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Africa: African Women Football Clubs Will Receive USD 150 000 Each for Participating in the CAF Women's Champions League Morocco 2024

[CAF] Each of the 8 African Women Football Clubs that are participating in the CAF Women's Champions League Morocco 2024 will receive at least USD 150 000 in prize money.


Relaciones Públicas: La fuga de El Chapo

Hace más de 20 años escribía cuentos e incluso llegué a aventurarme con una radionovela.

Las historias se basaban en vivencias de gente que conocía: amigos, desconocidos a quienes entrevistaba...
Algunas personas se quedaban alucinadas con las historias que leían y escuchaban, y más cuando les decía que estaban basadas en hechos reales.

Y es que en México, la realidad supera la ficción.

Con la tercera captura de El Chapo Guzmán lo volvemos a comprobar.

En suma, lo que se sabe hasta ahora:
-Nace en un entorno pobre y comienza a delinquir a los 14/15 años.
-Es capturado por primera vez en Guatemala.
-Escapa en un carro de ropa sucia de la lavandería del penal en el que se encontraba preso
-Editoriales y estudios cinematográficos intentan contactarlo para relatar la historia de su vida.
-El Chapo intenta coordinar algunos proyectos editoriales, pero ninguno llega a concretarse
-Es apresado por segunda vez.
-Se escapa a través de un túnel con 1,5 kilómetros de extensión.
-Retoma los proyectos editoriales e incluso se plantea la producción de una película.
-Se entrevista con los actores Sean Penn y Kate del Castillo.
-Es apresado por tercera vez.
-La revista Rolling Stone publica la entrevista y un vídeo en el que responde a preguntas de una tercera persona no identificada.
-La captura comienza a levantar suspicacias.  (Ver imagen).

Una vida de película de un delincuente, que intentó contar su propia versión en un acto de relaciones públicas increíble.

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


Relaciones Públicas: Tacticismos y estrategias

Las organizaciones más longevas poseen una estrategia a medio y largo plazos que les permite avanzar en momentos de incertidumbre con una determinada certeza.

Las que atienden a tacticismos de manera continua, tarde o temprano puede ser engullidos por su propia inercia.

En el caso de la comunicación política que sigue inundando nuestros días en España, parece que hay dos bloques que, o bien obedecen a una estrategia o van tras la siguiente táctica día tras día.

En el primero, están PP, PSOE e incluso los partidos nacionalistas.
En el segundo, se encuentran Podemos, IU y, aunque pueda ser algo injusto, Ciudadanos.

El PP parece esperar a que el desgaste de sus adversarios en las negociaciones para formar gobierno y a que cale el discurso del miedo ante una recuperación económica perdida por un gobierno en el que no esté la agrupación conservadora para posicionarse como la única alternativa viable para que el país vuelva a ponerse en marcha.

Los socialistas esperan encontrar la cuadratura al círculo atrayendo para sí el mayor número de apoyos, por ínfimos que sean, y neutralizando el mayor número de rechazos, lo que le permitiría alcanzar la presidencia aunque fuera en segunda vuelta.

Podemos tiene claro que cada espacio mediático que tenga es uno que le ayuda a darse a conocer, lo que cree que aumenta sus posibilidades tanto en la negociación actual, como ante el hipotético caso de unas nuevas elecciones.  Eso, aunado a la hiperactividad en redes sociales que mantienen, frente al resto que parece haberlas dejado aparcadas.  Hay táctica mediática y estrategia digital que les permite mantener su presencia, con el peligro de "quemarse" ante tanta sobrexposición.

IU bascula entre posiciones, con la esperanza de arañar beneficios para su agrupación, pero de tal forma que no está resultando negativamente expuesta.

Ciudadanos pretende convertirse en el fiel de la balanza y esta posición quizás les esté desgastando en demasía ante el electorado indeciso que los apoyó en las elecciones.

Los nacionalistas, entre moderados y activistas, mantienen sus posiciones más mirando a sus regiones, que a los movimientos a nivel nacional.

Veremos si las matemáticas y los deseos entre lo deseable y lo posible, dan la razón a los estrategas frente a los tácticos.

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


Relaciones Públicas: Nueva web en tuatupr.com

Nueva web tuatupr.com

Visita la nueva web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com

Puedes llamarnos al teléfono: +34 911123481 y escribirnos a info (@) tuatupr.com.


Relaciones Públicas: El Brexit y la campaña xenófoba

En el blog de túatú hablamos sobre el Brexit y cómo los mensajes euroescépticos han triunfado por su claridad ante la mediocre defensa que se realizó del "Remain" por parte de todos los partidos.

¡Echale un vistazo!

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


Relaciones Públicas: ¿En quién confiar en tecnología? Reflexión sobre la crisis de Samsung

Al comienzo de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com tuvimos como cliente a Samsung.

Fue un tema extraño que no salió a la luz pública por retrasos del desarrollo.

Nos quedamos con las ganas de hincarle el diente a una marca tan llamativa, pero el recuerdo de aquello viene a mi mente al ver la desastrosa gestión que ha realizado la empresa coreana con la crisis del Galaxy Note 7, que le ha significado un gran problema financiero, pero sobre todo de imagen que puede ser incluso más grave para sus productos.

A pesar de que se sabe que las baterías de los móviles se recalientan e incluso se incendian y explotan (en la imagen  un iPhone 5 que quemó el asiento de un coche), la manera en como Samsung abordó la situación ponen en solfa la confianza a una marca que antes se consideraba robusta.

Primer interrogante: ¿Por qué explotan incluso estando desconectados?  No se sabe a ciencia cierta cómo es que una batería ha logrado calentarse tanto hasta explotar estando en reposo.

Segundo interrogante: ¿Cómo Samsung permitió que el tema llegara al punto que las aerolíneas prohibieran embarcar el teléfono afectado, incluso después de que un vuelo se viera afectado por un teléfono en llamas?  Si ya se sabía que el móvil era potencialmente un peligro no había nada que esperar.

Tercera interrogante: Si realmente consideran que el móvil es peligroso, ¿por qué distribuyen guantes ignífugos para que sus clientes envíen de vuelta el dispositivo por correo terrestre/marítimo?  No muestran mucha preocupación por la seguridad de sus consumidores.  

En resumen:

  1. No se cerró la crisis, porque aún hay varias interrogantes.
  2. Actuación lenta.  Incluso 
  3. La marca expone al peligro a sus consumidores y vuelve a hacerlo obligándoles a manipularlo nuevamente.

Para los actuales consumidores que estiman la marca Samsung, esta crisis puede tratarse de un percance, aunque sus consecuencias son realmente graves.

Para los fieles usuarios de otras marcas, esto les ayudará a reafirmar su "amor" por su decisión actual.

Los que más deben preocupar a Samsung son aquellos que se mueven por diferentes motivos (prestaciones, precio, etc.), pero que, ante una eventualidad como la de una posible explosión del teléfono seguramente optarán por otra marca más segura.

En una industria con tan alto grado de competencia, un error de estas dimensiones puede poner en serio riesgo la credibilidad y confianza de una marca y sus productos, lo que significará una posible amenaza para su viabilidad futura.


Relaciones Públicas: La confusión

Resulta llamativo ver lo complejo (y a la vez sencillo y plano) que se ha vuelto el mundo.

La sucesión interminable de acontecimientos hace que todo se consuma "crudo" y no haya tiempo material, pero tampoco ganas, de realizar una reflexión profunda sobre los temas del día a día.

El problema es que la realidad "borrosa" (líquida se me hace muy cursi) es la que no nos está permitiendo ver el fondo de las cosas y, sobre todo, estamos sin perspectiva, prisioneros del tsunami informativo de temas que nos avasallan y nos aturden.

La "sensación" de estar informado a través de los medios, cuando ni los periodistas tienen la posibilidad de digerir todo lo que tienen sobre la mesa, no es más que una pose que ya se ha cobrado sus primeros trofeos: el Brexit y la victoria de Trump.

Los cambios repentinos, imprevistos por los expertos de ayer, son los que determinarán el futuro de los países, presos de la percepción epidérmica de la realidad.

Si lo que domina es la confusión, las decisiones que se tomen sólo pueden ayudar a mantenerla.

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


Las agencias de relaciones públicas y las fake news

Uno de los grandes problemas estructurales de las agencias de relaciones públicas es lo mal que comunica.  Ya se sabe, “En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo”.  Esta reflexión viene a cuento por todo lo que se ha publicado sobre las “fake news” en los medios más importantes de todo el mundo y el sepulcral silencio que prácticamente todo el sector ha guardado en torno a este tema.

¿Por qué nos incumbe esta discusión?, se preguntarán algunos.  La respuesta es sencilla.  El sector lleva años sufriendo ataques contra su trabajo por sembrar sus propias “fake news” para sus clientes. Noticias que no lo son tanto que sirven para empujar la agenda temática de quienes pagan nuestras facturas. En este sentido, resultaría sano que esta experiencia del sector de las agencias de relaciones públicas sirviera para matizar las discusiones de políticos y periodistas sobre un tema que, desde mi particular punto de vista, se ha exagerado interesadamente.

Una vuelta a la “olvidada” Guerra Fría

Para los más viejos del lugar, quienes crecimos con la imagen de que los soviéticos eran los malos en las películas de Hollywood, ver cómo se ataca ahora a los rusos nos parece un deja vu que pensábamos que no volveríamos a ver.  Sin embargo, ahí están nuevamente las acusaciones en contra de las fábricas de trolls y de “fake news” provenientes desde Rusia, Corea del Norte e incluso Venezuela.

Esto se ha convertido en un tema muy serio, que incluso se ha discutido con profundidad en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos con la presencia de directivos de Google, Facebook, entre otras empresas de internet.  De forma paralela, la Unión Europea quiere detener las “fake news” con estrategias de contrapropaganda y la Comisión Europea ha abierto una consulta pública sobre noticias falsas y desinformación en línea.

Haciendo poderosos a los rusos

Un amigo ruso que también está en el ámbito de las agencias de relaciones públicas me dijo divertido que se “siente poderoso” al saber que un puñado de sus compatriotas son capaces de influir decisivamente en las elecciones de países tan importantes como Estados Unidos, Reino Unido o España.  “Lo que no saben es que esto hace más poderoso a Putin a los ojos del mundo y de los propios rusos”, me indicó recientemente.

Valoraciones políticas aparte, lo que es verdad es que no me parece haber escuchado por parte de ningún representante relevante del sector de las agencias de relaciones públicas ninguna matización sobre el debate abierto de las “fake news”.

Desde este espacio ofrezco algunas reflexiones que me parece conveniente discutir sobre este fenómeno de propaganda:

  • Según el Washington Post, se detectaron 4.700 USD de inversión en Youtube y más de 100.000 USD en Facebook de grupos y/o personas del ámbito ruso.  Si consideramos que una empresa como EA invirtió 2,75 millones USD para promover uno de sus juegos, el dinero invertido supuestamente por Rusia se antoja poco relevante.
  • En este mismo medio se indicaba que los contenidos generados supuestamente por los rusos habían impactado a 126 millones de estadounidenses (un 38% de la población).  Lo que no se explica es la número de veces que han visto estos contenidos.  Es dudoso que si sólo se han visto una o hasta dos veces un contenido determinado esto haya podido persuadirlos hasta hacerlos cambiar sus preferencias políticas.  Otra cosa es que se hubiera impactado a un número relativamente pequeño de ciudadanos que normalmente no votan y que éstos hubieran visto cientos o miles de veces los contenidos que finalmente les habrían hecho cambiar de opinión.  Sin embargo, para esto se hubieran necesitado auténticos expertos que tuvieran un conocimiento profundo no sólo de Facebook y Google, sino del sistema electoral norteamericano, algo que no se antoja asequible fácilmente para un grupo de generadores de contenidos y estrategias digitales rusos.  
  • Según el Post, se detectaron 43 horas de contenido supuestamente generado por los rusos, cuando cada minuto se suben 300 horas de vídeo cada minuto.
  • En el mismo artículo se indicaba que había hasta 470 cuentas y páginas involucradas en difundir propaganda rusa, y que se habían gastado 100.000 usd en 3.000 anuncios.  Lo que implica que cada anuncio recibió 3 usd de inversión en promedio.  Por experiencia, con esa inversión no se puede impactar a audiencia de millones de usuarios ubicados en EEUU como indican algunos congresistas y senadores norteamericanos.  De hecho, hay servicios que ofrecen de manera puntual o continuada el servicio de miles de cuentas generadas para retuitear, dar Me gusta o realizar visionados de videos en sitios como Seoclerks, Fiverr, Growviews, entre muchas otras.
  • Ante las acusaciones de que Facebook se habría convertido en una plataforma de manipulación política, su creador Mark Zuckerberg dijo que era “una idea bastante alocada”, aunque luego tuviera que retractarse y pedir perdón. 

Desde un punto de vista experto, las acusaciones en contra del gobierno ruso y de sus adláteres digitales suenan exageradas.  Otra cosa es que estas denuncias funcionen muy bien para según qué fines políticos.

Es muy importante recalcar que no se trata de hackers, sino que la acusación de generar y difundir “fake news” es contra creadores de contenidos y estrategas digitales.  De los primeros no nos ocupamos ahora, sino de aquellos con los que los profesionales que trabajamos en una agencia de relaciones públicas y marketing tenemos algo en común.

Es difícil ir en contra de los gobiernos occidentales más poderosos, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que muchos de éstos son o pueden ser clientes, pero el sector de las agencias de relaciones públicas debería promover una discusión seria en torno a las “fake news” e indicar cuando hay acusaciones que, desde un punto de vista estrictamente profesional, difícilmente se sostienen.  No sólo nos debemos a nuestros clientes, sino también a la sociedad y si somos expertos en algo deberíamos de hacer escuchar nuestra voz.


túatú, agencia de eventos en Madrid

Hace años, cuando aún conocía poca gente en Madrid, tuve que romper el "cerco" de ser nuevo en una tierra distinta a la mía.  Lo que se me ocurrió fue organizar eventos que, tiempo después, resultaron muy significativos, no sólo para mí, sino para mucha gente del sector de internet en España.

Como cualquier inicio, costó que la gente comenzara a reunirse, hasta que, de manera totalmente orgánica e inesperada, llegamos a ser más de 150 en un Beers & Blogs y más de 500 en un Web. La Conversación.

Calculo que en 10 años en que organicé los eventos conocí personalmente a 3.000 personas. Algunos los tengo en las redes sociales en donde tengo sigo teniendo presencia: Twitter y Facebook.  A otros les he perdido la pista y hay incluso algunos que han salido de mi vida, tanto real como virtualmente.

No es por nada, pero los eventos se me dan muy bien, ya que intento prever todo de la mejor manera posible y hasta el más mínimo detalle.  He trabajado en agencias de eventos y relaciones públicas hasta que fundé mi empresa.

He organizado todo tipo de eventos en Madrid y otras ciudades de España, así como en otras partes del mundo, como Ecuador, México y Rusia: catas de carne argentina y de carne de conejo para consumo humano, presentaciones de libros, mesas redondas, cenas, comidas, cocktails, viajes de prensa, giras de medios, entre otros.

Para mí, lo más importante es crear eventos con contenido, es decir, que la gente que acuda a ellos se vaya con algo aprendido, con algo nuevo que no tenía cuando llegó.  Aunque también los eventos lúdicos funcionan muy bien y generan valor. ¡Cuántos negocios se generaron durante los Beers & Blogs!

Por todo esto, creo que agencia de eventos en Madrid.
túatú, debe considerarse cuando busques una 

  • Agencia de eventos en Madrid
  • Beers & Blogs
  • Web. La Conversación


Relaciones Públicas: El desprecio

Una de las grandes barreras cognitivas reside en el desprecio en las ideas ajenas que no encajan con nuestra ideología.

No se trata de algo nuevo, ya que esa supuesta superioridad moral o intelectual desde donde se alzan los miembros de uno u otro bando, no les permite empatizar, no tanto para acercar posturas (algo que sería deseable), sino para entender realmente al adversario.

Porque entendiendo al adversario es como mejor puede combatírsele, rebatiendo sus ideas (sus fake news) no con el estómago y quizás ni siquiera con el cerebro, sino con, que se me permita la cursilería, con el alma.

Con las redes sociales se han amplificado las reacciones viscerales de las personas y eso que Facebook se ha encargado de filtrar millones de fotos y vídeos, que, de haber salido a la luz, hubieran atizado aún más el encono entre bandos.

Sobre esto hay una discusión abierta en torno al papel que realmente juegan las redes sociales en los procesos democráticos actuales.  La verdad es que Facebook ha realizado un gran esfuerzo de transparencia, pero los medios de comunicación no le han concedido ningún espacio, porque creen que eso influirá para que vuelvan algunos lectores que han perdido frente a la empresa de Mark Zuckerberg.

La verdad es que las posibilidades de las redes sociales siguen siendo muy amplias y su uso sigue siendo relativamente barato a comparación del coste de la publicidad en medios tradicionales.  Sin embargo, el efecto de las campañas requiere de muchas dosis de estrategia y creatividad y de un esfuerzo más integral que incluyan gabinete de prensa y las propias estrategias políticas o pasarán desapercibidas para el público.

Es en estos varios frentes en donde el desprecio y la falta de empatía hacen que el diagnóstico falle y la capacidad de enfrentar al adversario, sobre todo al populista, no sea eficaz y no consiga su objetivo.

No reconocer las virtudes del adversario y sólo resaltar las bondades de un grupo determinado lleva a la autocomplacencia y a la endogamia, algo peligroso y absurdo en un mundo abierto, global e interconectado.

He puesto la foto de Fox, no porque considere que este expresidente haya transitado por este camino, sino por la imagen de la autocomplacencia que proyecta.

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


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BSA Gold Star 650 real world fuel economy tested, explained

The made-in-India BSA Gold Star 650 has been available overseas for a couple of years but Classic Legends has now launched the bike in India. That gave us a chance to pit it against its closest competitor, the Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 and also to see how fuel efficient the engine is

BSA Gold Star 650 real world fuel efficiency

Our fuel efficiency tests are split into separate city and highway runs. The city run was conducted on a variety of roads in South Mumbai with everything from jam packed traffic under the JJ Flyover to faster, more flowing traffic down Marine drive. After covering over 40km, the bike returned 22.96kpl. With that completed, we then covered about 60 kilometres of highway riding while holding speeds of 70-80kph. In this test, the BSA Gold Star’s mileage increased to 29.14kpl. 

BSA Gold Star 650: fuel economy analysis

It is worth noting that while these numbers are a little lower than the Royal Enfield Interceptor 650, the BSA actually proved to be slightly quicker in our performance tests, despite being tested in wet conditions. 

The Gold Star weighs slightly less than the Enfield, but its big single cannot match the RE’s smooth parallel twin engine when it comes to fuel efficiency, although it makes up for this with more low and midrange torque than any other made in India motorcycle.

Autocar India’s fuel efficiency testing

Our fuel efficiency testing routine starts off by first brimming the tank and ensuring that the bike is running the manufacturer's recommended tyre pressures. The bike is then ridden on fixed city and highway routes, where we maintain pre-decided average speeds that best mimic real-world scenarios for the bike in question. The payload on the bikes is kept constant by balancing rider weights and ballast, ensuring consistency across different vehicles and riders. At the end of the test cycle, the fuel tank is once again filled to the brim, giving us an accurate figure of how much fuel has been consumed, against the trip metre reading.

Also See: BSA Gold Star 650 vs Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 comparison review

BSA Gold Star 650 road test, review


Royal Enfield Goan Classic 350 launch on November 23

Before the end of November, Royal Enfield will launch the Goan Classic 350, its fifth product on the J-series engine platform, following the Meteor, Classic, Hunter, and Bullet. The Goan Classic will be a funky-looking bobber-style motorcycle that will share most of its fundamentals with the Classic 350.

  1. Riding position will be different from Classic 350’s
  2. Will use the same engine as the other RE 350s
  3. Could be the most expensive 350cc RE upon launch

Royal Enfield Goan Classic 350: details

Since the Goan Classic will use the same 349cc single-cylinder engine as the rest of the RE 350s, its peak output will most likely stand at 20hp and 27Nm of torque. Even the Goan Classic’s main frame is likely to be the same as the Classic 350. The differences are likely to be in the styling, paint options, and riding position. 

Previous sightings of the Goan Classic have revealed that, unlike the offerings from Classic Legends, the Jawa 42 Bobber and Perak, the Royal Enfield 350cc bobber will have accommodations to carry a pillion. 
The pillion setup on this bike is likely to be very similar to the one seen on the Shotgun and Classic 650 Twin. This means the frame to carry the passenger setup will be hinged to the rider’s scooped-out seat. This will give the Goan Classic a significant advantage in terms of practicality against competition from the Jawa bobbers. 
The Goan Classic 350, catering to the style-conscious sector of the motorcycle-buying community, is expected to get vibrant and ornate colour schemes. Previous spy shots have also shown that the Goan Classic will run on whitewall tyres, making it one of the very few modern bikes to do so. While most of the test mules have been spotted with wire-spoke wheels, Royal Enfield could also offer alloy wheels as an option.  
Currently, the Royal Enfield Classic 350 is priced between Rs 1.93 lakh and Rs 2.30 lakh, and upon its launch, the Goan Classic will likely be priced around the Classic’s ballpark, but its top variant could exceed the Rs 2.30 lakh mark. All will be revealed soon at Motoverse, Royal Enfield’s annual festival, where the company will launch its fifth 350cc model.

Also See: Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin review: All-Time Classic?


Bajaj Pulsar N250 long term review, 2000km report

With the Suzuki V-Strom SX having left our fleet, I was without a long-termer for my daily commute to the office. As luck would have it though, Dinshaw, who was the custodian of our long-term Bajaj Pulsar N250, was set to go on a lengthy leave. So I was more than glad to grab the keys and draft it in as my V-Strom replacement. At least for the time being, is what I told my colleague.

Powerful LED headlight is one of the best I’ve experienced.

But over the last few months, I’ve really grown to like the N250, so much so that Dinshaw has had to resort to using one of our other long-termers. Jumping off the Suzuki, the Bajaj feels compact and much more manageable in traffic, which is a boon. A special shoutout has to go to the superb headlight of the Pulsar; it’s a better and more effective unit than I’ve experienced on many bigger and more expensive bikes. The Pulsar also dealt with one of the longest monsoon seasons in recent memory with ease. There’s barely any rusting to speak of, apart from some small bolts, and even the plastic and rubber parts have held up well.

Superbly efficient; returned over 500km on a single tank.

While our Pulsar N250 has been largely reserved for commuting, I did take it on a brief spin out on the highway and that shed light on a few things. Firstly, this 250cc mill is superbly refined with barely any vibrations at 90-95kph cruising speeds, which takes some fatigue out of riding for a long time. On the flipside though, I found the seat cushioning to be too hard. Granted, I don’t have the most padded posterior around, but even so, I’ve been finding it too uncomfortable leading me to move around on the seat every couple of minutes to ease some of the pain.

Seat padding is hard and gets painful after a while.

But a major reason for why it’s been hard to handover the keys of the Pulsar has been the superb fuel economy. With my regular commute and this brief highway stint taken into account, the Pulsar N250 managed an eye-opening 500km+ on a single tank. And it goes without saying that it has not all been sedate riding. I’ve genuinely been impressed with the N250’s balance of performance and efficiency.

Reflector on the fork held on by adhesive strip, and has fallen off.

However, as time has gone on, some issues have begun to creep in. The smaller issue is that one of the reflectors on the front fork came loose and fell off. It is held on by just an adhesive strip and I’m sure there are better ways to keep it secure. The bigger issue, however, has been with the front brake. When riding at low speeds, it feels like the brake pads are rubbing against the disc in an unusual manner even without the lever being pressed, almost as if the disc is warped. When I took over the bike this was barely noticeable, but it has grown as our time with the bike has progressed. The Pulsar is now off for its service and a check-up. More on the service costs and the front brake issue in the next report.


Ather 450X Gen 3 long term review, 2,450km report

After having run wonderfully well for nearly its entire duration with us, the Ather 450X Gen 3 is unfortunately returning to its maker on the back of a flatbed, having thrown up a rather unusual glitch at the end of its tenure. As described in our previous report, the scooter downloads and installs updates overnight, but only completes the process the next time you turn the scooter on. Having returned from 10 days outside the country, I turned the Ather’s key on to be greeted with a message about the scooter completing an update. However, after remaining on this screen for about 5 minutes, the scooter then delivered a message saying that the update could not be completed, following which the TFT display showed the regular home screen.

A glitch during an OTA update has left the scooter immobile.

When trying to put the scooter into a forward riding mode, it refused to cooperate. The process to start riding involves simultaneously pressing a brake lever and the starter button. But even after doing this, the scooter remains in Park mode, and keeps flashing a message saying “Press Brake + Start”. Neither a hard reset nor a full shutdown and restart has been able to rectify this issue. And an attempt to reinstall the latest update was thwarted by the fact that the Ather Connect subscription for our scooter has expired, removing many of the TFT screen’s features, including OTA updates. Speaking to the company, we are told that the glitch has been caused by the fact that the Ather Connect subscription has expired.

Brisk performance makes it a joy to ride in the city.

Ultimately, this experience serves as a prudent reminder. All the smart and connected tech that’s being showered on e-scooters these days certainly brings in a great deal of convenience and security. But at the same time, it also brings with it increased complexity, and the potential for software errors and glitches like this to present themselves. In extreme cases, these can prove to be a serious safety issue, as we’ve seen with the Ola S1 Pro – going backwards while being in a forward riding mode and vice versa. And in less severe (but still quite upsetting) cases like on the Ather, they can leave you and your vehicle stranded, even though its battery is full of juice.

Stiff ride offers great handling but compromises comfort.

For the most part, the 450X’s software package has proven to be one of the more robust and bug-free systems around, but clearly, even the best in the business is not entirely free from flaws. Software glitch aside, the 450X has proven to be an excellent companion on daily commutes. Its combination of zippy performance, extremely accurate range predictions and a slick user experience have been an absolute delight. Many of these highlights are also present on the more recent and more affordable 450S, but that scooter removes some of the excess complexity by sporting a simpler LCD screen in place of the TFT. It will be joining our long-term fleet soon, so stay tuned for a detailed account of how that scooter fares in the long run.

Range predictions have always been exceedingly accurate.
Also see:


Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 long term review, 8,800km report

Our long-term Super Meteor hasn’t had a proper custodian in a few months and with a 4,000-odd km tour to the South coming up, I decided to grab the keys and give this bike a proper send-off from our long-term garage. Before this, I hadn’t spent proper seat time aboard the Super Meteor, and ever since it had entered our fleet, I’d always wanted to take it for a long road trip.

Even before I’d clocked a single kilometre on this ride, I was smitten by how good this bike looks. And it’s an opinion the general public seems to share. From the large teardrop-shaped fuel tank, that swooping rear fender and those chrome exhaust header pipes, this bike is a looker. There were some much larger and way more expensive bikes with me on the trip but even when parked next to those machines, the Super Meteor always had people swarming around it.

The 648cc parallel-twin motor is refined all through the rev range; sounds sweet too!

Those textbook good looks do come at a price though. Due to that long, low-slung silhouette that the Super Meteor cuts, suspension travel at the rear is quite limited. And it is set up quite stiff, which means that you feel every little bump on the road. It’s not as bad as some other Chinese cruisers at this price point, but it’s not a very pleasant ride either. What makes matters worse is that sofa-like feet-forward riding position, which means your back bears the brunt of all the abuse Indian roads subject the bike to. And when you inevitably encounter a mountainous speedbreaker on the road, you need to slow down to a halt and negotiate it carefully due to the limited ground clearance on offer.

To its credit, the Super Meteor only scraped its belly twice over the multitude of speed breakers I came across and that could be due to the fact that I had loaded the bike up with luggage, plus 80kg me. 

Charming, straightforward design is very easy on the eyes; grabs attention too.

Thankfully, that sweet 648cc parallel-twin mill diverts your mind from all these shortcomings as soon as you twist the throttle. There’s no sudden surge like on a KTM 390 Duke (my personal bike that I usually tour on), but there’s strong pull available at fairly low revs in just about any gear. 100kph in sixth gear is effortless and if you choose to venture beyond that threshold, this engine will be a willing companion along with a sweet soundtrack to accompany it. Fuel economy while cruising at triple-digit speeds constantly ranged in the early to mid-20s for me.

If you’ve done any amount of touring you’ll know that an engine that just makes power isn’t everything; refinement is equally important. And I’m pleased to report that the Super Meteor has fared exceptionally well in this regard. What did annoy me on those long days was the fuel gauge that had a mind of its own once it dropped below the halfway point. In fact, if you put the bike on the side stand, the fuel level would climb back up and stay there for a good 5-10 minutes once you start riding, and then drop back down at an alarmingly quick rate. On a bike that’s got some proper mile-munching capabilities, fixing this niggle would go a long way.

Stiff shocks result in harsh ride on most Indian roads, amplified by the cruiser ergos.

The last service we did was a pretty comprehensive one as I wanted to make sure everything was shipshape before such a long ride. The total was Rs 10,351 which seems a little steep, and more than half of that amount (Rs 5,900) went towards replacing the front and rear brake pads. This is something to keep in mind because our bike had only done 4,000km when we got it serviced and the pads were nearly worn out.

In our nine months with it, there have been no worrying issues with the bike. It has held up largely well but there is a bit of oxidation on the engine casing and the triple clamp has also started to rust. However, our bike was parked outside through the monsoon so I suppose this may not have happened if the bike had sheltered parking.

Fuel indicator fluctuates a lot once the level dips below the halfway mark.

Barring these issues, the Super Meteor 650 has been faultless and I have to say I’ll be quite dejected to see it go. However, the silver lining to this proverbial dark cloud is that we will quite possibly be swapping the Super Meteor for the new Himalayan, and that is one new Royal Enfield I believe will be a serious contender in the sub-Rs 4 lakh ADV tourer category. An exciting year up ahead indeed!

Also see:

Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 long term review, 3500km report

Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 long term review, 1180km report


Hero Xpulse 200 4V long-term review, 10,500 km report

It’s been a few months since our last report on the Xpulse 4V and the odometer has nearly doubled in that time. Most of the miles were down to regular trips to and from Pune, but there was also some off-roading and regular commuting thrown in.

Mostly though, the bike went through a full monsoon with it being parked out in the rain for some long periods. That did take a toll and we had to have the switchgear replaced after it stopped functioning properly.

The switchgear needed to be changed after the monsoon.

The rainy season also proved to be a bit too much for the Reise tyres we installed earlier this year. The 50/50 tyres were superb off-road and on-road  grip levels were decent in the dry as well, although the tyres did ‘feel’ quite strange in how quickly the bike fell into lean compared with normal road tyres. However, the combination of rain as well as Mumbai’s atrocious slippery concrete roads resulted in a fairly uneasy, skittish experience.

Engine guards protected the bike well in a fall.

In fact, the bike did get involved in an accident on the road, but instead of poor grip, it was down to a poorly driven rickshaw that decided to swing across a multi-lane road at the last minute without any indication whatsoever. While that resulted in a broken bone for my unfortunate colleague, the Xpulse took the impact remarkably well.

The engine guard has always annoyed me off-road because it gets in the way when you’re sticking your leg forward, but it did a good job in this instance. The guard got bent but took the brunt of the impact and kept the bike safe.

Little 200cc motor was always kind on the wallet.

In that sense, the Xpulse does feel quite robust in general, but quality levels are a bit basic. Things have improved over the years, but you can understand how Hero has always managed to price this 200cc dual sport close to 160cc street bikes. The paint quality could be nicer and our windscreen also developed a rattle, which began before the accident.

In terms of reliability, things have been decent, but not completely incident-free. In our last report, we mentioned how the bike refused to start, which was diagnosed to be a faulty lockset that needed replacing. Since then, the clutch started to throw up issues and it felt like there was no clear bite point, which made things tricky in traffic. After a few visits to the workshop, this was diagnosed as an issue with ‘spring activation’.

The Xpulse started to face some clutch issues towards the end.

Overall, the Xpulse has been an enjoyable all-rounder that has managed to be a frugal commuter as well as a fun off-roader. The nicest aspect was its simplicity and lightweight – the latter is something that becomes all the more apparent when you ride the big, new Himalayan 450. Sure, the Hero can’t come anywhere close to the Himalayan in most respects, but it’s a lightweight, affordable and cheerful motorcycle, and there will always be takers for such a machine. It will be missed.

Also See:

Hero Xpulse 200 4V long term review, third report


Bajaj Pulsar N250 long-term review, 3,000km report

The time has come for our long-term Bajaj Pulsar N250 to return to its maker and it will be missed. Partly because it leaves me without a bike to commute to and from the office, and I now have to drive or take the train; both of which I find tedious. But it’s mostly because of how good a package it actually is.

Clutch lever is super light; takes the pain out of commuting.

For starters, I really like the design and the black paint with red accents on our bike has grown on me. Ours is the dual-channel, ABS-equipped version, which can only be had in this scheme. This may not be to everyone’s taste, so perhaps Bajaj should look into offering more colours. Another thing I grew to appreciate was the digi-analogue cluster. The big analogue tacho that takes centre stage looks really nice and I love the way it does an end-to-end sweep whenever you twist the key on. The digital screen, however, is a little too small for the amount of info it packs in. However, Bajaj will soon launch an updated model with a fully digital display.

Fuel efficiency has also been a big plus. I’ve been averaging around 36kpl in varied conditions and not all of it has been with a light twist of the wrist. The silky motor has enough pep and it sounds good too. Finally, the light clutch and comfy suspension also meant that it dealt with Mumbai’s broken and jam-packed roads with ease. 

Handlebar is set low, which puts pressure on your wrists.

Some of the things that were not so nice were its hard seat, the low-set handlebar and some minor oxidation on the bolts of the handlebar clamp. Now, let’s come to the issue with the front disc that, unfortunately, became the main talking point in its last few weeks with us.

Upon the issue worsening a couple of months into our tenure, the bike went to the Bajaj service centre for inspection. They got back saying the issue was with the brake pads as they weren’t set correctly and that it has been rectified. However, the problem crept up again within a day. After another visit to the service centre yielded similar results, the bike went back to Bajaj for inspection. And it was there where our original suspicion was confirmed; the N250 did, in fact, have a warped disc.

Front disc became warped resulting in a pulsation while braking.

This doesn’t seem to be a known issue and as the bike had never been dropped or crashed, the only plausible explanation was a manufacturing defect. The front disc (Rs 2,242) was then replaced and the bike was returned to us. Ever since, the Pulsar N250 was working just fine till it left our fleet. Bajaj tells us that the disc will be replaced under warranty, as long as the brake pad wear is within defined limits. 

We love the raspy, sport exhaust note this 250cc mill makes.

Our time with the Pulsar N250 was mostly spent commuting in the city and that’s where it feels at home. Sure, it can tour if you want it to, it just won’t be very enjoyable because there isn’t much high-speed performance. On the whole, I’ve really liked the time I’ve spent on the N250 and if you are looking at a sporty motorcycle that’s relatively comfy, looks good and is light on your wallet, this one is worth considering.

Also See:

Bajaj Pulsar N250 long term review, 730km report

Bajaj Pulsar N250 long term review, 2000km report


Hero Xtreme 160R 4V long-term review, 2,500km report

It’s been an interesting time for the Autocar India long-term fleet off late. Only about a month back, we had more bikes than people to ride them and since then, as many as four motorcycles have returned to their manufacturers, including my last long-term Bajaj Pulsar N250. That only left Rishaad’s Himalayan long-termer in the fleet and I had to resort to public transport. 

Not for long though as the Xtreme 160 4V we had last year is now back on duty. The bike had gone to the company for a while and it came back to us at just the right time. In that time, the bike did gain a few scuffs on its easily marked matte green paint, but it also had its first service done, which cost Rs 570 – a big chunk of it was for the oil change and labour was free.

Muscular design and funky colours turn heads everywhere.

My first impression of the Xtreme was that it’s a great-looking bike and that feeling still remains. The muscular tank, split seat, sharp headlight design and the golden USD fork give it that sporty and purposeful stance. Though I’m not a fan of this colour scheme, it has grown on me over time. I particularly like the grey paint on the tank, which has a lot of sparkle and is finished well.

I’ve had the Xtreme for a couple of weeks now but have only been able to add a few hundred kilometres since. Blame our travel-intensive schedule for that. And hence, I haven’t been able to calculate the fuel efficiency yet. We did an in-depth road test late last year during which the Xtreme 160R 4V returned 44.4kpl in the city and 47.5kpl on the highway. I’ve only ridden in the city, and more enthusiastically than we do on our efficiency runs. So realistically, expect the efficiency to be around 35-40kpl, which is still good. 

Engine is refined and packs good mid-range punch.

I also really like the ride quality of this bike. It’s supple and not overly soft or hard, which makes riding over Mumbai’s broken roads a fuss-free affair. The seat is nice too, if not a little too soft for my liking. The engine is also refined and has a good mid-range grunt.

Gearbox isn’t precise enough and throws some false neutrals.

The gearbox, however, is something I’m not gelling with as well. Firstly, it’s geared very short, so you’re constantly upshifting and/or downshifting, which gets tedious after a while. It also isn’t the slickest and you need to slot it into gear firmly. Otherwise, you can get a false neutral; something that’s happened to me quite often. I can also feel the clutch slipping on occasion, which wasn’t the case when we had the bike earlier. This may have been caused by riding on half clutch for extended periods when the bike wasn’t with us. 

Negative LCD screen is dimly lit and hard to read in sunlight.

The other irritant was the LCD screen. It’s a negative screen, and positioned away and at an angle from the rider. This means that it picks up quite a lot of glare from the direct sunlight overhead making it really hard to read on the move. The solution is to cover the top of the screen with your hand, which will then reveal the info on the display.

To sum up, in my short stint, the Xtreme 160 4V has been a reliable and affordable means of commuting. But I’m hoping to discover more things about it as I spend more time in the saddle. Perhaps a long ride is on the cards. 

Also See:


Hero Xtreme 160R 4V long-term review, 3500km report

My daily commute involves a mix of both highways and narrow streets, and the Xtreme 160R 4V—my first long-termer at Autocar India—has been great for the most part. I also had the opportunity to take the Xtreme 160R 4V on a little road trip from Mumbai to Pune, but more on that later. The bike’s USD fork suspension is one of its highlights as it is not only good-looking but also irons out a majority of broken roads.

The suspension ensures a cosy commute even when the going gets tough.

What also helps me dart through jam-packed traffic is its agility, which makes my commute engaging. Bunny-hopping over extra-high speed breakers or encountering the occasional dirt patch doesn’t disturb the Xtreme 160R 4V’s composure.

Another highlight for me is the fuel efficiency—40kpl—as it keeps me away from the petrol pump. The Xtreme 160R 4V is also a handsome-looking motorcycle and is only held back by its easily tainted matte paint scheme. The seats, too, are well cushioned and cosy during my commutes, but they will give you saddle soreness on longer journeys.

Punchy motor that is capable of sipping fuel in an efficient manner.

During my road trip, I discovered a majority of its drawbacks, starting with the lack of a 6th gear, although none of its rivals have one either. The Xtreme 160R 4V will happily cruise at triple-digit speeds, but it feels a little high-strung. And if long highway rides are part of your plan, you should consider a bike from a segment above.

While the overall fit and finish is good, the horn’s wiring could have been neater.

The other complaint is that the negative LCD is illegible for the most part, and I often had to lean over or block out the sun with one hand before I could view any information on it. As an experienced rider, it didn’t bother me too much, but those who are new and dependent on the gearshift indicator will find it tedious.

The illumination is adequate at best and leaves more to be desired.

Speaking of gears, the gearbox tends to hit false neutrals, although I’m not sure if the issue is just with our unit. The headlight performance is adequate, but it won’t impress you. However, if you can look past these drawbacks and keep your rides limited to the city, the Xtreme 160R 4V can be a great commuter and is rather pocket-friendly. Its ride quality alone is enough to win you over our poorly constructed roads.

Also see: Hero Xtreme 160R 4V long-term review, 2,500km report



Hero Xtreme 160R 4V long-term review, 4500km report

It's time for me to bid adieu to the Hero Xtreme 160R 4V, which has mostly served me well for the four months I had it in my garage. During that time, it did prove its mettle but also left me with a few notable gripes. Though the majority of my commute is on open roads and highways, the monsoons have slowed the overall pace of traffic and allowed me to experience the Xtreme in more jam-packed situations. The puddles have gotten bigger, and the potholes deeper.
The rev-happy nature of this engine is fun and will tempt you to whack open the throttle.
I am happy to report that the Xtreme 160’s suspension did a great job at tackling both, and even though I may have hit a splash or two, I never found myself in any severe discomfort despite the conditions. The punchy engine kept the pace engaging. The thick seat did its best to absorb my landings and keep me cosy throughout the commute, but Rishaad and Soham found it a little uncomfortable after about half an hour on board.
The suspension does a great job of delivering a smooth ride over the worst of roads.
That’s where the good things end. So, let’s address the bad, starting with the dim LED headlight, which was still somewhat manageable during the rest of the year. But add some rain to the picture, and its throw is quite sub-par. A simple solution for me was to avoid night rides or do them at a much lower pace so that in case any pothole catches me off-guard, the suspension has my back. The switchgear quality leaves a bit more to be desired and doesn’t feel as tactile as I’d like from a premium 160cc motorcycle.
Lack of sufficient illumination makes it difficult to use the Xtreme at night in the rain.
Moving on to the ugly, a constant thorn in my side is its LCD display, which was illegible even in broad daylight, and it stopped working after a buildup of heavy condensation. So, it warrants a replacement. Another gripe is that sometimes the gearbox falls out of gear, especially in 4th or 5th. The bike also started to show signs of inconsistent fuelling, especially at lower speeds, and I noticed a drop in fuel efficiency.
LCD visibility issues got worse with heavy condensation before it completely failed.
Thankfully, a recent service resolved the fuelling issues. The gearbox woes also improved, but not completely. These problems are unfortunate because I’ve enjoyed my time with the Xtreme. It’s a quick city bike that can be a hoot from time to time. Sadly, our time together began on a better note than its end.


Kashmir to Kanyakumari: 4,500km in a Porsche Taycan EV

“What do you mean we can’t leave?” Not that it’s a complaint, given our current location – the gorgeous Vivanta Dal Lake View hotel atop a hill overlooking Srinagar in Kashmir. But right off the bat, this was the first of a mercifully precious few hiccups in an otherwise meticulously planned journey. It turns out severe landslides have all but wiped out a section of the highway to Jammu, and it will be closed for a day while the authorities clear things up. Luckily, we’d budgeted some buffer days on this journey, which we would need to pull off something like this.

Devastating landslides in Ramban district washed away the road, but with a quick suspension lift, the Taycan was able to make it through.

They say the two types of cars you simply cannot take on a road trip across India are a sportscar and an EV. We’re attempting to do just that in a car that is both – the Porsche Taycan. And it’s not some casual jaunt to a hill station over a weekend; this is the mighty K2K or Kashmir to Kanyakumari – over 4,000km from the northern to the southern tip of India. And before you ask, no, this is not a race against time or a test of range. In the real world, you do road trips comfortably, and that’s how we planned this.

Delayed by a day due to landslides, our flag-off from Vivanta Dal Lake eventually happens in grand style.

So one extra day in Kashmir, huh? I’ve only so much as laid eyes on this Frozenblue Metallic Porsche Taycan once, at its launch in November 2021, so this is a good chance to get to know it better, I think. And what I get to test right off the bat is how good it is at being a Porsche. Twisty mountain roads, narrow, but decently surfaced, and since we don’t have any vast distance to cover today, I’m allowing myself a bit of fun.

Taycan Drive Kashmir to Kanyakumari: Srinagar to Jaipur

– Gavin D’Souza

Straight into Sport Plus mode and off we go. What gets me first is the steering – a hallmark of every Porsche. In Sport Plus, it makes no concessions to lightness in the quest for the ultimate feedback. The whole car feels just so tightly wound in a way that no EV I’ve driven before has, and this is not even the mighty Turbo S. There’s a purity to how this base, rear-wheel-drive model drives, and its 326hp is ample without feeling over the top. Some breathtaking views and a fair few hairpins later, it’s time to put the car back on charge and head off in search of a Kashmiri dinner.

The 85-litre ‘frunk’ can hold a lot, including a photographer in search of that perfect frame.

The following morning, a proud 100 percent and 370km of indicated range showing on the screen, we’ve got the all-clear from the highway authorities and we’re ready to flag off. But first, a little matter of packaging. The 84-litre frunk can hold a surprising amount, but as we’re going on a long trip, we’ve packed some extra charging gear – including a custom-made 15A extension cord, just in case. It’s the 407-litre rear boot that, impressively, swallows up two week-long bags and then some, despite also housing the space-saver spare tyre.

Our custom-made 25m 15A extension cord came in handy.

Our exit from Srinagar is far more subdued than my little jaunt from the day prior, as we settle down nicely with the ‘Normal’ drive mode. I make sure to turn brake regeneration on, however, as it’s all downhill from here. As the kilometres tumble, the indicated range stays more or less the same, which means we’re driving this car more efficiently than the last person – me, yesterday.

The roads up here are heavily militarised, and it’s not unusual to be stopped for long spells to allow convoys to pass through. It happens on more than a few occasions, which gives the local sellers of apples, shawls and cricket bats enough opportunities to accost us with their best possible deals. It’s not long before they turn their attention to the blue bolt, however, and the conversation changes from bargaining to wild curiosity.

Completed in 2021, the 8.45km long Qazigund tunnel cuts 16km off the journey from Kashmir to Jammu.

The road to Jammu takes us through the 8.45km long Qazigund-Banihal tunnel, among several others, and before long, we’re in Ramban district, where those devastating landslides took place. The authorities have done a tremendous job of clearing the road, but it’s still something of a mucky minefield, and the first real test of the Taycan’s go-anywhere ability. Thankfully, air suspension is standard for India, and raising it a few times lets us navigate the watery ruts left behind by the heavy truck traffic. That slowdown and the many traffic stops meant it’s after dark as we roll into Jammu for the night.

An uneventful driving day suddenly turns tense as we encounter heavy water-logging in Zirakpur, Punjab.

We thought the most eventful part of this journey was behind us, but we’re in for a surprise. For the most part, the journey to Chandigarh comprised superb, wide highways and superb road surfaces. But as we enter Zirakpur, the sky breaks open with some of the most intense rainfall I’ve seen all year. Visibility is non-existent, other road users are in a panic, and huge ponds of standing water begin to emerge out of nowhere. And then, after a long traffic jam crawls us towards a blind junction, the penny drops. A huge water-logged stretch spreads out before us and we have no choice but to wade through. It’s already taken a few vehicular victims, abandoned in the middle or to the side, but we push on. I’m quickly reminded that with this being an EV, there’s actually less chance of internal powertrain damage, as there are no intakes or exhausts for water to enter through. Still, it doesn’t stop my heart from being lodged firmly in my mouth, and once we’re finally clear and into Chandigarh, we inspect the car, and all is well.

On our most efficient day, the Taycan did 7.1km/kWh, translating to an indicated 475km of range.

It’s an absolute breeze getting to the Capital the next day, and although quite uneventful, the long, smooth highway gives me a fun game to play. The Taycan, unlike most EVs, actually has two gears in its transmission, the second being an overdrive for better efficiency on the highway. Putting the car in Eco mode actually lowers the suspension for better aero, and it’s here that I start chasing my new favourite number on the screen – the km/kWh reading. Much like kpl, a higher number is better, and in my experience with EVs so far, anything above 5km/kWh is good. Coming down from Kashmir meant we were already doing a pretty good 6.2, but by the time we roll into Delhi, I manage to take it up to 7.1km/kWh!

The future meets the present as we bump into some supercar owners in New Delhi.

As we dock into a fast-charging bay at a large fuel station in the heart of the Capital, the unexpected happens. Car enthusiasts, two, three, four at a time, start to pull in and fill up; they serve 100-octane here. As it turns out, they’re all on their way to a Cars and Coffee New Delhi meet-up. It’d be silly not to go and check it out, and when we do, we’re treated to an incredibly warm welcome from scores of enthusiastic car owners. The Taycan is the only EV there, of course, and parked amongst internal combustion’s finest, it’s a great way for all of us to unwind.

A quick breather at India Gate, before getting stuck and losing precious time in Delhi’s infamous traffic.

My brilliant 7.1km/kWh figure is quickly eroded the next morning as progress is brought to its knees by Delhi traffic. An EV is technically more efficient in traffic than an ICE car, but nothing could be efficient here. After a quick spin around India Gate, it’s time to make our way to Jaipur. While Rajasthan’s highways are generally some of the best around, the monsoon seems to have taken its toll, and we’re regularly engaged in a game of dodge the surprise pothole. It’s back up to Comfort mode and mid-height suspension, I think. The final stretch to our hotel – thanks to some of Google Maps’ finest botchery – is on a tiny village road, replete with traffic snags and annoyed locals. But now that I’m so well acquainted with the Taycan, it’s as easy as driving a family hatchback.

Taycan Drive Kashmir to Kanyakumari: Jaipur to Mumbai 

– Jay Patil

Starting the second leg of the Taycan K2K drive was pretty much like being the second runner in a 4x100m relay: vastly underrated and little in terms of excitement. The flag dropped and in true relay fashion, Gavin started off in the twisties of the north that straightened out as he passed me the baton. It was bittersweet, to be honest, considering the Jaipur to Mumbai leg is mostly flat with only a handful of bends thrown in to break the monotony. And going by Shapur’s review, the Taycan, despite being an all-electric Porsche, was one that offered the full experience.

 It’s mostly big highways and open roads, but we often have to go off the beaten path on this journey.

My straight jaunt to Mumbai started off from the quaint Devi Ratn Resort in the beautiful city of Jaipur. Beautiful it was, right until the clock struck 9am and traffic clogged the picturesque but narrow streets. Nursing the Taycan out of the city amidst the parking  sensors’ greatest hits was nerve-racking and a gentle reminder that it wasn’t going to be a road trip like in the movies with just long looping highways.

What most of the Jaipur-Mumbai stretch looks like. An arrow straight ribbon of tarmac.

As we got out on the highway, I could relax and stretch the Taycan’s legs to get a feel of the zero-emissions Porsche. My first thought was of disappointment, because there was no exhaust purring away as I squeezed the accelerator. What was surprising, though, was how adept the Taycan was at cruising speeds. It exudes a feeling of a superb long-distance tourer that makes light work of hundreds of kilometres. As it munched on the miles and kept washing them down with lithium-ion juice, my range anxiety too was tapering slowly. The Taycan’s battery management is superbly calibrated and it gently sips on charge as you trudge along. But, of course, on long, straight highways, there would be a change in drive mode every once in a while. While Comfort is the ideal setting for a drive like this, Sport Plus is where the drowsiness of a lengthy road is eradicated. However, while the instant torque does make for cheap thrills, there are only so many times you can enjoy a shove to the body.

With my eyes peering out in the distance for some corners, we entered Udaipur, and my hunger for a few twisties was temporarily satisfied by some spicy Laal Maas.

An extremely comfy night at the wonderful Taj Aravali Resort and Spa made sure I was fresh for the next day when we would be leaving behind Rajasthan and entering Gujarat.

Long charging times, especially without fast charging allow you to have a relaxed meal.

The start to each day was methodical and started by filling out a log for each day’s trip and charge reading. Udaipur was yet another breezy drive, until we needed to recharge. You see, when you are on long drives like these, even the most diligent planning can go for a toss. And so it did when we reached the charging location at a remote, under-construction hotel. Now, recharging isn’t as effortless as parking your car and plugging it in. There can be some rough patches there too. We found out the hard way as we plugged the car in and realised we were out of network. This rendered online payment impossible, and just as we were about to lose all hope, Rahul decided to walk around and managed to find one bar the traditional way – one arm in the air. If that wasn’t enough, there was a power cut at the hotel, which halted the charging. As ironic as it was, a diesel generator was used to power the charging station, but the entire process of rebooting the charging software, with the weak network and fluctuating power supply, cost us a good chunk of time. Fingers crossed, we hoped the car charged as fast as possible and started prepping for a night drive into Gujarat.

As we set off, I made good use of the Taycan’s straight-line prowess and as the sun bid adieu, we crossed into Ahmedabad.

Taycan Drive Kashmir to Kanyakumari: Mumbai to Satara

– Hormazd Sorabjee

With the Taycan’s 79.2kWh battery topped up to 100 percent charge via our wall box charger in office, the first stop of the day was Pune. After a ceremonial flag off of the southern leg of our K2K drive at our office by Manolito Vujicic, head of Porsche India (also my co-driver), we eased the Taycan into Mumbai’s rush hour traffic towards the expressway. Two nasty speed breakers just outside office saw the Taycan pass the ground clearance test with flying colours. The Mumbai-Pune Expressway was where the Taycan came into its own, silently and swiftly slicing past traffic. That Mano and I were engaged in animated conversation throughout was evidence of the Taycan’s ability to gobble miles without any drama. Truth is, though it was a quick drive to our lunch stop, deliberately chosen not far from a Tata Power 25kW charger, I wasn’t driving this Porsche like a Porsche. That would be saved for the Khambatki ghat after Pune. We arrived in Pune covering 165km and with a 63 percent charge.

The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus was part of Taycan’s Mumbai darshan.

Lunch at Sayaji hotel took a little more than an hour, enough time for the Taycan’s battery to get upto 99 percent. Driver and car nicely fed, we made brisk progress on NH48 and reached the bottom of Khambatki, where the fun would begin in earnest. Camera team in position, Sport Plus mode selected, a pause for a gap in the road and wham. Acceleration is quick but not super quick (this is not the Turbo S but the base model), but the handling is just next level. The wide, smooth and curvy uphill one-way section of Khambatki was the ideal playground for the Taycan. The way it dives in and out of corners, the purity of the steering, the flat and composed ride was just incredible. In fact, it was so much fun, that we did the Khambatki loop twice.

The car and the journey got a thumbs up from everyone.

Twenty kilometres later, we were stopped by the police, not for speeding but because they wanted to have a look at the car. The blue Taycan was making all sorts of friends wherever it went!

Exciting Taycan came into its element on ghats en route Satara.

Flat-out uphill driving did take its toll on the battery, but when we reached Satara, a good 140km after our last top up, we still had 54 percent charge. I left the inconvenient job of finding a charger in Satara before calling it a day. Any regrets? I just wish I had more time to have driven it all the way to Kanyakumari, I was just getting warmed up.

Taycan Drive Kashmir to Kanyakumari: Satara to Kanyakumari 

– Nikhil Bhatia

I’d been following the Taycan’s adventure through India via Instagram thus far and had been itching to be part of the proceedings myself. Satara is where I gleefully joined car and crew. I’m no stranger to the highway we are on (it’s part of the route to Goa!), but I was a stranger to the Taycan. I’d not driven one before and there really wasn’t any time for an ice-breaking session with it either. A quick run through of the Taycan’s four screens and some of its quirks like the unusual position of the light switches beside the instrument screen was pretty much it. Thing is, as I find out almost instantly, the Taycan is a car that puts you at immediate ease. It’s very 911 in that sense. Frontal visibility is excellent, the beautiful bonnet ‘buttresses’ are a great reference point, and the driving position is spot on. I think I’m going to enjoy my time in the Taycan!

The Gogte Plaza charging station at Belagavi supplied cleanest energy.

The drive to Belagavi is smooth and ends with a charge at the Gogte Plaza charging station. Set up beside a solar field that powers it, with windmills churning away in the distance, it’s the ‘cleanest’ and greenest of our charging stops. I hope it’s a model we see replicated over the larger journey to electrification. The roads improve as we charge on deeper into Karnataka. Our average speed is up, travel time is reduced and what that means is a lot more can be packed into the day. Our stop at Davanagere is well spent in the quest for the best Benne Dosa – butter dosa with butter level Pro Max! Ahem, some of us may have packed in a kilo or two over the drive.

Resplendent Vidhana Soudha in Bengaluru is a must-see.

It’s on the way to Bengaluru that it hits me – range anxiety hasn’t hit me yet! Save for a range check at the start of each day, I’ve not paid much attention to the number over the course of three days of driving. EVs minus their most notorious stress point are a win in my books. A charger in easy reach just sweetens the deal. Luckily for us, Taj Yeshwantpur in Bengaluru, our halt for the night, is home to EV chargers.

There was just no getting around Bengaluru traffic.

Our plan of a late exit out of Bengaluru to avoid the early morning rush is met with partial success. We get a good run to the resplendent Vidhana Soudha, a must see, but it’s a crawl for the rest of the way out. The Taycan’s natural silence has a calming influence in the madness, I can tell you that.

The day’s driving has us enter Tamil Nadu, the final state on our journey. My devious plans to beat Gavin’s efficiency record are quickly aborted. The road is super-smooth and there are some wide, sweeping corners too. It’d be rude not to enjoy it to the fullest. Sport Plus dialled, the Taycan quickly (quickly being the operative word) reminds me it’s a Porsche first and then an EV. That gorgeous balance to the handling is just so, so rewarding. It’s only later that I realise we weren’t all that far from Kolli Hills, the 70-hairpin hill climb. Talk of a missed opportunity!

Zeon Charging’s RFID-enabled interface was really user-friendly.

It’s smooth sailing from Salem to Madurai. Again, it’s the road that impresses and what’s also reassuring to know is that we are never too far from a fast charger. The EV charging network is denser in the south. We use Zeon Charging’s 50kW charger, and it’s a joy to see the car ‘tank up’ so quickly, relatively speaking. The Taycan can accept charge at up to 225kW, which, infrastructure supporting, can give 100km of range within 5 min of plugging in.

I’d have loved to stay on to explore the temple city of Madurai and the historic Taj Gateway hotel we were staying at, but there’s a futuristic car waiting for me and a journey to complete. Today is the day we drive to Kanyakumari.

Gorgeous final run was almost ceremoniously lined with windmills.

I do feel for poor Gavin and Jay, but I think I’ve lucked out with the best roads of the entire trip. The surface is brilliant and the icing on the cake is that the traffic has thinned out the further south we’ve come. This is my last dance with the Taycan and I sure as hell make the most of it. Gorgeous skies and a forest, and I mean it, a forest of windmills on either side of the road lead us into Kanyakumari.

It’s a busy Sunday evening at the southernmost point of mainland India, but we politely creep our way forward till we make it to Sunrise Point (incidentally down the road from Sunset Point) and have the iconic Vivekananda Rock and Thiruvalluvar statue in view. This is it! Job done! Manolito Vujicic, who is donning two hats – of Porsche India head and a wide-eyed tourist – joyfully flags us in. Curious bystanders, and there are hordes of them, can’t comprehend our drive all the way from Kashmir, let alone one in an EV.

To us, the 4,467km journey has been epic in so many ways, but one of many learnings too.

Our Taycan lived an entire life in those 4466.5km.

For one, isn’t it gratifying to know we have the roads, at least many, to really enjoy a Porsche on? Then there’s the EV infrastructure. There’s no arguing here because there’s still a long way to go, but the fact that the Taycan did the trip from Kashmir to Kanyakumari without burning a drop of petrol or diesel, or needing any form of external assistance should tell you we’re surely headed in the right direction. And it cost us ‘only’ Rs 15,422 in charging. Fast charging isn’t cheap, but you’d be spending in multiples on fuel with a similar powered petrol car.

Bustling Kanyakumari was a place of quiet reflection of one epic journey.

As for the car. What a machine. We put it through everything. Rain. Shine. Good roads. Bad roads. No roads. The Porsche Taycan took everything like a champ. We knew it’d be fast and exciting, but what we’ve come to appreciate is how India-friendly the car is. Ironically enough, the Taycan’s impressive real-world range meant the whole journey wasn’t as much of an adventure as we anticipated it to be. And that is no bad thing.

Who said you can’t road trip in a sportscar or an EV?

Also see: 

Porsche Taycan India review: The best driving EV in the world


Travelling the world in a 1950 MG YT Tourer image gallery


Royal Enfield Bear 650 image gallery


Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin image gallery


Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin review: All-Time Classic?

I vividly remember my first dalliance with the charming Royal Enfield Classic 350 – our then long-termer when I was just an intern. It was early July, and I was riding to Mumbai from Pune with the monsoon in full swing. Despite the unforgiving weather, that ride is etched in my memory. After that, I remember asking Rishaad (the bike’s primary custodian) for it every chance I got, and while I absolutely adored it, I couldn’t help but wish for a bit more performance. Prior to this, my only other experience with an RE was my uncle’s Interceptor 650, and I wished for a bike that would marry the styling and comfort of the Classic 350 with the performance of the 650cc parallel-twin. And that’s exactly what the company has done (well, almost). Say hello to the gorgeous Classic 650 Twin.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin design, quality, colours

There are good-looking bikes and then there are good-looking bikes. This Classic 650 Twin definitely falls in the latter category. The overall silhouette is a union between the Classic 350 and the Shotgun, both handsome bikes to begin with, and it keeps building on that. You can identify the Classic 650 Twin as a Classic for sure but you won’t mistake it for the smaller one. That big engine, twin pipes and its sheer size make the 650 easy to identify.

The gorgeous Classic 650 Twin has the best finish of any modern Royal Enfield.

While the visuals are derived from the smaller 350, the 650 Twin’s colour palette is unique. There are four colours on offer – Bruntingthorpe Blue, Vallam Red, Teal Green and the Black Chrome. The latter two are colours seen on the original UCE Classic models and the Teal Green is by far my favourite colour here. It is the only one amongst the four options to get a colour-matched frame and main stand (yes, you read that right).

Beefy handlebar clamp and chromed-out switchgear cubes are a premium touch and unique to the Classic 650 Twin.

Fit and finish is the best on any Royal Enfield yet and there are lashings of chrome everywhere. Even the switch cubes and wheel hubs are chromed out! RE wants to drive home the fact that you’re on the bigger Classic so there’s a beefy handlebar clamp (of course, it’s chrome) and fittingly, even the headlight housing is properly prodigious.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin weight, manageability

At 243kg, the Classic 650 Twin is the heaviest modern-day RE yet (at least until the Himalayan 650 arrives). The weight is a non-issue at anything over walking speeds, but you’ll feel every ounce muscling the bike around in the parking lot and while putting it on the main stand.

My only gripe on the design front is that the gap between the rear fender and the tyre is a little unsightly. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nowhere near as unseemly as on a Harley X440, but on an otherwise good-looking bike, it’s definitely a fly in the ointment. The bike you see in all the pictures has a solo seat, but customer bikes will come with a pillion seat and grab rails, just like the Shotgun. The riding position is very neutral and you can easily spend a lot of time in the saddle.

Seat height is set at a relatively low 800mm, but this is perhaps the toughest bike with an 800mm perch to get your feet down on. I’m 5’11” and I could just about get both my feet flat on the ground – and I had to sit on the lowest part of the seat for that. To blame is the wide engine, which splays your legs out a fair bit. Shorter riders will have to find a workaround or look elsewhere.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin riding experience

Enough praise has been showered on Royal Enfield’s twin-cylinder engine already, but I’m here to lay some more onto that pile. This is easily the best engine on any Indian motorcycle – in my books at least – and for good reason. Smooth, tractable and with torque almost everywhere, this motor excelled in every situation. Going through sleepy towns, blasting through corners and even holding 80mph (124kph) on the motorway, everything was navigated with reasonable ease. The motor is carried over as is from the Shotgun, with no mapping or gearing changes.

The Classic 650’s chassis is similar to the Shotgun, with the same main frame and the same steering  geometry. The differences boil down to a telescopic fork here vs a USD on the Shotgun, and different wheel sizes (19/18-inch wheels, like the smaller Classic – the Shotgun uses an 18/17 setup). The Showa fork is 43mm in diameter and the twin shocks are the same as the Shotgun’s. Suspension travel, too, is the same fore and aft, at 120mm and 90mm, respectively.

Stiff rear shocks are the main drawback here.

While the Classic 650 is a willing companion if you want to attack corners, the mid-set pegs can scrape without too much trying and you need to adjust your body position accordingly. I also missed having a heel shifter, like on the smaller Classic, but these complaints are something I can easily look past.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin ride and handling

What I simply cannot ignore is the stiff and jarring ride. And I’m saying this after riding the Classic 650 Twin in the UK, where the roads are head and shoulders better than ours. This is literally the only thing that is actively stopping me (and I suspect will do so for many others) from going out and buying one today, that’s how good the rest of the bike is.

Brake sizes on the big Classic are the same as the Super Meteor and Shotgun, and that means they’re powerful enough but in a progressive manner. Fun fact: the calipers are RE branded but are the same ByBre units seen on the aforementioned two models. This is something, I’m told, will trickle down to other REs in time.

Dash is same as 350, Tripper standard on all colours.

The spec sheet worshippers may lament the lack of a USD fork but, honestly, I don’t think it’s any worse off without one – this look suits the Classic better. Never once did I feel that the front end was lacking in feel or stability and we were keeping a fair lick on these beautiful UK roads.

Seats and mounting points same as Shotgun 650.

While the laced wheels do mean tubed tyres today, Royal Enfield says tubeless wire-spoke wheels are in development, which is encouraging to hear. However, it’s still early days so don’t expect to see them anytime soon. Hopefully,  you will then be able to fit the tubeless wheels even on the single-cylinder Classic/Bullet models down the line.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin expected price, verdict

Royal Enfield hasn’t revealed the price of the Classic 650 Twin but has hinted that the starting price will be in the Shotgun’s ballpark and the top chrome colour in the Super Meteor’s territory. That is sure to make the Classic 650 Twin a heart-over-head purchase. You could also argue that the Shotgun and Classic are too similar in how they ride and that the extra cash you shell out is just for the form factor and riding position.

With the Classic 650 Twin, Royal Enfield has been quite clear that its focus is on the relatively untapped export markets. With what I’ve experienced, I’m sure it will do well for them and I wish them all the best. However, I can’t help but shake this nagging feeling that the suspension will be a problem on our roads and while this is a wonderful bike in many ways, it isn’t the Classic 650 I used to dream about. I hope to be wrong, but we’ll find out soon enough.

Also See: Royal Enfield Classic 650 twin video review


Royal Enfield Bear 650 review: Bullish on the Bear

It’s hard not to get carried away when riding on mountain roads in Southern California. Maybe it's the crisp, cool high-altitude air that tricks you into feeling relaxed, even when the speeds are anything but. We certainly got carried away in the twisties during our first ride aboard the new Royal Enfield Bear 650, and it wasn’t entirely to do with that cool mountain air. Confused? Understandable. After all, why should a scrambler-ised version of the already hefty and not very sharp Interceptor be egging us on in the corners? Well, as it turns out, the Bear is much more than just a scrambler-ised Interceptor.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: design, features

Sure, many of the changes have been made with the intent of making the Bear better suited to off-roading. You’ve now got an upside-down fork (in place of the Interceptor’s conventional unit) offering more travel – up from 110mm to 130mm. It’s a similar story at the rear, too; the Bear sticks with a twin shock setup, but travel has grown from 88mm to 115mm. As a result, seat height and ground clearance have also increased, and now stand at 830mm and 184mm, respectively.

But to accommodate the new suspension components and adapt the bike to its more off-road-focused role, Royal Enfield has had to strengthen the frame in multiple areas. It’s the same basic frame as the Interceptor, but it has now been braced in various areas to add strength and stiffness, and the sub-frame has been revised as well. The end result is a chassis that feels noticeably stiffer than the Interceptor’s. Attacking corners hard, the Bear does feels hinged in the middle, and the sort of mid-corner bumps that would have the Interceptor wobbling and wallowing all over the place are simply shrugged off.

There’s great feedback and you really have the confidence to keep carrying more speed into a corner, and leaning further and further, despite the more off-road centric 19in/17in wheel on offer. This is also, in no small part, down to the excellent new tyres wrapped around those wheels – you’re unlikely to have heard of the MRF Nylorex tyres before and that’s because they’re a new dual-purpose model that have been developed specifically for this motorcycle. Despite the blocky pattern, the grip, profile and predictably on the road were superb, and there were no complaints when on tarmac.

Part of the Bear’s playfulness in the twisties can also be attributed to the suspension setup. The front fork strikes a nice balance between comfort and performance, but the shocks feel rather firm and unforgiving. This was the case across riders of different weights, even at the minimum preload setting. On the largely excellent Californian tarmac, it wasn’t a deal-breaker, but the firm edge could be felt, and rough patches translated to my backside without sufficient mitigation. How this setup fares on the less than perfect roads back home is something we’ll have to find out in due course.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: performance, ergonomics

Many of the numbers are bigger with the new Bear, and while most of that is good, one big number that’s got some people a little apprehensive is the seat height. Yes, 830mm is definitely on the taller side – I’m not very tall, only 5’8”, which means I can’t flat-foot both feet. That said, it isn’t unmanageable either, and with a little bit of forward planning, you can comfortably pick either one side to flat-foot. It also helps that the footpegs are now a little further forward, so they don’t foul your shins as much.

The other change to the riding position is the handlebar, which is wider and a little further away from you. The wider part is nice, it gives you more leverage over the bike, which I like. The further away part, I’m not such a fan of – it’s a bit more of a forward reach than I’d like, and if you’re short like me, then this could become a point of fatigue over long rides.

On the upside, this is now a lighter motorcycle than the model it’s based on. Moving to this new 2-into-1 exhaust setup has helped shed a bunch of weight, though some of that has been added back through the suspension and the frame strengthening. Nevertheless, it is still 2kg lighter than the Interceptor. However, at 216kg, still a fairly hefty motorcycle. You only really feel this at low speeds and when paddling about, and once you’re on the move, the Bear masks its weight rather well. The new exhaust has done more than just trimming the weight – it’s also allowed RE to squeeze out some more torque from the motor; it now produces 56.5Nm vs the 52Nm we’ve seen from it so far.

So the engine feels a little more punchy now, while still remaining the pleasant, fairly refined, characterful motor that we’ve fallen in love with over the last 6 years. The new exhaust has slightly changed the sound, though. It exits a little closer to you and doesn’t run quite as far back as the twin-pipe designs, which is one of the factors at play. Overall, it’s a little more braap-y and raspy, as opposed to the more sweet-sounding twin pipe 650s. I think this suits the character of the Bear rather well.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: off-road performance

Now, we come to the big question of off-road performance. We didn’t have a great deal of opportunity to ride the Bear off-road – we only got a short spin up and down a fairly simple gravel track. But the feeling is that this is definitely more of a soft-roader than a hardcore off-roader. The suspension can absorb some hits, up to a point, and these new tyres seem to work well off-road.

The rear ABS can also be turned off. So yes, you can have some fun off-road. But the weight makes its presence felt, and the ergos are halfway between on-road and off-road, so this is not a bike you’d want to push very hard when the tarmac runs out. But you won’t have to turn around either.

Turning off that rear ABS is done through a fully-digital TFT display –  this is the first Royal Enfield 650 to get one, and it’s the same unit you’ll find on the Himalayan. Which means, you also get features like Bluetooth connectivity and Google Maps integration. It’s also the first RE 650 to get full-LED lighting. The only other noteworthy feature is a USB charging port, but as is the case with all REs now, there is a comprehensive list of accessories that covers the usual suspects, like touring mirrors and a touring seat, as well as more scrambler-specific items like a sump guard and a headlight grille.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: Verdict

The final piece of the puzzle is the price – and starting at Rs 3.39 lakh (ex-showroom, Chennai) and going up to Rs 3.59 lakh (ex-showroom, Chennai), the Bear sits between the Interceptor and GT on one end and the Shotgun and Super Meteor on the other. Having ridden it around California, it feels like the most versatile and competent RE 650 today. It can cruise, it can tour, it can commute, you can corner pretty hard – it’s a great road bike – and it’s got some off-road ability as well. But how much of a pain the firm suspension setup will be back home in India is something we’ll only be able to tell you a little further down the road. Test rides and deliveries begin on November 10, so it shouldn’t be too long before we find out.

Also See: Royal Enfield Bear 650 video review


Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin review: All-Time Classic?

I vividly remember my first dalliance with the charming Royal Enfield Classic 350 – our then long-termer when I was just an intern. It was early July, and I was riding to Mumbai from Pune with the monsoon in full swing. Despite the unforgiving weather, that ride is etched in my memory. After that, I remember asking Rishaad (the bike’s primary custodian) for it every chance I got, and while I absolutely adored it, I couldn’t help but wish for a bit more performance. Prior to this, my only other experience with an RE was my uncle’s Interceptor 650, and I wished for a bike that would marry the styling and comfort of the Classic 350 with the performance of the 650cc parallel-twin. And that’s exactly what the company has done (well, almost). Say hello to the gorgeous Classic 650 Twin.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin design, quality, colours

There are good-looking bikes and then there are good-looking bikes. This Classic 650 Twin definitely falls in the latter category. The overall silhouette is a union between the Classic 350 and the Shotgun, both handsome bikes to begin with, and it keeps building on that. You can identify the Classic 650 Twin as a Classic for sure but you won’t mistake it for the smaller one. That big engine, twin pipes and its sheer size make the 650 easy to identify.

The gorgeous Classic 650 Twin has the best finish of any modern Royal Enfield.

While the visuals are derived from the smaller 350, the 650 Twin’s colour palette is unique. There are four colours on offer – Bruntingthorpe Blue, Vallam Red, Teal Green and the Black Chrome. The latter two are colours seen on the original UCE Classic models and the Teal Green is by far my favourite colour here. It is the only one amongst the four options to get a colour-matched frame and main stand (yes, you read that right).

Beefy handlebar clamp and chromed-out switchgear cubes are a premium touch and unique to the Classic 650 Twin.

Fit and finish is the best on any Royal Enfield yet and there are lashings of chrome everywhere. Even the switch cubes and wheel hubs are chromed out! RE wants to drive home the fact that you’re on the bigger Classic so there’s a beefy handlebar clamp (of course, it’s chrome) and fittingly, even the headlight housing is properly prodigious.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin weight, manageability

At 243kg, the Classic 650 Twin is the heaviest modern-day RE yet (at least until the Himalayan 650 arrives). The weight is a non-issue at anything over walking speeds, but you’ll feel every ounce muscling the bike around in the parking lot and while putting it on the main stand.

My only gripe on the design front is that the gap between the rear fender and the tyre is a little unsightly. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nowhere near as unseemly as on a Harley X440, but on an otherwise good-looking bike, it’s definitely a fly in the ointment. The bike you see in all the pictures has a solo seat, but customer bikes will come with a pillion seat and grab rails, just like the Shotgun. The riding position is very neutral and you can easily spend a lot of time in the saddle.

Seat height is set at a relatively low 800mm, but this is perhaps the toughest bike with an 800mm perch to get your feet down on. I’m 5’11” and I could just about get both my feet flat on the ground – and I had to sit on the lowest part of the seat for that. To blame is the wide engine, which splays your legs out a fair bit. Shorter riders will have to find a workaround or look elsewhere.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin riding experience

Enough praise has been showered on Royal Enfield’s twin-cylinder engine already, but I’m here to lay some more onto that pile. This is easily the best engine on any Indian motorcycle – in my books at least – and for good reason. Smooth, tractable and with torque almost everywhere, this motor excelled in every situation. Going through sleepy towns, blasting through corners and even holding 80mph (124kph) on the motorway, everything was navigated with reasonable ease. The motor is carried over as is from the Shotgun, with no mapping or gearing changes.

The Classic 650’s chassis is similar to the Shotgun, with the same main frame and the same steering  geometry. The differences boil down to a telescopic fork here vs a USD on the Shotgun, and different wheel sizes (19/18-inch wheels, like the smaller Classic – the Shotgun uses an 18/17 setup). The Showa fork is 43mm in diameter and the twin shocks are the same as the Shotgun’s. Suspension travel, too, is the same fore and aft, at 120mm and 90mm, respectively.

Stiff rear shocks are the main drawback here.

While the Classic 650 is a willing companion if you want to attack corners, the mid-set pegs can scrape without too much trying and you need to adjust your body position accordingly. I also missed having a heel shifter, like on the smaller Classic, but these complaints are something I can easily look past.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin ride and handling

What I simply cannot ignore is the stiff and jarring ride. And I’m saying this after riding the Classic 650 Twin in the UK, where the roads are head and shoulders better than ours. This is literally the only thing that is actively stopping me (and I suspect will do so for many others) from going out and buying one today, that’s how good the rest of the bike is.

Brake sizes on the big Classic are the same as the Super Meteor and Shotgun, and that means they’re powerful enough but in a progressive manner. Fun fact: the calipers are RE branded but are the same ByBre units seen on the aforementioned two models. This is something, I’m told, will trickle down to other REs in time.

Dash is same as 350, Tripper standard on all colours.

The spec sheet worshippers may lament the lack of a USD fork but, honestly, I don’t think it’s any worse off without one – this look suits the Classic better. Never once did I feel that the front end was lacking in feel or stability and we were keeping a fair lick on these beautiful UK roads.

Seats and mounting points same as Shotgun 650.

While the laced wheels do mean tubed tyres today, Royal Enfield says tubeless wire-spoke wheels are in development, which is encouraging to hear. However, it’s still early days so don’t expect to see them anytime soon. Hopefully,  you will then be able to fit the tubeless wheels even on the single-cylinder Classic/Bullet models down the line.

Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin expected price, verdict

Royal Enfield hasn’t revealed the price of the Classic 650 Twin but has hinted that the starting price will be in the Shotgun’s ballpark and the top chrome colour in the Super Meteor’s territory. That is sure to make the Classic 650 Twin a heart-over-head purchase. You could also argue that the Shotgun and Classic are too similar in how they ride and that the extra cash you shell out is just for the form factor and riding position.

With the Classic 650 Twin, Royal Enfield has been quite clear that its focus is on the relatively untapped export markets. With what I’ve experienced, I’m sure it will do well for them and I wish them all the best. However, I can’t help but shake this nagging feeling that the suspension will be a problem on our roads and while this is a wonderful bike in many ways, it isn’t the Classic 650 I used to dream about. I hope to be wrong, but we’ll find out soon enough.

Also See: Royal Enfield Classic 650 twin video review


Royal Enfield Bear 650 review: Bullish on the Bear

It’s hard not to get carried away when riding on mountain roads in Southern California. Maybe it's the crisp, cool high-altitude air that tricks you into feeling relaxed, even when the speeds are anything but. We certainly got carried away in the twisties during our first ride aboard the new Royal Enfield Bear 650, and it wasn’t entirely to do with that cool mountain air. Confused? Understandable. After all, why should a scrambler-ised version of the already hefty and not very sharp Interceptor be egging us on in the corners? Well, as it turns out, the Bear is much more than just a scrambler-ised Interceptor.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: design, features

Sure, many of the changes have been made with the intent of making the Bear better suited to off-roading. You’ve now got an upside-down fork (in place of the Interceptor’s conventional unit) offering more travel – up from 110mm to 130mm. It’s a similar story at the rear, too; the Bear sticks with a twin shock setup, but travel has grown from 88mm to 115mm. As a result, seat height and ground clearance have also increased, and now stand at 830mm and 184mm, respectively.

But to accommodate the new suspension components and adapt the bike to its more off-road-focused role, Royal Enfield has had to strengthen the frame in multiple areas. It’s the same basic frame as the Interceptor, but it has now been braced in various areas to add strength and stiffness, and the sub-frame has been revised as well. The end result is a chassis that feels noticeably stiffer than the Interceptor’s. Attacking corners hard, the Bear does feels hinged in the middle, and the sort of mid-corner bumps that would have the Interceptor wobbling and wallowing all over the place are simply shrugged off.

There’s great feedback and you really have the confidence to keep carrying more speed into a corner, and leaning further and further, despite the more off-road centric 19in/17in wheel on offer. This is also, in no small part, down to the excellent new tyres wrapped around those wheels – you’re unlikely to have heard of the MRF Nylorex tyres before and that’s because they’re a new dual-purpose model that have been developed specifically for this motorcycle. Despite the blocky pattern, the grip, profile and predictably on the road were superb, and there were no complaints when on tarmac.

Part of the Bear’s playfulness in the twisties can also be attributed to the suspension setup. The front fork strikes a nice balance between comfort and performance, but the shocks feel rather firm and unforgiving. This was the case across riders of different weights, even at the minimum preload setting. On the largely excellent Californian tarmac, it wasn’t a deal-breaker, but the firm edge could be felt, and rough patches translated to my backside without sufficient mitigation. How this setup fares on the less than perfect roads back home is something we’ll have to find out in due course.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: performance, ergonomics

Many of the numbers are bigger with the new Bear, and while most of that is good, one big number that’s got some people a little apprehensive is the seat height. Yes, 830mm is definitely on the taller side – I’m not very tall, only 5’8”, which means I can’t flat-foot both feet. That said, it isn’t unmanageable either, and with a little bit of forward planning, you can comfortably pick either one side to flat-foot. It also helps that the footpegs are now a little further forward, so they don’t foul your shins as much.

The other change to the riding position is the handlebar, which is wider and a little further away from you. The wider part is nice, it gives you more leverage over the bike, which I like. The further away part, I’m not such a fan of – it’s a bit more of a forward reach than I’d like, and if you’re short like me, then this could become a point of fatigue over long rides.

On the upside, this is now a lighter motorcycle than the model it’s based on. Moving to this new 2-into-1 exhaust setup has helped shed a bunch of weight, though some of that has been added back through the suspension and the frame strengthening. Nevertheless, it is still 2kg lighter than the Interceptor. However, at 216kg, still a fairly hefty motorcycle. You only really feel this at low speeds and when paddling about, and once you’re on the move, the Bear masks its weight rather well. The new exhaust has done more than just trimming the weight – it’s also allowed RE to squeeze out some more torque from the motor; it now produces 56.5Nm vs the 52Nm we’ve seen from it so far.

So the engine feels a little more punchy now, while still remaining the pleasant, fairly refined, characterful motor that we’ve fallen in love with over the last 6 years. The new exhaust has slightly changed the sound, though. It exits a little closer to you and doesn’t run quite as far back as the twin-pipe designs, which is one of the factors at play. Overall, it’s a little more braap-y and raspy, as opposed to the more sweet-sounding twin pipe 650s. I think this suits the character of the Bear rather well.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: off-road performance

Now, we come to the big question of off-road performance. We didn’t have a great deal of opportunity to ride the Bear off-road – we only got a short spin up and down a fairly simple gravel track. But the feeling is that this is definitely more of a soft-roader than a hardcore off-roader. The suspension can absorb some hits, up to a point, and these new tyres seem to work well off-road.

The rear ABS can also be turned off. So yes, you can have some fun off-road. But the weight makes its presence felt, and the ergos are halfway between on-road and off-road, so this is not a bike you’d want to push very hard when the tarmac runs out. But you won’t have to turn around either.

Turning off that rear ABS is done through a fully-digital TFT display –  this is the first Royal Enfield 650 to get one, and it’s the same unit you’ll find on the Himalayan. Which means, you also get features like Bluetooth connectivity and Google Maps integration. It’s also the first RE 650 to get full-LED lighting. The only other noteworthy feature is a USB charging port, but as is the case with all REs now, there is a comprehensive list of accessories that covers the usual suspects, like touring mirrors and a touring seat, as well as more scrambler-specific items like a sump guard and a headlight grille.

Royal Enfield Bear 650: Verdict

The final piece of the puzzle is the price – and starting at Rs 3.39 lakh (ex-showroom, Chennai) and going up to Rs 3.59 lakh (ex-showroom, Chennai), the Bear sits between the Interceptor and GT on one end and the Shotgun and Super Meteor on the other. Having ridden it around California, it feels like the most versatile and competent RE 650 today. It can cruise, it can tour, it can commute, you can corner pretty hard – it’s a great road bike – and it’s got some off-road ability as well. But how much of a pain the firm suspension setup will be back home in India is something we’ll only be able to tell you a little further down the road. Test rides and deliveries begin on November 10, so it shouldn’t be too long before we find out.

Also See: Royal Enfield Bear 650 video review


Royal Enfield Classic 650 vs Shotgun 650: differences explained

The Classic 650 Twin is the latest model from Royal Enfield to use the 648cc parallel-twin engine. Its design and feature-set are shared with the evergreen Classic 350 but most of the fundamentals are borrowed from the Shotgun 650. We list all the differences between the two 650s.

Classic vs Shotgun: design and colours

When the Shotgun 650 debuted, it didn’t really fit into any particular genre of motorcycle, with Royal Enfield describing it as a blank canvas for the custom scene. The Shotgun’s engine, exhaust and other bits are blacked-out on all its paint options for a mean, modern look. 

On the other hand, the Classic 650 Twin stays true to its name and has a charming, retro design. There is a lot of chrome on the bike and the colour palette is also very tastefully retro. 

Also See: Royal Enfield Shotgun 650: Bullseye, or a shot in the dark?

Classic vs Shotgun: suspension, wheels and tyres

Both bikes use the same engine, main frame and brakes but other cycle parts are a major area of difference. The Classic 650 Twin trades the Shotgun’s 18/17-inch alloy wheel combo for a more retro 19/18-inch wire-spoke wheel setup. Where the Shotgun rolls on tubeless CEAT Zoom Cruz rubber, the Classic runs on new MRF Nylohigh tyres, developed specifically for it. 

The Classic is suspended by a 43mm telescopic fork up front in contrast to the USD fork seen on the Shotgun. While the suspension componentry has changed, the travel has stayed the same at 120mm. Both bikes use twin shock absorbers at the rear, with 90mm of travel.

Classic vs Shotgun: weight, dimensions

At 243kg, the Classic 650 Twin is the heaviest model in Royal Enfield’s portfolio today. The Shotgun isn’t much lighter at 240kg, although it carries 13.8 litres of fuel, 1 litre less than the Classic. With an 800mm perch, the Classic also has a slightly taller saddle than the Shotgun’s 795mm seat. Ground clearance has seen a big step up on the Classic at 154mm, compared to the 140mm available on the Shotgun.

Also See: Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin review: All-Time Classic?


Hyundai Creta N Line long term review, 2,500 report

Hyundai’s Creta iVT is a hot favourite of our long term fleet, and that’s down to how convenient and fuss-free a companion it is. Here to give a taste of another flavour of the Creta is the N Line. A 160hp turbo-petrol engine, dual-clutch transmission, and tweaked steering and suspension promise a more involving driving experience, something I, its custodian, have a good few months to make the most of. However, for me, this version of the Creta appeals first and foremost for the way it looks. Its larger 18-inch rims alone uplift the stance successfully, and then there’s the rest of the N Line trimmings. The sportier bumpers, side skirts, roof spoiler and red detailing add up to give the Creta N Line genuine visual distinction among the sea of ‘ordinary’ Cretas. The iVT looks plain vanilla when standing alongside.

N Line-specific details add greatly to the look.

I like what Hyundai has done with the interior, too. The all-black treatment with red highlights works to bring in some sportiness to the ambience. The N Line-specific steering is also great to hold, and even the metal finish to the pedals is a detail not lost on me. For the full effect, I’ve made the Sport screen (carbon-fibre look) the default layout for the digital instruments. I’m not entirely satisfied with my seating position though. The digital screen and centre touchscreen are positioned a touch low for my liking. Oh, and the absence of wireless connectivity for Apple CarPlay and Android Auto was an irritant during my initial days with the Creta. A Rs 99 wire did help get past the issue, but I’d rather not have my phone plugged in for more time than required.

Crisp cameras and multiple views are a boon.

Our N Line is in top-spec N10 form and the goodies on board are being put to, well, good use. Front seat ventilation is a hit with everyone who experiences it, and I like the sound from the Bose sound system. I’m no audiophile but there is enough depth to the sound to satisfy my ears. What I really appreciate are the cameras. The front view camera is very handy in judging parking space, and the blind view monitors are a boon, too. Camera resolution and performance are impressive and better than what you get in many pricier cars.

Exhaust note should have been jazzed up for the N Line.

We’re in the thick of the festive season as I file this report, which means traffic is at its yearly worst. Forget about letting the 160 horses under the hood loose, getting into fourth gear is an achievement on my daily commute these days. The stop/start driving means the dual-clutch gearbox has to work overtime, and it’s not particularly a fan of frequent shifts at low speeds. There’s the occasional delay and the odd jerky shift at other times. The Creta iVT offers a far smoother experience in the same environment. The N Line can be had with a 6-speed manual, too, but it’d be too committed a choice for my kind of driving. The other thing? The N Line’s larger 18-inch wheels also manifest in a busier ride. You feel more of the surface below, and it’s not quite as pliant as other Cretas on 17-inch rims. There’s more weight at the steering, too – great when you’re on a twisty road, not so much when you have a tight parking to work your car into.

Low-speed city driving has taken its toll on economy.

What’s also pinching a bit is fuel economy. I’ve been averaging all of 7.9kpl but my 10km round trip through choc-a-block traffic doesn’t let the engine have it easy at any point. The real-time figure improves dramatically (upwards of 10kpl) over late night drives on emptier roads. I would have liked more background music on said drives from the exhaust. The twin tip exhaust is just for show and sound levels are no higher than a regular Creta, which is a shame.

I intend to end the year with a few weekend getaways, and the plan is to select routes with some good driving roads as well. I’ll keep you posted on my learnings on those. Initial impressions are of being with the best looking Creta, but not necessarily the best Creta per se.

Also See:

2024 Hyundai Creta long term review, 1,700km report

2024 Hyundai Creta long term review, 4,850km report


Royal Enfield Goan Classic 350 launch on November 23

Before the end of November, Royal Enfield will launch the Goan Classic 350, its fifth product on the J-series engine platform, following the Meteor, Classic, Hunter, and Bullet. The Goan Classic will be a funky-looking bobber-style motorcycle that will share most of its fundamentals with the Classic 350.

  1. Riding position will be different from Classic 350’s
  2. Will use the same engine as the other RE 350s
  3. Could be the most expensive 350cc RE upon launch

Royal Enfield Goan Classic 350: details

Since the Goan Classic will use the same 349cc single-cylinder engine as the rest of the RE 350s, its peak output will most likely stand at 20hp and 27Nm of torque. Even the Goan Classic’s main frame is likely to be the same as the Classic 350. The differences are likely to be in the styling, paint options, and riding position. 

Previous sightings of the Goan Classic have revealed that, unlike the offerings from Classic Legends, the Jawa 42 Bobber and Perak, the Royal Enfield 350cc bobber will have accommodations to carry a pillion. 
The pillion setup on this bike is likely to be very similar to the one seen on the Shotgun and Classic 650 Twin. This means the frame to carry the passenger setup will be hinged to the rider’s scooped-out seat. This will give the Goan Classic a significant advantage in terms of practicality against competition from the Jawa bobbers. 
The Goan Classic 350, catering to the style-conscious sector of the motorcycle-buying community, is expected to get vibrant and ornate colour schemes. Previous spy shots have also shown that the Goan Classic will run on whitewall tyres, making it one of the very few modern bikes to do so. While most of the test mules have been spotted with wire-spoke wheels, Royal Enfield could also offer alloy wheels as an option.  
Currently, the Royal Enfield Classic 350 is priced between Rs 1.93 lakh and Rs 2.30 lakh, and upon its launch, the Goan Classic will likely be priced around the Classic’s ballpark, but its top variant could exceed the Rs 2.30 lakh mark. All will be revealed soon at Motoverse, Royal Enfield’s annual festival, where the company will launch its fifth 350cc model.

Also See: Royal Enfield Classic 650 Twin review: All-Time Classic?


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2024 Hyundai Creta long term review, 4,850km report

The Hyundai Creta is one of the most in-demand SUVs in Autocar India’s long-term fleet, and it isn’t hard to see why. It’s spacious, comfy, practical and feature-loaded, and with the petrol-CVT powertrain this one packs, it’s right at home in the city, too. So I was very happy that I managed to snag the keys and draft it in as my ride for the rains. And while I’ve been using it mostly for commuting, with the monsoon season in full swing, a road trip with friends was soon planned, and the Creta was called into action as the weekend getaway car.

With not much luggage for a two-day trip, the Creta’s practicality wasn’t put to the test, but the 200-odd km highway drive did reveal a few of its other attributes. Let’s start with the seats; they’re very comfy and ventilated, and the power adjustment means it’s easy to get your ideal driving position. I also appreciate the Creta’s absorbent ride, as it dealt with the broken patches of the old Mumbai-Goa highway with ease. The Creta felt absolutely composed on the road despite loads of standing water on the highway and gusty winds on the Atal Setu. Another thing I grew to appreciate is the well-executed blind spot monitor that shows up in the instrument panel. This feature proved to be very useful when visibility from the wing mirrors was poor due to the weather. The 360-degree camera also proved its worth when parking during rain. 

High-res 360-degree parking camera is a boon in the rain when visibility outside is low.

But perhaps, what I like most about this particular Creta, is its easy-going nature – it has made me a much calmer driver, and that has only helped with fuel efficiency. A lot of that is down to the buttery smooth 1.5 petrol-CVT powertrain combo. The engine is barely audible inside the cabin. While you do get some of that typical rubber-band effect from the CVT when you’re pushing, it’s well-masked in this SUV. Overall, it makes for a relaxed driving experience that rarely brings out the ‘racer’ in you.

Silky smooth 1.5 naturally aspirated petrol-CVT powertrain is refined and relatively efficient.

There’s not much wrong with the Creta, but I’ve noticed some things that could make living with it even more comfy. I would’ve liked it if the centre armrest had a sliding function to rest your elbow on long drives. Wireless smartphone integration would’ve been appreciated, too. The light-coloured upholstery has been a pain to keep clean in this weather.

There’s no sliding function for the front centre armrest, and its fixed position is too far behind.

Overall, it’s been a comfortable and trouble-free few weeks with the Creta. I’ve also figured out how to solve some issues, such as Android Auto only appearing in split screen and the infamous lock/unlock beeps. More on that in the next one – if I’m able to hold on to the keys.

Also see:

2024 Hyundai Creta long term review, 1,700km report

Hyundai Creta facelift sells 1 lakh units in just 6 months

Hyundai Alcazar discounts increased to Rs 90,000 ahead of facelift


Toyota Hyryder Hybrid long term review, 4,500km report

It isn’t often that a new car impresses me as much as the Toyota Hyryder has. The hybrid’s EV-like initial responses, fuel efficiency that’s better than most frugal diesel cars and a likeable package backed by Toyota are some of the reasons why I persuaded my wife to buy the SUV as soon as it was launched.

But while I have one at home, it’s hard to pry it away from my wife. So, I grabbed the keys to the one Toyota lent us as a long-termer.

I think the Hyryder’s design is very appealing, and its ‘Speedy Blue’ paint makes it quite striking, too. On the inside, the dashboard and doors have a nice leatherette padding, and the brown and black colour scheme certainly lifts the cabin’s perceived quality. You can’t ignore that it shares many parts with lower-priced Marutis, but it isn’t to the extent of feeling cheap or offensive at its Rs 20 lakh price.

The Hyryder’s ergonomics are spot on, with plenty of seat, steering and central armrest adjustment for you to get comfortable. However, the seats aren’t the comfiest, and the cushioning results in some body ache on longer drives. At the rear, space is adequate for two adults – it isn’t as wide as the Creta’s – although six-footers will find headroom tight even with the backrest fully reclined.

Soft leatherette materials up the cabin’s premium appeal.

After several road trips and airport runs, I can confidently say that with a plus-sized check-in bag in the boot, there’s only about enough room for a laptop bag; you can slide a laptop bag into the slim storage beneath the boot floor, too. On either side of the boot, there’s a deep storage area that is useful to stow smaller items.

I must talk about the touchscreen and wireless charger as well; the touchscreen’s software is buggy, resulting in frequent disconnection and low call volume when connected to wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. We hope a software update solves this. The wireless charger is also flawed; it suspends charging often without reason, which is very annoying.

Wireless phone charger’s erratic functioning is frustrating.

Also, the thin sun shade for the sunroof allows the cabin to be soaked in heat far too quickly when parked outdoors. A high-quality sunfilm on the sunroof could alleviate this issue.

Though Toyota has connected car tech, the vehicle locator is the only feature I found useful. It also tells you how much fuel is left and the current range, but I would have liked more information, especially related to fuel efficiency, and a trip log. You can’t unlock the vehicle via the app if you don’t use the app to lock it in the first place, which is quite strange. There is a pre-cooling feature, too, that I’ve used only once.

Rounding off the not-so-nice bits, when the engine/generator kicks in to charge the lithium-ion battery, the system occasionally makes quite a few sounds, which can take the uninitiated by surprise, and if you’re paying attention, you’ll also feel some vibrations at idle.

Hybrid’s drivability and responsiveness are spot on.

Now, let’s talk about the things I really love. The first is performance. A seamless and silent electric startup is something I truly appreciate. Next, the electric motor nicely complements the three-cylinder petrol engine, delivering almost electric vehicle-like responses, making it ideal for closing gaps or when overtaking. The torque curve tapers soon after, and the e-CVT makes the engine rev quite a bit when your foot is pinned to the throttle, emanating a rather unpleasant note.

But the highlight is its fuel efficiency. In Eco mode, the best I’ve achieved is 26.5kpl, with 80 percent highway driving and the rest in the city. With no effort to drive with the intent of maximising efficiency, the average city efficiency is about 20-21kpl in winter months, and this number drops to 18-19kpl in summer. An insider at Toyota explained that the e-compressor puts a high load on the hybrid system, which explains the lower efficiency when ambient temperatures are higher. Do note that these numbers are measured using the tankful-to-tankful method.

i-Connect app is too basic; more info on efficiency, trip log would’ve been nice.

Lastly, the Hyryder’s suspension is on the firmer side, but driving manners and steering make it feel very confident at highway speeds. It also exudes an underlying toughness while dealing with poor, broken roads, which, to some extent, makes it similar to its rugged sibling, the Toyota Fortuner.

The Hyryder has been a fill-it, shut-it and forget-it car, one that goes about doing all that’s expected of it in a fuss-free and competent manner.

Also see:

Toyota Hyryder Festival Limited Edition launched

Kia Seltos vs Toyota Hyryder vs MG ZS EV comparison video

Toyota Rumion gets free accessories with new Festival Limited Edition


Hyundai Creta N Line long term review, 2,500 report

Hyundai’s Creta iVT is a hot favourite of our long term fleet, and that’s down to how convenient and fuss-free a companion it is. Here to give a taste of another flavour of the Creta is the N Line. A 160hp turbo-petrol engine, dual-clutch transmission, and tweaked steering and suspension promise a more involving driving experience, something I, its custodian, have a good few months to make the most of. However, for me, this version of the Creta appeals first and foremost for the way it looks. Its larger 18-inch rims alone uplift the stance successfully, and then there’s the rest of the N Line trimmings. The sportier bumpers, side skirts, roof spoiler and red detailing add up to give the Creta N Line genuine visual distinction among the sea of ‘ordinary’ Cretas. The iVT looks plain vanilla when standing alongside.

N Line-specific details add greatly to the look.

I like what Hyundai has done with the interior, too. The all-black treatment with red highlights works to bring in some sportiness to the ambience. The N Line-specific steering is also great to hold, and even the metal finish to the pedals is a detail not lost on me. For the full effect, I’ve made the Sport screen (carbon-fibre look) the default layout for the digital instruments. I’m not entirely satisfied with my seating position though. The digital screen and centre touchscreen are positioned a touch low for my liking. Oh, and the absence of wireless connectivity for Apple CarPlay and Android Auto was an irritant during my initial days with the Creta. A Rs 99 wire did help get past the issue, but I’d rather not have my phone plugged in for more time than required.

Crisp cameras and multiple views are a boon.

Our N Line is in top-spec N10 form and the goodies on board are being put to, well, good use. Front seat ventilation is a hit with everyone who experiences it, and I like the sound from the Bose sound system. I’m no audiophile but there is enough depth to the sound to satisfy my ears. What I really appreciate are the cameras. The front view camera is very handy in judging parking space, and the blind view monitors are a boon, too. Camera resolution and performance are impressive and better than what you get in many pricier cars.

Exhaust note should have been jazzed up for the N Line.

We’re in the thick of the festive season as I file this report, which means traffic is at its yearly worst. Forget about letting the 160 horses under the hood loose, getting into fourth gear is an achievement on my daily commute these days. The stop/start driving means the dual-clutch gearbox has to work overtime, and it’s not particularly a fan of frequent shifts at low speeds. There’s the occasional delay and the odd jerky shift at other times. The Creta iVT offers a far smoother experience in the same environment. The N Line can be had with a 6-speed manual, too, but it’d be too committed a choice for my kind of driving. The other thing? The N Line’s larger 18-inch wheels also manifest in a busier ride. You feel more of the surface below, and it’s not quite as pliant as other Cretas on 17-inch rims. There’s more weight at the steering, too – great when you’re on a twisty road, not so much when you have a tight parking to work your car into.

Low-speed city driving has taken its toll on economy.

What’s also pinching a bit is fuel economy. I’ve been averaging all of 7.9kpl but my 10km round trip through choc-a-block traffic doesn’t let the engine have it easy at any point. The real-time figure improves dramatically (upwards of 10kpl) over late night drives on emptier roads. I would have liked more background music on said drives from the exhaust. The twin tip exhaust is just for show and sound levels are no higher than a regular Creta, which is a shame.

I intend to end the year with a few weekend getaways, and the plan is to select routes with some good driving roads as well. I’ll keep you posted on my learnings on those. Initial impressions are of being with the best looking Creta, but not necessarily the best Creta per se.

Also See:

2024 Hyundai Creta long term review, 1,700km report

2024 Hyundai Creta long term review, 4,850km report


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