
Savage Sleep of Sonja


Keeping up with the Joneses: Cloud hosting biz UKFast's founders sell up

Secarma may be next for Inflexion buyout

Cloud hosting biz UKFast's founders, Laurence and Gail Jones, have "exited the business" as a private equity firm ups its stake – all as UKFast itself starts eyeing up Jones-owned infosec biz Secarma.…


10/09/16 - Keeping busy these last few weeks


JoT #2693: Keep your distance!

Limit your exposure!


'Life and Death. One Awareness.', by Sashas Keeper (Cacti - T. pachanoi)

Erowid Exp101191

  • Erowid : Experience :


Bernie Sanders was never a real candidate but was merely this election’s sheepdog for Hillary Clinton to herd progressives back into the corral of the Democratic Party.

Bernie Sanders and Jane Sanders are mere actors serving as pressure valves which release from time to time all excess heat emanating from failed policies, scandals, and the worsening economic conditions, so that a catastrophic systems’ collapse can be prevented. They are sheepdogs for Hillary Clinton, preventing progressives from supporting a third party progressive candidate and to herd them back into the corral of the Democratic Party. Continue reading


Letting a Homeless Person Sleep on my Couch

Are my tools going to be stolen? Is my car going to be stolen? What if she refuses to leave? What if she leaves in the middle of the night? What if she leaves the door open? What if she has lice or bedbugs or hepatitis? What if she locks herself in the bathroom? What if she never wakes up? And I'm sure she worried about me.


IBM and Rail Projects Victoria keeping the $11B Metro Tunnel on track

IBM and Rail Projects Victoria keeping the $11B Metro Tunnel on track


Australian cities not keeping up with commuter needs: IBM Commuter Pain Study

- The majority of Australians are stressed by their daily commute affecting health, lifestyles and Australia’s productivity - Accurate and timely information on road conditions key to reducing stress for Australians - National study highlights Australian commuter habits and frustrations

  • Travel & Transportation


IBM Machine Vision Technology Advances Early Detection of Diabetic Eye Disease Using Deep Learning

The IBM Research findings achieve the highest recorded accuracy of 86 percent by using deep learning and pathology insights to identify the severity of diabetic retinopathy.


24 Things, they do seem to keep coming, though. Thing 18.



The creepiest tour of my house

Hey.  This isn’t a real post but I thought you might enjoy. Recently the Yorkshire Museum had a curator battle where they challenged museums to post the #creepiestobject in their collection on twitter.  And it was fantastic and a million … Continue reading


Leo Zovic: Places, Peeps And Plagues

(in-package #:cl-pestilence)

;;   This is _not_ a simulation. It's just a game. And any resemblance
;; to any world, real or imaginary, is entirely coincidental.

;;   You can copy/paste this post in its entirety into a Common Lisp
;; REPL and play around with it if you like. I'm documenting it where
;; possible, but it's just a small toy to poke at for the moment.

;;   I've been thinking a lot about asymmetric multiplayer games and
;; <gestures wildly to world at large> all this.
;; I'm not actively _trying_ to model it accurately, but it's probably
;; obvious what's been consuming my thoughts lately.

;;   Let's get right into this. I'll explain as I go, and tie a few things
;; together neatly at the end. I hope. Regardless, there will absolutely
;; be a repo sometime fairly soon.

;; A place can be tagged arbitrarily, and can contain occupants.
;; They also collect points.

(defclass place ()
  ((tags :initarg :tags :initform nil :accessor tags)
   (occupants :initarg :occupants :initform nil :accessor occupants)
   (points :initform 0 :accessor points)))

(defun place? (thing)
  (eq (find-class 'place) (class-of thing)))

(defun place (&key tags occupants)
  (make-instance 'place :tags tags :occupants occupants))

(defun gen-place ()
  (let ((tag (pick '(:apartment-building :house :cottage
		     :office-building :factory :store
		     :cafe :lounge :theater))))
    (place :tags (list tag))))

(defmethod details ((place place))
  (format nil "====================~%~a {~{~a~}}~%~{  ~a~^~%~}~%"
	  (first (tags place))
	  (rest (tags place))
	  (mapcar #'details (occupants place))))

(defmethod show ((place place))
  (format nil "~20@a ~5a [~{~a~}]~%"
	  (first (tags place)) (points place)
	  (mapcar #'show (occupants place))))

;; A peep goes places.
;; They have
;;  - their daily routine (a list of places to visit)
;;  - their todo (the part of their routine they still need to do;
;;                they are currently at the first place in this list)
;;  - their health (a number from 0 to 100)
;;  - a list of plagues
;; Finally, they _also_ collect points.

(defclass peep ()
  ((routine :initarg :routine :initform (list) :accessor routine)
   (todo :initarg :todo :initform nil :accessor todo)
   (health :initarg :health :initform 100 :accessor health)
   (plagues :initform nil :accessor plagues)
   (points :initform 0 :accessor points)))

(defun peep? (thing)
  (eq (find-class 'peep) (class-of thing)))

(defun peep (&key places)
  (make-instance 'peep :routine places :todo places))

(defun health->string (health)
  (cond ((>= health 90) "@")
	((>= health 80) "0")
	((>= health 70) "O")
	((>= health 50) "o")
	((>= health 30) ":")
	((>= health 1)  ".")
	(t "☠")))

(defmethod details ((peep peep))
  (format nil "[~a ~3d [~{ ~a~^ ->~}]]"
	  (health->string (health peep)) (health peep)
	   (lambda (place) (first (tags place)))
	   (routine peep))))

(defmethod show ((peep peep)) (health->string (health peep)))

;; A world is a list of places, occupied by peeps. The world we start
;; peeps in also determines their routine.

(defun gen-world (&key (num-places 20) (num-peeps 100))
  (let ((places (loop repeat num-places collect (gen-place))))
    (loop repeat num-peeps
       do (let* ((routine (loop repeat 5 collect (pick places)))
		 (peep (peep :places routine)))
	    (push peep (occupants (first routine)))))

(defmethod details ((world list))
  (format nil "~%~{~a~}~%" (mapcar #'details world)))

(defmethod show ((world list))
  (format nil "~%~{~a~}~%" (mapcar #'show world)))

(defmethod all-peeps ((world list))
  (loop for place in world append (all-peeps place)))

(defmethod all-peeps ((place place))
  (loop for o in (occupants place) if (peep? o) collect o))

;; `tick!`ing a world means moving every peep through their routine once.
;;   We `tick!` each peep, then `tick!` each place until all the peeps are
;; done. Then we reset their routines.
;; You can think of this as a turn in the game.

(defmethod tick! ((world list))
  (let ((peeps (all-peeps world)))
    (loop while peeps
       do (setf peeps
		(loop for p = (pop peeps) while p
		   for res = (tick! p)
		   if res collect res))
       do (mapc #'tick! world)
       do (format t "~a" (show world)))
    (loop for p in (all-peeps world)
       do (setf (todo p) (routine p))))

;; Don't worry about the details of how to `tick!` peeps or places yet.

;;   Ok, here's where it gets a bit darker. Although we _did_
;; foreshadow this in the definition of `peep`. And also in the title
;; of the accompanying blog post.

;; A plague is another living thing.
;; It has
;;  - a host (a peep that it's infecting)
;;  - a signature (a token representing its lineage and strain)
;;  - health (how well it's doing inside its host)
;;  - virulence (how likely it is to spread to another host)
;;  - efficiency (how efficient they are at feeding)
;;  - reproduce (a function that returns a new instance to push into a new host)
;;  - and a strategy (a function, possibly closed, that takes
;;    itself and its host peep and mutates)

;; Plagues do not collect points; they score differently.

(defclass plague ()
  ((host :initarg :host :initform nil :accessor host)
   (signature :initarg :host :initform "SIG" :accessor signature)
   (health :initarg :health :initform 10 :accessor health)
   (virulence :initarg :virulence :initform 10 :accessor virulence)
   (efficiency :initarg :efficiency :initform 0.2 :accessor efficiency)
    :initarg :reproduce
    :reader reproduce)
    :initarg :strategy
    (lambda (plague peep)
      (feed! plague peep 30))
    :reader strategy)))

(defun plague ()
  (make-instance 'plague))

;; Plagues can `feed!` on peeps or plagues. To feed means to
;; take away some of the targets' health and add some to your own.

(defmethod feed! ((self plague) (peep peep) (amount integer))
  (decf (health peep) amount)
  (incf (health self) (* (efficiency self) amount)))

(defmethod feed! ((self plague) (plague plague) (amount integer))
  (decf (health plague) amount)
  (incf (health self) (* (efficiency self) amount)))

;; Plagues can also `infect!` peeps by `reproduce`ing into them.

(defmethod infect! ((self plague) (peep peep))
  (unless (infected-by? self peep)
    (let ((child (funcall (reproduce self))))
      (setf (host child) peep)
      (push child (plagues peep)))))

(defmethod infected-by? ((self plague) (peep peep))
  (member (signature self) (mapcar #'signature (plagues peep))
	  :test #'string=))

;;  `tick!`ing a plague causes it to weaken and also carry out its strategy.
;; This models the background effect of the immune system of its host.

(defmethod tick! ((plague plague))
  (decf (health plague) 1)
  (funcall (strategy plague) plague (host plague))

;;  `tick!`ing a peep means moving them to their next place, and also
;; `tick!`ing any plagues they may have contracted. Also, peeps are
;; resilient; they heal a small amount each time they tick (to a
;; maximum of 100).
;;  If a peep dies, they no longer move. And their plagues probably
;; won't do well. Peeps like to go places. They score points for each
;; place they go to.

(defun dead? (thing) (>= 0 (health thing)))

(defmethod tick! ((peep peep))
  (unless (dead? peep)
    (let ((location (pop (todo peep))))
      (incf (points peep))
      (setf (occupants location) (remove peep (occupants location)))
      (push peep (occupants (or (first (todo peep)) (first (routine peep)))))
      (setf (health peep) (min 100 (+ 5 (health peep))))
      (mapc #'tick! (plagues peep))
      (unless (empty? (todo peep))

;; `tick!`ing a place causes it to score for each `peep` present. And it causes
;; any `plague`s on present `peep`s to try to `infect!` other nearby peeps.
;; Places also lose points for each dead peep they contain.

(defmethod tick! ((place place))
  (incf (points place) (length (occupants place)))
  (loop for peep in (all-peeps place)
     if (dead? peep)
     do (decf (points place) 2)
     else do (loop for plague in (plagues peep)
		do (loop for victim in (remove peep (all-peeps place))
		      if (>= (virulence plague) (random 100))
		      do (infect! plague victim))))

;;  So, now we've got the basic framework of the game in place. There are three
;; players in this game: places, peeps and plagues.
;;   A plague player automatically loses if they are completely cured, and
;; automatically wins if they manage to kill everyone. That's fairly simple.
;;   A place player wins if they manage to cure the plague. They automatically
;; lose if all the peeps die. Also, fairly simple.
;;   A peep player is trying to survive. If they manage to make it some numer
;; of turns before dying, then we have to score the game instead of declaring
;; an outright winner regardless of game state.

;;   A peep player's score is the total number of points plus remaining health
;; on all of their peeps, minus the number of active plagues on said peeps.
;;   A plague player's score is the total number of health of their plagues,
;; with a multiplier equal to the number of places fully infected by
;; their plague.
;;   A place player's score is the total number of points in their places.

(defun score (world)
  (list :peep (let ((score 0))
		(loop for p in (all-peeps world)
		   unless (dead? p)
		     do (incf score (+ (health p) (points p)))
		   do (decf score (length (plagues p))))
	:place (let ((score 0))
		 (loop for p in world
		    do (incf score (points p)))
	:plague (let ((score 0))
		  (loop for victim in (all-peeps world)
		     do (loop for p in (plaguesvictim)
			   do (incf score (max 0 (health p)))))
		  (loop for target in world
		     if (every
			 (lambda (victim)
			   (not (empty? (plagues victim))))
			 (all-peeps target))
		     do (setf score (* 2  score)))

;;   I think that's all I've got for now. This is definitely an idea I want
;; to run with. At the moment, it's just a tiny, in-repl proof-of-concept,
;; and not particularly fun, but I'm going to try developing it further with an
;; eye towards turning it into an actual web game playable from this site.

;; As always, I'll let you know how it goes.

(defun pick (lst)
  (nth (random (length lst)) lst))

(defun empty? (lst)
  (null lst))


Triton DeepView 24-Seat Submarine


Pocket-Sized #1005: “Creepiness”

Creepiness In this Pocket-Sized episode #1005, Marc Abrahams shows an unfamiliar research study to Jean Berko Gleason. Dramatic readings and reactions ensue. The research mentioned in this episode is featured in the special Psychology issue (vol. 26, #1) of the Annals of Improbable Research magazine. Remember, our Patreon donors, on most levels, get access to each podcast episode before it is made public. 1. […]


How To Keep Your Adsense Account From Being Banned

If you have an Adsense account you’ve probably heard some of the horror stories about people having their Adsense account banned, their earnings held by Google, and being basically left out in the cold with no revenue coming into their site. And while it can happen without warning (Google is notorious for making policy changes and not notifying anyone or always offering a clear explanation) most of the time it’s the fault of the owner of the site. This is either because they didn’t take the time to terms of service and had their Adsense account banned. Or they got caught trying to cheat the system and as a result have a banned Adsense account.


Novelty toilet roll cakes keep Finnish baker in business

A quick-thinking Helsinki bakery has saved itself from financial ruin due to the new coronavirus pandemic by creating a cake that looks like a toilet roll.


Hacked IRL: Sleeping Giant

This piece was done by the Os Gemos brothers in Boston. Check the via link for more information!


A very special PSA from Deep-Sea News

Given recent news, we felt compelled to share a couple of tips with our readers. Consider them to be ocean pro-moves.


The lingering and extreme impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the deep sea

From the darkness emerges a boot. An old leather, steel-toed, work boot. It shouldn’t be there resting on the seafloor nearly two kilometers deep. I’m…


Slow Road to Recovery after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill for Deep-Sea Communities

The Deepwater Horizon disaster released approximately 4 million barrels of oil from the Macondo Wellhead over the course of 87 days in 2010.  Thus, becoming…


Come Take A Field Deep-Sea Biology Class With Me!

The deep sea, areas of the ocean below 200 meters, is the largest biome on Earth‐‐vast, remote, and inhospitable. These conditions create unique challenges for…


My Go-To Mother’s Day Gift Keeps My Mom and I Connected, Even Though We Don’t Live Close By

It's also perfect for last-minute gifting.


Keeping it Personal: Improving person-centred care

The People Powered Health and Wellbeing Programme (PPHW), delivered by the Health and Social Care ALLIANCE Scotland is contributing towards the Scottish Government’s ambition to create a safe, effective and person-centred health and social care system.

Each of the PPHW programme partners explored different facets of the PPHW aim. The Iriss project – Keeping It Personal (KiP) – explored the use of person-centred approaches when designing improvements to the delivery of health and social care services. 

read more


New 2020 NEC Requirement Helps Keep First Responders Safe from Electrical Hazards During Emergencies

If we do some digging into the revision archives of the National Electrical Code (NEC), we can pretty much trace every requirement to one thing: saving lives! That is why the NEC exists; its purpose, the practical safeguarding of persons and property


Let's keep Corona in the ballpark




Final Fantasy Record Keeper Review 2020

В конце 2015-го я заглянул в Final Fantasy Record Keeper – поглядеть, что это за мобильная финалка такая. Ей тогда было полгода всего, сейчас же – пять лет, и всякая игра-как-сервис за это время растёт. Не стала исключением и Record Keeper – так что пора бы в ней вернуться ещё раз.

Во многом я хочу это сделать потому, что с 2015-го я не переставал в неё играть. На то есть целый ряд причин. Во-первых, она (почти) бессюжетная, аутентичная и посвященная знакомым боям из знакомых финалок – она не городит что-то своё, а ремикширует знакомое и хорошее. Во-вторых, она очень мало требует от игрока в плане инвестиций времени/денег: я стабильно каждый день выигрывал там три боя за десять минут, и этого мне хватало, чтобы тащить почти весь актуальный контент и даже не задумываться о том, чтобы занести разработчикам бабла. Я до сих пор не заплатил ни копейки и всем доволен. В-третьих, в ней такие длинные лоадинги, что играть на ночь идеально – за десять минут усыпляет. Ну и в-четвёртых, она продолжала постоянно обновляться. С обновлениями не только появлялись новые испытания, но и расширялись возможности бойцов, и менялась мета.
Дальше »


Deepwater Horizon: BP’s SECOND BlowoutThe Secret History - 10 Year Anniversary

Ten years ago, April 20, 11 men on the Deepwater Horizon were incinerated when the BP/Transocean oil rig blew out and exploded. Just 17 months before the Deepwater Horizon destroyed 600 miles of Gulf Coast, BP covered up a

The post Deepwater Horizon: BP’s SECOND Blowout<div id='sec-title'>The Secret History - 10 Year Anniversary</div> appeared first on Greg Palast.

eep Cy

Cy rubs one out for us! See more at

The post Cy appeared first on QueerClick.


How amateur satellite trackers are keeping an 'eye' on objects around the Earth

Around the planet, a loosely knit but closely woven band of amateurs monitor the whereabouts of satellites — be they secretive spacecraft, rocket stages, orbital debris or lost space probes.


Scientists keep debunking 'monster black hole' discovery. So, what's the deal with binary system LB1?

As scientists continue to weigh in, one thing is clear: the "monster black hole" discovered in 2019 doesn't exist.


Landlord Tries To Keep Tenants In Mold House

Man, this landlord sounds like a particularly unpleasant human being. The guy continued to ignore the completely reasonable series of requests/complaints from the girls that were living in the property. Well, they certainly taught him a lesson. They ultimately engineered his demise by putting together a mold test that showed they were living in a pit of unwanted mold. Mold is no joke, man! 

Check out another landlord revenge story over here, with the time a tyrannical landlord tried to scam tenants and was dealt justice.


Three Little Sheep

I'm so glad I found you lambs - Little Bow Peep has been looking all over for you guys!

-Sally Squeeps


How Do I Keep From Locking Me Out When I Travel?

When your email is suddenly accessed from a new location, it could mean someone other than you is trying to log in. Email providers like watch for this.

How Do I Keep From Locking Me Out When I Travel? from Ask Leo!.
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What Keeping Secrets Does To Your Brain

New research now reveals the truth behind secrets—and it’s not what you’d expect. First, 97% of people have one or more secrets at any given time. But most common is 13 secrets per person… whoa! What does keeping a secret do to your brain? Here are the 2 biggest problems.


EPA and Federal Partners Commemorate 10-year Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) joined federal partners—including the U.S. Coast Guard, Department of the Interior, the U.S.


NCLH secures sufficient funds to keep it afloat for a year

It says it can cope with 12 months' of cruise cancellations


Derbyshire 99 Chesterfield No news is good news The Wingerworth Sheep Dip Five ways to stay happy

Yesterday was Day 45 Our five o'clock briefing was delivered by the less than charismatic Mr Gove who told us more of the same . He spelled out the numbers of deaths the numbers of tests that had been undertaken. The numbers rolled off his tongue . Traf


A trafficked penguin, a creepy talking doll and trench warfare | Charlie Brooker

The John Lewis and Sainsbury’s ads have kickstarted an earlier-than-ever festive season in which we’ll shop or click our way to bankruptcy chasing 15% off the top Christmas products. But beware of My Friend Cayla …

Hey, remember when Christmas used to last 12 days? Now it’s so bloated it’s virtually an epoch, lasting twice as long as the year it falls in. The early-warning signs keep changing: not so long ago the start of the holiday season was signified by the release of the Christmas edition of the Radio Times. Now it’s the annual unveiling of the John Lewis ad, which this year features a boy arranging for a trafficked overseas bird to be smuggled into the country inside a small container and presented like a gift-wrapped object to the laddish penguin mate who exists only in his troubled mind. They say psychopathic murderers often start their “careers” by doing ghastly things to animals: hopefully they’ll keep the storyline going year after year, as his illusory brain-penguin commands him to carry out increasingly hideous yuletide ceremonies, until eventually the advert consists of nothing but him appeasing the Penguin King by dancing in the moonlight wearing a necklace of ears and eyeballs, all of it seen through the sights of a police marksman positioned on the roof of a neighbour’s evacuated home.

But this year, the John Lewis ad has been overshadowed by gargantuan supermarket and noted humanitarian anti-war campaigner J Sainsbury PLC, and its tear-jerking period piece in which a perfectly good war is ruined by a tragic outbreak of football.

Continue reading...


Md. Gov. Hogan vetoes sweeping education legislation



The Human Microchipping Trend Sweeping Sweden

Employees at the Swedish unit of the German travel conglomerate TUI are volunteering to have a microchip implanted in their hands. The technology literally opens doors, but also raises numerous ethical questions.


Robert Kirby: This year just keeps getting worse, but screaming won’t help


Dad throws 1-year-old daughter off ‘steep cliff’ into ravine, killing baby whose ‘smile was contagious’

A California dad allegedly tossed his baby daughter off a “steep cliff” to her death after he stabbed the child’s mom and a bystander who tried to help, relatives and police said.