
Seven lion cubs born recently at the National Zoo

The Smithsonian’s National Zoo recently welcomed two litters of lion cubs over a three-week period – bringing the total number of cubs to seven during the summer of 2010.

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Lemelson Center receives $2.6 million grant for informal science education

“Places of Invention,” a planned 3,500-square-foot exhibition at the National Museum of American History scheduled to open in 2014, will feature a selection of “hot spots” of invention and innovation—places where a critical mass of inventive people, networks, institutions, funding and other resources come together and creativity flourishes.

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A Halloween roundup featuring recent articles on spiders, bats and rats

A roundup of recent articles featuring spiders, bats and rats....

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New species of bat named from central coastal Ecuador

A diminutive bat with cinnamon-brown coloring collected in 1979 in Ecuador by mammalogist Don Wilson of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History represents a new species a recent paper in the journal “Mammalian Biology” has revealed.

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Environmental Research Center to help with Chesapeake Bay seagrass restoration

A research team from The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and Virginia's Old Dominion University will be awarded $110,999 to develop a tool to help seagrass restorers predict which places will be the best for planting seagrasses, the Virginia Sea Grant has announced.

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Free, online course in physics offered by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

"Physics for the 21st Century," a free, on-line course developed at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics about current research in physics is now available.

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Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to own and operate ALMA Vertex Prototype Antenna

The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has been selected by the National Science Foundation as the recipient of a 12-meter (39-foot) radio antenna designed for submillimeter-wavelength astronomy. The ALMA Vertex Prototype Antenna was one of three antennas built as prototypes for the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, a 66-dish radio observatory currently being constructed in Chile.

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Work of 19th-century oologists enables researcher to track climate change with duck eggs

BROOKINGS, S.D. — Julie DeJong can’t set foot on the ground of an Oregon marsh to gather duck eggs on a spring day in 1875. […]

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New Mathias Lab at Environmental Research Center will have low environmental impact

The expanded and remodeled Mathias Laboratory, named in honor of U.S. Senator Charles "Mac" Mathias Jr. (1922-2010) (R-Md.) will have a low environmental impact on all fronts, from where it gets its power to where it gets its materials.

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Study reveals environmental impact of American Indian farms centuries before Europeans arrived in North America

The new research reveals that from the period between 1100-1600 small agricultural settlements up and down the Delaware River Valley caused a 50-percent increase in sediment runoff into the Delaware River.

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Green-headed Tanager (Tangara seledon) of east-central South America

A description and photos of the green-headed tanager (Tangara seledon), a bird native to east-central South America, can be found in the Species of the […]

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Deadly amphibian disease detected in the last disease-free region of Central America

Smithsonian scientists have confirmed that chytridiomycosis, a rapidly spreading amphibian disease, has reached a site near Panama’s Darien region. This was the last area in the entire mountainous neotropics to be free of the disease. This is troubling news for the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project, a consortium of nine U.S. and Panamanian institutions that aims to rescue 20 species of frogs in imminent danger of extinction.

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Whole-genome analysis at center of effort to save Tasmanian devil

The whole-genome analysis of two Tasmanian devils—one that died of a new contagious cancer known as Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) and one healthy animal—is at the center of a new management strategy to help prevent the extinction of this species.

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Center for Astrophysics project gets first look through new ALMA telescope

Humanity's most complex ground-based astronomy observatory, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), has officially opened for astronomers at its 16,500-foot high desert plateau in northern Chile.

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  • astronomy
  • astrophysics
  • Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory


Why did the tortoise cross the road? A recent study indicates few do.

Scientists studying genetic variation and gene flow in a population of tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in California’s Mojave Desert, were surprised recently to discover that two roads built in the desert in the 1970s had a noticeable impact on the population’s genetic structure.

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Ghostly gamma-ray beams blast from Milky Way’s center

The newfound jets may be related to mysterious gamma-ray bubbles that Fermi detected in 2010. Those bubbles also stretch 27,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way.

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“Ignition Sequence,” by Vincent Cavallaro

“Ignition Sequence,” 1968, Vincent Cavallaro, oil on canvas. The power of the ignition and launch sequence of a NASA rocket is portrayed in an abstract […]

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Planets can form in the galactic center

Hew research by astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics shows that planets still can form in the cosmic maelstrom of Milky Way's center.

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Forensic analysis of 17th-century human remains at Jamestown, Va., reveals evidence of survival cannibalism

Douglas Owsley, the division head for physical anthropology at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, presented today a forensic analysis of 17th-century human remains […]

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Scientists find impact of open-ocean industrial fishing within centuries of bird bones

The impact of industrial fishing on coastal ecosystems has been studied for many years. But how it affects food webs in the open ocean―a vast […]

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Sagittarius A: Center of the Milky Way

The center of the Milky Way galaxy, with The supermassive black hole Sagittarius A–at center–is revealed in this image. Astronomers have used NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to […]

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Swarms of Pluto-size objects kick up dust around adolescent star

Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) may have detected the dusty hallmarks of an entire family of Pluto-size objects swarming around an adolescent […]

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Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Marks 50 Years of Making a Difference

The world’s coasts are home to more than 70 percent of the human population and experience intense development as a result. The rate of environmental […]

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The center of our Milky Way galaxy is a mysterious place. Not only is it thousands of light-years away, it’s also cloaked in so much […]



Event Horizon Telescope Reveals Magnetic Fields at Milky Way’s Central Black Hole

Most people think of black holes as giant vacuum cleaners sucking in everything that gets too close. But the supermassive black holes at the centers […]

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Proxima Centauri Might Be More Sunlike Than We Thought

In August astronomers announced that the nearby star Proxima Centauri hosts an Earth-sized planet (called Proxima b) in its habitable zone. At first glance, Proxima […]

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Underpaid women “computers” mapped the universe in the 19th century

Every day, astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics depend on computers to help them solve the mysteries of the universe, just as they did […]

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Actin waves transport RanGTP to the neurite tip to regulate non-centrosomal microtubules in neurons [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Yung-An Huang, Chih-Hsuan Hsu, Ho-Chieh Chiu, Pei-Yu Hsi, Chris T. Ho, Wei-Lun Lo, and Eric Hwang

Microtubule (MT) is the most abundant cytoskeleton in neurons and controls multiple facets of their development. While the MT-organizing center (MTOC) in mitotic cells is typically located at the centrosome, MTOC in neurons switches to non-centrosomal sites. A handful of cellular components have been shown to promote non-centrosomal MT (ncMT) formation in neurons, yet the regulation mechanism remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that the small GTPase Ran is a key regulator of ncMTs in neurons. Using an optogenetic tool that enables light-induced local production of RanGTP, we demonstrate that RanGTP promotes ncMT plus-end growth along the neurite. Additionally, we discovered that actin waves drive the anterograde transport of RanGTP. Pharmacological disruption of actin waves abolishes the enrichment of RanGTP and reduces growing ncMT plus-ends at the neurite tip. These observations identify a novel regulation mechanism of ncMTs and pinpoint an indirect connection between the actin and MT cytoskeletons in neurons.


Chondrosarcoma-associated gene 1 (CSAG1) maintains the integrity of the mitotic centrosome in cells with defective p53 [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Hem Sapkota, Jonathan D. Wren, and Gary J. Gorbsky

Centrosomes focus microtubules to promote mitotic spindle bipolarity, a critical requirement for balanced chromosome segregation. Comprehensive understanding of centrosome function and regulation requires a complete inventory of components. While many centrosome components have been identified, others may yet remain undiscovered. We have used a bioinformatics approach, based on "guilt by association" expression to identify novel mitotic components among the large group of predicted human proteins that have yet to be functionally characterized. Here we identify Chondrosarcoma-Associated Gene 1 (CSAG1) in maintaining centrosome integrity during mitosis. Depletion of CSAG1 disrupts centrosomes and leads to multipolar spindles more effectively in cells with compromised p53 function. Thus, CSAG1 may reflect a class of "mitotic addiction" genes whose expression is more essential in transformed cells.


A genetic interaction map centered on cohesin reveals auxiliary factors in sister chromatid cohesion [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Su Ming Sun, Amandine Batte, Mireille Tittel-Elmer, Sophie van der Horst, Tibor van Welsem, Gordon Bean, Trey Ideker, Fred van Leeuwen, and Haico van Attikum

Eukaryotic chromosomes are replicated in interphase and the two newly duplicated sister chromatids are held together by the cohesin complex and several cohesin auxiliary factors. Sister chromatid cohesion is essential for accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis, yet has also been implicated in other processes, including DNA damage repair, transcription and DNA replication. To assess how cohesin and associated factors functionally interconnect and coordinate with other cellular processes, we systematically mapped genetic interactions of 17 cohesin genes centered on quantitative growth measurements of >52,000 gene pairs in budding yeast. Integration of synthetic genetic interactions unveiled a cohesin functional map that constitutes 373 genetic interactions, revealing novel functional connections with post-replication repair, microtubule organization and protein folding. Accordingly, we show that the microtubule-associated protein Irc15 and the prefoldin complex members Gim3, Gim4 and Yke2 are new factors involved in sister chromatid cohesion. Our genetic interaction map thus provides a unique resource for further identification and functional interrogation of cohesin proteins. Since mutations in cohesin proteins have been associated with cohesinopathies and cancer, it may also identify cohesin interactions relevant in disease etiology.


C3G localizes to mother centriole dependent on cenexin, and regulates centrosome duplication and primary cilia length [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Sanjeev Chavan Nayak and Vegesna Radha

C3G (RapGEF1) plays a role in cell differentiation and is essential for early embryonic development in mice. In this study, we identify C3G as a centrosomal protein colocalizing with cenexin at the mother centriole in interphase cells. C3G interacts through its catalytic domain with cenexin, and they show interdependence for localization to the centrosome. C3G depletion caused a decrease in cellular cenexin levels. Centrosomal localization is lost as myocytes differentiate to form myotubes. Stable clone of cells depleted of C3G by CRISPR/Cas9 showed the presence of supernumerary centrioles. Overexpression of C3G, or a catalytically active deletion construct inhibited centrosome duplication. Cilia length is longer in C3G knockout cells, and the phenotype could be reverted upon reintroduction of C3G or its catalytic domain. Association of C3G with the basal body is dynamic, decreasing upon serum starvation, and increasing upon reentry into the cell cycle. C3G inhibits cilia formation and length dependent on its catalytic activity. We conclude that C3G inhibits centrosome duplication and maintains ciliary homeostasis, properties that may be important for its role in embryonic development.


Photos reveal recent activity in moon’s crust

New images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft show the moon's crust is being stretched, forming minute valleys in a few small areas on the lunar surface.

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Magnificent Dom Pedro aquamarine to go on view in the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum

The National Museum of Natural History will permanently display the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, which is the largest single piece of cut-gem aquamarine in the world, beginning Dec. 6.

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Salamander DNA reveals evidence of older land connection between Central and South America

The humble salamander may provide evidence to support a controversial claim that North and South America were joined together much earlier than previously thought. The […]

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XGANDALF – extended gradient descent algorithm for lattice finding

Serial crystallography records still diffraction patterns from single, randomly oriented crystals, then merges data from hundreds or thousands of them to form a complete data set. To process the data, the diffraction patterns must first be indexed, equivalent to determining the orientation of each crystal. A novel automatic indexing algorithm is presented, which in tests usually gives significantly higher indexing rates than alternative programs currently available for this task. The algorithm does not require prior knowledge of the lattice parameters but can make use of that information if provided, and also allows indexing of diffraction patterns generated by several crystals in the beam. Cases with a small number of Bragg spots per pattern appear to particularly benefit from the new approach. The algorithm has been implemented and optimized for fast execution, making it suitable for real-time feedback during serial crystallography experiments. It is implemented in an open-source C++ library and distributed under the LGPLv3 licence. An interface to it has been added to the CrystFEL software suite.


Distinguishing space groups by electron channelling: centrosymmetric full-Heusler or non-centrosymmetric half-Heusler?

X-ray emission under electron-channelling conditions is used to distinguish between a non-centrosymmetric half-Heusler and a centrosymmetric full-Heusler crystal. For TiCo1.5+xSn the space-group determination based on a Rietveld refinement procedure became challenging for increasing Co content (x > 0.2), while electron channelling proved successful for higher Co content (x = 0.35). This technique can be used on crystals as small as (10 nm)3.


A clouded leopard cub, a Przewalski’s horse and a red panda cub were all recently born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

As you read here
In a 24-hour-period between July 9 and 10, 2009 a clouded leopard cub, a Przewalski's horse, and a red panda cub were all born at Smithsonian's National Zoo's Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Virginia.

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Smithsonian volcanologist Rick Wunderman talks about volcanos and the recent eruptions in Iceland

Rick Wunderman of the Global Volcanism Program at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History talks about the current volcanic activity in Iceland.

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Device at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center examines how phytoplankton would react if the ozone layer vanished

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Smithsonian Science Education Center / National Academies

The Smithsonian Science Education Center (formerly NSRC) was formed by the Smithsonian Institution and the National Academies in 1985 with the mission to improve the learning and teaching of science in school districts in the United States and throughout the world.

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Kepler 11: A Six-Planet Sonata by Alex Parker, postdoctoral researcher at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

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Mangroves research by Candy Feller, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center botanist

Follow botanist Candy Feller of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center as she conducts field work on mangrove ecosystems at Carrie Bow Cay, a Smithsonian field research station in the Caribbean.

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Amazon farmers who vanished centuries ago were remarkably innovative

This new research has revealed that in areas considered unsuitable for farming today, "pre-Columbian farmers constructed thousands of raised fields in the seasonally flooded coastal savannas of the Guianas.

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Center for Tropical Forest Science receives grant to study diversity of tree communities

The Center for Tropical Forest Science, which manages a global network of temperate and tropical forest research plots, will utilize the funds to conduct workshops in the Americas and Asia to investigate how taxonomic, functional, and genetic dimensions of diversity affect tree communities and their resilience to global change.

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