
The mega-heat wave of 2010 – implications for the future

New research has compared the hot summers of 2003 and 2010 in Europe. The results indicate that the extreme temperatures in 2010 affected an area that was about twice as large as the area affected in 2003. Climate change projections for Eastern and Western Europe suggest that such mega-heat waves will become more frequent in the upcoming decades.


Precautionary principle should be applied to shale gas

According to UK researchers, caution must be taken in the use of shale gas until more is known about its environmental impacts. Using US data, they estimated the additional emissions associated with the extraction of gas from shale compared to that of conventional sources and highlighted concerns from the US that extraction could bring significant risks of ground and surface water contamination.


Energy policy should consider health implications

New research has investigated the complex relationship between energy consumption and public health, by analysing historical data from around the world. It indicates that electricity does not provide additional health benefits for countries with low levels of infant mortality, and that increased coal consumption has negative health impacts.


Comprehensive life cycle approach (LCA) tool applied to road construction

Researchers have used a new comprehensive life cycle approach to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from road construction. When applied to four projects in Spain, the results suggest improvements could be made in the use and efficiency of off-road machinery, the choice of materials and restoration of ecosystems.


Methods to increase indium supplies for the manufacture of thin-film solar cells

Shortages of indium, a key metal found in thin-film solar cells, could limit their large-scale deployment in the future. A new study has outlined four ways that indium supplies could be increased to meet future demand. For example, indium could be extracted more efficiently from zinc ores, or historic wastes containing indium could be processed to extract the element.


Recycling ‘end of life’ technologies provides sustainable supplies of scarce valuable metals such as indium

Indium, a unique metal, is in short supply worldwide and is not recycled at the end of its life (EoL). Indium is used in a wide range of technologies, causing regions across the world that are reliant on its import — such as Europe — to be concerned about security of supply. Primary sources of indium are thought to be sufficient for medium-term needs, but with growing demand comes growing concern over long-term supply. A new study has conducted a material flow analysis and examined secondary sources of indium within European ‘urban mines’ and in-use stocks (IUS) of indium products, identifying these as potential sources of 500 tonnes of indium — if it were recycled at EoL.


New ecosystem service accounting method developed and applied on the ground

The use of important ecosystem services, such as carbon storage or hunting, can be estimated through ecosystem accounting methods, a new study demonstrates. The researchers tested models that could help policymakers to understand the capacity of ecosystems to generate ecosystem services, and how these services are used over time.


Relativity and its astronomical implications, by Philipp Frank. The significance of general relativity presented in the language of the layman

Frank, Philipp, 1884-1966


New proposals for simplifying REDD+ management

A recent study has proposed changes to the way REDD+ strategies are categorised, from an implementation perspective. This will simplify the monitoring, reporting and verification of the schemes. In addition, to encourage countries to make an early start on the REDD+ programmes, the study suggests that monitoring should initially focus on forests where it is easiest to implement REDD+ actions.


Global web of food trade complicates contamination tracking

The growing complexity of the global food trade network means contamination spreads more efficiently and is more difficult to trace. Increased data capture and sharing is recommended by a new study to help prevent food poisoning outbreaks and allow sources of contamination to be quickly identified.


Environmental compliance assurance systems compared in OECD study

Systems for ensuring industry compliance with pollution regulations in eight countries have been assessed by an OECD study. OECD countries have been making good progress in designing and introducing new environmental policies. However, they are generally not on track to meet the policies’ goals. A major reason for this ‘implementation gap’ is low compliance with respective regulatory requirements, for instance, emission limit values.


Network for Ireland’s Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (NIECE): a story of successful implementation

Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Network for Ireland’s Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (NIECE) over 10 years ago to ensure an effective, integrated, national approach to the enforcement of environmental legislation, as presented in a recent conference paper and a report from the EPA.


Monitoring marine waters for WFD compliance

Recent work in the coastal Mediterranean waters of the ‘Comunidad Valencia’ in Eastern Spain confirms that wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are a significant source of pollutants that need monitoring under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Priority Substances Directive. However, these substances also directly enter coastal waters from mixed urban, industrial and agricultural sources, creating a challenge for the development of control measures.


Water efficient household appliances prove effective

Rebates and exchange programmes for showerheads, toilets and washing machines can produce significant water savings, according to a US study. The study observed a 6 to14% reduction in household water demand for the first two years after these efficiency programmes were introduced by a water authority in Florida.


Land use can affect fresh water supplies

Spanish Basque Country, grasslands were found to supply the greatest amount of river water, followed by native woodlands, with exotic woodland plantations providing the least. Researchers also call for more comprehensive analyses of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and biodiversity, to inform land-use policy.


Seafloor trawling's ecological impacts revealed by simple sampling system

Climate change will substantially increase the severity and length of droughts in Europe by the end of the century, according to new research. The study showed that some European countries could experience a reduction in river flow of up to 80% by the 2080s.


Public views on Baltic eutrophication have important policy implications

Citizens in countries surrounding the Baltic Sea would be willing to contribute financially towards long-term management of eutrophication, according to a recent study. Furthermore, most would like to see the Baltic Sea managed as a single whole, rather than only improving their local coastal area.


Groundwater use and irrigation can negatively affect the net atmospheric moisture and amplify water scarcity problems

Groundwater pumping and irrigation can disrupt natural atmospheric processes, affect the whole water cycle, and potentially worsen water shortages during heatwaves, a new study suggests. The findings contribute to our understanding of how to manage water resources under future climate change conditions. The study shows how some of the most intensively water managed areas of Europe — such as the Iberian Peninsula — could be affected by extraction of groundwater during years when conditions are especially hot and dry, potentially amplifying water scarcity in already-stressed regions.


Instagram updates web application, allows users to send DMs and watch live videos on desktop

Direct messages on the desktop have been in the works for a while now.


Appliances, consumer electronic makers assist customers virtually amid lockdown

Companies like Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, Haier and Godrej Appliance are leveraging Livechat, WhatsApp, DIY video as well as on-call assistance, and helping remotely on real time basis as their service centres are closed in compliance with the government directives.


Essential supplies severely impacted in hotspots

With authorities completely sealing the areas, FMCG companies said they are facing problem moving trucks through such localities to other places.


Millions of mobile phones, thousands of appliances pile up for repairing amidst lockdown

There are more than 30,000 microwave ovens, AC and washing machines which needs repair at a time when Indians are locked indoors and doing household chores themselves due to the lockdown.


Ameyo launches RBI compliant video KYC engagement platform

The platform enables enterprises to reduce Video KYC completion drop-offs by 20% and reduce the cost of operations by up to 90%


Google Cloud unveils machine images to simplify workflow

Google has announced machine images, a new type of Compute Engine resource that contains all the information people need to create, backup or restore a virtual machine, reducing the amount of time people spend managing their Cloud environment.


Cloud solutions for tax compliance gaining popularity

​​The current lockdown has prompted even fence-sitters to begin using these tools, as they face constraints in accessing critical information that resides on systems in company premises


Data localisation: Visa says it will be compliant by December

Visa has outlined a detailed framework with its partner entities on how it plans to update its systems to comply with RBI laws


Seafloor trawling's ecological impacts revealed by simple sampling system

Trawling's impacts on marine ecosystems can be assessed using simple metrics which characterise easy-to-obtain samples of fish, new research suggests. The Portuguese study shows that groups of fish become dominated by fewer species as fishing intensity increases, while their total biomass declines. Moreover, in the most fished areas there were other noteworthy changes, such as substantial reductions in the proportion of sharks and rays.


Implications of extreme floods for river ecosystems

The frequency and severity of flooding is expected to increase in the future. This study explored how these changes will affect rivers, in terms of structure as well as animal and plant life. The authors discuss the management implications of their findings and highlight areas for future research, including developing early warning systems for threats to ecosystems.


Early warnings: climate change may force plant ranges to split, threatening genetic diversity

Signs that the ranges of sub-mountainous forest plants in France have contracted in response to global warming have been detected in a new study. This pattern is likely to induce a splitting of these species’ ranges across Europe under future climate change, which could have serious consequences for plant genetic diversity and the capacity of plant populations to adapt to warming climates, say the researchers.


Supplier and end user collaboration could reduce chemicals’ environmental impacts reduced

A model for chemical use that involves collaboration between suppliers and end-users could benefit both parties as well as the environment, according to recent research. In a Serbian case study, a bottled water manufacturer reduced its costs, water and chemicals consumption, and production of hazardous wastewater when it collaborated with its supplier of lubricant for factory conveyor belts using the ‘Chemical Leasing’ model.


Compost made by worms from livestock manure yields benefits when applied to maize

Vermicomposting livestock manure with maize can increase agricultural benefit by 304%, shows a new study. The combination of increased crop yield and the additional earthworms produced as a result of the process led to a substantial increase in output compared to a traditional composting system.


Chemicals applied to fruit after harvesting affect soil microbe function

Wastewaters from fruit-packaging plants may contain preservative chemicals. When spread onto fields, these wastewaters affect the way soil microbes cycle nitrogen, new research has found. Although this may impair crop growth, according to the authors, the results could also lead to the development of new substances that reduce nitrate run-off from agricultural land.


Environmental compliance assurance and combatting environmental crime July 2016

How does the law protect the environment? The responsibility for the legal protection of the environment rests largely with public authorities such as the police, local authorities or specialised regulatory agencies. However, more recently, attention has been focused on the enforcement of environmental law — how it should most effectively be implemented, how best to ensure compliance, and how best to deal with breaches of environmental law where they occur. This Thematic Issue presents recent research into the value of emerging networks of enforcement bodies, the need to exploit new technologies and strategies, the use of appropriate sanctions and the added value of a compliance assurance conceptual framework.


Innovative batteries struggle to move from research to application, finds study into start-up companies

Innovatively designed batteries offer a way for vehicles to move away from their dependence on fossil fuels. There has been little mass-market uptake of new battery design, however. In the last century, only four types of battery have been used: manganese oxide; lead acid; nickel; and lithium ion, which is a relative newcomer, introduced in 1991. To understand how innovation moves from research and development (R&D) to application and the mass market, scientists perform technology lifecycle (TLC) analyses, often focusing on R&D and basic research. This study adds an additional indicator — start-up companies — to explore the early phases of how batteries transition from science into industry.


Treble clefs, Unicode, SVG, strings, Bézier curves, kron, implicit expansion, and polyshape

Today I will show you how I plotted this treble clef symbol in MATLAB:... read more >>


Refinance Dominates Mortgage Applications in the Aftermath of Brexit

Refinance requests increased 132 percent following the Brexit vote as borrowers capitalize on historically low mortgage rates, according to Zillow Group Mortgages analysis


Keybridge Capital Limited 08R - Panel Receives Review Application and Acting President Makes Interim Orders [14/04/2020]

Media Release

  • News and Events


Keybridge Capital Limited 09R & 10R - Panel Receives Review Applications [16/04/2020]

Media Release

  • News and Events


What will offshore drilling accomplish?

Video: MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan talks with T. Boone Pickens, CEO of BP Capital Management, and Erich Pica of the group Friends of the Earth to discuss whether Pres


Is MyPlate icon on food packaging an implied endorsement?

The MyPlate icon is starting to pop on food packaging. What are the USDA’s rules for companies that want to use it, and does its appearance on a package imply


Scientists amplify mineral's CO2-storing ability

Magnesite has long been known as a CO2 absorber, but the slow rate of its growth made it a poor carbon storage option. Until now.

  • Research & Innovations


New copyright rules bring busy replica furniture industry in the U.K. to a halt

The era of ersatz Eames chairs and knockoff Noguchi coffee tables comes to an end.

  • Remodeling & Design


Bulldog uses zipline to get to his treehouse

Bulldog rides zipline to Costa Rican treehouse home


The Pliocene called. It wants its CO2 levels back.

Earth's atmosphere hasn't had this much CO2 in human history, and possibly not since the Pliocene Epoch about 3 million years ago.

  • Climate & Weather


New process uses sunlight to split water

The heat from the sun heats up metal oxides that in turn release oxygen atoms that mingle with steam. Hydrogen molecules can then be captured and stored.


Designing a passive house for Seattle that's 'resourceful, replicable and beautiful'

University of Oregon architecture student Cameron Huber scores the top spot (and $2,000) in Hammer & Hand's beauty and brawn-seeking perFORM Design Competition.

  • Remodeling & Design


Clothes dryers added to list of Energy Star-qualifying appliances

Congratulations, washing machine, your lonely days are now over as clothes dryers have become, at long last, eligible for Energy Star certification.


Win canning supplies from Ball® to preserve the season's bounty

Fans of Mother Nature Network's Facebook page can win a box full of green, limited-edition Ball® canning jars and much more.