spa The Weather Company and PRISA Noticias Collaborate To Offer Comprehensive Weather News and Information across Spanish-Language Media By Published On :: Thu, 02 Nov 2017 01:35:00 GMT The Weather Company, an IBM Business, and PRISA Noticias, one of the world’s leading Spanish-language media groups and owner of EL PAÍS newspaper, announced today a collaboration to combine the most accurate forecasts with one of the Spanish-speaking world’s largest media groups. The Weather Company will provide in-depth weather data and forecasts, as well as tailored content across PRISA properties. In turn, PRISA Noticias will provide locally relevant articles, photos and video content within the Spanish versions of The Weather Channel app and website ( The collaboration will also enable local marketers to access advanced data-driven advertising solutions from IBM Watson Advertising (formerly The Weather Company’s ad sales business) across both companies’ properties. Full Article Aerospace & Defense Automotive Banking and Financial Services Chemicals & Petroleum Consumer Products Education Electronics Energy & Utilities Government Healthcare and Life Sciences Insurance Manufacturing Media & Entertainment Retail Telecommunications Travel & Transportation
spa Gravitational Lensing, Interstellar Cinematography, and the Future of Magical Warfare in Space By Published On :: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 19:41:22 +0000 [Image: An example of gravitational lens effects, via Wikipedia.] Over at WIRED, Daniel Oberhaus, author of the recent book Extraterrestrial Languages, takes a look at some proposals from NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) program. “Among this year’s NIAC grants,” Oberhaus writes, “are proposals to turn a lunar crater into a giant radio dish, to develop … Continue reading "Gravitational Lensing, Interstellar Cinematography, and the Future of Magical Warfare in Space" Full Article BLDGBLOG Art History Astral Weaponry Christopher Priest Cinema Daniel Oberhaus Gravitational Lensing Illusion Magic Magical Warfare in Space NASA Optical Effects Space Stars Sun Turin Xenogothic
spa Snare Space By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 02:59:53 +0000 [Image: EO Browser, Sinergise Ltd/Attribution 4.0 International CC by 4.0), via The War Zone.] Comas of temporarily abandoned cruise ships—maritime ruins in an age of COVID-19—have been popping up on the outer edges of Caribbean islands, visible in satellite photos of the sea. Ships from Carnival, Celebrity, and Royal Caribbean now form a strange new … Continue reading "Snare Space" Full Article BLDGBLOG Babu Sassi Burj Khalifa Caribbean Coronavirus COVID-19 Cruise Ships Dubai Economics Labor Ruins Seas Spatial Side-Effects Work
spa IBM lidera Cuadrante Mágico de Gartner en software de recuperación y respaldo de centro de datos By Published On :: mié, 22 jun 2016 09:15:03 GMT IBM fue reconocido como líder de software de almacenamiento en el Cuadrante Mágico de Gartner para Software de Recuperación y Respaldo en Centro de Datos1. En sus “cuadrantes mágicos”, los analistas de Gartner evalúan tecnología y soluciones con la “capacidad de ejecución” y una “visión completa”. Full Article Storage
spa IBM lanza Watson Virtual Agent en español para ayudar a las empresas a construir su propio agente virtual By Published On :: jue, 24 ago 2017 09:26:17 GMT IBM presenta Watson Virtual Agent en español, una solución que permite a las empresas construir un agente virtual para atención al cliente, flexible y fácil de configurar y adecuada a las necesidades de los negocios. Full Article IBM Watson
spa Virtual City For Kids Founded In Cyberspace By Published On :: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:49:53 GMT From 1 August young New Zealanders will have a safe virtual city, SciCity, in which they can explore, create and discover thanks to Otago Museum's Discovery World, IBM New Zealand, and ZeDDD Technology. Full Article Media & Entertainment
spa IBM et Cisco misent sur la puissance d'IBM Watson et de Cisco Spark pour transformer la façon de travailler By Published On :: jeu., 30 juin 2016 03:53:48 GMT Les deux sociétés s'unissent afin de redéfinir le travail quotidien de millions de personnes Full Article Business partners
spa IBM’s Corporate Services Corps Heading to Six Emerging Countries to Spark Socio-Economic Growth By Published On :: Mon, 12 May 2008 04:03:30 GMT One hundred IBM (NYSE: IBM) employees from 33 countries – including six from Australia and New Zealand – have been selected to participate in the company's new Corporate Service Corps program. The program is part of the Global Citizen's Portfolio initiative announced by CEO Sam Palmisano to develop leadership skills, while addressing socio-economic challenges in emerging markets. Full Article Travel & Transportation
spa dollypopinspiration: nanushka Open space with natural light in... By Published On :: Thu, 26 Dec 2019 12:29:20 +0300 dollypopinspiration: nanushka Open space with natural light in the Lousiana Museum of Modern Art ✨ via @mariavannguyen Full Article
spa SPARK on the Florida Sunshine State Young Readers Award List! By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:26:00 +0000 Woohoo!!! SPARK made the Florida Sunshine State Young Readers Award 2020-21 list! Thanks so much, Florida librarians! You have absolutely made my day! Full Article Spark SSYRA
spa Tour My Writing Space Tomorrow! By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 14:29:00 +0000 Tomorrow (Friday 5/8) I'll be taking over the HarperCollins Library Love Fest Instagram to show you my writing space, with a video tour at 11am EDT. Come visit my writing room, meet my cat, and see where I create my monsters and the women who ride them! Full Article
spa Tour of My Writing Space! By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:10:00 +0000 TODAY!!! Come visit me on the HarperCollins Library Love Fest Instagram today (Fri 5/8)! I'm taking over their Instagram account all day to show you pictures and videos of my writing space! Just posted the video tour! Full Article
spa Board Game Review: Wingspan By Published On :: Sun, 01 Sep 2019 02:12:00 +0000 It might be mildly offensive to the scores of board game designers out there, but until just recently, I’ve never played a board game that was so unique it made me want to learn more about the designer and why they designed the game. A lot of games are exceedingly wonderful, and they push me to stay tuned for what the designer might release next, but that's altogether different from wanting to understand what motivates the designer and makes them tick.And then along came Wingspan, designed by Elizabeth Hargrave, and released by Stonemaier Games. We have close to a thousand in our collection, and I’ve never seen anything like Wingspan before. It’s a game centered on birds. Beautiful, fascinating birds of all sizes, habitats, colors, and species. One hundred and seventy birds to be exact, in this first release of the the base game. It’s so richly and specifically themed; even with Jamey Stegmaier’s signature stamp of influence (goal oriented worker-placement game with win-win actions and well implemented solo mode), the designer’s innovative, well researched, and creative output takes center stage. I wanted to know more about her. It took me just a few minutes online to find this interview of Ms. Hargrave that Punchboard Media released earlier this year and when I read it I was astonished to discover that she is not, in fact, an ornithologist who had that one great idea, but a board game designer by trade who takes inspiration from across her many interests. Her idea for Wingspan grew out of the charts she created to track birds she’s spotted in nature. In Wingspan, players compete with one another (or against the automa during solo play) to build the most attractive aviary. The winning aviary will prove itself in victory points from the birds it hosts (birds are worth varying amounts of victory points as printed on their cards and birds tucked under other birds are worth 1 point each), their eggs and cached food (1 point each), and the goals met (detailed on bonus cards and round tracker; goals are usually oriented toward collecting birds with a certain quality [such as name includes a color or having a certain type of nest], toward numbers of birds in certain habitats, or toward having eggs in certain habitats or nests). Components include plastic coated cards; cardboard player aviary mats, food tokens, goal tiles, first player token, and goal board; custom wooden dice, action cubes, and eggs; a scorepad; a bird tray to hold bird cards during the active game; a custom dice tower; and all components needed for playing against the automa in solo mode. All of these components are well made and the eggs are some of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. Likewise, the artwork is phenomenal, with illustrations by Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, Natalia Rojas, and Beth Sobel.My review copy of Wingspan arrived at my door back in late July, when I was still on vacation in Europe. As soon as we got home, I tore into it, excited to see what all the buzz was about (the game has been on the lips of every board game enthusiast for months; I first spotted a copy back in December when it was still under hush hush review copy only distribution in the hands of a fellow reviewer). We invited our friend David over to play our first game and he fell for these birds so hard that he ordered his own copy the very next day from Stonemaier’s website. My husband and I were hooked after just one game as well and we’ve gone on to play several games since then, across all player counts, including solo against the automa. As I mentioned above, Wingspan is a worker placement game, where you use wooden action cubes to execute one of the four basic actions each turn:Play a bird to your aviaryGain food used to attract new birdsHave your birds lay eggsDraw new birds Each action, save for playing a bird, is tied to a specific row (i.e. habitat) on a player’s aviary card. Gain food is associated to the forest habitat, lay eggs is tied to the grassland habitat, and draw cards is paired with the wetland habitat. To complete the action, a player references the first empty space (reading from left to right) in the action’s habitat, and follows the visual instructions. In the picture below, I’ve circled in red the 4 action types on the player board. The habitat type for each action is indicated by the icon to the left of the action. One of the genius mechanisms deployed in Wingspan is the reduction of actions available over each successive round. When the game begins, everyone has eight wooden action cubes they may exhaust to complete eight different actions. At the end of the first round, players give up one of their cubes to mark their first round results on the goal board. Each follow on round sees players doing the same thing, so that by the time the last round rolls in, there are only five actions available for a player to execute. Brilliant! Luckily, Wingspan provides plenty of opportunity to build a strong engine and so the pain of only having a handful of actions during the final round isn’t too severe. It does so by assigning powers to bird cards (these powers often include the ability to take one of the four actions in a specific limited way such as “gain a cherry”; such action powers are color coded brown) and having players re-execute the brown powers of all the birds in a given habitat, from right to left, anytime a player chooses to use that habitat action during a turn. Wingspan is not subject to much analysis paralysis. There’s usually a bit of hesitation when deciding which bonus and bird cards to select during the game setup as well as when drawing or playing bird cards during the game but it was rare that I ever sat waiting for someone to decide which action to take overall. Both the competitive and solo modes of Wingspan are challenging and engaging. I’ve averaged 80 points across my competitive games and my solo games have seen me come in just slightly higher at about 85 points a game. I found the solo mode to be very relaxing. Lessons learned:First and foremost, prioritize adding birds to your aviary with star type nests. These are wildcard nests, which will count for every type of nests with regard to achieving goals. Every winner I’ve witnessed included an assortment of wildcard nest bird cards in their aviary. Follow the advice printed in the rule book; in the beginning of the game focus on adding birds to your aviary that give resources when activated (in my first few games I focused more on high point birds instead and lost).Work hard to win end round bonuses – their point differentials can swing the game in your favor.Build a better engine over focusing on bonus completion if you have to choose between birds that will do one or the other.I love that every game of Wingspan comes with a free biology lesson on birds. This bird lives in this habitat and that bird eats that prey and that other bird has a wingspan of x number of meters. Fascinating, and it makes the game great to play with kids as a learning experience. My favorite type of bird encountered in the game so far is the Yellow Breasted Chat. It’s power allows it to move around from habitat to habitat, allowing you to use its characteristics to meet goals across any habitat from round to round. I can only offer one complaint against Wingspan and it’s quite minor – the round goals are two sided tokens but their shape indicates a front versus a back side; they should be perfectly flat if no side is to take precedence.Stop what you’re doing right now and make and take a step toward building your love for Wingspan. If you don’t own it yet, drop by your local game store to pick up a copy or check availability on Stonemaier’s website. Seriously, like right now. If you do own it and you haven’t gotten to the table yet or in awhile, commit to playing it at least once this week. Text your friends (up to 4 others) to come play with you, or set it up for solo mode. The important thing is to get it on the table, because as soon as you do you are going fall a little more in love with it. “Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination,calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –over and over announcing your placein the family of things.”~Mary Oliver-------------------------------------------------Publisher: Stonemaier GamesPlayers: 1-5Actual Playing Time (vs the guideline on the box): About 90 minutes per gameGame type: worker placementRating:Jenni’s rating scale:OUI: I would play this game again; this game is ok. I probably would not buy this game myself but I would play it with those who own it and if someone gave it to me I would keep it.OUI OUI: I would play this game again; this game is good. I would buy this game.OUI OUI OUI: I LOVE THIS GAME. I MUST HAVE THIS GAME.NON: I would not play this game again. I would return this game or give it away if it was given to me. Full Article board game reviews Stonemaier Games worker placement games
spa Spain's top athletes jeered on return to practice By Published On :: Tue, 5 May 2020 09:35:31 EST Professional and high-performance athletes in Spain were allowed to return to practice, but some were jeered for doing so during the coronavirus pandemic. Full Article
spa newspaper reading times By Published On :: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 04:00:00 EDT Today on Married To The Sea: newspaper reading timesThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article autogen_comic
spa Safe Dynamic Memory Management in Ada and SPARK By Published On :: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 19:42:01 +0000 Safe Dynamic Memory Management in Ada and SPARK by Maroua Maalej, Tucker Taft, Yannick Moy: Handling memory in a correct and efficient way is a step toward safer, less complex, and higher performing software-intensive systems. However, languages used for critical software development such as Ada, which supports formal verification with its SPARK subset, face challenges regarding any use of pointers due to potential pointer aliasing. In this work, we introduce an extension to the Ada language, and to its SPARK subset, to provide pointer types (“access types” in Ada) that provide provably safe, automatic storage management without any asynchronous garbage collection, and without explicit deallocation by the user. Because the mechanism for these safe pointers relies on strict control of aliasing, it can be used in the SPARK subset for formal verification, including both information flow analysis and proof of safety and correctness properties. In this paper, we present this proposal (which has been submitted for inclusion in the next version of Ada), and explain how we are able to incorporate these pointers into formal analyses For the systems programmers among you, you might be interested in some new developments in Ada where they propose to add ownership types to Ada's pointer/access types, to improve the flexibility of the programs that can be written and whose safety can be automatically verified. The automated satisfiability of these safety properties is a key goal of the SPARK Ada subset. Full Article Implementation Type Theory
spa Man die fietspad bezaait met prikkeldraad, spijkers en glas praat zichzelf aan de galg tegen visser die stiekem filmt - Het Laatste Nieuws By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 14:46:00 GMT Man die fietspad bezaait met prikkeldraad, spijkers en glas praat zichzelf aan de galg tegen visser die stiekem filmt Het Laatste Nieuws Full Article
spa Infolinks Wants You To Spam For Them (blog post By Published On :: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 16:53:00 EST I recently received an email from Infolinks a contextual affiliate advertiser. It seems they want to expand their service and get more blogs and websites using their service. Now I have no problem with this and have found their services pretty good overall. However how they want to expand is by getting you to spam comments for them. Full Article
spa Is MySpace Making A Comeback ? (Blog Post) By Published On :: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 20:56:00 EST Before Facebook was king of social networking was MySpace. The last few years haven’t been good to the once giant social network, dropping to an estimated 70 million active users. The site itself has transformed from a personal hub of social activity to nothing short of an advertising billboard and virtually forgotten as a relic of the early 2000’s............... Full Article
spa Blockade Runner Minecraft In Space ? By Published On :: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 23:04:00 EST Like Minecraft but looking for something a little different? Recently PC Gamer briefly reviewed a new game called Blockade Runner (Click here to see the PC Gamer review) essentially bringing something like Minecraft into space. Players currently are able to build their own spaceships, or space stations from scratch in much the same way Minecraft’s creative mode works, but in zero g. Unlike Minecraft however (unless your using a mod) you can attach different weapons to your creations and fly them around, blasting other ships and asteroids to pieces........................ Full Article
spa Who let the dogs out? A few Spaniards defy coronavirus lockdown By Published On :: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 15:35:39 -0400 Under partial lockdown due to the spiraling coronavirus pandemic, Spaniards are allowed to leave home only for essential outings, walking a dog being one of them. Full Article oddlyEnoughNews
spa F&S kijken naar Italië en Spanje (NRC, di, 28-04-20) By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
spa These Space-Saving Kitchen Essentials from One of Our Favorite Brands Are 30% Off Right Now By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 12:00:00 -0400 Clever, colorful, and totally affordable! READ MORE... Full Article affiliate Kitchen Kitchen Tools macys News Sales & Events shop
spa These Cities Offer the Most Space for Renters—And They’re Not on Either Coast By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:00:00 -0400 According to a new report. READ MORE... Full Article Resources for Renters
spa Trump Posts a Photo of Himself Working on His Inaugural Address and it Gives Spark to a New Meme By Published On :: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 19:00:00 -0700 Yesterday Trump tweeted a photo of himself hard at work on his inauguration speech and the internet has been having a field day with it. It started on twitter with people guessing at what The Donald might be drawing. Shortly thereafter it got a small photoshop battle. 'What's Donald Drawing' definitely has the potential to catch on.Get More Trump Memes that are simply tremendous, people tell me how amazing these memes are all the time. Full Article twitter photoshop battle trump meme list donald trump funny tweets trump memes
spa 911 Dispatchers Making a Difference Now, Always By Published On :: 2020-04-22T14:23:30Z Late last month, CBS News in New York reported that 911 dispatchers in that beleaguered hub have received, on several occasions, more emergency calls than they took on September 11, 2001. Call volume in the most populated city in the US typically ranges Full Article emergency response fire service ems codes and standards law enforcement police dispatchers covid-19 coronavirus emts telecommunicators paramedics nfpa 1061 national public safety telecommunicators week
spa IN SPACE NO ONE CAN HEAR HAL SCREAM By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 13:00:00 -0700 Full Article
spa 'Star Wars': Summary of the franchise and its effect on space technology By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 04:44:02 +0000 A long time ago — roughly four decades — the world was introduced to Jedi knights, lightsabers, droids and the Force. Before long, elements of the space fantasy had an effect on real-life space technology. Full Article
spa On This Day in Space! May 4, 2011: 1st official 'Star Wars' Day celebration By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 12:03:06 +0000 On May 4, 2011, the first organized "Star Wars" Day celebration happened in Toronto. See how it happened in our On This Day in Space video series! Full Article
spa Pictures from space! Our image of the day By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 13:53:10 +0000 An astronaut on board the International Space Station captured almost all of Mexico in a single shot while photographing planet Earth from inside the station's Cupola observatory. Full Article
spa Nickelodeon debuts first footage of iconic green slime in space By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 21:53:47 +0000 Nickelodeon used its Kids' Choice Awards show broadcast to premiere the first footage of its trademark green slime floating on board the International Space Station. Full Article
spa This Japanese Newspaper Has A Secret Message By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 11:21:33 -0700 なかなかアートなメッセージ読めますか?— 和田 賢治 @ TSUBAKI LAB.代表:木を科学していく (@simplife_plus) May 5, 2020What seems to be just a page full of bubbles turns out to be a heartwarming message when viewed from a distance. This newspaper from Gifu Shimbun was issued on May 6.Utilizing a form of bubbly negative space to render the text, the newspaper spelled out a message to its readers about social distancing. The magic is you have to maintain an appropriate social distance to read the letters.The message reads, 離れていても 心はひとつ, which means even though we’re apart, our hearts are one.Thanks, Japan!(Image Credit: @simplife_plus/ Twitter) Full Article
spa Fashion...In...Spaaaaace! By Published On :: Fri, 03 Dec 2010 10:51:28 -0800 Even though you're living on some distant planet, there's no reason you can't look amazing! It's good to know that even with advanced technology and space travel available, fashion remains sensible. Full Article art fashion funny illustration retro space
spa Spaghetti Salad By Published On :: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 16:39:09 +0000 Our Italian spaghetti salad recipe (sometimes called California spaghetti salad or just spaghetti pasta salad) is full of delicious flavor! This is a must-have recipe for summer potlucks! Spaghetti Salad Recipe I swear, there’s something satisfying about being able to twirl spaghetti noodles around your fork. It just beats spearing rotini or bowtie pasta, doesn’t it? Three […] The post Spaghetti Salad appeared first on Dear Crissy. Full Article Salads Sides
spa Q: How to reduce KOMPLEMENT Drawer Spacing? By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 13:00:00 +0000 When we renovated our bedroom last year we built in lots of PAX storage. We built a large wardrobe with grey gloss sliding doors. Photo: We then used the 35cm deep frames to create open storage opposite the end of the bed. IKEA items: White PAX Frame White KOMPLEMENT Drawers This provides open shelving […] The post Q: How to reduce KOMPLEMENT Drawer Spacing? appeared first on IKEA Hackers. Full Article Hackers Help Wardrobes Pax
spa Spandau Ballet By Published On :: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 01:01:16 +0100 A real “Bad Agent Cooper in the mirror” moment for Brian. Full Article
spa La EPA y los CDC publican guía para limpiar y desinfectar espacios donde viven, trabajan y juegan los estadounidenses By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0400 WASHINGTON (29 de abril de 2020) — Hoy, la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés) y los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) publicaron una Full Article
spa EPA, CDC Release Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Spaces Where Americans Live, Work, and Play By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0400 WASHINGTON (April 29, 2020) — Today, the U.S. Full Article
spa How do I Increase/Decrease the Space Between Paragraphs on a Web Page (CSS) By Published On :: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 04:32:49 GMT One of my visitors wanted to know how to change the distance between paragraphs on a web page. This article addresses that question. It also deals with what to do when you change the spacing between lines (eg to double-space it), and the gap between paragraphs becomes too wide. Full Article CSS HTML web design webmaster
spa Derbyshire 86 Chesterfield 768 hours what is the connection between hairdressers barbers and SpaceX Starlink By Published On :: The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough Rabindranath Tagore one of my favourites. I saw the first butterfly of the season today . A Cabbage White the scourge of gardeners who love their cabbages . The pretty white things lays Full Article
spa For Latinos and COVID-19, doctors are seeing an ‘alarming’ disparity By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 16:15:34 +0000 Full Article
spa Taking government money? Disclose your political spending: Companies should opt for transparency now more than ever By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 13:00:00 +0000 With increasing reports of large public companies and politically connected ones receiving COVID-19 rescue aid and the Trump administration blocking proper oversight, business leaders can act on their own to protect the integrity of the government aid effort and of companies themselves. They can do that by disclosing their companies’ political spending to show that political influence is not a factor in who gets help. Full Article
spa Scientologists buy dozens of properties in Florida city, newspaper reports By Published On :: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 15:15:36 +0000 In a report published Sunday, the Tampa Bay Times said that it discovered the extent of Scientology property purchases by reviewing more than 1,000 deeds and business records and then interviewed more than 90 people to reconstruct the circumstances surrounding the transactions. Full Article
spa Patients denied take-home doses at packed Brooklyn methadone clinic, sparking fears of coronavirus transmission By Published On :: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 20:18:07 +0000 Patient Jessica Ellision recalled how she broke down and sobbed Monday when she finally received her medication after a three-hour wait — much of it in the crowded hallway where she feared the other patients might be infected. “It was so intense and so stressful, and you feel like you worked so hard not to be sick, but this is it now — this is how it happens,” said Ellison, 39, of the Bronx. Full Article
spa Streets will open to pedestrians around the city to give coronavirus-cooped New Yorkers more open space By Published On :: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 03:12:06 +0000 City officials called the street closings planned starting Friday are an “initial pilot,” and that more sites may be added to the program in the coming days. De Blasio said on Tuesday he’d like to open “up to two streets per borough.” Full Article
spa Nearly 8,000 NYC elementary school students qualify for ‘gifted’ school programs, neighborhood disparities persist By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 23:27:22 +0000 The bulk of students taking the test do so before starting Kindergarten—an aspect of the process critics say privileges parents with the money and savvy to prepare their young kids for the high-stakes exams. Full Article
spa The weird and wonderful world growing spuds (and other crops) in space By Published On :: With the right kind of care, plenty of plants actually do just fine in microgravity. Full Article
spa How Kīlauea’s lava birthed an algal bloom visible from space By Published On :: Lava descending into Hawai‘i’s ocean drove an upward surge of deep sea nutrients, cultivating life at the surface. Full Article
spa NOVA Marathons: Space & The Universe By Published On :: Six episodes exploring the vast, mysterious, and powerful universe we live in. Full Article
spa Editorial: Coronavirus forced the Supreme Court into transparency. Finally By Published On :: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 18:57:31 -0400 The Supreme Court allows livestreaming of oral arguments. The next step should be cameras. Full Article