
03/20/16 - One person split


Medical consultancy NovaMed inks deal as mask supplier

One-year-old company NovaMed has inked a deal with Hong Kong-based DHB Global that will see the start-up medical consultancy transitioning to a producer of healthcare personal protective equipment, or PPE. Under the deal finalised earlier this...


IBM Announces New Capabilities to Help On-Premises Customers Effectively Manage Compliance Data with Object Storage

IBM today announced two significant milestones in making the on-premises IBM Cloud Object Storage System much more accessible for customers with new compliance-enabled vaults and concentrated dispersal mode capabilities.


IBM Announces Planned Acquisition of Promontory to Transform Regulatory Compliance with Watson

IBM today announced plans to acquire Promontory Financial Group, a global market-leading risk management and regulatory compliance consulting firm. Upon close, the capabilities of Promontory combined with IBM's deep industry expertise and Watson’s cognitive capabilities will directly address the massive operational effort and manual cost of escalating regulation and risk management requirements.


IBM Launches New Storage Software to Simplify Data Protection

IBM today announced a new data protection software that is easy to set up, easy to manage and helps simplify data recovery. IBM Spectrum Protect™Plus can be set up quickly making data protection available in as little as one hour.


IBM construye primeras computadoras cuánticas universales para aplicaciones empresariales y científicas

IBM anunció una iniciativa pionera en la industria para construir sistemas de computación cuántica universal comercialmente disponibles. Los sistemas y servicios cuánticos “IBM Q” se entregarán mediante la plataforma IBM Cloud.


Gana Aplicación para Ventas Minoristas, Primera Edición de HackaPalooza en México

Como parte de las celebraciones del 90 aniversario de IBM en México, la empresa realizó por primera vez en el país, los días 7 y 8 de octubre en el Campus Tecnológico de IBM en Guadalajara, el festival de hackeo para desarrolladores cognitivos: HackaPalooza.


IBM es designada en el reporte MarketScape de IDC como líder mundial en Servicios de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles y de Consultoría de Pruebas

IBM anunció que fue designada como líder en el prestigiado modelo de evaluación de proveedores “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Mobile Application Development and Testing Services 2014 Vendor Assessment”.


LUZi, aplicación que lucha contra la mortalidad materna e infantil con ayuda de la Inteligencia Artificial de IBM

PROESAH – asociación civil formada por un grupo de doctores, profesores y alumnos de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero-, anunció el día de hoy el lanzamiento de una aplicación llamada LUZi, que utiliza tecnología de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) de IBM para analizar el riesgo obstétrico. El objetivo del proyecto es reducir la mortalidad materna e infantil en las comunidades rurales de Guerrero, México.


IBM mantiene liderazgo en mercado de infraestructura de aplicaciones y middleware, con 29.1% de participación

La participación de mercado de IBM (NYSE: IBM) en infraestructura de aplicaciones y de middleware es un 29.1 por ciento, lo que amplía la posición de liderazgo de la compañía por 14° año consecutivo sobrepasando a la competencia por más del doble, de acuerdo con la firma de análisis del mercado de TI Gartner, basado en los ingresos totales nivel mundial para 2014.


IBM expande la plataforma IBM Watson para la nueva generación de desarrolladores y despliega la mayor oferta de APIs cognitivas

IBM anunció la expansión de la mayor y más diversa oferta de APIs, tecnologías y herramientas cognitivas para los desarrolladores que están creando servicios, productos y aplicaciones que se integran con IBM Watson.

pli, ganadora de la 5ta edición de IBM SmartCamp en México.

IBM realizó por 5ª ocasión en México la edición del concurso de emprendedores: IBM SmartCamp, organizado por el IBM Global Entrepreneur Program. El evento tuvo lugar en las instalaciones del espacio de co-working, CoWdf, de la Ciudad de México, resultando ganadora del primer lugar la startup, en tanto que el segundo lugar fue otorgado a la startup


IBM étend ses solutions de stockage Flash pour adresser de nouvelles applications pertinentes dans le cloud

IBM (NYSE: IBM) annonce aujourd'hui un élargissement de son portefeuille de stockage flash pour aider les clients à extraire beaucoup plus rapidement la valeur issues des données afin d’en tirer un avantage concurrentiel. IBM a lancé trois nouvelles baies « tout-flash » dotées d’une performance de pointe – une latence minimum de 250μs (microsecondes) - afin de résoudre le défi consistant à accéder rapidement à un grand volume de données pour les applications et les workloads cloud.


Amplify 2016: IBM met à la disposition de ses clients toute la puissance du Cognitif dans le domaine du Marketing et du Commerce

Dans ce monde où les business model des entreprises et encore plus les technologies sont en rupture, le challenge est le même : rester en contact avec le consommateur hyper connecté d’aujourd’hui. Ce challenge peut être vu comme un véritable cauchemar ou à l’inverse, considéré comme la prochaine grande opportunité pour les entreprises. Elles sont obligées d’aller au-delà des prévisions, en identifiant et capitalisant sur des opportunités que d’autres entreprises ne voient pas.


IBM annonce une plateforme communautaire basée sur le Cloud pour les applications de cybersécurité

IBM (NYSE: IBM) a annoncé aujourd'hui une nouvelle plateforme communautaire basée sur le Cloud pour les applications de cybersécurité. IBM Security Connect est la première plateforme Cloud de sécurité reposant sur des technologies fédérées ouvertes, avec l'IA en son centre, pour analyser les données de sécurité sur des outils et des environnements non connectés auparavant.


Alior Bank transforme l’expérience bancaire pour ses clients grâce à une application IBM pour iPad tirant parti de l'analytique

lior Banque annonce aujourd’hui avoir choisi l’application IBM MobileFirst sur iOS pour apporter une transformation fondamentale à la façon dont les clients en Pologne interagissent avec leur banque. A l’aide d’un iPad, les professionnels des services bancaires pourront fournir une expérience plus dynamique et personnalisée aux clients en tirant avantage de la puissance de l’analyse prédictive, et ce de façon sécurisée, facile, rapide et disponible 24h/24.


A l’approche des fêtes, l’application IBM Watson « Trend App » dévoile les produits les plus tendances

IBM (NYSE : IBM) annonce aujourd'hui le lancement de l’application « IBM Watson Trend App », qui offre aux consommateurs une nouvelle façon de décoder les principales tendances de la saison et également de prédire les produits les plus en vogue avant qu'ils ne soient vendus. L'application est disponible via téléchargement gratuit sur l’App Store d’Apple.


UBank Unveils RoboChat, Australia's First Virtual Assistant for Home Loan Applications Integrated with IBM Watson

One of Australia’s leading digital banks taps cognitive technology to simplify the home loan application process with innovative virtual assistan


Analysis and applications: The mathematical work of Elias Stein

Just a short note that the memorial article “Analysis and applications: The mathematical work of Elias Stein” has just been published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.  This article was a collective effort led by Charlie Fefferman, Alex Ionescu, Steve Wainger and myself to describe the various mathematical contributions of Elias Stein, who […]


247B, Notes 2: Decoupling theory

The square root cancellation heuristic, briefly mentioned in the preceding set of notes, predicts that if a collection of complex numbers have phases that are sufficiently “independent” of each other, then similarly, if are a collection of functions in a Lebesgue space that oscillate “independently” of each other, then we expect We have already seen […]


Final data is in the splitter queue.

As promised, we've stopped the process that puts new data into the queue today. Data distribution will continue until the files shown on the status pages are done. We'll be accepting results and resending results that didn't validate for a while.


Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: The Toppling is the Point

In the latest episode of their feathery but unruffled podcast, Ken and Robin talk history spoilers, political pigeons, Sarah Bernhardt, and the Dark Watchers.

  • Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff


Appliance hell

My washer and dryer failing me is a nightmare I don’t want to visit. You see, my current set came with the house 17 years ago, and were already 5 years old. The one set of appliances I’ve never bought is a washer and dryer–I’ve always purchased houses where they’d been left behind by the […]


Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory

Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory

2018 by Brendan Fong and David I. Spivak

Category theory is becoming a central hub for all of pure mathematics. It is unmatched in its ability to organize and layer abstractions, to find commonalities between structures of all sorts, and to facilitate communication between different mathematical communities. But it has also been branching out into science, informatics, and industry. We believe that it has the potential to be a major cohesive force in the world, building rigorous bridges between disparate worlds, both theoretical and practical. The motto at MIT is mens et manus, Latin for mind and hand. We believe that category theory—and pure math in general—has stayed in the realm of mind for too long; it is ripe to be brought to hand.
A very approachable but useful introduction to category theory. It avoids the Scylla and Charybdis of becoming incomprehensible after page 2 (as many academic texts do), and barely scratching the surface (as many popular texts do).


Applied Category Theory - The Emerging Science of Compositionality

An enjoyable 25-minute introductory talk: YOW! Lambda Jam 2019 - Ken Scambler - Applied Category Theory (slides)

What do programming, quantum physics, chemistry, neuroscience, systems biology, natural language parsing, causality, network theory, game theory, dynamical systems and database theory have in common?

As functional programmers, we know how useful category theory can be for our work - or perhaps how abstruse and distant it can seem. What is less well known is that applying category theory to the real world is an exciting field of study that has really taken off in just the last few years. It turns out that we share something big with other fields and industries - we want to make big things out of little things without everything going to hell! The key is compositionality, the central idea of category theory.

Previously: Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory.

(via Brian McKenna)


Applications of Blockchain to Programming Language Theory

Let's talk about Blockchain. Goal is to use this forum topic to highlight its usefulness to programming language theory and practice. If you're familiar with existing research efforts, please share them here. In addition, feel free to generate ideas for how Blockchain could improve languages and developer productivity.

As one tasty example: Blockchain helps to formalize thinking about mutual knowledge and common knowledge, and potentially think about sharing intergalactic computing power through vast distributed computing fabrics. If we can design contracts in such a way that maximizes the usage of mutual knowledge while minimizing common knowledge to situations where you have to "prove your collateral", third-party transactions could eliminate a lot of back office burden. But, there might be benefits in other areas of computer science from such research, as well.

Some language researchers, like Mark S. Miller, have always dreamed of Agoric and the Decades-Long Quest for Secure Smart Contracts.

Some may also be aware that verification of smart contracts is an important research area, because of the notorious theft of purse via logic bug in an Ethereum smart contract.


Duplicate Content And What You Can Do To Stop It (Blog Post)

The other day while going through my analytics I noticed a referral hit from a blog I’d never heard about. Often when I get referrals from sites I’ve never heard of I like to check them out to see what their about. What I found though was a blog that was copying word for word some of my older posts...............


In pictures: Last supermoon of 2020 rises on a world grappling to overcome pandemic -

  1. In pictures: Last supermoon of 2020 rises on a world grappling to overcome pandemic
  2. May's flower moon lights up the sky around the globe  ABC News
  3. Hurry up: Last chance to see a supermoon this year  Euronews
  4. Last supermoon of the year, Photos News & Top Stories  The Straits Times
  5. Stunning supermoon lights up New Zealand's skies overnight  New Zealand Herald
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Is AI rejecting your job application? Here’s how to avoid being digitally denied – and impress once in human hands

We’ve all heard the statistic that employers only spend a few seconds reviewing your résumé. Now, thanks to technology, artificially intelligent algorithms scan it even quicker. With more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies and over 70% of large employers using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to help manage their recruitment and hiring processes, making your way […]

The post Is AI rejecting your job application? Here’s how to avoid being digitally denied – and impress once in human hands appeared first on


Nice compliment


The Design Divide: Tools vs Appliances

Talks about product design are a great tool for thinking about sociology because they show us just how much work goes into understanding our basic assumptions about the things we use everyday. Design shows us which parts of a product are absolutely essential for function, and just how much is only there for show. Small […]


New Malware Jumps Air-Gapped Devices by Turning Power-Supplies into Speakers

Cybersecurity researcher Mordechai Guri from Israel's Ben Gurion University of the Negev recently demonstrated a new kind of malware that could be used to covertly steal highly sensitive data from air-gapped and audio-gapped systems using a novel acoustic quirk in power supply units that come with modern computing devices. Dubbed 'POWER-SUPPLaY,' the latest research builds on a series of


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: It’s Complicated (2009)

VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: It’s Complicated (2009) Claire: 4.2/5 stars, 8.2/10. Carolyn: 4/5 stars, 7.6/10. Native ratings: 3.7/5 stars Netflix, 6.5/10 IMDB. A romantic comedy, but in this case the emphasis is on the romance: It’s a Romance-Comedy not a Comedy-Romance. And yet, for some reason I could stand it. It was done very well. Streep […]


EPA Releases 2019 Annual Reports Highlighting Agency, Regional Accomplishments and Environmental Progress, Including Midwest



Shiplife during lockdown

When the news came out that the pandemic had take over Europe I was still working on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. Now almost two month later we are still stuck on the ship. I know that this is a very hard time for everyone and while I would have lik


Around the Adriatic Croatia Split Monday 2019 April 8

Leaving Mostar was almost sad because we had enjoyed the compact city as a group and on our own. We headed into the hills where towns or villages lined the road for a considerable distance. Rain was falling for the whole drive. I noticed none of the unr


CCPC simplifies merger notification system

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has simplified the system for certain mergers to be notified to it.


Devonte Green’s complicated path to the NBA Draft

He is preparing for the 2020 NBA Draft in a year where basketball is no longer the same.


Rudyard Kipling

Too much work and too much energy kill a man just as effectively as too much assorted vice or too much drink.


Success stories by application

We have added new webpages displaying some of Repeat Signage's customer success stories by application: business, education, healthcare and leisure industry.


The uplifting science of how dandelion seeds stay aloft

Two research teams went into the weeds to quantify the magic behind the flight of the dandelion seed.


New fossil find complicates the meandering story of dinosaur flight

A chicken-sized raptor relative adds credence to the idea that flight evolved multiple times among ground-faring dinosaurs.


Lakers-Clippers makeup game: It's complicated, so no date yet

More than three weeks after Lakers-Clippers game was postponed, no makeup date has been set as the league deals with a crowded calendar.


Deputies were ordered to delete Kobe Bryant crash photos to avoid discipline, sources say

In an attempt to keep the matter under wraps, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department quietly ordered deputies to delete any photos of the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash scene after a citizen complained that a deputy was showing the gruesome images at a Norwalk bar, two public safety sources with knowledge of the events said.


Hernández: Angels owner Arte Moreno talks (sort of) about failed trade for Joc Pederson and Ross Stripling

Angels owner Arte Moreno explained how Gerrit Cole was his team's primary target in the offseason, but despite his team's big offer, "you knew no matter what I did, we were going to get outbid."


Angels fall in a pair of split-squad games

Angels third baseman Anthony Rendon hit a three-run home run against the White Sox and Patrick Sandoval pitched two hitless innings.


Dillon Peters is sharp for Angels in their split-squad loss to Royals

Dillon Peters threw three scoreless innings in the Angels' 4-3 split-squad loss to the Royals; they tied Kansas City 4-4 in another split-squad game.


Matt Andriese shows off his efficiency as Angels lose and tie in split-squad games

Angels pitcher Matt Andriese impressed manager Joe Maddon during his spring training start against the Milwaukee Brewers on Sunday.


Trump administration blocks public disclosure on coronavirus supplies

FEMA won't release state-by-state information on where masks, gowns and other protective equipment have been delivered.