
Laticrete Completes Texas Motor Speedway Garage Floor Coatings

Laticrete Spartacote has completed installation of customized, high-performance concrete floor coatings at the Texas Motor Speedway.


More speedy shenanigans, a long weekend to Riga

This week sees me heading to Latvia for a flying visit to Riga. Never been to Latvia and have been looking forward to this trip for a while. Unfortunately I’ve been a little poorly this week so my energy levels are low and so ‘speedy’ may quickly...


JDE Peet’s Names Rafael Oliveira as CEO

Oliveira brings global FMCG leadership experience to JDE Peet’s, joining after 10 years at The Kraft Heinz Company.


From who ... to where? A geographical approach to peer-on-peer sexual abuse.

Children's Geographies; 10/01/2022
(AN 159948767); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Evidence-based decision-making in the treatment of speech, language, and communication disorders in Down syndrome; a scoping review

Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, Ahead of Print. This scoping review examined available scientific evidence according to the PRISMA-ScR guideline on the subject of treatment interventions by speech and language therapists of speech, language, and communication needs in people with Down syndrome. A literature search in PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, Cochrane, and Web of Science yielded 41 […]

The post Evidence-based decision-making in the treatment of speech, language, and communication disorders in Down syndrome; a scoping review was curated by information for practice.

  • Meta-analyses - Systematic Reviews


“The Soul Recognizes Itself in Somebody Else”: The Healing Value of Forgiveness among Formerly Incarcerated People in the Profession Practice of Peer-Support

The Prison Journal, Ahead of Print. The present study focuses on perceptions of forgiveness among formerly incarcerated people engaged in peer-support roles, based on their lived experience and referred to as wounded healers. Participants were 26 men and women with a history of addiction, trauma, and incarceration who are employed in formal peer-support positions and […]

The post “The Soul Recognizes Itself in Somebody Else”: The Healing Value of Forgiveness among Formerly Incarcerated People in the Profession Practice of Peer-Support was curated by information for practice.

  • Journal Article Abstracts


Currently Seated Next to a Banana Peel

by Anonymous

Just checking in here, currently riding home from work via TriMet. I'm bored so I thought I'd write an IA post. On the seat next to me lay an empty soda can, an opened Lunchables package and last, but not least, a banana peel. Something tells me it wasn't a fifth grader who went rogue and left this here after finishing their lunch. I'm not triggered (at least not as much as I used to be.) Although I do like TriMet overall, this is common place on our public transportation system. And it's pretty sad quite frankly.


Something Wild: Peepers, The Unmistakable Sound of Spring

It’s an unmistakable sound. One that elicits memories, sights and scents of events long ago. It recalls the joy of youth, the possibility of a spring evening. But it can also incite insomnia and the blind rage that accompanies it.


DFL candidate holds 14 vote lead for Shakopee-area House race

DFL Rep. Brad Tabke leads GOP challenger Aaron Paul by just 14 votes out of about 22,000 cast. That's one more vote than his lead was earlier in the week.


60 years since MLK's 'I have a dream speech': Good and bad changes since

For me, someone raised in the segregated South, having attended segregated schools, a segregated church, and living in a segregated neighborhood, his sermon to America was a clarion call to commitment and action in support of a cause that was demanded both by our founding documents and, more importantly, by the Gospel proclaimed in the New Testament.


Turn The Page - Good Writers, Bad Speeches & Cocktail Conversationalists

“Truth is the first casualty of war!” It’s a good line. Not mine. That belongs to George Orwell in the 1940s…or perhaps Arthur Ponsonby in 1928…or maybe United States Senator Hiram Johnson in 1918…or probably Samuel Johnson in 1758…or possibly, as with most things, Aeschylus in 500 B.C. Actually, no one is aware of the origin as even with first documented uses it is referenced as “an ancient proverb”.


Speed, accuracy and traceability

Mobile Computing/AIDC (Data capture) Technology Report

Retail Technology Review spoke with leading representatives from the analyst and vendor communities about many of the current key talking points and areas of innovation taking place within the world automatic identification and data capture (AIDC)/mobile computing solutions.


AI-Media and Speechmatics announce strategic partnership to evolve captioning and Language services technologies

AI-Media - the global provider of audiovisual encoding technology and AI-driven transcription and translation solutions, and Speechmatics - the provider of speech recognition technology, have announced a strategic expansion of their multi-year partnership to deliver new and better AI-driven products to market.


PM Han in Hangeul Day Speech: Nation Has Duty to Further Develop Korean Alphabet

[Culture] :
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said the nation has a duty to further develop the Korean alphabet, hangeul, which has gained worldwide recognition as a unique writing system. At a government ceremony marking the 578th Hangeul Day on Wednesday, Han raised concerns about “indifference to the Korean language” ...



What Does RAM Do to Speed Up Your Computer?

If you need a faster computer, adding more RAM may help. Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of making your computer faster with RAM memory.


Determination of optimal experimental conditions for accurate 3D reconstruction of the magnetization vector via XMCD-PEEM

This work presents a detailed analysis of the performance of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism photoemission electron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM) as a tool for vector reconstruction of magnetization. For this, 360° domain wall ring structures which form in a synthetic antiferromagnet are chosen as the model to conduct the quantitative analysis. An assessment is made of how the quality of the results is affected depending on the number of projections that are involved in the reconstruction process, as well as their angular distribution. For this a self-consistent error metric is developed which allows an estimation of the optimum azimuthal rotation angular range and number of projections. This work thus proposes XMCD-PEEM as a powerful tool for vector imaging of complex 3D magnetic structures.


Indirect detector for ultra-high-speed X-ray micro-imaging with increased sensitivity to near-ultraviolet scintillator emission

Ultra-high-speed synchrotron-based hard X-ray (i.e. above 10 keV) imaging is gaining a growing interest in a number of scientific domains for tracking non-repeatable dynamic phenomena at spatio-temporal microscales. This work describes an optimized indirect X-ray imaging microscope designed to achieve high performance at micrometre pixel size and megahertz acquisition speed. The entire detector optical arrangement has an improved sensitivity within the near-ultraviolet (NUV) part of the emitted spectrum (i.e. 310–430 nm wavelength). When combined with a single-crystal fast-decay scintillator, such as LYSO:Ce (Lu2−xYxSiO5:Ce), it exploits the potential of the NUV light-emitting scintillators. The indirect arrangement of the detector makes it suitable for high-dose applications that require high-energy illumination. This allows for synchrotron single-bunch hard X-ray imaging to be performed with improved true spatial resolution, as herein exemplified through pulsed wire explosion and superheated near-nozzle gasoline injection experiments at a pixel size of 3.2 µm, acquisition rates up to 1.4 MHz and effective exposure time down to 60 ps.


Bill Cosby Urges Howard University To Support Phylicia Rashad's Freedom Of Speech

Bill Cosby gestures outside his home in Elkins Park, Pa., on June 30, 2021, after being released from prison when the Pennsylvania's supreme court overturned his sexual assault conviction. Cosby expressed support for former TV co-star Phylicia Rashad's freedom of speech after she defended him in a tweet.; Credit: Matt Rourke/AP

Elizabeth Blair | NPR

Bill Cosby called on Howard University to support former co-star Phylicia Rashad's freedom of speech after she expressed support for him when his sexual assault conviction was overturned.

In a statement, Cosby also lashed out at the media, comparing journalists to the rioters who stormed the Capitol in January.

"Howard University you must support ones Freedom of Speech (Ms. Rashad), which is taught or suppose to be taught everyday at that renowned law school, which resides on your campus," Cosby said in a statement provided to NPR by his spokesman Andrew Wyatt.

"This mainstream media has become the Insurrectionists, who stormed the Capitol," Cosby continued in his statement. "Those same Media Insurrectionists are trying to demolish the Constitution of these United State of America on this Independence Day."

Cosby concluded by saying, "WE THE PEOPLE STAND IN SUPPORT OF MS. PHYLICIA RASHAD" in all caps.

Cosby's support of Rashad comes after the actress, who played his TV wife in The Cosby Show, defended the comedian in a tweet. Cosby was released from prison last week when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court vacated his sexual assault conviction on the grounds that his due process rights were violated.

"FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted- a miscarriage of justice is corrected!" Rashad said last week.

The tweet has since been removed and Rashad later backpedaled, writing that she "fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward." She also sent a letter of apology to Howard students

Many Howard alumni had expressed disappointment at the remarks. Howard University responded with its own tweet, stating that Dean Rashad's "initial tweet lacked sensitivity towards survivors of sexual assault."

Rashad was recently named Dean of Howard University's Chadwick Boseman College of Fine Arts.

Rashad, an acclaimed stage and screen artist, graduated from Howard magna cum laude in 1970 with a bachelor's in fine arts. She returned as a guest lecturer and adjunct faculty member.

In a statement announcing her appointment in May, Provost Anthony K. Wutoh said Rashad's "passion for the arts and student success makes her a perfect fit for this role."

One of the students Rashad mentored at Howard was the late actor Chadwick Boseman, for whom the school's College of Fine Arts is named.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


'Dear Son': How A Mom's Letter Inspired A Graduation Speech — From Prison

; Credit: LA Johnson/NPR

Elissa Nadworny and Lauren Migaki | NPR

Writing a graduation speech is a tricky task. Should you be funny, or sincere? Tell a story — or offer advice? For Yusef Pierce, a graduating senior in California, the job of putting together his public address was a bit more challenging.

"Being inside, I can't really refer to other graduation speeches," Pierce says. He's speaking by phone from inside the California Rehabilitation Center, a medium-security prison in Norco. "I was just trying to come up with what sounded like a graduation speech."

He is the first person to graduate with a bachelor's degree from the Inside-Out program at Pitzer College, a liberal arts school outside Los Angeles. In a normal year, the school would bring traditional students by bus to the prison to take classes alongside the students who are in prison.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, those classes are happening online. Pierce shared his Zoom square with 10 other guys, all wearing the CRC's blue uniforms and seated at those classic classroom desks, where the chair and the table are attached. This spring, his classes included topics like feminism for men, microeconomics and mass incarceration.

In one of those classes on a recent evening this spring, professor Nigel Boyle goes around asking each student what they're looking forward to doing that week. Pierce replies: "I'm looking forward to doing a lot of homework!"

"Every professor wants a Yusef in your class," says Boyle, who leads the Inside-Out program and teaches Pierce's Wednesday night class about mass incarceration. "You want that student who's bright, does the work, but is also helping to bring along the others."

It was only natural then that Pierce would be one of the college's graduation speakers.

"We don't label the student speaker as a valedictorian," explains Boyle. "But it happens that Yusef has a 4.0, and he's got a really interesting story to tell."

Pierce is in his early 30s and is a bit of a nerd and a class leader. He also writes poetry and paints. "It is true that oppression often requires that individuals make themselves extraordinary in order to simply survive," reads his artist's statement in an online exhibit of his work. "My paintings are entire conversations on canvas."

Eventually, he says, he wants to be a college professor, working with formerly incarcerated students.

"So he wants my job," says Boyle, laughing, "and he'd be much better at it than I am."

Boyle serves as the academic adviser to all of the incarcerated students, and he has become a mentor to Pierce, navigating him through the graduation process. In one of the last classes of the semester, Boyle hosts an impromptu fashion show, wearing his own blue cap and gown, backing away from the camera to give the onlooking students a full view of his outfit.

The guys inside cheer and whistle. "Do a spin," one guy shouts. "Beautiful! Beautiful!" another yells.

As the cheering dies down, Boyle looks for Pierce on the screen. "He doesn't know this, so it may be a slight surprise," he tells the class, "but, Yusef, you will also be receiving these cords." He drapes dark orange cords around his shoulders. "These cords are for students who graduate with honors in their degrees. Congratulations, Yusef, you are going to graduate with honors."


The story of how Yusef Pierce wound up in these college classes, wound up inside prison at all, starts with trauma. When he was a teen, his older brother was shot and killed. "He was murdered in the front yard of our home, right in front of my face," he explains, "and so I had to call my mom and let her know what had happened." All these years later, it's still something he doesn't like to talk about. He considered putting it in his graduation speech, but took it out, worried it might be too much for his mom to hear.

"It had a traumatic effect on all of us," Drochelle Pierce tells me over the phone, from her house in Victorville, Calif. She remembers a change in Yusef around that time.

"It was just kind of one thing after another. He got into a little bit of trouble. He allowed people that he associated with to kind of influence him in a direction that really wasn't him." Yusef finished high school, but in his early 20s he was arrested and convicted of armed robbery. Drochelle Pierce says she was beside herself when she learned his sentence would be nearly 20 years. "I tell you, honestly, I never envisioned that Yusef would ever go to prison. Never, never. Never."

A few months into Yusef's prison sentence, she wrote him a letter. "What's done is done," she wrote. "You, now more than ever, must diligently seek and obtain higher education."

It wasn't a new message. Education had always been at the center of her relationship with Yusef. When he was young, he remembers riding in the car with his mom, a sociology textbook open on his lap. "She wouldn't let me turn on the radio," he says. "She would make me read to her."

"Oh, I made [my kids] read everything," Drochelle Pierce says. "If they read it out loud, I knew they were reading it. That's the only way I would know that they were actually reading anything."

Today, the two talk on the phone nearly every day. "He was always a deep thinker," says Pierce. She knows she sounds like a typical proud mother, but she can't help it: "Yusef is very smart."

In California, college classes can shorten a prison sentence. So when the opportunity first arose for Yusef Pierce to take courses in prison, it felt like simply a means to an end. "I just want to get home sooner," he remembers joking with a friend at the time. "If they gave us time off for going to college, I would walk out of here with a Ph.D.!"

But by the time Pitzer College started offering classes for a bachelor's degree, Pierce found to his surprise that he really liked college.

"I loved it because it gave me validation," he says. "To know that somebody was reading my stuff and that somebody felt like the things that I was thinking about and writing were worth something. I got really addicted to that validation, and it just really turned me into an overachiever. And I just took class after class after class."

That drive paid off.

After writing and rewriting a number of drafts, on May 15 Pierce delivered his final graduation speech to hundreds of Pitzer graduates and their family members and friends. The content he landed on? That letter his mom sent him all those years ago.

"I realize now that I've saved this letter because it was meant for me way back then to share it with you all today," he says, dressed in his white cap and gown, draped in a kente stole, with the prison classroom where he has spent so much time in the background. "It reads, 'Dear son, I was so glad to see you Monday ...' "

As he reads the letter aloud, he gets to the part where his mother, a big poetry fan, included the lines from Invictus, a poem by William Ernest Henley. Pierce looks directly into the camera as he reads; he knows this part by heart.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Drochelle Pierce watched the speech on her laptop at home, with family gathered around. "We were all crying. We were just boohooing. It was just so sweet," she says.

The final line of the poem:

It matters not how strait the gate, / How charged with punishments the scroll, / I am the master of my fate: / I am the captain of my soul.

"I love that so much," she says. "I sent that to my son because I wanted him to think in terms of 'OK, here you are now. What happens to you from this point going forward, it really depends on you.' "

She is proud of her son and inspired by him too. "Look what he did. He turned a bad situation into something very, very positive. Here he is, graduating with his degree."

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Increase in the Number of Children Who Receive Federal Disability Benefits for Speech and Language Disorders Similar to Trends in the General Population, Says New Report

The increase in the number of children from low-income families who are receiving federal disability benefits for speech and language disorders over the past decade parallels the rise in the prevalence of these disorders among all U.S. children, says a new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


USAID Should Speed Application of Science, Technology, and Innovation to Global Development Challenges

The U.S. Agency for International Development should speed its transformation into a global leader and catalyst in applying science, technology and innovation to the challenges facing developing countries, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Report Outlines How to Improve the Speed, Effectiveness of Clinical Trials During an Epidemic

Mobilization of a rapid and robust clinical research program that explores whether investigational therapeutics and vaccines are safe and effective to combat the next infectious disease epidemic will depend on strengthening capacity in low-income countries for response and research, engaging people living in affected communities, and conducting safety trials before an epidemic hits, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Report Proposes Recommendations and New Framework to Speed Progress Toward Open Science

While significant progress has been made in providing open access to scientific research, a range of challenges -- including the economics of scientific publication and cultural barriers in the research enterprise -- must be overcome to further advance the openness of science, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Breakthrough Solutions and Technologies Needed to Speed Cleanup of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Sites

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends changes in the way that the U.S. Department of Energy manages science and technology (S&T) development in order to accelerate the cleanup of radioactive waste and contaminated soil, groundwater, and facilities at U.S. nuclear weapons sites.


Automated Research Workflows Are Speeding Pace of Scientific Discovery - New Report Offers Recommendations to Advance Their Development

Automated research workflows — which integrate computation, laboratory automation, and tools from artificial intelligence — have the potential to increase the speed of research activities and accelerate scientific discovery. A new report recommends ways to advance their development.


Sayed Peerzade to spearhead Jio’s cloud revolution as Executive Vice President

In this new role, he will focus on advancing AI and cloud technologies, leveraging his extensive experience to drive innovation within the organization.


Kolkata audit firm develops proprietary solution to match services with MNC peers

Chartered accountancy firm LB Jha & Co claimed that 'LBJ Audit Ez' is a "breakthrough" for it as it can interpret a huge quantum of data necessary for scrutinising books of large corporations


Centre to develop tech for highspeed, ultra-low latency 5G services

To further ensure high-speed and ultra-low latency services required in 5G, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) on Saturday said it has signed an agreement with Linearized Amplifier Technology Services and Vedang Radio Tech.


Snails' speedy insulin

University of Utah researchers have found that the structure of an insulin molecule produced by predatory cone snails may be an improvement over current fast-acting therapeutic insulin. The finding suggests that the cone snail insulin, produced by the snails to stun their prey, could begin working in as few as five minutes, compared with 15 minutes for the fastest-acting insulin currently available. Biologist Helena Safavi, co-author on a paper describing the cone snail insulin published September 12 in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, says that studying complex venom cocktails can open doors to new drug discoveries.

read more

  • Biology & Nature


Language delivers fourfold speedups on big-data problems

In today's computer chips, memory management is based on what computer scientists call the principle of locality: If a program needs a chunk of data stored at some memory location, it probably needs the neighboring chunks as well.

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  • Mathematics & Economics


Plastic pallets can help drive supply-chain speed, resiliency, and agility

A manager from Orbis weighs the benefits of opting for plastic rather than wood pallets.


Sutherland Packaging installs high-speed HP digital press

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Case Study: Multi-Conveyor high-speed curve control for food tray stability

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Case Study: Organic snack manufacturer doubles packaging speeds with integrated turnkey solutions from tna

Riverside Natural Foods was able to double its packaging speeds by installing new packaging systems from tna.


New extrusion equipment offers better hygiene, speed and flexibility

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Hinds-Bock high speed mini products depositor

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Hinds-Bock high speed sandwich line depositors

Deposit and spread condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and sauces as well as sandwich salads like tuna, egg and chicken onto bread, buns, tortillas or dough at a high rate of speed and with a high degree of accuracy with the Hinds-Bock family of USDA approved state of the art Servo Pump Fillers.


Automation, sanitation, safety, speed are top priorities for cutting, slicing and portioning equipment

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Fun Friday: Philadelphia 'bagel wholes,' bibigo Checkout Karaoke, Peeps shoes, most popular pizza chains by state

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John Siegenthaler: Variable speed circulators for boiler protection

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Inspection equipment protects beverages while maintaining speed

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7-Eleven offering new Slurpee flavor with Coca-Cola, OREO

The Slurpee drink is “an exciting spin on the fan-favorite Coca-Cola Slurpee, combining the classic taste of a crisp and fizzy Coca-Cola with flavorful, OREO sandwich cookie-inspired hints,” the company notes.


Peet’s Coffee Bright Collection

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EMAM, Inc. partners with Deepgram to Elevate Video and Audio Management with Advanced Speech-to-Text and Audio Intelligence Integration

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Sensory Unveils TrulyNatural Speech-To-Text on the Edge

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[Pangyo Technology] Naver to Gain Speed in "Global AI Research Belt"… Recruited Outside Personnel from the US and Japan

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Prosfinity VPN: Choose your Own Private VPN Server with the Fastest Speed

Get the Fastest Speed You Could Ever Imagine with a VPN! Prosfinity offers private VPN servers that can only be used by businesses to keep their data safe, and by individuals who want to add an extra layer of security to their internet connection.