sf Contact Tracing With Salesforce By www.ecommercetimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-22T04:00:00-07:00 Contact tracing is a big job, like trying to drain an ocean with a teaspoon. It involves finding people who have been exposed to the coronavirus and testing them to determine if they are infected or are carriers. Public health officials then can take necessary steps to prevent the virus' spread. It's a perfect fit for CRM, and Salesforce's core technology is coming to the forefront. Full Article
sf Salesforce Revamps Work.com to Help Businesses Address Pandemic By www.ecommercetimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-06T08:35:35-07:00 Salesforce has announced a new version of Work.com designed to help businesses function safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Work.com is a completely new initiative using an existing domain name that we previously owned," said Salesforce spokesperson Joel Steinfeld. "Our focus is on speed and moving as quickly as possible to help our customers, and Work.com is an optimal way to do that. Full Article
sf International Art Project Seeks To Transform Flint's Image By www.wkar.org Published On :: Fri, 31 May 2019 18:16:52 +0000 Artists from Michigan and around the world are painting 50 murals in Flint to refocus the city's image on art rather than the lead-tainted water crisis. Full Article
sf A transformed heart By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:43:07 +0000 An Albanian man's heart is forever changed after suffering a heart attack and meeting Jesus in his recuperation. Full Article
sf Weagle shocked at Team Homan decision to part ways after successful 11-year run By www.cbc.ca Published On :: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 19:35:51 EDT Team Homan's decision to part ways with Lisa Weagle dramatically changed the look of one of the country's top rinks and put the all-star lead at the top of curling's free agent list. Full Article Sports/Olympics/Winter Sports/Curling
sf God transforms a family By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 05 Oct 2011 13:06:43 +0000 A woman and her husband accept the Lord after hearing the gospel from an OM team visiting the island of Sante Marie. Full Article
sf Transforming communities By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 08:39:24 +0000 Despite knowing very little about the Androy region, OMers Fara and Herimanina went willingly and have seen God at work. Full Article
sf Der Weg zu widerstandsfähigem Wachstum führt über internationale Zusammenarbeit By www.bis.org Published On :: 2017-06-25T10:30:00Z German translation of the BIS Press Release on the presentation of the Annual Report (25 June 2017) Full Article
sf Baseball transforms lives and communities By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 10:48:11 +0000 The impact of baseball as an outreach tool is growing far beyond the first teams that began nine years ago in Érd. Full Article
sf Working From Home Successfully with SOLIDWORKS Electrical By blogs.solidworks.com Published On :: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:00:11 +0000 The purpose of this post is to help users understand the various options and best practices available when it comes to collaborating and designing remotely with SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Author information Thomas Smith As a Technical Manager for SOLIDWORKS ECAD Solutions, Thomas is responsible for providing comprehensive technical pre-sales support and coaching to SOLIDWORKS resellers and TTM employees working in all areas of North America. Thomas acts as the primary SOLIDWORKS Electrical and SOLIDWORKS PCB technical pre-sales resource for North America's WEST and CENTRAL areas. With SOLIDWORKS, Thomas assists with developing and training resellers and TTM employees on SOLIDWORKS Electrical and SOLIDWORKS PCB demonstrations, specific product positioning, new product releases, competitive overviews, and contributing to help sell other products in SOLIDWORKS’ portfolio. The post Working From Home Successfully with SOLIDWORKS Electrical appeared first on The SOLIDWORKS Blog. Full Article Collaboration Community Dassault Systèmes Design SOLIDWORKS SOLIDWORKS Electrical Support Usability COVID-19 remote work VPN work from home
sf Cycling for transformation in Malawi By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 06 Apr 2018 12:36:27 +0000 Over an eight-day period, 18 Ride2Transform cyclists travelled 690 kilometers, participating in a personal journey with the Lord and praying for the country of Malawi. Full Article
sf A US Pastor's Life Transformed Through Short Term Missions! By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 06 Feb 2009 19:53:05 +0000 Read about how a short term missions trip to a Muslim country changed a US pastor's life! Click to read more! Full Article
sf Relationships transformed By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 12:47:43 +0000 God not only rescued Kamil and Klaudia's marriage but also transformed their relationships with Him. Full Article
sf Witnessing transformation By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 15:26:17 +0000 It's an unforgettable experience!” OM Mexico’s missions training impacts one participant’s life, who then returns to the training as a staff member. Full Article
sf Ministering among 'misfit toys' By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:48:19 +0000 OM worker discovers unlikely friendships among a group of 'misfit toys' in North Africa. Full Article
sf Twin transformation By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 15:20:21 +0000 A worker becomes friends with twin sisters and sees God transform both lives. Full Article
sf Growing Evidence for Successful Care Management in Children With Medical Complexity By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2020-04-01T01:00:57-07:00 Full Article
sf Red Cell Transfusion and Thrombotic Risk in Children By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2020-04-01T01:00:57-07:00 Full Article
sf A picture of transformation By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 20:57:32 +0000 A remarkable story which came to a climax on February 23 this year when OM Ireland took possession of the deeds to Lacken House as their new headquarters and ministry centre. Full Article
sf Transformed by love By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 01 Dec 2017 21:24:48 +0000 One Irish family experienced the transforming love of God...one woman at a time. Full Article
sf Building sustainable businesses for transformation By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 02 Aug 2018 19:49:27 +0000 Turning organic waste into bio-fuel and French-fry oil into bio-diesel; all these are innovative ways of building sustainable income for the church in Kaharlyk. Full Article
sf A kitchen to transform lives By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 19:08:31 +0000 Lighthouse Ministries builds a kitchen to transform a community in Panama. Full Article
sf Why Tech Isn't Transforming Teaching: 10 Key Stories From Education Week By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Crave pragmatic, honest, clear-eyed conversation about the realities of ed tech? Here's a reading list from Education Week, as presented at ISTE 2019. Full Article Business+tech+innovation
sf Ed-Tech Supporters Promise Innovations That Can Transform Schools. Teachers Not Seeing Impact By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Fewer than one-third of America's teachers say ed-tech innovations have changed their beliefs about what school should look like, according to a new Education Week survey. Full Article Business+tech+innovation
sf A transformed heart By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:43:07 +0000 An Albanian man's heart is forever changed after suffering a heart attack and meeting Jesus in his recuperation. Full Article
sf Interfacility Transfers of Noncritically III Children to Academic Pediatric Emergency Departments By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2012-06-04T00:07:38-07:00 Although many children are treated in general emergency departments, many such facilities have limited pediatric capabilities. Transfer to academic centers improves outcomes for critically ill patients, but transfers of noncritically ill children have not been well studied.Although more than half of these patients are seriously ill, many transferred patients are discharged directly from the emergency department or are admitted for less than 24 hours. Orthopedic problems, gastrointestinal conditions, and traumatic head injury are the most common complaints. (Read the full article) Full Article
sf Lower Life Satisfaction Related to Materialism in Children Frequently Exposed to Advertising By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2012-08-20T00:07:45-07:00 Materialism and life satisfaction are known to be associated with each other. Research among adults has shown that materialism and life satisfaction negatively affect each other, leading to a downward spiral.In contrast to research conducted among adults, no longitudinal effect of materialism on life satisfaction was found for 8- to 11-year-olds. However, life satisfaction did negatively affect materialism, but only for children who were frequently exposed to advertising. (Read the full article) Full Article
sf Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase I and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death in British Columbia First Nations By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2012-10-22T00:07:42-07:00 The CPT1A p.P479L variant is common to northern aboriginal populations, leads to reduced enzyme activity, and may be associated with increased infant mortality rates.The p.P479L variant is common in British Columbia First Nations with a coastal distribution correlated with regions of high infant mortality. Homozygotes display an altered acylcarnitine profile and are overrepresented in cases of sudden unexpected infant death in these areas. (Read the full article) Full Article
sf Online Problem-Solving Therapy for Executive Dysfunction After Child Traumatic Brain Injury By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-06-10T00:08:50-07:00 Cognitive and behavioral problems after pediatric traumatic brain injury lead to poor functioning across multiple settings and can persist long-term after injury. Executive dysfunction is particularly common; however, there is a paucity of evidence-based interventions to guide treatment.This study is among the largest randomized controlled trials performed in pediatric traumatic brain injury. It demonstrates the ability to use an online problem-solving-based intervention to improve caregiver ratings of executive dysfunction within 12 months after injury. (Read the full article) Full Article
sf Avoidable Hospitalizations in Youth With Kidney Failure After Transfer to or With Only Adult Care By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-03-24T00:06:22-07:00 The period of transition from childhood to adulthood and the period immediately after transfer of care is a challenging time for young people with kidney failure.Young patients with kidney failure cared for exclusively in adult-oriented facilities experience increased rates of avoidable hospitalizations during late adolescence and young adulthood. Avoidable hospitalizations increased among pediatric kidney failure patients during the years immediately after transfer to adult care. (Read the full article) Full Article
sf Successful Schools and Risky Behaviors Among Low-Income Adolescents By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:02-07:00 Graduating from high school is associated with better health and health behaviors. However, no rigorous studies have tested whether exposure to a high-performing school improves health or health behaviors, thus the causal relationship is unknown.Exposure to successful schools can reduce very risky health behaviors among low-income adolescents. The primary mechanism is mostly due to better school retention and also due to better academic achievement. (Read the full article) Full Article
sf Risk of Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Bilirubin Exchange Transfusion Thresholds By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2015-08-17T00:06:44-07:00 High bilirubin levels are associated with sensorineural hearing loss. Exchange transfusions are recommended when bilirubin levels reach certain thresholds. However, the relative and excess risks of hearing loss in infants with bilirubin levels at/above exchange transfusion thresholds are unknown.In this Northern California population of term and late preterm infants, elevated bilirubin levels were not associated with an increased risk of sensorineural hearing loss unless the levels were at least 10 mg/dL above exchange transfusion thresholds. (Read the full article) Full Article
sf Tech Talk: Multimedia Transformation By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Participate in a chat about how multimedia tools are transforming teaching and learning in core academic subjects. Full Article Multimedia
sf Why We Need Transformative Learning Experiences By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Two things are true as I sort through my reflections on transformative learning experiences: We need intensive, immersive opportunities for learning (such as a trip to Kenya) and we also need to build in mini-opportunities for transformative learning every day. Full Article Professionaldevelopment
sf Burundi: To Integrate the FNL Successfully By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:00:00 GMT Full Article
sf A histone methyltransferase inhibitor can reverse epigenetically acquired drug resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum [Mechanisms of Resistance] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-16T08:17:37-07:00 Malaria parasites invade and replicate within red blood cells (RBCs), extensively modifying their structure and gaining access to the extracellular environment by placing the plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC) into the RBC membrane. Expression of members of the cytoadherence linked antigen gene 3 (clag3) family is required for PSAC activity, a process that is regulated epigenetically. PSAC is a well-established route of uptake for large, hydrophilic antimalarial compounds and parasites can acquire resistance by silencing clag3 gene expression, thereby reducing drug uptake. We found that exposure to sub-IC50 concentrations of the histone methyltransferase inhibitor chaetocin caused substantial changes in both clag3 gene expression and RBC permeability, reversing acquired resistance to the antimalarial compound blasticidin S that is transported through PSAC. Chaetocin treatment also altered progression of parasites through their replicative cycle, presumably by changing their ability to modify chromatin appropriately to enable DNA replication. These results indicate that targeting histone modifiers could represent a novel tool for reversing epigenetically acquired drug resistance in P. falciparum. Full Article
sf Population Pharmacokinetics and Dosage Optimization of Linezolid in Patients with Liver Dysfunction [Pharmacology] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-06T08:49:25-07:00 Linezolid is the first synthetic oxazolidone agent to treat infections caused by Gram-positive pathogens. Infected patients with liver dysfunction (LD) are more likely to suffer from adverse reactions such as thrombocytopenia when standard-dose linezolid is used than patients with LD who didn't use linezolid. Currently, pharmacokinetics data of linezolid in patients with LD are limited. The study aimed to characterize pharmacokinetics parameters of linezolid in patients with LD, identify the factors influencing the pharmacokinetics, and propose an optimal dosage regimen. We conducted a prospective study and established population pharmacokinetics model with the Phoenix NLME. The final model was evaluated by goodness-of-fit plots, bootstrap analysis, and prediction corrected-visual predictive check. A total of 163 concentration samples from 45 patients with LD were adequately described by a one-compartment model with first-order elimination along with prothrombin activity (PTA) and creatinine clearance as significant covariates. Linezolid clearance (CL) was 2.68 L/h (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.34-3.03 L/h); the volume of distribution (Vd) was 58.34 L (95% CI: 48.00-68.68 L). Model-based simulation indicated that the conventional dose was at risk for overexposure in patients with LD or severe renal dysfunction; reduced dosage (300 mg/12 h) would be appropriate to achieve safe (Cmin, ss at 2-8 ug/mL) and effective targets (the ratio of AUC0-24 at steady state to MIC, 80-100). In addition, for patients with severe LD (PTA <= 20%), the dosage (400 mg/24 h) was sufficient at an MIC <= 2 ug/mL. This study recommended therapeutic drug monitoring for patients with LD. Full Article
sf Transferable Resistance Gene optrA in Enterococcus faecalis from Swine in Brazil [Mechanisms of Resistance] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-06T08:49:25-07:00 OptrA is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC)-F protein that confers resistance to oxazolidinones and phenicols, and can be either plasmid or chromosomally encoded. We isolated 13 Enterococcus faecalis strains possessing linezolid MIC ≥ 4 mg/L from nursery pigs in swine herds located across Brazil. Genome sequence comparison showed that these strains possess optrA in different genetic contexts occurring in 5 different E. faecalis sequence type backgrounds. The optrA gene invariably occurred in association with an araC regulator and a gene encoding a hypothetical protein. In some contexts, this genetic island was able to excise and form a covalently closed circle within the cell which appeared to occur in high abundance, and to be transmissible by co-resident plasmids. Full Article
sf Oral Fosfomycin Treatment for Enterococcal Urinary Tract Infections in a Dynamic In Vitro Model [Pharmacology] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-06T08:49:25-07:00 There are limited treatment options for enterococcal urinary tract infections, especially vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). Oral fosfomycin is a potential option, although limited data are available guiding dosing and susceptibility. We undertook pharmacodynamic profiling of fosfomycin against E. faecalis and E. faecium isolates using a dynamic in vitro bladder infection model. Eighty-four isolates underwent fosfomycin agar dilution susceptibility testing (E. faecalis MIC50/90 32/64 μg/mL; E. faecium MIC50/90 64/128 μg/mL). Sixteen isolates (including E. faecalis ATCC 29212 and E. faecium ATCC 35667) were chosen to reflect the MIC range and tested in the bladder infection model with synthetic human urine (SHU). Under drug-free conditions, E. faecium demonstrated greater growth restriction in SHU compared to E. faecalis (E. faecium maximal growth 5.8 ± 0.6 log10 CFU/mL; E. faecalis 8.0 ± 1.0 log10 CFU/mL). Isolates were exposed to high and low fosfomycin urinary concentrations after a single dose, and two-doses given daily with low urinary exposure. Simulated concentrations closely matched the target (bias 2.3%). E. faecalis isolates required greater fosfomycin exposure for 3 log10 kill from the starting inoculum compared with E. faecium. The fAUC0-72/MIC and f%T > MIC0-72 for E. faecalis was 672 and 70%, compared to 216 and 51% for E. faecium, respectively. There was no rise in fosfomycin MIC post-exposure. Two doses of fosfomycin with low urinary concentrations resulted in equivalent growth inhibition to a single dose with high urinary concentrations. With this urinary exposure, fosfomycin was effective in promoting suppression of regrowth (>3 log10 kill) in the majority of isolates. Full Article
sf Combination Therapy Using Benznidazole and Aspirin During the Acute Phase of Experimental Chagas Disease Prevents Cardiovascular Dysfunction and Decreases Typical Cardiac Lesions in the Chronic Phase [Clinical Therapeutics] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-05-04T08:49:24-07:00 Chagas disease, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is one of the main causes of death due to cardiomyopathy and heart failure in Latin American countries. The treatment of Chagas disease is directed at eliminating the parasite, decreasing the probability of cardiomyopathy, and disrupting the disease transmission cycle. Benznidazole (BZ) and nifurtimox (NFX) are recognized as effective drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease by the World Health Organization, but both have high toxicity and limited efficacy, especially in the chronic disease phase. At low doses, aspirin (ASA) has been reported to protect against T. cruzi infection. We evaluated the effectiveness of BZ in combination with ASA at low doses during the acute disease phase and evaluated cardiovascular aspects and cardiac lesions in the chronic phase. ASA treatment prevented the cardiovascular dysfunction (hypertension and tachycardia) and typical cardiac lesions. Moreover, BZ+ASA-treated mice had a smaller cardiac fibrotic area than that in BZ-treated mice. These results were associated with an increase in the number of eosinophils and reticulocytes and level of nitric oxide in the plasma and cardiac tissue of ASA-treated mice relative to respective controls. These effects of ASA and BZ+ASA in chronically infected mice were inhibited by pretreatment with the LXA4 receptor antagonist, Boc-2, indicating that the protective effects of ASA are mediated by ASA-triggered lipoxin. These results emphasize the importance of exploring new drug combinations for treatments of acute phase of Chagas disease that are beneficial for chronic patients. Full Article
sf Body Dissatisfaction and Mental Health Outcomes of Youth on Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2020-04-01T01:00:57-07:00 OBJECTIVES: Our first aim was to examine baseline differences in body dissatisfaction, depression, and anxiety symptoms by gender, age, and Tanner (ie, pubertal) stage. Our second aim was to test for changes in youth symptoms over the first year of receiving gender-affirming hormone therapy. Our third aim was to examine potential differences in change over time by demographic and treatment characteristics. Youth experiences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) are also reported. METHODS: Participants (n = 148; ages 9–18 years; mean age 14.9 years) were receiving gender-affirming hormone therapy at a multidisciplinary program in Dallas, Texas (n = 25 puberty suppression only; n = 123 feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy). Participants completed surveys assessing body dissatisfaction (Body Image Scale), depression (Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms), and anxiety (Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders) at initial presentation to the clinic and at follow-up. Clinicians completed the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms and collected information on youth experiences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and NSSI. RESULTS: Affirmed males reported greater depression and anxiety at baseline, but these differences were small (P < .01). Youth reported large improvements in body dissatisfaction (P < .001), small to moderate improvements in self-report of depressive symptoms (P < .001), and small improvements in total anxiety symptoms (P < .01). No demographic or treatment-related characteristics were associated with change over time. Lifetime and follow-up rates were 81% and 39% for suicidal ideation, 16% and 4% for suicide attempt, and 52% and 18% for NSSI, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Results provide further evidence of the critical role of gender-affirming hormone therapy in reducing body dissatisfaction. Modest initial improvements in mental health were also evident. Full Article
sf Perioperative Transfusions and Venous Thromboembolism By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2020-04-01T01:00:57-07:00 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Annual incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) including postoperative VTE in hospitalized children is rising significantly. A growing body of evidence supports the role of red blood cells (RBCs) in pathologic thrombosis. In this study, we examined the association of perioperative RBC transfusion with postoperative VTE in pediatric patients. METHODS: The pediatric databases of the American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Project from 2012 to 2017 were used. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine the association between perioperative RBC transfusion status and the development of new or progressive VTE within 30 days of surgery. The analyses were age stratified, as follows: neonates (≤28 days), infants (>28 days and <1 year), and children (≥1 year). RESULTS: In this study, we included 20 492 neonates, 79 744 infants, and 382 862 children. Postoperative development of VTE was reported in 99 (0.48%) neonates, 147 (0.2%) infants, and 374 (0.1%) children. In all age groups, development of VTE was significantly more common among patients with a perioperative RBC transfusion than patients without a perioperative RBC transfusion (neonates: adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 4.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.5–6.7; infants: aOR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.7–3.6; children: aOR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.7–2.9). Among children who received an intra- or postoperative transfusion, the weight-based volume of RBCs (mL/kg) transfused was associated with postoperative VTE in a dose-dependent manner: second tertile (odds ratio = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.3–4.1) and third tertile (odds ratio = 4.1, 95% CI = 2.3–7.4) versus first tertile. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative RBC transfusions are independently associated with development of new or progressive postoperative VTE in children, infants, and neonates. These findings need further validation in prospective studies and emphasize the need for evidence-based perioperative pediatric blood transfusion decisions. Full Article
sf Salesforce Pardot By www.pcmag.com Published On :: Although it's pricey, the intuitive Salesforce Pardot offers standout features, making it a leader among today's marketing automation platforms. Full Article
sf A transformed heart By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:43:07 +0000 An Albanian man's heart is forever changed after suffering a heart attack and meeting Jesus in his recuperation. Full Article
sf Lehigh Valley hosts virtual Transfer Thursday events By news.psu.edu Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 15:30 -0400 Prospective transfer students can explore the Lehigh Valley Campus virtually during the Transfer Thursday events Full Article
sf A transformed heart By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:43:07 +0000 An Albanian man's heart is forever changed after suffering a heart attack and meeting Jesus in his recuperation. Full Article
sf A transformed heart By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:43:07 +0000 An Albanian man's heart is forever changed after suffering a heart attack and meeting Jesus in his recuperation. Full Article
sf Creating Successful Blended-Learning Classrooms By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:00:00 +0000 History teacher Bill Tolley offers tips on adapting to learning environments that combine face-to-face instruction with self-directed online experiences. Full Article Blended+Learning
sf Schuylkill Speaks: Eric Thompson transforms tragedy into life of service By news.psu.edu Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 20:24 -0400 Penn State Schuylkill biology student Eric Thompson will graduate with honors on May 9. After surviving pediatric cancer in his early teens, Thompson has transformed a tragic situation into a passion to help people. This fall, he will embark on a new academic journey at Thomas Jefferson University’s Sidney Kimmel Medical College, where he will commit himself to earning his M.D. and delivering medical expertise to underserved communities. Full Article
sf Portion of New Kensington city block transformed into innovation corridor By news.psu.edu Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 07:53 -0400 In 2019 alone, Corner LaunchBox had 10 accelerator program graduates, supported five new startups anchored in Pennsylvania, and helped create 20 new jobs. More than 900 individuals utilized the facility for a variety of free and low-cost activities, including the 10-week Corner Opportunity accelerator program, an Idea TestLab, small business and entrepreneurship workshops, free legal clinics, weekly information sessions, and networking events. Full Article