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C3G localizes to mother centriole dependent on cenexin, and regulates centrosome duplication and primary cilia length [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Sanjeev Chavan Nayak and Vegesna Radha

C3G (RapGEF1) plays a role in cell differentiation and is essential for early embryonic development in mice. In this study, we identify C3G as a centrosomal protein colocalizing with cenexin at the mother centriole in interphase cells. C3G interacts through its catalytic domain with cenexin, and they show interdependence for localization to the centrosome. C3G depletion caused a decrease in cellular cenexin levels. Centrosomal localization is lost as myocytes differentiate to form myotubes. Stable clone of cells depleted of C3G by CRISPR/Cas9 showed the presence of supernumerary centrioles. Overexpression of C3G, or a catalytically active deletion construct inhibited centrosome duplication. Cilia length is longer in C3G knockout cells, and the phenotype could be reverted upon reintroduction of C3G or its catalytic domain. Association of C3G with the basal body is dynamic, decreasing upon serum starvation, and increasing upon reentry into the cell cycle. C3G inhibits cilia formation and length dependent on its catalytic activity. We conclude that C3G inhibits centrosome duplication and maintains ciliary homeostasis, properties that may be important for its role in embryonic development.


Boom and bust cycle of marine biodiversity every 60 million years linked to uplifting of continents

A mysterious cycle of booms and busts in marine biodiversity over the past 500 million years could be tied to a periodic uplifting of the world's continents, scientists report

The post Boom and bust cycle of marine biodiversity every 60 million years linked to uplifting of continents appeared first on Smithsonian Insider.


Multiple Bragg reflection by a thick mosaic crystal. II. Simplified transport equation solved on a grid

The generalized Darwin–Hamilton equations [Wuttke (2014). Acta Cryst. A70, 429–440] describe multiple Bragg reflection from a thick, ideally imperfect crystal. These equations are simplified by making full use of energy conservation, and it is demonstrated that the conventional two-ray Darwin–Hamilton equations are obtained as a first-order approximation. Then an efficient numeric solution method is presented, based on a transfer matrix for discretized directional distribution functions and on spectral collocation in the depth coordinate. Example solutions illustrate the orientational spread of multiply reflected rays and the distortion of rocking curves, especially if the detector only covers a finite solid angle.


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Aspherical scattering factors for SHELXL – model, implementation and application

A new aspherical scattering factor formalism has been implemented in the crystallographic least-squares refinement program SHELXL. The formalism relies on Gaussian functions and can optionally complement the independent atom model to take into account the deformation of electron-density distribution due to chemical bonding and lone pairs. Asphericity contributions were derived from the electron density obtained from quantum-chemical density functional theory computations of suitable model compounds that contain particular chemical environments, as defined by the invariom formalism. Thanks to a new algorithm, invariom assignment for refinement in SHELXL is automated. A suitable parameterization for each chemical environment within the new model was achieved by metaheuristics. Figures of merit, precision and accuracy of crystallographic least-squares refinements improve significantly upon using the new model.


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Multiple Bragg reflection by a thick mosaic crystal. II. Simplified transport equation solved on a grid

To describe multiple Bragg reflection from a thick, ideally imperfect crystal, the transport equations are reformulated in three-dimensional phase space and solved by spectral collocation in the depth coordinate. Example solutions illustrate the orientational spread of multiply reflected rays and the distortion of rocking curves, especially for finite detectors.


EBA sets deadline for SCA compliance for December 2020

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New UK bank scheme leads to 100,000 loan applications on first day

UK-based banks have received around 100,000 applications in a single day after The Bounce Back Loans scheme for small businesses was released.


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Reuse of Disposable Medical Masks During Flu Pandemic Not Recommended - Reusing Respirators Is Complicated

Use of protective face coverings will be one of many strategies used to slow or prevent transmission of the flu virus in the event of a pandemic, even though scientific evidence about the effectiveness of inexpensive, disposable medical masks and respirators against influenza is limited.


Preterm Births Cost U.S. $26 Billion a Year - Multidisciplinary Research Effort Needed to Prevent Early Births

The high rate of premature births in the United States constitutes a public health concern that costs society at least $26 billion a year, according to a new report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.


Population Aging Will Have Long-Term Implications for Economy - Major Policy Changes Needed

The aging of the U.S. population will have broad economic consequences for the country, particularly for federal programs that support the elderly, and its long-term effects on all generations will be mediated by how -- and how quickly -- the nation responds, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Research Council.


New Report Examines Implications of Growing Gap in Life Span by Income for Entitlement Programs

As the gap in life expectancy between the highest and lowest earners in the U.S. has widened over time, high earners have disproportionately received larger lifetime benefits from government programs such as Social Security and Medicare, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


USAID Should Speed Application of Science, Technology, and Innovation to Global Development Challenges

The U.S. Agency for International Development should speed its transformation into a global leader and catalyst in applying science, technology and innovation to the challenges facing developing countries, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Report Details Accomplishments of U.S. Global Change Research Program

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has made significant accomplishments to advance the science of global environmental change and improve the understanding of its impact on society through activities such as developing Earth-observing systems, improving Earth-system modeling capabilities, and advancing understanding of carbon-cycle processes, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


National Academies Presidents Comment on Proposal for New Questions for Visa Applicants

In a letter to the U.S. Department of State, the presidents of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Medicine expressed concern that a proposal to add supplemental questions for visa applicants.


To Prevent Sexual Harassment, Academic Institutions Should Go Beyond Legal Compliance to Promote a Change in Culture - Current Approaches Have Not Led to Decline in Harassment

A systemwide change to the culture and climate in higher education is needed to prevent and effectively respond to sexual harassment, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


To Increase Protection of Miners from Black Lung Disease, A Comprehensive Report on Underground Coal Mine Dust Exposure Says Monitoring and Sampling Should Go Beyond Regulatory Compliance

Black lung disease cases in coal miners have been increasing since 2000 for uncertain reasons.


National Academies Gulf Research Program Now Accepting Applications for 2019 Early-Career Research and Science Policy Fellowships

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is now accepting applications for its Early-Career Research Fellowships and Science Policy Fellowships for 2019.


National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Publishes Program Summary Sharing Lessons from 15 Years of Igniting Innovation at the Intersections of Disciplines

The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) is pleased to announce the publication of Collaborations of Consequence - NAKFI’s 15 Years of Igniting Innovation at the Intersections of Disciplines.


New Report Examines Reproducibility and Replicability in Science, Recommends Ways to Improve Transparency and Rigor in Research

While computational reproducibility in scientific research is generally expected when the original data and code are available, lack of ability to replicate a previous study -- or obtain consistent results looking at the same scientific question but with different data -- is more nuanced and occasionally can aid in the process of scientific discovery, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Reproducibility and Replicability in Research

Imagine giving one recipe to 10 different chefs and getting 10 completely different results. This inconsistency could be due to any number of factors — variables that cannot be controlled, omission of details, or shortcomings in design and execution.


Exploring the Complications of Counting Casualties After Natural Disasters

A National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine study that is now underway aims to identify best practices for collecting, recording, and reporting death and illness data during and immediately after large-scale weather disasters.


International Collaboration, Cross-Disciplinary Workforce Development and Education Needed for U.S. to Maintain Leadership in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science

The federal government should foster collaboration and decrease obstacles that can keep foreign atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physicists from working in the United States, if the nation is to maintain its position as leader in these fields, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Basic Research, Interdisciplinary Teams Are Driving Innovation to Solve the Plastics Dilemma

From N-95 masks that are protecting health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic to food packaging found in every aisle of the grocery store, plastics play an essential role in our lives.


Mercado Pago launches feature to split payments between friends

Argentina-based fintech Mercado Pago has announced it will now be possible to share...


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Famed Opera Singer Plácido Domingo Hospitalized Due To COVID-19 Complications

Opera singer Plácido Domingo, shown here speaking in Spain last July, said earlier this month that he tested positive for the coronavirus.; Credit: Ricardo Rubio/Europa Press via Getty Images

Brakkton Booker | NPR

Plácido Domingo has been hospitalized because of COVID-19-related complications, according to multiple reports.

He is in stable condition in an Acapulco, Mexico, hospital and will receive medical attention for "as long as the doctors find it necessary until a hoped-for full recovery," a spokesperson for Domingo told Opera News over the weekend.

Domingo's reported hospitalization comes just days after he posted a March 22 message on Facebook revealing that he had tested positive for the disease caused by the coronavirus.

"I feel it is my moral duty to announce that I tested positive for COVID19, also known as the Corona Virus. My family and I are and will remain individually isolated for as long as it is medically necessary. Today we all enjoyed good health, but I presented symptoms of coughing and fever, so I decided to take the test and the result was positive," Domingo said.

Domingo has been one of opera's most reliable and bankable stars and is known for his ability to sing tenor and baritone and in multiple languages, including Italian, English, Russian and Spanish.

Recently, the 79-year-old has been embroiled in controversy as several women accused the Spanish-born singer of sexual misconduct.

On March 10, NPR reported that LA Opera, which Domingo helped establish, announced that its investigation substantiated 10 "inappropriate conduct" claims levied against him dating back to as early as 1986. Domingo resigned as the LA Opera's general director in October.

Prior to that, he withdrew from a production of the Metropolitan Opera's performance of "Macbeth" amid allegations of sexual misconduct.

He has denied the allegations.

Domingo is among a growing list of celebrities who have announced they have tested positive for the coronavirus, including actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, actor Idris Elba, NBA star Kevin Durant, talk show host Andy Cohen and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


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FilmWeek: ‘I Still Believe,’ ‘Banana Split,’ ‘Vivarium’ and more

KJ Apa and Britt Robertson in "I Still Believe" ; Credit: Lionsgate/I Still Believe (2020)


Larry Mantle and KPCC film critics Amy Nicholson and Wade Major review this weekend’s new movie releases.


Amy Nicholson, film critic for KPCC, film writer for The Guardian and host of the podcasts ‘Unspooled’ and the podcast miniseries “Zoom”; she tweets @TheAmyNicholson

Wade Major, film critic for KPCC and



This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Assessing the environmental impact of water supplies: a case study in Copenhagen

New research has compared the environmental impact of four alternative methods of water supply in Copenhagen. Results indicated that rain and stormwater harvesting is the most environmentally sound approach, whilst desalination currently has a large environmental impact, mainly due to electricity use. However, if freshwater extraction is included as an impact, the environmental credibility of desalination is improved.


Understanding of consumer environmental behaviour too simplistic

People who are committed to reducing their environmental impact at home do not necessarily behave in the same way when on holiday, according to a new study. The study presents a more complex view of consumer environmental behaviour than is often used to inform policymaking.


How much sewage sludge should be applied to agricultural soils?

New research has investigated the long-term effects of applying sewage sludge to Spanish soils. The results indicate that sludge enhances soil properties, but recommends a maximum dose of 40 tons per hectare, applied biannually. Above this level, it appears the soil properties will not improve and may even worsen.


Can sustainable supplies of fish meet healthy eating recommendations?

For people in the UK to eat the recommended 280 grams of fish per week, the country would have to rely on aquaculture and increasingly on imports of both wild and farmed fish from poorer countries, a recent study has revealed. This can have social and environmental implications and the researchers urge governments, particularly in developed countries, to consider nutritional advice in a global context, to minimise the impact of fish exports from poorer countries.


Practical applications of resilience principles for coastal communities

Adapting to climate change in coastal cities needs further development of the resilience approach as well as identifying how it can be practically used in local actions, according to a new study. The researchers present resilience as a flexible, practical way of dealing with climate change's impacts, such as coastal flooding, which can be easily built into adaptation measures.