
Asif Ali Zardari Website Hacker Nabbed


ZedLog 0.1 Beta

ZedLog is a robust cross-platform input logging tool (or key logger). It is based on a flexible data logging system which makes it easy to get the required data. It captures all keyboard and mouse events, has a full GUI, and supports logging to a file and basic hiding.


ZedLog 0.2 Beta

ZedLog is a robust cross-platform input logging tool (or key logger). It is based on a flexible data logging system which makes it easy to get the required data. It captures all keyboard and mouse events, has a full GUI, and supports logging to a file and basic hiding.


ZedLog 0.2 Beta 2

ZedLog is a robust cross-platform input logging tool (or key logger). It is based on a flexible data logging system which makes it easy to get the required data. It captures all keyboard and mouse events, has a full GUI, and supports logging to a file and basic hiding.


ZedLog 0.2 Beta 3

ZedLog is a robust cross-platform input logging tool (or key logger). It is based on a flexible data logging system which makes it easy to get the required data. It captures all keyboard and mouse events, has a full GUI, and supports logging to a file and basic hiding.


ZedLog 0.2 Beta 4

ZedLog is a robust cross-platform input logging tool (or key logger). It is based on a flexible data logging system which makes it easy to get the required data. It captures all keyboard and mouse events, has a full GUI, and supports logging to a file and basic hiding.


Adobe Urges More DMCA Busts


Air Raids Force Gadhafi Retreat, Rebels Seize East


The Robot War Over Libya Has Begun


Rebel Hackers Seize Libyan Domain Name Registry


Libyan Rebels Are Flying Their Own Minidrone


Iraq Government Launches Its Own Channel On YouTube


Ten Clean Energy Stocks for 2014: September Update and Thoughts on the Finavera Deal

Clean energy stocks and the market in general rebounded strongly in August. My broad market benchmark of small cap stocks, IWM, rose 4.5 percent, returning to positive territory up 1.7 percent for the year. My clean energy benchmark PBW also jumped back into the black with an 11.1 percent gain for the month and 10.8 percent for the year to date.


RGGI Chair Says States Won’t Leave Emissions Trading Market for California, Quebec

California and Quebec, which together created the largest carbon market in North America this year, may come away empty-handed as they woo northeastern U.S. states to join their system.


Ten Clean Energy Stocks For 2014: Spooky October

October was a spooky month for clean energy stocks. My benchmark Powershares Wilderhill Clean Energy Index (PBW) cringed down 2.9 percent like the young Supergirl who jumped when a mechanical ghost startled her at my door Haloween night.


IEA World Forecast: Stresses on Energy System Must Not Be Ignored

The world’s decision-makers must not let current events distract them from recognizing and addressing the longer-term signs of stress that are emerging in the global energy system, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned today at the launch of its annual World Energy Outlook 2014 report in London.


Wind Energy Provides More Than Two-Thirds of New US Generating Capacity in October

According to the latest "Energy Infrastructure Update" report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Office of Energy Projects, wind power provided over two-thirds (68.41 percent) of new U.S. electrical generating capacity in October 2014. Specifically, five wind farms in Colorado, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, and Texas came on line last month, accounting for 574 MW of new capacity.


We Should be Looking to CEOs, Not Politicians, for Climate Change Action

In May of 2014, Speaker of the House John Boehner responded to a climate change question with, “listen, I’m not qualified to debate the science over climate change. I am astute to understand that every proposal that has come out of this administration to deal with climate change involves hurting our economy and killing American jobs. That can’t be the prescription for dealing with changes to our climate.” Speaker Boehner is not the only one reluctant to enter into the debate on climate change. In a March interview Mitch McConnell responded to a climate change remark with, “For everybody who thinks it's warming, I can find somebody who thinks it isn't…”


Fact Sheet: Renewable Energy Job Numbers

A 2013 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found 3.4 million green jobs in the United States at the end of 2011. This is the latest data available from BLS, due to the elimination of its Green Careers program. On March 1, 2013, the across-the board spending cuts referred to as sequestration, required by the amended Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, came into effect. As part of those budget cuts, BLS stopped offering all “measuring green jobs” products.


Obama Proposes $4 Billion for States Beating Climate Goals

The Obama administration is proposing a $4 billion fund to reward states that exceed cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions, and wants Congress to back steeper royalty rates for oil, gas and coal extraction from public land.


California's Clean Tech Industry Best in US for Jobs and Investment

California’s bet on green energy is paying off, with clean technology companies creating more jobs and investing more money than competitors in any other state.


Carpe Diem: Low Oil and Gas Prices Could Be a Clean-Energy Opportunity

The recent dramatic plunge in oil and natural gas prices, to their lowest level since the global recession in 2009, has some observers worried about the effect on clean tech. Conventional wisdom has it that renewables have a tougher time competing when fossil fuels are cheap, making grid parity (in the case of natural gas-fired electricity) more elusive for solar and wind power.


Renewable Energy Roundtable: Production and Investment Tax Policy to be a Top Priority in 2015

The renewable energy industry has come a long way in relatively little time. The costs of renewable technologies continue to go down, while renewable capacities at many utilities continue to go up. Although, in many cases, renewable technology is mature and ready for utility-scale deployment, state and federal production and investment tax policies appear less evolved.


Beijing to Shut All Major Coal Power Plants to Cut Pollution

Beijing, where pollution averaged more than twice China’s national standard last year, will close the last of its four major coal-fired power plants next year.


Fix the EU Emissions Trading System, And Carbon Markets Can Be Serious Business

What do the following have in common: New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Quebec, Alberta, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, California, Beijing, Guangdong, Hubei, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Tianjin, Tokyo, Kyoto, Saitama and 28 countries in Europe?


Negotiating the Energy Balance in the Caribbean

Reflecting the azure skies of the Caribbean, solar panels on private houses, hotels and businesses are an increasingly common sight across all the islands. Many Caribbean customers are seeking a degree of energy independence, which is not surprising given that many pay five or six times as much for their grid-provided electricity than their neighbours in mainland USA.


Climate Talks Nearing Consensus in Behind-the-Scenes Meetings

Publicly, the United Nations climate-change talks look mired in disputes over everything from money to the length of the proposed agreement.


World Bank makes US$390 million loan Pakistan's Tarbela hydroelectric plant extension

The World Bank has approved US$390 million in additional financing to be used by Pakistan's Water and Power Development Authority for extensions of its Tarbela hydroelectric plant.


Marubeni Begins Geothermal Survey in Japanese National Park

Marubeni Corp. began a geothermal survey of Daisetsuzan National Park on the northern island of Hokkaido that will continue through February in the hopes Japan will discover more clean-energy sources.


Alternative Energy Outperforms All Other Sectors in September

Alternative energy mutual funds (MF) racked up extremely robust gains in the past year. Returns range from a low of 16 percent, to a high of 64 percent for a mutual fund that is heavy into solar investments. Exchange traded funds (ETF) also did well, but returns are much more variable. They range from a loss of 34 percent for a carbon ETF, to more than doubling of a solar ETF.


More Countries around the Globe Recognizing the Values of Geothermal Power

Walk into any panel discussion at a geothermal power event and you will often hear about barriers hindering geothermal development. In spite of the obstacles, the geothermal industry has grown and adapted to adversity, and it is unfortunate when more attention is not given to geothermal power’s technological accomplishments and the long-term potential. Today, 73 countries across the globe are actively engaged with the geothermal energy sector, showing that more governments, utilities, and industry stakeholders are recognizing the long-term value geothermal power can bring to their power systems.


European Commission To Member States: Follow Our Lead for Renewable Energy Policy

The European Commission has offered up some new guidelines about managing electricity markets among its Member States, offering direction for design and support schemes for renewable energy, managing capacity, and addressing demand at the consumer level to mitigate new generation investments -- which, while technically not binding, likely will inform future regional environmental and aid policies.


Can Certain Geothermal Technologies Better Withstand Climate Change than Others?

Nearly one month after Typhoon Haiyan ravaged the Philippines, affecting more than 12 million people and killing almost 6,000, many residents are still sitting in the dark. The Superstorm not only decimated the islands’ transmission systems, it knocked out one of its main power sources — geothermal.


Renewable Energy Provides 100% of All New US Electrical Generating Capacity in November 2013

According to the latest "Energy Infrastructure Update" report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Office of Energy Projects, solar, biomass, wind, geothermal, and hydropower "units" provided 394 MW — or 100 percent — of all new electrical generation placed in-service in November 2013. There was no new capacity during the month from natural gas, coal, oil, or nuclear power. Renewable energy sources also provided 99 percent of all new electrical generating capacity in October.


The U.S. and Canada can benefit from pioneering ocean energy work in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is known for its pioneering work in wave, tidal and ocean current energy. The U.S. and Canada have vast marine resources and would benefit from partnerships with UK companies in a number of ways, including building expertise, sharing lessons learned and fostering industry growth.