
Mastercam Appoints Elizaga as VP of Global Sales & Services

Mastercam announced the appointment of Oscar Elizaga as vice president of global sales and services.


The Digitalization of Refrigeration Technology

Digitalization is a technological paradigm shift that is transforming our lives, and is set to have a compelling impact on the cold chain.


Episode 130: Code Visualization with Michele Lanza

This episode is a discussion about code and metrics visualization with Michele Lanza. Michele invented the Code Cities idea about which he talks in this episode.


Subway Map Visualization jQuery Plugin » TechBubble

that's kinda nuts


How To Plan Mobilization Efforts for Hurricane CAT Responses

Learn how to effectively plan and execute mobilization efforts for hurricane CAT responses. This step-by-step guide covers everything from organizing logistics and securing financing to gathering equipment and managing labor.


New Labeling/Verification System Helps Meet Serialization Regulations

METTLER TOLEDO's PCE T2620 is a compact system for the track & trace labeling­ of cartons in accordance with the Falsified Medicines Directive in Europe, the Drug Supply Chain Security Act in the U.S., and other global regulations. 


Covectra Offers Packaging Serialization to Combat Counterfeiting

Covectra designed the AuthentiTrack solution to ensure product integrity. It is intended to combat counterfeiting and diversion across a wide range of industries including food & beverage, electronics, fashion, cosmetics, luxury goods and more.



Antares Vision Group Completes First Phase of Serialization for Cosmeceuticals Provider

Antares Vision Group has implemented a traceability solution for cosmeceutical skin care provider Episciences, Inc., addressing supply chain visibility and gray market diversion challenges. The system was developed by ACSIS, a business unit of Antares Vision Group.


The Evolution of Serialization and the Role of Packaging

The packaging industry supports pharmaceutical and health sectors, with serialization playing a transformative role in ensuring compliance with regulations.


Key, Elizabeth (fl. 1655–1660)

Elizabeth Key was a principal in one of the important early court cases that shaped the evolving law of slavery in seventeenth-century Virginia. Born to a mother of African descent and her white owner, Thomas Key, she was transferred to another owner in 1636 for a designated period of nine years. She remained in service for well beyond that period, marrying a white man in the meantime and converting to Christianity. Upon the death of a third owner, Key sued for her freedom, citing the 1636 agreement. She won in Northumberland County but the General Court overturned the ruling. Key appealed to the General Assembly, which found that the status of the father determined the status of the child, that her faith supported her freedom, and that she deserved to be free. The county court subsequently freed her with compensation. In 1662, perhaps a result of the case, the General Assembly passed a law making the status of a child dependent on the mother and not the father. The next year, the assembly passed another law specifying that an enslaved person's conversion to Christianity did not confer freedom on that person.
Wed, 16 Dec 2020 09:16:43 EST


Docker and Virtualization - Part 1

Docker 4X5. Part one of this four-part discussion by five experts looks at Docker basics.


Docker and Virtualization - Part 2

Is Docker ready for prime time? An expert panel discusses the pros and cons, and the importance of the ecosystem around Docker containers.


Docker and Virtualization - Part 3

The panel discusses how combining containers like Docker with continuous delivery pipelines provides the ability to deliver small, incremental changes into production.


Docker and Virtualization - Part 4

The panel discussion concludes with a look at the artefacts within a Docker container.


OSCE Mission, police to discuss how to help prevent violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 27 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission together with the Kosovo Police will hold a two-day conference on preventing violent extremism and radicalization, starting tomorrow in Prishtinë/Priština. 

The conference will gather representatives of law enforcement agencies, religious communities, civil society, academia and media, and will explore a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the threats of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo.

Participants will also elaborate on measures taken so far to prevent violent extremism and radicalization, as well as the challenges they face.

Major Fatos Makolli, Director of the Directorate against Terrorism of the Kosovo Police, and Naim Hoxha, Organized Crime Advisor at the OSCE Mission, will deliver opening remarks.

Media representatives are invited to attend the opening of the conference on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, at the Hotel Sirius in Prishtinë/Priština, starting at 09:30 hrs. 

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OSCE Mission, police to discuss how to help prevent violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 27 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission together with the Kosovo Police will hold a two-day conference on preventing violent extremism and radicalization, starting tomorrow in Prishtinë/Priština. 

The conference will gather representatives of law enforcement agencies, religious communities, civil society, academia and media, and will explore a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the threats of violent extremism and radicalization in Kosovo.

Participants will also elaborate on measures taken so far to prevent violent extremism and radicalization, as well as the challenges they face.

Major Fatos Makolli, Director of the Directorate against Terrorism of the Kosovo Police, and Naim Hoxha, Organized Crime Advisor at the OSCE Mission, will deliver opening remarks.

Media representatives are invited to attend the opening of the conference on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, at the Hotel Sirius in Prishtinë/Priština, starting at 09:30 hrs. 

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Episode 45 - Interview with Elizabeth Lowery

In a personal interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Elizabeth Lowery, Vice President of Environment, Energy, and Safety Policy for General Motors, shares her insight about the responsibility of businesses to environmental concerns. She speaks about General Motor's newest innovations, including the debut and development of the Chevy Volt.


Episode 46 - Elizabeth Lowery Presentation - Part 1

Elizabeth Lowery, Vice President of Environment, Energy, and Safety Policy for General Motors, shares her thoughts and insights in the field of environmental responsibility and its impact on General Motors. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 47 - Elizabeth Lowery Presentation - Part 2

Elizabeth Lowery, Vice President of Environment, Energy, and Safety Policy for General Motors, sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Elizabeth also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


A Giant Lizard Stomps His Way Through a 4K Tokyo in Our Pick of the Week

Plus 10 more new releases to watch at home this week on 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD!


[ H.644.2 (11/19) ] - Virtual content delivery network: Network virtualization

Virtual content delivery network: Network virtualization


[ D.1040 (08/20) ] - Optimizing terrestrial cable utilization across multiple countries to boost regional and international connectivity

Optimizing terrestrial cable utilization across multiple countries to boost regional and international connectivity


[ D.Sup5 (12/21) ] - ITU-T D.52 - Implementation guidelines for Recommendation ITU-T D.52 focusing on operationalization of regional Internet exchange points

ITU-T D.52 - Implementation guidelines for Recommendation ITU-T D.52 focusing on operationalization of regional Internet exchange points


[ L.1362 (08/19) ] - Interface for power management in network function virtualization environments - Green abstraction Layer version 2

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[ Q.3054 (04/19) ] - Signalling architecture for virtualization of control network entities

Signalling architecture for virtualization of control network entities


Technology Holdings Unveils the 'TH Growth and Exit Strategy Report' for your Tech Services, Consulting, BPO or Technology Business: Get a Customised Exit Readiness, Recapitalization and Growth Strategy Report in Minutes Powered by Strat - Busines

Technology Holdings Unveils the 'TH Growth and Exit Strategy Report' for your Tech Services, Consulting, BPO or Technology Business: Get a Customised Exit Readiness, Recapitalization and Growth Strategy Report in Minutes Powered by Strat  Business Wire


Cubarsí recibe 10 puntos de sutura en la cara tras una patada de un rival y Flick tranquiliza a los seguidores del Barça: "Está bien, es joven"

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La devastación del fútbol base en la zona cero de la catástrofe: Ligas inviables, 100 clubes arruinados, 18.000 fichas paralizadas y 20.861 partidos afectados

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El consejero de Presidencia evita la gestión realizada de la catástrofe por parte de la Generalitat y el Gobierno de Sánchez Leer


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Intentó escapar a Marruecos llevando consigo 7.000 euros y más de un centenar de piezas de oro Leer


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  • Artículos Josean Izarra


El lehendakari Pradales analiza la compra de Talgo con Jainaga, el "empresario industrial con garantías" al que avala el PNV

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Presenta "observaciones" internas antes del Consejo de Ministros que aprobará la medida por 200 millones Leer


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Probamos el iPhone 16 y el iPhone 16 Pro: una actualización que esconde muchos cambios

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Cómo localizar la papelera de WhatsApp y vaciarla para liberar espacio en el teléfono móvil

Borrar estos archivos es clave para evitar que el terminal se ralentice e incluso se caliente en exceso Leer


Amazon utilizará inteligencia artificial para resumir sus series

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Meta rebaja el precio de su suscripción en Europa y ofrecerá la opción de ver anuncios "menos personalizados"

La presión del gobierno comunitario ha obligado a la empresa a cambiar su estrategia y reducir el coste de la suscripción un 40% Leer


Nueve meses de espera para la cita de salud mental en el centro especializado de Castellón

Lo denuncia el sindicato CSIF sobre el centro de salud mental de Cardenal Costa. Y avisan que se puede agravar este verano por la jubilación de uno de los dos psicólogos Leer


Dos detenidos en Villena y Murcia por venta de anabolizantes importados de Europa del Este

Uno de los implicados se portó extraño en una empresa de paquetería al intentar retirar un paquete que no era suyo, esto levantó sospechas en el personal Leer


Investigan si el brazo hallado en Jijona es de una mujer de origen alemán mientras se intenta localizar al marido

El dispositivo de búsqueda del resto del cuerpo continúa Leer


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Durante la mañana de este sábado se ha localizado la cabeza y las extremidades del torso. Leer


Jorge Javier Vázquez se rompe y paraliza Gran Hermano: "Uno se siente muy ridículo trabajando con todo lo que está pasando"

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La valenciana en coma tras un accidente de moto sale de Tailandia en un avión medicalizado privado rumbo a Valencia

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Episode 19: Reflections of a former Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) executive

In this episode of Market Chat we talk with Emily Harman, former Senior Executive Service and Director of the Department of the Navy’s Office of Small Business Programs and the founder of the Onward Movement. Emily will discuss with us what she learned from a very early age all the way thru her 38-year career with the Navy.

The post Episode 19: Reflections of a former Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) executive first appeared on Federal News Network.