia-Pacific as an Associate Member

The EIFS Industry Members Association announced that Georgia-Pacific Building Products has rejoined the association as its newest associate member. Georgia-Pacific brings decades of expertise and innovation to EIMA, strengthening the association’s efforts to promote the benefits and applications of EIFS in the construction industry.


ATAS Introduces MetaFlex Panels at METALCON

ATAS International introduced the newest panel series in its vast product offering at METALCON in Atlanta. The MetaFlex series offers the latest innovations in durable, stylish wall cladding solutions and includes nine panel profiles that are built for strength and designed for beauty, combining superior performance and modern aesthetics.


Holcim Acquires OX Engineered Products and Enters the Exterior Wall Segment

Holcim has completed its acquisition of OX Engineered Products, a leader in advanced wall insulation and sheathing solutions. OX Engineered Products will now operate as a standalone line of business within Holcim Building Envelope.


Debra Allcock Tyler: Remember to ask - where's the blimmin' egg?

Don't accept what you're told without question - it's our job to ask difficult questions


Ware Malcomb Names Nick Watkins Director of Workplace Strategy

Ware Malcomb announced Oct. 1 that Nick Watkins has joined the firm as director of workplace strategy. In this role, Watkins will lead Ware Malcomb’s strategy and change management services for clients in multiple practice areas across the firm.


The Lester Group Welcomes Thomas Hartman as General Manager

The Lester Group announced the appointment of Thomas Hartman as the new general manager of Custom Builder Supply. With an impressive 17-year track record in the building materials industry, Hartman joins Custom Builder Supply from The AZEK Company, where he excelled as a divisional sales manager.


Fundraiser of the Week: Emma Malcolm of the Macular Society

The director of fundraising and marketing on the challenges of raising money for a condition few know much about


FMCSA gives states 60 days to downgrade licenses of CMV drivers with drug, alcohol violations

Washington — State driver’s licensing agencies will have 60 days to initiate mandatory downgrades of commercial driver’s licenses and commercial learner’s permits once notified that a commercial motor vehicle operator has failed a drug or alcohol test, under a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration final rule set to go into effect Nov. 8.


Free calculator aimed at helping make the case for worker health programs

Aurora, CO — A new, free online tool is intended to help safety professionals make a stronger business case for employer investment in safety, health and wellness programs.


ESA Welcomes Kevin Stone as New Chairman of the Board

Kevin Stone, COO of Doyle Security Systems, succeeds John Loud as ESA Chairman, bringing his extensive industry experience to further advance the association and its mission.


FAST Welcomes Allied Universal's Jim Lantrip to Board of Directors

Jim Lantrip of Allied Universal Technology Services brings more than three decades of experience to the Foundation for Advancing Security Talent (FAST) board of directors.


PPVAR Welcomes Everon’s Tammy Cozby to Board of Directors

Cozby, vice president of commercial monitoring at Everon, will serve on the PPVAR board as vice president for the alarm industry.


Alcatraz AI Partners With Convergint to Enhance Facial Authentication Solutions

Convergint will integrate Alcatraz AI's Rock X facial authentication solution into its security systems, enhancing global enterprise access control with advanced AI technology.


Brinks Home Unveils Account Value Calculator for Selling Home Security, Alarm Accounts

The online valuation calculator, enabled by AI, is said to simplify the process for business owners looking to sell home security and alarm accounts.


Welcome to the Jungle & Our Vital Industry

In this blast from the past, Dave Engebretson revisits a column from November 2014. 


Take this quiz to learn how much you know about alcohol use and abuse

How much do you know about alcohol and its effects? Take this quiz from the Fall 2018 issue of Family Safety & Health to find out.


New tool allows employers to calculate cost of motor vehicle crashes

Vienna, VA — Motor vehicle crashes cost U.S. employers up to $47.4 billion annually in direct expenses, according to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, which has developed a calculator to help organizations determine their own costs.


Calculating the Hidden Costs of Video Security

Every professional video installation has hidden costs. Whether it’s a new system or system upgrade, the estimated cost of equipment and installation never really represents the true bottom line.


EPA unveils calculator for workers exposed to pesticide-treated seeds

Washington — In an effort to provide “more confidence and certainty” about risks and exposures related to occupational pesticide seed treatment, the Environmental Protection Agency has developed a calculator and released updated worker exposure data.


Alcatraz Partners With Intelligent Systems Marketing

Alcatraz, a developer of secure frictionless access control products, has partnered with Intelligent Systems Marketing (ISM) to sell and market Alcatraz’s innovative security solutions. 


Polartec LLC

The DragonWear Elements Flak Jacket is modern, more comfortable FR workwear built from best-in-class Polartec® technology. Polartec® Wind Pro® fabric offers breathable warmth and wind and water resistance, as well as Polartec® Hardface™ for superior durability. This jacket offers permanent flame resistance compliant with ANSI 107, FR NFPA 2112 and Arc Flash CAT 2 certifications.

Click here for more Information from Polartec LLC


Portwest, LLC

The Peak View Translucent Hard Hat allows wearers maximum peripheral vision. It is the next generation in head protection. The hard hat is certified to health and safety standards ANSI Z89.1, AS/NZS 1801 and EN 397.

Click here for more information from Portwest, LLC